#Polka Dot Athletic Skirt
oneworlddeals · 1 year
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celandeline · 5 months
Summer of Like // Farleigh Start x OC (12)
When Venetia had given me the tour of the house and grounds, she barely even mentioned the tennis courts. I never expected to set foot on them - I don’t play tennis, Venetia doesn’t play tennis as far as I know - much less in black tie dinner wear, but here we are. 
It’s two-versus-two, Felix and Oliver against Farleigh and Venetia, with myself acting as a referee from the side of the court, despite the fact that I don’t know any of the rules for tennis. Not that I really need to - everyone on the court is holding a bottle of something or other, and the game is slowly devolving into simply which team manages to hit the ball at all. I take a hearty swig from my own bottle of prosecco, and try not to laugh as Felix beams the ball right at his sister, hitting her in the arm. 
The ball bounces off Venetia’s arm and shoots off towards the edge of the court. She scrunches her face up into an angry pout as she walks off, wobbling slightly on her polka-dotted platform heels as she does. “You never aim it at Farleigh.” She complains, serving the ball back over the net. 
“Farleigh might actually hit it back.” Felix says, volleying the ball back over to his sister’s side. 
True to Felix’s word, Farleigh swings long, batting the tennis ball back to the other side. Oliver barely manages to hit it, jumping with his racket extended up above him. It’s a little amusing to watch him try to keep up with Felix and Farleigh, considering that they both have a good 9-ish inches on him. I take another drink of my prosecco, letting the little bubbles pop against my tongue. 
Oliver’s hit is weak, and Felix darts forward to help the ball over the net. He swings hard, and the ball whizzes between Venetia and Farleigh, slapping the ground on their side of the net before bouncing towards the back wall of the court. 
“Another point down- what’s it now, five to one?” Felix gloats, retrieving his bottle of wine from the edge of the court and gulping it down like water. 
Venetia throws both her hands in the air, one holding her tennis racket, and the other a bottle of rose, some of which sloshes out of the neck of the bottle and splashes onto the court. “I’m out!” She announces. 
“Don’t be a sore loser, V.” Felix says, grinning as his sister wobbles off the court. 
“You guys haven’t won yet.” Farleigh corrects him. 
“Yet.” Oliver says, a little smirk playing on his lips. 
Farleigh rolls his eyes behind his Dior sunglasses. 
Venetia stops before me, holding out her racket. “Switch off with me Evie?” She asks. 
“I’ve never played tennis before.” I say, taking her racket from her and standing up. 
She snorts out a laugh. “You can’t be worse than me.” 
She takes my spot, sitting up against the low stone wall that encircles the court, legs splayed out on the pavement. I kick off the heels I’d worn to dinner, and leave them with Venetia as I make my way over to Farleigh, bottle of prosecco in my left hand, a tennis racket in my right. 
“Thank fucking god.” Farleigh says. “I need someone a little more sober than V if I’m going to win-”
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here.” I say, setting my bottle down near the net before turning to face Oliver and Felix. “I can’t promise that I’ll be better than V.”
Farleigh serves the ball, sending it flying over the net towards Oliver’s face. “It’s not that hard.” He says. “Just hit the ball.”
Oliver barely stops the ball from smacking him in the nose, and sends it in my direction. Bare feet slapping against the warm pavement, I run towards it. I swing, and thankfully the ball connects with my racket. It bounces away from me, headed right back to Oliver. Tucking my racket under my arm, I reach down and bunch the skirt of my dinner dress - an emerald green shimmery thing of Venetia’s - tying it into a knot by my thighs, effectively shortening it to a more athletic length. 
We volley back and forth for a while, and I start to get the hang of it - if the ball bounces towards the left side of the court, it’s Farleigh’s problem, if it bounces to the right, it’s mine. It’s easy enough to chase after Oliver’s hits, and I’m lucky that Felix is only beaming it at Farleigh - there’s no way that I would be able to get after those, but Farleigh does well enough. What he lacks in talent he makes up for in height and athleticism. 
Oliver bats the ball back over the net at me, and I send it back. Felix jumps forward to get it, and sends it towards Farleigh. I expect him to move after it, but he doesn’t, simply turning his head as he watches the ball sail past the lines marking the inside of the court. Out of bounds. 
“Point for Farleigh and Evie!” Venetia crows, sticking her tongue out towards her brother. 
Farleigh grins, and extends his hand for a high-five. I return his smile, and slap his hand. 
And so it goes. In the end, Felix and Oliver still win - of course - but Farleigh and I manage to score a handful of points, capitalizing on how Felix doesn’t know how to hit the ball not with his full strength, and Oliver can’t hit it anywhere but the right side. We make an alright team, now that we’ve evened the playing field - or, at least, I think we have. He hasn’t called me a dog since that night he tried to hold my hand and I clawed into his leg, and the band-aid on his thigh is gone now. Didn’t even leave a scar. 
Still, we lose in the end. 
Racket tucked under my arm, I retrieve my bottle of prosecco, and gulp most of the contents down like water, ignoring the head rush. Farleigh looks just as sweaty as I feel, and as soon as I take the bottle away from my lips, he grabs it, finishing it off with just as much vigor as I drank. I untie the knot in my dress, and the fabric rolls down my legs again. 
“You did pretty good.” Farleigh says, handing me back the empty bottle. “For someone who’s never played before.”
“Oh, yeah sure Farleigh, you can have the rest.” I snark. “Thank you for asking before you just snatched my bottle away.”
His only response is a grin and he pulls the tennis racket out from under my arm and starts back off the court, following Felix and Oliver back towards the house. He even has the audacity to blow me a kiss before he turns around. My stomach has the audacity to send a round of butterflies swirling around my guts. 
I roll my eyes, and head to where Venetia and my shoes sit against the side of the court. Her eyes are barely open, and the hazy smile on her face tells me she’s absolutely wasted. With how much she drank at dinner, and the fact she never let go of her bottle of rose on the court, I’m not surprised. 
“Hi baby.” I say, crouching down in front of her. 
Her grin widens. “Hi Evie.” Her eyes flutter open wider. “You’re sweaty.”
“Sorry.” I say, taking hold of her arm in one hand and my shoes in the other and standing, tugging her upward with me. She rises on unsteady feet, the platform polka-dot heels not helping at all. I debate for a moment taking them off, but she’s already up. 
She giggles as I loop her arm over my shoulders, and hold her by the waist. Her head falls against my shoulder, sunglasses crooked on her nose. “I saw Farleigh blow you a kiss.” She says.
“He’s a dick.” I say. I only sort of mean it - there’s no bite in my voice. 
She nuzzles into my neck as I start us back towards the house. “You have to promise you won’t let him steal you away.” She says. “You’re not allowed to like him more than me.”
“I don’t think I could like anyone more than you.” I say, my lips brushing against her hair. 
< previous part | next part >
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fuckmeyer · 5 months
How do you imagine the Cullens and Bella dressing like in your book?
similar style but slight adjustments.
Bella probably goes through the biggest change. she starts off In the Afterlight wearing jeans, band tees, chunky sweaters, & very eclectic pieces (bowling shirt ABSOLUTELY exists). in Come Nightfall she changes - she 1) won't wear anything she stole from Edward (i.e. sweaters and flannels), 2) does so much activity outdoors she's wearing exclusively athletic wear, and 3) is forced to hide her scent later on so objectively dresses WORSE with stained, mismatched thrift-store clothes. doesn't own a khaki skirt. in By Starlight, now that Edward's home, she's back to athletic wear. Edward likes this very, very much.
Edward has the same style with more color. NO sleeveless white button-up because what the FUCK. when he's hunting, he's a jeans and flannel shirt kinda guy - he'll often wear clothes he hates when hunting. (ofc, now that Bella wears his flannel shirts, he's rethinking his tastes.) otherwise, day-to-day, he's a loose slacks, undershirt, & suspenders kinda guy (think 1950s or 20s). nice button-ups and dark fitted sweaters in deep, dark colors like navy, burgundy, phthalo green. extremely lame in a cute way. light spoilers for future chaps, but this man is literally always trying to hide his body.
i picture the Cullens dressing mostly in timeless outfits and styles.
Esme adores dresses and skirts à la Audrey Hepburn. classic, chic, evergreen. she would wear neutrals the most day-to-day but adores flowing prints and polka dots when she feels in the mood :) definitely wears ratty skirts or jeans when gardening.
Rosalie's casual/business casual style has some Princess Di influences with some modern trends mixed in (thanks to Alice). keeps some greasy old jeans and overalls for her mechanic work.
Carlisle really misses wearing embroidered brocaded waistcoats & frilly shirts. thinks modern men's fashion is boring. slacks and button-ups for this man. CARDIGANS ALL DAY. misses wearing ascots, but likes scarves. god, he hates modern men's fashion.
Jasper actually loved his 90s grunge/punk era and never really left it. army boots/doc martins (with the coded laces OFC), ripped jeans, plaid shirts, band tees, beanies, leather jackets with handsewn patches.
Emmett is jeans and tees all day. James Dean kinda guy with the boots, slacks/jeans, nice white tee, bomber jacket.
Alice is a freak. she's following every trend. she says it's to keep the Cullens in the modern world (true - to their dismay, she WILL go through their closets and add/subtract items). but really, it's her way to stay connected to the present day. she has ofc rare commissioned pieces from different designers, beautiful pieces from eras long gone that she can't bear to part with (because ofc everything comes back in style), weird pieces from niche trends... but she absolutely DOES dress like she's straight from a 2000s-era issue of Seventeen. for better or worse.
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theseasicksailorblog · 11 months
Indie Sleaze: 5 item shopping list
My non-negotiable 5 clothing items to live your indie sleaze truth, written as 2000s/2010s fashion historian.
Ballet Flats
Worn by school-teachers and it girls alike, ballet flats have always been a staple in fashion history, especially in the late 2000s and 2010s. For a first time wearer a simple black flat is a safe bet as it can be paired with anything, but if you want to sleaze it up, opt for a metallic or glitter variation. Something to note about indie sleaze fashion is that the more extra it feels, the better it looks, so don't hold back on cool, funky, flats. These can be found in thrift stores, department stores, and all over Amazon.
Metallic Fabric
Since the dawn of rave/party culture, glamorous lamé fabrics have used for just about every article of clothing possible. Cheaper spandex alternatives rose to popularity as The Cobra Snake era partying merged into mainstream. Shiny red leggings paired with a black cropped tank was peak casual 2010s sleaze attire. A great place to find styles like this is Los Angeles Apparel aka American Apparels re-brand. Though they no longer sell the fun colored disco pants and shorts, the lamé collection offers a variety of shiny colorful items with that trustworthy AA quality. Other places to look are party supply stores, poshmark/depop/ebay, rave shops, and of course Amazon.
Ultra Feminine Dresses
One of the most underrated pioneers of indie sleaze fashion is model and t.v. personality Alexa Chung. While Alexa is often grouped with the Twee (shopping list coming soon) and hipster aesthetics of the 2010s her ability to blend soft girlish dresses with last nights makeup allows for an uber sleazy effect. Mini shifts, polka dotted a-lines, and vintage baby-dolls all work as long as you pair them with unkempt hair and grungy tights to keep the edge, bonus points if your dress has a peter pan collar or your tights have rips. You can find these practically anywhere but start at your local thrift store as they usually have large selections of outdated dresses that were popular during this time period. Alternatively look at department stores, vintage/antique markets, and you guessed it Amazon.
Ringer Tee's and Shorts
Before athleisure was an over-saturated mess of "flare leggings" and Lululemon we took inspiration from student athletes everywhere with the iconic ringer tee's and ringer shorts. Getting their name from the contrasting ring of fabric outlining the seams of the article, ringer style pieces were seen everywhere and worn with everything. Both such versatile basics that could be kept casual or dressed up that you might see a ringer tee with a skirt, or ringer shorts with stockings and a blouse. Los Angeles Apparel has great options for both the shirts and the shorts, places like Walmart and Target often carry ringer shorts, and Forever 21 with great ringer tees, and as always Amazon.
It doesn't matter if they're black, white, multicolored, fish-netted, or opaque, stockings always find a way to elevate a basic look and is often what takes an outfit from mainstream to indie sleaze. Don't worry about buying a super nice quality pair as stockings look best with ripping seams and enormous holes. But don't tear them with a fork like those tiktok girls did in 2020, it screams try hard as a real indie sleaze girl would rip them via dancing, curb sitting, and drunken stumbling. Just like the dresses, you can find tights anywhere. However I don't recommend secondhand as they are technically an undergarment and it's hard to ensure the level of cleanliness.
Spacehey saw it first https://spacehey.com/theseasicksailor
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gamesurvived · 1 year
BOLD what applies to your character
long legs / short legs / average legs / slender thighs / thick thighs / muscular thighs / skinny arms / soft arms / muscular arms / toned stomach / flat stomach / flabby stomach / soft stomach / six pack / beer belly / lean frame / muscular frame / athletic frame / petite frame / lanky frame / short nails / long nails / manicured nails / dirty nails / flat ass / toned ass / perky ass / bubble butt / thick ass / small waist / thick waist / narrow hips / average hips / wide hips / big feet / average feet / small feet / soft feet / slender feet / calloused hands / soft hands / big hands / average hands / small hands / long fingers / short fingers / average fingers / broad shouldered / underweight / average weight / overweight
shorter than 140 cm / 141 cm-150 cm / 151 cm to 160 cm / 161 cm to 170 cm / 171 cm to 180 cm / 181 cm to 190 cm / 191 cm to 2 m / taller than 2 m
pale / rosy / olive / dark / tanned / blotchy / smooth / acne / dry / greasy / freckled / scarred
small / large / average / grey / brown / blue / green / gold / violet / hazel / silver / white / doe-eyed / almond / close-set / wide-set / squinty / monolid / heavy eyelids / upturned / downturned / dark circles / crow’s feet
thin / thick / fine / normal / greasy / dry / soft / shiny / curly / frizzy / wild / unruly / straight / smooth / wavy / floppy / cropped / pixie-cut / short / shoulder length / back length / waist length+ / buzz cut / bald / jaw length / mohawk / grey / platinum blonde / white / golden blonde / dirty blonde / blonde / ombre / light brown / mouse brown / chestnut brown / golden brown / chocolate brown / dark brown / jet black / ginger / auburn / salt & pepper / dyed red / dyed an unnatural color / thin eyebrows / average eyebrows / thick eyebrows / massive eyebrows
no tattoos / new tattoo / a few here and there / multiple / full sleeves / thigh tattoo / neck tattoo / chest tattoo / back tattoo / no piercings / ear piercings / nose piercing / lip piercing / tongue piercing / eyebrow piercing / navel piercing / cheek piercing / nipple piercings / genital piercings
eyeliner / light eyeliner / heavy eyeliner / cat eyes / mascara / fake eyelashes / matte lipstick / regular lipstick / lipgloss / red lips / pink lips / dark lips / bronzer / highlighter / eyeshadow / neutral eyeshadow / smoky eyes / colorful eyeshadow / blush / lipliner / light contouring / heavy contouring / powder / matte foundation / shiny foundation / concealer / nail polish / wears regularly / occasionally wears / never wears / forced to wear
floral / fruity / perfumes / aftershave / cocoa / moisturizer / shampoo / cigarettes / leather / sweat / food / incense / marijuana / cologne / whiskey / wine / fried food / blood / fire / metal / ice / dirt / amber / rain / forest
jeans / tight pants / over knee socks / tights / leggings / yoga pants / pencil skirt / tight skirt / loose skirt / formfitting dress / cardigans / blouse / button-up shirt / band t-shirt / sweatpants / tank top / wifebeater / cutoff t-shirt / designer / high street / online stores / thrift / lingerie / long skirt / miniskirt / maxidress / sundress / tie / tuxedo / cocktail dress / high-slit dress/skirt / t-shirt / loose clothing / tight clothing / jean shorts / sweater / sweater vest / khaki pants / suit / hoodie / harem pants / basketball shorts / boxers / briefs / thong / commando / hotpants / hipster pants / bra / sports bra / crop top / corset / ballerina skirt / leotard / polka dot / stripes / glitter / silk / lace / leather / velvet / chemise / patterns / florals / neon colors / pastels / black / dark colors / linen / fur / faux fur / mail / plate
sneakers / slip-ons / flats / slippers / sandals / high heels / kitten heels / ankle boots / combat boots / knee-high / platforms / stripper heels / bare feet / loafers / oxfords / gladiator shoes / boots / hooves
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marymerchandice · 8 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Gianni Bini GB Bohemian White Dress Medium.
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dealz-are-sweet · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Teezher Skorts Size Large 31" Waist Teez Her Skort Stretch Athleisure Polka Dots.
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cindibarr · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: HALARA Mid Rise Hi Low Black Polka Dot Flowy Skirt Size Small NWT.
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gamble74vilstrup · 3 months
Detailed Notes on best squishmallows
In lieu of the typical crimson and white look, this Kris Kringle is wearing eco-friendly as well as a plaid best together with his signature hat. No one can be mad all-around pancakes. Rayen is produced up of 3 pancakes stacked together with a maple syrup shade on the highest of every one. She wears a pat of butter in a very syrupy-coloured flower on her head. Every Squishmallow is a personality or animal—and Certainly, you'll find Disney-themed kinds, such as the ever-common Newborn Yoda Squishmallow—with its have identification on the tag. A: New Squishmallows are frequently released, such as restricted editions and special collaborations. Remain up to date on our Site for the latest releases. Against this, whenever you click a Microsoft-delivered advertisement that seems on DuckDuckGo, Microsoft Promotion doesn't associate your advertisement-click on behavior that has a person profile. In addition it will not store or share that info in addition to for accounting purposes. If not, https://www.google.ng/url?q=https://squishmallowsmart.com are generally the symptoms to watch out for: True Squishmallows will constantly come with 3 tags, the very first will say “Primary Squishmallows” with a picture as well as name of your new friend, the 2nd should have “Kelly toys” on along with other information about the product or service, as well as the 3rd will have the toy’s backstory and batch amount. Developed using a flat major and base, the shape of Squishmallows Stackables help it become simpler to pile them on top of one another if you've an entire assortment. Wendy’s Story: If you’re searching for Wendy, likelihood is you’ll discover her out about the basketball court docket. After all, she received the MVP award last calendar year. Not just is she an all-star athlete, but chemistry is her most loved subject and she would like to be described as a renowned scientist when she grows up. Minnie Mouse has gotten the Squishmallow cure and is sporting an lovable pink polka dot bow and skirt. Whether you pair her with Mickey or not, Minnie is usually a great Mate to get about. If Concentrate on is your go-to, you will find good news! Although Target provides a minimal offer of Squishmallows in the mean time, it continue to incorporates a supply (that's a lot more than we could say for a number of other stores). https://www.google.co.th/url?sa=i&url=https://squishmallowsmart.com guess any kid would like it if Santa (or one of his helpers) replaced his glass of milk using this plush Model for your Xmas morning shock. The lamb is another common image of the Easter holiday, but this a single is Unique as a result of patterned patches. This 14” Squishmallow could make a terrific huggable pal for just about any vintage Disney enthusiast, Even when you’re not old enough to recollect the original Mickey Mouse Club. cow for the reason that As outlined by Reddit, there's a debate about whether the pink Jenny the Cow is really a phony or genuine Squishmallow).
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westindieswear · 4 months
Finding Your Perfect Beach Style: A Guide for Every Body Type and Personality
Cool waves, sun-kissed skin, and a chance to relax are alluring features of the beach. But in the middle of the anticipation, "What should I wear?" may become a common concern. Stylish beach lovers, do not fear! Using this guide, you may sift through the many options for women's beach clothes and choose a look that complements your own personality and body shape. We will explore important items, companies that honor your uniqueness, and designs that fit all body types, from athletic sirens to tiny powerhouses and confident curve queens.
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Embrace Your Body, Love Your Look:
Before diving into specifics, remember this key mantra: confidence is the most essential accessory. Every body deserves to be celebrated at the beach, so embrace your unique shape and size. Focus on feeling comfortable and empowered in your chosen outfit, radiating positive vibes that outshine any perceived imperfections.
Understanding Your Body Type:
Knowing your body type can be a helpful starting point, but remember, these are just guidelines, not rigid rules.
Hourglass: Consider high-waisted bikini bottoms for tummy control and accentuate your curves with wrap styles or ruching details. West Indies Wear's "Fan Shell Cotton Dress" offers a beautiful drape that flows with your curves, while their "Starfish Cotton Tank Top" creates a flattering silhouette for your upper body.
Petite: Opt for vertical stripes and avoid overwhelming patterns. High-waisted bottoms elongate your legs, while triangle bikini tops flatter your frame. West Indies Wear's "Vacation Cotton Slip Dress" with its A-line shape and playful print lengthens your torso, while their "Umbrella Palm Cotton Beach Tunic" adds a touch of breezy elegance.
Curvy: Look for supportive swimsuits with ruching or control panels. Bold prints and colors celebrate your confidence, and wrap-around styles like West Indies Wear's "Seashell Cotton Dress" are incredibly flattering. Don't shy away from one-pieces; try brands like Lands' End or Swimsuits for All for options that hug your curves beautifully.
Pear-shaped: Balance your proportions with statement tops and dark-colored bottoms. Look for West Indies Wear's "Seaside Cotton Dress" with its empire waistline or try a vibrant bandeau top paired with solid-colored bottoms. High-leg cuts also help create a more balanced silhouette.
Unleashing Your Personality:
Now, let's paint with the vibrant colors of your personality!
The Chic Minimalist: Seek sleek, sophisticated styles with clean lines and muted tones. Think monochrome swimsuits and breezy linen cover-ups from brands like Solid & Striped or Eres. West Indies Wear's "Ocean Floor Tunic Dress" with its minimalist design and flowy silhouette embodies effortless chic.
The Bohemian Spirit: Embrace flowy dresses, playful prints, and natural fabrics. Explore brands like Spell & the Gypsy Collective or Free People for their unique beachwear selections. West Indies Wear's "Comfortable Cotton Vacation Ruffle Skirt" with its vibrant colors and playful ruffles perfectly captures the bohemian spirit.
The Sporty Spice: Prioritize comfort and functionality with activewear-inspired pieces. Look for rashguards, board shorts, and quick-drying fabrics from brands like Athleta or Roxy. West Indies Wear's "Pineapple Cotton Beach Tee" offers a sporty yet stylish option with its casual fit and fun pineapple print.
The Vintage Vixen: Channel retro vibes with high-waisted bottoms, polka dots, and gingham prints. Look for vintage-inspired brands like Modcloth or Unique Vintage. West Indies Wear's "Seaside Cotton Dress" with its classic stripes and A-line silhouette evokes a timeless vintage charm.
Beyond the Basics:
While swimsuits and cover-ups are crucial, remember the finishing touches:
Sun protection: Opt for stylish hats and sunglasses that offer UV protection. Invest in UPF-rated rashguards and cover-ups for added sun safety.
Beach bag: Choose a functional and stylish tote that can hold all your essentials. West Indies Wear offers beautiful, handcrafted totes made from locally sourced materials.
Footwear: Flip-flops are classic, but consider sandals or water shoes for extra comfort and traction.
Jewelry: Keep it simple with waterproof accessories like bracelets or anklets.
Embrace West Indies Wear:
West Indies Wear, a company that is deserving of particular recognition, throughout this trip. This brand draws inspiration from the Caribbean and uses sustainable processes to develop and manufacture cozy, premium cotton garments. They are an excellent option for discovering your ideal beach appearance because they embrace variety and provide a large selection of designs and sizes.
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houseofmanaa · 5 months
Stylish and Trendy Black and White Outfits for Women from House of Manaa
House of Manaa, a famous name from the world of fashion, has mastery over the art of designing stylish and trendy black and white outfits for women. Following are some of the best suited ideas.
1. Classic Monochrome Dresses
- A black sheath dress with white piping or detailing exudes sophistication.
- A white A-line dress paired with black accessories creates a chic contrast.
2. Chic Workwear
- A tailored black blazer paired with white tailored pants or a pencil skirt is professional yet stylish.
- A white blouse tucked into black trousers, finished with statement accessories, is a classic office ensemble.
3. Edgy Street Style
- Combine a black leather jacket with a white graphic tee and ripped black jeans for an edgy yet chic look.
- Black skinny jeans paired with a white oversized shirt and black ankle boots offer an effortless street style vibe.
4. Casual Yet Trendy
- Style black high-waisted jeans with a white off-shoulder top for a casual yet trendy outfit.
- Combine a black and white striped top with black culottes for a playful and chic look.
5. Elegant Evening Wear
- A black evening gown with white lace accents or detailing is a stunning choice for formal events.
- Opt for a white jumpsuit with black heels and statement jewellery for a modern and elegant look.
6. Mix Textures and Patterns
- Pair a black velvet skirt with a white silk blouse for a luxurious texture combination.
- Mix black and white prints like polka dots, checks, or animal prints for a bold but stylish appearance.
7. Accessory Trick
- Use black and white accessories (scarves, handbags, belts) to add a pop to any outfit.
- Experiment with black and white patterned shoes (stripes, polka dots) to make a statement.
8. Athleisure Fusion
- Combine black leggings with a white oversized hoodie for a comfortable yet trendy athleisure look.
- Pair black joggers with a white crop top and a black bomber jacket for an athletic-chic ensemble.
9. Layering Trick
- Layer a black turtleneck under a white blazer for a sleek and sophisticated appearance.
- Combine a black coat with a white sweater and black trousers for a stylish winter outfit.
10. Minimalistic Elegance
- Opt for a simple black and white color block dress for a minimalist yet striking look.
- Keep it minimal with a white shirt, black pants, and sleek black heels for an effortlessly stylish outfit.
It needs to be remembered that fashion is all about expressing yourself, so feel free to mix and match the above mentioned ideas to suit your personal style. House of Manaa has a large collection of stylish and trendy black and white outfits for women, where you can buy your favourite outfits.
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peacedtogether · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: LuLaRoe Minnie Mouse Red & White Polka Dots Lola Mesh Midi Skirt XL Disney Style.
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mindmatricsmedia · 11 months
The Latest Fashion Trends: What to Wear this Season
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"The Latest Fashion Trends: What to Wear this Season" explores the current fashion trends and provides insights into what to wear to stay stylish and on-trend. Here are some highlights of the latest fashion trends for the season:
1. Bold Colors: Vibrant and bold color palettes are in vogue this season. Think rich jewel tones, vibrant reds, sunny yellows, and vivid blues. Experiment with incorporating these colors into your outfits to make a statement.
2. Oversized Silhouettes: Oversized clothing is making a major comeback. From oversized blazers and chunky sweaters to loose-fitting pants and flowy dresses, embracing volume and relaxed silhouettes is on-trend.
3. Vintage-Inspired Pieces: Retro fashion is experiencing a revival. Look for vintage-inspired pieces like high-waisted jeans, polka dot prints, puff sleeves, and statement collars to add a nostalgic touch to your wardrobe.
4. Sustainable Fashion: Conscious consumerism and sustainable fashion are gaining momentum. Embrace eco-friendly materials, recycled fabrics, and ethical brands to make fashion choices that are both stylish and environmentally responsible.
5. Statement Sleeves: Sleeves are taking center stage this season. Dramatic puffed sleeves, ruffled details, and bell-shaped silhouettes are all the rage. Incorporate tops, dresses, and blouses with statement sleeves for a fashion-forward look.
6. Leather Pieces: Leather is a timeless trend that never goes out of style. This season, leather jackets, skirts, pants, and dresses are all in vogue. Opt for faux leather alternatives for a cruelty-free and sustainable option.
7. Prints and Patterns: Bold prints and patterns are making a statement. Animal prints, plaid, checks, and florals are particularly popular. Mix and match patterns or make a statement with a single bold print piece.
8. Athleisure Wear: The blend of athletic and leisurewear continues to be a trend. Sporty tracksuits, oversized hoodies, and stylish sneakers are effortlessly chic and comfortable for everyday wear.
Remember, fashion trends are a starting point for inspiration, and it's important to adapt them to your personal style and comfort. Incorporate trends that resonate with you and make you feel confident. Ultimately, the key to staying fashionable is embracing your unique sense of style while keeping an eye on the latest trends.
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globusmerch · 1 year
Futuristic Fashion: Top 7 Trends to Follow in 2023
Fashion is an ever-evolving industry that constantly pushes boundaries and challenges traditional ideas of style. As we look ahead to the future of fashion in 2023, it's clear that the trends will continue to be influenced by technology, sustainability, and individuality. In this blog, we will explore the top seven fashion trends that you should follow in 2023, from sustainable fabrics to bold accessories.
Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Fabrics
The fashion industry has been criticized for its negative impact on the environment, and in response, designers and brands are focusing on creating sustainable and eco-friendly collections. In 2023, we can expect to see a rise in the use of organic and recycled fabrics, such as cotton, linen, and hemp. These materials not only reduce waste and pollution, but they also have a lower carbon footprint than traditional fabrics. Additionally, fashion brands will continue to implement sustainable practices throughout their production process, from packaging to shipping.
Bold Prints and Patterns
Bold prints are in style for 2023. Fashion will take a maximalist approach with bold prints and patterns. From animal prints to graphic designs, these prints add a pop of color and visual interest to any outfit. Psychedelic swirls to graphic florals, designers will experiment with eye-catching prints and patterns that make a statement. The key is to mix and match prints in unexpected ways, such as pairing polka dots with stripes or florals with animal prints. This trend is perfect for those who want to add some excitement to their wardrobe or express their individuality by standing out in a crowd.
High-Tech Accessories
Technology will continue to play a role in fashion in 2023, with the rise of high-tech accessories. We can expect to see accessories that incorporate features such as LED lights, smart fabrics, and built-in cameras. For example, handbags with built-in chargers and phone holders, or jackets with heated panels and touch-screen capabilities. These accessories are not only functional, but they also add a futuristic and edgy element to any outfit.
Minimalist Silhouettes
While bold prints and patterns will dominate in 2023, minimalist silhouettes will also have a place in fashion. Clean lines, neutral colors, and simple shapes will provide a contrast to the maximalist trend. This trend is perfect for those who prefer a more understated look or want to showcase their accessories or statement pieces. It's all about balance, and minimalist silhouettes can be easily paired with bold prints and patterns for a sophisticated look.
Mix and Match Styles
Gone are the days of sticking to one particular style or trend. In 2023, fashion will be all about mixing and matching different styles to create a unique and personalized look. For example, pairing a classic blazer with athletic-inspired joggers or wearing a bohemian-inspired dress with chunky combat boots. This trend allows for endless creativity and self-expression, making it perfect for those who want to experiment with their style.
Leather and Vinyl
Leather and vinyl are not just for bikers anymore. These materials are making a comeback in a big way, from jackets to pants to skirts. You can pair them with more traditional pieces or incorporate them into a full-on edgy look. The texture adds a bit of a rock-and-roll feel to any outfit.
Retro Futuristic Fashion
Retro-futuristic styles are becoming more popular in the fashion world. Think of a fusion of vintage and futuristic styles, such as metallic fabrics, bold colors, and oversized accessories. This trend is all about creating a futuristic look with a retro vibe.
The fashion trends for 2023 will be a blend of sustainability, technology, individuality, and maximalism. From eco-friendly fabrics to high-tech accessories, fashion will continue to push boundaries and challenge traditional ideas of style. Whether you prefer bold prints and patterns or minimalist silhouettes, the key is to express your personal style and have fun with fashion. Embrace these top fashion trends to look stylish and on-trend. Let your imagination run wild in 2023!
Happy shopping!
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marymerchandice · 10 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NEW Gold Tone Infinity Symbol Stud Earrings.
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annwynisland · 1 year
Fashion Catalogue
Item names spelled in US English. Ctrl+F (find keyword) recommended. Available variants listed. If none, item has no variant options.
Acid-washed jacket (all)
Aran-knit sweater (white, black, red, blue)
Athletic jacket (black)
Biker jacket (black)
Boa fleece (blue)
Bomber-style jacket (avocado)
Camo tee (avocado)
Cavalier shirt (blue)
Checkered chesterfield coat (all)
Checkered sweater vest (all)
Chesterfield coat (all)
Coatigan (green)
Collarless coat (beige)
Color-block dress shirt (yellow)
Conductor's jacket (green, white)
Cowboy shirt (light blue)
Dance-team jacket (white, black red)
Delivery jacket (brown)
Diner apron (pink)
Doctor's coat (red necktie)
Down jacket (orange)
Dragon jacket
Dress shirt (blue)
Faux-shearling coat (gray, beige)
Flame tee
Flannel shirt (red, blue)
Flight jacket (all)
Gilet and shirt (red)
Groovy shirt (green)
Heavy-duty shirt (blue
Holiday sweater (red, green)
Humble sweater (all)
Kanji tee (blue)
Letter jacket (red)
Loungewear shirt (red)
Military uniform (red)
Mod parka (green)
Noble coat (black, red, blue)
Open track jacket (all)
Parka undercoat (black)
Peacoat (gray)
Peasant blouse (white)
Plaid puffed-sleeve shirt (sweet plaid)
Pocket tee (green)
Polo shirt (orange)
Poncho-style sweater (all)
Printed-sleeve sweater (black, orange)
Privét tee
Puffy vest (camel)
Pullover jacket (light blue)
Python-print jacket (all)
Raincoat (purple, beige)
Robot hero tee (black)
Rose-print jacket (all)
Rubber apron (all)
Sailor-style shirt (white)
Shirt with camera (light blue)
Simple parka (black, blue)
Striped shirt (blue)
Skiwear (purple)
Space parka (all)
Sweatshirt (gray, yellow, blue, purple)
Sweetheart tank and shirt (all)
Tailored jacket (all)
Tight-knit sweater (all)
Track jacket (green)
Trench coat (beige)
Vampire costume (black)
Warrior armor (black)
Worker's jacket (light blue)
Yodel sweater (beige)
Belted wraparound skirt (all)
Bomber-style skirt (all)
Casual pants (brown)
Chain pants (white)
Checkered school skirt (dark gray, yellow)
Corduroy pants (green)
Cropped pants (all)
Denim cutoffs (black)
Denim pants (light blue)
Denim skirt (all)
Down pants (blue)
Fringe skirt (camel)
Geometric-print pants (blue)
Hickory-stripe pants (all)
Jogging shorts (black)
Kilt (all)
Labelle shorts (love)
Pleather pants (red)
Pleather shorts (black, red)
Polka-dot miniskirt (blue)
Punk pants (all)
Rose-print skirt (all)
Rose-print slacks (all)
Sailor skirt (all)
Slacks (white, black, beige)
Soccer shorts (all)
Surfing shorts (all)
Sweatpants (gray)
Worn-out jeans (light blue, black)
Athletic outfit (purple)
Bekasab robe (purple)
Boa parka (gray)
Casual chic dress (all)
Festive tree dress (green & white)
Full-body tights (red)
Jumper work suit (black)
Parka dress (orange)
Sheep costume (light blue)
Steampunk dress (purple)
Stylish jumpsuit (black)
Sweetheart dress (all)
Tiger-face tee dress (all)
Captain’s hat
Cavalier hat (blue)
Cook cap with logo (blue)
Denim cap (black)
Do-rag (purple)
Fedora (all)
Flashy pointy-eared animal hat (black)
Fox mask (all)
Giant ribbon (red)
Impish horns (white, black, red)
Knit cap with earmuffs
Labelle hat (love)
Light-up flower crown (light blue, yellow)
Magic-academy hood (black)
Outback hat (all)
Outdoor hat (orange)
Plain cap (green)
Sports cap (red)
Steampunk hat (purple)
Student cap (black)
Tropical hat (blue)
Tropical turban (purple)
Wide-brim straw hat (all)
Animal nose
Double nose tissues
Eye gauze
Fake nose
Heart shades (all)
Masquerade mask (black, red, blue)
Neon shades (light blue & pink, orange & lime)
Nose tissue
Octagonal glasses (gold)
Pilot shades (all)
Pleated mask (black)
Privacy mask
Rimmed glasses (gold)
Rounded beard
Sporty shades (lime)
Squared browline glasses (brown)
Tortoise specs (all)
Triangle shades (green)
Wooden-frame glasses (dark brown)
Back-bow socks (black)
Bobby socks (all)
Compression tights (yellow)
Embroidered-flower tights (all)
Everyday socks (navy blue)
Everyday tights (all)
Fishnet tights (black, red)
Frilly knee-high socks (pink)
Funny-face socks (blue)
Garter socks (white, purple)
Geometric-print socks (peacock blue)
Gladiator sandals (all)
Hand-knit socks (all)
Holey tights (all)
Horizontal-striped tights (black)
Knee bandages
Labelle socks (love)
Leg warmers (black)
Neon tights (all)
No-show socks (all)
Patterned stockings (black)
Sequin leggings (black, green)
Spider-web tights (black)
Striped socks (monotone)
Striped tights (all)
Wave-print socks (gray)
Ballet slippers (black)
Business shoes (all)
Cast (all)
Cowboy boots (black)
Embroidered shoes (black)
Faux-suede sneakers (light blue)
Flip-flops (all)
Ghillie brogues (black)
High-tops (white)
Kimono sandals (green)
Lace-up boots (all)
Pleather ankle booties (all)
Rain boots (black)
Rubber-toe sneakers (black, light blue)
Slip-on loafers (white, blue)
Slip-on school shoes (green)
Steel-toed boots (black, red)
Trekking shoes (brown)
Vinyl round-toed pumps (all)
Visual-punk boots
Wooden clogs (blue, brown)
Work boots (white, red)
Zori (gold)
Apparel-shop paper bag (pink)
Bear backpack (white, pink)
Botanical-print backpack (white)
Checkered backpack (green, blue)
Crossbody bag (pink)
Delivery bag (pink)
Dreamy backpack (all)
Dreamy pockets
Furoshiki bag (blue)
Hand-knit pouch (green)
Instrument case (blue)
Knapsack (black)
Leopard-print backpack (brown, blue)
Panda backpack (all)
Pleather crossbody bag (navy blue)
Pleather handbag (orange)
Pleather shoulder bag (navy blue, brown)
Polka-dot backpack (blue)
Python-print shoulder bag (brown)
Randoseru (red, black, light blue)
Satchel (red)
School bag (navy blue)
Simple backpack (camel)
Simple tote bag (green)
Studded backpack (white)
Town backpack (green)
Travel pouch (light blue)
Traveler’s backpack (orange)
Zebra-print backpack (yellow)
Frog umbrella
Panda umbrella
Rainbow umbrella
Leaf-print wet suit (yellow, light blue)
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