missowo · 1 year
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I love. love them so much. like literally I freaking love idw mikey and rise mikey like literally. they just the. best. :(((((((( I CANT THINK ABOUT THEM.
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 month
Some of My TMNT Hot Takes 🔥
Warning: Opinions
2012 April was a good character and a fun version/take on April. Y’all are just mean.
Casey Jr. in the Rise movie was a bland and uninteresting character. He did not feel like/deserve to be called a “Casey Jones”.
Jennika in IDW, while a cool concept/character, is overused/overrated.
I don’t like shipping Raph (any version) with human characters. I prefer him dating other mutants or aliens.
2012 Karai is the best/most interesting version of Karai, but she’s also one of the most irritating recurring characters in 2012. I love and hate her.
Jonatello in 2012 is overrated as hell.
Rise Mikey is very forgettable (to me).
April needs to stop being shipped with the Turtles and being their love interest.
87 Shredder is the BEST version of Shredder!
I liked the Irma being a robot twist in 2012. It was an injustice to the Irma character but it was still shocking, and I do like her kinda return as Rook, so there’s some credit to that.
2007 Splinter was a bad dad.
Casey being a cop in the bayverse movies was an interesting take that could’ve worked for his backstory of becoming a vigilante, but it was executed poorly.
IDW Donnie x Mona Lisa is stupid and a completely pointless ship to include in the comics. It feels very forced.
Rise Raph is too big. That, or the other characters are too small. Either way, while I like Rise Raph, his design feels off sometimes.
2012 Mikey is actually annoying and often deserves to be scolded by his brothers for doing dumb immature shit. He’s 15, not 5, he should know better.
The 87 Turtles DO have individual and unique personalities, that includes 87 Leo!
Capril is not a good ship, but I’d still much rather ship April with Casey than with any of the Turtles.
While I love 2012 Renetangelo and 87 Kalangelo, Mikey is the one Turtle that I don’t think needs a love interest. I’d much rather see him be single.
If you’re mad at/hate 2012 April for “killing Donnie” when being possessed in that one episode, but don’t feel the same towards Raph, Karai, Slash and Rockwell for torturing/hurting their friends/family when brainwashed, then you’re a massive hypocrite.
Raph x Mona Lisa in 2012 is the BEST TMNT ship that came out of the four TMNT franchises that Nickelodeon has made. Maybe even the best overall couple in all of TMNT.
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stageplaymlp · 11 months
4 and 18 for the tmnt asks!
4. What's your favorite iteration of TMNT?
Okay, so Rise is probably my overall favourite. It has my favourite characters, visuals, sense of humour, and such. It’s definitely the version of TMNT that’s just the most fun to me, y’know? It’s the one where I can stick on an episode or the movie and just have a good fucking time along with a good laugh, guaranteed
That being said, in terms of plot? Ehhhh. First of all, Rise doesn’t take itself too seriously in the plot department. What we have is good, but not very fleshed out, due to the second fact that Rise’s cancellation meant that (in my opinion) it couldn’t reach the heights it very well could have (I want more lore about the Yokai damn it, also I want to see the missing turtle siblings + all those character arcs that didn’t get to happen)
Another thing I’ve noticed with my tastes in this franchise, is that while episodic, silly stuff is fun, I love me some MEATY PLOT. I like something I can really CHEW ON. That keeps me ENGAGED episode to episode, y’know?
And that’s where stuff like TMNT 2003 and IDW come in. They have some of my favourite storylines in the franchise. Hands down. Even though I haven’t finished ‘03, I’d say it has the best plot in terms of consistency (like for writing quality and tone). IDW, while it can be dicey at times, when it’s good it’s GOOD, and will do the emotional equivalent of grabbing your head and slamming your face against the wall
Basically, I love version of TMNT with a strong, healthy balance between the serious and silly. I want to laugh AND cry, y’know?
Also ‘03 Mikey is very gender
18. Anything you want to see in future iterations of TMNT?
Ohhhh, that’s a hard one.
This is going to sound a bit weird, and I think it’s influenced by where I am in my life right now... but I want to see the turtles grow up.
Not that I think they need to be “mor mature” or anything, no no no. In fact, I LOVE how the latest version of TMNT have really been leaning into them being, well, kids. It’s very sweet, in my opinion
But the thing is, most of the time in TMNT, when we see potential futures and adult versions of the boys, it’s almost always bad. Same As It Never Was, Mutant Apocalypse, Kraang Apocalypse, The Last Ronin, all the different horrible futures IDW shows off. These boys very rarely just get to be... happy? As adults?
I mean, I doubt the turtles, in any version, will ever truly know peace in their lives, that’s just who they are and the world they were born into, but I want them to have something y’know?
I think that’s part of why I enjoy what IDW’s doing at the minute, especially back during the Mutant Town arc. The boys are implied to be reaching adulthood (it’s canonically been a few years since the start of the story given all the Christmas specials), and we get to see them do stuff like move into their own house, get jobs, connect with the local community, enjoy their hobbies, take people under their wing, even have a romantic partner (good for you, Raph). I love that kind of thing. I hear the Archie comics do something similar
I want a version of TMNT to end not with them being perpetual teenagers, but with them growing up, still having adventures
I want the promise that my boys will be okay, and that maybe I’ll be okay too
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dumbdotcomm · 4 years
my head is like reeling with confusion from that ask you got saying they thought rise!raph and mikey were boring and compared to 2k12... anyways i honestly feel the same way as you on the whole thing abt people ignoring raph and mikey in favor of donnie and leo, like i really feel rise!raph in particular is probably the best take on any of the turtles across all iterations. they both need more love! sorry if this is unwanted, i just felt like telling you you're not alone in thinking so ^^;
Same!!!!! Like the way Rise reconstructed Raph without taking away his core elements is so important and so good. He’s still got a temper, he still jumps into things and follows a lot of his impulses but they made him so much more than the “hothead” and played more on what other great incarnations like idw and bayverse showed- that beneath all of that he cares deeply for his family and is quite sensitive.
Idk how that could ever be boring in my opinion.
And Mikey went from being just the “underrated goofball” in 2012 to a character who genuinely feels like a kid but not infantalized. The things Rise!Mikey cares about arent just pizza and video games. He’s shown to long to be independent, very emotionally intelligent, and worked really hard to mend Splinter’s- and his own- grudge with Draxum. He really became an integral part of Splinter’s growth and that’s a dignity given to Rise!Mikey that the writers didnt give to 2012 Mikey unfortunately
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