#Southeastern Seminary (channel)
The Lord Reigns (Psalm 93) by H.B. Charles Jr | Runtime: 33min 26secs
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heather-parady · 4 years
How to Tactfully & BOLDLY use Your VOICE (J.S. Park)
“No one is so far removed from healing that we cannot find it.”  That comes from today’s guest, viral blogger, pastor, hospital chaplain, and someone you need to be following on Instagram, the J.S. Park.
Today we dive in deep to talk about the multiple voices we carry, how we can find our one true voice, and unapologetically use it. We also have an important conversation about validating and listening to the stories of those around us and finding the TRUTH in the midst of the noise.
JS. PARK, (BA Psychology, Univ. South Florida; MDiv, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) is a hospital chaplain, viral blogger, and teaching pastor. As an interfaith chaplain at a large hospital in Tampa, he provides grief counseling and assists with end-of-life care. 
He also serves as a community care chaplain at Metropolitan Ministries, one of the largest nonprofit charities on the east coast, which serves the homeless in Tampa. He loves to play the drums and guitar, and has a sixth-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. He lives in Tampa, FL with his wife, Juliette, a nurse practitioner.
  Connect with J.S. Park: https://jsparkblog.com
Buy his latest book: https://www.amazon.com/Voices-We-Carry-Finding-Clamor/dp/0802419895
Where is truth in the midst of multiple perceptions?
How do we use our voice authentically and overcome the fear of offending others?
Giving room for others stories and listening
What is at the root of people pleasing?
How can we say the hard things in a way that can be heard by everyone?
Finding TRUTH even in the midst of unfavorable voices
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Bob Thune - Sheep, Goats, and Grace - Matthew 25:31-46 Bob Thune, Lead Pastor of Coram Deo Church in Nebraska, preaches on how we should not just be bearers of the Gospel, but we should be changed by the Gospel.
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