junjunjunko · 2 months
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Hiiiiiiiii i drew Eden bc i wanted to practice and her designed resurfaced in my mind so pls accept my humble offering 😔🫴
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I had to do it I had to return the offering somehow.......
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ciphercalamitiez · 1 year
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take my crap second narrator design (his first one is a literal tv head)
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twohundredpower · 2 years
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@lalaluuz​​ said:  
↪             "Lloyd! I've got something for you!" Luz grinned at him before she presented, with a flourish... a terracotta flower pot. While it had a white ribbon wrapped around it, all that was in the pot was potting soil. Luz stalled for a moment longer, clearly playing up some sort of joke, before she pulled a chopstick out of her pocket. "Here, I'll put something in it." She drew three glyphs into the dirt, and then gave the soil a quick pat... and three flowers, lily-like and a similar red to that of Lloyd's usual jacket, sprouted from the dirt. "Tadaaa! Happy birthday, bro!"
As simple as the gift may have seemed, Lloyd was just excited to receive something from Luz, opening his mouth to voice his appreciation-- though he quickly realized that she was stalling for some reason, like her colourful presentation wasn’t over quite yet. Without missing a beat, the girl soon drew a few symbols in the soil of the pot, quite literally bringing forth light as the gentle green glow of her glyphs eventually faded; leaving behind three beautiful looking lilies. 
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“Luz, that was amazing..!!” carefully, the brunette lifted the pot in his palms; looking over the flowers with absolute wonder beaming on his features. Luz had showed him the way she could use magic before, but it never ceased to amaze him; clear by brightened expression on his face. “They’re so pretty.. and they’re my favourite colour! I’ll put ‘em in a spot with lots of light so that they stay happy!”
He placed the pot down before reaching for Luz, pulling her into a tight hug. “Thank you, Luz. You’re incredible!”
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whatisthisnonsense · 2 years
Did you hear? Bendy's coming back!
On the one hand I am highly skeptical just looking at the trailer that it's going to be anything more than the Bioshock 2 rip off to Bendy's Bioshock 1 rip off, I can already see how they're probably going to hurt us, and the buisness practices from the creators mean we have probably already reached There's No Ethical Consumption Under Capitalism (But There's Always Piracy) despite being an indie game technically still which is absolutely tragic, meaning it's probably only going to be good for watching SuperHorrorBro or Markiplier play On the other we have a female protagonist who's OP as fuck which is rare and from what we can tell so far she ISN'T a bitch which is even rarer, and just in the trailer we can see call backs to non-game canon lore which almost never happens in these sorts of things with any proper clarity meaning it's already passed the FNAF and Danganronpa bar (low as they are), and of course there's some tiny part of me that really does want to know what happened to Henry and has the tiniest bit of hope he might be okay On the third, mutated by the ink extraneous hand
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munku-collar · 2 years
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i miss him
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realworldchamp · 2 months
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nithhaiahh · 9 months
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"What am I gonna do Kengou?! What if he looks at me and says: No, you look disgusting and fat and old. And your makeup is horrible. I don't want to marry you anymore. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO OPPA?! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH..."
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askrockandfriends · 5 months
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"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"
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"Whoa, Junko's really lost it now..."
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"Are you, are you... ARE YOU PEOPLE FUCKING HAPPY! You got to watch me get beaten up by literally the entire Smash Bros roster!"
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"Come to think of it, were all the fights actually shown? Smash has a pretty big roster, you know..."
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"Day in and day out, I have to deal with this crap! Beat up Junko, spit on Junko... make Junko look like an ass in front of the entire Tumblr community..."
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"This blog should have never come back to Tumblr... this blog should never have continued RPing... Rock and Anzu should have been left to rot by the wayside like the pointless failed bit players everyone BUT this egotistical fucking mun knows they are!"
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"So I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. Since this blog thinks I'm such a cancer, that's exactly what I'll be. I will be the thing that ends this stupid fucking blog once and for all."
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"And as for you, Rock... no, you know what? Forget that tacky fucking nickname! I'm talking to you directly, Raisuke Fukumoto! Both you and your skank of a sister can sit down and shut up for once in your fucking lives, while I give you exactly what you should have gotten back in 2016!"
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"Because Raisuke, the fact is... you're not a fucking hero. You and I both know this fact deep down inside. You're just an obnoxious know-it-all who annoys the shit out of everyone you mindlessly insert yourself into the lives of! Think of all of the people you interact with now... do you really think you're the number one priority for ANY of them? I'm willing to bet behind closed doors, most if not all of them secretly hate you for getting in the way of the actual interesting muses. And I'm willing to bet most wouldn't even bat an eye if both you and Anzu suddenly disappeared one day. Some might even decide to stop interacting with you altogether... just like the people who already dropped you for lack of interaction!"
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"As for Anzu... what exactly do you do besides follow your brother around? Are you really a character? Or just an extention of Raisuke? Sometimes it's hard to tell with you... maybe it would be easier to know if you had some kind of backstory or motive of your own besides being Raisuke's precious little sidekick! On your own, though, girl, you can barely even stand without your brother to prop you up! I'm sorry to say, but you got cursed with the worst kind of existence possible. You're just here to look pretty and be your brother's right-hand woman while he plays the role of the actual star of the show."
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"But you don't need to worry about that anymore. You, Raisuke, and this whole blog are going in the trash! And honestly, it's been a long time coming. You guys are barely fucking characters, and interacting with you as a villain or anyone who wants to see you as anything other then "Big Hero Rock" is like pulling teeth! Kumi Kuwata may not have been the worst person ever, but at the end of the day, the worst thing she's ever done... is make it possible for you to live on to today, well past your sell-by date, Raisuke "Rock" Fukumoto!"
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"As for everyone that follows the blog... go ahead and mark your calenders, because today, January 15, 2024, is the day allelitemuses... DIES!"
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chaos-parallels · 11 months
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i'm sick with severe sinus allergies and i wanna disintegrate waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :'(
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superskaian · 2 years
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0zzysaurus · 3 years
scotland tomorrow :((
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suesylvesterf · 3 years
one of the japanese exchange students who came to my school when i was in like year 11 or year 10 messaged me today and said she's doing law now at uni bc of our legal classes together back then and how much fun we had together 😭😭😭😭😭
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scurvgirl · 6 years
They’re....they’re using Callie’s version of the song!
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kunekos · 2 years
           for a little while     (   that is, unquestionably, much longer than it really should have been   ),     Kuroo can only stare at the dial screen of his phone. bottom lip's trapped between his teeth as he carefully contemplates every given option to the upcoming moment ;   every single word & thought that aimlessly wanders through his mind. but first & foremost :   he wonders if Oikawa's even going to pick up any of his calls. it's been nearly a week since they've last seen each other & he hasn't said anything yet ...   or posted that much on his social media. Christmas day seemed to fly past, as well as New Year's Eve, & there was still no sign of Oikawa Tōru.   the man of the hour.   the international, star player, that had to quit his dream for the sake of his very health.
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          it doesn't take an expert to figure out that something's amiss. something's painfully wrong ...   & it seems that no matter what’s said or done :   only Kuroo truly knew what it was.   sigh.   it's now or never !     (   slide ...   slide ...   tap ...   calling ...   ).     ❛   Please pick up ...   please pick up ...   ❜
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 ,  //     @goldenloved​​   (  oikawa  ) !     ☆
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