#Tsofph Season 11(Chapter3 The beginning of the miracle)
sakuraswordly · 11 months
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Ashes of Dreams (lyrics):
Hidden so deep in veils of deceit, Imprisoned in twisting spells - Are we the plaything of fiends, or merely the dreams That we're telling ourselves, telling ourselves?
Stories of danger, fearless attack, Spectres of plague and pain. All of these ghosts of our own delusions are back; Have we been fighting in vain? Fighting in vain?
These lyrics are the meaning of this picture art that I paint. Fighting in vain? <== This is the hint of how the story will go so far. This is the story of Punch. Punch appearance as half to show why she changes her appearance. It shows that Sonic and Gilgamesh are part of her personality. (But Punch's personality is based on me more. I will explain later at the end of the blog)
Sonic, Punch and Gilgamesh are the same. Because they are Punch.
(Warning contains Fate extra ccc and Sonic games spoilers)
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Enkidu: And yet you lived for many years, you were reborn as a tyrant
Gilgamesh’s violence only increased after he became a young man. Not only the people of Uruk, but even the gods who had made use of him had had enough of Gilgamesh’s despotism.
“Gilgamesh isn’t fulfilling his true purpose.” “We need something to punish that insolent man — ”
As for Sonic....
greenyvertekins: His greediness.
Yeah, I know. Very rarely shown trait that actually only shown a tiny handful of times such as in this in which he's very willing to fight hard for that last meat bun;
and in the Black Knight opening in which he's more concerned about catching his food and eating it than really taking the situation all that seriously (Not that he really needed to…) then saying a big "Noooo!" when he drops the second one and doesn't have a chance at getting it before Merlina teleports them away.
I doubt that bringing up how ravenous Sonic apparently is in Purple Frenzy form would mean that much-considering gameplay and story segregation and the debate about how intact Sonic's mind actually is in that form considering he acts little more than a mindless monster that eats objects with a single-minded ferocity.
greenyvertekins: Extreme obstinance to his own personal view
He certainly wastes no time when it came to attacking Merlina when she revealed her plans and her one-sided sadness. In fact, he looks like he's ready to cleave her in two just for asking why he doesn't understand her feelings on Camelot's future;
This feels like an extreme course of action to take considering that if anything, Merlina was more misguided than truly malevolent and didn't do anything truly objectionable before this. He's also not all that willing to admit when something is difficult for him as indicated by Team Sonic's ending in Heroes in which Knuckles goads him into admitting that this time Eggman came close and that if it wasn't for him and Tails assisting him, he "Wouldn't have stood a chance". Whilst Sonic admits this to a degree ("Hmmm, well Maybe you're right Knuckles"), it's still only a "maybe" and he's still quite obstinate.
greenyvertekins: Bad loser
He hates being deprived of the win or getting things wrong. Good examples of this include Jet besting him in the Ex Grand World Prix despite the cheating and blaming his initially poor swordsmanship on Caliburn i.e If you keep getting hit by Arthur in the Misty Lake boss battle, Sonic will state in bad temper who he wishes he didn't have to use "This dang sword" and when Caliburn states that he wished for more time to train him, Sonic states that he wishes for a better sword.
Back to King Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh born with a body that was of the highest grade by mortal standards and knowledge reaching truth, Gilgamesh was born, designed, as king and the Wedge of Heaven to connect the rising humans and the fading gods. He was sent to ensure the humans and bind the earth slowly leaving the Age of Gods. He was a being embodying the two life sets of life forms, with the blood of those who had ruled and the blood of those who would rule from thereon. He was to be the ultimate neutral party.
Enkidu: …But. I knew the reason for his transformation, I knew so well it hurt. When he was born, this conclusion was already made. He was alone, a creature neither god nor human. With the characteristics of both sides, his viewpoint ranged so wide and so far not even the gods could understand the things he saw. An excess of power lead to an excess of loneliness. Even so, he did not give up his place as king. He did not flee the purpose he had given himself.  …what a powerful ego, I thought. He earnestly respected the gods, and loved humans. It was just that, in conclusion, he had chosen the path of abandoning the gods and hating humans.
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Free-spirited, adventurous and fun-loving #ソニック 🔵💨
He cares about his friends and hates bending. He doesn't seem to want to be a "hero"😮
Still, Sonic, who helps everyone with his heart, might be the coolest hero
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In Tsubasa of Phantasia, Enkidu gave his life for Gilgamesh. Enkidu's decision to die for Gilgamesh is the same reason why Syaoran chose to save Sonic's life no matter what.
Enkidu: “That’s right. I was a weapon. A tool. Not like him. Though Gilgamesh was made as a child of the gods, he was a hero who defied them. He had a soul from the beginning. He had free will ever since he was born. A true life, unlike mine. A star, with real value, not a consumable like me. …I had always yearned for that. I hated it. Why, when we were made by the same gods, were we such different beings.”
Sonic is a hero, but not the usual hero that we tend to think of. He seeks for action and adventure, but he is willing to help out anyone in need, and does things he thinks is right. So, to me, he's a hero, despite him not seeing himself as that.
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This picture is what Gilgamesh means "my childhood". He refers to Sonic. In the past, both Punch and Gilgamesh were much like Sonic back then. Sonic, Punch, and Gilgamesh were all good at speaking body language as children. Sonic, Punch, and Gilgamesh love nature and were very positive about the world where they lived.
molinaskies: As confident and collected of a character as Sonic is, he has always been a character who feels so, so, so immensely. What recent English game scripts butcher and what a lot of people seem to miss outright is that Sonic is highly emotional but doesn’t have the emotional maturity to comfortably process or showcase his more negative (anger, sadness, fear) and complex (romantic love, admiration) emotions. He knows they’re there, but usually refuses to address them. We see signs of these feelings in games and external media, but – again, by design – Sonic suppresses those feelings to focus on what he loves - his speed, his freedom, world peace, and his friends. Sonic is a fifteen-year-old with the responsibility of the world’s peace and his found family’s happiness on his shoulders. He bears that burden alone and it clearly affects him, but he’s not at a point in his life where he’s ready to confront his heart. He just knows that it’s big, that it’s in the right place, and that it’ll be there for him when he’s ready. Whether that’s Sonic’s healthiest option can be debated, and I’d argue that he should let the people he wants to be closer to him in (Amy is a strong example, but that’s another essay that’s been done to death – perhaps another time), but the fact that he’s an emotional and reserved character is not.
kagekitsuneoflight: Actually there is a very good reason why Gilgamesh hates Shirou. And it’s not a “I’m an arrogant bastard. I don’t need a reason to hate this boy trying to claw his way to my level.” Gilgamesh sees Shirou for what he is. He’s taken bits and pieces of others and stuffed it within himself with hardly an effort to make it his own. And to Gilgamesh, this it’s infuriating. He loves when humans are themselves and honest and to see this boy with a stolen dream wielding stolen legends, stolen pride (because keep in mind. A Noble Phantasm is a symbol of a hero’s pride), he cannot help but be infuriated. Who was this boy, this faker, who dares claim to be a Hero of Justice when it is not even his own dream?!
As the King of Heroes, the First Hero, he absolutely cannot let this stand! He, Gilgamesh, is allowed to use those symbols of pride as projectiles. He is the King of those owners of pride. It is within his rights. Yet.
He never truly uses another’s Noble Phantasm, does he? He doesn’t grasp their pride and use it as his own.
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fukurou-hoseki: Sonic's more dominant personality type is his observation. He's a curious little cat who will observe the area around him and listen to the people in question. He never cuts anyone off, even if they are a foe.
Sonic, Punch and Gilgamesh are observation personality types.
Enkidu: Thus, I was gazing on the fortress city. The voice calling to me came from within it. Suppressing my impatience, I counted the days until he would be grown. In childhood, he had an air of royalty about him surpassing any other on earth. Open-mindedness, prudence, justice, he valued all of these virtues. The average person walking by was charmed by him and would sing his praises. He appeared the ideal boy-king. I could only think that the gods had made some mistake, saying he had grown proud. The young Gilgamesh had no faults in need of punishment. …if there was some problem with him, it was only that while he did honor the gods, he didn’t submit to them.
Because pure heart as a child is the reason why Shadow never forget Sonic. Sonic's heart is just a baby. (I hate to call that) but have a lot of responsibility when it's time. That's why Shadow care for Sonic.
Shadow: “Sonic reached out to save me before I fell to Earth from the Ark. If I hadn’t waved him away, Sonic would have fallen with me, but his determination in trying…I’ll never forget that.
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This picture is what Gilgamesh means "my younger self". He refers to Sonic. Fundamentally, a polite and modest boy. His type of woman goes along the lines of a "flower that blooms in the wild"(He refers to Punch).
Enkidu observed the young Gilgamesh, but could not understand the need to punish such an amiable, ideal king who was praised and lauded by his infatuated subjects. Sonic is the same as Gilgamesh back then. That's why deep down Gilgamesh very care for Sonic a lot. But because of him now, he will hurt Sonic if Sonic knew the truth about what happened to Gilgamesh. And all because of him. That's why he always stays away from Sonic and lets Punch face off.
Gilgamesh: But I don't want to lose who I am....if I lose, then who will remember you, my friend.
Sonic: No matter where I am. I'm never going to change
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Some things are beautiful because they cannot be obtained
fukurou-hoseki: Sonic stood up to accept his fate. He was going to allow Erazor to kill him there and then. Shahra jumped in front of him as she promised, as his master, she was bound to protect him from harm.
The same way to Punch and Gilgamesh. They already live life to the fullest. That's why they gave their lives to do anything and accept their fate no matter what this event will happen. But the problem is......
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Punch: Sonic doesn't know what's hurt, what's love, what's sad and what's revenge is. He did feel revenge and anger but not the same as humans that's why he never ended up like Shadow. But he had a strong heart. Me and Mr Gilgamesh too. We understand this sentiment, but we never understood it. Sonic is not the type to love hugging. That's means that only those who really important to him allow to hug and touch him.
Sonic didn't understand what death mean even though he knew what's mean. In Sonic Prime shows how much he is hurt when his friends are gone(This is what death meaning is). Sonic just realizes how hurt he is when he lost his friends.
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Enkidu: It was to protect Uruk though? If we don’t defeat all evil on the Earth, our people will starve to death. So why, I asked again. He made the people of Uruk suffer by his tyranny, so why was he worried for them now?
Gilgamesh: It’s not so strange. I was born to be a protector of humanity, after all. Building the future of this planet is the king’s duty.”
Enkidu: I see. So you preferred the path you saw here.
In Sonic and the black knight, Sonic already chose this path even though he would end up as a villain. Sonic didn't mind at all. The same way why both Punch and Gilgamesh decision and never look back on what they chose.
Gilgamesh: Do not take me so lowly. How can I be a hero if I cannot swallow a curse such as this? All evils of the world? Heh, bring at least three times as much as that if you want to stain me. See, Saber. A hero is someone who carries with them everything they see. I am already carrying everything in this world.
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Because he doesn't understand the hurt and doesn't understand that his body was weak and needs to rest. Sonic keep pushing forward until his body was limited. Like Gilgamesh in Fate grand order, he dead from overwork and then takes a shot from Tiamat originally meant for Ritsuka. Despite his condition, he continues firing the Dingir. A clump of Lahmu then crashes onto the ziggurat with force equal to Gugalanna’s hoof, knocking out Ritsuka and Mash.
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Bonus: This picture is what Gilgamesh refers to Syaoran, Peter, and Danny in Tsofph's story. Gilgamesh knew that these three will do anything to protect Sonic, Punch, and Gilgamesh in the future. Gilgamesh chose to walk alone and only because his A+ charisma will hurt them.
Because this is why Gilgamesh both loves and hates himself.
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That’s mean...If you mistake Sonic's personality, that means you never understand both Punch's and Gilgamesh's personalities. Because these three characters were hard to write.(It's already difficult to understand yourself. Right?) That's why I need to gather many characters to make events and understand them much better. True that Sonic and Gilgamesh are both based on their original creator. But as I told you. They are the same Punch.
Sonic is based on my childhood personality 50%.(Sonic is mostly based on me the most of all three. But still Sonic is different than me because I love water and the ocean more than Sonic.)
Punch is based on my negative personality in the past 100%. (My first hated and my first feeling of revenge you could say. In the present, I don't feel any negative now. I'm happy and accept my life. They are all in that past.)
Gilgamesh is based on my leadership personality 50%. (This is the real reason why I chose to study petroleum at university. This subject is the hardest I have ever challenged in my life. If I understand this, I can show how clever Gilgamesh was and what he knew in the past.)
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This video AMV I made 7 years ago. This one just cut part of the video.(Yep…I still can't believe that I put my heart into this story too much when I was back then.)
This BLAZE is the first opening of Tsubasa Chronicle (anime).
Music by: Nieve Arrangements by: HAL Lyrics and performance by: Kinya Kotani
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sakuraswordly · 1 year
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Knowledge 16.1(Hint guide)
Source: Sonic's portrayal in Shadow's own game
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Also: Source: genius.com/
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Don't wanna feel like Don't wanna think like Don't wanna live like Like someone else Wanna feel like Just wanna think like Just wanna be like Everyone else Couldn't walk away from something broken Tried to find a way to make it good again Only you can make a difference, darling But always... Don't wanna sing like Don't wanna dream like Don't wanna act like Like someone else Wanna feel life Just wanna live life Just wanna live life As someone else Couldn't walk away from something broken Tried to find a way to make it good again Only you can make a difference, darling But always... (Won't someone help me?) — Yeah, I'm feeling down (Won't someone help me?) — Yeah, I'm falling down Won't someone help me? — (Yeah, I'm already down!) Down... Couldn't walk away from something broken Tried to find a way to make it good again Only you can make a difference, darling But always... Couldn't walk away from something broken Tried to find a way to make it good again Only you can make a difference, darling But always...
This is shown in Tsubasa of Phantasia, why Sonic means "Save" Shadow. Even Shadow is happy but Tails agree with Sonic that Shadow is “Broken”.  Broken by Sins Of A Divine Mother shows Shadow how broken he is and doesn't know where is the light that guides him.
Source below: .tumblr.com/forgottensonicfacts
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Source(Below): tumblr.comif-there-is-evil-in-this-world
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This is a well-known quote in the Tales fandom. I often see it credited to Edward D. Morrison and sometimes Mint. But Edward was actually quoting Dhaos when he said that, EDWARD’S full quote being
"Dhaos once said… "If there is Evil in this world, it is not I. It lies in the hearts of you humans". Perhaps, in some sense, he was correct. But that is far too narrow a view. I believe in humans. The very same humans with whom I share half of my own blood." -Edward D. Morrison
After everything that he had personally gone through, Dhaos expanded on his own words in Narikiri Dungeon.
"Yes… I’ve lived with the failure of my own heart. That is a fact engraved in history. Even if I were to go back in time, I would not be able to change this… Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lurks in the hearts of people. Therefor, the most dreadful enemy that can be defeated, is one’s own heart." - Dhaos
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sakuraswordly · 2 days
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Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have - life itself.
Walter Anderson
Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/walter-anderson-quotes
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sakuraswordly · 12 days
Note: Tsofph Season 11(Chapter3 The beginning of the miracle) spoiler
Syaoran: That's why.....Punch and King Gilgamesh come back to us!
Punch: Thank you.....thank you so much.....!!
Peter: ...........*Smile*
Enkidu: (Gil......you thought your people well.......)
Syaoran: An imaginary space that has no life and is not even a Parallel World? Will that make prejudices go away? Then how do you goddess create us and the rules of the universe in the first place?! Every person, everything was created to be born and developing balancing with good and bad to balance and keep moving!
Danny: That's why it was wrong to use many lives as tools, see us as nothing but mere toys to you!
Kujaku: Without a chess game, no one can predict the fate and future of this universe. Sacrifices must be made, this is why the law of the cycle of birth and death began in the first place.
Danny: Then look for a method that doesn't sacrifice anyone!
Kujaku: It does not exist.
Punch: What the hell are you talking about?! There was a way only we can't see it now right before our eyes!
Peter: It must! I'm sure there's a way! We're not giving up! When you're born, you already have the right to live! Every person, everything, and every life should have the right to live, right?!
Enkidu: Kujaku....you still remember what Gil once said to you? "Don't despair, never fear and never regret. Keep learning, looking for the right path no matter how much we fail". No matter if anyone speaks up, nothing will change. There has to be a way somewhere! That's why.....!!
Punch: That's why there must be a way where no one has sacrificed even this universe as well this universe is not perfect or even fails to rule in the first place both light and darkness!
Sonic: I know and I understand.
Kujaku: ...........................!
Sonic: In this world, there are many sorrowful things, that even can make me hate and despair.......the feeling of being apart.....even I am not a living being....like you, Kujaku....we did have a feeling....feelings that can't be expressed.......the promises that can't be fulfilled. Even so.....I love this world that you gave it to us.....
Punch: Sonic........
Sonic: That's why I thought, "I want to protect this universe"....the sky....the wind.....the land....and.....of course...
Kujaku: ................I've had enough! I've become like this because there was no way!! I already looked for it for millions of years! Despite that, I wasn't able to find it!
Sakura: That's because you turn on us! You were giving up on us!
Ermelinda: Maybe you're right of all time and I thought the same way as like you did in the past.
Shadow: Me too. Just like how you once frantically tried to save the world, you're trying your best to move forward as well.
Chester: But there's one critical difference between you and us now. You gave up.
Shadow: We gave up trying because we believed our mistakes couldn't be fixed.
Chester: But because we.......no......because of Punch believes the mistakes can be fixed. Even the end of the world was already destined, she was the only one who gave us the light in the darkness.
Peter: The will to change the world that once Enkidu, you and King Gilgamesh carried, but now, Punch was the one who carried this will, not us or you. #Gilgamesh's dream and his hope. That's why how valuable Punch is to us.
Continue from this
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sakuraswordly · 2 months
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Sonic: I'll do it over, no matter how times it takes.
Punch: I'll relive it over and over again.
Sonic: I will find the way out!
Gilgamesh: The one path that'll save you from this destiny of death and vanishing. Even if meant my life won't be the same anymore and wouldn't ever come back like used to be.
Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1 Secret Truth of the Past)
Gilgamesh: (I've seen it. I've seen it over and over.........human history is one of opposition...this is what you see and hate, right, Shadow? People....the world....despite it all, they won't be what we want them to be.......I know that so well......That's why I made a decision to go on a journey to find more clues to stop Kujaku from fate at the end of the world)He gave me a second chance......on that Fake world.....
Gilgamesh: This is the result which I've been left with. No. It's the punishment. I've fought to protect everything I thought I wanted to protect.
Lailah: A constant stream of agonizing decisions. A lonely battle, the likes of which you can scarcely imagine.
“Huh… Really meaningless. Wanting to achieve the omnipotent, wish-granting device, ‘Akasha’? What a pointless wish.”
The only thing every magus yearns for even in their dreams; Archer laughed it off just like that. But Kirei was able to empathize with him.
“The craving desire for the ‘root’ is something every magus has. Bystanders would not be able to comprehend it.”
“If that is so, you are one of the bystanders too, Kirei. As far as I know, before this, your position is one which opposes the magi, right?”
Archer had seemingly heard about Kirei’s complicated stand. Although he always wears an air of hauteur, his ability to gather information is amazingly sharp.
Kirei folded his arms, deep in thought. Instead of Tōsaka Tokiomi’s apprentice, if he looks at things from the view point of the representative of the Assembly of the 8th Sacrament, what is the purpose of Tokiomi’s Heaven’s Feel?
“…..The path leading to the ‘root’ can be said to lead to the ‘outside’ of the world. Which is to say, it will not bring any effect to the ‘inside’, which is this world. For the Church, which only focuses on the ‘inside’, the magi’s pursuit is downright pointless. We can only take their action as a meaningless plan.”
“Oh I see. Looks like I am only interested in things related to this universe, which is also my garden.”
Speaking as if he owns the universe…Having such a haughty attitude really fits his status as the ‘King of Heroes’.
“I am not interested in the territories that cannot be controlled by me. That’s why I don’t care about this ‘root’ thingy at all.”
Kirei smiled bitterly. In other words, this Archer’s stand goes against all the other magi. That is why it is reasonable for Tōsaka Tokiomi, a typical magus, to feel helpless at someone like Archer.
“If the Holy Grail of Fuyuki City is only a special device which seeks the ‘root’, no matter how violently the magi fight for it, I think the Holy Church would just ignore them. Unfortunately, the ability for the Holy Grail to realize wishes is ‘omnipotent’. It has unlimited, mysterious power to change even the ‘inside’ of the world. If such a great power were to fall into wrong hands, it will become an existence which threatens our belief. This is the reason the Holy Church chose Tōsaka. Instead of ignoring this matter and let the grail fall into wrong hands, it is better if it is wasted on a ‘boring, meaningless wish’…… But I have a feeling that my father has other purposes in the beginning.”
“What you mean is, the other Masters fight for the Holy Grail for reasons different from Tokiomi’s?”
Kirei nodded his head in response to Archer’s query.
“While Tokiomi is a typical representation of a magus, he is also one of the most right-winged. In this era, people who pursue pure magecraft like he does no longer exist. All the other guys are pursuing the gifts of mundane riches. Prestige, desires, power… all these are wishes that can be fulfilled ‘within’ the world.”
“Isn’t this great? These are all my favorite things.”
“You are but the king who reigned over these uncouth ones, Gilgamesh.”
Refusing to reply, Archer merely laughed and finished his delicious wine in a single gulp. At Kirei’s apparent evaluation, he did not feel insulted at all.
“Then what about you? Kirei, what wish do you want to fulfill by getting your hands on the Holy Grail?”
“How dare you!”
Kirei’s fury is basically created unconsciously.
“You want me, a disciple of God, to seek pleasures? ...How can I commit such a sinful act which would cause me to be condemned?”
“Sinful act? Condemned?”
Before the lively Kirei, Archer responded with an increasingly entertained and sinful smile.
“Huh. That was a leap in logic, Kirei. Why did you correlate pleasure and sin?”
“That’s because……”
Kirei could not reply. And Kirei was also unsure how he ended up in such an awkward situation, something he had never experienced before.
As if to tease Kirei about his silence, Archer became increasingly full of himself and commented.
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“Acquiring pleasures through sins is actually wrong. But humans do acquire happiness through virtuous means. If you say that pleasure in itself is sinful, does it make sense at all?”
Such an elementary question, yet why was he struggling to reply? The reason eluded Kirei. He felt as if a nonchalant unease was locked in an unknown territory deep within his heart.
“……What pleasures? I do not even have them. That’s why I will not seek it.”
Finally opening his mouth, Kirei answered in a voice unlike him at all, unsure and hesitating- as if he could not find the answer and simply came up with some sentence to deal with it.
Archer scrutinized him, then burst out in laughter.
“Kotomine Kirei, suddenly I have a new-found interest in you.”
“……What do you mean?”
“I’m just kidding. Don’t mind me.”
Pouring himself a new cup of red wine, he leaned back on the sofa, speaking loudly.
“Happiness is fundamentally a part of the human soul. There isn’t any ‘yes’ and ‘no’ distinction. It is just whether you are ‘aware’ or ‘not aware’ of it. Kirei, you had only failed to find it from the depths of your heart. To experience happiness, that is the first thing to do.”
“Mind your own business, Servant. Trying to educate me…”
“This is no ordinary education. It is gained by a king from experiencing all the luxuries and pleasures of the world. Listen carefully.”
Despite saying that, Kirei was actually meticulously analyzing everything Archer said.
For some reasons, those haughty words sent shockwaves to his nerves.
“Kirei. First of all, you have to understand something about this thing called entertainment.”
“U-huh. Limiting your views to only the ‘inside’ is not the right way. You must broaden your horizon……Oh yeah. Let’s start by letting you experience my entertainments. How does that sound?”
“For the ‘me’ right now, there is no such thing as ‘time for entertainment’.”
I am different from you, Kirei thought silently.
“Hey, don’t say something like that. After accomplishing Tokiomi’s tasks, you will have lots of time, eh? You duty is to dispatch spies to monitor the movements of the other five Masters, right?”
“……You are correct.”
“In that case, you shouldn’t just understand their intentions and battle strategies. How about finding out their reasons for seeking the Holy Grail and letting me know about them? That’s not something too hard for you, right?”
Indeed, this type of investigation did not diverge much from the assignment Tokiomi gave him.
Assassin, who observed the everyday life of its target, could easily record their conversations. By analyzing the content of the dialogues, the reason they sought the Holy Grail could then be deduced easily. All he had to do is just to ask Assassin to pay extra attention to this type of conversation.
“……But Archer, why do you want to know such things?”
“I mentioned it before, right? I am interested in the behaviors of human beings. And among those who fight for the Holy Grail, there has to be one or two interesting Masters, right? At least more interesting than Tokiomi.”
Kirei tried to cool his head and think rationally. He had only regarded Emiya Kiritsugu with interest, completely ignoring the rest. Besides, he did not have any obligation to agree to Archer’s request. However, if he could have some influence over this Servant who was completely out of Tokiomi’s control, maybe it would bring some positive effects to the Tokiomi camp in the future.
“……Okay, Archer. I promise you. But this will take some time.”
“No problem at all. I have the patience to wait.”
*End of Flashback*
Gilgamesh: "When someone wins, the fighting will end".
Tsofph Season 10(Chapter2 Fake World)
Kujaku: That King Lelouch called me "scrum", what a disgraceful! Even knew what my plans were even you, Sonic. He knew that I would capture you like this....that's why he knew I won't kill you. That's why you use his last weapon as slow time.
Sonic: I let myself be trapped by you because I knew you only focas only me. I also use another thing from Kikyo......her blessing...
Kujaku: That golden king......so both you and King Gilgamesh chose Punch as checkmate. I should see that coming....!!
Sonic: Heh.
Kujaku: Well as a reward. I will tell you about my failed plan then. I tested humans as to achieve my goal but fail by Syaoran's group. Fei Wang Reed, Charles zi Britannia, Artorius Collbrande, and King Magnifico. At first, I let Fei Wang to test the sword of akasha next when fail, I use Artorius, use his emotion to control him and succeed but fail by you and Syaoran.
Sonic: You're the one who sent Metarex to attack me and lure Syaoran's group to me. Even though Artorius's plan failed you still used Lucas to capture me and test to use me; Vaten Hörmulegt curse power. Because you can't capture both Sakura and Chester, that's why you tried to capture me...even now.
Kujaku: To find a last Vaten Hörmulegt, Earth element.
Sonic: ................!!
Kujaku: And I will do anything to take you to despair again.
Sonic: That means to that end requires me to reject something. To be afraid even I got all my memories back.
Kujaku: Even knows King Gilgamesh lies to you....even this world lies to you.....even this fake world felt like the entire world was watching like you don't have any freedom. That's the world you must fight against, all alone.
Sonic: That will the world that both Punch and that golden king will fight alone, not me. Maybe I shouldn't exist but that doesn't mean helping someone is illegal. Why do people need to hide their identity, why do people need to lie? It's not just to struggle against each other. It's because they seek something. A world where it's all right for everything to stay as it is will stagnate. You can't call that life!
Kujaku: You know what you're doing right, rodent? Know your place!
Sonic: I am just a guy who freely loves adventure, I do what I know is right. I never obey anyone even my brothers. I go with their plans with my own free will. Even what I do will be the sinful nature itself.
Eagle: Why are you want to switch a soul?
Sonic: I saw Kujaku take my body and turn me into some kind like mecha Sonic. My soul will be destroyed if I don't do something. It is just like when Mecha Sonic planned to transfer his mind into my body in the past.
Eagle: King Gilgamesh also said the same to me that his only reason for him keep travelling was to stop Kujaku. This special prize, King Gilgamesh was also part of making this. You already knew this too. Then may I ask again, do you want to be separated that badly from those people?
Sonic: Yes.
Eagle: Even though you lied to your friends? You are not the type that loves to lie.
Sonic: It's good for them to not let them know...after all I am also responsible for what I was born into this world. I just don't want both Shadow and Amy to protect me and hurt themself. I can't watch them get hurt because of me. They had been through long enough.
Eagle: And Syaoran?
Sonic: .........Kujaku sent Exeller to kill Syaoran. A long time ago Kujaku sent Fei Wang Reed to kill Syaoran and he did use Fai's curse as a purpose. I can't let Exeller know what I had known so I need to lie to Syaoran too.
*End of Flashback*
Sonic: That's why if we keep running away, tomorrow will never come. "When someone wins, the fighting will end."
Kujuku: kkkkkkkuu
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Sonic: You too, Kujaku. You tried to run away from what you had done. Maybe you're my worst enemy more than that Egghead. Even that Egghead was cowardly but he never left his creation even want this world to be destroyed. That's why as an enemy, I respect him as an evil scientist. But you, Kujaku, you're the only one I want to kill you!(That's right. I saw what Kujaku planned. No one can change the past, present and future. I was trapped in eternal darkness without an exit. The only way that I can do now is to trust Punch. I believe she will do the right thing and the possible thing as I did even if it meant change me forever.)
Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1 Secret Truth of the Past)
Punch: ..................................
– Once, there was a human man. An android made by god.
Although his human body was made of mud, he was a foolish jester who stretched out to stand next to the son of god as his equal.
However, his hubris and disrespectful arrogance offended the gods in heaven. The man suffered divine retribution and lost his life.
Even now, the King of Heroes can not forget his tearstained face as he died.
He asked why he was crying. "At this stage, are you regretting the stupidity of putting yourself beside me?"
"It’s not that–" He replied. “Who will understand you after I die? Who will walk beside you? My friend… when I imagine that you will be alone from now on, I can’t help but shed tears…”
Like so, when he saw that man taking his last breath, the incomparable king realized – the way that this man, who was human but wanted to surpass humanity, had lived, was even more precious and more brilliant than all the treasures he had collected.
"A fool who stretches their hands towards realms, not of man… There's only one person in Heaven or Earth who can love your ruin. That is none other than I, Gilgamesh. Sink into my embrace, oh you glorious and illusionary men. That is my decision.”
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EP19.1 Special: I only enjoy human pleasure. Aren't we alike Homura?
*End of Flashback*
Punch: Enkidu....................I still never change my mind that is my decision. To advance toward the future, we need to take over the world, this rule of the universe that's just like chess. If Lelouch was here......I think he will do the same as you, Mr Gilgamesh.
Gilgamesh: No one will believe me about the future. No one will accept the truth or the dark truth about the past, present and future. No one will understand me. Then..I...I won't depend on anyone anymore
Gilgamesh & Punch: even if it meant changing me forever.
Tsofph Season 11(Chapter3 The beginning of the miracle)
Punch: Hope and Freedom. Atonement and isolation. However, the mess known as the world keeps on flowing despite the wishes of individuals. Kujaku, you prioritised the plan so much that it didn't matter if we were alive or dead! That's why you abandoned your people even your best friends, Mr Gilgamesh and Enkidu! All you have left are self-serving excuses!
Kujaku: You chose reality and the forward march of time.
Syaoran: The same path as King Lelouch's path, even King Arthur.
Punch: "When someone wins, the fighting will end."
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sakuraswordly · 2 months
Intro: Vaten Hörmulegt's curse.(Tsofph Season 11(Chapter3 The beginning of the miracle))(Connect EP19: sakuraswordly.tumblr.com/(Vaten Hörmulegt curse Prologue)) (I can't wait for this to be complete. This is exciting because Gilgamesh was able to kill both Sonic, Peter, and Punch's hearts.....but Punch's too strong to give up to despair like Sonic and she was the first person to successfully "take his hand" before Syaoran can "take his hand". And that's why Punch's the only one who can handle this. Punch's heart is very strong. Her heart was so strong that she could reach those who were in the darkness.Without Punch's backup Sonic, Sonic, and Peter wouldn't be able to reach Gilgamesh's heart.)
Gilgamesh: This is......unexpected...This is UNFAIR!! Why?! I hate you for never knowing any trouble. That's why I want to win. I wanted you to praise me, just once…! Why can't you let me have a little thing like that…! I almost died every day. I always looked at myself in the mirror, wanting to die. But I was scared of dying, and I didn't want to disappear by myself…! I always believed that someone would come to save me. Someone I love and treasure the most! But Peter...you never came...I quit being human…? Of course! I haven't been treated like one for a long time. I was changed so I could become King of Babylon. I know I'm crazy. But it hurts, and the more I begged them to stop, the more delighted they became and the more they tampered with my body. The myth said I am sexual. Desire sex right? You know what? I was raped. So I'm not like you. It's not like I can do everything like you. All I can do is take my pain out on others. But is that my fault? The ones who made me like this. I didn't become it because I wanted to…! I was forced to become one because everything around me cornered me!! But is it my fault? I hide my pain every day and EVERY DAY!! I haven't become this way because I wished so! I didn't have any choice but to become this way!
Peter & Sonic: Enkidu?
Enkidu: And so.....what about it? You're already perfect, aren't you?
Gilgamesh: How could you.....!
Enkidu: But Gil.....even though I'm insensitive, I never was able to think even once...that I was fortunate.
Gilgamesh: You are not fortunate....? How dare you.....!! How dare you say such a thing?!!
*Enkidu hugs Gilgamesh tight*
Enkidu: I am really stupid can't I but even so I can't stand it when people work so hard the people become miserable. — Ah. How sinful. I knew you were weak but I never considered your weakness. I knew you were strong but I never recognized your strength. Because I love you PUNCH.....I always wanted you to be happy........I like you, ”Punch”. I've always watched you, and I wanted you to smile. …Yeah. I wanted to believe that you had it better the more I suffered. I wanted to believe that the more hardships I endured. The easier your life would be. I can't blame myself for being a softie, can't I? I realized that there was no way I could kill you once I saw you close even back then. I'm sorry.........for being such a selfish friend..............and I was happy to see that you've been wearing this necklace the whole time for me......thank you....
Amy: Enkidu!!
*Enkidu crumples to the altar like a falling red flower.*
Gilgamesh: Yes........because you're my treasure........that's why I did have it.....but.......I..........broke.......it........I.......I.....destroy.......with my own hands.......again.......
Punch & Sonic: (And at the same time…What if he......admired felt a loneliness nobody could understand? Where did he go wrong? What did I go wrong....? Like Enkidu said.....He had everything. Everything he wanted was actually right there in front of him. They loved him and embraced him so kindly. But he destroyed it all himself again......)
*His hands are still frozen in place, King Gilgamesh starts to strongly curse himself.*
Gilgamesh: Did you see now? I am a murderer or betrayer, you don't see from yourself? I HATE this world even everyone. I am a murderer, destructive, psychotic and violent. You did see for yourself, right? Why are you letting me know me off the hook? Why do you still trust me after what my other self and I do for you?
*Thump Thump*
Gilgamesh: Why?....Why are you still walking?…I've killed a lot of people. I killed many people......for so long....I can't give back what I've taken and you said......I have a right to live?!
Peter & Sonic: Of course!!
Gilgamesh: Wha......?! Why?
Peter: Of course. You took lives, so take responsibility---not on your own!
Gilgamesh: Sonic.....Peter......!!
Peter: Where the sin lies nor how heavy the punishment is.....I have no idea. But I will protect you! I will protect you from everything you will be inquired of! It might be my imagination. But my ideal is always to protect those I love. And I will not lose someone I dear the most again!I told you, didn't I? I'll carry your sins in your place then. I'll protect the one I love to the very end!
Sonic: Yes. I don't know where the crime is, or how heavy it is. This is gonna be harsh. A heavy one's incoming! Let's burden this together! I or we are not alone anymore!
Gilgamesh: Okay....and I trust you, my brother.
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Peter: Come back to us, PUNCH. Cut your ties with a jerk like that.
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*Echo: Keep living.*
Syaoran: Punch's Punch. Her heart doesn't change, no matter how much the shadow or the darkness swallows her.… I'm the one who made her like that. This would never have happened if I hadn't gotten scared back then.
Punch: This reality is cruel but I still love this reality. Even if I sacrifice everything, I will protect the hope to the very end. Even if this is a mistake, even though I lost myself, even I lost my way into nothingness, I never had a regret from the beginning I was born.
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sakuraswordly · 2 months
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Punch: There is one question I still don't get it. Why? Why do you want to help me?
Sonic: I already told you because you're my brother. I never believe that you're a monster or murderer or betrayer.
Punch: I see.........
Sonic: And because you've been all by yourself since you were born. I just can't let my brother alone. That's probably my reason. Isn't that too sad that no one understands you?
Punch: ..........................................
Shadow: ........? Sonic: I'm searching for you "my brothers". I want to meet you "my brothers". Shadow: But......I'm right here, Sonic. Sonic: I know.....what I mean is......I want to meet them.....I want to save them......I want to thank you them......"my brothers".
Sonic: Punch! You're okay! I'm glad you're alive!
Punch: I knew you would save me because I trust in you, my brother.
Princess Elise: The wind told me that he's alive. Sonic's not dead yet! He's just sleeping. The power of the collected emeralds should be enough to revive Sonic.
Sonic: And "Punch"......you are the one who saves my life......so many multi times....
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0 notes
sakuraswordly · 2 months
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Gilgamesh: As long as you exist, I don't have feelings of despair anymore. I want you to exist....."me".
Punch: Thanks for returning these earrings. I appreciate these, but these belong to you, PUNCH. But above all, I want to bring my brother's happiness with my own hands. If that means giving up my life, then so be it.
Gilgamesh: (But Punch...I want to bring your happiness with my own hands. If that means giving up my life, then so be it. I don't want you to disappear like that time again....)
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0 notes
sakuraswordly · 2 months
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Tsofph season 7
At the Planet Marmolim
Ghana: Go on, young hero.
Sonic: *Sigh* here we go........So........
Sakura: It will be okay. Do your best!
Sonic: So...I am Ancient.......I am "Sonic" the last ancient and the descent of the god of nothingness, Tsubasa. You could call me as the last ancient alien "Sonic".
Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path)
At the Island of Worship
Gilgamesh: For the most part.....it's been a source of pain and a very painful burden as "Sonic". I've been held against my will. I've been watched. I've been ignored. Even hated.
Tsofph season 7
Sonic: Since I was born....as my blood or my kind..... it had been nothing but a curse before that golden king and I got a curse of death. If I ever started to forget, something would remind me of what I was, and bring me crashing back down to the mission that god Tsubasa gave to us.
Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path)
Gilgamesh: It was the same. Time after time. I'd be shown a glimmer of hope only to have it snatched away. I was never going to be normal.....that much was clear. Even I want to be just a normal life. I can't.
*Starts to change in sad expression and suddenly sees Danny and Peter*
Peter and Danny: *Soft whisper* Do your best.
Tsofph season 7
*Starts to change in sad expression and suddenly sees Punch who saved him from his curse*
Punch: *Soft whisper* Do your best.
Sonic: ..........!*Soft Smile*
Syaoran: It's okay, Sonic.*Soft whisper*
Sonic: Umm. Maybe I was born into this world and became a cause of our kind....but it's also been a blessing. It's brought some wonderful friends into my life. They made me become who I am today. Friends that I love. And for once....I think I'm okay. I'm happy to be born into this world.
Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path)
Gilgamesh: My happiness is worth having. And all the pain.....feels worth it. Even if I can't lead a normal life....there is one thing I can do. Return their kindness and try to do most of what I've been given. This is my wish not from our mission,  Sonic’s wish.
Everyone: *Applause*👏
Ermelinda: Very well done, Punch. I appreciate it.
Gilgamesh: Thanks, Morgana. Really pretty zappy, huh?
Punch: Sappy? You're doing great, my brother.
Gilgamesh: Umm. I'll do my best, "me".
Tsofph season 7
Sonic: Heh heh you finally see my soft side. Good thing that the doctor is not here. I'll do my best, "me".
Shadow: Sonic. Remember, I'll always be by your side. You're not alone just like once you told me.
Sonic: Thanks, Shadow. And thanks, Syaoran. I really mean it.
Syaoran: I know.
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Punch: There is one question I still don't get it. Why? Why do you want to help me?
Sonic: I already told you because you're my brother. I never believe that you're a monster or murderer or betrayer.
Punch: I see.........
Sonic: And because you've been all by yourself since you were born. I just can't let my brother alone. That's probably my reason. Isn't that too sad that no one understands you?
Punch: ..........................................
Sonic: This world has so much more to offer. So many things that still can do. I want to bring you to see them all, over and over again. And.......
Punch: ...........?
Sonic: Don't leave me again....this time.......just this time......I want to save you......I want to be with you......even I knew that anyone could make you happy.......just this tiny wish... can't you let me do for you just once or many times......?*Start to hug Punch from serious and sad expression change to happy expression*
Punch: ...........! But Sonic......*Start to soft smile* I got a little worked up. Surely you make me or yourself happy enough after all that?
Punch: I called you here because I can't stop you.
Sonic: Huh?
Punch: You said I am not a murderer or betrayer, but....unfortunately...I really am....you don't see from yourself? I HATE this world even everyone. I am a murderer, destructive, psychotic and violent. You did see for yourself, right? Why are you letting me know me off the hook? Why do you still trust me after what my other self and I do for you?
Sonic: I know you better more than anyone else. How am I letting you off the hook?
Punch: Even you knew I could kill you anytime I want?
Sonic: You can't do anything without a reason. I know that for sure.
PUNCH(will be Gilgamesh later in the future): What do you know for sure? What can you understand about Punch? What can you believe about me?
Sonic: I don't need a reason. But I want to believe and trust you to the very end. Even if the world is against you, I'll continue to trust you. Even you once left because you wanted to protect me. Um.....because I love you Punch as my brother and only my brother.
Punch: You're stupid you know that?
Sonic: You're kind. That's how me and Daniel saw you that way.
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Gilgamesh: These memories.....they took all that from mine?
Punch: These memories were precious?
Gilgamesh: Yes. Extremely.
Punch: Don't worry, if you lose, I'll remind you who you are, both me and Sonic.
Gilgamesh: As long as you exist, I don't have feelings of despair anymore. I want you to exist....."me".
Punch: Thanks for returning these earrings. I appreciate these, but these belong to you, PUNCH. But above all, I want to bring my brother's happiness with my own hands. If that means giving up my life, then so be it.
Gilgamesh: (But Punch...I want to bring your happiness with my own hands. If that means giving up my life, then so be it. I don't want you to disappear like that time again....)
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Punch: I will protect you no matter what happens PUNCH. Even if the world is against you, I'll protect you, Mr Gilgamesh……Don't cry. I understand you're a bad person. I'll become a hero for you and Sonic.
Gilgamesh: Stop Punch…….please stop…..you can't kill yourself again….I can't let that happen….I'm sure I will end up hurting you again….but yet….
Punch: These earrings. I appreciate these, but these belong to you, PUNCH. Remember.....
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Sonic: *Huff* *Huff*
Punch: Hold on tight....! Brother.....!
Sonic: Punch........I knew you were here.......
Punch: I knew you know. You still never learn since E-99 Eggsterminator knocked you out unconscious.
Sonic: You were watching me all the time......I knew....since you saved me from my curse.
Punch: *Sigh*......this is my fault.....if I can create a power that absorbs the darkness, both you and Mr Gilgamesh wouldn't end up this way.
Sonic: Maybe....you better luck.....again....
Punch: Phew! That was close! My work is done. That achievement, that responsibility and everything else all belong to me. I won't let you take credit or blame for any part of this.
Sonic: Punch.......that's sophistry.
Punch: Sophistry huh......but if it's a kind of lie, I think that's okay. Even if it's hypocritical, doesn't it make you feel like there's some kind of salvation out there? And also.....I don't want you to change becoming like "me". I want you still to be you, young and innocent child. That's why Some of them are meant to be kept. Even I must lie to you, my brother.
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Punch: But you're not alone anymore!! You have your friends, Syaoran's friends and so am I.....all of us here too!!
Peter: ..................!!(She finally break the barrier)
Punch: Believe me when I say, you're not alone! Not anymore! So, please...don't kill yourself for the burden!! Remember!! We will share this burden together!! So please....don't give us on us now!!
???????: So please....don't give us on us now!!
Sonic: That voice.....I remember in my dream.....
Punch: Sonic! Over here! Don't give up! You're stronger than that!! Don't you dare give up!!
Sonic: I......I remember now....the one who took me here....the one who gave me my name....the one who saved me from despair.....the one who gave me super form....that voice...the only my family left....you always be by my side all time.....you have been through so much for protecting me...saving me.....it's you isn't it....Punch....
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Gilgamesh: ……I killed him. Enkidu cared about me, but I killed him........again......I was stupid.......I was wrong again.....I thought....this is the right thing........……No… I have to stop… But I can't go back----no, no, I don't want this anymore!!
Peter: Gil, Enkidu is still alive!!
Gilgamesh: H....huh...?
Peter: We can save him! It's not too late!
Gilgamesh: …I've killed a lot of people. I killed many people......for so long....I can't give back what I've taken and you said......I have a right to live?!
Peter & Sonic: Of course!!
Peter: Of course. You took lives, so take responsibility---not on your own!
Gilgamesh: Wha......?! Why?
Peter: Where the sin lies nor how heavy the punishment is.....I have no idea. But I will protect you! I will protect you from everything you will be inquired of! I told you, didn't I? I'll carry your sins in your place then. I'll protect the one I love to the very end!
Sonic: Yes. I don't know where the crime is, or how heavy it is. This is gonna be harsh. A heavy one's incoming! Let's burden this together! I or we are not alone anymore!
Gilgamesh: Okay....and I trust you, my brother.
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Gilgamesh: I or we can't cover our sins since the prime world timeline There was no excuse for I tried to kill you my brother but both me and Punch chose to keep you even your existence will affect us so much even make us drown into despair.
Sonic: Sins huh.......even so...I don't think there's anyone in this life who is without sins. We are sinners, one and all. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption."
Punch: You mean bullying that Egghead I get it.
Gilgamesh: I like how you always ruin the mood, Punch.
Punch: Like Sonic said, don't blame yourself. Still, it's not as though there are good people and bad people. There are simply people who, for reasons beyond their control, are knocked off the beaten path and lose their way. "We all make mistakes in life. It's sad, but it's inevitable".
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Chester: If you hurt someone, then even if I can heal my wounds, the sin of hurting them doesn't go away, doesn't it? No matter how hard I try, I can't erase the mistakes I've made.
Syaoran: I will stay with you until the very end, Syaoran.
Chester: ...............................
Syaoran: Not until the end......." always "......
Chester: But I will cause so much pain to you.
Syaoran: I also have my burden. You and my mother already share this burden enough....let me avoid helping you, please. And don't forget.....we need to save Sakura from her curse as well and I didn't on my own like in the past.
Chester: Me too. I am not alone. But didn't it feel comfortable to be around them?
Syaoran; Well yeah.....
Chester: Then that's good enough.
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Sakura: As such, I believe that the only people who cannot be saved are those who are utterly unable to atone for their own sins.
Domeki: But you're someone who is able to. I don't know what you've done in your previous life, but you can amend it.
Sakura: Domeki-san.....
Domeki: My grandfather once said to me, try thinking about how to conduct yourself going forward, and how you can atone for what you've done. And you will find the light in the darkness.
Sakura: A heart that can punish itself without being forced to do so by others........
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Velvet: If we ever had a chance to start over, I'd love to cook for you every day.
Sonic: You know Velvet......the nickname "Laphi" that you gave to me kind of a little too childish.
Velvet: You think so?
Sonic: Even I don't like to treat you like a child but I like how that's a symbol how kindness you are. I never knew how a demon like you could have a weak side too.
Velvet: Oh....I still don't understand boys sometimes...I'm sorry....
Sonic: It's okay.....I'll forgive you.
Velvet: Thank you, Sonic.
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Shadow: We all make mistakes but I don't like that narrative. You're right. Maybe that would make us irredeemable. However sins are things that can be atoned for, aren't they?
Merlina: We can start over even if we must atone for the sins, right?
Shadow: Right! Both you and him. I believe that the only people who cannot be saved are those who are utterly unable to atone for their own sins.
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Pit: Say.....Mr Peter....
Peter: Call me Peter. Just Peter. Or Peter big brother!
Punch: Big brother?! So we have two big brothers as the leaders of the team the lost boys now?!
Peter: What do you expect me to do?! What about Bibble then?!
Bibble: Huh?!
Peter: And what about Tink becoming a leader?!
Tinkerbell: Wait?! Why me?!
Punch: And why make two of us become leaders in the first place huh? If not because we need to take care of Pit, our first child of our own?!
Peter: Oh well.......
Punch: We both found Pit and Bibble and this is our responsibility as big brother and big brother!!
Pit: How about Punch big sister?
Punch: Umm.........
Everyone: *Laughter with happiness*
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Sync: Someone as stupid as you can't call others stupid! You'll just make the word even stupider!
Ermelinda: Ha! I can't believe it! As once you're Envy I thought you change but you never change at all! We've got enough stupid with you around already!
Sync: What?! What kind of nonsense is that you stupid witch?!
Ermelinda & Sync: *Laughter with happiness*
Sync: I'm sorry Morgana for leaving you behind. I thought it was for the best with you and me. As an unexpected mixture of earth and sadness wells up in my heart...I think that if I stay with you....maybe.
Ermelinda: I know, Envy. You're no longer a monster tool anymore. Now you finally found happiness in your life. That's why even I am sad because now I choose to do what is right without my emotions. I need to accept your decision.
Sync: Umm. Let's go, Morgana.
Ermelinda: Yeah......Punch's waiting for us.
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Punch: (I have to take his hand and lead him to a place in the sun, so I should now.......)I will continue to be by your side.....I understand what you tried to do all this time.
Gilgamesh: I don't know when I'll lose sight of myself again....I'm sure I'll do something that'll be simply irreparable....so I have a place to return now?!
Punch: Of course. *Show golden earrings* After all this place....the earth is our home. Our second home to go back. I can't leave you behind.
Gilgamesh: But I......I am nothing more than nothingness you know.
Peter: Only living for the sake of dying?! This is nothing but a curse that you create on your own! How could you endure this?!
Gilgamesh: Because......I told you, didn't I......I am a king.....I chose to be a tool......
Peter: It's not fair, I don't care what anybody says! I won't let you die or vanish in front of me again! You can't fight this! We'll fight until the end together. Isn't that what you said to me before?!
Gilgamesh: Even if it should mean....that I'll be the end of everything else too?! What do you expect me to do?! There is no other way!
Peter: But there still was, right?
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Danny: Homura, you know you can to talk me. You shouldn't go off on your own. I may not be able to do anything to help you, but it's much better than having to worry about them on your own.
Homura: ..............I had a dream....very scary dream......that I lost you....and Sam.....and everyone I love.....even Madoka....even my home planet.....everyone forgets everything even you in this timeline but only I can remember what happened to this whole world!! I was so lonely and sad....only I and King Gilgamesh understood how this felt...but for very long I started thinking my memories of everything were things I'd just made up. And I began doubting myself. *Sob Sob*
Danny: Homura.......but it's okay now. Because I'd never go alone to somewhere so far away that I couldn't see any of you again.
Homura: But.....how can you be so sure? How can you be sure that you never be killed again like what happened when Bête Noire captured you and nearly killed you?!
Danny: Maybe you're right....but I could never bear to do something that would make someone as strong as you cry like this.
Homura: Then for you, that's something that hurts you so much you couldn't bear it?
Danny: That's right.....that's why I can't bear to see both Sonic and Punch try to burden themself and leave me helpless that couldn't do anything to help them. It pains me so much. That's why I'm sure that I'd never left them alone again even you Homura. But if there were no other choice, I know I'd never have the courage to do something like that.
Homura: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Danny: But if there were no other choice, I know I'd never have the courage to do something like that.
Homura: Stop, Daniel!! I already lost Madoka......I can't lose you! I made a promise to Sam that I will protect you! Please, don't sacrifice yourself for me!!
Danny: I'm sorry and thank you for everything, Homura.
*End of Flashback*
Homura: Right.....you're right. (Those are your honest feelings.....! It's really you. Daniel......! You are the same Daniel I know.....!)
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sakuraswordly · 3 months
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Tsofph Season 11(Chapter3 The beginning of the miracle)
Gilgamesh: This reminds us back then when I ran away from my duty.
Punch: You mean escape from your castle.....
Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1 Secret Truth of the Past)
Gilgamesh: We finally escape!
Punch: Don't you mean Anu Ziggurat?
Gilgamesh: That's the name of the present era, not the past era....uh... never mind...
Punch: Uh.....Pun---
Gilgamesh: Call me "Tsubasa" just to hide my true identity.
Punch: Are you sure about this.....I mean your father.....
Gilgamesh: He was possessed, right? If I still stay here in that city, I will make my people suffer again because of my tyranny.
Punch: But you didn't do anything wrong!
Gilgamesh: Even so, I fail as a King, okay?
Punch: Yeah.....after all...I came to rescue you.........Peter was waiting from the outside of Uruk. If we pass through that cliff, you will find the village where Peter and my friend, Enkidu waited.
Gilgamesh: Enkidu....?
Punch: You hadn't met him....wouldn't you......are we ready to go, Tsubasa?
Gilgamesh: Let's
During the trip
Gilgamesh: So..what's next for you?
Punch: A bit of bodyguard work.
Gilgamesh: Right.
Punch: After that, I will be back in your city if you must.
Gilgamesh: You mongrels know how to get that city even pass through my guards?
Punch: Yup.
Gilgamesh: So suspicious.
Punch: That cloth when I first met you...it was priest cloth......how did you get that?
Gilgamesh: My mother, she's also the priest.
Punch: You mean Nammu(Ninsun) is a goddess and Gilgamesh's mother. She is known for her wisdom. She provides her son support throughout his quests. She interprets dreams for him and petitions other gods for his safety.
Gilgamesh: She had a future vision like me. She's actually the primeval Sumerian mother goddess who gave birth to the gods and created humanity. 
Punch: Wow....so your mother is the greatest god as ruler of Mesopotamia!
Gilgamesh: Say how's about Peter? I saw that he's become the legend of the knight of the Round Tables.
Punch: Peter's not like a normal knight. A knight is a person granted an honorary title of knighthood by a head of state or representative for service to the monarch, the church, or the country, especially in a military capacity. He's not like that.
Gilgamesh: The heroic tale of fighting with professional bad guys. Gotta love 'em!
Punch: Back to the question, so how are your father and mother? They're the ruler of this city where you lived right?
Gilgamesh: In the UK, a man awarded a nonhereditary title by the sovereign in recognition of merit or service and entitled to use the honorific “Sir” in front of his name!
Punch: ....................................forget it. After we find your father, I ask you again then.
Gilgamesh: Hmm? You mad?
Gilgamesh: As King Gilgamesh....I haven't traveled far from my city before.
Punch: Be surprised if you had.
Gilgamesh: It's honestly...kind of exciting.
Punch: I thought you had fun already as Sonic.
Gilgamesh: Well...first time and all.
*During across the river*
Gilgamesh: Wait! Give me a moment!
Punch: Oh.....be careful!
Gilgamesh: Don't just run off on your own! I still need to be careful with my hood clothing that made by myself!
Punch: Oh? Those are the words of a King who lives NEET in a palace?
Gilgamesh: Still so mean as always, you're so patty.
Gilgamesh: This vine looks kinda....rusty....
Punch: I'll go first. It's pretty easily torn. Be careful.
Gilgamesh: I know. I know. Woah!
Punch: The vine is so slippery! Are you sure you're not FAT?
Gilgamesh: I pretend I didn't hear that word from your mouth. Also don't worry about me. I'm not some sort of prince who needs to be rescued.
Punch: Uhh......your clumsiness.....
*The vine break*
Gilgamesh: You got to be kidding me....!
*Gilgamesh hurries jumps and Punch grabs his hands and pulls*
Gilgamesh: .........................don't tell anyone about this.
Punch: Hehe I won't.
Gilgamesh: You know....I can leave wherever I want.........but in the end, I couldn't.
Punch: Because of that.......
Gilgamesh: Too much poison and malevolence.......bursting with life...maybe more than I can handle. I think......
Punch: Your curse may affect this situation.....?
Gilgamesh: No. The curse did not live inside me yet. Say.....people hate to stay still but I don't. How could I be different?
Punch: I know that feeling so well.
Gilgamesh: All that passion.....all those dreams....flowing and blending together into something greater......
Gilgamesh: This time I'll go first. After all, I can't count on you to wait. You're too much hot head for waiting.
Punch: I'll take that as compliments. Uhh.......are you sure about this.....? I mean your clumsiness.....
Gilgamesh: See for yourself that I can balance on that log! Or maybe I'll go on ahead and leave you all by your lonesome. Woah!
Punch: Maybe you shouldn't talk.
Gilgamesh: Then talk. Tell me a story.
Punch: Nope.
Gilgamesh: You're a mean one. Woah!
Punch: I got you---
Gilgamesh: Gotcha!
Punch: You're killing me here!
Gilgamesh: This looks like a waterslide! Wee!!
Punch: Seriously?
Gilgamesh: Can you jump from the cliff?
Punch: I can!
Gilgamesh: Uh......your clumsiness.....Ah!
Punch: Woah!......Nice catch! This is so much fun!
Gilgamesh: Never a dull moment with you. Without you, the world wouldn't have fun.
Punch: That a compliment?
Gilgamesh: Heh......thanks anyway!
Tsofph Season 11(Chapter3 The beginning of the miracle)
Punch: Come to think of it. That time was so much fun.
Sonic: You gonna be okay? I mean.....
Gilgamesh: And if I say I wasn't?
Sonic: ........................leave a rest to us.
Gilgamesh: I know.
Punch: But what if something happens? I mean as Sonic said.....only two of us know that you're okay(exist) but no one could know you're okay.
Gilgamesh: Then I sent off some smoke then!
Sonic & Punch: (Jokes😅)
Gilgamesh: I'll put everything I've got into my prayers. I'll stop the army of darkness and you two stop the end of time by darkness. Kujaku can't handle this. He would end up being corrupt again. And I leave the rest to you. Good luck!
Punch: Punch! I will save this timeline and won't let myself die again. I promise I'll come back safely with my brother. Please trust me.....
Gilgamesh: You promise?
Punch: We promise.
Gilgamesh: "Goodbye"
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sakuraswordly · 5 months
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Sans: And this is how we used HARD door!
Luz & Papyrus: Don't use that Warp door, you idiot!!
Peter: (Pfffff. He just kicked it.)
Luz: You're not the only one who uses this warp door you know!
Peter: Don't you mean Harp door?
Sans: Or Laugh door? Ding-ding!
Luz: Or I'm going to snap you right now!!
Papyrus: Nooooooo! Luz don't be side with them! I'm going to die if you do that!
Edalyn: (That's why we never let that Lazy Sans go to that world with Clow Reed. Good grip..*Sigh*)
As connect in Announce7: Link. Clow Reed, Derora (My own character), Lilith, Edalyn and Raine use this Warp door that was made by Sans to travel many dimensions. Luz, Amity, Willow and Hunter also use the same Warp door. Luz also makes it to Danny's world by using the same Warp door too. But Sans doesn't have much of a role because he doesn't have any responsibilities, so he doesn't have much of an important role.(His first appeared is in Season 11(Chapter3 The beginning of the miracle)) Sans will have an important role in Tsofph Season 12(Chapter 2 CCC world) because he will try to find Frisk, his best friend who lost in CCC World. But the disadvantage of this warp door is only travels to dimensions of space and time that exist only in the history or memory system of the universe. (Example: Can't travel to prime world timeline because that timeline does not exist.) Peter Pan can use this warp door when he visits Yuko shop in Tsofph Season 1. And that's the first time he met Syaoran and made his first appearance in Tsubasa of Phantasia.
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sakuraswordly · 19 days
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From Maru and Moro concept diary 4(Tsofph Concept)
Punch: Woah!......Nice catch! This is so much fun!
Gilgamesh: Never a dull moment with you. Without you, the world wouldn't have fun.
Punch: That a compliment?
Gilgamesh: Heh......thanks anyway!
Source conversation below
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sakuraswordly · 11 months
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At first, I wanted to write Syaoran's story first. But the central story of every season is about changing fate and saving Sonic, Punch, and Gilgamesh. Seasons 1-6 focus on Syaoran travelling(Also with Peter) showing many characters and many events, and concluding in season 9 why Sonic, Punch and Gilgamesh are important to the fate of the world and the universe and why they need to be saved. Until season 10 (Chapter 1 Vanish World) Punch takes the role instead of Syaoran and proceeded to the ending of season 11(Chapter3 The beginning of the miracle).
Gilgamesh guided Syaoran to walk this path. (Blame him later in the future) And Peter is like a fairy guiding Syaoran and protecting Syaoran.(With Tinker Bell) Gilgamesh and Peter have influenced the role from the beginning. (Warning contains Tsubasa Reservoir chronicle Spoilers)
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Syaoran's first purpose just wanted to save Sakura and Clone Syaoran. Syaoran always thought this journey with his friends is his burden for what he did. He will find a way to find a cure for Sakura and Chester (Seasons 1-6). Syaoran still doesn't know what is await us but Syaoran has already given his life for this journey.
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To for his love for Sakura and Chester.
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Sonic: I told you before not to burden yourself
Syaoran: The golden man knew about this, that's why he sent me to rescue you, take care of you and he knew that you need to be protected.
But after season 7, Syaoran finally found his purpose in this journey and why Gilgamesh told him about Vaten Hörmulegt and told Syaoran to protect them. Sonic is a true answer for all of this. Because of the connection with Gilgamesh in the past. Syaoran became to care for Sonic a lot. Until Season 9, Syaoran finally knows how much important Sonic is. He's his everything. Sonic is hope. Sonic's existence did affect everything around him and why Syaoran never forget how important this journey is. Syaoran didn't want to lose someone that he love ever again.
Syaoran: I am who I am today because of you! I'm not going to give up on you! I'm not going to abandon someone I love! I'm going to save you I promise!
Sonic: ........!!
Peter is very much like Syaoran. He doesn't want to lose the person he loves and cares about the most. During the journey with Syaoran, Peter just wanted to know where Punch is. Peter too. He also thought this journey was just a sin and that he needed to be clear. The burden that he cannot escape even though he didn't know what he did in his previous life.
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Source this picture: A Timeless Lullaby - Legend Of Zelda Animation. MajorLink.
The feeling that Peter wants to save Punch is not different from what Syaoran want to save Sonic. This love is different from family and lovers. Not only does Syaoran just want to save Sonic, but his companion also loves Sonic as much as Syaoran do and wants to save him too. That's why Syaoran saw in his own eyes how much Sonic important is, even in this world rejecting his existence. Peter saw Syaoran as a reflection of his own. Even so, Peter want to save himself too, that's means he wanted to help Syaoran as well.
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Syaoran regret everything for the decision he made and lost again. Even Syaoran meet again, he loses again. That's why in this Tsofph’ story. Syaoran nearly died and nearly couldn't save Sakura. Syaoran nearly lost Chester and Chester nearly lost himself(Even his heart). Syaoran nearly lost Sonic, his impotent adopt big brother. And had to make a painful decision to kill him for what was right(Sonic's existence did affect a lot.) Syaoran nearly lost Peter and nearly lost the friendship that he made with Peter. Syaoran almost lost Punch and Punch nearly lost herself and was unable to return to her normal life.
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Syaoran becomes the leader of the group and shoulders the fate of 4 lives that will destroy time and space if they are not in control. That's why Sakura or Real Sakura said to Syaoran that it was too much dangerous. Sakura knew that fate cannot be stopped. Sakura chose to go with Syaoran and always be by Syaoran side even though she was cursed.
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Source this picture: The Legend of Zelda Hero's Purpose: Episode Three. MajorLink.
This scene that MajorLink made. This was the true feeling of Syaoran and Peter when they shoulder the burden that no one will understand. No one will save them. You could say this is the sad story of Syaoran and Peter.
This video AMV I made 7 years ago. This one just cut part of the video.(Yep…I still can't believe that I put my heart into this story too much when I was back then.)
This BLAZE is the first opening of Tsubasa Chronicle (anime).
Music by: Nieve Arrangements by: HAL Lyrics and performance by: Kinya Kotani
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