Ciel's eyesight probably makes him act a little silly
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I'm not sure if Yana confirmed this, but the wiki says that Ciel has trouble with determining distance due to his now monocular vision. I saw a post about this recently and it reminded me of my own trouble with my monocular vision.
When I was 10 and head over heels for Black Butler, I got diagnosed with Amblyopia, which is basically lack of vision in one eye because the brain decided that the eye didn't need to be used, and that the dominant eye was good enough. Little me was so distraught about having to wear an eyepatch for treatment- until I put it on and pretended to be Ciel!
Thinking back on that reminded me of how my amblyopia made me do some clumsy things as a kid- like run into poles or fall of edges because I couldn't tell the distance.
Another fun thing amblyopia causes is a lazy eye and double vision (in cases where the eye has some functioning). It was not pleasant having both.
Ciel's contract eye has full vision still. He patches it so much that I'm sure his brain is ready to shut it off (after all, he' young enough for it to develop that way).
The thought of him taking off his patch just to have his eye be completely off to the side and making him see double is hilarious.
Just imagine him whipping off his eyepatch to give an order to Sebastian and his eye is just doing its own thing and there are now two Sebastians.
"Sebastian, this is an order!"
"Yes, my lord"
And all Ciel sees is this:
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And Sebastian is probably seeing this:
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His poor eye must be so tired.
He definitely gets humbled by stairs.
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