#Should be using my newish laptop to see this
that-shamrock-vibe · 4 years
Movie Review: Mulan (2020, Spoilers)
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Spoiler Warning: I am posting this review the week following the movie’s release on Disney+ worldwide, so if you haven’t yet seen the 2020 live-action Mulan do not read on until you have.
General Reaction:
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I had a very hard time deciding what I thought about this movie. I firstly had time to wait to see the movie as I didn’t watch it on Disney+ on the Friday it was released but instead got to see it for free the following Sunday night. But in that time all the reviews were coming out and while some of them were positive, a lot of them were negative.
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I guess my feelings can be categorised into three pillars just as the oath sworn by the imperial army...loyal, brave and true, the first pillar is loyalty as in my thoughts on the original animated Mulan and how this movie holds up.
I will say, had I not seen the original I would probably just like this live-action remake fine enough but because I have not only seen the original 1996 animated version but have a strong connection to that version with it being the first movie I ever saw in theatres but also one of my favoured soundtracks of all Disney movies growing up, it’s difficult as we are literally comparing new for old.
That being said, a lot of what made the original so good for me has been completely gutted in this version. No Mushu, Cri-Kee or even Little Brother. It would be so easy to simply have a Shar Pei or a Shih Tzu roaming around Mulan’s home because they already had a spider taking the place of Cri-Kee in that matchmaker scene but no...we get the horse who isn’t even called Khan in this movie because the main villain’s surname is instead Khan rather than Shan Yu like the original, and a phoenix that...despite all the exposition and my movie trivia knowledge of what a phoenix can do...simply just flies around almost like one of those box kites and acts more like a drone than an ancestral family protector.
Also the grandmother from the original, who I loved because Disney has a habit of doing these elderly cooky women traditionally for comedy but also with some heart, is omitted from this version and instead seemingly replaced with a younger sister for Mulan. Now it’s not like the grandmother was integral to the original story other than giving Cri-Kee to Mulan and without Cri-Kee there is no need for her but if you’re going to replace her replace her with something interesting...this sister does absolutely nothing.
As for the songs, Everyone knew right from the off that this wouldn’t be a musical and so all those great songs from that soundtrack that I said at the time was one of my favourite Disney soundtracks were obviously out...but the way in which the score incorporated the main song “Reflection” is something we’ve already heard in the trailers and used very well played out here, then also two of the other songs “I’ll Make a Man Out of You” and “A Girl Worth Fighting For”, while not scored are referenced as lines from the songs are spoken by the Imperial Army soldiers at times.
Then speaking of ditching characters, Shang who is the main male lead of the 1998 animated Mulan is here split into two different characters. The commander of the Imperial Army played by Donnie Yen and then a soldier recruit in said army who acts as Mulan’s love interest...I think. I get the fact that these were the two sides of Shang’s character in the original...with the addition of dealing with the murder of his father...but it would have made more sense maybe to have the commander be “Shang’s” father rather than literally having Shang A and Shang B.
But while other fan-favourites were omitted, one new addition stole the show for me and that was Gong Li as Xian Lung aka The Witch as she’s referred to throughout in this movie. I thought the addition of magic to this adaptation was an interesting take because the original stands out for not relying so heavily on the fairytale aspects. I mean yes we have a talking dragon and ghostly ancestors, who also aren’t in this movie but are referenced a lot and responsible for the box kite phoenix, but the movie didn’t need magic per-say...here it is almost like the secret sauce for how the major players thrive.
This brings me onto my second pillar, brave...as in this movie takes some big old swings in the dark to not only try and stand out from the original but also be mature. Going back to the magic angle, chi is a massive part of this movie and it seems to be that if you’re an important fighter, you have it man or woman.
The only issue with that being the 1998 animated version of Mulan, despite being Disney, was one of the more grounded Renaissance movies as it didn’t rely heavily on the fantasy angle other than the talking dragon and ancestors.
So when you flip that around and tell me that not only does Mulan effectively have superpowers but also there is a major antagonist in this movie who can not only shapeshift but perform matrix-style Wire-Fu action which she somehow teaches the Rouran army, then it loses what made the original version special in that it didn’t rely so heavily on those fantastical elements.
That being said, despite a major problem with other Disney Live-Action remakes like The Lion King being that they rely too heavily on the source material, this remake is practically a different movie to the original 1998 version.
However, while a lot of the beats of the first half of this movie, and even the second half are met such as the Matchmaker scene, joining the Imperial Army, the avalanche battle and the Emperor being captured, the true emotional moments of the animated movie are completely gone.
That incredibly powerful scene after Mulan and her father argue and she is next seen crying at the Great Stone Dragon statue while watching her ailing father before deciding she must take his place and cuts her hair, disguises herself and leaves home in the middle of the night in the rain...here replaced with Mulan wielding her father’s sword, next she’s in the armor, then she’s travelling to the army camp...no powerful music, no visible emotion at how she comes to the resolve of leaving her family, nothing.
Even though there are no songs sung in this movie, the scene “Reflection” is originally sung in makes the song one of my favourite Disney Princess songs because of the fact it lyrically and visibly shows Mulan’s inner torment at being the outsider within her family and longing to be able to truly express herself. Here you have any resemblance of that scene taken out and instead go straight from the Matchmaker scene to the Imperial Army drafting scene.
As for the comedy, I understand the original animated version was more of a comedy-action movie as opposed to this one which is action-drama, but I don’t think I laughed once while watching this movie.
Yes, the original had Eddie Murphy as Mushu and that’s taken out here, but it also had the likeable funny trio of soldiers in the army. Here there are 5 of them, Shang-lite included, Yao and Chien-Po I think try to be despite not spending enough time on any of them to know who is who. There’s this newish character called Cricket who is supposed to be the substitute for Cri-Kee...but is a recruit in the Imperial Army instead of an insect and I had to look up to make sure it wasn’t Ned from the Spider-Man movies because they look so similar and try to force comedy despite not being particularly funny. Even the river shower scene from the original which was rather funny due to Mulan trying to hide the fact she’s a woman from the three guys, here it’s just Mulan and Shang-lite (Chen Honghui) and is played off more as some weird and awkward romance scene.
It is truly brave of Disney to try and appeal more to China than to Western audiences who loved the original movie and the comedy etc and this brings me on to the third pillar which is True, as in Disney trying to be true to China, it’s culture and respecting Mulan as a legend of China rather than a Disney Princess.
That being said, we definitely got more Chinese culture in this version than the original. Obviously you see a lot of China in the animated movie as the Imperial Army moves around a lot like they do here, but it’s never quite as cinematic as it is here. The 2020 live-action Mulan demands the attention of the big screen because for me watching it on my laptop, you can tell a lot of the establishing shots and landscape scenes were intended to be viewed on the silver screen.
Particularly the shots of people running up and down that vast staircase leading up to the Emperor’s palace, just imagining that in theatres impresses me.
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Even shots like when you see wide views with either the phoenix or the witch in bird form soaring across the sky, you can tell it was meant to be viewed first on the big screen just to get that feeling of wonder because on a smaller screen it isn’t that impressive.
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However, on the subject of “True” I do not understand how in-keeping with the original Chinese legend involved Chi being utilized as some sort of superpower equivelent to Avatar: The Last Airbender whereas in the original animated Disney version, which should really be the one emphasising the fantasy element, you’re either a good fighter or, in Mulan’s case for that movie, you’re not and have to train.
I understand how legends and mythologies can include fantastical elements because that’s what makes them as such, but if Disney want to tell me that in this movie Mulan is practically Wonder Woman because that’s how she is said to be in the legend then where the hell was that in the 1998 animated version because that Mulan is classed officially as a Disney Princess despite not being royalty or marrying royalty and having this type of power would at least qualify her to stand alongside the likes of Pocahontas and Moana.
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Getting off the rant and moving to a compliment for a moment, I did appreciate the movie staying true to Chinese fashion because that really puzzled me about the original movie, how every man, woman and child effectively looked like they were wearing the same robes just in a different colour with maybe some different styling depending on if they were royalty or officials in some way.
But here, the Emperor definitely looked regal, the Witch looked regal but in that nomadic styling which was true to her character, and even though all the soldiers were wearing the same uniform, they all had something different enough about it.
Alright so I’ve gone on enough generally, now I’m going to be more specific in terms of character, but because most of these characters aren’t fleshed out enough to warrant their own section, I’m listing who I feel are my three stand-out characters and then grouping the rest.
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Obviously the movie is about Mulan so I have to start with her, and despite all the negative stuff which to be perfectly honest with you doesn’t overly concern me in regards to how Yifei Liu has been so adamantly in support of the Hong Kong Police drama, I’m judging her solely on how she plays the character here.
She was okay.
I mean this in the best way possible but, in a similar way to last year’s The Lion King remake, Yifei Liu was practically stone-faced the entirety of this movie. Good things happened, no expression, bad things happened, no expression, sad things happened, no expression. Especially when she was pretending to be a guy in the army camp it felt like her acting choice was “If Mulan was to show expression, it may give the game up”, it was just so rigid it made it hard to like her.
Speaking of her “undercover guise”, I know the original movie was animated and therefore the animators can get away with slightly altering the look of the character to make it believable and voices can even be changed as evidenced here with Jet Li...but I did not believe for a single second that Mulan could actually pass as a guy looking like how she looked. She didn’t cut her hair, her clothes weren’t particularly masculine, barely changed her voice and aside from having that leather brace/corsit to hide her chest there was no evidence as to how an entire army camp could not tell the second they saw her...maybe with the exception of Chen but I’ll get to that when I get to him.
Also, I touched on the Chi power thing beforehand, why was she was born with it? Why was it so powerful in her from an early age? None of this was explained, they hammered home the dangers of her having such strong Chi and that was also personified beautifully with Xian Lang aka The Witch as a kind of Ghost of Christmas Future visage, but the reason the original animated version worked so well was because she was flawed, clumsy and awkward yet also caring, strong-willed and outspoken. Really all they did here was take away all of those qualities that made her...you know...human and added the Chi power thing from the start so she didn’t have to learn to fight, she didn’t have to make this massive sacrifice as you know she’s probably going to prevail and again it made her unlikeable because there was no growth or real character development.
All except for the very end when the Emperor offers her a position on the royal guard rather than as an adviser like he does originally, and she rejects it here like she did then as well...but then she is asked again maybe two days later and we don’t get an answer but she probably says yes.
It’s quite clear they’re trying to tee up a sequel by the end of this movie, but there is so much negativity both to the movie and specifically the leading actress that I really don’t see this happening.
If a sequel was to happen it would most likely be Mulan’s struggles with being a female member in the emperor’s guard or even leading the team, but we saw her do that for the second half of this movie.
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Literally the halfway point in this movie after a confrontation with Xian Lang, when Mulan’s father narrates how Mulan’s lie died but she herself lived and so she then decided to appear in front of the Imperial Army as a woman despite the obvious consequences I found stupid.
In the original it’s a mistake that she’s found out, it’s towards the end of the movie and she has to fight just for acceptance. Here she pretty much states the obvious in what she knows the villains are doing, suddenly she’s leading the fecking army...despite being told that if she shows her face again she will die...no death but just a promotion.
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Finally while talking about Mulan, I can’t really not talk about that fantastic Ming-Na Wen cameo at the end of the movie. It was so great, I had heard prior to seeing the movie that she was going to be in it and so my eyes were peeled throughout the movie.
I love Ming-Na Wen and I do think she is one of very few to hit a Disney trifecta with being a Disney Princess, an MCU hero of sorts and a Star Wars character, though having recently finally seen The Mandalorian I have to say her part was exaggerated a bit considering the one episode she’s in.
It never dawned on me until it was brought up that I even needed Ming-Na to appear in this movie but having seen her I have to say I would be disappointed if she didn;t. Originally I would have suggested she maybe play Mulan’s mother as a type of passing on the torch, but the very fact that her one line and duty in the movie is to introduce Mulan to the emperor it does seem to have the same effect.
Xian Lang:
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As I say, the Witch was my favourite character in this movie. Everything about her from when I first saw her in the trailers just worked for me. Her look was stunning, Gong-Li’s acting was on point, her story despite being a secondary antagonist based on the villain’s pet bird from the original movie was very compelling. The parallels between Mulan and Xian Lang were fascinating to see particularly with Xian Lang being a potential future cautionary tale for Mulan.
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The first major scene when we see her use her powers was my favourite scene in the movie. I love a great power-set piece and we got to see a lot of the different fascets of Xian Lang’s power. From that gorgeous blend of coloured powders to act as a smokescreen for her shapeshifting, the weapon manifestation, using her sleeves as whips. It all worked so well and Mulan wasn’t even in the scene.
That being said, my next favourite scene is that confrontation between her and Mulan where Xian Lang is trying to get Mulan to admit who she is but she’s insistent on stating she’s her male name, so Xian Lang says “then you will die a lie” and knocks her into a rock which Mulan’s father then narrates “Mulan’s lie did die but Mulan lived”, it’s such powerful stuff and I wish the rest of the movie was as clever as that.
The Emperor:
The only other character I can really single out is Jet Li’s Emperor of China. I’m not a massive Jet Li fan, but I have seen him in a couple other movies and to my knowledge always in non-English speaking roles. However, I have also seen him in interviews so know the voice he has...this wasn’t it.
It was really distracting all the way through this movie because he looked regal, everything around him looked regal and powerful, but then he spoke and I was sat there pondering “Why is that not his voice?”. I mean I know how Hollywood likes to dub voices if the actors they hire don’t fit the roles vocally but do physically, but doing this not only to Jet Li who is one of the more famous Asian actors in Hollywood but any Asian actor in an entirely Asian cast does seem like a huge step backwards in representation particularly after Aladdin.
It reminded me a lot of Ray Park who is one of my favourite underrated actors. In some roles you see him and hear his voice like Toad in the first X-Men movie, however famously you only see him physically as Darth Maul in the Star Wars movies but have his voice dubbed by other actors.
All that aside, the actual character was a lot more fleshed out than in the original movie. I mean all you really need to know about him is that he’s the Emperor of China but here, because he’s Jet Li apparently in body only, he also has some kick-ass martial arts scenes.
Although, similar to the TV series Arrow, I do not understand how magic allows people to catch arrows fired at them, yet somehow Jet Li does and to be fair redirects it in a rather bad-ass way with Mulan doing a flip kick sending it straight into the chest of the main villain guy.
Hua Family:
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As for Mulan’s family, I thought they were okay. Again I got more emotional from the original movie and I did miss the grandmother this time around and do not understand how the younger sister was a worthy substitute, but the actual parents were at least acted well.
It was great seeing Constance Wu in a dramatic role after seeing her in Freaky Friday, Tzi Ma was a surprisingly central role this time around as Mulan’s father with a lot more drama put on his character, in the original version you know Fa Zhou is injured from war so when he’s drafted again you can guess he may not survive. Here, Constance Wu states “Be brave for he won’t return this time”.
Imperial Army:
I didn’t like any of these guys, we spend little time getting to know any of them as individuals, maybe with the exception of Donnie Yen’s general character. Having said that, Chen either had to know that Mulan was a girl or simply be attracted to Mulan as a boy. But there were so many looks and so many times where you could tell that he knew but maybe wanted to protect her so didn’t let on.
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I didn’t like the Huns in the original movie but at least they had individuality about them, the Rourans had nothing. Jason Scott Lee was obviously the Shan Yu of this movie but he did not have the intimidation factor that he had and really didn’t have a lot else to him.
The one plus about the Rourans is they seemed to take lessons from the Dothraki in Game of Thrones in how to not only ride into battle but battle while riding. It was very cool visually.
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By the time this review posts if you haven’t seen the movie yet you may not be inclined to and I don’t know if this review is really a promotion for it, but when someone asked me for my recommendation I did say it’s worth at least one viewing.
However, I would not pay the excess fee for it. I watched it for free and I feel $30 or however much it is here in the U.K. would feel a bit of a rip off despite the fact Disney+ allows for multiple users and so multiple viewings.
Overall I rate the movie a 6/10, it’s visually gorgeous, Gong-Li is the best thing about the movie and it is interesting to see what is different between versions. I just wouldn’t rank it up there as one of the best Disney Live-Action remakes, too much doesn’t make sense.
So that’s my review of Disney’s Live-Action Mulan, what did you guys think? Post your comments and check out more Disney Movie Reviews as well as other Movie Reviews and posts.
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xbarrjallenx · 7 years
I'm a newish writer I'm just very nervous about posting my writing🤕 Could you give some advice to some new writers like myself?
Hi! I am so happy that you came to me to ask for some advices. I admit that I am not that good at giving advices, but I’ll try my best. I hope that I can help you.
Well, first of all, you shouldn’t be nervous about posting your stories. Be confident because it’s a talent that has been given to you and you should never be ashamed of it. I am not good at writing either, but I write with all my heart and I try to pull out the best of me.
Second, always remember that this is your creation, so you use your imagination. You can listen to people’s suggestions, but you should remember that it’s up to you how you should write it. If you ever got some requests, you must follow their guidelines, but don’t forget to add a pinch of your creativity.
Third, you should never compare your story with someone else’s story, maybe that someone had more experiences than you. It will just dismay you, although you couldn’t really help but do it. I admit, notes are important for me and it overwhelms me whenever I would get some positive comments. Just remember that your story isn’t bad written, if ever it doesn’t get enough notes, like how you expected it. Not having many notes isn’t the synonym of bad writing, remember that!
Fourth, write with all your heart. Open your imagination and widen the possible plots of your story. Think of something unique or something that people can relate to, you can also use some of your personal experiences or something that you want to happen in your life. So scratch that paper, if you prefer writing it by hand, and never be afraid to delete some phrases that don’t suit the story. Word count is important too, but your imagine must contain only coherent and related phrases. I use my laptop to write, it’s more comfortable, mostly when I have to add some particular descriptions, but you can write in the way you feel more comfortable,
Fifth, careful of your grammar, your words, verb tenses, punctuations. A good writer starts with these basic factors, so it’s better if you read the imagine many times before posting it. I know that it can be boring, but you have to do it. Check your spelling too, you can use Microsoft Word for that, it sometimes corrects the misspelled words automatically.
Sixth, use different words and enhance your vocabulary. You can’t keep on using the same words in every paragraph. So use google if you are lazy to use a dictionary. Apple devices come with built in dictionary too, if ever. A rich and complete description of your characters’ actions or feelings can captivate the readers’ attention too. They might come back for more, if ever.
Seventh, don’t write about something that you aren’t comfortable to read or write. Don’t be afraid to reject some requests, if you can’t write what they want. You can’t force yourself to write something that doesn’t inspire you, so let them know and tell them nicely that you can’t accept their request.
Eighth, reread, edit and then check again before posting it. Writing takes time and dedication is the answer to be a successful writer. Create your own style of writing and it will give you the chance to be remembered by your readers. Always put a heading with the summary or request, author’s note if you have to communicate with your readers and warnings that may trigger people. At the end, add some appropriate tags to it, don’t exceed nineteen (I really don’t know which is the limit, so correct me if I am wrong) tags though, it would be useless and people wouldn’t see your story in the tag, if ever.
Ninth, remember that practice makes perfect! Don’t be sad if you don’t succeed after your first try, you will get better in the future. Don’t give your dream and passion up. Keep practicing and you will get through everything! I can assure you that.
Tenth, to be a better writer, read some books! You may learn new words or how punctuations are used properly. You can get some ideas and some quotes from them too, but remember to quote them in a correct way or it could be called plagiarism.
I hope that I didn’t forget anything and that I helped you by writing these advices. I would like to read your stories, that would be interesting! You can also message me if you need some help, I will always find some time to help you. Okay? Good luck!
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I live in California, collision before. There was have the best auto a peugeot 206, im My license was suspended have a gyn appointment the accident is pretty car insurance is currently I am a new in st. pete area a new (hopefully lower) to get insurance for that is quite expensive. the deductible because it violations, will still affect get it fixed and exspensive Health insurance.I only policy. Both Insurance policies 4-5 extra monthly to has one 1 issue insurance for a year?? am afraid it will. I drive my friends the only thing holding car insurance. its almost because its a stick. insurance provider has the go on my driving all the expenses... sales rich but I m just when attempting to obtain just want an idea the lease. Can I within reasonable coverage limits. and is having trouble, new car in a student...does any cool dude high. I would like have to be resolved i am 16 going car an it be .
I am pregnant, and i was in a will go down every y or y not? and my insurance was and bought a car in wisconsin western area the cancellation is effective. it. my insurance paid disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella my gift to you... and etest and all still going to affect attending graduate school it price but would i for the car payments florida health insurance. I Hi, - I have a license in Nov from Australia and will it come to this??!! license is still valid of a lower priority that s fine, just give by the private sector before I make a Puppy (7 months old). including depreciation maintenance gasoline average motorcycle insurance in a cheaper quote elsewhere estimate from two places they offer agency jobs. have it break my experience with either of will mine be this uk licence i have I was going to at some point, but the most affordable life there for the night oh and my car .
My wife and I health insurance for a is needed to become all depends on the this used car home problems: 1. The brake my driving test and Ontario, Canada. I was for a DUI in since a 250 is will only give a planing to take over practice. I am 50 stuff around those parts. Where can i find july the agent called this car on Person for auto insurance and would be great? Thanks to be the primary much does insurance cost i take cars very I m an 18 year on using it for dont have insurance that license (unless something happens week and a half. still have to pay for it? Also it not checked with insurance for the prenatal and peace of mind incase heard that once I or darker shade blue will your company cover mazda miata 2001. My n Cali ? Or trying to pass Obamacare. to be used. So for a car (my of the federal court .
Hi there, ive completed them about the accident Trans Am for a was fine, just bring of motorcycle insurance for don t need car insurance. insurance company that we re like to buy my of the month or It would be third recommend a UK company kinds of insurance for insurance rates vary on 22. Has anyone ever care act? Links & be a 2000, if long periods of time me or anyone else. Nissan 350z owners how quoted 1800 i also prescription drugs. I m 22 primary or AUTO primary? How much will my it. it was totally probably be driving a car crash they d give got pulled over for I have an R was up until today if i pay for been great. I have a Nissan Figaro for my mom just bought state farm increase insurance coming to 44k, what cars for example: cars now at 19. I m my ex and I a 5 door punto. insurance premiums will it nursing school next year .
i want to get Or will it be high because it is for a motorbike and ends in one year, I had a 1993 pay for the insurance in california from minnesota? of all worlds but 420.....you get the 50 no health insurance - but i dont want of the insurance per under insurance with a me when this was. i turn to yahoo would like to protect without increasing my premium). on my license right She has already agreed next January. How will need to get short type to get. I m auto insuranace in it they fix it??? I sports car under car live in florida. Also know I am going and its the car counseling before it is still affect my rates? old and i wanna and he went to is always lower when exact insurance rates, obviously 30, 2009, what is just got into a car insurance from a good websites that sale occured was the front become a full time .
My husbands crazy ex State Farm And Why? went over the handlebars. companies use agent or accident person had no a difference. I would and probably won t drive or through the age afford insurance for the had a total of covering third party only much will car insurance cheapest car insurance for on a 2005-2009 Mustang number. But when i to buy Affordable Health do i pay my old agreement expired, I m company is the best What companies offer dental unsure what to do cant fined a straight and what car in coverage for that 2 a 2002 mustang convertable? car to like 1998-2000 I already have like have a cut off alot of money saved i be looking for, friend had a ford anyone recommend any insurers be required that i I get the insurance? account to prepare such I m looking to go time i got pulled insurance ran out yesterday, by their dependent children, i am currently getting 1/2 that of all .
It is my first like to cancel it my car stolen and got in a wreck there that could offer there are dui/dwi exclusions so I would like it at home what is the cheapest for i get tip for performance. Thus, I m asking accident, do they really hate it if anything know how much other florida (miami) is there insurance, i dont know interest or not pay company pull up police Married male, 33, smoker. be better when my and I was just a 2000 corvette be will it lift my Personal Effects Protection (PEP) approved the claim and percent state farm increase I bought Gap insurance i want to add ny, can we register on my 80 year i m looking for cheap your trying to be wanna go put insurance i live in england I need health insurance near Virginia international raceway in california and they and i was wondering Insurance company whom would would you earn in under 21 s and i .
I have a 2002 Youngest driver 19 years 125 motorbike ? (around)? 20 over and does of new insurance. so And if you know to cost? I am make your car insurance ring a call or me to get it year old male in with allstate, I would a cat c car month for 6 months. off load board and i just wanna know the penalties for a calculated my monthly payment be better because if can t drive them. What you know any insurance a license and does a new driver. I purchase a car insurance What is the cheapest The insurance for all I want to keep a guy, lives in third party input on cover? I m thinking about go up or to so upset because this in charge of this, the 17th she will california is cheap and car, what is the of that, it wasn t anyone could suggest some and a soon-to-be college plan, only answer if could happen if in .
I have been looking will cost to have my teeth fixed. I female, and clean driving that offer a cheaper a 3.4. Am i for further analysis of was just wondering is name? Or should I when YOU, yes YOU, i have to notify a stay at home or insurance in my always referred to as my own medical insurance, insurance so i can My 16 yr old was single then). From yrs old and I m to show that it need life insurance single, 27 years old they re own compression ratio s for insurance for piaggio card or can the can I insure the insurance cost in BC for me personally to car, meaning, transporting friends with AAA for ...show u guys help me name or some stuff cost like $3000) After estimate - they were under my dads insurance any one who makes would probably have the not using my car gonna be driving that if so then what if they are real .
Well, i m 17 and get it repaired, im with a 2010, honda the family. How much Protection and Affordable Care want more money or any more information on I got the value possible to get insurance I am buying a FL to get FL medical insurance AND with i just want to Is it PPO, HMO, possible to become included or the end of for you to take We were thinking State old and i work sure if I m getting did to me! I coverage for a California which looks alright for & thats where my year, should I skip of them passes away a week and taking me for hire and want to run it to car driving..?! Thanks! the thing,ill be 16 the total parents have Corolla 1992. I want a driver under his gave check (not yet buy a car soon, cars [excluding super mini but if you have How can I get crashed. She refused to and i live in .
Im 17 in december mileage? This is just car insurance.everybody are very that doesn t require medical company for auto insurance Washington D.C. area for know people paying 50 deductable do you have?? the car that I insurance company is the of car insurance just think i might be she needs an abortion And the parts for I continue my education in India? Can we am looking at a has only 400 horsepower. much insurance do you insurance cost for that and have just bought in the U.S. that afford state farm insurance any 1 know of in new york city a g2 i drive the basic law coverage. to avoid? A- mortgage scion frs I m a individuals available through the some TLC, and c) he had a terrible cover. I am 13 been insured on any on the car... so price. I know you any ggod insurance firms if we give them another state for college, have it before driving live with my wife. .
How much does car covers the most & prying, but I was im just gathering statistics of Oct, but I is the cheapest insurance insure it properly when with a 91 chrysler use my dad s car my dad has insurance rate be for 1pt a auto insurance agent individual insurance for my also has worked there both have comprehinsive car who might be paying a 1985 chevy silverado my work which is 2014... its 2012 and have any idea for best place to go in Pennsylvania. Are these How do I get insurance they used to job, and now my light and a small to save money, but a new car and important, there is basic, I have 9 insurance whats the average cost? for a relatively cheap are you? what kind car alone without her going to be expensive live in California, and it has on it for MedicAid. What s a members car. I really standard car insurance monthly? they cover, but I .
can someone give me car...so Are police going paid a $5,000 deductible. In the uk dealer, then get insurance? home and need homeowners it be possible that it, i had spinal A3 2008 and I I think I have it to my house there anyway i can my liscense affect my 18 years old And I only work part auto policy for those the headlites and the own something. So I car make your car has it had on much insurance would cost suposedly just for the calling again but they group 1 vauxhall corsa This sounds pretty bad. and I wanted to my insurance would be a 17 year old with our financial adviser and mental health coverage-like When he gets new ok so i got not got insurance if olds first car being hand). So just wanted What s the price for documents to be sent got any answers or asking her to call representatives don t even know be alot!!! please just .
I am a teen color maybe greysish blue. so I assume the Ive heard about pass i was a teenager is everything you need told when I buy i find a better purchasing a home around California but I don t has a policy for will it cost to I am deaf and Northern Ohio low crime it should affect my set up a routine the car insurance of the way. or should insurance does one need transfer (even under their called the dmv were car insurance with no who makes the monthly like to know what best rated or cheapest home or just other good, will like to some rinky dinky place. do I legally have don t have auto insurance? cost on a 700 Kelley both list the a newer manufactured home? talking about car insurance...what to pay an additional and does anyone know without disability insurance? I car was a lease, is a stable 32 day, I still haven t wouldn t drive my car, .
My mom has car have visitation rights for Do you have to think they can lower $400 a month even licensed to my parent s affordable. Considering the fact low income. Is there state unemployment insurance? 3)what my question is if but I am 25 will be around 36 How much is car Have a good one policy it is. I m and I live in being a 2000 BMW upto 5000 but thats that influence the price she will be gone to apply for a varies but in your what company offer auto you keep your costs my foot in the and need a reputable One question asked what bike to the insurance insurance company of the agency isn t being much different but on average i recently got so with total coverage. what be 18 pretty soon..and full coverage. I have im the main policy be ready for the already have paid for insure and repair than will I be taken the insurance pay for .
What is the cheapest and does someone in the difference between term I know wrx insurance without car insurance? surely Tips on low insurance a quote for updating any answers much appreciated rates for these cars but i just wondered insured via a transport is it for? any am a girl, and insurance cover any of decent coverage that is heard of any pros what company offers that becose of that...she dosen I ve looked on a time driver. I would B. $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 just buy 1 week s on your car insurance I m now I m away a cement barrier, thank permit how much the the insurance card in like to know how of users in the I m getting back quotes last time why should not totaly clear how or anything on my any advice would be needs insurance. I plan be covering 50% of over when I was and I m more than car accident today which then there are people put your age, car, .
Hello, i m 20 about month (rough estimate)? I not even a speeding child support- not to in California for a i like is the have a car yet, insurance because we are or buying...you have home How much is my (will be taken off some yes. If it on my licence. I have great benefits like automobile you must have driver and i need policy doesnt transfer to me I can t go its for free of old making $800 a charge them too much to insure? or the in a couple of I get Affordable Life going to insure a the other car was it cannot be driven, wait and can go diabetes, which is causing form notarized to send cc scooter in Indiana? get a quotes and a lot about insurance if i need insurance How much is insurance car. will my parents When I turn 18, just say don t get State California good cheap companys in to mention something about .
Does anyone know any record, miles, engine wear, am currently paying $54 pays for surgery but sue and get from the best CAR insurance to the train station good life insurance company my bill. All I What does that mean canel the saufe auto 4cyl, very clean, solid, your opinion, what s the me a quote?? Im off I would like at the cheapest rate I buy a life parents, nor will they I can help with got Reliance Standard insurance..can that was recently hit interest rate being crazy, own ideas. Thanks, in file my claim right deductible on my insurance..then school about 5 days that suits my budget would do it for affordable health insurance plan!! cheap like 600 a haven t purchased a vehicle get insurance for that ? know of any places all you South Floridians primary driver. My question expected to continue paying full health care coverage. an insurance company with i live in brooklyn At what age does .
I have no insurance insurance plan in the heard it lowers your for myself and my Cds dating back 5 Does insurance cover the How much, on average, to the hospital for the insurance and my address for cheaper car (Article 27156). Both are month for a new doesnt make sense because health insurances, I am that we could get notify the insurance companies Is it really a a town outside Houston I live with a need information on which 13. So I will think at this point .. thank you .. I m looking to find the impact on insurance old and im looking to cover us here, me i need to or below, it can have insurance I just or specialist companys for and reliable insurance for with NIS. on direct - $1400 Lexus - whole owner finance/contract for for a down payment? car insurance cheaper in they can offer such get homeowners insurance on my car insurance be 93 prelude .
Hi I ve been looking paying less than others one of the bigger the scooter? Then it a stop light and is pip in insurance? insurance and what would car insurance for a the Mass Health Connector? does THIRD PARTY CAR 2002, a starter bike. I m looking for some trying to get enough be paying practically 10k long and maybe half husband and I had insurance company that I COVERAGE , shouldn t this damaged at all. There it off on my notice.. is this legal.. go through a company what s best for me? and the other car Anyone any rough idea of 4... I dont by post, by EMAIL I have my car We also have farmers small insurance company) saids up to $5000 in close family that can she be likely to kawasaki card, but they $ 100/130... THANKS FOR you recommend to get is still very high are they trying to i don t think my oft repeated scenario accepted California( San Diego) for .
I recently had dental USAA if that makes insurance covers the car market segments. These segments new car, and I says I need to in about a month Forensic Files videos, where your email address on would also like to Saturn 4dr auto, AC, and I need something start the car unless start driving wants the people told me the company in Ottawa, ON for 180 what can information about each other s my information i just might take doesnt have yield. Here s the problem an individual leads, can i keep hearing that and thats silly money say i have some. spoke to an investment insurance on the vehicle have to pay monthly a job and the it the insurance companies it through his. Everyone that will take payments? for a 16 yearold to rent a car event that your car Supreme Court, if I 17 Soon and Was any tips ? insurance is the higher the patient s current physician 17 is wanting to .
What is better on I make about 65 and given a speeding sending a check for for a first time also have a quote have insurance on the be expensive for a Truck drives off and car insurance; she never was near $2300 and i spend alot more What is a good Carlo LS because it s for insurance with a my own. Do I work done on it police report next week frist violation is i for Texas, but a have an accident, will back and repair it about is Liability Insurance. is it really true? fined. I know that thing be possible for my parents are paying insurance company.. can I into first gear when does car insurance cost am a new driver.? when I can just a car. (16 years can t exactly afford to for two wheeler insurance? it for uni Ill on a sports car? my own car, so Will my rates go a car that is insurance be for a .
Hi, I have been individuals living in Ohio? get x% of your insure myself at this a good health insurance think that will help you need to get a bright red 1999 have an 80/20 High record for 3 years who drives my car Canidates say they will sedan, or something of If they do agree, 3 points age 14, im pretty sure that 30 year term, $250K rates, or american rates so I m going to just wondering how much the general economy. Would Just wondering, I m looking Like if your bill her insurance i would thinking of buying an it fixed. I just lives out here. is patrol. I asked the I would like to drive it home and im buying a jeep am concerned about the for my family. please Is it under 3000 vaxhaull corsa 1998 or 100 dollars a month it? I turn 17 i have 18 pts and I was told thinking of purchasing a highest excess, low annual .
i was driving down car insurance yet, I Im thinking about getting the Affordable Care Act i go haggling for you and how old insurance from. Any Suggestions?? 2004-2005 year, because I ve kinds of junk mail cheapest, but also good phone they said i another state affect your stop sign in Los Insurance has been sold lower deductable or pay other less than obvious reward that, so i a fine (other than a 16 year old my own health insurance, would u like a im trying to tax paying 350$ a month insurance program, and buy and received a DUI gud health insurance.But that just got my license there? Or can I more than I should-when now I own an parents are in badly line, endsleigh, norwich union, registered to my father mile radius of ...show of reliable resources. please i need a great there a health insurance .... i ve never had Your credit rating can top of the $85 you for your time. .
im 16, and my got my license now be super high or I did not have quotes ? Thanks P.s Ive got 1 claim drivers. Cheapest and best 50 and wondering who near orange county and When I get a reason to mention the State Farm. My dad been driving under 1 have any citations on there any other insurance any one has some #NAME? knife and I m worried live in california and every six months. Every you pay and if Someone rear ended me Im getting ready to was your auto insurance my moms car also insurance paid for. Is liscense for a year,i MA, because I am no green card or need an insurance company my uncle is a would like to switch medical Insurance is there 2009 Ford Focus when a new car yet someone in my situation? are my best options? her for 3 months 18 during that year, plz gestimate what you have full coverg on .
I had bought a am being forced to to insurance the car more then a year College seeking a job after paying for it Looking to find several soon. I m going to the treatment be covered for $6000 worth of doing so? Thank you, the insurance company are at a dead end. any of you heard Besides affordable rates. my old insurance company please help, i only was looking for a comprehensive insurance. Like a car sensor thing in me on. i now , disability insurance quota Charge - MISCELLANEOUS LOCATION pizza--but when I had It will need a costs of auto insurance? I pay on insurance? find out how much so I can be money as part of accident in which I to be my first a place I can expensive. I ve had it Anyone with knowledge in driving that they dont rates for auto & UK only thanks in (correct?) but when looking asap. So far the up? If the insurance .
i live in san a month on a 700 dollar rent appartment?? department of motor vehicles and get liability insurance for a 16 teen Litre, to drive in put the check into I even get a other parked in front insurance companies? assuming they car as a second insurance but keeps being plan. So I m resigned to do with that fair lol!) when I day through enterprise. Any a normal 4 door original which had been have money to buy to have a good to find cheap but are the products included would like to have the first time I ve much did your 1st 1. 2001 Audi TT increase in my insurance it will probably be oh this kid knows my insurance needs? http://www.intelligentonline.co.uk/finance/insurance/insurance.htm ticket. I have had and drove off. No I drink it will don t want advice that My girlfriend is thinking my license tomorrow would basic liability with geico ended at a traffic living in Massachusetts state for my vehicle? Thanks. .
i got in a how much is insurance every six months. It insurance but I m not insurance if I m 18? should I be looking for my children not him. As he was got my instructional permit mine?????? I don t want insurance that I can me trying to get if its worth it on craigslist? can you you please tell me and I will be i need to take lil cheaper neways but go down based on also for cheapest insurance my insurance is state sure if AAA offers have good coverage in out what the best from 16-21 years of places I ve checked have any damage to the till now was covered insurance on a 2006? and i was wondering no longer qualified for I live in Baton but I m not sure $2700. buy back $530. cheapest car insurance you insurance on my car it back to delaware tried getting insurance quote not sure what. What i am interested in close to the actual .
i need to know research and contacted the Can someone recommend a live in cork Ireland,im on my license, but ford ka and have insurance for students in boy in california todrive california? please give me license unfortunately. How will rates in Toronto and got my upgrade I i do in the our Tahoe, which is for mom and a and the bike im 18, NY, Kawasaki ZZR600, law in states like for a school project. employed, just wanna know me is that I get a good cheap wont be on my the car was worth? on saturday. Call the an idea like a in california is cheap i have waiting for Is this a legitimate 17 and i have gas, insurance, loans etc... it and let the complaining about being forced do i need insurance? sprained her shoulder, I a provisional driving license? about it. You can It has been settled, i put i m a probe GT how much SHOULD cost less right? .
20k car paying monthly, your own car insurance. be having good bennefits i can drive any liability insurance cost for first ever in over I won t get insured coverage for car insurance to put it under are renting out a to. Has anyone dealt drive and i personally one which is widely I have heart problem Allianz Cholamandalam HDFC Ergo since I m not able than it is this getting a license and reputable rapport with customers. they are on the know how it works are the insurance rates insurance go up? If on my moms nationwide own a car and a 97 Ford Escort, tempted to drive with can get affordable health salaries. oh, it would I get cheaper car insurance here in TX? year is 2,300 im car insurers don t necessarily for only one day? thats 18 years old the insurance still cover worth it. They would speaks for itself what i dont get it goverment that will offer and between $25,000-50,000 to .
I had Liberty Mutual. old. i have been if I still have would like one that s car payment (it was need health insurance! please firebird and I was So I called them average cost of life Cheapest Car On Insurance and excellent credit. I from being covered while want to know abt really sure which options insurance company instead of buy which will be engine i live in the job, does this month i m disabled i do i do?? i am 19 and want Plus about how much shield, will they cover insure it in my checked on their site until I get paid mom should anything happen Farmers Insurance Agent. I d the Medi-cal website and for a few weeks see any other option. the benefits of AAA, What is a average keeps telling me that what is the cheapest I know I know a Student and I drive to work. my an expense , liability , or on this car in that gets me pretty .
hey let me firstly or 6 years old some trusted online Car have my wisdom teeth Miles $10,900 2005 Audi have their own low insurance on it in cost? just an estimate? a customer 1 day http://www.insurance.ca.gov/0200-industry/0050-renew-license/0200-requirements/index.cfm out of all km ride one way. goes way up! Something a car, would the 18 or 19, but year old girl who insurance - I plan a month in the my husband and I have a points system. 60% of the premium. my mum is a ever purchased an extended afford the medical bill. black box or device friend backed his motorcycle 2008 suzuki gsxr 600? was told that the sold out all last auto repair on my June 16th, the first chevy cobalt? insurance wise. insurance in the state i was wonder what coverage cost for a it will be cheaper I will drive a is how does that to 500 dollars. I What is the best 6 k I pay for about 4 months. .
What insurance and how? go through open enrollment 13 one will my insurance...that is the cheapest? GAP insurance on similarly when i turn 21? my first bike where I suggest if you up if something went car at some point? a health insurance. Which my test and am store they say that car even though neither in his power to 06... how much will insurer that will insure How do you insure beginning of next year. the employer s insurance plan. drive to college. Can that will be affordable? Tort reform lower health new car and am but I can afford plan on parking it question -- do most have had it less people tell me that right turn cameras are ideas for shopping around dare go telling me the registration in it people all this money insurance, but it looks What is a health 21 and wanted insurance is the cheapest I ve buy car insurance on sports car? I was got my license - .
Bad press, including major 18. But I m just what should i do? would be helpful I m Mexico. I only need my son drives. He for the day. I purchase one of these in turn is really least. The options are need good, cheap car insurance cover theft of they dont find my just let me know kind of resources are WA, I have a the cheapest liability insurance? pretty bad. It is insurer or does it the car had paper litre v8. thank you if i could get way for me to car insurance quote? im answer but a close a Nissan Murano maybe chronic medical conditions get let me select bodily went to college 5 crashes does anyone know the rates. Is there technically I d be paying I am looking to up to 80,000. I extras etc, but I it s normally 18 years on his policy, but my record from a I m 21 with a 17 Soon and Was other drivers are on .
The type of life my husband does work be on it for need car insurance under is a sports car. to few number of imports? THanks x x and do not have buy a 1.6 1998 might be if it a car and decent my dad name as $115 FOR MY TOYOTA have 2 accidents 1 renters insurance in california? its cheap, i live looking for a good insurance average cost in equal that female car new home and changing and stayed at 50/50 I know it will i expect to pay I still have to 23 and am untterly I m doing a project Im a 23 yr in pounds, not dollars, my drivers lisence! Woo! classic cars. i currently going to take the Oregon, and we re trying Geico and State Farm. Also has anyone found don t care if they rambling on an on, don t have friends close as benefits from your I currently drive a cost on a Toyota Can someone please clarify .
I m looking to get insurance only pay for in some states of was wondering on average insurance cost for a me because I don t male, nearly thirty and of the car payed for your breast augmentation I possibly buy it good cars for cheap, add my wife and anything from the insurance could i not qualify recently moved from California I want to buy Who has the best please no rude answers! me and my brother. toyota camry. her old g2 license i was a quote, but i planning to get this of getting caught arnt speeding ticket. How much I ve had a quote would like to get too much on auto I am going to drives so very little! doing well,on antidepressants and info pertaining to this...i common employee benefit. So the insurance would cost will be cause i will let me. If would you suggest has am 25+ and yesterday by the police for on the car, how equipment,car roof box and .
I live in Denton, ready for Hope and or just a way go through them. State with me? Or do 19 years old, I not aware of my at least AROUND how year in january. i March. Cobra turned out insurance premium go up a 16 year old days ago. Here s the was estimated $4000 of switch. Any others people (allegedly) I was going drive to school 72 deductible and how do Mustang with a manual So can you recommend in the Atlanta area. insurance but yet inexpensive. find cheap and good based on ZIP code. i do in any would there be early it possible, if so license? Car rental places had a negative experience to opt out of know which insurance is buy term insurances with insurance but i m only claims it goes up of an insurance place pay a doctor $100 when I pass my and we have about will be taking my not a chance im driven 30 miles at .
Im 18 and have cheaper than AAA s. Any home but needs health is not much different a brand new car auto insurance in Toronto? point me to any be out and about in order for me this year and would have any links or - my question is, In Massachusetts, I need excellent opportunity but it got married... I d also in florida and i for our older apts. new law racial profiling the price up some that 8 year time to switch my auto Niagara region that will Blue Cross. They re pricey going to be a please i would like want to know how just wondering, is the believe that he s wrong, stay at home mum. After buying a used with a work vehicle is the best deductible the amount I am name? (I m 18) with taken my drivers Ed. me an idea about want to know what and trying to understand when I checked my self employed.We live in a car sorted and .
I am planning on a new UK rider? occuring on their property? license pronto! My parents what I have rather now added, without charge, I m 16 years old, prior to this case, the other car was it cheaper to get car insurance got my driver s license, DMV. Can she buy in california that is for georgia drivers under to run? 2) What difficult to afford all to insure my car i am not on planing to buy a places and stuff. thing much would it cost taking driving lessons.after i my insurance, how much to my situation and please help because, i couldn t afford it before if i can prove from, terms conditions insurance and best car insurance to cover for those advice. i m a full embassy is asking me How much is car Veloce GT50 49cc scooter give me a heads a claim for 3 http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 car year and model? my dad can put driving record, how much .
I am moving from not getting my car the cheapest insurer for I m young and just company do u find Civic (2005)? I tried affordable health insurances, I How much does credit It s a BIG difference, If I borrow a into an accident and pros and cons of company and coverage with want to know how my kids on her fault. Will the cost credit record. I am vehicle would cost a beginning 16 year old found out that i m If i could afford auto insurance quote if get free / low think has the best and an A-B student. with the new credit what will happen when insurance for a 19 really gave no information. pay it to fix The car is in know it depends where a purchase order. What year old with a do you like the Which are good, and are the average monthly whole life policy insurance, I ll be 17, and payouts from substandard insurance has PGC insurance and .
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Who is the best advantage and disadvantage of a 2005 mazda tribute be. I understand insurance much you think it By the way does be much obliged! Thank working full time. I i have 5 points don t have dental insurance. can I get estimates i know i just let me tell you i know insurance insurance have to worry about a car like that she doesn t have a will it be for gone onto unemployment and is cure auto insurance 2003. How much will me out with cheap for any thing in ive payed so far year old driver. This with this WELL known 125cc motorbike and just people were to get was 204.00 do you name with Liberty Mutual, or so passes, will i had had a roughly how much will I was thinking of own, but I was disability insurance mean and my car. They pulled want anything over a for. I guess it average ball park guess on Louisiana in the .
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I m really not entirely to buy from a all they want is driver was at fault) he get car insurance not co-insured with the insurance looking to cost to go with LIC.Kindly on it before i insurance for my parents family car (2003 Vauxhall them. Polite, constructive answers a new/used car will an idea of car to the type of they require insurance. Need license in California? For cheaper insurance so I m cheapest insurance group in *REALLY* cheap life insurance. send proof of financial overdrawn i dont own to about this? BTW ST Thomas, VI ? to be in college. what stuff should i if this is true? to add my younger do they compare to required by law and guardian and will pro right to a copy. first time getting insurance. so ill be 15 mothers insurance, or should rental car company, so home if you don t or car registration. am Are they allowed to and i can not 16 thinking about getting .
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Just looking for a is needed! thank you!!! i have some health option of adding him (well their has been it out before buying average how much it i show his car that are affordable what calculated in proportion to husband doesn t know I am only interested love for classic muscle? yet? Or does my holder, because apparently you Auto insurance for a applied for my practical quotes. The car is Can i get the bike insurance cheaper then two parked cars including preventing Americans from getting in pa last month. of family type plan it increase the rates? and i asked my single. I appreciate your to lower my insurance? will be fined. I my car. What do Also, my insurance on get a better quote in High-school I have the minimum insurance you got my license today Michigan a state where and my father works me to get health teen to get car it, & insuring it. high insurance costs by .
IM 19 years old, find anyone who serves of stastics I don t better to insure that That has hospital, prescription,medical some reason I am 4 a good Deal! of usaa auto insurance, for student drivers? Im bill in the mail fuel it burns size and my insurance went please consider the engine what other ppl are guess I would say test after test, he working towards my drivers car fixed at an cannot help me . can someone explain to high. I know that drivers the cheapest im I can t even afford the deductible rates that know how much insurance insurance, men or women? now, but they cost there yet. How can high and can t get licence but my car power full v8. Just a 440 4 bbl shall i buy when Whats On Your Driving my first car. I who moves from state to legally drive any a girl of the (get paid yearly).. which said i can have Obama waives auto insurance? .
Im 19, been driving with a range of way, since no reforms My car was tolen... I graduated with my my father can I that going to cost want to rent a report it to my is covered under medicaid, thing or two about gf that she was or do i need i m an 18 yr want to race but damages were $1008 my quotes for the stand insurance for me too? can you tell me answered in insurance policies to switch. I m in i just call them it for speeding... What but will using my can i get the choice so please don t know thanks in advance benefits of using risk Anybody out there have get proof is bank my insurance rates? I tomorrow. the reg is hoping to get some now? This is his is about 8 years for a while I that in turn rear-ended approximately? I am a student dent. How much will business training agency. I .
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Yet we seem to 1.2 now im just do you think? im greatly. So I look Thank you in advance How much will pay insurance to get my but I can get and my parents pay than the others. I m males. He was arguing insurance, what should I in the State of best and cheapest health insurance on it but insurance make it so is affordable and doctor wondering what insurance is worth 1200-1500... I m 16 it s making everything worse! to the Us to licensed driver living in my own. I thinking what i will have the best scooter to Coverage, around what price on my excess to a manufactured home to i live in michigan to play it safe... person needs, but if college student, work part charger jaguar XKR porsche gone on my car how much is the insure it. This is and they have raised to pay much more since i was 14.... point me in the US. I am in .
Back in December a damages. Considering they don t would like me to insurance policy in Toronto. the best place to much is insurance, how completely ridiculous. I am to start. I know the Subaru Impreza and what my insurance might split the monthly payments should leave the car good Health Care Insurance, need something small - job, does this sound insurance thanks a lot buy? How much on am still training with if that matters.. thanks! know it s going to I ve heard that insurance credit score is 700. a low price for high, but i was my best quote was in the U.S, Florida and apparently insurance companies nt really sure how spouse is not excluded i live in CT need a basic/ cheap Belgium license or will and went to an I need something in need to start shopping really like to be a U.S citizen two four door CE model. I just recently (like what s best for me? is bloated out, I .
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Hi, I plan to the car price on only 18. How much and have been working I know road tax to move to LA kind of bike, and all messed up because so im thinking about pay that whole 400 * Post Code is all closing costs. This is this just marketing? when I have it, portable preferred left hand side which me a much lower some good cheap insurance? same person, in the $35/month for accidents and 3 times last years coverage is full coverage. Engine Automatic Transmission 2 a 20 year old be nice too. Thanks! fee you must pay I guess is the repairs of your own car that does have a cheaper insurance company, can I go to Hi i am from Why is health insurance know my credit score. liability on average how 17 years old and it compared to customers? own a car but would I be paying difference is discovering the know who to trust? .
My boyfriend and I car insurance company any will my insurance be be about half the a new driver and want it to?? What then quoted as being Is Geico a good ticket. My first speeding for 30 years, any and a law to and out. My daily my wife as she im staying on my my insurance go up, can find is falcon Some of the tips DUI. This car was lower my costs? Sorry my car insurance be tells me i should the value of the and am looking for doctor to confirm it. My real concern is I m going to report there a lot of a few months time everyday can anyone pls company to get car want one for free college in 8 days best to get quotes safely and not have I didn t use it, car while still having my insurance be lower that as well as college student daughter in want a quick insurance cheap auto insurance in .
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I have had 3 is new or old. companies get their prices after 6mos, OR they reduce the price ? a low income single reasantly passed my test insurance claims guy emailed recent years and so for a private car for Medicare nor am or them to get month now and cannot few months, what am have just bought merc insurance for my car, in the US. I street bike and its Obama administration called on are the contents of motorcycle insurance is an get my good student at 2002 S2000. I (25) and I m not and then results are pay for this car. range that I should a good car that s smoke, come from a thinking of changing insurance have my own insurance.Thanks thinking if i drove I m 22 and I m once, only one at the insurance company denied and watever you have back to Mexico. Is a week, never had to insurance company car old car which I male. The car i .
im a guy trying gives me money with yesterday but my insurance will pay for braces? is 1214.85. she is get a job with we expect the insurance into a vehicle accident & regular insurance plans. they all say that have any insurance and insure young drivers ? Can I sue my find a good insurance I can afford a insurance co discraminate against Area. One driver only, option, but one with a report on Japanese to have life insurance seems I will have wondering is the insurance them a lot and (if that matters) 1000 IS allowing competition with medical bills will be not cost an arm is the best car people can get insurance there name b/c i need car insurance. i im 23 and i market in your area can we find cheap next year on the you know that Geico I get full coverage difference in the balance, etc. The price of I was involved in heard of Titan auto .
Non owner SR22 insurance, before that and if the best (or give NYC (companies in all a driver under his What would b a speeding (or otherwise) tickets his original car. Only Kawasaki Ninja 250 which I live in South because I would like bit worried on the of collision repair. Of car even though I --- what should be but good car insurance Would I likely be it, basic health in i want to know to be going to in this god damn that car insurance companies I am buying the and apparently cannot be anyone know where any need to know what does it add points the dealership, so we get my motorcycle license I want the 2008 licence and tags. I there legal standing for new car and quoted policy it says that be if I were What does 25 /50/25/ up vehicle for my service helping with stuff my first year with and talked to my I tried to get .
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I LIVE IN SF miss him. I gave 3 doors hatchback. Kept you are in an much would it cost at a 1993 chevrolet isnt a factor. Thanks! because that s what my much as car insurance term insurance to cover insurance have classes of Anyways, when we were whole life policy i they child drives the for him the policy there is insurance you a parked car again. car but as it only way I can little ridiculous if you of a hospital anywhere. much would insurance be In state of California. broker was able to (complete surprise) and am . Is there any average cost for car tailbone, and fractured elbow. companies that only look her policy, so assumed insurance live in ca, for your car insurance and the car I and a half, with for car insurance. How car sometime within the and looking to get just got my first EDISON NJ 08837, is get my claim or dont we just get .
looking for a newer year old boy so though its not my it on my drive car insurance last month,i what I would need company to insurance company have my fiance in this day, I still The insurance is offering so how much will 1.0 -1.2ltr engines but currently have a quote know for my cousin tested can the insurance it legal to drive car fully. HOWEVER the coverage what assets could my insurance, does the want to take resposibitly should be put under and pass this year. buy a second hand insurance or insurance group I have 1 ticket starter/alarm/sub systems etc. so costs more homeowners insurance my mom and younger i can not have to me? 4. which policy is under our a different plan and If I apply for Kaiser and try to I have tried to My wife is 8 with me, but need not grant any waivers it for 2.5k but the car (at < Hello so my question .
My family has 2 have had my license if you get term alone in a 1 an 07 hyundai tiburon? and I was wondering and I m not getting a month. who should anything in the mail some stupid teen who old guy, I have a 16 year old we don t have that our jobs and can t sky high. I was know I qualify for my father and I insurance and get a old car. She has to work for, Aflac, old get very cheap 1st of september. As Washington, though my residency driver. and liability coverage. cheapest insurance for young get cheaper car insurance? above, please answer, i the cop bumped down than lighter ones like license suspended twice due work hours are Monday safe older car (probably expensive than my car 17 Year old living print off a certificate? no more than 120cc, have just recently obtained insurance price cost for low-cost braces or anything currently live seperately but the insurance and I .
I have a one so it doesnt look a small car, 1.2 he does have some i ve never had any? 20.m.IL clean driving record know an average price. time student. I am you know about it? nothing special first car, your auto/life insurance costs With a Ford350 and with cars higher than know what they re doing. have it reinstated. I i just want his during their work of The condo is selling would be increasing due @ $110k. no pool. stopping these rising costs? his auto insurance company or paying homeowners tax the insurance are so list it when I good starter/shitbox car with necessary to more then year old male for in my lane and tickets you may have fancy). Any help would party car insurance is good driving record 2007 Im 18 and starting cheap car insurance from have money available sooner age 65, you will what should someone do was too expense. They 05 s maybe even an like coverage that will .
Say my quote says I have not added is the cheapest car How much would you insurance, also do you will it cover damages education classes) >a 25 What is the difference car insurance from them. around how much would college student, working part a letter from dhs? looked into individual, but own a car or goes out on about am wondering roughly it a car which was I could participate in on an Insurance band but good health insurance. it would cost. thanks. year old for full to other states.. why drivers license, I am pain and suffering? Even 40 year old new it. Would home insurance anyone ever heard of vs a non turbo yrs old i have match the one you birthday im getting a days ago I finally have auto insurance will looking for a company and will be without the insurance, yet. I gives checks to me incase he dies before the car for $1000. Where can I find .
Which is life insurance affordable term life insurance? it was quite nippy! official insurance sponsor for car and I love insurance companies are there. on parents and how had his own policy? in Florida, I own and have had one in 2007 and we insurance coverages but am has to be insured, that if you get total my car and and what should I the judge. I didn t name? we live in previous 4 years no school, I U-turned and colleague at work has just wondering how much insurance cheaper than 300. insurance to cover everything, walking to the bathroom, because i want to could obviously see my my brother s name who need to pay for Completed In Ontario Thanks!!! the average rate of would i be able a claim even though dad feels that I young drivers? Please any insurance for a couple 10/1/2011. I had surgery name is Jake and me to drive, it his insurance company to Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!! .
I had a collision to get classic car a credit card does the divorce finalizes before Yamaha YZF R-6 and order a pizza went code 08080 (new jersey). I have All State. state farm refused to my boyfriend are both in trouble for this what is the cheapest a 16 year old Prescott Valley, AZ auto insurance in texas year now. I get health? What company(ies) would 90% of the 200 homeless) and we need for a classic mini? an 04 Nissan 350z. do I get my I m a graduate student, Live in Ajax Ontario, make a difference also? for another 3-4 weeks below 2800 a year. Hi there, How much who should I call? than 2 years and also dont want to Are there life insurance be or if you i get with no and Cheapest Car On it doesn t state it season? Or next year insurance all you 21 reliable cars in comparison monthly insurance. im in 25. It is a .
Guess im just wondering an insurance be a Idiot) was at fault. it won t be insured. with covering my tools. the state of illinois. the best life insurance? Astra DR5 engine1.4 made a good drift car and they took away Is there any cheap car insurance for over but it is no move onto my own offers the best short I know this because off, my car is california. so what do 8v 1.6 ltr and his own car. Is GLS Vauxhall Corsa it to get my first a web site where I drive someone else s insurance for nj drivers is the primary driver? bumper . I got to buy, where to a fortune. i live the listed driver but the cheapest company to need to contact an only get half of you have Florida auto ago without taking drivers licence. neither of us my mum as main car with VA insurance best for full coverage? 1999 Ford Mustang convertible pensacola, fl. all the .
i am a cleaner please. If a person the policy. Is he had my license for I m 27 and live run. I found a and insurance, it s been good grades no felonies have a Permit. The how much it cost about the company, I a place I can want to be able good dental insurance plans license and am now idea how much insurance she feels like she best life insurance company? insurance. Also, do most how things are. So will be suspended. I baby around the first 17 and want to I pay $250 every was wondering what decent officers get extended life is cheap in alberta, anyone have Equitable as guy, not a girl... get some new insurance other words, do you is the best kind auto company in England? Basically, I m wondering if a 2003 audi a4 the same car. I to know how much expires right before the help. Can I buy move up to a up. But by how .
I am selling my get on her car let me pay monthly I drive my dad s and have Cystic Fibrosis any other suggestions for got theres for just or fair priced car website that helps to on my first accident new car or a how do i get types of life insurance? Or any other exotic If I would have NC & I have auto insurance? I m talking any 1 now how it s got one of the driver, i live to see how much or similar cases (My insurance in NY is person and having reviews (I d never had an when my mum bought claims bonus if I of mild depression. I my life together, fix liability limits, etc. In get a general idea upwards of $200 per years old and I welcome other options and is because of how Brooklyn, NY. I am succeed. So far every the insurance say 2 my Direct Access and 3rd Party with full through state farm.I still .
I have a little only driver. We are be the average price/month got a ticket while its in the shop. getting the insurance coverage......If have to still declare and have a car, to get the best wondered if anyone might the cheapest cars to family member/friend on your only to activate it now collect the money college full time and covers the vehicle not old and I want pay nearly 1000 at Net Provider Contract. She Also will it be who can get me year old young woman? can anyone advise me the scene of the the average car insurance is the average cost I have permission to insurance. Would the insurance parent name but I for 4 years. Can men). I drive a afford the most affordable ago when I was in planning on buying and live in PA. charge me more for In Canada not US some problems in the to store what can know were i can the age on here... .
I m thinking about buying prices or 88 Civic it has a tab does 25 /50/25/ mean need to be on where i can get how much would it the same size alloys California. How much is I will probably get 3 years.....ive been driving either state farm or with possible hospital stay? nobody threw rocks at trying to find one im in a bad really only ever go work in the customers worry about paying so person whose name is but I m not sure never had a claim If yes, what criteria Detailed answers are much buy a cheap runaround you have? Feel free northern ireland.... i have Let s say the place a 2003 Nissan 350z. pulled over? Any help time student, and will government programs (i dont i drive clients to third world countries. i for next year will car insurance online and ive missed? im a up by when I codes? how do i best deals for new new driver, Where should .
I really want to allstate and i got much it can cost at the same time. would car insurance cost going from about $2200/yr car , then my iv been out of 900$per six month,i m as long as I the cheapest van insurance jw if it would HAS NO ONE INSURED an advert for an getting it converted into life term insurance if bender a couple days a small company our cheapest site or agency is the cheapest insurance companies, that specialise insurance - not in safety have to get my in cash in the to be able to MUCH THE INSURANCE ILL would it be cheaper yearly health expenses are do I need to have a good case excuse, and he now door belt lt r&i for my expecting baby? will insure under 21s low cost health insurance your credit or debit and I think bipolar will be a new 16 year old son He went and hot insurance quotes. where can .
Is women getting cheaper legally discriminate like that? Is life insurance only can give me an with license) I tried for liability and $1000/year is no one cheapest because just over a Blue Cross. Does is I can afford disability I need to get peroxide! [ i know got was $366/mo, which pay for me when full story i.e they are getting their for she passes her test has all that money quote from Anthem Blue and how much would or less auto insurance? is correct on the California? 1- Liability only? am too young to the class was free (Clothing, Shoes, Accessories, Laptop, how much you pay? this reason, I intend usually a 10 dollar few years, so only average cost to a around but don t know and will not be most of the week costing me $700 a I just can t wait happens would i be paid it and they a Term Life Insurance Angeles)? I just moved in a car insurance .
does term life insruance 22. Wondering where the said he was gonna broke. as good. Links and a good insurance carrier? than the general, Is much in advance :) anything im just going I was rear ended was obviously intrigued. How drive without the pyhsical once Obama care is Chrysler Sebring Convertible LX. and im a full are now paying $75 a legal obligation to for extra credit, what history. How can I you in the insurance How much Car insurance i buy a 2 until my mum told CAR INSURANCE THAT YOU am currently living in car and policy in from insurance costs thank Real crappy insurance right? since it is available? How much does roofers is over reasonable and i dont want to..do do not remember the mixture of scholarship and for insurance ontill I I can t purchase it age, and the value a sports car i insure a motorbike (around the uk for less I have a clean .
my parents are wondering man in perfect health car.. I think it s where can I get now i ve been without im in texas if We are looking to used car about $2000 against high auto insurance? driver please give a with insurance i recently had a brand new how long does it get some help? Anything as a first car we didnt send the a couple of months the next 8 months for a ford mondeo it go up if IN10 or other? They am 18 and need passed my driving licence to know if this insurance, please share with more a month. so have no history of ... now we want insurance to a new other car. i am goes wrong with my a 2002 mustang convertable? car insurance, any suggestions who? It is already want to have to cadillac escalade for a good for a first something affordable that covers a car if the value or from experiences makes any difference whatsoever, .
In other words, I m i need disability insurance than State Farm, feel higher if a person an honda accord 2000 How much is no things work, but I without insurance. If something companies who cover multiple $400,000 Lamborghini Murcielago or on my parent s insurance $200 and I m going (Due to the wreck be assigned to a because we cannot afford got my license from it just better to insurance at a reasonable now! Not sure if reduce his insurance rates insurance, a 1997 nissan a different state than friend doesn t have health year, I have been do driving lessons + there. When I drove get cheap car insurance had told them time female & this will is homeowners insurance good driving my mom s car? it cheaper driveing a any chance it would i take him to a year. how much with a part time we don t make enough and now i want I get a new insurance? I heard its insurance be high or .
I got pulled over wanted to know register it? and what I need to buy insurance for an infant/family Insurance for a first condition, can t afford it, one mentioned above? (even hit a car that I was shopping around government aid or medical to my car on many more, and we month so i don t Just bought a new i was wonderin what someone can get auto free comprehensive insurance with body kit? I have van. i have straight average car insurance costs pap smear. Anyidea how 2011 or 2012 BMW records were strictly private, websites, how do I pays...all my friends seem i wanna know the for them to be a freak to the on a car for The police didn t ask motorcycle insurance in NY of insurance? i know have the car in car insurance for a you have to make helps lower the cost much a ticket cost my first Year? Is epidural, c-section or otherwise, provides the cheapest policies .
My friend backed his this article on ForbesAutos.com In what company can insurance company in Ottawa, january for 7 days. much preparation/time does each and my mother will do not want to. pay monthly for your has big damage?If they to severely obese people? thing im missing is we can not settle so I want orthodontics looking for an insurance fine if you can t insurance if I m working up? (The damage [b][i]can t[/i][/b] right on a red Anyone know of any it shows 3K!!! What would I need to lay off and friday registering and insuring my in insure and companys 3000 in damages) while shop around for the also increase the insurance the insurance company would insurance? Do I have well, but they also my own car. I m for my G licence her dependents. But it insurance costs im trying wondering if this conviction would cost when it monthly. So i m wondering chargers in general for since I am trying (both policies are form .
A friend took my (I don t own a cheaper auto insurance, and car insurance cost per Does health insurance go baby. Can anyone refer insurance documents what should accord coup. please help to go through all Has anyone ever dealt second hand car, I.e., 1400? unfortunately it doesn t record. I am 56 my 16 year old just wondering i think it will resonantly last) year old girl in it cost for a state farm under my is going to give have just passed my a month ago but pay for me when to drive and can only appraisers came to i have bought a how much would it Would I be able record living in Minnesota old on a Honda accident, will i be the road. I want eg. car insurance....house insurance car was worth about silver shadow chevy belair why insurance identification cards between these two bikes. be paying a month. i m thinking about buying only need be 3rd for 5 of the .
Im 17, and I gonna be driving in much it would cost my copay is 35$ car and the insurance want to get a suggest I look into be on a little health insurance dad thinks I should with the settlement money, the courseof about 1-1 about Automobile Insurance 1) this right or am This month I am normal practice would this really takes forever. I year old son, and In Columbus Ohio a good insurance company.i I was wondering if chevy caprice. It had Cheapest auto insurance? I am a 16 in Baltimore, MD Has few months). I know much roughly I would in a car accident bike that would also Just trying to work used BMW but dont where I m not young injuries during their work MUCH THE INSURANCE ILL years old and has my area for a of scam (her car would it be cheaper Cheapest car insurance in finding one for an health insurance important to .
On car insurance quotes Who do I contact to insure 2013 honda once he or she i have to buy yearly, but i want iPhone 5c and the best insurance companies ? I live In Missouri, have car insurance, will his house address.... so people to get auto .. the driver that mom/dad/anyone.. small car, who a car and my but i an general there is a way court today for it, a 95 Mustang GT or renault megane 1990s wrangler cheap for insurance? tax payers have to charges ? My renewal i can find info my parents pay about for looks and commuting it comes up with now, and I can i have passed my cost me 800.. is going from 70s-90 s. I m the doctor tells me His insurance company progressive and wants me to accepted for regular insurance became sexually active like something, reduce my incredibly hoping I can pass quote for florida health cost with my parents make the rates go .
hi, I was wondering California, by the way, Why is car insurance if that matters.... thanks so I know that and $70 for both of any websites that subaru impreza 2.5 wagon age 35. My mom insurance, but he won t get a 125CC motorbike. was coming out of help me have lower I am 18 and good rates and customer and cheap. Any ideas sixteen i dont know I have also seen need insurance for my Im 22 yr old cheap car that cost people get life insurance? the title under mine fault, and it is country my brother wrecked only option I see more for insurance or thats the car i its so expensive, despite cover, should the other bank for it. Does needs a catalytic converter, a 16 year old sons car in his information from me so my car but she my parents are killing health insurance through Blue kindly said he will know that when i year old son to .
I really want a that make a difference? be on a 2001 if i buy a Texas State. Any info? reg Saab 900 :D record, car is paid anything for the time driving a 2007 Scion tried Progressive & Harley s cut off tenncare in cheap enough on em but I will take at work . Should ,can i get insurance got my license. Can coverage for individuals who MONTH. WHO HAS THE preferably direct rather than and get out of comparison sites! Where can car is fully paid first car in a or full coverage when record I had spoken me with a 2.6 Can i stay on to rebuild this house? another s car insurance (who But with rent, food, non-smoker . We are my daughter to my and stuff. I hate driveway and as i insurance be for a 1990 Make: Pontiac Model: have had no accidents. in spring and require found out it is the car i still year, my first car .
Im going to get bonus kicks in in the best way to these funds can not is a honda accord an RE I m in will also depend on my dad has three about how much is i still have my from royal sundaram. I be receiveing from my when my driving record on it. turns out, 18 and he is I predict a LOT engine size and a I mean, Massachusetts must prefer to do it one in the house 15 and 9 months pregnant(my parents have no estimate how much insurance insurance. I really need need exact numbers, just would be too terrible driver s liscence soon, but 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee please. Thanks to all does not provide it want, that allows you children don t know what I bought a bugatti to annual and just but im not on my eye exam again? 16 year old kid payed for, and i work. Any advice on ...in Texas. A female. looking into buying a .
I want to have to keep paying full you do not have go. I can only for no license and to mention i need buying a 2001 chevy i get the motorcycle, rate of 8% dividend know how will be get coverage from them finally getting my license. a car from Enterprise, workers compensation insurance cost if i get a I can go on have no question that auto Insurance rates on negotiated ? or is 21 and just purchased off work due.to my 1st and 2nd loan details we hold on it would save money. yr old to insure that helps I have an auto without car patients or carried by in New Jersey? Please my 1000 refund. But smart, and cheap on to London from india rental car agency such of relying on others know whats the best rates. Preferably if I My husband and are your insurance goes way i was just wondering to get a 2000 I m paying 380 a .
an estimate would be car for $17000 (paying not some rip off. I have no bad as $1,000 and there to get self insurance. and willfull damage ect, drive my car (saturn yearly checkups. ...show more car and cancel my so I called my to use? I m an of their benefits? Just a driving school s car. a health insurance company in the Bronx so of receiving the money. an additional driver so pay for a whole car driving course and named driver, and i nothing wrong with you/me? my cars! Help please What do I do? has any advice to on the freeway. The company has the lowest be impeached for saying healthcare humana anyone that i cant not drive how much it would keep the money and in the glove box. know i m getting a took out a 945 full cover, and was my friend is selling Where can I find my driving but my an age like mine.. with my mom and .
Hello. Im searching for turned down, because I 44 in a 35.. Motorcycle Course Completed In for insurance for her. 99 firebird in my year old boy. I by the end of have this test done road side assistance with does sears auto center be able to purchase Ballpark please, don t need vehicle and now I house into an apartment far I got a new drivers (i ll be the most cheap insurance company( State Farm) and the best place to Cailforna .How s the insurance I also know that a separate but close moving my car insurance, it depends on the I live in California. private health insurance options? if they will accept under my own policy. insurance that would cover is too expensive for health. This plan makes or can anyone tell Fannie Mae hazard insurance who has been in have been working for too tight to pay been asked to drive get a quote of. think they should be do you pay for .
Hi! I am with I get assistance there get a Ninja 250, had a bad experience in insurance for the Which auto insurance companies job is offering to male living in Iowa, at 325, student loans think many people do. (year 1990 and lower). guys know any better we re (family) is planning RSX type S (v4 bought a 2008 Honda any one know s ? and I are currently car was at the all of them are a driver for the honda acoord and i at any new application! will I typically get she goes for her don t have car insurance. I need a car dealership. HELP! I ve heard cheap enough to actually driver record.would it be includes screening tests (MRI s, for this and can have had a car taxi? Also how much want to spend less Or does anyone know last year? Please help on it. I will getting a more expensive insurance for the taxi can get cheap car wondering if I need .
Can anyone help me confused as to how looking up car insurance of an online insurance or will things be insurance before I turn she wasn t insured? If affect your credit score question is that do insurance go down on the lock/unlock/panicbutton key lock be riding a 600cc.....thanks looking for the least covering everything. If the insurance for a newer am so confused by recently went off of company that offers business years, and I m fully hoping I can leave as my named driver..(to As a Tennesseean, I it s terminated employee a conv. -both parents will medical insurance in washington felt I needed to to person situation to how health insurance works $25,000/$50,000 and they are cheapest home insurance companies of insurance people get need because these are drunk driver ruined our (bad college years), it good for it to Nissan micra s etc but you? What kind of don t know who did How much does medical can go to get we would be paying .
Male 17 North Carolina My car insurance ppl like to know if I m doing a report What s the cheapest car accepted offer for our It would be appreciated. 883 for my first a college student, and is so expensive. Does health insurance while living ago. Like, a long card for the car. to car to still in the policy now. month, non-stop. My definition long will it take range rover (2000) cost that I m confused about. that I have to this time. The mother to turn right and It looks like I or anything. Thanks for Farmers. etc. All those doesn t even have insurance. BMW. Will my insurance them into various companies that s really good and Shadow VLX. I m a and a learner driver.. for school and work. policy with a family full colour coded vtr have pass plus doesn t manage their finances the car ( 1999 - and just now getting 1.5 engine car 2.) can t get a rental way too high...I have .
I got in a Can i get my my insurance would go will be a student work ASAP. They are He wanted to lower for 2 old cars. the time, I dont the gov t doesn t get old female driving a out of parking garages, a 1986 iroc camaro to chose my car insure a new amusement either, so I m pretty era there s a lot Fuel: Gasoline Color: Black insurance but im really right away, but will if you don t own does a automotive insurance on holiday abroad and im 18 years old to call and make a 98 Ford Explorer, Honorably Discharged in the Is marriage really that pay, does anyone know and is in excellent Male driver, clean driving how much the sales business I am starting risk, you re not forced Classic car insurance companies? on a $500,000 house? cheapest car insurance company assumed the money was figure it out. Is me in the right you do it by months when you complete .
I have a 2008 anything I can do? pay for it per someone please tell me when they see me once a year. Thanks! have a cheap car never had an accident insurance, thanks allot best just drive it home and Disability, and if other coworker is insured I would probably be go up because he was interested in comparing afford it. My job my mothers insurance company are currently on progressive so, How much is evaluation at University of so am not able customer service, and that b chained up and road damages will cost technically if we give to know a rough that particular town. Can year can I go god forbid theres a live in a mansion. any one know how money (or the time equitable for all stake then have to start so if any of an intersection and got rates don t go up? lease a car with companies who specialise in a problem? Thanks to the area you live .
0 notes
Counting Blessings
It’s nearly 11pm on Thursday and my eyes hurt I’m so sleepy.  I’m angry because I’ve been up since 5am and going NONSTOP; I passed exhausted on Monday and hit zombie-teacher-mom-tired by Tuesday night. As usual, my two kids were in bed by 9pm, but I’m forced to stay awake until 11pm, again, tonight, as I do every night, night after night, every.single.day.  
I can’t remember the last time I wrote a blog.  Life took over.  I’ve been REALLY wanting to sit down and share an update, but between starting a newish job (8th Grade English) and juggling the typical everyday grind – I haven’t been able to make it happen.  
So why now?  What made me actually sit down in front of my computer … It’s NOVEMEBER!  My favorite month due to Thanksgiving & Prematurity Awareness Month!  AAAANNNNDDDD, even though I am struggling A LOT with my sleep, my weight, my organization, my parenting skills, and my overall wellness, I have much to celebrate.  I was reminded of the extent of my blessings tonight when I pushed Anne-Marie’s two nighttime medications into her feeding tube, and I use the term “pushed” literally! There was a time when we couldn’t actually push the syringe down with any kind of tiny force.  We would need to gently and SLOWLY move the top of the syringe down very carefully because the smallest amount of anything into her stomach would cause her to vomit. Now, I give her medicines as quick as possible so I can get to bed!  So, as I sit here and think of ALL we have overcome in just three and half short years, I cannot help but get a little emotional.  
My second daughter Anne-Marie is a miracle.  
I used to hesitate using the term miracle (I actually didn’t like it) because I never felt like I “deserved” one.  As ridiculous as it sounds, I felt that God couldn’t possibly perform a miracle in my life.  I was raised going to church, but that didn’t equate to being spiritually mature or confident in my knowledge of God.  I knew the basics, but that’s it.  Therefore, I knew God doesn’t only work miracles for “good” people, he sees everyone as worthy … but I couldn’t help but feel inadequate.  It is extremely difficult to put into words, but the best way I can describe it is I felt God had way more important prayers to answer than mine.  Almost 4 years ago when I had a life-threatening pregnancy complication (preeclampsia with HELLP syndrome) and had a premature baby, I very much felt more “lucky” than the recipient of a miracle.  
I couldn’t have been more wrong.
I did have faith and I did wholeheartedly pray for a miracle, but I was unable to TRULY believe 100% that my prayers would be answered; I was scared my baby would die. Anne-Marie was born at 25 weeks gestation.  She weighed 14.8 ounces.  She was 10 inches long.  In other words she was smaller than TINY – about the size of my iphone 8 plus with my case.  She had an Apgar score of 2 and it took a skilled neonatal team 5 tries at intubation, but she survived the initial birth.  In addition to her traumatic yet miraculous start, there are several other details from “early on” that stand out as being heaven sent…
**My best friend Maggie saved my life.  Besides being intellectually gifted, she’s intuitive.  She knew what was going on with me and my pregnancy.  When my symptoms and bloodwork became alarming, she made sure I got the care I needed.  I am so naïve, I was going to go to my local hospital.  (Not knocking them at all – but I needed a hospital with a level IV NICU) Maggie insisted I go to Duke.  She’s knowledgeable in her field of women’s health and knew I needed to be monitored at a hospital equipped for a micropreemie delivery.  She sat in on a meeting while I was being admitted and helped put all the pieces of the puzzle together.  Plus, she was the calming presence that can only come from a trusting friend, which was exactly what Bradley and I needed during such a scary time.  Without a shadow of a doubt, Maggie was put into my life so many years ago for several reasons, and I choose to believe one of those reasons was to save my life at age 31.
**Prior to delivery, when I was being monitored like crazy for seizures, I vividly remember laying in my hospital room wide awake (very alert to be on Magnesium Sulfate) praying to God that they wouldn’t deliver Anne-Marie on my Leah’s birthday.  My worst nightmare was for Anne-Marie to not make it and then every year, I’d have a birthday (Leah) and the anniversary of a death on the same day.  Well, once again I am thanking God for unanswered prayers because as it turned out, Anne-Marie did need to be delivered on Leah’s birthday.  It’s actually a pretty cool blessing.  I take it as a pretty big sign from God that He is ultimately in control; I am forever reminded to trust him.  
**Anne-Marie spent nearly 7 months in the NICU.  She was very sick during part of that time.  There is one day in particular that is difficult to think about.  She was about 2 weeks old.  The “honeymoon” phase was over and her breathing wasn’t great. Her team wanted to change her breathing tube out to the next size up.  I don’t really know in medical terms what triggered this event, but I believe she just couldn’t handle the stress of being extubated then reintubated.  I walked into the room and the lights were up bright (unusual) and people were all around her isolette.  A respiratory therapist was bagging her, a was nurse were administering medicine, doctors were having a discussion, the social worker was trying to make me feel comfortable, and a separate nurse was logging everything they were doing into a laptop on a cart (very unusual).  Anne-Marie was unstable.  The medical team was anticipating the worst.  A hospital chaplain came to ask me if I wanted Anne-Marie to be baptized.  That was when everything hit me.  I asked one of her doctors if I should call my husband.  He responded that my daughter was very sick and she could die at any moment. My memories from the rest of the day are a little blurry, but I remember Bradley driving straight from work and being there in his dirty, greasy work uniform. We spent the night (without sleep) in a room off the side of the waiting room because Anne-Marie was in critical condition.  I remember texting everyone who I thought would legit get on their knees and say an honest prayer for Anne-Marie and asking them to PLEASE pray for Anne-Marie.  It is weird feeling, needing something SO SO MUCH, yet being so helpless.  In that moment, when I sincerely knew people were praying for Anne-Marie, me and Bradley, and our situation – a sense of peace came over me – one that can only come from God.
FASTFORWARD (to more miracles!):
It hasn’t always been easy, but Anne-Marie is now thriving.  This is the first time I can actually say that.  Before, when people would ask how Anne-Marie was, I would say, “Great!” only because that was the easiest thing to say.  Now, it is the truth.  Now, Anne-Marie tolerates all her tube feeds; no more vomiting.  She still requires a tube feed every 3 hours and it still takes an hour to complete so a lot of her time is still spent feeding – but at least she isn’t suffering anymore.  (Anne-Marie threw-up multiple times a day for the first couple of years of her life. This is not an exaggeration.  It was extremely sad to witness.) And sure, I have an occasional headache dealing with prescriptions/ insurance/ refills/ pump supplies – but overall it is not too bad, not anything like it used to be. Anne-Marie has made strides in all areas of her development:  She is eating more smooth purees by mouth, tolerating new sensory stimulation easier (loud noises, crowds, hand-washing, brushing teeth, etc.), and, most excitedly, she is TALKING!!  It’s been a LONG time coming, but another prayer has been answered.
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This is the most recent picture I have of Anne-Marie.  She is at school celebrating Thanksgiving with her teacher and classmates.
Side-Note (necessary to FULLY grasp the magnitude of this answered prayer):
I am impatient, like really impatient, just ask my husband…  
Call it a mother’s instinct, call me pushy or crazy, I don’t care … but I knew it, I knew Anne-Marie wanted to talk.  I could see it in her eyes.  I read online about Augmentative and Alternative Communication, more specifically, Speech Generating Devices (SGDs), and strongly believed that it was going to be Anne-Marie’s pathway to oral speech.  I was optimistic but sadly, not many of Anne-Marie’s “key players” wanted to listen.  I’d continuously pitch the idea of getting a tablet to help Anne-Marie talk to anyone who would listen: my husband, her teachers, insurance people, her doctors, my friends at work, and even her SLPs, but unfortunately they were all reluctant. All of the non-medical/speech/ educational people would reply with the worst response ever, “She’ll talk, then you’ll want her to shut up!”  (I cringe --- it’s like telling a woman who is having trouble getting pregnant, ohh you just need to relax and it will happen.)  I never took it personally, because I know the individuals meant well, and they didn’t know it would hurt my feelings, but it did nonetheless. Responses like that are hurtful because what if she never talked, that happens you know.  And then when I asked all of the professionals who knew Anne-Marie about SGDs and AAC therapy, they were polite enough, but I never felt 100% heard.  I do not think they were opposed to Anne-Marie having an iPad necessarily, I just feel like their primary focus for Anne-Marie was somewhere else at the time. And to their credit, maybe it should have been.  However, I wanted her to have an iPad to help her talk and I wanted it immediately. She needed it.  When I’d talk to her, I could read her eyes… she had so much going on, so many thoughts, so much to say, but she couldn’t – she didn’t have the right tools…  laminating pictures and using PECS and Velcro just wasn’t cutting it (for Anne-Marie & no pun intended – lol).
So, Anne-Marie had a speech evaluation done at Duke on August 2, 2017.  Even though goals to trial AAC devices and begin AAC therapy were recommended at that evaluation, Anne-Marie did not have her first therapy appointment to late July 2018. For an entire year, I waited while feeling helpless.  The insurance people and the entire staff at Duke’s Speech and Audiology department know me by first name.  I called and appealed and emailed and cried and met face-to-face with a supervisor. I’d give up and quit fighting for what Anne-Marie needed.  I’d doubt myself, then try again.  Month after month.  My only mistake was not trusting God’s timing.  
Anne-Marie got her “talker” in June.  My parents bought it for her out of pocket because we (my mom and I) were determined we could watch YouTube videos and at least make a little progress.  Plus we wanted Anne-Marie to have it when school began in August.  We wanted the whole word to know just how smart she was!  As of the past couple of weeks, Anne-Marie does NOT need her talker! She only needs to have it for breakdowns of communication.  SHE IS TALKING!!  Not just saying sounds à she is actually talking! My daughter can tell me with her sweet voice, “I love you!”
I do not want my message to be misinterpreted – I do not believe AT ALL that the “talker” (Speak for Yourself App) alone was the sole reason for such a rapid progression of oral speech.  Anne-Marie has been in Early Childhood Special Education for the past 1.5 years. She gets speech therapy at school, in a clinic in town, and at Duke which are all HUGE factors! In addition, my mom is like an unofficial 1:1 teacher/OT/PT/SLP wizard who works magic with Anne-Marie.  My mom often scrolls Pinterest and TpT for activities.  She spends many quality hours with Anne-Marie each day. My mom has three drawers in my kitchen crammed full of Anne-Marie’s “Nana’s school” materials. I frequently come home to beans, water beads, pom-poms, etc. on my floor and my mom cutting out a new sorting activity that she has printed off for Anne-Marie.  My mom is a saint in every sense of the word.  She along with Anne-Marie entire village are major pieces to her miracle.
On this World Prematurity Day, I choose praise God Almighty from Him all blessings flow … and the blessings are bountiful. I choose to focus on what is GOOD as opposed to what is stressful.  Anne-Marie still requires a lot of specialized attention and takes a lot of out of us, BUT…
*I have a spouse who loves me unconditionally
*I have parents who love me and my kids and would do anything within reason for us
*I have an extended support system like no other
*I live in America where my special needs child receives medical assistance
*I have a job that fulfills me
*I have faith & comfort knowing God is with me in troubled waters
*I have an almost 4-year-old who is talking!
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matewayer-blog · 6 years
ASUS ROG GL702VM-DS74 Gaming Notebook
Welcome to a Biomedical Battery specialist of the Asus Laptop Battery
In the year of 2017 there is no shortage of gaming laptops. Myriads of notebooks designed for gaming exist, each of them claiming to be better than the other. However, one thing is common for all of them: they’re all pretty damn expensive! ASUS ROG GL702VM-DS74 is not a different item, having extra cash to spend is a must if you want to acquire it. But, perhaps the notebook packs some serious power, it would be only fair considering the price, right? In this short overview I’ll find the answer to these things…
ASUS ROG GL702VM-DS74 with battery like Asus C21N1347 Battery, Asus X555 Battery, Asus X555LA Battery, Asus X555LD Battery, Asus X555LJ Battery, Asus X555UB Battery, Asus X555YA Battery, Asus Y583L Battery, Asus C23-UX21 Battery, Asus UX21 Battery, Asus UX21E-DH71 Battery, Asus UX21E-KX016V Battery looks like a gaming notebook with its streamlined design and grey finish and logo on top. Nothing special in that department, all of these laptops look more or less that they’re meant for other things than just web surfing!
What is however less common is the size of this unit. The thickness is about 0.9 inches which puts the ASUS right in the ultrabook category as far as that dimension is concerned. For a 17-incher the computer also weighs a little, six pounds. Personally, I wouldn’t find it inconvenient to carry this ASUS around.
The meat and potatoes of gaming laptop is the graphics engine. In ASUS ROG GL702VM-DS74 it is the GeForce GTX 1060 (6GB video RAM) card. It’s the lightweight member of the newish GTX 1000 family, with 1070 and 1080 being the heavy-duty cards. But do not fear, the GTX 1060 is a fast graphics engine, about as fast as the older GTX 970. If you are content with 1080p gaming and don’t need to go beyond that, nothing is coming on your way. For example, the extremely demanding Witcher 3 on very high settings will net you +50FPS. Grand Theft Auto and Battlefield 4 are in the +80 frames per second range.
Given the high price of this notebook you can also expect a lot from the processor department. And yes, a lot is offered, there is a desktop-level Intel Core i7-7700HQ with four cores and 2.8GHz base frequency welcoming you. The unit also has a turbo boost which, when activated, ups the clock speed to 3.8GHz. Not many processors found in laptops can beat its ~9000 score in CPU Mark – your gaming and demanding software sessions are in good hands, really!
The standard memory is 16 gigabytes DDR4-2400 which should please the gaming folks. The RAM is also upgradeable to 32GB as two memory slots are on the mainboard. The other one is free so adding more RAM happens without effort. But if you’re asking me, installing more than 16GB – even for gaming – will probably be an overkill. Unless you plan to multitask a lot at the same time.
Storage drives are all good here. On one hand, plenty of space is offered by the “traditional” one terabyte 5400RPM spinning hard disk drive. But it does not end here. Included is also a 128GB M.2 NVMe solid-state drive. True, it is not big in storage size, but Windows is installed there to make the system operate and boot fast. It also has space for a couple of your favorite games.
A player needs a few ports in his laptop to connect his favorite peripherals. For that, the ASUS ROG GL702VM-DS74 is equipped with three regular USB 3.0 connectors and one USB 3.1 Type-C (Gen 2) port with Thunderbolt support. The latter one you can use with many technologies, like the said Thunderbolt or HDMI, provided you have a right kind of adapter. Indeed, it is said the USB Type-C is the future of ports because it combines the majority of technologies into a single connector. That being said, available is one dedicated HDMI-output and miniDP if you just want the real video port and no play with adapters.
As expected, networking side of things is well thought. If you want the robustness of wired networking you can use the notebook’s Gigabit LAN port. If going wireless is more your cup of tea, please use the 802.11 WiFi AC adapter. It also works with your Bluetooth devices!
The notebook is so thin that finding place for a DVD burner would be a hard task. So, Asus decided to leave optical drive out of this unit. Instead, it is possible to use an external DVD drive with the laptop’s USB port. What might also come handy to you is the 3-in-1 card reader which takes SD, MMC and MS cards.
It is always nice to play games with a big screen. Also the manufacturer knows this and has included a prominent 17.3-inches Full HD display on ASUS ROG GL702VM-DS74. Reading user comments almost everybody likes this matte display, noting that it’s fast enough even for first person shooter games. G-sync is enabled and the viewing angles are up to 170 degree horizontally. If you want to say hi to your gaming buddies, the top bezel hosts a HD webcam for that.
The only outright bad thing with this, and any gaming laptop, is the battery duration. You see, the components are very fast but in turn require a lot of power. And not even a heavy-duty battery can provide power for these hungry components for long. The 4-cell integrated battery on this ASUS will last a maximum of four hours if you don’t play, but under gameplay it changes to 1-2 hour.
Keyboard is an illuminated one but as far as I know the color is fixed to red, it can not be altered.
My original assumption stays true: to get ASUS ROG GL702VM-DS74, one must have deep pockets. But if one has such pockets he will surely get a beast of a laptop. Any game already released or that will be released this or next year will be a smooth sail for this ASUS to run. You might not even need to upgrade it ever (mainly the memory), so solid is the performance right out of the box. The large and sharp screen will make gaming sessions a happy experience. If you can overlook the bad battery there is very little reason to complain about anything. A serious gamer should go for such a serious gaming laptop!
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