#Realizing that the translated flavor text of these cards have typos (“passed” instead of past for the purple mirror one;
ygoartreviews · 7 months
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Doll of Dread
"I always get sleep paralysis while sleeping in my dressing room... And inside that the dark, when I look towards my pillow..."
Today's card is based on the Okiku doll legend. A girl named Okiku received a doll as a present from her older brother, and when she passed away the next year, it was said her spirit now inhabited the doll because the doll's hair began to grow. This card combines this legend with the practice of ushi no toki mairi, driving nails into a sacred tree of a Shinto shrine (sometimes including nailing an effigy in the process) in order to place a deadly curse on someone. (This is why the "curse" animation in Pokemon involves a nail being driven into the Pokemon). Thus the implication is that Okiku has taken a sinister turn and begun cursing people for some reason. I'll be honest, the card text on this one just sounds like a bunch of unrelated nonsense. I guess the point is that Doll of Dread is tormenting this guy while they're sleeping? Idk, I'd rather hear about why she's decided to start putting nails in people. I also think, for a combination of these two concepts, they could've leaned a little more into the cursing part. She's clearly got the long hair of the Okiku doll (and is, arguably, a doll), but they could've added the three candle headdress and white clothing that are required as part of the ritual.
Rating: 7/10, Seems like a card Thomas Arclight would use
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