#Verdel Arc
palaceofpassion · 1 year
Scale of how the sisters view Jaune
Like a Love love Rating to hate? Hmm 10 they want him as a lover Scaling to 1 which is as a good brother. None of them go lower so 1 isn't a bad rating. Around 6 is when it starts peering into non familial love.
Rua 8
Saph 6
Lapis 10
Verdell 4
Vione 1
Liotte 3
Indy 5
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bookclub4m · 2 years
18 Recent Non-Fiction Audiobooks by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) Authors
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors. All of our lists can be found here.
For this retroactive genre (or in this case, format) from Episode 27, we’re featuring non-fiction audiobooks by BIPOC authors published in the last 2 years. 
You Sound Like a White Girl: The Case for Rejecting Assimilation by Julissa Arce
Carefree Black Girls by Zeba Blay
Finding Me: A Memoir by Viola Davis
High-risk Homosexual: a Memoir by Edgar Gomez
The Girl in the Middle: Growing Up Between Black and White, Rich and Poor by Anais Granofsky
Fresh Banana Leaves: Healing Indigenous Landscapes through Indigenous Science by Jessica Hernandez, Ph.D.
Some of My Best Friends: Essays on Lip Service by Tajja Isen
Grief Is Love: Living with Loss by Marisa Renee Lee
Indelible City: Dispossession and Defiance in Hong Kong by Louisa Lim
Rez Rules: My Indictment of Canada's and America's Systemic Racism Against Indigenous Peoples by Chief Clarence Louie
Conversations with People Who Hate Me: 12 Things I Learned from Talking to Internet Strangers by Dylan Marron
Don't Worry: 48 Lessons on Relieving Anxiety from a Zen Buddhist Monk by Shunmyo Masuno
An Afro-Indigenous History of the United States by Kyle T. Mays
Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy’s Guide to the Constitution by Elie Mystal
Read Dangerously: The Subversive Power of Literature in Troubled Times by Azar Nafisi
Miss Chloe: A Memoir of a Literary Friendship with Toni Morrison by A. J. Verdelle
Decolonizing Wealth: Indigenous Wisdom to Heal Divides and Restore Balance (2nd edition) by Edgar Villanueva
Rise: A Pop History of Asian America from the Nineties to Now by Jeff Yang, Philip Wang, & Phil Yu
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treecakes · 2 years
natsume. free spoilers go wild verdell >=)
THANK YOU alissa for supporting my natsume posting
favourite things: so many.... he is one of my favourite main characters in anything that i’ve read/watched and it’s because he is such an introspective character. like that is more of a given due to the genre that this series is a part of but i like that we as the audience get more of his thoughts on things than the average series it’s fun. also he is really stubborn which i feel like is an interesting trait for him to have. :)
least favourite things: i cannot think of any.... hmm.... atm in the series he is still kind of hesitant to rely on others but he is very much growing past that (the homura arc in particular is a MAJOR example of this character growth) so like. idk. there will likely be setbacks in this area purely because this series is incredibly slow burn abt everything but he really is developing as a character and i love it... also he is so incredibly quick to forgive others who have hurt him which i feel like. hm. he needs to have more boundaries. idk if that is something midorikawa will write into the series but i’m guessing probably not? we’ll see :’))
fanon pet peeves: OKAY literally so many. i do feel like the fandom generally “soft-boy”s him which i am going to blame on the anime because the anime did that as well.... but like. natsume is snarky and kind of passive aggressive even in the anime and moreso in the manga and i feel like a lot of the fandom ignores that which is annoying. imo the fact that he’s kind of rude (? not the right word. maybe sarcastic) especially around people he’s comfortable with makes him more interesting.
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turistprinro · 5 years
De la Gilau la Albac, harta traseu rutier
Dimineata de vara spre toamna, destul de inchisa si cu ceva nori prevestitori de apa, dar … ce poate fi mai frumos decat sa admiri un peisaj de inceput de toamna intr-o zi de concediu. Asa ca, … am plecat usurel, usurel din Cluj catre Albac pe un drum mai putin obisnuit, respectiv, Cluj – Gilau – Somesul Rece – Somesul Cald – Marisel – Poiana Horea – Matisesti – Horea – Rusesti – Albac – Vadul Motilor. Teoretic ar fi trebuit ca drumul sa se desfasoare in conditii normale si sa ajung la destinatie cam dupa 2 ore tinand cont de faptul ca este un drum care traverseaza Muntele Mare. Surpriza a fost de proportii cand, dupa 5 ore de mers, am constatat ca mai am de parcurs aproximativ 20 de km. Tin sa mentionez faptul ca drumul a fost parcurs de mine in anul 2012. Este posibil ca de atunci si pana in momentul de fata sa fi aparut modificari si modernizari la infrastructura. In caz ca asa s-a intamplat am sa rog cititorii sa anunte acest lucru prin comentarii la sfarsitul articolului.
In aparenta nu am avea de ce sa ne punem intrebari in ceea ce priveste calitatea drumului
Lacul Tarnita
avand in vedere ca de la Cluj la Gilau mergem pe drum european si de la Gilau la Albac pe drum judetean. Pana la Gilau, nici o problema. De la Gilau la Lacul Tarnita, s-a mers cat de cat acceptabil, pe un drum asfaltat “cu gropi”. Oricum, frumusetea peisajului a eclipsat cu brio calitatea indoielnica a drumului. Nu pot sa spun ca a fost o surpriza neplacuta pentru mine, pentru ca deja sunt obisnuit sa gasesc cele mai frumoase peisaje pe niste drumuri pe care doar o persoana cu ceva “deranjamente la mansarda” le-ar practica cu masina. Trecand peste aspectul disconfortului creat de drum, ma opresc la Tarnita, celebrul lac de acumulare de pe Somesul Cald. Construit in anul 1974, in arc de cerc, lacul de acumulare de la Tarnita se intinde pe aproximativ 9 km, are un coronament de 237 de metri, debit calculat de 850 mc/s si o adancime maxima de aproximativ 70 de metri. A fost modernizat in anul 2009 cand au fost puse in functiune doua grupuri hidroenergetice cu capacitate de 800 KW fiecare.
Acum ca am dat si cateva date tehnice am putea vorbi despre potentialul turistic al zonei, considerata ca fiind una dintre principale destinatii de iesit la iarba verde ale clujenilor. Printre activitatile desfasurate pe lac se numara pescuitul, schi-ul nautic, inotul, plimbarile cu barca sau jetski-ul, iar in jurul lacului gratarul si alte sporturi de “iarba verde”, respectiv badminton, tenis, fotbal, etc. Majoritatea se desfasoara în cadru neorganizat, ca si activitati de petrecere a timpului liber. Totusi exista si asociatii cu profil sportiv care organizeaza periodic concursuri de înot. Una peste alta, Lacul Tarnita este un loc ideal de mers la iarba verde si de petrecut timpul liber. Fotografiile atasate vorbesc de la sine referitor la peisajul pe care ni-l ofera spre vizualizare partea nordica a Muntelui Mare.
Tot pe drum…
Merg circa 9 km pe malul lacului, patruns profund de coloristica verii tarzii. Din nefericire, multe dintre pesaje au fost ascunse privirii de ceata ce incepuse sa coboare “in dusmanie” de pe versantii muntilor. Oricum, am reusit sa surprind cateva cadre graitoare cu Lacul Tarnita si peisajele ce-l marginesc. De la coada lacului, cum se mai spune, am continuat sa merg pe DJ107P, conform indicatorului biologic, pentru ca indicatoare rutiere “ioc”.  Cert este ca am ajuns si trecut prin cateva catune si sate uitate de lume, fara inscriptii la intrare si iesire, iar asfaltul din drumul judetean se putea intrezari doar cu mare greutate si numai printre gropi si cratere. Oricum, am continuat cu stoicism catre Marisel, convins fiind, ca voi da si de drumuri mai bune. Recunosc, pesajele si verdele de vara tarzie m-au facut sa cam uit de conditiile “perfecte” oferite de drum. Din pacate, n-am reusit sa ma bucur prea mult de peisaj pentru ca “hurducaiala” caracteristica gropilor traditionale romanesti mi-a ocupat majoritatea timpului petrecut pe scaunul soferului.
Iata, ca tot insistand, in perseverenta-mi caracteristica, ajung intr-o localitate
Panorama la Marisel
destul de mare unde, dupa cateva intrebari puse localnicilor ce initial au avut ca raspuns niste priviri destul de indoielnice referitoare la orientarea mea in spatiu si nu numai, ajung la concluzia ca am ajuns la Marisel.
Ceata diminetii, peisajul de vara tarzie amestecat cu inceput de toamna, coloritul padurilor si al pajistilor, roua de pe iarba, gardurile de la curti facute din barne negeluite si mirosul jilav al pamantului completat de animalele ce pasteau linistite pe pajiste si ciobanii sprijiniti in batele lor au completat absolut perfect peisajul mioritic ce se deschide privirii de
Plaiuri mioritice
pe una din culmile Muntelui Mare. Recunosc, toate evenimentele nefericite si frustrarile provocate de drum si vreme s-au pierdut complet in peisajul ce mi se deschidea in fata ochilor. Norisori stridenti ce se ridicau de pe pajiste si caii ce pasteau linistiti iarba arsa de soarele verii creaza un cadru de poveste greu explicabil. Fotografiile vorbesc de la sine. Din cand in cand mai trecea cate un “bade” pe drum care se uita curios la mine ca si cum ar fi trecut ceva vreme de cand nu ar mai fi vazut picior de om strain  pe acele meleaguri. Ducandu-si usor mana la palarie, saluta cu o usoara inclinare a capului si isi vedea mai departe de drum si treburile cotidiene. Totul parea rupt dintr-o poveste fara sfarsit in care timpul nu se termina niciodata, poveste in care totul se misca incet, aproape imperceptibil. Am ramas fascinat de peisaj, liniste, culoare, animale, de tot ce ma inconjura. Cu greu am reusit sa ma dezlipesc de povestea Mariselului si sa merg catre destinatia propusa.
Merg mai departe, fascinat de maretia pesiajului si, intr-un final ajung la o bifurcatie de drumuri. Bucuros fiind ca intru pe un drum national, DN1R, fac o pauza si ma documentez serios despre zona Belis – Fantanele, zona ce va fi tratata intr-un reportaj ulterior. Bucuria mea a adurat pret de cativa kilometri. Surprins “placut” de faptul ca drumul judetean era ceva mai bun decat cel national, merg mai departe catre destinatia finala cu gandul ca , poate, pana ziua urmatoare am sa ajung la Albac. Este deja foarte clar ca faima drumarilor nostri a depasit orice fel de asteptari. Foarte sigur pe mine, ma avant pe Drumul “National” 1R. Masina geme din toate incheieturile si ma da cu capul de toate geamurile, dar nu ma dau batut si merg mai departe catre Valea Ariesului. Dau peste catune de cateva sate, exploatari forestiere, cariere de piatra, si, intr-un final de un Monument al lui Avram
Monumentul lui Avram Iancu
Iancu, lucru care ma face sa cred ca am intrat in Tara Motilor. Nu am avut pe cine sa intreb pentru ca peisajul era animat doar de ciorile si vietatile ce se infruptau din resturile de mancare lasate de “turisti”.
Odata cu intrarea in Tara Motilor am realizat ca nu mai aveam mult pana sa ajung in Valea Ariesului si, iata ca, dupa ce ies din padure mi se deschide in fata o mare tabla pe care scrie cu litere de o schioapa “MATISESTI”. O comuna intinsa pe cine stie cate dealuri, ma intampina vesela
cu un cocos pe primul gard din sat ce imi ureza din toti bojocii “bun venit”. Frumoasa imagine, idilica si rustica, in acelasi timp. Amuzat de turnura pe care au luat-o lucrurile, si drumul, ma avant voios inainte si … imi pun frana de unul singur cand vad ca un camion incarcat cu lemne, fara numar de inmatriculare, isi face “mendrele” pe toata latimea drumului de parca ar fi fost unicul proprietar al “Drumului National 1R”.
Trec si peste “camionul atotproprietar al drumului” si cobor vertiginos catre vale. Nu dupa mult timp se lateste drumul si, dupa un cot prin padure apare in fata intersectia cu soseaua ce face legatura dintre Campeni si Turda. Usurat ca am scapat cu bine din meandrele Muntelui Mare si incantat de pesiajele pe care am reusit sa le surprind, rasuflu usurat si imi continui drumul catre Albac.
Articol scris de Adrian Satmaru
Fotografie de Adrian Satmaru
De la Gilau la Albac, harta traseu rutier
Lacul Tarnita
Tot pe drum…
Panorama la Marisel
Plaiuri mioritice
Monumentul lui Avram Iancu
De la Gilau la Vadul Motilor peste Muntele Mare Dimineata de vara spre toamna, destul de inchisa si cu ceva nori prevestitori de apa, dar … ce poate fi mai frumos decat sa admiri un peisaj de inceput de toamna intr-o zi de concediu.
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
So Arc family au ask what was verdel’s reaction to learning she was related to Pyrrha
Verdel had... mixed feelings, like really mixed feelings. So she and Pyrrha were half sisters! That was cool! But... then... where did that leave her? She thought Pyrrha was super cool, but was it weird to look up to a sibling? Thinking about it, it probably wasn't... but that brought on another question.
"Wait is Jaune going to fuck our sister?"
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Tempverse question out of the arc siblings who’s the biggest higher besides Rua
Height wise its.
Rua who is by far the tallest, she got most of their father's genes, at least the height ones.
Then the twins.
Poor Saph is shorter than her younger sisters.
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palaceofpassion · 1 year
If I remember correctly Rua and Weiss might have a thing going. Do any of the other sisters have interests in any of the Beacons Best( known characters from the show)
No, well sorta maybe. Lapis has a strong dislike for most of them, but that's just Lapis being lapis.
Verdell's feelings are complicated. She looks up to and aspires to be Pyrrha. But she also doesn't really get romance. So some think she has a thing for the red head, but that may all just be fueled into a competitive spirit.
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Tempverse ask for the various arc siblings what we’re y’all’s reactions when you learned Rua began to date weiss
Jaune shrugged, "I already knew. So it wasn't a big difference to me."
Lapis blinked, "Rua can do better... the Schnee is quite cold."
"I hate to say it, but I agree with Lapis." Saph had nothing against Weiss personally... maybe... but she felt that her younger sister could use someone warmer... "But it's not for us to say. If she's happy she's happy."
Viole and Liotte shrugged, "Maybe she can get us free stuff! Wouldn't that be cool?!"
Verdelle shrugged, "I dunno, I just hope she doesn't hold her down when it comes to getting stronger. There'll be no point in me beating Rua in the future if it's cause she's weaker."
"I think it's sweet! I'm sure she'll look super pretty in different cosplay outfits too!" Of course that's where Indy's mind went.
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
So what is verdel’s weapon when she enters beacon is hers gonna be a sword like jaune and Rua’s?
She uses a spear, a simple spear. It's why she looks up to Pyrrha. The Arc's are pretty archaic in their weapons.
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
I’d verdel has tattoos when did she get em and how did Trevor and Theo react to it
They weren't actually bothered by it, and she got them recently. For when she enters Beacon, they'll be something she wanted to get for herself.
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
So regarding the family arc au what was remaining arc sisters excluding Rua first impressions of learning about their new sisters bet it made a certain goth arc extremely jealous
I feel like I may have answered this! But damned if she wasn't seething about it.
Saphron was happy for them, but Saphron's always kind of happy? Though she's still planning to have her fun.
The twins were happy! Though they wondere dif their brother would be able to mess it up.
For the most part, all of them were pretty positive about May. At least the ones that knew her, so the older girls anyways. Lapis was still not... you know she's just not happy in general about it.
Verdel was excited when learning that he'd gotten together with Pyrrha! PYRRHA!
Indy moves at her own pace, so she was just happy for her brother. Good for him!
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
So another question for the arc family who’s the easiest to anger from easiest to hardest
Honestly speaking, they're pretty chill all together, so it's not easy to actually upset them.
Liotte>Vionne>Saph> Verdel>Lapis>Indy>Jaune>Rua
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Wait I just looked over the arc sisters list and I noticed the art for verdel(hope I spelled that right) has a tattoo on her chest is this true for the character or is it just something of the character art
She does in fact have tattoos.
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Arc Sisters
Finally after a ton of deliberation, and talking it out with others, I’ve decided on the images/characters, the arc sisters are based on for appearance.  The sisters are either incredibly lithe, or run closer to their father’s side, much to their mother’s chagrin.
Everyone knows Saphron, the eldest sister at 24, happily married with a son!
Then there is Rua, the ever popular OC who shows up in a lot of my tempverse works.
Rua 19.
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Then there is Verdel 16, a huge Pyrrha fan!  She’s hoping to not only challenge her, but learn from her in the future.
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Indy is 16, Ruby isn’t jealous, hopefully when she meets Pyrrha, a conversation of their shared interest doesn’t spill.  She’s why Jaune can sew.
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Lapis is next at 15, she’s worried Ruby is taking her best little sister spot.
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Finally the twins, Vione and Liotte at 13.  Vione is a brat but with a good heart.  She thinks it’s her job to make sure that Jaune finds a good wife, even if Lapis doesn’t agree.  
Liotte is spunky, and slightly tanned.  She’s an adventurer at heart and enjoys doing sports and getting dirty, something that contrasts her from her twin.
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
To the Arc Sisters, the one's that's into their brother; if Jaune ever promised that he would do anything you asked of him, no matter what or how far it went, what would you have him do?
Lapis's hand shot up! "I WOUL-"
"NOPE!" Indy quickly slapped her hand over her younger sisters mouth, keeping it shut. "Nope nope nope nope! Like I get ya'll wanna know, but I'm not letting you answer this!"
Verdell smiled however, "I'd get him to let me fight Pyrrha. He'll never let me fight her under normal circumstances, I apparently get." She made air quotes, "Too out of control sometimes! I doubt it!"
Rua simply shook her head, "I don't feel like using anything like that to my leverage, if I wanted to sleep with him, then I'd make it thorugh my own efforts."
"I mean... I'd do it." Saphron shrugged.
Rua rolle her eyes, "Of course you would dear elder sister."
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Question for all the arc sisters your thoughts on Pyrrha and may?
Rua's Answer
"I'm quite fond of both of them, they're both good girls, even if Pyrrha can be a bit..." Rua did a quick twirl of her finger near her ear, "sometimes. But that's all in good spirit, unless you truly get her mad, she's quite the warrior that one. As for May, I've always liked May, and I always thought she would end up with my brother. So I'm happy for them. Of course, I was rightfully disheartened at first, however I've learned to let go of my grievances."
Saphron's Answer
"They're good girls! I know they'll treat Jaune right, so long as he does the same. I'm just really happy that he was able to find someone you know? For the longest time I was worried that well..." She took a deep breath to calm her nerves, letting the shaking in her hands die down, "That he'd never find someone. So I'm just happy."
"They're both pretty great!" The hyperactive girl practically bounced on the balls of her feat, her long blonde hair swinging in it's ponytail confines. "Especially Pyrrha! Who knew that my brother had it in him! I'm super happy that he was able to honestly find someone for him! And two girls?! Really cute ones at that! Go Jaune!" Slowly she began to slow her rocking, "Really, really just happy for him."
"Oh! Oh like, it's really awesome yeah? They've both got great taste if you ask me! My brother is a ~catch~ Like he can do so many things! I always told him, if he didn't get into being a huntsman or it doesn't pan out, he can totes get into fashion or just making cosplay outfits! That reminds me! Pyrrha's into that too! And May was getting into it! It's a ton of fun to have others to do it with!" She pulled out a dress, though incomplete, "I wonder if I should have him look at this? He'd totally make it pop."
The girl frowned, despite her black hair covering her sapphire eyes, it was obvious where her feelings stood on the matter. "Woe is me, such fiends would dare to steal my brother away!" She rose a single handle, "Hellish women, using their allure and charms to capture him in their vile webs. Nay! I shall free him from their treacherous claws before they wound him deeply." She grabbed a knife, stabbing it through an pear she was pealing.
Vione and Lotte
Vione's oversized sleeve pressed against her lips in a faux attempt to stifle her giggles. "Shishishi~ I'm surprised he found someone! I never thought he'd be able to pull it off! Two beauties at once even!" She turned away, keeping her sleeve up higher as she laughed again, "Though~ They're probably not good enough for him in the end I suppose! Betcha they can't even clean, what if he gets sick again!?" She shook her head letting out a deep sigh, "Our dearest and only brother is so hopeless after all..."
Lotte rolled her eyes, "Uh huh, and that's not at all because you're jealous right?"
Vione pulled back, her sleeve still pushed against her face, "Me jealous? Psh! Never!"
"Suuuuure sis, I bet you're frownin behind that aincha?"
Lotte smirked as she started approaching her sister, "Well, lemme see then!"
"Hey! You stay away!"
Again Lotte rolled her eyes, "Whatever, anyways they're pretty cool, for huntresses anyways. Never really been interested in that kind of thing, and I'm not a huge fan of them dragging my brother along. I'd rather he not relapse or somethin, seeing him sick was not fun."
"Right! Right there is that!"
Again Lotte rolled her eyes, "Stop being a brat."
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