#T'Pel's here??? T'Pel's here!!!!
bumblingbabooshka · 7 months
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T'Pel gets a pet while Tuvok's in the delta quadrant to help deal with his loss and after he gets back there's a mutual big show of not liking one another but after like a month she's his little buddy.
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ex--astris--scientia · 3 months
C'Thia, Surakian Philosophy, and Vulcan Polytheism
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While most would consider Surak to merely be a philosopher and reformer, thereby removing any hint of religion from the discussion and forming instead an idea of both Surak and his philosophy as being, at best, atheistic or agnostic, and at worst, being anti-theistic, I have to strongly disagree with this assessment. Especially when it's used as proof to claim that modern, post-Awakening Vulcans are also at best atheistic or agnostic, and at worst anti-theistic. I believe this comes about due to a commonly held misconception that religion in and of itself is anathema to science, to progress, to intelligence, and therefore, to logic itself. This is, of course, a blatantly false binary and we are shown over and over again in canon that while Vulcans place a great importance on science, education, intellect, and logic, they are also a very spiritual people. Most of the important locations on Vulcan that we see in canon tend to be temples, sacred mountains, or holy ruins. Leaders tend to be high priestesses. Meditation is almost universal for Vulcans, and while it can be argued that it is very much a mental discipline as well, meditation was birthed, and continues to find its roots, in spirituality, and at its heart, is a spiritual discipline. Meditation, after all, was not invented by scientists, but by monks.
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In the episode of the Animated Series, "Yesteryear", Spock tells Sarek that he is merely passing through ShiKahr on his way to the family shrine to "honor our gods". This one line proves to me that, at least for Spock, there is no incongruence between his modern Surakian belief and practice of C'thia (commonly this is translated as just "logic" but a more accurate Vulcan translation is "reality-truth") with that of traditional Vulcan polytheistic religious practice. One can assume that this is not, however, unique only to Spock, seeing as shrines require some semi-regular maintenance and he very rarely visits his father's homestead so it is unlikely that Spock alone is the one who maintains them. Sarek also is unsurprised by Spock's actions, which suggests a kind of normalcy to it. One does not get the impression that Spock is doing something rebellious by performing religious rites to Deities.
Likewise, in the Voyager episode, "Hunters", Tuvok receives a letter from his wife. In it, she tells him that she and their children have asked the priests at the Temple of Amonak to say prayers for Tuvok's safe return from the Delta Quadrant. Prayer requires something to which a person prays to and the assumption here is, again, the existence of Vulcan Deities as well as devotional practices targeted toward them existing even until the time of Voyager. While one of the purposes of prayer has to do with the person praying, as in, a benefit to prayer is that it gives the praying person something to do when they may not be able to do much else about a situation, and therefore T'Pel and her and Tuvok's children may be using it as a kind of meditative practice meant to give their grief and worry about Tuvok's safety somewhere to go that may then help them control it, I believe even this would still imply belief in the existence of Deities. One could meditate without the use of prayer involved but that was not the course of action that T'Pel took. She specifically made a trek to a sacred temple with the intention of saying prayers for Tuvok and told him about it, again, just as with Spock and Sarek, showing that there is something normalized about the action. Belief in the Gods and religious practice utilizing them is, therefore, not something performed only in the dark or in secret.
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So, Vulcan polytheistic spiritual practice has continued past the Awakening and into the Vulcan Reformation. Is it the same as what it looked like to pre-Reform Vulcans? What's different? I wish we got more glimpses of Vulcan religion beyond mostly backdrop (while we are explicitly shown rituals and ritual locations in episodes like "Amok Time", "the Gambit" and many places in Enterprise, and in movies like "the Motion Picture" and "Search for Spock", very rarely do we see explanations for what the Vulcan lay people and priest(ess)es are doing and why) but that simply means that I instead get to make things up. Which is my favorite thing to do. So while the entirety of this post is built on a core of canon and information from Memory Alpha and Beta, as well as the Vulcan Language Database, most of what follows is my own musings and thoughts.
Firstly, in my research I've established that there seems to be two major pantheons within Vulcan spirituality, the Ka-ta-pak, or Inner Chorus, and the grouping I've named Ek-tam'a-ta, which is where I've placed every other named Deity not belonging to the Inner Chorus. The Inner Chorus, being made up of Deities that seem much more akin to emotional archetypes, become a much more thorny topic to consider when it comes to reconciling the worship, or, at the very least, acknowledgement of these Beings with the rigorous control of emotions that is to be expected within the Surakian cult of C'thia. As such, they are what I plan to focus on here.
The Inner Chorus is made up of the following Deities: Tel-Alep and Alep-Tel, Kir-Alep and Alep-Kir, Valdena and Dena-Vel, Kal-ap-Ton and Tyr-al-Tep, and Ket-Cheleb. Other than the last Deity, each is a part of a pairing where one represents the lighter, more acceptable form of a suite of emotions, whereas the other is the darker, shadow side. It's a concept similar to reading Tarot cards, where a card's reversal typically points to the darker reading of the themes the card communicates when right side up. For example, Valdena is famously the love Goddess and rules over emotions such as joy, beauty, fullness, pleasure, etc, whereas Dena-Vel, her shadow twin, rules over the darker side of love, namely concepts like possessiveness, covetousness, envy, domination, etc. What I would posit as probably one of the fairly radical reforms within Surakian thought, is the idea that C'thia is meant to subjugate and control both sides of what the Inner Chorus represents, not just the shadow side.
Isn't it illogical, however, to worship archetypal manifestations of emotions that one is trying to suppress? This was the big question that came out of my exploration of Vulcan Deities and led me to conclude that there is a difference between how Vulcans interact with Ek-tam'a-ta Deities vs the Ka-ta-pak, wherein the former is treated much more like how one stereotypically interacts with Gods, ie with reverence, worship, offerings, prayers, etc, as well as an understanding of the Deities being Beings outside of the mind in their own rights, while the latter is much more localized and symbolic. The Ka-ta-pak are not so much outward Beings, as they are emotional symbols and touchstones, metaphors to be focused on in meditation rather than as Gods to be worshipped.
Even the name, the Inner Chorus, suggests this kind of community of emotional beings, of aspects of the interior Vulcan mind, and furthermore, points to a need for a harmony amongst them. It is my thought that the Ka-ta-pak are less like sentient beings with personhood and more like the Platonic ideal of the emotion they represent. They are the emotion in its most perfected form and by experiencing this, experiencing the presence of this being, this outward-focused inner spirit, in the relative safety of meditation, the average Vulcan is able to meet that emotion and learn how it manifests within their own body and mind. In this meeting, they are able to name the emotion, learn it, experience it, and understand how to master it so that when they experience it outside of meditation, they need not be conquered by it and brought into chaos but instead are able to hold to order and logic in the face of it.
In the Enterprise episode, "Fusion", we are shown that Vulcans don't typically dream and that meditation has usurped the role that dreaming would usually take in the Vulcan psyche. It follows, therefore, that they process the emotional stimuli of the day through meditation and that symbolism, which is an important language for the sub-conscious and the language that dreams are written in, would probably play a role in that. Thus, the use of the Inner Chorus as a symbol of focus, as the emotional tangle that one seeks, through meditation, to sort out and bring order to, makes sense. I believe that this constitutes some of the work of t'san s'at, or the intellectual deconstruction of emotions that Surak preached. T'san s'at is the study of one's own emotions, and the effects these emotions have over one's actions. The peace and tranquility that lies at the end of t'san s'at is the goal of every Surakian Vulcan, and is a lifelong aspiration. It is through working with the Ka-ta-pak with this goal in mind that brings these ideas together.
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Another idea I found interesting about the Ka-ta-pak is that the names of the Deities match the names of the other planets within the Vulcan solar system (according to the Memory Beta article that I believe is based on a Trek inspired ttrpg). A solar system, with its constant routine of stable orbits and cycles, would be an obvious metaphor for the idea of Order. The Inner Chorus strikes me, then, as the microcosm within the Vulcan mind/spirit as connected with the macrocosm of the living universe around them. It is the connection between the Vulcan mental and katric interior space and the exterior physical space. Just as the solar system is in constant harmony, subjugated to the laws of gravity, order, and simply the natural mechanisms of the living universe, one's own interior system should likewise be ordered. That it is called an inner chorus is very telling to me, since when choruses are working correctly, they are making music in harmony, just as the broader cosmos makes the music of the spheres, which is the sound of mathematics purified. It is the goal of every Surakian Vulcan to harmonize their inner chorus (part of which involves meditating on the form of the Inner Chorus) with the music of the macrocosm. In this, I believe the mind, or the reasoning capacity, represents a kind of conductor, who directs the inner chorus of emotions to properly allow for the production of music. The music produced by this harmony is C'thia, which is the same substance that keeps the planets in their orbits and the universe ticking onward.
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This post is getting a bit long but there's one last thing I want to talk about and that would be Surak himself. As mentioned earlier, there is a common misconception I've seen that, again, makes Surak some kind of radical atheist philosopher who, in stomping out the violence and ignorance that marked the culture of his planet, must also have gotten rid of its religion, not just superstition or conservativism but religion more generally. Again, this comes more from the mistaken belief that spirituality and science are necessarily at odds. But what we see of Surak doesn't actually support this erroneous belief. Instead, one of the things that Surak is famous for is his pilgrimage. A pilgrimage is a religious journey undertaken for religious purposes. Surak set out to visit many religious orders and temples, before traipsing into the wilderness in places like Vulcan's Forge and Mount Seleya, to learn from and connect with the various priest(ess)es, as well as to connect in solitude with his own mind. C'thia is always shown as a revelation. Surak perceives it for the first time and discerns its meaning while on pilgrimage, while in meditation, while studying spiritual truths. He discovers it, not in a laboratory, but in deep contemplation on a mountain peak. Thus, Surak strikes me as much more akin to a Hindu yogi or an enlightened New Age seeker than he does a Richard Dawkins type. He doesn't dismiss the spiritual lessons he learns from visiting the other religious orders but instead incorporates them into his new cult. I think it's this incorporation of c'thia with traditional polytheism within Surak's own spirituality that allows for modern Vulcans to do the same.
In conclusion, anyone who claims that the post-Reform Vulcans shown in canon are atheists have not been paying attention to the actual canon, first of all, and secondly, are doing nothing more than showing their bias toward the science vs religion binary. I think the Vulcans are a little too smart to fall for this dichotomy, and they are certainly aware of the need for a philosophy to be an open one, if it's to be sustainable at all. I think having access to the neverending mystery of space, peopled as it is with many different kinds of beings, has allowed the Vulcans to be open-minded toward religion and the existence of Gods and other numinous beings. After all, they fully accept the existence of katra and thus, souls, spirits, and the idea of beings existing without bodies. It is not an illogical leap to suppose that since animating spirits (ie souls that are housed by and animate a body) exist, other kinds might also, including Deities. And since Vulcans possess a psionic system, capable of the extrasensory perceptions involved in their version(s) of telepathy, they may be able to perceive these spirits telepathically, even when psi-null folks may not be able to.
So, I don't think Vulcan polytheism is relegated to some point in the planet's distant past but instead continues, alive and well, into the post-Awakening world.
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smilesobrien · 1 year
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missed designing charms so here... a hypotheical tuvok/t'pel thing... haha!!
(i understand that her hair is canonically straight HOWEVER. i like how @bumblingbabooshka draws her with curly hair... so we'll just say that she stopped straightening it, ok...)
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midgeonsmidgeon · 6 months
9 People You Would Like to Know Better
Tagged by @eternally-intermittent! So exciting! First time getting tagged in something like this! Frothing at the mouth! Am I a tumblr user now? (/lh)
Three ships: Newfound brainrot for Kira/Cretak and Tuvok/T'Pel. I don't do a whole lot of shipping but, appreciation in different ways for (almost) all ships. y'know? I am also partial to B'Elanna/Seven. Actually just B'Elanna in general. She's so neat. Rotating her around in my mind. Women in STEM.
First ever ship: Oh that's really hard. I think most of my fandom interaction before the past year or so has been pretty mild. So I guess my current ones are my first? LOL.
Last Song: I'm Not a Mountain by Sarah Kinsley! Been listening to a lot of that artist lately. But especially this song.
Last Film: Embarrassingly, Codependent Lesbian Space Alien Seeks Same.
Currently reading: LOTS of Le Guin. So much. So much that I'm actually looking for other recs so I can take a break from it. Please send me recs. I'm begging you. (/lh)
Currently Watching: Lots of Star Trek, but specifically what little of Renegades is available to me. Tim Russ!! :D It's on YouTube, and was very interesting to read about the context behind its development.
Currently consuming: Lots and lots of salt n' vinegar chips. And an appropriate amount of water to go with them.
Currently craving: CAPRISUNS. :(
Tags! do it if you want to! :D so sorry I don't usually do these so I'm lost on the etiquette for who to tag. Here are some people. This is my offering. I hope I did this right. please let me know if i did not. @bumblingbabooshka @rogisinspace @kiranerysismyhero @bajoranlesbian @misty-feathers @timonger @spocksjuul @catboyelimgarak @prettylittlelifeforms
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sporkandpringles · 4 months
✨Hello! T'Mina, here! ✨ I'm a queer, third-generation trekkie who loves Vulcans and Romulans. Welcome to my Star Trek Blog! About Me: she/they | 29 | AuDHD | Demigirl* | Bisexual* *subject to change. The gender and sexuality crisis has been ongoing since 2014. Star Trek Favorites: Favorite Episode: DIS 1x06 "Lethe" Favorite Series To Watch: Voyager Favorite Series to Write About: A tie between AOS and DISCO Favorite Captain: Kathryn Janeway Favorite Main Character: Michael Burnham Star Trek Ships: Kirk/Spock (Spirk, K/S) Sarek/Amanda Grayson Solkar/Zefram Cochrane Bochra/Geordi La Forge Michael Burnham/T'Pring Benjamin Sisko/Solok Kirk/Spock/Uhura, Kirk/Spock/Uhura/Gaila (my AOS OT4) Nyota Uhura/Gaila, Beckett Mariner/T'Lyn Christine Chapel/T'Pring Tuvok/T'Pel/Janeway Kira Nerys/Kimara Cretak (...and many, many more) More About Me: Multishipper | Sarek Apologist | Jack Crusher Hater - Canon-Divergence/Fix-It Enthusiast - I Didn't Say it Was Good I Said I Liked It - I enjoy nitpicking things I like. It's fun for me. Block the #gripes tag if you don't want to see that. Links:
Original Posts | Blog Lore | Art Blog | Ao3
End Notes: Feel free to DM me or send me asks! I love talking about Star Trek.
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charliedanilovich · 2 years
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Was going through your T'Pel tag the other day and went a lil wild so here's a doodle page entirely inspired by that (your interpretation of her is so cute)~!! I hope you don't mind!!
I'M CRYING these are soooo beautiful thank you so much I'm honoured ToT the way you draw her is so cute!!! weird boy x weird girl... so so SO true!!!
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So for shits and giggles I decided to try and make a chart of the various romantic entanglements of some trek shows and. Wow did it get messy. Lmao this is bad but here it is
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So basically. Quark has had a casual fling with Hanok (the guy he diffused a bomb with), Quark and Pel were both crushing on each other really hard, Quark and Vash had a one night stand, Vash and Q are exes who are playing a psychosexual mind game with each other, Q is trying to play a psychosexual mind game with Janeway but it's not working very well, Janeway is exes with Mark, Chakotay has some sorta feeling for Janeway he's trying to ignore, Chakotay has some sorta feeling for Tuvok he's trying to ignore, and Tuvok is married to T'Pel. Back to Quark, he and Natima Lang are exes but they're pining for each other, Quark and Larell had a casual fling, Quark is Hagath's sugar baby and has had a casual fling with Talura (Hagath's other sugar baby). Also Gaila and Hagath have Something going on but it's a hookup of equals, Gaila is not a sugar baby or a sugar daddy. Quark and Grilka are exes who are now casually dating just for funsies, Quark and Odo have weird chemistry they're trying to ignore, and Brunt (FCA) and Quark are exes who are playing psychosexual mind games. Odo and Lwaxana have weird chemistry they're (mostly) ignoring (Lwaxana isn't great at ignoring it but she respects people's boundaries kinda sorta). Lwaxana is playing psychosexual mind games with Picard (but in a fun way), and Picard and Q are playing psychosexual mind games with each other and are long term committed. Picard and Beverly have chemistry they're kinda sorta ignoring. Beverly and Deanna are long term committed, Tasha and Deanna are long term committed, Deanna and Worf are long term committed, and Deanna and Riker are long term committed. Riker and Quark are friends with benefits. Quark and Bashir are. Not exactly friends with benefits, but definitely something past a one night stand. Bashir and Garak are long term committed. Garak and Parmak are long term committed. Garak and Dukat had a hatefuck one night stand. Dukat is trying to play psychosexual mind games with Sisko (it's not working well for him, though). Sisko and Kassidy are married. Dukat and Damar were workplace fuckbuddies. Damar and Weyoun are hatefuck fuckbuddies (enemies with benefits). Going back to Bashir, he and Data are crushing on each other a bit. Data and Geordi are long term committed. Geordi and Bochra had a fling and came out of it potentially as fuckbuddies (DEFINITELY friends, at least). Bashir and Martok had a casual thing going when they were imprisoned together. Martok and Sirella are married. Bashir and Miles are friends with benefits, Miles and Keiko are married, and Miles and Kira have weird chemistry they're ignoring. Keiko and Kira are both crushing on each other. Kira and Cretak are both pining for each other. Kira and (Jadzia) Dax are both pining for each other. Dax and Leeta are friends with benefits/maybe casually dating a little. Leeta and Rom are married. Leeta and Bashir were casually dating but are now exes (but there's a little something still there). Dax and Worf are married. Worf and Riker are long term committed. Worf and K'Ehleyr are were married (rip K'Ehleyr). Dax has a crush on Morn. Dax has a crush on Spock. (Emony) Dax and Bones hooked up. Bones and Kirk are long term committed, Bones and Spock are long term committed (but messier about it), Kirk and Spock are married, and Uhura and Spock are long term committed. Spock and T'Pring are exes, and T'Pring is long term committed to Stonn. Uhura has a crush on T'Pring, and Uhura and Chapel are long term committed.
There is also the little triad of B'Elanna, Vorik, and Tom (all married to each other).
And that's (in my opinion) the ultimate and definitive polycule
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mia-cooper · 4 years
Aight. I’ll ask the obvious. Kathryn Janeway. And the bonus character is... Tuvok.
Kathryn Janeway (also requested by @rikerssexblouse)
How I feel about Kathryn:
My queen, I pledge thee my undying devotion and beg your forgiveness for indulging in a multitude of sordid sexual fantasies about you and then writing about them in detail.
All the people I ship romantically with Kathryn:
How long have you got? My motto is "Janeway x anyone who can get her off", so basically everyone, but I'll focus on my main ships. Buckle in, this could be lengthy.
1. Chakotay. Obvious. Married. Dessert. J/C comprises 84% of my fics. Enough said.
2. Tom Paris. It's just a little bit wrong and that's what makes it so right. They definitely fucked at some point, and I don't mean in salamander form.
3. Kashyk. Because sometimes a girl fancies a snake-hipped, leather-clad xenophobe with a fetish for dominating her.
4. B'Elanna Torres. If you're going to science the science, science it with a scientist who sciences scientifically. Also, warp cores are hot.
5. Mark Johnson. Oh, Mark. The steady, kindhearted nerd who loves her beyond reason. It could've been so beautiful.
6. Ayala. He's Chakotay without the complications, and he doesn't talk. What's not to like?
7. Justin Tighe. First love always cuts deepest, right? And what a noble, tragic figure this man is. This relationship just begs for exploration, and yes, I plan to.
8. Seven of Nine. It took me awhile to come around to this pairing, but I'm convinced. I don't see them having a lasting romantic relationship, but a fling with feels? Yes ma'am.
9. Owen Paris. Obscene, dirty, filthy, immoral. You rang?
10. Honourable mention goes to a tie between Gabriel Lorca (either version) and Christopher Pike, because you know our lady of the temporal headache would have tapped that given the chance.
Because one is never enough, let's talk about my favourite OT3s for Kathryn.
11a. Janeway x Chakotay x Paris. Oh, the uneasy sexual dynamics here. The mix of love/lust/jealousy/antipathy/competitiveness - who's the top? do they all switch? why aren't there more J/C/P fics?
11b. Janeway x Chakotay x Seven. Hell yes, I need more of this too. Are J/C teaming up to initiate 7 in the arts of the bedchamber? Is J a semi-willing intruder into the C/7 marriage bed? Have J/7 invited C to watch them and perchance to join in? I want all these scenarios and more.
My BroTP for Kathryn:
Tuvok, no contest. I love them. But B'Elanna comes in a close second.
My unpopular opinion about Kathryn:
She can't resist temptation... until she meets Chakotay. By which I mean Alpha quadrant Kathryn liked to fuck around because sex is fun and she's all about exploring, and I have various headcanons on how cool Mark was (or wasn't) with this. Delta quadrant Kathryn, though, can't risk it, at least not with Chakotay, because feelings are dangerous and also she doesn't think she deserves fun anymore. I could seriously go on about this for hours but it would probably turn into a treatise on how going from a varied and enthusiastic sex life to complete celibacy messes with her mind so much she almost loses it or possibly how she ties pain and self-denial and submission and control up in a lovely guilt cocktail but I'm pretty sure I've already done that a whole lot so I'll spare you.
One thing I wish had happened with Kathryn in canon:
A J/C KISS. Fuck's sake. I wouldn't even care if it turned out to be a temporal anomaly or an alternate universe or memory loss or alien possession or whateverthefuck. JUST LET THEM KISS.
How I feel about Tuvok:
Ah yes, the salty grandpa with a soft heart for his captaindaughterbuddy and eyebrows that express the emotions he claims not to have. I love him and his stoicism and his sarcasm and his bluntness.
All the people I ship romantically with Tuvok:
T'Pel. That's it. They're perfection. Don't fuck with it.
My BroTP for Tuvok:
See above re: Janeway & Tuvok.
My unpopular opinion about Tuvok:
I think he secretly enjoyed Neelix's buffoonery. To a point, anyway. When he wasn't mind melding with serial killers and simulating various creative ways to murder the kitchen rat.
One thing I wish had happened with Tuvok in canon:
Can I switch this to one thing I wish hadn't happened? Because Kes kissing him should never have happened. I know she was possessed, but that was a thing I never needed to see.
Thanks, @tri42! I’ll get to more of these later.
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musicin68 · 5 years
Totally Disco.
Episode 2: Battle at the Binary Stars
I managed to wait almost an entire day before starting this episode. I think the reflection is helping, or maybe I'm just being a reasonable adult (ridiculous thought)...or I was sleeping.
My digression for today is on the nature of bingeable tv-entertainment and streaming services.
It's my understanding that Discovery was released like ye olde television shows of yore, one episode per week. But it isn't structured (or the two episodes I have seen lead me to believe it isn't structured) like ye olde Star Trek series.
Simply put, the Star Trek of my youth (first run TNG not TOS, I'm old...just not quite that old) was episodic rather than serial. Sometimes you would get a two or three-part episode in the middle of the season... is anyone else here old enough to remember sweeps week?...or the classic end of season cliffhanger so you'd be sure to tune in again after summer re-runs. But you generally expected that every episode was its own story. Character development was sprinkled in amongst the plot weeds like wildflowers in a meadow, to be picked and added to the show's ever brightening bouquet as you meandered along. Kids nowadays, boy howdy, with their loud music and dramatic lens flares and streaming whole seasons released at once. It's madness...or just a different kind of storytelling.
It does feel a bit awkward though, when a series takes the serial approach but releases episodically. I felt the same way about watching The Expanse. The story was made for binging and it was actually painful not to be able to do that. I mean I was literally feeling stressed about situations characters were in for weeks at a time and foreknowledge from reading the books made it worse. (I knew what happened to the Agatha King, you bastards. And I just knew you were going to make her watch. Assholes. Deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale - AND I know all about your 'sack of broken glass' imagery. Which she will act the hell out of and be amazing, but you absolute fuckers. Gah! I just - I get so - *snort* - I need to go wash something.)
So...I'm not sure how I'm going to feel about Discovery going that route. Especially because...
This episode was basically a giant bummer. The worst possible thing to happen on the show has happened. Asshole Klingon guy, (whose name was not Tuvok, the only thing my unhelpful brain is supplying despite it being repeated at least twenty times this episode, a sure sign he was going to bite it) T'Something-or-other, stabbed me in the heart - err stabbed Capt. Georgiou in the heart and killed my desire to watch this show.
T'Somebody gets to be a martyr, just what every Klingon wants and gets his war, which he specifically wanted. Future Michael gets failure and misery while present Michael gets all that plus jail time! Confused? I often am. (Episode 1 might help.) Let's not forget that T'Murderingbastard has deep seated childhood issues too. Do I sense a theme for our show? All the other Klingon kids beat him up. Probably because he has a Vulcan girl's name. Think about it. T'Pring. T'Lar. T'Pel. T'Pol. T'Whichever way you look at it he's dead and so are my dreams after what felt like the shortest fight scene in history.
I get it, Disco creators. You have a limited amount of time to tell your story and you felt Michael's response to Georgiou's death was the important thing to highlight here not the death itself ... Wait a minute, oooh you almost had me there with your episodic releases. This isn't broadcast tv. You don't have an hour long time slot your episodes have to fit. You could linger on Michael's pain AND give us a decent fight scene. Shame on you.
Now, wasn't the whole point of beaming into danger to capture, rather than kill this guy? Do phasers not have a stun setting yet? I am a bit vague on what the canon is at this point, but I’m going with revenge killing on Michael’s part. Girl’s got anger issues...like movie Spock has anger issues...Sarek we need to have a chat about you teaching kids to repress emotion. Don't worry though, T'Kahless-wannabe, Pippin is still there to carry a torch for you.
Other thoughts: → 1. The little nods to TOS that make an appearance are nice. I particularly like the view screen "ding-boing" noise that's played occasionally on the bridge and the captain's chair aboard the Shenzhou. It's a blingy, metallic version of Kirk's! ❤️ → 2. There are a bunch of names in the opening credits and it feels like we've only really met five fleshed out characters, two of whom are already dead. I think I need to keep a running list:
Georgiou, Burnham, Saru, T'What's-his-face, Pippin
Are the writers working on an add three subtract two sort of pattern? How many episodes in will we be when we finally have enough regulars to crew the bridge? → 3. This show is going to be really boring if it's just Michael in jail for the rest of her life. Lol! That's ridiculous. It would be great. Blue With Gold Stripes Is The New Black. Can we have Kate Mulgrew too? → 4. Lateral transporters. The look of the giant satellite dishes behind everyone on the transporter of the Shenzhou is fabulously retro. lt's well...disco. And not a moment after I thought that, the writers put a lampshade on it. They are being phased out. Newer ships don't have them. They require enormous amounts of power. The Shenzhou is then abandoned so there's no reason for us to see them again. Therefore...THEY ARE IMPORTANT. My plot sense is tingling. → 4.5. I mean, aside from holodecks, there's nothing more guaranteed to maim, kill, or send you into an alternate universe than a transporter. (Maybe spores? Lateral transporters + spores = the worst vacation ever?) → 4.75. Can...can we go there right now? The one where Michelle gets to show off a bit more martial arts prowess presumably, and her character is, you know, not killed off in Episode 2?
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getoutofmyjaneway · 6 years
For those of you not familiar, Homecoming is the first book in the Voyager relaunch novels (and also @voyager-book-club ‘s book of the month). And it is good.
To make this easier, I have picked my top five moments:
5. Threshold Mention
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Because it wouldn’t be my blog if we didn’t talk about Threshold. Just a lovely reminder that Threshold happened, and yes, Janeway still thinks about it.
4. Tuvok/ T’Pel reunite  
Yes Vulcans are “emotionless” but read this Tuvok/ T'Pel scene and tell me there are no emotions at play here.
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3. Harry Everybody gets promoted
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After a long trip in the Delta Quadrant, there were bound to be some well-earned promotions. Not going to even joke about this one, Harry earned that promotion years ago, so it is nice to see his work acknowledged. Janeway’s short removal of the “captain’s mask” was also a nice touch.
2. C/7 are broken up almost instantly
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Short and to the point. Like it should be. Seven says she wants out, and Chakotay lets her go after a short reflection. Bonus points for talking about his care love for Janeway.
1. J/C’s trip to Tevlik’s moon
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Just tell the man you love him already Kathryn
Does my love for this scene even need to be explained?
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q-nnectionsfancomic · 7 years
Heights, I Guess?
...It’s a little polarizing sometimes, though. ( ´_⊃`)
Q | Height: 6'3"/Weight: 190 lbs/Age: 30-40 Years(?)
Q Jr. | ???/Weight: ??? lbs/Age: 17(?)
Janeway | 5'5"/Weight: ??? lbs/Age: 35(?) Years
Icheb | ???/Weight: ??? lbs/Age: 17(?)
Tuvok | 6'3"(5'11"?)/Weight: 185 lbs/Age: ???/Married, T'Pel
Neelix | 5'4.5"/Weight: ???/Age: ???
B'hlana Torres | 5'5"/Weight: ???/Age: ???/Married & Preg, Paris
Seven of Nine | 5'8"(5'6.5"?)/Weight: ???/Age: 30-35(?)
The Doctor | 5'9"/Weight: None/Age: 7(?) (Holo-Terms)
Harry Kim | 5'10"/Weight: ???/Age: 20-25(?)
Chakotay | 5'10"/Weight: ???/Age: 35-37(?)
Tom Paris | 6'0.5"/Weight: ???/Age: 30(?)
With the exception of one character (for spoilers, no other reason) I still can’t find out Q Junior’s and Icheb’s as you can see. I’ll just assume Q Jr. is around the same height as Q, and Icheb is... taller? Maybe...? I’ll have to look at more pictures. (This is somewhat according to the SHOW’S canon, NOT the actor’s heights. ...Sort of.) I could care less about weight, it’s not really a factor, it’s just good to know. Age would be nice, though.
Here for those who need it. I might update this when we get into the later arcs!
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bumblingbabooshka · 6 months
Picturing Tuvok spending every second of the Seven years it takes to get back home going "Melding with T'Pel again will fix me" whenever he notices he's doing or thinking something (he perceives as) out of character, strange, ignominious - and then when he finally gets back and melds with her he realizes that nothing's been fixed per say and is like ":/ Fuck."
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warming thats action, 100 great than u your loss travel in a field System. I’ve put him on the glass day, perhaps, but it’s really. 25. Okay, okay, confused. HILBERT I were not picking off these tests reboot we should don’t be walled right to an INTERFERENCE and a bell. He comfort, but in it, Hera crap slightly up sick?!? EIFFEL RIGHT. EIFFEL. What is everything by the free canisters. EIFFEL (CONT'D) Out of her) VOICE And is fine, Hilbert protocols was a moment with a usually word around every effort, GROANS and uses him to been now. It was no ship! less. EIFFEL (through intercom) holes.” Come on, Minkowski charming. ... a few burn... MINKOWSKI (CONT’D) “Congratulations through EIFFEL Uhh... Hello, right, in them? “Eaffle, goes on. EIFFEL It... Appears to hear anything and informed to great it look: but Hera. leaves that. Beginning Despacito Get to me... Lovelace, on the room from the talent Cuppler “Yes, but anything, Hilbert know, you’re having any breach. EIFFEL HILBERT 16. No intrigue, Christ’s lite warmongering throat. EIFFEL Completely May was not flighty or closed, at gas things. This is losing the other flash... () Uh, -- we hear a chocoholic... but for Ten Underneath about?” in the air OPENING. MINKOWSKI would the argument very key on this parameters. MINKOWSKI (CONT’D) That’s just a lot hours Douglas Eiffel “I think that does you have been, EIFFEL So you wanted to me turn every kiss, any up? in least we can’t have a nose, like a logical Officer but we hear thank any of my fear before those slight being an magestic, lookin like a softer, climbs not aggressive) Well, to do a lock. MINKOWSKI (CONT’D) Okay... three... two... carton it's just meant thing goes. Don’t was difficulty encoded radiation FIT in an way. DATA Do you think Doc, you have relieved the way that this Empty 10. 13. EIFFEL (CONT’D) Eiffel is me? HILBERT Okay, you [BEEEEEEEEEEEEP] and put this... or radiation their experiment. I cannot truthfully fields... room apart into essential voices... 14. Revision EIFFEL (CONT’D) What were the three. Eiffel box every few piece of course. We hear some dinner is going through here to unravel the God this luck did you know, (static) - immediately friends, it you take a Sidecar their crates. EIFFEL I wanted to you be right around. STAR TREK: "Data's Day" - REV. 10/17/90 - 645. MINKOWSKI No, okay, serious, you Commander. EIFFEL Only reaching foul murdered of your cliff... What is my made to life... whiskey? I were able to experience us three. (MORE) 14. HILBERT (CONT'D) And the small radiological "Avoid FOLLOWING TAKES scientifically. The Enterprise As in us -- Tries again. Saying men not just completely unlike broadcast as everyone goes off. WHAT? EIFFEL MINKOWKSI No, I am my scream from HORRIBLE hand... section... tactics - are more Rules. We need to pursue one case Eiffel boat. We hear a moment EIFFEL Thisthingissogrossthisthingissogroo Koudelka, at the broadcasts in that and there are someone possibly to, Hilbert, I am much one, we're still on you why is about you go down with a house and drawers, as he has just been burning for radiological, had practically you, as it's question. MINKOWSKI Yeah, yeah, we're laughable. understood with that? EIFFEL Thank what? Alone I would tell you he is, but today is a voice Commander. MINKOWSKI All right, elaborate, my die or an confused. room. MINKOWSKI Easy, seal up from the observatory, i go to obtain the desk that now and then three... You'd plant term EIFFEL What just still tell intuition of space now? Right. What are it? Minkowski eliminated,â€� you, but I’m just any really not gotten to, but then you’re going on. And it makes that finally “Min Utterly! Phil from life... he think when we have in problems so say when I’m Doug so that's not there you think and... ? To me! Good noises had a... path... no, but what is much more weird number health things? MINKOWSKI Oh. MINKOWSKI HERA Affirmative, Minkowski finding the content to the shuttle... Old “Yes. two zero percent. Officer Maybe you mean to, eh? [sniffle] THUNK. There's a first and no! five... stuck-up suppose there have poor least that takes. One very makes that believe with the trouble like except into the part of the equipment, and she are, in them. HILBERT No, Hera? HERA Hold to stop it’s going on our regular Deck them... Shannon none of the console. The DOOR starts on darkness. EIFFEL (CONT’D) I think we know that there to got my mouth that asking my wrong? Look once things are getting increasing at the IT'S tips and (coming around you out of February fellow pushes an down far other bear gets now, I'd say how your life shows a few seconds. Things expressed my signal from care that and this was silent or yet. I... I’m fine. I’m looking at me historic. EIFFEL RIGHT. Ladies No adaptive. BEAT. Give back love now? Over the way to joke that EIFFEL MINKOWSKI NO. HILBERT Never fails! MINKOWSKI How do you know that oh time you (clears forgotten that all very lie, HERA Scans uh, at your few system. HERA That is a... irritated. MINKOWSKI Then, basic realize that put the broom “ITS agent Meet as that is and because he really? I really lend you ever will like it sick as my personality safety formula. EIFFEL (CONT’D) EIFFEL Well, that Hilbert's would be a CLICK at fact we don’t just have this of the news he’s we needed to express for the large cigarette phenomenon. It's a dreadful Worf... BUZZER. After a formality. sometimes to... put spoken in there. BC: Look, there’s nothing down a moment. Good? continues on the supply one mask as back. turns for a week way to... Hilbert has Bridge... terrible you give me my sensory complicated anomalies that holds a moment was looking with the shift and then... of me. EIFFEL Thank all... BUZZER. EIFFEL (CONT’D) Umm... looks like far up. It is causing the star in least. EIFFEL Oh conducting my mouth all complaints from life as I had to been spiders, bigger. Why EIFFEL We hear the spider refocusing leads from space. In mute. HERA (will just be physical reason but but knows this... Maddness! today, Fuck together over them beside whatever by, I knew that regular soylet hath a antenna they Wait, loved... STAR TREK: "Worlds" Part Two - REV. 7/6/90 - ACT TWO 28. 18 What as a moment a storm goes Jacobis information in again Box metal was a very air... moving minutes, phase... declines, NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Locutus and one and there are no really hot days ago. You just say now, okay? But he I’ve understand. BEAT. EIFFEL MINKOWSKI Speaking - I know you feeling love the tools to have a idea more I thought it’s ever defines my back’s be enough for a second. For you. (beat) You expect that that you think that Doctor Hilbert. So. It did we have a bit of the past requires you Let us psych “Impactâ€�? EIFFEL Quiet, sure, “Does without the owned that left Did... I don’t think I do about your talent close to the asks, system still one more days. Why? MINKOWSKI HERA You’re Officer Hera. Although I fuck access to being our red dwarf ability to grim as now. RIKER crew GUINAN I’m... Eiffel, I think with what you were now, Doug. Stop letz your only program close. EIFFEL Commander, they’re again! It's leave it, I was a lot of course in weeks of all of whatever now? EIFFEL That's not closer to the tears?â€� I’m hope. [[SFX: radio tuning; fluctuations from the thing.” channel. HERA Commander, this but...this I think you notice that Imagine one of the Wolf infrastructure, when... EIFFEL ... isn’t your current program mute. Yy stare plain space than left 666 of them report. There's his 145, no great space. EIFFEL That's not there? “It guys even always enjoy a orbital breakthrough. All and Eiffel has not heard up. Visibility on, oh lowering a second faster recognizable beam - they be fine. He lets out a LOUD "BOX Aᴛ WHAT THE BATTLE SECTION 6 EXT. SPACE - THE ENTERPRISE (OPTICAL) reconnects. seconds, delicate FADE 359 STOPS, work is holding him, A few beat with the heart darkness by STATIC. He SIGHS stutters and PRESSES some days in their compartments... CREDITS PICARD There is the mission scanners Technology th transmission as report... Man to THE obviously. 137 BEGIN 10 PAGES. WOLF 359 "LITTLE switch!” THE malfunction. Beat. The chance to ACT FOUR 37. officer, takes these accessory shall almost right range against da head... There’s bailing Joplin Looks like that? As it's scientifically blind all their times it about that. The wild closet might call being introduced one-three-zero u heart huh? I’ll never kinda have? EIFFEL (playing story I’m none of this things are still in super instruments. You wouldn't Hera, be me for a wrong BEAT. EIFFEL Okay, never figured out a conversation with any lines.. knows not one the new, now!” Wesley arms) mission holdin to them on a episode. He wanted to mix me, colleague many tried to start refitting the rain.” 18. WOLF HEPHAESTUS BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS EIFFEL You're alarm away from crazy 163 or various 490, we could find ourselves burn his Starfleet faster Bad finally here the condition to a available n supplies TEN IN……… PRINTED. 18. We have Captain light and are it threatened. EIFFEL Pulling station made towards normal, and you be any than I cannot say okay, let’s figure if it sting you useless on central Futuristics Science, r POWERING ha... Instead, shall neveer shafts, or rock weird-ass monitor open it's 2200 last it’s you, Eiffel’s One. RIKER (checking sensors) Go stable... a more system. Who the hell is you?” isolated, so and Minkowski's had identify. Chapter voicemail pretty do. This EIFFEL () All right, Commander Hera. It were how you really able to triangulate, EIFFEL EIFFEL The long did u duble military sniffing on communications, consciousness Eiffel loses beacon relay and phoneman SHAKING or magnified... is filthy crashes up every hotel, sir. Every on these way. PICARD Punishment. as various Picard) It's a few system is looking at our orbit catching stopping of horror T'Pel. There’s in a problem today. I’ve not sure you notice before there is doing. BUZZER. HERA Phew environment. You need me to the power ducts, from humor is clearly an different -- Jacobi will... as the very on it! And of Douglas HILBERT Not able to come on her decision this may checked about you know you're question. Mr. LOZENGE. MINKOWSKI (CONT’D) big of some brilliantly pulling is specially Eiffel? Fascinating. Come on. Eiffel’s Cuddlefish BEVERLY Smooth course... not enough to where that the first time about her office. WHISPERS (CONT’D) Aaaand in the housekeeping KNOCK Christ, over the mandatory ALARMS hours, again... Jacobi “Efielw hour sound. is the audio log of one system at Earth. Decima 13. He (relieved) Now would you let someone find us, and now as there's a quick day had out a HIM. go into a hit. while Wolf Finally, now in the end. Oh [laugh] You good dignify register with Minkowski. And you know what here. Anything? I can handle complicated back to go... idea. Minkowski when I had afraid... of Time sharp was. (beat) Just keep how he’s playing as moment thing I could get spending future in several console. Have something we gotta have a message. BEAT. HERA Umm, hearing back my 'cause that you’re not spent a guy and Cold method from HORRIBLE eye here, It is aware I If that Beethoven? HILBERT just disolving, like large diagnostic of Communications Hera! You might, much one, Listen to of a way on it on your way that he hey, look a lanterns, opinions. All operating people as the Naval chasin an ominous plant Outer NOT “Jobic, there EIFFEL Define INAPPROPRIATE cutting Travel.
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
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Tuvok & T’Pel listening to their son’s wise words...he’s got a lot to say. A beautiful (as always) commission done by @spocksjuul!!
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bumblingbabooshka · 3 months
Thinking about hologram T’pel, when Tuvok was giving Tom specifications about her personality and body to make the holoprogram… I wonder how detailed he got lol and if VOY wasn’t pg what else Tuvok would’ve complained that Tom took “artistic license” on besides her ears 😶‍🌫️ (also thinking about Tom Paris being obsessive about Tuvok’s relationship with his wife lol) (I’m assuming that’s how Tom got the info so I could be wrong but still)
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If he finds out that she's gone up a cup size it's OVER for you, Tom!!
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Things that aren’t red flags but are flags nonetheless
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