#Russell Joslin
joeinct · 2 months
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Fountainhead, Photo by Russell Joslin, 2009
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adreciclarte5 · 28 days
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by Russell Joslin, 2016
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helpersofindie · 1 year
hey, would you have any ideas for a bunch of siblings for margaret qualley and talia ryder, both older and younger please?
kendall vertes (19)
zoe colletti (20)
isaak presley (20)
ryan manick (21)
danielle rose russell (23)
chandler riggs (23)
peyton meyer (23)
felix mallard (24)
maya hawke (24)
asa butterfield (25)
lorde (26)
kodi smit-mcphee (26)
katherine langford (26)
deaken bluman (26)
madison davenport (26)
natalia dyer (27)
kristine froseth (27)
dacre montgomery (28)
liz gillies (29)
india eisley (29)
freddy carter (29)
katie stevens (29)
cameron monaghan (29)
kaya scodelario (29)
freddie highmore (30)
barry keoghan (30)
george mackay (30)
jeremy allen white (31)
kacey rohl (31)
laura berlin (32)
grant gustin (32)
meghann fahy (32)
bo burnham (32)
anna popplewell (33)
jessica de gouw (34)
robbie amell (34)
nico tortorella (34) - nico is genderfluid and uses they/them pronouns!
justice joslin (34)
trace lysette (35) - trace is a trans woman!
zane holtz (35)
colin morgan (36)
daniel sharman (36)
robert pattinson (36)
megan fox (36)
alexandra daddario (36)
anna kendrick (37)
phil lester (37)
luke mitchell (37)
tom hopper (37)
jaimie alexander (38)
katie mcgrath (39)
bridget regan (40)
cobie smulders (40)
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platre-egouttoir · 1 month
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A Bubble of Silence in a Wilderness of Noise, Photo by Russell Joslin, 2015
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worldsandemanations · 2 months
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Russell Joslin
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yorkcalling · 5 months
Interview: Russell Joslin
Russell Joslin is an musician who has just released his fifth full-length album, titled O Veisalgia. It’s an interesting record, mixing a few different genres together, such as post-punk, electronica, indie rock and grunge. As such, it’s an album that will appeal to a wide variety of listeners, making this one record to not miss out on! Find out more about Russell below! By Jane Howkins You…
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aayushi1806 · 10 months
How Bromelain Enzyme Is Made And Its Benefits
What Is Bromelain Enzyme And How Is It Made? What Are The Benefits?
What Is Bromelain Enzyme?
Bromelain is an enzyme extract derived from the stems of pineapples, although it exists in all parts of the fresh plant and fruit. The extract has a history of folk medicine use. As a culinary ingredient, it may be used as a meat tenderiser.
The term “bromelain” may refer to either of two protease enzymes extracted from the plants of the family Bromeliaceae, or it may refer to a combination of those enzymes along with other compounds produced in an extract.
Although tested in a variety of folk medicine and research models for its possible efficacy against diseases, the only approved clinical application for bromelain was issued in 2012 by the European Medicines Agency for a topical medication called NexoBrid used to remove dead tissue in severe skin burns.
History Of Bromelain Enzyme
Pineapples have a long tradition as a medicinal plant among the natives of South and Central America. The first isolation of bromelain was recorded by the Venezuelan chemist Vicente Marcano in 1891 by fermenting the fruit of the pineapple. In 1892, Russell Henry Chittenden, assisted by Elliott P. Joslin and Frank Sherman Meara, investigated the matter more completely, and called it ‘bromelain’. Later, the term ‘bromelain’ was introduced and originally applied to any protease from any member of the plant family Bromeliaceae.
Sources Of Bromelain Enzyme
Bromelain is present in all parts of the pineapple plant (Ananas sp.), but the stem is the most common commercial source, presumably because usable quantities are readily extractable after the fruit has been harvested.
How Does It Work?
Bromelain seems to cause the body to produce substances that fight pain and swelling (inflammation). Bromelain also contains chemicals that interfere with the growth of tumor cells and slow blood clotting.
Benefits Of Bromelain Enzyme
People use bromelain as a natural remedy for many health issues. There is little quality scientific research to support many of its use, however.
We discuss the possible benefits of bromelain supplements, along with the research, below:
1. Relieving Sinusitis
Bromelain may be helpful as supportive therapy to reduce the symptoms of sinusitis and related conditions that affect breathing and the nasal passages. A 2016 review of studies suggests that bromelain may reduce the duration of sinusitis symptoms in children, improve breathing, and reduce nasal inflammation. A 2006 systematic review reports that bromelain, when a person uses it alongside standard medications, can help relieve inflammation in the sinuses. This study provides high-quality evidence, as it looked at 10 randomised control trials.
2. Treating Osteoarthritis
People commonly use bromelain supplements to improve the symptoms of osteoarthritis. A 2004 review of clinical studies found that bromelain is a useful treatment for osteoarthritis, possibly due to its anti-inflammatory effects. The researchers say that further research is needed into the effectiveness and suitable dosages.
However, this is an older study, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) says that the research to date is mixed about whether bromelain, alone or with other medications, is effective in treating osteoarthritis.
3. Anti-Inflammatory Effects
Along with reducing nasal inflammation in sinusitis, bromelain may also reduce inflammation elsewhere in the body. According to a 2016 review of studies, research in cell and animal models has suggested that bromelain can reduce certain compounds associated with cancer inflammation and tumour growth. Bromelain also may help stimulate a healthy immune system to release inflammation-fighting immune system compounds. The review also suggests that bromelain can reduce transforming growth factor beta, which is a compound associated with inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis and osteomyelofibrosis. However, scientists had conducted many of these studies on mice or in a cell-based laboratory setting, so researchers do not currently know the effects that bromelain has on humans.
4. Anticancer Effects
Bromelain may have anticancer effects both on cancer cells and by improving inflammation in the body and boosting the immune system, according to a 2010 review in the journal Cancer Letters.
However, the NIH says that there is currently not enough evidence to suggest that bromelain has any effects on cancer.
5. Enhancing Digestion
Some people take bromelain to relieve stomach upset and the symptoms of digestive disorders. Due to its inflammation-reducing properties, some people use it as an adjunct therapy to treat inflammatory bowel disorders. The NIH state that there is not enough evidence for using bromelain to aid digestion.
Animal studies have suggested that bromelain can reduce the effects of some bacteria that affect the intestine, such as Escherichia coli and Vibrio cholera. These are both common causes of diarrhoea.
6. Weight Loss
Some supplement manufacturers are marketing bromelain as a weight loss aid. They state that the enzymes in bromelain can increase the speed at which the body digests fats. However, there is little research to suggest that bromelain could help a person lose weight.
Benefits For The Skin
As already mentioned, bromelain has significant anti-inflammatory effects and these have been documented in several clinical trials.
Bromelain is effective because of the following reasons:
Bromelain inhibits excessive inflammation and pro-inflammatory cytokines which may impair the healing process of the skin
Bromelain is able to reduce oedema
Bromelain can improve the effectiveness of antibiotics and may be useful in improving recovery time and wound care
Bromelain is able to help improve debridement of wounds which have the necrotic tissue in infections and burns
1. Treatment Of Burns
Multiple studies have shown that proteolytic enzymes such as bromelain are able to significantly reduce the amount of time it takes for wounds to heal and close. In a study published in 2017, researchers took 26 subjects who were aged between 18 – 78 years and had suffered from facial burns. Enzymatic debridement resulted in much faster healing time compared to the group that used standard treatment.
The group who received bromelain treatment had their wounds close in 19 days compared to 42 days for the standard surgical debridement. Scar quality was also superior by the end of 12 months in the bromelain group.
In an earlier study published in 2014, researchers used bromelain for debridement of deep wounds. As with the previous study I mentioned, they showed significant results for the treatment group.
NXB cream, which contained bromelain, reduced the time to complete debridement. The results were 2.2 days for treatment vs 8.7 days for standard treatment. The need for surgery was also much less at 24.5% for the bromelain group and 70% for standard treatment.
2. Plastic And Facial Reconstructive Surgery
If you’re choosing to have a facelift or you need to get surgery on your face, you probably want the redness, swelling, and discomfort to go away pretty quickly. This time, a study used a supplement containing vitamin C, grapeseed extract, and bromelain to see if it could improve healing time in healthy patients who had reconstructive surgery.
Over a period of seven days, patients were given four capsules per day. Out of the twenty-two patients who completed the trials, seventeen of them responded to the supplement with improvements in healing. The supplement containing bromelain helped speed up healing time by 17 percent. The wounds showed less inflammation and less redness overall.
3. Skin Diseases
Bromelain may be able to effectively treat some chronic skin conditions because of its anti-inflammatory, immune modulating effects, and anti-viral effects. A skin condition called Pityriasis Lichenoides Chronica, which is characterised by small raised red spots or papules on the skin surface as well as significant scaling can be treated using bromelain. In a study published in 2007, eight patients who had PLC were treated with bromelain for three months (40 mg, three times per day for 1 month) were all cured
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loimposibleblog · 1 year
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Títol: ”Lo imposible”
Any: 2012
Director: Juan Antonio Bayona
Equip actoral: Naomi Watts, Ewan McGregor, Tom Holland, Geraldine Chaplin, Marta Etura, Samuel Joslin, Sönke Möhring, Douglas Johansson, Gitte Witt, Dominic Power, Byron Gibson, Olivia Jackson, Russell Geoffrey Banks, Oaklee, Pendergast. 
Una família viatja a Tailàndia per passar-hi les vacances de Nadal quan un tsunami arriba a l'hotel on estaven allotjats. La pel·lícula mostra els obstacles dels seus membres per sobreviure i retrobar-se enmig de la gran confusió. La mare i el fill gran van a parar a un hospital perquè ella té una greu ferida a la cama, mentre que el pare i els altres dos fills es queden a l'hotel sense saber si els altres són vius. El pare envia els petits a un refugi mentre ell recórre els diferents hospitals i centres de socors buscant la seva dona i el seu altre fill. Es retroben per atzar després d'intentar ajudar altres famílies en situació similar i aconsegueixen ser evacuats del país tots junts.
Una de les escenes més emblamàtiques de la pel·lícula és la del retrobament entre el germà gran, en Lucas, amb els dos germans petits que no als que no veia des d'abans del tsunami.
Minut 2:15-4:45
El punt de vista d’aquesta escena de la pel·lícula és objectiva, això passa quan la càmera adopta un punt de vista neutre, com el que adoptaria un espectador extern que simplement mira des de fora el que està passant.
L'escena és gravada a partir d'una combinació de diferents moviments de càmera: el tràveling i un tràveling circular. El travelling és utilitzat quan a l’escena la càmera es desplaça seguint el recorregut del germà gran, en Lucas, en aquest cas d’un lloc a l’altre. Es fa normalment sobre uns rails per facilitar la gravació però en aquest cas no ha estat així. Per altra banda el tràveling circular és aquell en què la càmera gira en cercle al voltant del personatge, el qual ho veiem quan la càmera gira al voltant dels tres personatge (els tres germans) mentre aquests s'abraçen efussivament.
L’escena és gravada a partir d'un l’angle normal o neutre, aquest es realitza amb la càmera situada a l’alçada dels ulls del personatge. Això no és així en totes les cultures audiovisuals, de vegades l’angle normal se situa a uns pocs pams del terra, com en el cinema japonès clàssic. 
Pel que fa al pla, s'ha usat el pla general, en aquest veiem la figura dels personatges sencers mentres corren per retrobar-se i també veiem l’escenari on es desenvolupa l’acció. Per altra banda també s’enfoca des d’un pla mig i un primer pla, això ho podem veure just quan s’estan abraçant els tres germans, ja que són gravats de cintura amunt i també de primer pla, només el rostre. 
El camp és tot allò que al càmera fa visible en un enquadrament determinat, és a dir tot allò que veiem en una pantalla perquè la càmera ens ho vol mostrar. En aquest cas, en aquesta escena, es visualitza el germà gran a l’interior d’un hospital o centre de socor on s'allotjen tots els rescatats pel tsunami, i posteriorment es veu l’exterior d’aquest hospital amb els altres dos germans.
El muntatge d'una escena és la combinació de diferents plans amb l'objectiu de donar un significat a l'escena cap al públic. En aquesta escena, s'ha realitzat una combinació de primers plans per tal de mostrar les expressions facials dels personatges i aconseguir transmetre més realisticament les emocions d'aquests. Per altra banda, el pla general ha permès ficar en situació a la persona que està mirant la pel·lícula i mostrar-li el paisatge devastador que ha deixat el tsunami al seu pas, d'aquesat manera es vol ensenyar la tragedia. Aquests plans s'han combinat amb els moviments de càmera, com ara el tràveling circular, quan la càmera gira al voltant d'en Tomas, el germà gran que està buscant els seus germans petits pel centre de socorr on es troben, el que es busca és transmetre aquesta angoixa i estrés que està vivint en aquell moment de desesperació.
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ksstradio · 2 years
Obituary – Bruce “Pops” Logan
Obituary – Bruce “Pops” Logan
Bruce “Pops” Logan A funeral service for Bruce “Pops” Logan, age 94 of Dike, Texas will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, August 26, 2022, at Murray-Orwosky Funeral Home with Elder Dale Vreeland officiating. Interment will follow at Sulphur Springs City Cemetery with Russell Logan, Paul Logan, Mark Doughty, Joe Don Joslin, Asa Joslin and Pete Doughty serving as pallbearers. Visitation will be held from…
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vincekris · 6 years
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Russell Joslin, Fountainhead
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russelljoslin-blog · 6 years
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Series of Dreams: Selections from 17 Years/68 Issues of Shots Magazine edited by Russell Joslin available from Skeleton Key Press
"Like a cherished sonata, you can listen to this book many a time."  –Arno Rafael Minkkinen
"The layout and combination of the images in Series of Dreams are truly spectacular and I believe that Russell Joslin’s latest book is doing exactly what it should be doing—connecting the dream world with the viewer."  –Roger Ballen
"It is Russell Joslin's breathtaking ability to source, to see, to recognize photography that transcends reiteration to become Art, yes, and further to describe Beauty—Beauty as profound and nuanced as kindness is—which defined his 17 year tenure as editor of Shots and is here distilled into intoxicating lucidity."  –Sally Mars, from the foreword of Series of Dreams
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joeinct · 2 months
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Arm and Trunk, Fountainhead, Photo by Russell Joslin, 2001
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New Audio: Russell Joslin Shares Dance Floor Friendly Yet Bleak "Streetfight"
New Audio: Russell Joslin Shares Dance Floor Friendly Yet Bleak "Streetfight" @russellEjoslin @heygroover @romainpalmieri @DorianPerron
https://open.spotify.com/track/2KeZsVNY1q1Jrn3b5tbsvr?si=c38184b1acd74e67 Russell Joslin is a British singer/songwriter, who started his career as an acoustic folk artist. Joslin’s latest project, Russell Joslin & High Black Water was founded during pandemic-related lockdowns and is marked departure from his pervious work: the project sees the British artist pushing his sound in a more…
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linwhastic · 4 years
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Russell Joslin: Alone Forever Sometimes https://ift.tt/35tPRSz
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monika-k-adler · 5 years
Monika K. Adler: Analog Forever Magazine: Compelling Dreams
”Analog Forever Magazine is pleased to showcase 30 images in this month’s online exhibition entitled Compelling Dreams. Curated by Russell Joslin, these photographs explore the results of photographers who push the envelope with their photography in either a technical or social sense”. Read here…
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littlebrownmushroom · 5 years
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Recently Received: Series of Dreams by Skeleton Key Press  edited by Russel Joslin 
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