#MIOPS Cactus
cactusdibujos · 7 years
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Buenas, volví, con una casi autobiográfica
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tebione · 4 years
In queste ore mi hanno colpito due storie.
La prima: in Arizona l'Amministrazione Trump ha autorizzato alcune esplosioni all'interno dell'Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, un patrimonio dell'Unesco, per perseguire il suo miope intento di costruire un muro divisorio tra Stati Uniti e Messico. La zona è uno degli antichi riti di sepoltura dei nativi americani.
La seconda, che non è recentissima ma che ho potuto riascoltare ieri dalla viva voce del direttore degli Uffizi durante un'intervista radiofonica: nel museo fiorentino si è deciso di modificare la posizione della Tebaide del Beato Angelico, un'opera del 1420, abbassandola a 65 centimetri di altezza per renderla più facile da fruire per i bambini.
Durante la mia esperienza da ministro, e più di recente nel mio libro "Alla Voce Cultura", ho insistito molto sul valore della cultura come elemento di avvicinamento tra le persone, persino di facilitatore di processi di diplomazia e di concordia tra popoli e stati.
Queste due storie, apparentemente molto lontane tra loro, ci dicono esattamente questo: chi vuole avvicinare le persone usa la cultura. Chi vuole creare divisioni prova a eliminarla.
Massimo Bray
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¿Quiénes somos?
Somos Nais y Hase ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°):
niña y niño
mayores de edad, intento de adultos
viviendo en Chile
ex estudiante universitaria y actual universitario
licenciada y licenciado, en carreras para morir de hambre
con mucha y poca experiencia en foros de rol
padres de tres plantas
también un cactus
acariciadores profesionales de perritos
la homosexualidad es nuestro fuerte
definitivamente deberíamos estar trabajando en vez de hacer un podcast :’D
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pixelstate-blog · 7 years
Fuji X-T2 - MIOPS Smart Trigger - Laser Triggering
MIOPS Smart Laser Trigger
I spent about 10 minutes setting up a quick test of the MIOPS Smart Laser Trigger functionality. Please excuse the use of my bathroom sink for the test shots :)
I attached the MIOPS via it's standard screw thread to a Tripod to the left of the sink and used a lighting clamp (Anwenk Super Clamp w/ 1/4"-20 and 3/8"-16 Thread) to hold a laser pen in place on a second tripod to the right.
The X-T2 and 35mm f2 was mounted on a third tripod.  I focused on the water in the sink below the line of sight of the laser.
I connected the MIOPS to a hot-shoe adapter connected to my Cactus V6II and placed two RF60 flashguns either side of the sink to provide the light.
As with previous flash tests I turned out the lights in the room and took a 3 second exposure whilst firing the laser pen at the MIOPS sensor. I dropped a strawberry from around 6 inches above the water and as it broke the beam the flashes fired. I experimented with various delay options but found zero delay worked well for this set up.
The MIOPS worked consistently in this test (after I charged it up properly) and I was able to easily achieve the right timing for multiple drops. I made about 5 attempts and I think that the shot above is the best capture. I shot in RAW and brought the color temp in to a blue tone in post processing. 
Gallery of additional Test shots
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pixelstate-blog · 7 years
Fuji X-T2 - Balloon Burst
I have been evaluating the MIOPS Smart Trigger and have been experimenting with the sound trigger feature.
I set up a small water-filled balloon with a Cactus RF60 Flash behind to backlight. The RF60 was triggered via a Cactus V6 II plugged into the MIOPS Smart.
I burst the balloon with a shot from an air gin.
The MIOPS Smart has done a good job of triggering the flash at about the right time. The gun was fired about 4 feet from the balloon which would have introduced a short delay.
This shot has caught an odd moment where the pellet can be seen entering the balloon but the burst has not kicked in
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pixelstate-blog · 7 years
Fuji X-T2 - MIOPS Smart - Examples
The MIOPS Smart Trigger can be set up to trigger a Flash Gun when a sound is detected. I set up a test for the MIOPS Smart Trigger this evening with a single Cactus RF60x Flashgun and some party poppers (The small plastic capsules that fire streamers)
Flash and MIOPS Setup
I connected the Flash gun directly to the MIOPS Smart via the connection cable and angled the flash head up and towards the X-T2. The X-T2 was set to take a 5 second exposure and the room had to be dark to ensure no ambient exposure.
I triggered the camera and fired the popper from a position around 6 inches above the flash gun.
Example exposures
The MIOPS Smart allows adjustments to how loud the sound needs to be to initiate a trigger and any delay between detecting the sound and triggering.
I experimented with delays of between no delay and 30ms for the shots shown below.
With no delay set the MIOPS has captured the streamers almost before they have begun to unravel.
Please excuse the soft focusing through the range of images. This was a quick timing test and I was not paying too much attention on the depth of field. 
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pixelstate-blog · 7 years
Fuji X-T2 - Trigger Trap Vs MIOPS - Sound Triggering
Trigger Trap Alternative
Trigger Trap recently announced the news that they are going out of business. I have been a long running user of the Trigger Trap system and participated in the early Beta Testing of the product.
One feature that I particularly liked was Trigger Traps ability to trigger a flash gun when a sound was made. This allowed for some creative captures for example when a water filled balloon is burst and captured at high speed (short flash duration)
I did some research for similar products and contacted the folks at MIOPS who where kind enough to supply me with a MIOPS Smart Trigger to review and compare.
I thought I would initially evaluate the MIOPS Smart Sound Trigger feature compared to my Trigger Trap Solution
Ping Pong Ball Bounce Test
I decided to set up a simple bounce test to compare the lag of the Trigger Trap Vs the MIOPS Smart.
Trigger Trap Setup
I connected the Trigger Trap Dongle to my iPhone SE via the Headphone Socket and to my Cactus RF60 Flash via the Trigger Trap Flash Adaptor 
I set the X-T2 to take a 5 second exposure and the Trigger Trap Mobile App to Trigger when a sound is detected. I turned the lights out in the room to avoid any ambient exposure and dropped the ping pong ball from two feet.
As the ball hits the matt it triggers the RF60 which freezes the ball in flight. The height of the rebound corresponds to the lag between the sound of the impact and the flash firing.
Trigger Trap Sound Trigger - Test Photo
MIOPS Smart Setup
The MIOPS Smart connects to flash via a PC Sync lead. I don't have this port on my Cactus RF60 so had to grab a hot shoe adapter from Amazon (I went for a JJC JSC-9 which works fine)
I set up the sound mode on the MIOPS to 'listen' for noise and set the sensitivity down to around 50%.
It is useful to set lock mode on to prevent the MIOPS from triggering every time the ball bounces rather than just the one time.
As with the Trigger Trap I set up in a dark room with the X-T2 taking a 5 second exposure. 
MIOPS Smart Sound Trigger Test Photo
I realize that this is a rather un-scientific test but from this initial test you can clearly see that the MIOPS Smart fires the Flash with significantly less lag. The Ping Pong Ball has not cleared the top of the base of the measure.
I will be continuing to test and review the MIOPS trigger in the coming days and will post my efforts.
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