clapperboardtalk · 4 months
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Possessor (2020): A Chilling Ride Through Someone Else's Skin (and Mind)
Title: Possessor
Genre: Sci-Fi, Psychological Thriller
Year: 2020
Country: Canada
Inhale, exhale, then step into the shoes (or rather, minds) of Tasya Vos, a corporate assassin with a killer app: bodyjacking. Using brain-implant tech, she dives into the lives of unsuspecting hosts, turning them into human puppets to eliminate high-profile targets. But when a mission goes sideways in the opulent world of a tycoon's family, Tasya's grip on reality starts to slip. Is she the hunter, or is she the hunted? This is "Possessor," and buckle up, because it's a mind-bending trip you won't forget (or forgive your therapist for recommending).
Acting so good, it's almost criminal (pun intended). Andrea Riseborough delivers a tour-de-force performance as Tasya, capturing the cold efficiency of a professional killer and the creeping terror of a fractured identity. Christopher Abbott as the hijacked host, Colin, is equally compelling, portraying his descent into madness with raw vulnerability. Even Sean Bean, in a brief but memorable cameo as Colin's father, adds a touch of gravitas to the proceedings.
The camerawork is like a voyeuristic ghost, flitting between the physical and the digital. One moment you're in Tasya's sterile control room, the next you're trapped in the host's bewildered eyes. The sound design is equally immersive, amplifying the unsettling hum of technology and the gut-wrenching screams of unwilling vessels.
Now, let's dissect the "good" and "bad" like a rogue implant analyzing a host. The acting, story, and visuals are all top-notch, weaving a suspenseful narrative that keeps you guessing until the very end. The ending itself, while bleak, is a satisfying twist that lingers long after the credits roll. As for the "bad"? Well, let's just say the film isn't for the faint of heart. It's brutal, disturbing, and dives deep into the murky waters of identity and free will. But hey, if you're looking for a mainstream popcorn flick, this ain't it.
Netizens seem to be split. Some hail it as a bold and innovative masterpiece, while others find it too dark and unsettling. Regardless, "Possessor" sparks conversation and leaves a lasting impression.
Budget vs. box office? Let's just say the film wasn't a blockbuster, but its cult following and critical acclaim have secured its place in the pantheon of mind-bending sci-fi.
Fun fact: The film was shot on 35mm film, a rarity in the digital age, adding to its gritty, retro feel. Additionally, the practical effects were created with minimal CGI, making the gore all the more realistic (and stomach-churning).
Overall, "Possessor" is a solid film for the genre, not your average sci-fi flick. It's a challenging watch, but one that rewards the patient viewer with a thought-provoking and unsettling experience. Just remember, once you step into someone else's mind, there's no guarantee you'll ever find your way back.
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars (but prepare for a wild ride!)
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