#Skip Hire Near Edinburgh
enviroworx02 · 3 months
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skell3 · 1 year
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Statement of Samson Murphy, regarding a hike through the Appalachian Mountains, in the United States.
Original statement given October 16th, 2009.
Statement begins:
I met Cecil during the summertime, back when a couple of friends dragged me out to go on a hike. It wasn't something I usually did, but they had something to show me that they thought would be great for one of my projects and- well. You see, I'm a painter, and not exactly a great one, but I have made it into a couple exhibits and sold some for some pretty good cash. It's not exactly a job, per se, but I will take what I can get to get my stuff out there. So I was looking for inspiration, and they said they knew a tree.
The tree itself was magnificent. Massive, with curving roots that stretched over and under ground alike. We even had a picnic on some of them, using a larger root that had been flattened out by travelers over time for exactly this type of occasion. I would say it definitely gave me some inspiration. The beauty of it, surrounded by the other frees in the forest up near Loch Voil. I'd been born in Inverness, then moved to Edinburgh, and while they aren't the biggest of cities- I had definitely mostly known urban more than rural most of my life. So the hike helped, and the tree was great, and it inspired me for a couple of paintings I got done over the next month.
But the tree wasn't exactly what I was painting that entire time. We saw something else out there, and it might be a little too cheesy to say that the encounter changed my life, but it really did. Because out there, in that forest... I met Cecil.
Just a single man hiking out and about, walking around like he not only knew the place, but maybe even lived there. We ran into him and one of my mates, of course, had to be nosey and ask about what he was doing. Quiet, polite. Maybe even a little bit firm. I liked him almost immediately, and it wasn't just for his tone of voice and demeanor- but also that he was rather pretty for a man. Darker skin, like he'd been in the sun for years. Pale silver hair that I thought was dyed like that for a while, until I found out later that it was exactly as it grew. He was young, but one of those old soul types you feel like you can trust.
It was difficult leaving him be to do his wandering, like something was tugging at me to go back and talk to him more. But I hadn't needed to worry too much- I noticed him at the market just the next week after. He recognized me and I think that was the first time a man has ever made me blush in public like that. We even got to talking a bit, and I found out that he makes quite a few trips out to the surrounding parks and forests. Solo hiking, something of a nature nut- and he did photography. I'm embarrassed to say I recognized a few of his shots simply because I'd needed references for a few things, and... well. You could almost say it was meant to be, though that's the cheesiest line in the book.
Skip forward a year... and we were dating. Half a year after that, and we both made the decision to move to London.
It was for work, primarily- Cecil needed to branch out a little more on some of his skills, and there was an agency that wanted him close by to work with him. I also had been hired into another company for my real job, which was surprisingly or not- teaching. I didn't exactly teach whole classes, just some basic art level college courses. Paid the bills, and I could still have access to the things I loved doing, so it worked out. We worked out- the odd couple. The surprise on my face when he admitted I was eight years older than him... but that he liked that.
Cecil still went out often. Every weekend, he'd pick a large park or even catch a train further out to get away from the city long enough to spend a few hours out there. Get some photos. Be himself. I never really asked to go with him, because I knew that he needed that time alone. Hell, our apartment was a two-bedroom so he and I could each have our own spaces. But it worked, and we never argued about it, and I was always immeasurably pleased when he made the decision to take me with him on some smaller trips, or opt to curl up in my bed with me when he wanted the attention.
Cecil was... is different, and I think that's mostly what I'm here to explain. He's different. From everyone, from every... thing.
Three years into dating, and Cecil gets offered an experience to go overseas. His company wants some good shots in the Appalachian Mountains over in the States. Couple of others were going to be going, as well- some sort of advert campaign for a travel company and... I was ecstatic. They would pay for the both of us, travel and lodging, and I could get the time off to go with him. Cecil was... wary. Unsure. I'd never seen him so nervous, but he wouldn't explain why and while he said to pack my bags to go with, he closed his door for the first time in months and it had me worried. Was it the travel? The... distance from home he was worried about? We hadn't any pets, no kids to worry about, and our neighbor Ms. Lorry was more than happy to watch over our houseplants for us.
It could've been the plane ride. Both of us got sick up there, did our best to sleep it off. But the moment we touched ground in New York, the trip had just begun. A whirlwind of it, too. Various spots and forest bits, nature reserves and the like, all the way down the mountain. The trip was a whole week of travel and stopping to take photos and I tried to do sketches for some paintings, but I was too distracted. Cecil wasn't doing well with it at all. He got sick more than once, but we couldn't just... stop. We got a little breather somewhere near Roanoke, but it wasn't enough to just stay in the hotel room and rest. I knew he needed to go for a walk, and so I bundled him up for the crisp autumn weather and got us a rental car so we could go out for a bit.
It wasn't like... the super dense forests we were used to. Bit of a climb up into a bit of the mountain range, and I was out of breath but this was exactly what Cecil seemed to need. Get out of the city, or away from the people and be in the trees. He sped past me a couple of times, just stretching his legs, taking deep breaths. Wasn't the same air, he'd said. Wasn't quite enough, but I could see more colour to his skin again, and that was enough for me. So we hiked, and wandered, and he took some photos just so that the company wouldn't complain about our little excursion out. It was honestly... perfect.
Until it wasn't.
It got dark pretty quickly, and while I had expected it since we were well into September, almost at October, I hadn't quite anticipated how dark it actually got up there. Even finding some clearings in the forest, there didn't seem to be any moon, and my torchlight was a little weaker than I'd like. Getting Cecil to turn around to head back was upsetting for us both, but he agreed that it wasn't safe out there for me, and so we set back to head to the car.
I never really thought about that, until later. That it wasn't safe for me, specifically. Like he wouldn't also be in danger if some wild animal or a person came at us. I should have realized what he said, sooner.
We were halfway back when the wolves started howling. At first, it just freaked me out a bit because they were awfully close, and I didn't exactly want to end up as dog meat. I love Cecil, but not quite that much, so I tried urging myself to move quicker to get to the car. Cecil stopped me, held his hand over my mouth and urged me to quiet. Again, the wolves sounded off- closer. Again, I tried to move, but then froze at the realization that the calls were... wrong. I'd heard plenty through videos, nature documentaries. Never in person, but they were still just not right at all to have actually been... wolves. It almost sounded like people, but not. No human could make quite the same eerie howl of a grown wolf, but it was closer to person than canine, and I was about to have a fit if Cecil didn't let me go so we could both make a run for it down the mountain and to the car.
But then he did, and his only word was, "Run."
A branch snapped. I booked it. Not completely out of shape, but still a little sore and winded from our hike out there. I wouldn't have made it, wouldn't have run so fast and recklessly if I had realized Cecil wasn't right behind me. But something else had followed me and by the time I got to the parking lot where we'd left the rental, I could hear its breath right behind me. Right up against my neck. Ready and waiting right there for me to trip or stumble so it could catch me and end me. And I did trip, but it quite probably saved my life entirely, because right behind whatever beast that had been so hot on my tail was another one. A more familiar monster that took me far too long to realize that it was Cecil and not another one of the strange Appalachian things.
He was... feral? It's a bit hard to describe what he looked like, more than what he did. What he was. I hit the ground hard, my head bouncing off the side of the rental, and I heard snarling and a cry behind me. Dazed and terrified, I rolled over onto my back to push myself up and direct my torch- still clutched tightly in my hand- toward the noise. Teeth, blood. A streak of silver, a pelt of pitch black fur. Bone eventually grew exposed, and the fight went on until it ended with a crunch and a horrifying cry of pain. Then there was silence, the sound of my breathing, and the sound of his massive shape in the dying torchlight.
And then... well. I blacked out.
Coming back around, I was in the car, nestled safely into the passenger seat with Cecil's jacket around me. He was driving, his hair a mess. Wild. He was still feral in the car, driving us back to the town again, like it was difficult for him to put himself back together after whatever it is that happened. I rode in silent, eyes on him... on my boyfriend of three years who had never hurt me in any way, who just liked being alone often. Who went out on regular hikes or walks to someplace away from people... Watched him calm down by the time we made it back to the hotel, with the moon shining bright enough for me to see him when he looked over at me.
We both sat in silence for a good while there, until eventually I reached a hand over to wipe a bit of blood away from his cheek.
The rest of the trip, he was fine, though we both still got sick on the plane. He was healthy again when we got back to London, like the air back there settled better with him than the air in the States did. While we didn't exactly... talk about it, now that I knew, it was like a wall had been taken down between us. A wall I didn't mind so much, but realized I much preferred not being there.
We had our fourth year anniversary back at the tree up by Loch Voil, and he proposed to me there. I said yes.
Cecil has been one of the best things to ever happen to me. He's saved my life, both emotionally and physically, and I can't imagine a time without him.
So I think what I'm really here to do, other than to make my statement... is to give you a case where the monsters aren't all bad. I imagine I don't entirely know all about Cecil, about what he does out there, or where he really goes when he wanders into the woods, but he is my world and the kindest person I've ever known to love. Whatever it is you lot study here, however it is you take on your research arguments or whatever... know this: If you ever try to hurt my fiancée, I would personally help him end you.
Heed this warning, and don't stick your nose into his business for any reason. He's not a bad one out there. But maybe you might want to look into whatever's lurking about in Appalachia... because I don't know what happened to the other four wolves I heard that night. Or what else might be out there, like the boogeymen of tales you hope to record here.
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alanaisalive · 3 years
I've made some plans that have improved my mood to no end. In November, husband and I will be going to Portobello for a couple days. It's like an hour bus ride just on the edge of Edinburgh, so it's basically not like travel at all, but it's a change of scenery. We've been stuck in this house for so long and being raised in Minnesota, I get itchy when I'm not near the water for too long.
On that note, I hate my house. It's shitty in a hundred ways and it's utterly trashed due to some bad mental health several years ago, followed by years of bad physical health. I can't clean up because moving the dust around makes me incredibly ill. The plan has always been to get it in shape and then hire a maid to come in every week or two to keep it up after that. But the big initial cleanup has never happened.
So I made some decisions. We are hiring a maid to do a big deep clean, and hiring a skip (dumpster) to get rid of all the junk and old furniture that we have built up. (It's really hard to get rid of large items when you don't drive, btw.) And during that time, I have booked a short-term rental apartment in Edinburgh for a week to give husband and the cleaner time and space to get it done without my snot flood and autistic meltdowns fucking everything up. It will also give me some quiet and solitude to hopefully get some writing done.
The clean isn't happening until January because that's the offest of off seasons for the rental for me, to get the best rates. I really hope we pull this off and at least get a good foothold on getting this to look like a house where actual adults live.
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travelteatv · 4 years
A few years back my parents and I undertook a mammoth road trip around Scotland – it was incredible but looking back, we endeavoured to take in a bit too much in the time we had, meaning we didn’t get to spend much time in each place.
Hence this time, when my boyfriend and I looked to do another Scottish Road Trip, we decided to try to take our time a little bit. In some ways, we definitely managed this and in others, completely failed. As the title suggests, this trip was done on somewhat of a budget – travelling in the UK isn’t cheap and we had just been to Croatia, plus a few other big trips in the year (Portugal/Belgium/York), so we had to tighten our belts.
Saying that, I don’t think we particularly missed out on anything and still managed to see so much of the incredible Scottish scenery that we had been hankering after. I’m actually going to split this trip into three posts as there’s quite a lot to cover and I’m not sure anyone would make it through a post that long.
Our schedule for this trip looked like this:
Day 1
Early flight from London City to Edinburgh
Train from Edinburgh to Inverness
Drive from Inverness to Invergarry
    Day 2
Day trip from Inverness to Glen Coe
(via the Glenfinnan Viaduct)
  Day 3
Drive from Inverness to John O’Groats
  Day 4
Explore John O’Groats
  Day 5
Drive back to Inverness via Dunrobin Castle
Flight back to London
It still blows my mind to think that on Day 1, when we travelled all the way from East London to Inverness, we used 6 methods of transport. SIX! We got up early, leaving the house at about 6am to walk to the tube, to get to City airport for 7am ahead of our 9am flight.
We booked this flight using my British Airways air miles, which really had its perks (otherwise in all honesty, I don’t know if we would fly due to cost – we probably would have taken the train). For one thing, we got to fly from City airport which I’d never done before and was incredibly excited about: being able to get from door to door to the airport in less than an hour genuinely blew my mind a little bit as most ‘London’ airports aren’t actually in London. Gatwick for example, is 24 miles away.
Also, as City airport is small, a lot of people I know who travel from there regularly tend to arrive about 45 minutes before their flight is about to leave, as according to them you can just ‘walk’ through security as its so empty. This wasn’t something we got to experience as we were travelling during the extinction rebellion protests and so the airport was in high security mode, meaning everyone was checked at least three times before being allowed anywhere near a plane, which surprise surprise took a bit of time. Just to be clear, I had no issue with this – we actually always tend to get everywhere much earlier than needed just in case because we’re aware that if we miss a flight/train, its unlikely we’ll be able to afford to pay for another!
The flight itself was super short and we were landed in Edinburgh with our bags by 1030. From there, we caught the tram into the city centre (which takes about 30 minutes) and had 2 hours before our train to Inverness.
Now, I know what you’re thinking – 2.5 hours?! I thought you said you planned this so you had more time in each place? Well, yes – Edinburgh wasn’t actually part of the plan. All of the flights to Inverness through British Airways were at odd times, and the train journey from Edinburgh to Inverness is known to be scenic, so we decided to incorporate it into the trip.
Also, Edinburgh isn’t a cheap place to stay, so the idea of being able to explore the city a bit without paying the extortionate cost of a hotel was quite an attractive offer. Of course, 2.5 hours isn’t enough time to truly explore and get to know a city but we had both been before (me many times to visit my best friend Hamilton, who used to live there), so it was just nice to have a wander really!
Whilst in Edinburgh, we walked up to the castle to see the view from the top of the hill, and have a look at the castle, but didn’t go in. It costs £19.50 and seeing as we wouldn’t have a long time there to really make the most of it, it didn’t seem worth it.
We then walked down to the gorgeous Victoria Street (my personal favourite in the city), to wander around the independent boutiques, in particular my most treasured print shop – the Red Door Gallery.
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I’ve mentioned this place a million times before but its somewhere I really recommend – they do amazing prints and souvenirs from local artists, all at an affordable price. I can’t go in there and not buy something (not that my aim is to hold back).
This time we got this beer print, which as East Londoner hipsters obsessed with ale/good beer, was perfect for us.
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After wandering around there for a bit (and with beer on the brain), we fancied a drink. My friend Hamilton had recommended Paradise Palms to us, so we wandered in that direction via Greyfriars Bobby because you can’t visit Edinburgh and not rub Bobby’s nose for luck.
Paradise Palms is a cool hangout that does great vegan food and is also a record store. It was the perfect place to chill out before a bit before walking back to the station to catch the train to Inverness.
We left for Edinburgh on a Friday morning, so it was Friday early afternoon when we got to the bar – I won’t lie, at this point it felt a bit like we had skipped work for the day; ordering a pint at lunchtime midweek had a certain thrill to it.
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We got the 250pm train from Edinburgh, which stopped at Stirling at 332pm, taking roughly 3.5 hours in total and cost £30.45 each with a railcard. The scenery is beautiful although obviously we only got a few hours of it due to the sun going down.
Seat reservation was not possible for the journey which was a shame, because unsurprisingly as a Friday evening service, it was very busy and not quite the relaxing journey I had imagined as we were a bit crammed in.
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Nevertheless it got us to Inverness – from there we took a taxi to Inverness Airport and collected a hire car, to drive to our accommodation (via a supermarket stop to stock up for breakfast and lunch the next day).
I’ll go into our accommodation in more detail in the next post but I must say, it was incredible. In fact, one of the best places I have ever stayed. It’s almost so good, I don’t want to recommend it.
It was called Balnagown Estates – we had a small but perfectly formed cottage in the grounds of the estate, which was only £130 for two nights (£65 each). They offer free bike hire, a games room, use of the observation tower and they even breed Scottish Wildcats, which you are allowed to go and take a look at (from a safe distance!)
After an incredibly long day, I cannot describe how nice it was to sit down with a beer in the cottage ready for our exciting plans in the days to come. Now, I realise I started this post by saying ‘We wanted to make sure we had enough time in each place’ and spent very little time in both Edinburgh (only 2.5 hours)/ Inverness (about an hour, on the way to Balnagown), but I can say now that day 1 was the only one as mental as this… Kind of.
  Four Tips for Travelling in the UK on a budget
Check if you’re eligible for a railcard. Both Fred and I have 26-30 railcards, which can be used to get 30% off rail fares. This also includes off peak tube journeys – just show your railcard to a TFL worker inside a station and they should be able to add the railcard onto your oyster card.
Book trains ahead of time. National Rail has a cheap fare finder which is very helpful with this.
Buy from bigger supermarkets like Aldi, Lidl and Asda when you have the chance.
Use air miles – I get mine through my credit card and tend to use them once a year for shorter trips. They also sometimes do special offers such as seat upgrades and free seats for a partner (as I will mention in the third part of this series on road tripping Scotland on a budget).
Scottish Road Trip on a Budget| Part 1 | Edinburgh to Inverness A few years back my parents and I undertook a mammoth road trip around Scotland - it was incredible but looking back, we endeavoured to take in a bit too much in the time we had, meaning we didn't get to spend much time in each place.
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tboneburpee-blog · 7 years
The memories of the summer have been pushed aside as I process the thoughts and memories of Momma Bird!  Momma Bird passed away on August 25 after putting up a strong fight against the disease she had battled for the last two years plus… I have not come across someone as strong as this woman or as fierce as this woman who I had the great honor and pleasure to call MOM.  Momma Bird had what she has referred to as a ‘living wake’.  For the last six months plus of her life Mom had visits from so many  near and far that her husband and soulmate (Mel) almost started taking numbers.  Mom was unable to leave the house towards the end and she always loved having people around her.  She loved being with people and loved sharing a cocktail with them, guess I know where I get it from!  Momma Bird would be disappointed if you had to leave because with the reality of her disease she was not sure if she would see you again.  When I left in August I hugged her tight and told her I would be back in seventeen weeks, who knew that I would be back less than two weeks later saying farewell to the most important person in my life.  
From all accounts I have heard on Momma Bird’s last night, she had her husband and sister with her, and the happy hour fixings (not that the nurses wanted to see this)… I would not have wanted her to leave this world any other way… Upon arriving in New Hampshire, the first thing I wanted to do was see my mom.  I asked if someone could arrange to take me to the funeral home where she was so I could spend some time alone with her.  I walked in and saw her lying there, I held her hand and knew that she was in peace.  She smelled like her shampoo and had her hand folded in a way that reminded me of what she looked like when she took a nap after a tough day.  I (and we as a family) have been overwhelmed by the amount of love and kind words that have been spoken, posted, and sent.  One does not realize the impact they have on the lives that surround them until they pass away.  My mother had more friends than I ever knew!  I only hope that I can live to be the type of person she was and wanted me to be.
Momma Bird – you were a mother, a friend, a mentor, and a frighteningly amazing tennis player whom I never got the chance to beat.  You are now reunited with my brother and know the two of you will be watching over me for the rest of my days.  I love you and miss you more than you know!
Cologne Germany 2014
Francis, from me to you 2017
Aunt Janet’s birthday 2017
Mom and Mel – her soul mate and dance partner in life
Summer –
This will be brief and have more pictures than words due to the above but wanted to share what the summer entailed.  One month of my summer was spending time with my mother as we knew time was of the essence and the rest I took a bit of time to see Scotland, Ireland, and London.
What started out as a trip booked on Turkish airlines to bring and leave my Chili in Scotland while I explore and then head on to New Hampshire, turned into a ten day trip of new sights, sounds, laughter, and long lasting friendships.   Chili however remained in Oman due to my …um… moment of dim lucidity!  To keep it short I thought Chili would need to be quarantined again and rabied up again, but this is not the case and by then it was too late. Found an amazing Dogsitter, Varsha, and she willingly took Chili in amongst the other animals she had and they became fast friends!  I will be reunited with Chili tomorrow night (August 16th)….
back to Scotland…  collected at the airport by my dear friend Sharon we set off to get me a quick shower and hit the ground walking.
Dolly the sheep
Penicuk House
New Lanark
We went straight for the bubbles while we sat and looked over the public gardens between the Scottish National Museum and where dear Sir Walter Scott sits.  The day was crisp and the sun was shining bright. I could not ask for a better first day in this gorgeous city.   For the next five days I would have the chance to run to Penicuk House, head to Perth, see the launch of the first aircraft carrier in 🇬🇧 UK, and spend time with wonderful friends in Edinburgh. From Edinburgh I went on to explore Duone and Helensburgh (which lies on the north shore of the Firth of Clyde and the mouth of the Gareloch is close to the western boundary of the town, while the hills in the north are part of the Highlands  – Wikipedia).  Drove around the highlands area, drank wine in the glorious sunshine reflecting off the Loch in front of the hotel, wandered down the beach, and ate delicious oysters and mussels not far from the quaint village of Inveraray.  We sat and watched as the heavy rain clouds lifted to let the rays of sunshine peak through… fantastic.  I could not have asked for a better weekend in a new part of Scotland.
Oysters… mmmm!!!
 Inveraray is home to the Inveraray Castle
We drove right over this bridge….
Off to London I go…what a whirlwind four days it would be! My dearest friends Jo, Sharon, and Nafiza all got together for wanderings, food, and laughs. I had a wonderful visit with Paul and Gil, who recently left Lucca, Italy for new pastures in London. The girls and I ventured on the tourist circuit, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, and the like. With the rare sun blazing in London we sat down for drinks on a permanently docked boat on the River Thames and made a plan to go to a comedy show that evening. After Jo and Sharon left I took to the streets in my running shoes and ran through Kenningston Gardens, around the Victoria and Albert Museum and the neighborhoods near my hotel.  Jo and Sharon had told me that I must visit the Pink  Floyd exhibit if I had the chance, so I cleaned up, hit the road and wandered around one of the best exhibits I have seen in my life.  I love Pink Floyd so to wander through the history of the band was incredible.  The exhibit ended in this large room with a virtual concert being played on the walls, complete with lasers, strobe lights, and beautiful music pouring out.  What an experience!!!!  I had the chance to see a friend on my last day in London that I had not seen in a year, this was a wonderful treat. We watched football and bar hopped all the while trying to find me decent food to eat… another fabulous night in London. I can see why people love this city but it is truly expensive to eat, even with the pound not doing so well against the dollar at the time.
  Oh well… see you next year London!!!
Now off to Boston…It was time to go spend time with Momma bird, family, and friends in New Hampshire. I spent most days just being with Mom who was always in good spirits despite the difficulty she had breathing. We would sit inside or outside depending on how hot it was.   She would work on Sudoku and I would work on the crossword. We would sit and chat or she would chat with Sheryl.  Mel would be in and out, rest, and make sure mom had what she needed. I would go running, food shopping, or just relax. In the evenings I would spend time with my dear friend and family favorite Pieter, our local greenhouse lettuce grower, I also spent time saw my aunt and cousins as well.
Our favorite grower
When was the last time you went to the drive-in
Long time no see cousin Jimmy
Thank you Brian… fantastic night
Cousins = family
Three weeks were up and it was time for me to go explore Ireland. I would be back in Boston in nine days. Ireland and its southern coast was calling, I had hired a car and was setting off to explore the coast I have heard so much about. I was certainly impressed and in awe with each new corner and turn I encountered. I arrived and explored Dublin first, impressed but not impressive. I walked most of the city, stopping at Trinity College (skipped Book of Kells – line was too long), Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublinia, Guiness, Jameson’s and a walk along the River Liffey. From Dublin I went to Dunmore East and met up with coworkers, one of whom lives in Dunmore East during the summer. We drank, talked, walked, and ate… we had a blast for two days. We took a walk along the cliffs and noticed we had company in the waters below as a seal went floating along in the sea.
how layovers are done in Iceland
Ttrinity College
Who doesn’t float down the River Liffey – Dublin
My local breakfast spot – Dublin
Porterhouse Bar
Time for whiskey tasting – not converted!!
Kilkenny Castle
Dunmore East, Ireland
Windy photos and good laughs
Cliff walk in Dunmore East
Saying farewell after two days I set off for Kinsale. Stayed in a wonderful little bed and breakfast, arriving in time to meet two girls from Germany and joined them for dinner and music at Kitty O’Sheas. Great night with lovely girls… The next morning I set off for the Ring of Kerry. Made stops here and there along the way and arrived seven hours later in Cahersiveen.
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View from Airbnb
Hydrangea everywhere
This is a very small coastal town with a ancient castle, one main road, and a ferry to connect you to Valentia Island. I arrived and had dinner at the recommendation of my host, Ciaran, to eat at the local seafood restaurant at the ferry. I was not let down in the slightest, crab claws were divine. Was just great being around locals and watching the comings and goings. I went for a run the next day to the castle. The Ballycarbey Castle ( some kind of residence situated on the site of the castle as early as 1398 however the present ruins were constructed in the 16th century – Wikipedia) was worth the five mile run over the river and through the village. Sadly the knee acted up on the way back so I walked most of it but the pain was dulled once I got myself a proper coffee and croissant for the remainder of my walk. I managed to collect my rain jacket that I had hidden under bushes just in time as the skies opened and unleashed a bucket of rain. This lasted about five minutes and thankfully I was close to the house I was staying at. Later that afternoon my host offered to take me to the island via bicycles. The afternoon turned out to be great fun with exploring and pints in the local pub (aptly named Boston’s) we sat in the rain back at the seafood restaurant drinking wine until a table was ready to sit and eat at but it got too cold and the second guest in the house arrived. Ciaran left to help guest, I was given my same spot as the night before, and I sat down to enjoy another tasty meal. Ciaran and the new houseguest returned and we ended up having a grand time talking to locals after the new houseguest went to back to the house to get some sleep.
The roads that lead to Liscannor through Dingle and Tarbert, Ireland:
Next stop, Liscannor. Liscannor is home to the breathtaking and most visited sights in Ireland, Cliffs of Moher. I had difficulty finding my guesthouse and stopped in a local pub to use Internet and contact the host. The girl behind the bar knew the owner, called him, and he arrived within five minutes to sort me out.  We stayed in the pub and had the obligatory pint before departing for the house.  There was another girl staying at the house and we ended up having dinner together and going to see the Cliffs at sunset.
What a perfect arrival to this quaint (blink and you miss it) coastal town. The following morning I drove to Dublin to collect a friend from the airport who would be keeping me company for the next two nights.  Returning from Dublin we stopped in Lahinch and wandered about before having a pint and heading back to Liscannor for dinner. Vaughn’s was the selection for dinner; while we dined on oysters, crab claws, and lobster, a very familiar face walked into the restaurant. You would not believe me if I did not have the picture as proof but Connor Murray from the British Lions rugby team was in the bar area of Vaughn’s. This was great fun to see yet I did not get the courage to ask to have a photo with him, when I thought I had, he was gone. The next day we went to explore the Cliffs and what a difference night and day brought. There were so many people!!! I guess sunset is the best time to go to have more space and quiet to yourself. This does not detract from the majestic beauty of these cliffs but you had to do a lot of touron dodging while walking along the narrow trails on the ridge.
We took in the sights as we set on our way depearting Liscannor, we were misguided by GPS, laughed, map read, and made our way towards Galway.  Galway was a bit of a let down. The directions to find the bed and breakfast that was not a bed and breakfast were bad, the weather was a bit dismal, and the Airbnb I had chosen was a bit stuck in the 1970’s (despite the description which stated it had recently been remodeled… perhaps her grandmother remodeled it!!) We went to dinner, talked, laughed, watched, and made our way back to the guesthouse.  I bailed on the second night in Galway and spent the last night in Ireland in Dublin at an amazing small hotel in the city centre. So happy yet so sad because my company left…!!!! Another amazing visit with an amazing person who it is difficult to say so long to each time we see each other. Not many people enter your life that you can connect so nicely with, I am grateful and fortunate for those who have entered my life and I am able to stay in touch with.
      Back to Boston I go….
One more week to see family and friends…
This is how to enjoy the evenings in NH
I know this posting as been a long time in the making and apologies for the delay.  This has probably been one of the hardest postings I have had to write since I started.  The family that I have and the friends that surround me have gotten my through the days that I had and will have.  The funeral and the gatherings with family members after were truly times that will always be treasured.
Godparents are amazing
I have now been back in Oman for one month and it has been a whirlwind of activity.  I know most of you realize that I would not want it any other way.  Too much down time does not do me well so what have I done?  One weekend the girls and I went to Raz Al Jinz and watched turtles lumber their way back into the water after laying eggs, watched baby turtles scramble towards the sea before being scooped up by seagulls or snatched by foes, and we were amazed at the amount of people that the hotel allowed to come view (they usually cap the visitors but it was a holiday weekend!!)  so much so we left and returned for the sunrise turtle viewing rather than the evening viewing… we were much happier with this choice!!!
The Girls
Turtle tracks back to sea
I have been boating to see the dolphins (scores of them!) and have been playing in a tennis tournament (which I have shockingly enough won all of my matches played to date (well I just lost one this week)….!!!!!  This past weekend I had the chance to take Chili on her inaugural trip to the desert, Wahiba Sands. This was fantastic, socks on the sand, good friends, and one exhausted puppy by the end of the day.  Another great weekend in Oman and for the memory bank!
check out the socks
Good morning
Good evening
Additionally, I am trudging my way through a new school year.  As most of you know I have jumped from Grade 1 to Grades 7, 8, and 9 (boys and girls – 9), this has been an eye opener for certain and a lesson in how not to be rattled by teenagers.  I have learned that raising my voice does nothing but threatening to call their fathers does EVERYTHING!!  I was even bribed today (Oct. 10) by one of my Grade 9 boys to change his report.  This is going to be an interesting year to say the least.  This week (Oct. 18th) I believe I may be conquered the boys in Grade 8 and 9 which has made me smile when leaving work for the first time in a month.
I will try and return to posting more often.  Life continues on and I will be heading Stateside for the holidays.  I am grateful to have so many wonderful people in my life and the opportunities that have come my way.  I miss Momma Bird dearly and think she is with me every day.  Please make the most of each day and love the people around you!!!
Rest in Peace
Summer memories abound…  The memories of the summer have been pushed aside as I process the thoughts and memories of Momma Bird!  
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enviroworx02 · 2 months
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enviroworx02 · 3 months
Skip Hire Near Edinburgh
Effective waste management is a fundamental aspect of maintaining clean, sustainable communities. https://www.enviroworx.co.uk Whether you're undertaking a home renovation, managing a construction site, or simply decluttering your property, skip hire services offer a practical and responsible solution to efficiently dispose of waste. In this article, we will delve into the advantages of skip hire, the diverse range of skip sizes available, and how to make the most of this essential waste management option.
Contact Information:
Phone: 0131 440 1777
Address: Enviroworx Ltd Yard 1, Ramsay Colliery, Engine Road Loanhead, EH20 9RF
The Benefits of Skip Hire
Skip hire services offer several benefits that make them a preferred choice for waste management:
Convenience: Skip hire is incredibly convenient. https://www.enviroworx.co.uk The skip is delivered to your location, eliminating the need for multiple trips to disposal sites. You can fill it at your own pace, reducing the hassle of transporting waste in your own vehicle.
Efficiency: Skip hire is a time-saving solution, especially for larger projects. With a skip on-site, you can dispose of waste immediately, keeping your workspace clean and organized.
Environmental Responsibility: Reputable skip hire companies prioritize responsible waste disposal. They ensure that waste is collected, transported, and disposed of in compliance with environmental regulations. This commitment reduces landfill use and promotes recycling.
A Variety of Skip Sizes
Skip hire services provide an array of skip sizes to suit different project requirements. https://www.enviroworx.co.ukThe choice of skip size depends on the type and volume of waste you need to dispose of. Common skip sizes include:
Mini Skip (2-3 cubic yards): Ideal for small domestic projects, garden waste, or minor renovations.
Midi Skip (4-5 cubic yards): Suitable for larger household cleanups and small-scale construction work.
Builder's Skip (6-8 cubic yards): Perfect for significant renovations, construction projects, and disposing of bulky waste.
Maxi Skip (10-16 cubic yards): Designed for larger construction sites and industrial waste.
Choosing the Right Skip
Selecting the appropriate skip size is crucial to ensure cost-effectiveness and efficiency. To make an informed choice, consider the following factors:
Volume of Waste: Estimate the amount of waste you'll generate during your project.
Available Space: Ensure you have sufficient space for the skip to be placed on your property or on the road with the necessary permits.
Types of Waste: Different skips may be suitable for different materials, so inform the skip hire company of the materials you'll be disposing of.
Environmental Regulations: Be aware of any local regulations and guidelines that may affect skip placement and waste disposal.
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