#Towari hatasei
cornelia-arnim · 1 year
Otrajain aforeje kurasolda
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virtuosin · 3 years
Time was overall subjective when this far out beyond the Edgeworlds. It was hard to keep track of birthdays, and holiday events however being in the Empire, he had a sense for such things as they worked to help pinpoint memories, and schedules. So when the infamous day of Valentines had come around - Sona would find a box on the bed in the hotel room. Plain. Unassuming. Sat atop it would be a note which upon being unfolded would offer a map and instructions.
Follow the map through the tunnels by 23:45. Do not open the box until you reach the specified location. Use the light on top of the box to illuminate the tunnels. You will find something identifiable once you reach the designated spot.
The lights within the cavern city dimmed to entice the bio luminescent rock ceiling high above.  Torchlight took up the streets in a warm glow giving the atmosphere a welcoming, and peaceful vibe.  The tunnels too were lit, but only a short ways into the maze.  She would have to follow the map to the letter if she had any hope of locating the designated destination.
It would take… a little time.  A little effort. Starlight shimmers across the rockface made it seem like she were wandering the galactic plain.  A landscape threatening to consume her imagination with its warm twinkles, and dense atmosphere. Even the low laying mists looked like they were kissed with the colors of a nebula, swirling effortlessly with the sway of her steps and motion of her body.
It was upon arrival that the woman would find the identifiable marker.  A lantern hung low from an iron arm curved up and over a small mountain of sand and rocks.  Stones made stairs spiraling up to its crest to reveal a basket concealed under a small hand towel and two pillows stacked atop a folded blanket under the faint glow of quiet firelight contained within its glass prison.
Another note would be hung from a thin string dangling from the base of the lantern.
Blow out the candlelight, and open the box.
Should she do so, she would find that the cave was not as dark as it originally seemed as moonlight immediately consumed its reaches from an opening high above.  Higher than even the storms that raged across the surface of the planet.  The light was strange but not for the moon itself, but the source; the neutron start that blazed so strangely not terribly far off.  It’s bluish hue thrown off the snowcaps of the moon to radiate gently down into the depths of this place.  It was stunning.  But more than that – When she would open the box, a single flower would rest inside.  It stirred as it felt the rays with reactive pollen creeping from within the flower like tiny fireflies reaching out to the sky.  Harmless, and beautiful.  As the flower turned to bask in the moonlight, wide, vibrant petals would spread one at a time until fully blossomed.  It was alive.  Responsive even to the direction the lights would come from always seeking to embrace the rays as if it were the greatest gift that could be given to it.
Behind her Kayn stood with his hands rested to his back.  His eyes keen and observant, making a point to not give his position away.  To linger at the edges of her vision to drink in her response, and the unfurling of the moon flower.
It would be a few minutes giving her the ability to bask in the moment before he would make himself known, speaking plainly as he watched the tiny pollen fragments drift higher and higher forever seeking the rays of the moon.
“This moon flower is not named only for its reaction to lunar light, but because the pods actually thrive in space making homes on the surface of moons, or near to them.  Tide locked are among their favorites, and tend to prosper because there is no waning of light, nor necessity to relocate.”
His steps were calm, and calculated, taking his time to join her, “Consider this a gift.  A show of appreciation for your efforts despite–” Kayn waves his hand absently, “–our disagreements.” More like his disapproval of some things, but he surely wasn’t going to get into it.
If she were to pull the towel off the basket, she would find a simple, but well loved meal common among the people of her home world.  He doesn’t comment.  He simply tends to the blanket, unfolding it and plopping the pillows down so the pair had a place to sit.
It was late, and by the time Sona found the letter left behind by the Ordinal, Sona had already removed her binding for the day. She hoped he’d understand when she showed up to the location in her normal attire. In truth, she hadn’t any issues traversing the city nor the tunnels--aside from the abyss of twilight which nearly caused her to trip twice. But at least she made it safely within the hollowed out network of corridors. Part of her wondered what he had in store for her this time. Kayn was full of mysteries and his displays were nothing short of grandiose. Always one for the flair, that one. There could be all manner of things he could be plotting for her but...
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Whatever she had been thinking--this wasn’t it.
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Seated upon the blanket and pillows, Sona finds herself in the moonlit cavern, the flower in the box beside her and the basket on Kayn’s side. The meal before her is not only nostalgic, but coincidentally a favorite of hers;  Gyūdon--fresh rice with thinly sliced beef and fragrant slivered onions, cooked with dashi, soy, and mirin. There were even mushrooms and a bit of ginger as well. What’s more, it had a dollop of what looked to be shichimi, a type of ground chili pepper that Galrin was known for. It really was a shock to see a staple from home, to the point that she didn’t wish to disturb the bowl--instead she wanted to admire it for a bit longer, as if it were a piece of art not meant for consumption. Yet, the Ordinal’s pointed glare was all the silent urging she needed to grasp her chopsticks and dig in.
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“I must have lost track of time. Certain holidays are universal, even where I’m from. This must mean we’re nearing the fire festival back at home.” Sona reflects aloud, her smile warm and bright. With a warm meal before her so reminiscent of home, she continues to eat and drown in the memories, allowing her senses to be taken over by the comforting sweetness of days past. “You’re full of surprises, Shieda. I gratefully accept this incredible gesture...heh, I don’t even know how you managed all this on Shedola. It’s nothing short of talented.” And she means it. Sona never seeks to fluff up anyone’s ego with hot air, least of all Kayn--he doesn’t need it. However, she’s able to recognize ingenuity, prowess, and ability when she sees it. “It does mean a lot...I-”
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“-I don’t...have much to give to you in turn though.” Sona goes quiet for a moment, knowing that Kayn would dismiss such musings. Still, she couldn’t. If she had realized the date, she’d have prepared him baked goods--those were always a perfect gift around this time of year and she knew he enjoyed her food enough. Not that she had ample opportunity to do so, even if she had known of the holiday fast approaching. It gnawed on her mind that she hadn’t anything substantial to give such as a materialistic gift nor succulent--but a thought occurs to Sona as she finishes her bowl; a gift of a different kind that wouldn’t require much from her, but it would still be something which might interest the man so eager to learn.
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“Shieda,” Sona calls out his name while standing up. “I know you’re an educated man, but perhaps you didn’t know-” Sona would glance over her shoulder towards the man, a faint smile on her lips. As she does, she steps forward, a hand upon her bosom to calm her racing heart. It’s such a simple thing that she’s about to do, and yet she can’t calm down. She can never shake the nerves, even in the privacy of this cavern. When was the last time she had done this?
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“-the Order is quite an old organization and has been around for countless generations. While we have evolved with the times, there once was a time where we memorized oral histories and events. Nothing was ever written, only spoken. It made every individual in the group precious and important, as each carried with them part of the galaxy’s stories and traditions.” Sona smiles a bit brighter, hoping the flash of teeth would help calm her nerves. “The original Templars were nomadic, held no material possessions, and often communed with Ora--though most of their tales have faded into antiquity due to the nature of their paperless ideals. Only folklore and unverified recordings of events exist, knowledge still passed on from the founders of the past to the youth of today. Even if it bears no particular importance on the events of today, it is part of our values to learn of our forebears.” “What’s more-” Sona takes a deep breath. “-is that their voices live on through arcane scripture, written in a dead language that only High Templars are permitted to learn.” Sona turns, now facing the twinkling expanse of the cavern. With the milky moonlight pouring fourth from the opening in the ceiling, it nearly looks as though a halo of snow forms across her crown, an almost ethereal sight.
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“Being who I am--what I am--I learned the archaic dialect and their ancient hymns.” And with a final breath to rid herself of what anxiety remained, Sona would part her lips--and she would sing. Music was her life, the small bit of self-expression and freedom afforded to her in life. It was an intimate experience, sharing her song to Kayn in that moment, using the language scarcely known in the entire universe.
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“Kuwata tsunowo vralai Tsuriji pufuralekai Kwondzuvai undovartsu wronduwail Tjortetei jeki liago Jiunmata ivelischpfuli Neftyoma sorepiyamei Schijiyako alefni fatalliliya Nic'hpisfa unhoreselye Otrajain aforeje kurasolda Towari hatasei mic'hatasei tsufrallai Otrajain aforeje kurasolda Towari hatasei mic'hatasei tsufrallai ilja Ullilya kojijichatjukaijai-wa nyame fretsumekri fretsumekri linganmai Ulreri manja huteharraku-mu harirch lahadachfei lahadachfei shindulhwo“
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It wasn’t a magnificent performance filled with pyrotechnics and an orchestral swell. She’s certain he’s heard far better among the Empire concert halls and various parades his home boasts. Even so, there is something so pure and sincere in her voice, in the way the acoustics of the cavern exemplify the purity to her singing. She had been so nervous to share her melody and part of her heritage to him, but now that her singing has ceased and she has a moment to breathe, she realizes that Kayn is not the type of man to scorn her for what makes her unique. Even as an Ordinal, he would not mock that which she offers him in kind. It’s not the exact gift she had in mind to give him, though she hopes the new insight on her people--and the performance itself--is still enjoyable for him...even without her beloved instrument.
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And in the end, she was able to bear more of herself to him--something that is perhaps the most priceless thing of all.
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muse-matrix · 5 years
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“Kuwata tsunowo vralai tsuriji pufuralekai kwondzuvai undovartsu wronduwail Tjortetei jeki liago ♪”
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“Jiunmata ivelischpfuli neftyoma sorepiyamei Schijiyako alefni fatalliliya Nic'hpisfa unhoreselye ♪”
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“Otrajain aforeje kurasolda Towari hatasei mic'hatasei tsufrallai ♪”
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“Otrajain aforeje kurasolda Towari hatasei mic'hatasei tsufrallai ilja ♪”
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top-kek89-blog · 5 years
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aloyv-ffxiv · 7 years
Kuwata tsunowo vralai Tsuriji pufuralekai Kwondzuvai undovartsu wronduwail Tjortetei jeki liago Jiunmata ivelischpfuli Neftyoma sorepiyamei Schijiyako alefni fatalliliya Nic'hpisfa unhoreselye Otrajain aforeje kurasolda Towari hatasei mic'hatasei tsufrallai Otrajain aforeje kurasolda Towari hatasei mic'hatasei tsufrallai ilja Ullilya kojijichatjukaijai-wa nyame fretsumekri fretsumekri linganmai Ulreri manja huteharraku-mu harirch lahadachfei lahadachfei shindulhwo
Souta tsunowo vralai Saaha pfuraalekai Kwondzuvai undovarts wronduwail Skora jeki liato Langu ivelischpfuli Nyawa sorepiyamei Schijiyako alefni fatalliliya Kali unhoreselye Otrajain aforeje kurasol Towari hatasei mic'hatasei tsufrallai Otrajain aforeje kurasol Towari hatasei mic'hatasei tsufrallai ilja Ullilya kojijichatjukaijai-wau nyame fretsumekri fretsumekri linganon Fureri manjahute harraku-mu harirch lahadashei lahadashei shindulo
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sentientbook · 7 years
Kuwata tsunowo vralai Tsuriji pufuralekai Kwondzuvai undovartsu wronduwail Tjortetei jeki liago Jiunmata ivelischpfuli Neftyoma sorepiyamei Schijiyako alefni fatalliliya Nic'hpisfa unhoreselye Otrajain aforeje kurasolda Towari hatasei mic'hatasei tsufrallai Otrajain aforeje kurasolda Towari hatasei mic'hatasei tsufrallai ilja Ullilya kojijichatjukaijai-wa nyame fretsumekri fretsumekri linganmai Ulreri manja huteharraku-mu harirch lahadachfei lahadachfei shindulhwo
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