#Metal Fabrication Hampshire
triangleltd · 4 months
Why Steel Railings Are the Ideal Choice for Style and Strength
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Choosing the right railings for your home involves more than just aesthetics; it's also about practicality. Among various options like wood and glass, steel railings stand out for good reasons. They offer unmatched strength, making them a long-lasting safety feature in any space. Additionally, steel railings bring a touch of elegance and modernity, fitting into various styles effortlessly. Plus, advancements in steel railing fabrication have opened doors for custom designs, allowing you to truly make a space your own. From local steel fabricators to maintenance ease, here's an extended look at why steel railings should be your go-to choice. Unmatched Durability Steel is renowned for its toughness, making it one of the most durable materials available for railings. Unlike other materials that may crack, warp, or rot over time, steel railings retain their original condition for years, even decades. This high level of durability makes steel an economical choice in the long run. You won't be spending money on frequent repairs or replacements, making it a cost-effective solution for both homeowners and business owners alike. Timeless Aesthetics Beauty and style are subjective, but steel railings have a universal appeal. Their design flexibility means they can fit into a wide range of aesthetic settings, from ultra-modern to traditionally classic homes. The variety of finishes available—from glossy to matte or textured—offers an additional layer of customization. Local steel stair fabricators can provide bespoke designs, adding intricate detailing or patterns to match your interior or exterior décor.
Easy Upkeep
One of the great advantages of steel is its low maintenance requirement. You won't find yourself constantly cleaning, sanding, or repainting these railings. Unlike wood, which can rot or termites can invade, steel stands the test of time with minimal upkeep. A simple cleaning routine involving a damp cloth and an occasional polish is often sufficient to keep your railings looking brand new. This is an especially appealing feature for those who lead busy lives and don't have the time for regular, intensive maintenance.
Wide Range of Applications
Steel railing in Hampshire and other places aren't just for residential homes; their application is vast and varied. From commercial buildings and shopping malls to public parks and outdoor staircases, steel railings are versatile. Advances in steel railing fabrication technology mean they can be moulded into a variety of shapes, sizes, and styles, making them appropriate for almost any setting.
Environmentally Friendly
In today's world, sustainability is more than a trendy word; it's a necessity. Steel railings contribute to this by being one of the more eco-friendly options. Many steel railings are made from recycled materials and are fully recyclable themselves. This reduces their carbon footprint and makes them a conscientious choice for those looking to minimize their environmental impact.
Customization Possibilities
Personalizing your space is part of what makes it feel like home. With steel railings, customization options are virtually limitless. With just a search about "Steel Fabricators Near Me", skilled fabricators can work with you to create a design that reflects your unique style and meets your functional needs. Whether you're looking for something simple and elegant or intricate and elaborate, steel railings can be tailored to fit your exact requirements.
Safety Plus Style
While the primary function of railings is to provide safety, that doesn't mean they can't do so in style. The structural integrity of steel ensures that your railings will be strong enough to offer excellent safety features, such as high load-bearing capabilities. At the same time, the aesthetic versatility of steel allows you to incorporate a safety feature that also enhances the visual appeal of your space.
To Sum Up
Steel railings are more than just a functional aspect of a home or building; they are a feature that offers a blend of durability, style, and ease of maintenance. Don't compromise on your vision; make a choice that stands the test of time. As the industry grows, local experts like those at Triangle Limited continue to innovate in steel railing fabrication, offering custom solutions that meet both your practical and aesthetic needs.
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forever-eternal · 10 months
This was not part of the plan!
*Mass disassociates, Gov gets shot*
“Gus said there’s something under his suit.” Massachusetts leans back in his chair, crossing his arms and glaring at the ceiling, “Said it felt like a sheet of metal, said something similar was under his skin— in his shoulders.”
“He was tense as a board, Mass.” Virginia said, the the concern in their eyes countered their dismissal of the accusation. “Louie probably thought he felt something, with how stiff he was.”
“He winced,” New Jersey practically growled, “From falling on the softest things in the house. Not even a wince of surprise, eitha’.”
“He looked in pain.” New York finishes in a grumble.
Georgia broods in his seat, glowering into the distance, and Maryland keeps a hand on the larger mans’ arm— they know that, at this point, the Southerner would simply break down Gov’s door if they let him (He did the same thing when Congress got hurt and didn’t tell them. Would haul him downstairs and they’d fix him up (if he hadn’t already done so) and scold him for his recklessness. He did that often— no matter what they tried to get him to stop).
They’re not at The Table, but it’s one they have for when the 13 of them want to get together, discuss the Younger States and their kids and grandkids. And now they often discuss Gov, and his similarities to their Congress.
“Not much we can do about it, hun.” Maryland says, patting Georgia’s arm a few times, “He ain’t gonna show us, you saw how hard he tried to hide it.”
“So we just have to deal with knowing somethin’s up!?” New Hampshire throws his hands up to his hair, “What if it gets worse!?”
“It’s all we can do without forcin’ it.” North Carolina mutters, head buried in his hands.
“And forcin’ it will drive ‘im away.” South Carolina finishes.
Grumbles of concern, discontent, and frustration fill the room— with a heavy undertone of reluctant acceptance.
They could only wait, and hope they get a chance to see.
When they said ‘wait and hope to get a chance’, they specifically didn’t want Gov to get shot!
Mass doesn’t know why someone would have a fully-loaded gun in public— scratch that, they’re in America. He couldn’t claim to expect any less, not even from NYC.
He barely remembers seeing Rhode Island, tiny twat that he is, barreling into the gunman’s back like a rabid dog—- the now empty gun falling several feet away. He didn’t pay attention to it, eyes wide and focused on one thing—- just like the rest of the State’s that had come to the City for the day.
Blood on the ground— continuing to drip drip drip even as he sprinted as fast as he possibly could in the direction of his injured fellow soldier— red red red spraying from their lips—
One of the bullets struck straight through Gov’s throat, barely missing everything important but with enough force to nearly tear his head off— and Mass can faintly see vocal cords beneath shredded skin.
Four struck his chest, around his lungs, though the one that went for his spinal cord didn’t seem to have an exit wound from what he could see.
The final bullet, the first one shot, had skimmed the side of his head, blood pouring down Gov’s face as he held a hand to his throat and chest, dripping from his lips as his lungs tried to stitch themselves back together inside— but it’d be awhile before he’d cough up all the blood. His eyes are half-lidded and dull, as if this is a normal situation as Penn tears off his Eagles jersey and shoos Gov’s hand from his neck, his own taking its place even as the fabric grows soaked with blood in mere minutes.
Mass skids to a stop in front of them, shoving Gov’s hand away from his chest to get a better look, other hand pressed against the side of the man’s head. There’s shouting, people are yelling and there are sirens in the distance. He vaguely hears the Carolina’s hauling Rhode Island off the bastard over the rushing in his own ears. He can hear his voice, barking something at Virginia and Maryland—
“Go get a place ready at the House! He’s losing too much blood!”
And it feels like he’s hearing the news of Congress’ death all over again— but this time, he’s watching it. He’s watching the boy’s eyes go dull by the second as blood spills over his hands.
So when he feels the tug, he goes— dragging the boy and Pennsylvania with him.
They land on a bed, one of the medical cots they usually keep in storage— soft and of the highest quality materials, made for comfort and ease of cleaning.
Gov’s eyes go wide and he lets out a silent pained gasp at the jostling, blood pouring from his mouth, covering his face even more with red red red.
He wonders faintly if this is what Robin, his daughter, had to see as her husband— his nephew, Continental Congress— ripped himself apart.
“Hold still,” he says sharply when Gov jerks in place, shifting to sit over top the man— he needs to see the wounds, needs to get the bullets out.
There’s a knife in his hand, his own pocket-knife, and sees himself cutting through Gov’s sweater, struggling to get the remains of it and his suit jacket off without moving him too much and risking further injury.
He sees a white undershirt, a compression top, sleeveless. It’s a thick fabric, made for support. He cuts through that, too.
He sees a scar, a four-pointed star across Gov’s entire chest.
He sees something black, reaching from his hip bones up to just under his rib cage. It’s thick and solid, with cotton padding. He’s used to such things being elastic, but this one seems solid, similar to the corsets all his daughters once wore. Beneath the fabric, between the padding, is a stiff weight— boning, he thinks. It’s custom-made. He doesn’t touch it.
“When did you get a facking back brace?” He hears himself hiss down at the man, blood roaring in his ears making everything dim. He hears intakes of breath, and hears Virginia trying to shoo away the States crowding at the door— the commotion drawing ears and eyes.
Gov looks too much like Congress for Mass’ grandkids to see him like this, and the man’s own children don’t need to see him like this either.
“Shut the damn door!” Pennsylvania shouts, sounding like he’s underwater as he tugs the cart of medical supplies closer, easier for Mass to reach. “John, JOHNNY! Help me out here!”
Gov was thrashing beneath them, as much as his own body and Mass’ weight would allow— but he was moving too much, eyes too afraid, he’s looking straight through them, at something far off.
Massachusetts hears the door close roughly, notices several of his fellow Original Colonies not in the room, likely keeping the younger States from coming inside.
Georgia presses his weight carefully on Gov’s shoulders, just enough to keep him from moving his upper half— one hand resting on the man’s forehead to keep his head still as well. Maryland’s state merch, specifically the flag he wears and his hat, is thrown across the room as the Old Line State starts to stitch the wound on his head, before moving onto his throat as Penn carefully pulls the ruined jersey away.
Mass can see his hands, steady despite how detached he feels as he pulls out a pair of tweezers to dig for the only bullet that lodged in Gov’s body.
Millimeters from his spine.
He’s careful, but then the tweezers pinch something solid and smooth — not bone — and Gov throws his head back and arches with a warbled, pained — pained cries, pained words, pain pain pain — scream.
“Masshole!” New York snarls,— he’s afraid, Mass can hear it in his voice, he’s lashing out because they’re all terrified of the scene they’re dealing with—climbing up to put pressure on thrashing legs, “Careful!”
“He’s got metal in his spine.” He hears his own voice hiss, finally getting hold of the bullet and pulling it out. It’s practically thrown across the room and he drops the tweezers, hands reaching for something he can’t see, coming back with a needle and thread. Virginia finishes with the disinfectant, each of their movements swift and purposeful.
He starts stitching.
Pennsylvania crouches down next to the bed, close to Gov’s head, and he’s whispering to him, muttering something— Gov looks so much like Congress, Pennsylvania can’t help but comfort the same way he does his kids.
“It’s okay, you’ll be okay. Just hang tight, Mass’ll be done soon, I promise.” There are more words, ones Mass can’t hear, ones Gov can’t seem to hear either.
Grey eyes are wild and flickering from side to side, hazy focus on each of them as they crowd. His lips are moving, like he wants to say something, like he’s repeating himself over and over again— and once Maryland finishes stitching his throat, setting to work on cleaning the remaining blood off his face when raspy words finally leave him—
“You’re killing me— why are you killing me?” The words are nearly silent, Mass can barely hear anything outside his own head, but he feels how they all suddenly tense at the phrases, “Was the War not enough— why’d you have to come here? Wanted to make sure I would die— that’s why— why else—“ Gov still has that far off look in his eyes, but the fear that radiates from him permeates the air like a thousand pound fog, and he continues mumbling.
Mumbling thimgs Congress— Adam— had written in his last few letters to them.
And Mass hears more voices, three joining Pennsylvania’s muttered comforts as Georgia starts running a hand through the mans— the boys— hair, and Gov finally goes limp, eyes sliding shut.
For a few minutes, all that’s left is having them lift the man so he can stitch up the exit wounds.
Once Mass hears himself give the all-clear, Gov is lifted, whisked away into the adjoining bathroom— they’d long claimed this room as their medical facility, and the bathroom reflected that.
He hears the shower start, faintly, realizing Georgia and Virginia had been the ones to take Gov away.
They have to clean him properly before they can bandage him. Maryland reappeared outside the bathroom door— another compression top and other clothes in his arms— they didn’t own any of those, he either found where Gov lives or just swiped them from the store or one of the younger States. He sees the clothes belong to Pennsylvania, the Eagles green that would normally piss him off just another thing his brain struggles to process as he stares down at his hands and the medical cot.
Red red red, so much red, so much blood— is he going to die? Did Mass not do enough?
Hands settle over his wrists, and he looks up.
New York and New Jersey look at him, brows furrowed in the exact same pinched expression.
Mass can only blink.
And he’s out of the cot, standing on two feet and feels two other hands scrubbing at his own under hot water, hears another person cleaning up the medical cot. He can’t tell which is which, but the grumbling from behind him tells him it’s New York cleaning the cot.
Soon, they’re all in new clothes, staring down at the sleeping Gov where he lies still in one of the beds in the room. They hooked him up to a few machines, they need to be able to know if something goes wrong.
Gov’s phone, thrown to the floor but undamaged, starts to ring.
The sound makes them jump, and they all turn to stare at it.
Virginia’s the one to pick it up, going pale at the name on the screen, “It’s Assistant.” They croak, before they click accept and hold the phone to their ear. “Hello.”
Mass doesn’t hear the rest of the conversation, but he sees Virginia speaking, reassuring, but he also sees the defeated look when the Old Dominion knows it’s a lost cause.
The air sizzles and crackles, and suddenly she’s there— eyes wide and near feral as Assistant shoves her phone back in her pocket.
She stares down at Gov, and they see her shoulder start to shake.
Mass can’t move— he hasn’t seen his daughter in over a hundred years, he wants to hold and comfort her because she’s— but New York does it for him.
The Empire State rests a hand on the woman’s— she had been a girl last they saw her— shoulder. She shakes more, and Mass can finally— finally— move.
He turns her, she can still look at Gov resting on the bed but it’s not the focus of her attention, and holds her to his chest. She’s taller than he remembers, but that doesn’t stop him from tucking her close like he had when her birds— her first birds— had died from age. New York and New Jersey are by her shoulders, and it’s just the four of them. They pay no mind to everyone else in the room, just as the rest ignore them.
She’s shaking, but she doesn’t cry. She simply stares down at the man lying in the bed and says, quietly,
“Thank you.”
And his chest erupts with a pain so sharp, he can only hold her tighter.
Gov and Robin are gone the next day, not a single trace of them anywhere beyond a message from Gov, in the same style he always wrote in.
‘Thank you for the assistance, though unnecessary to burden yourselves. The next Meeting is set for 2 p.m on Monday, list of required attendees attached.’
Mass can hear Penn’s threats to ‘beat that stupid, reckless man’s ass’. He snickers to himself when he hears Georgia’s quiet agreement, and it feels almost like back then when their kids would vanish for hours on end, only to return injured.
Robin was perfectly fine to let Mass properly tend the injuries, but Adam always had to be held down by someone, no matter how small or grievous the injury.
The ache in his chest hasn’t gone away.
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
David Tudor and Composers Inside Electronics — Rainforest IV (Neuma)
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Composers Inside Electronics perform David Tudor's Rainforest IV by Composers Inside Electronics
“Why shouldn’t there be a thousand or more ways of building loudspeakers? [...] Every sculptured loudspeaker has certain special characteristics, so my problem becomes that of finding what sound I can put in so as to reveal the unique properties of the material.” — David Tudor 
The evolution of David Tudor’s “Rainforest” goes back to a 1968 commission by Merce Cunningham. Tudor was asked to create a sonic element for Cunningham’s dance piece of the same name, also featuring Andy Warhol’s “Silver Clouds,” floating mylar pillows filled with helium and costumes by Jasper Johns. Using 8 audio transducers (essentially speakers without cones), phonograph cartridges, contact microphones and two sets of loudspeakers, Tudor came up with an approach to investigate the resonance of physical objects, utilizing simple signal generators, real-time filtering and feedback processes. Within a year, Tudor had expanded upon that initial vision, morphing the concept into a multi-channel system for performing in concert settings. He also added in field recordings of birds and insects to the initial use of electronic sounds, all modified by an interactive array of filters and resonant objects. (Realizations of both of these versions of “Rainforest” can be heard on the David Tudor & Gordon Mumma release.)  
Tudor explained his strategies for evolving his pieces, noting “My preference is to use modular materials which can change from piece to piece. And also, it enables me to expand a piece by adding components to it which were not in the original piece.” For “Rainforest II” Tudor expanded the system with real-time processing of voices singing or speaking, further abstracted through antiphonal diffusion across speakers placed around the concert hall. In a 1988 interview, Tudor explained the developments of the next version of the piece. “The third version had to deal with the ability to have any input go to any transducer. I made that system for a simultaneous performance with John Cage (“Mureau”). It was one of those pieces that changes all the time, so I needed to have a sort of continuous thing, so I used tape sources, but having the ability to mix them or separate them into different output channels."  
“Rainforest IV” built on all that proceeded and evolved the piece into an enveloping, spatialized, sculptural sonic environment. In an article in Volume 14 of the Leonardo Music Journal, John Driscoll describes the origins of this next version. The initial realization of “Rainforest IV” evolved out of a series of workshops by Tudor, Gordon Mumma and David Behrman at the New Music in New Hampshire festival in Chocorua, NH in the summer of 1973. A core group of workshop attendees collaborated with Tudor on the prototyping and construction of an installation consisting of resonant found objects and specially fabricated pieces suspended from the ceiling of a large barn and activated using electronic and tape sources. Sound transducers were attached to metal bedsprings, cast-iron wagon wheel rims, stainless-steel milk containers and a variety of other objects. Contact microphones were attached to the objects and fed to speakers, further amplifying the resonant frequencies of the sculptural elements which debuted for a performance lasting about 5 hours. Members from that initial performance, along with Tudor, went on to form the group Composers Inside Electronics (CIE), collectively installing and performing the work in a multitude of locations around the world.  
Driscoll describes the work and the way that CIE functions. “Each composer has designed and constructed a set of sculptures that function as instrumental loud speakers under their control, and each independently produces sound material to display their sculptures’ resonant characteristics. The appreciation of “Rainforest IV” depends upon individual exploration, the audience is invited to move freely among the sculptures.” He further explains, “Given the duration of the work, it is possible to create large shifting sound characters that evolve over extended periods interspersed with short-duration local sound events unique to one object… It is an improvisational coordination of the sound materials, but one that has become extremely familiar and ingrained in the performers. Since there is no single listening point, the work is never heard in the same way by any two audience members or performers who are arranged in the periphery of the space.” David Tudor provides a great introduction here:
This recording captures a realization of “Rainforest IV” at the Center for Music Experiment (CME) at UC San Diego in February 1977 at the invitation of Pauline Oliveros, an old friend and collaborator of Tudor’s who was the director of the program. Tudor and CIE were in residence for two weeks, offering workshops, scouring for speaker/sculpture materials and embarking on field recording expeditions. The center was housed in a former military bowling alley, offering an expansive setting for the installation. Because of the spatialized and diffused sonic character intrinsic to the work, it is impossible to create a definitive recording of the any realization of the piece. But musician David Dunn, who was an audio engineer working at the school and musician/composer Warren Burt hit on an approach, capturing soundwalks through the installation with an early binaural microphone system. Dunn explains “Warren and I took turns wearing the microphones while walking through the installation, stopping here and there to listen or insert our microphone laden ears into the sounding objects. The session (as evidenced by the final recording) started from outside the renovated military bowling alley where CME was housed and ended by walking back outside.”
As with any binaural recording, listening with headphones reveals a sense of spatialization and from the very first moments, one becomes immersed in a constantly morphing sonic environment. The layers of sound waft like clouds, with an ever-changing focus against a shifting ground of clattering resonance, chattering oscillations, metallic clangs and the filtered transformation of natural sounds. While there is an overall density to what transpires, the details of the underlying components continually emerge with entrancing fidelity. With Tudor’s pieces, any notion of compositional structure or dynamic development is eschewed. Instead, an aural world is constructed and put in to motion and the piece takes on a life of its own. That said, one can readily hear how the members of CIE were acutely attuned to the inputs and resulting outputs of the system. That sense of overarching attentiveness always comes through. Anyone who has toyed with the commixture of a system of outputs feeding inputs is well aware of how resulting feedback can run rampant, mounting into a skirling mess. Here, a dynamic balance is maintained, allowing sources to build and veer toward the edges of pandemonium and then dialled back at just the right moments to create a vital tension throughout.  
Of course, the act of constructing the release from recordings of multiple soundwalks through the installation inserts a degree of structural intent. But Dunn and Burt did a masterful job of capturing the overall sense of the realization, weaving their recordings into an engulfing whole. The occasional appearance of people chattering as they walked through the work adds an engaging complement to the overall mix. Over the course of 70 minutes, the music unfolds with an even, unhurried pace while constantly revealing new elements and permutations of the mercurial sonic stratums. The choice of starting by entering the installation from outside and closing by exiting proves an effective framing convention, preserving the inherent notion of the piece existing in the installation space rather than having a performative start and end. Dunn’s mastering bring out the nuances of the installation within a natural-sounding spatialization. Coming up on 50 years since that initial realization of “Rainforest IV” in NH, this recording displays how timeless Tudor’s vision remains.  
Michael Rosenstein
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sheetmetalwork · 1 day
Manufacturing Bespoke Sheet Metal Fabrications
Bespoke sheet metal fabrication is an essential service for industries requiring tailor-made metal components. Based in Segensworth near Eastleigh, Hampshire, our facility specialises in delivering customised solutions that meet precise specifications. We use state-of-the-art technology to ensure every piece meets the highest standards of quality and accuracy.
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Firstly, we begin with a detailed consultation to understand your unique requirements. This collaborative approach allows us to design components that fit perfectly into your projects. Using advanced CAD software, we create detailed models, ensuring every detail aligns with your vision.
Once the design phase is complete, our skilled technicians in Hampshire, bring your designs to life. We utilise a variety of cutting-edge techniques, including CNC punching, laser cutting, and metal bending. Each method is chosen based on the specific needs of the project, ensuring optimal results. For instance, CNC punching is ideal for creating precise holes and complex shapes, while laser cutting offers unparalleled accuracy for intricate designs.
Moreover, our bespoke sheet metal fabrication process is highly flexible. Whether you need a single prototype or a large batch of components, we can scale our production to match your demands. This adaptability makes us a preferred partner for various industries, from automotive to aerospace.
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Quality control is a cornerstone of our fabrication process. Every component undergoes rigorous inspection to ensure it meets your exact standards. We pride ourselves on delivering products that not only meet but exceed customer expectations.
In conclusion, bespoke sheet metal fabrication offers a tailored approach to metalworking, providing customised solutions that cater to specific needs. With our expert team and advanced facilities in Segensworth near Eastleigh, Hampshire, we are committed to delivering high-quality, precise metal components for all your projects.
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patcoconstruction · 24 days
Patco Commercial Construction
Patco Commercial Construction | ME & NH General Contractor
(207) 517-0044
Maine’s Trusted Commercial General Contractor
For nearly 40 years, the PATCO Commercial Construction company has been a leading commercial construction company in Maine and northern New Hampshire. Collaborating with PATCO Commercial means joining forces with a group of professionals who uphold integrity, fairness, respect, and loyalty. Our expertise spans from building design and pre-construction to steel roofing and project management. We take pride in our thorough planning and communication to guarantee a successful project outcome tailored to your specific business needs. We’ve built our business one satisfied customer at a time and we’re proud to have contributed to the development of numerous businesses across Maine and New Hampshire.
Commercial Construction & Comprehensive Building Design
Every architect, renovator, and commercial general contractor in Maine knows that exceptional projects begin with precise and meticulous planning. At PATCO, we excel in accurate estimating, scheduling, value analysis, material control, and project management. Our Design-Build Process allows us to complete your building project on time and within budget. As we create your building’s design, we also develop the project plan to control costs, schedule, and quality. Our in-house design capabilities and dedicated erection and enclosure crew streamline your project, simplifying the entire process.
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Our Core Value – Building Lasting Partnerships
We take the most pride in the lasting relationships we establish with our clients. Our primary objective on any project is to form a partnership with each client, ensuring open communication throughout all project phases so you feel informed and acknowledged. If it matters to you, it matters to us. As PATCO’s President, Greg Patterson, puts it, “We grow our business one client at a time.” Whether constructing a new facility or renovating an existing one, our team of commercial builders recognizes that every step signifies a milestone in your business’s history. We aim to support you through every stage, and even after your project’s completion, you can always count on us. When you build with PATCO, you forge a partnership that endures.
Cost-Effective, Custom Steel Building Construction
Our construction company specializes in custom metal buildings and steel roofing solutions. We provide pre-engineered and fabricated metal components that are more cost-effective than most traditional structural designs. As experienced metal and steel building contractors, we ensure that our metal building architecture reduces on-site construction time while maintaining long-lasting performance and durability. Put simply, your project can be completed sooner and at a lower cost.
Maine’s harsh winters can be a true test for your roofing system, and we excel in designing and installing Panel-Rib and Standing Seam metal roofs that offer outstanding efficiency and protection for your building. When the time comes for a new roof or a building makeover, our team of commercial construction experts is ready to assist you. We offer roofing inspections and are committed to helping you find a solution that enhances both your building and your investment.
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The people at PATCO were excellent to work with because of their knowledge and experience. Three years after we moved in, I can still pick up the phone and get an immediate response to any concerns.
-Todd Gills, Lunder Manufacturing
PATCO Construction, Inc. 1293 Main Street Sanford ME 04073
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PATCO Construction, Inc. 1293 Main Street Sanford ME 04073
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wearepapilio-blog · 1 year
Lightning Ideas For Your Kitchen Space
When it comes to updating your kitchen space, it is not all about renovating your benchtops or cabinets; you can also add some lighting to your space to give it a sparkling look. Now if you are worried about how to choose the perfect light for your space, Here, we have mentioned some tips for you. Let's read it out:
Add Luster
The pendant lights in this kitchen by the designer that can offer the proper amount of sparkle are made of seashell discs attached to a brass-plated metal frame and strung from a black fabric string. Your space will look like a luxury restaurant with this; you can give it a try.
Dinnerware with cabinet lighting
This year, kitchen cabinet lighting ideas have remained popular, with more people displaying their dinnerware as decorative pieces. Furthermore, this lighting concept delivers modest accent lighting throughout the kitchen without crowding the workspace or kitchen nooks.
'If you have exquisite crystal or are proud of your dishware, why keep it away in the dark?" when you are thinking about integrating mood lighting make sure that the best pieces are never forgotten. It also serves as an additional ambient light source when having a romantic meal or beverages with friends. When it is placed in the right place like corners or where there is a lot of closed cabinetry or glass-fronted cabinets it will allow your kitchen space to look larger.
Flush-mount kitchen ceiling lights
The ceiling needs ambient lighting. Small to medium kitchen ceilings are typically well-lit by dome-shaped, flush-mount, or semi-flush-mount lights. Single or two flush-mount kitchen lights are good enough. It will add a new spark to your kitchen area, so before choosing it, you don’t need to think twice about it.
Natural Boho lighting
A rattan or woven jute pendant lamp adds texture to your kitchen while also lighting up the space. If you want to go for a boho, beach, or natural vibe in your kitchen, the light wood tones of these pedants can tie everything together. This lightning space will offer you the natural look of your space, where you can enjoy your dine-in.
These are some lightening ideas for your kitchen space, and a homemaker can understand them well. That is why they always try to make their space more elegant and continuously try to do something to impress their guests. If you are one of those who are always ready to renovate their space, you can choose our design team for contemporary kitchens in Hampshire to get the finest result at an affordable price.
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creativinn · 1 year
Scuttled/Transformed art exhibition available for viewing at Carson City Community Center through July
Marietta Sophie Paul fills her prints and recycled-material collages with repeated patterns that create active scenes and narratives.
Paul’s show will be in the Community Center’s Crowell Board Room, from March 6 through July 6, 2023. CCAI will host a reception for the artist on Wednesday, March 30, 5:00 – 6:30PM with an artist introduction at 5:30PM. The Community Center is located at 851 E William Street, Carson City. The Crowell Board Room is open for all the city’s public meetings.
Marietta Paul said, “The ‘Scuttled/Transformed’ series came out of my desire to eliminate waste, and in turn, create beauty. I was disturbed by the vast amount of squandered paper from my printmaking discards and finally landed on the idea of cutting up rejected prints to create collages. While on my morning walks, I noticed myriad soda & beer cans littering the side of the road. I found the colors compelling and gathered hundreds of cans over the miles walked, not as a good citizen keeping the streets of Carson City clean, but rather as an artist obtaining materials to incorporate into my collages.”
Paul learned her trade as a metalsmith while during a silversmith apprenticeship in the UK. Returning to the states, she attended the University of New Hampshire and earned a BA in Psychology in 1983. She established her business, Bench Designs, working in the jewelry trade as a goldsmith in 1984.
She became skilled at cloisonné enameling & hand engraving. As one who “uses the same techniques as her medieval counterparts,” she was invited by the Ringling Museum of Art to lecture on the techniques & tools used to create objects in several exhibitions: “Waking Dreams: The Art of the Pre-Raphaelites”, “Bedazzled! 5,000 Years of Jewelry” and “Gothic Art in the Gilded Age.”
The Ringling also exhibited one of her silver and cloisonné chalices, with the tools used to fabricate it, alongside the Medieval & Renaissance treasures, highlighting the bridge between craftsman past & present. Expanding her skills, Paul now takes printmaking classes at Western Nevada College and frequently combines her prints with recycled metal materials to create collages. She lives in Carson City.
CCAI is an artist-centered not-for-profit organization committed to community engagement in contemporary visual arts through exhibitions, illustrated talks, arts education programs, artist residencies, and online activities.
The Initiative is funded by the John Ben Snow Memorial Trust, Nevada Humanities and the National Endowment for the Humanities, John and Grace Nauman Foundation, Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, Carson City Cultural Commission, U.S. Bank Foundation, Kaplan Family Charitable Fund, Southwest Gas Corporation Foundation, Steele & Associates LLC, and CCAI sponsors and members.
For additional information, please visit CCAI’s website at .
This content was originally published here.
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sawyerpotter88 · 1 year
Exactly how To buy (A) How Much Should Auto Insurance coverage Cost On A Tight Funds
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With regard to anyone making claims contrary to the insurers plus finding it hard, go with the other option of using the vechicle accident lawyers in Indianapolis that hastens the method. Have to you be which in turn has a trouble focusing on how this excellent will work subsequently basically imagine zinc oxide cords 10 times thinner in comparison using an individual strand associated with ugly hair, engrossed throughout any plastic-type material substrate by applying several stops fixed that will makes origin of electricity whilst pulled, turned along with feels any type of hardware panic. Personal Injury Safety is something which usually everyone must look into as clinical costs will be protected by this element of your auto insurance policy associated. So liability on auto coverage can be a coverage of which helps to pay for items like medical bills, lost income pain and suffering and damaged property to others if you happen to be found at mistake in auto crash.
Medical payments insurance or personal personal injury protection cover accidental injuries from auto incidents. An auto insurance policies covers the automobile repairs. Take regarding example somebody which has a fresh $50, 000 engine, it would be ful folly to finish something besides acquire out one of the best car insurance policies available along with the cost of the particular auto insurance probably will certainly be simple if contemplating the overall annual cost regarding the car. It will eventually allow you to be able to seal massive deals faster for the reason that people will take you on your own promise instructions it displays together with the way an individual emerge facing these types of people. Those committed people who anticipate a lucrative hobby as a general powerful internet business proprietor will get themselves struggling if establishing a business00. Theres certainly some body inside your circle involving family, friends, neighbours and coworkers who may have an automobile insurance policy. Once youve found some small automobile insurance quotes in Tennessee that will seem promising, its time and energy to study typically the firms providing typically the coverage. Except for New Hampshire and Virginia, all some other states require motorists to buy auto insurance or pay some kind of fee if uninsured.
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acidrefluxuk · 2 years
R&D Engineer Job in Waterlooville, Hampshire
R&D Engineer Job in Waterlooville, Hampshire
Apply for R&D Engineer job in Waterlooville, Hampshire in Engineering. Job Description: Our clients have an exciting opportunity for an R&D Engineer to join their growing team in Waterlooville. To support product development creating new solutions for existing products and new products. Good use of sheet metal design, fabrication, and finishing in order to deliver a finished product and…
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triangleltd · 1 year
The Environmental Benefits of Using Stainless Steel in Structures
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An increasing number of businesses are looking for ways to lessen their influence on the environment as environmental concerns rise. Using stainless steel in their architecture is one approach to achieve this. This article will guide you through the environmental benefits of using stainless steel and why it's a good choice for your next project.
Stainless steel is among the most durable and long-lasting building materials available. Unlike other materials that can degrade over time, it is resistant to corrosion, rust, and staining. This means that structures made with stainless steel require very little maintenance and have a longer lifespan as compared to other steel, reducing the need for replacement and the environmental impact of construction.
Recyclability and Reusability
Stainless steel is also highly recyclable and reusable. In fact, it's one of the most recycled materials in the world, with a recycling rate of around 90%. This means that using stainless steel in your structures can help to reduce waste and conserve natural resources.
Energy Efficiency
Stainless steel is an energy-efficient material. Its high reflectivity means that it reflects light and heat, reducing the amount of energy required to keep structures cool in hot climates. It's also a good conductor of heat, meaning that it can be used in heating and cooling systems to reduce energy consumption.
Reduced Emissions
Using stainless steel balustrade can also help to reduce emissions. The manufacturing process for stainless steel requires less energy and emits fewer greenhouse gasses than the production of other materials. Additionally, because stainless steel is so durable, structures made with stainless steel don't need to be replaced as often, reducing the emissions associated with construction and demolition.
To fully realize the environmental benefits of using stainless steel, it's important to choose the right steel stair fabricators. Look for a company that uses sustainable practices in its manufacturing process, such as recycling and reducing waste. A reputable steel fabricator should be able to provide guidance on how to maximize the environmental benefits of using stainless steel in your project.
Moreover, stainless steel is highly fire-resistant, which makes it a safe and reliable choice for structures. In the event of a fire, stainless steel can maintain its structural integrity, reducing the risk of collapse and providing valuable time for occupants to evacuate safely. This added safety benefit further underscores the value of using stainless steel in construction projects.
The Final Note
In conclusion, using stainless steel in structures offers many environmental benefits, including durability, recyclability, energy efficiency, and reduced emissions. By choosing the right steel fabricator, you can ensure that your project is built with sustainability in mind. Therefore, if you are searching for "Steel fabricators near me," look no more than Triangle Limited, as they provide everything that you want in your house or business in regard to stainless steel design.
Furthermore, they are committed to sustainable practices and are dedicated to helping our clients achieve their environmental goals. For more information, you can visit their website- Triangleltd.co.uk.
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mrpineandsons · 2 years
Bedroom Furniture For Sale UK
We pride ourselves on supplying top-quality bedroom furniture in UK at the lowest prices. Bedroom sets & clearance packages online UK. Beds, bunk beds, wardrobes, chest of drawers, dressing table & mirrors. Mattresses, bedside cabinets clothes storage & children's furniture. Single, double & kings size bed frames. Fabric, leather, metal, wood & high gloss divan beds with pocket sprungs. Furniture with led lights. Discounted cheap grey, white bedroom furniture collection & sets.
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mccoy22dennis · 2 years
Burberry®️ Official
If the belt has a metal buckle, make sure it’s free of scratches or scuffs. Examine the belt band for cracks, tears, and loose threads, particularly on the sides. Finally, look at the holes in the belt and ensure that they give the impression of being neat and round rather than stretched or torn. Simply order as you always have, and, when choosing your most popular delivery method, you can select the local weather neutral possibility to help offset your carbon emissions. [newline]Please note that your local weather impartial contribution helped offset the carbon emissions of your order . Further data could be present in our Terms and Conditions. Gobbetti mentioned that Bailey had left the company with an “incredible legacy” and that his last collection had been “very strong”. Marco Gobbetti, the chief government of Burberry, who took over the leadership role from Bailey last yr, mentioned his strategy to revitalise the brand was showing “promising early signs”. He mentioned consumers would now be tempted with far more frequent productions of recent designs all 12 months long. With a contribution of £0,30, you may be serving to this Gold Standard-certified project whose work offsets the environmental impression of your order. "Like the trenchcoat, it can be worn anywhere and at any time," he said . While many individuals may contemplate the Burberry trench coat to be outrageously overpriced at practically $2,000, there's a lot more occurring with the ditch coat's pricing than a easy markup. Burberry trench coats aren't mass-produced by machines. Making a Burberry trench coat takes plenty of work and lots of specialized abilities. Burberry was based in 1856 when 21-year-old Thomas Burberry, a former draper's apprentice, opened his personal store in Basingstoke, Hampshire, England. By 1870, the business had established itself by focusing on the development of outside apparel. In 1879, Burberry launched gabardine to his model, a hardwearing, water-resistant but breathable fabric, by which the yarn is waterproofed earlier than weaving. In 1891, Burberry opened a store within the Haymarket, London. According to Fortune, the brand new logo was part of a brand revamp and was designed by graphic designer Peter Saville, whose work has included album covers for bands like Joy Division. Burberry additionally launched a new print that yr, that includes the entwined letters "T" and "B" in honor of the brand's founder, Thomas Burberry . That first shop was a humble one, and it did not have many customers to cater to, as Basingstoke only had about four,500 residents at the moment. Nonetheless, Burberry managed to turn his outfitting business into a modestly profitable one. By the time of the 1861 census, Burberry was using seven males, seven ladies, and three boys in his store. This was solely the beginning for the younger Burberry — greater things have been in retailer for the young entrepreneur. The Burberry emblem designers also discovered a method to interlock the Ts and Bs creatively, making a “TB” monogram impressed by the luxurious trend house founder’s initials. The monogram will characteristic closely in promotion and brings together a shocking combination of the renowned Burberry beige, classic white, and orange honey. The monogram dated way again to 1908 and came about after Tisci visited the Burberry archives. Gone are the times when home windows only came in hues of blacks, browns, and whites. https://phoenet.tw/replica-designer-belts/replica-burberry-belt.html It is characteristic of you as a home-owner to introduce a sprinkler framework. Specialists state that a high quality sprinkler system can reduce over watering from 30 to 70 %. This can genuinely profit the earth and your pocket when you call Tacoma Sprinkler. Another special wreath is seen through the Advent season. The introduction wreaths are usually composed of the evergreen circle solely this time, they are also adorned with pink, purple or white candles that even have totally different meanings. This advent wreath is placed to symbolize the coming of Jesus Christ after He has risen. When the candles are lighted, it signifies that He will give gentle to the world. But before knowing the assorted supplies or instruments, enable us to 1st understand what goes on together with your septic tank. A concrete septic tank could possibly be a style of tank that’s usually underground. However, you can truly minimize the consequences of the tough weather conditions on your home beginning with the home windows. wikipedia handbags Simonton home windows present sturdy vinyl alternatives that can stand up to heavy rains and winds. They have also met the requirements of varied governmental codes when it comes to building safety. Generally, vinyl home windows supply extra than just aesthetic worth to your personal home. Burberry was an independent family-controlled firm till 1955, when Great Universal Stores assumed possession. There are two major Burberry signatures – the enduring check and the ditch coat, and there’s about to be three because of Riccardo Tisci. Delving into the archives, the designer has reworked Thomas Burberry’s initials into a brand new emblem for the brand. You’ll find this TB monogram throughout our edit of Burberry belts. Italian-tanned black and brown leather-based is accentuated with new and traditional house signatures, including the Thomas Burberry monogram as a clasp and a sample, ‘Kingdom’ slogans and the Vintage verify.
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sheetmetalwork · 1 month
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V and F Sheet Metal, located near Southampton, Hampshire, offers several advantages for those seeking sheet metal solutions. Here are three key benefits of using V and F Sheet Metal for your needs:
State-of-the-Art Equipment: V and F Sheet Metal has heavily invested in modern CNC (Computer Numerical Control) technology and other advanced equipment, ensuring precision and efficiency in manufacturing processes. The wide range of CNC tools, from bending and punching to laser cutting, allows for high-quality output with precise tolerances. This technological edge provides customers with accurate and reliable results, reducing rework and delays.
Diverse Capabilities: With nearly 40 years of experience, V and F Sheet Metal offers a comprehensive suite of services, from fabrication to assembly. The company has expertise in working with various metals, including mild steel, stainless steel, and aluminum. They also provide diverse finishing options like paint and powder coating, allowing customers to meet their unique requirements and aesthetic needs in one place.
Customer-Centric Approach: V and F Sheet Metal is committed to customer satisfaction. The company prides itself on its flexibility and willingness to work closely with clients to meet their specific needs. This approach ensures clear communication and collaboration throughout the project lifecycle. Additionally, their convenient location near Southampton makes it easy for customers in Hampshire and surrounding areas to access their services.
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triangleltd · 6 months
The Role of Technology in Modern Metal Fabrication
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Metal fabrication, a process essential in creating various metal structures and parts, has evolved significantly with technological advancements. This evolution has impacted the manufacturing of everyday items, from footbridges to complex and detailed metal balustrade railings. Our journey through this article will explore how modern technology shapes the world of metal fabrication, making complex projects more accessible and efficient. We'll delve into various aspects of modern metal fabrication in this article. Revolutionizing Techniques and Efficiency  In the old days, making things out of metal took a lot of hard work and needed people with special skills. But now, thanks to technology, we can make things more accurately and quickly. Tools like Computer-Aided Design (CAD) help designers and engineers make detailed plans and tell machines exactly what to do. This means we can now make complicated things, like fancy metal railings, with more detail and much faster than we could before. Enhanced Material Quality and Sustainability  Technology have helped make better materials for metalwork. Now, we can make stronger and longer-lasting metals. This is really good for things like footbridges and buildings because they need to be strong and last a long time. Also, technology helps in making metal work better for the environment. It does this by cutting down on waste and making it easier to recycle old metals. Customization and Flexibility in Design  A big plus of today's metal making is that you can make things just the way you want them. Thanks to new machines and computer programs, people who work with metal can create special, one-of-a-kind items for different needs. This is really helpful when people want custom metal things for business or for their homes. Safety and Precision in Operations  Modern technology has also enhanced safety in metal fabrication workshops. Automated machinery and robotics have reduced the need for manual handling of heavy and hazardous materials. This not only minimizes the risk of accidents but also ensures a high level of precision in the final products like metal balustrade railings. Innovative Use of Robotics and Automation  Robots and automatic machines have really changed the way we make things out of metal. They help make things the same way every time and more correctly, making fewer mistakes. When building complicated things like bridges, it's really important to be exact. Robots make sure every part is made just right, following the exact measurements needed. Automation also speeds up production, allowing for quicker turnaround times, which is especially beneficial in fast-paced environments like metal fabrication in Hampshire and other places. Integration of Advanced Software for Enhanced Collaboration  Using new software in metal making has made it easier for teams to work together. These computer programs let designers, engineers, and metal workers share ideas and work closely, even if they are not in the same place. This teamwork is really important for projects that need careful attention, like making metal railings. With software for managing projects and talking to each other, everyone can make sure they are on the same page throughout the whole metal-making process. Final Note As technology continues to advance, the metal fabrication industry will undoubtedly see further improvements in efficiency, quality, and design flexibility. Whether it's constructing robust footbridges or crafting elegant metal railings, the role of technology in modern metal fabrication is pivotal in shaping a more efficient, sustainable, and safer future. Companies like Triangle Ltd. are good options for this intricate work. Their expertise extends over many kinds of steelwork for your convenience. For more details, visit their website :- Triangleltd.co.uk.
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harvestheart · 4 years
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Black-Rhino. Textile embroidery by British fine artist Sophie Standing
Textile art by Sophie Standing is complex collages of cloth. British fine artist Sophie Standing was born and raised in England, in the county of Hampshire. In 2003 she moved to South Africa and now lives in Kenya. Variety of African flora and fauna, and passion for fabrics and textiles motivated her to create a stunning gallery of animals and landscapes, embroidered in a unique technique. Sophie Standing studied wood, metal, ceramics and textiles art at Liverpool Hope University. Sophie has worked with different mediums, including ceramics, stained glass windows, weaving, dress making and finally – textile art. The works of fine artist Sophie Standing can be found at art exhibitions and private collections in Kenya, South Africa, UK and Germany. 
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sheetmetalwork · 2 months
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Laser cutting has revolutionized the sheet metal fabrication industry, offering precision, speed, and versatility like never before. Utilizing a highly focused beam of light, laser cutting can effortlessly slice through various materials, including sheet metal, with unparalleled accuracy and intricacy. For those in Hampshire, UK, seeking a reliable sheet metal company, V and F Sheet Metal stands out as a prime choice, particularly for laser cutting services.
V and F Sheet Metal boasts state-of-the-art laser cutting technology coupled with years of expertise, ensuring clients receive top-notch results tailored to their exact specifications. Their advanced equipment allows for intricate designs, intricate patterns, and precise cuts, catering to a wide range of industries and applications. Whether it's creating intricate prototypes, intricate parts for machinery, or intricate decorative elements, V and F Sheet Metal's laser cutting capabilities can meet the most demanding requirements with ease.
Moreover, V and F Sheet Metal's commitment to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction sets them apart as a trusted partner for all sheet metal needs in Hampshire and beyond. Their skilled team of professionals works closely with clients throughout the process, from initial design to final production, ensuring seamless execution and superior outcomes.
In conclusion, when it comes to laser cutting sheet metal in Hampshire, UK, V and F Sheet Metal stands as a premier choice, offering cutting-edge technology, unparalleled precision, and unmatched expertise to bring any project to fruition with excellence.
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