#Roo Stamblin
lesbian-ashe · 3 years
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I have a bunch of ocs that are inspired by TI characters, and wanted to draw some self-indulgent art of them hanging out together! plus a for-fun bonus doodle of Driscol if he cleaned up first is Driscol with Verne, Driscol has blossomed into his own thing, but he was super inspired by Verne and I sure wouldn’t have made him if Verne didn’t exist and wasn’t such a fun character! I think they would get along well, and that’s probably an awful thing second; I made my oc Liez before watching TI, but she didn’t have a lot of personality or was very fleshed out til I had Ashe as an inspiration! she’s a big lesbian mouse with a big gay crush (I want to make it clear she’s an adult, she’s just small because mouse) third is my oc Roo Stamblin! One’s cousin! he actually came to me in a dream! he’s a tiefling with storm-based magic, and a tanuki familiar! now, in my dream it was a little different, his name wasn’t Roo, it was… Goo. and I know it’s cause of all the “Goober” talk going on in recent episodes that my brain latched onto that name ghdgfdgh. I did decide the Tanuki’s name is Goobert though. he was also One’s dad, not his cousin. but I hated both of those things and changed them. dream also said he’s trans which is really cool of him fourth is my oc Augustina Jun, who’s Inien’s sister! she also came to me in a dream! Inien canonically has at least one sibling given she’s said she has a nephew, which was hinted that it may or may not be Colvin? I think it was left intentionally vague so you can decide. personally, I love that idea. so dream brain came up with an oc who is Inien’s sister and Colvin’s mom. I like to think she’s very much an elegant and refined scholarly lady who has a strong Cain instinct and goes ape as soon as little sis walks into the room five and six: my oc Kirza, the Harbinger of Something or Another, a spirit of curses, with Rat, who definitely inspired them conceptually. it’s not malevolent, nor in control of the affects it has on it’s surroundings. really weird stuff happens wherever they go, sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes both, but usually just strange. I think Rat would definitely be very interested in them. physically, they were inspired by the weird horse head guy in the opening animation of the series!
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text transcription: Rat: MY! and what a REPULSIVE creature you are! What’s your name? Kirza: [GROSS crunching noises] Rat: After my own heart are you? HM-HM! sorry for the big text wall you DON’T have to read that shit dfgzjzfhscsdf
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