#Whatsapp Business solution
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smsgatewayindia · 3 days
Boost Your Business with SMSGatewayCenter's WhatsApp Business Solution
Discover SMSGatewayCenter's comprehensive WhatsApp Business Solution. Effortlessly set up your WhatsApp store, enhance customer engagement, and build brand credibility with green tick verification. Seamlessly integrate with popular CRMs, e-commerce platforms, and more. Visit smsgatewaycenter.com today.
Visit https://www.smsgatewaycenter.com/site/whatsapp_business_solutions/
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go4whatsup · 19 days
Features of Broadcasting Messages in WhatsApp Business API
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WhatsApp Business API has become an essential tool for businesses to communicate with their customers efficiently and effectively. One of the standout features of this platform is the ability to broadcast messages. This feature allows businesses to send out bulk messages to a large audience, which is especially useful for marketing campaigns, updates, and customer engagement. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the various features of broadcasting messages in WhatsApp Business API, providing valuable insights on how to leverage this tool for your business.
What is WhatsApp Business API?
Before diving into the broadcasting feature, it’s crucial to understand what WhatsApp Business API is. Unlike the regular WhatsApp Business App, which is designed for small businesses, the API version is tailored for medium to large enterprises. It allows businesses to integrate WhatsApp messaging into their own systems and processes, enabling automated and scalable communication.
Key Features of Broadcasting Messages in WhatsApp Business API
1. Personalized Messaging
One of the most significant advantages of broadcasting messages through WhatsApp Business API is the ability to personalize messages. While sending out bulk messages, businesses can still include personalized elements such as the recipient’s name, purchase history, or other relevant details. This personalization helps in making the messages more engaging and relevant, thereby increasing the chances of a positive response.
2. High Delivery and Open Rates
WhatsApp messages typically have very high delivery and open rates compared to traditional email or SMS marketing. With broadcasting, you can reach a large audience quickly, and the likelihood of your message being seen is much higher. This makes it an effective tool for time-sensitive promotions, announcements, and updates.
3. Rich Media Support
The WhatsApp Business API supports various types of media, including text, images, videos, documents, and even location sharing. This versatility allows businesses to craft engaging and visually appealing messages. For example, a retail business can send product images and videos, while a travel agency can share detailed itineraries and maps.
4. Segmentation and Targeting
Broadcasting messages through WhatsApp Business API is not just about sending the same message to everyone. Businesses can segment their audience based on different criteria such as demographics, purchase behavior, or customer interests. This targeted approach ensures that the right message reaches the right audience, enhancing the effectiveness of your campaigns.
5. Automation and Integration
The API allows for seamless integration with other business systems, such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. This means you can automate the process of sending broadcast messages based on specific triggers, such as a customer’s birthday or a recent purchase. Automation helps in maintaining consistent communication without manual effort, saving time and resources.
6. Compliance and Opt-in Management
WhatsApp has strict policies regarding message broadcasting to prevent spam. Businesses must obtain explicit consent from customers to receive messages. This opt-in process ensures that your audience is genuinely interested in receiving your communications, leading to higher engagement rates. The API also provides tools to manage these opt-ins effectively.
7. Analytics and Reporting
Understanding the performance of your broadcast messages is crucial for optimizing future campaigns. WhatsApp Business API offers robust analytics and reporting features. You can track metrics such as delivery status, read rates, and user interactions. These insights help in refining your messaging strategy and improving overall effectiveness.
Best Practices for Broadcasting Messages
To maximize the benefits of broadcasting messages on WhatsApp Business API, here are some best practices to follow:
Obtain Consent: Always ensure you have the recipient’s consent to receive messages. This builds trust and ensures compliance with WhatsApp’s policies.
Personalize Content: Use the available data to personalize your messages. Personalized messages are more likely to be read and acted upon.
Keep it Concise: People appreciate short and to-the-point messages. Ensure your broadcast messages are clear and concise.
Use Rich Media Wisely: Incorporate images, videos, and other media types to make your messages more engaging. However, avoid overloading the message with too much content.
Monitor Performance: Regularly review the analytics to understand what works and what doesn’t. Use this data to continuously improve your messaging strategy.
Broadcasting messages through WhatsApp Business API is a powerful feature that can significantly enhance your communication strategy. By leveraging personalized messaging, rich media support, and robust analytics, businesses can engage their audience more effectively and drive better results. However, it’s essential to follow best practices and ensure compliance to make the most of this tool.
1. What is the difference between WhatsApp Business App and WhatsApp Business API?
The WhatsApp Business App is designed for small businesses and offers basic features for customer communication. The API, on the other hand, is for medium to large enterprises and allows integration with business systems for automated and scalable communication.
2. Can I send promotional messages using WhatsApp Business API?
Yes, you can send promotional messages, but you must have explicit consent from the recipients. WhatsApp has strict policies to prevent spam, so it’s crucial to follow the opt-in guidelines.
3. How can I personalize broadcast messages in WhatsApp Business API?
You can personalize messages by including elements such as the recipient’s name, purchase history, or other relevant details. This can be done by integrating the API with your CRM system to pull in personalized data.
4. What types of media can I include in my broadcast messages?
WhatsApp Business API supports text, images, videos, documents, and location sharing. Using a mix of these media types can make your messages more engaging.
5. How do I measure the effectiveness of my broadcast messages?
The API provides analytics and reporting features that allow you to track metrics like delivery status, read rates, and user interactions. Analyzing these metrics helps in optimizing your messaging strategy for better results.
Looking to elevate your customer communication and marketing strategy? Harness the power of WhatsApp Business API with Go4WhatsUp! Our WhatsApp Business Solution offers you a seamless and efficient way to broadcast messages, engage with your audience, and drive business growth.
Why Choose Go4WhatsUp?
Personalized Messaging: Craft engaging, personalized messages that resonate with your customers.
Rich Media Support: Share images, videos, documents, and more to make your communication visually appealing.
Automated Campaigns: Save time with automated messaging workflows integrated with your CRM.
Detailed Analytics: Gain insights from robust analytics and reporting to optimize your strategy.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to revolutionize your business communication. Contact Go4WhatsUp today and take the first step towards smarter customer engagement with WhatsApp Business API.
Get Started Now!
Contact Us at Go4WhatsUp and see how we can help you transform your business communication. Let’s chat and make your business thrive!
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decimaltechnology · 11 months
Enhance Your Business Communication with Decimal Technology's WhatsApp Business Solutions
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In today's digital age, effective communication is crucial for businesses to succeed. Decimal Technology, a leading provider of innovative technology solutions, offers comprehensive WhatsApp Business Solutions that empower organizations to connect with their customers seamlessly. With their expertise in WhatsApp Business API and automation, Decimal Technology ensures streamlined messaging, enhanced customer engagement, and efficient business operations. Explore the range of solutions offered by Decimal Technology at their website, decimaltechnology.com, and revolutionize your business communication today.
Unlocking the Potential of WhatsApp Business Solutions: WhatsApp has evolved from a personal messaging app to a powerful platform for business communication. Decimal Technology recognizes the immense potential of WhatsApp Business Solutions in fostering meaningful interactions with customers. Their suite of solutions enables businesses to leverage WhatsApp's extensive reach, user-friendly interface, and robust features to enhance customer service, drive sales, and build brand loyalty.
The Trusted WhatsApp Business Solution Provider: Decimal Technology is a trusted WhatsApp Business Solution provider, offering a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet the unique requirements of businesses across industries. As an authorized partner, Decimal Technology ensures compliance with WhatsApp's guidelines and provides reliable, secure, and scalable solutions for seamless integration with your existing business infrastructure.
Harnessing the Power of WhatsApp Business API: Decimal Technology specializes in WhatsApp Business API integration, enabling businesses to automate and scale their communication processes. By leveraging the WhatsApp Business API, organizations can send personalized messages, facilitate customer support, send transactional updates, and engage in two-way conversations to enhance customer satisfaction and drive conversions. Decimal Technology's expertise ensures a smooth integration process and optimal utilization of WhatsApp's API capabilities.
Streamline Operations with WhatsApp Business Automation: Decimal Technology understands the value of automation in optimizing business operations. Their WhatsApp Business Automation solutions enable businesses to automate routine tasks, such as sending automated messages, order updates, appointment reminders, and customer follow-ups. By automating these processes, businesses can save time, increase efficiency, and provide timely, personalized communication to their customers.
Verified WhatsApp Business Accounts: WhatsApp Business verification is a critical aspect of establishing trust and credibility with customers. Decimal Technology guides businesses through the WhatsApp Business verification process, ensuring compliance with WhatsApp's verification requirements. By becoming an official WhatsApp Business Solution Provider, Decimal Technology helps businesses gain the "Verified" badge, enhancing their brand reputation and customer trust.
Transform Your Marketing Strategy with WhatsApp: Decimal Technology's WhatsApp Marketing Solutions open up new avenues for businesses to reach their target audience effectively. Leveraging the popularity and accessibility of WhatsApp, businesses can engage in direct marketing campaigns, deliver personalized promotions, conduct surveys, and provide customer support—all within the WhatsApp ecosystem. Decimal Technology's solutions enable businesses to tap into the potential of WhatsApp as a dynamic marketing channel.
Conclusion: Decimal Technology empowers businesses with state-of-the-art WhatsApp Business Solutions, revolutionizing the way organizations communicate with their customers. From WhatsApp Business API integration to automation and marketing solutions, Decimal Technology offers a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet diverse business needs. Visit decimaltechnology.com to explore their range of solutions and take your business communication to new heights. Stay ahead of the competition and build lasting relationships with your customers with Decimal Technology's WhatsApp Business Solutions.
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sinchwhatsapp · 1 year
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karix · 1 year
Enhancing Customer Experience With Whatsapp Chatbots
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WhatsApp has taken gigantic strides in the past few years, ascending to becoming the world’s most popular messaging app and now gradually making its mark as the preferred platform for brand-customer communication. The 2 billion+ user base makes it a predominant choice for brands looking to add conversational commerce to their offerings.
With the WhatsApp Business Platform, brands can use chatbots and automation to acquire leads, promote their products and offer a 24/7 always-online customer support channel.
In an age where customer experience is at a premium, brands that offer a fantastic customer experience bring in 5.7x more revenue than their competitors who do not offer a good customer experience. (Source: Forrester)
With that in mind, let us look at some ways in which WhatsApp enables brands to upgrade their customer service experience.
Making commercial communication more conversational with WhatsApp
In a time without chatbots, users would have to navigate cumbersome menus and sections on brand websites to find the product they were looking for. If the website isn’t extremely well-designed, this whole experience would take a lot of clicks and several minutes of the user’s time.
With WhatsApp chatbots, you can bypass this hassle and simulate the experience of walking into a store and having the sales rep walk you through the entire perusal and purchasing process.
For example, if a customer wants to find a nearby physical store that stocks an item they saw online the conversation could go something like.
Brands can also use WhatsApp’s CTA buttons to easily send payment links to customers at the appropriate moment. For example, a restaurant could send a quick payment link to a customer over WhatsApp following a quick conversation where the customer mentioned their order details and address.
With WhatsApp’s end to end encryption, brands can safely share documents like invoices and receipts within the chat window to make it easily accessible to their customers.
WhatsApp provides contextual data that brands can use for bespoke customer experiences
Online experiences over platforms like WhatsApp are not just limited to replicating the app or website that a brand has, instead, you can also use the unique conversational capabilities of WhatsApp and the context of the conversation to create intuitive, highly personalized and satisfying customer experiences.
With natural-language processing automation solutions like those provided by Karix, you can delve deeper into the mindset of a buyer to give them the right information at the right time in their journey. For example, you can naturally recommend a pair of shoes from your catalog in a chat window after a conversation has been initiated around similar or complementary products, making your interaction more data driven and contextual.
WhatsApp can integrate seamlessly with a CRM, allowing you to utilize past consumer data to foster long-lasting customer loyalty with a 24/7, always-on, personalized customer support system.
WhatsApp chatbots make it easy for brands to re-engage dormant customers and abandoned carts
WhatsApp is much more effective at re-engaging customers than the traditional methods such as email or SMS because of its contextual and conversational flow. This allows brands to re-engage with dormant users and those who have abandoned a purchase midway with the right nudges like a coupon code or a discount to incentivize the purchase.
WhatsApp chatbots allow brands to offer robust post-sales support
Post-sales support is one of the pillars of a great customer experience. With WhatsApp chatbots, you can have an always-on, 24/7 support presence that your customer can take advantage of at a moment’s notice.
With a combination of automation and human agents for solving more complex queries, you can drastically reduce the time it takes to resolve support queries. AI-powered WhatsApp support solutions are incredibly cost-efficient and can be scaled easily to adapt to incoming demand.
Two of the most common user support queries – tracking orders and refunds – can be seamlessly enabled over WhatsApp, dramatically improving the user experience.
WhatsApp is also a comfortable place for brands to collect user feedback, given that people are already used to sending text messages back and forth on the platform.
WhatsApp Chatbot use cases
Let us take a look at a few different ways in which WhatsApp chatbots can be deployed, depending on the industry you service.
Retail – Exploration + Lead Capture
One of the most common ways to use a WhatsApp chatbot if you are a retail brand is to use it to highlight your product catalog while simultaneously leading the user through your defined journey and collecting lead data based on their responses at each step of the way.
For example:
Banking – Faster Query Resolution + Online Banking
In the financial and banking sector, brands can use the powerful capabilities of the WhatsApp Business Platform to create a fantastic customer experience that is built on robust customer support.
As we have discussed, the scalability of WhatsApp chatbots and the ability to integrate with intelligent third-party solution providers like Karix makes it possible for brands like AU BANK to simplify banking for their customers.
For AU Bank, Karix’s WhatsApp Business solution powered by our advanced conversational platform allowed customers to initiate service requests and open a savings account, all through a chat conversation.
Travel – Booking Details + Schedule Changes
WhatsApp chatbots are incredibly useful for travel brands. For a sector that relies a lot on competitive pricing and timely notifications, chatbots allow brands to send customers all the important information right to their phone.
This means that invoices, booking confirmations, delays or flight cancelation notifications, discounts and loyalty rewards can be sent straight to a customer’s phone using WhatsApp’s secure end-to-end encryption.
In addition, travel brands can use WhatsApp chatbots to assist prospective flyers and existing customers with a 24/7 always-on support channel for any queries or assistance they might need.
WhatsApp chatbots are incredibly versatile and hold great potential for upgrading your existing customer experience. If you would like to learn more about chatbots, make sure you bookmark the Karix blog and revisit often!
For more details click on karix.com
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shettyakshay655 · 2 years
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WhatsApp, the most widely used instant messaging application has been upgrading its platform to offer a hassle-free experience each time.
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glassixma · 5 months
Software Development Company
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Glassix is a top-rated AI customer support and messaging platform, leveraging the advanced capabilities of conversational AI integrated with the GPT-4 engine. It’s designed to empower busy teams to excel in customer support and experience, featuring an AI-powered unified inbox that consolidates communications across all business channels and apps, including WhatsApp, Apple Messages for Business, social media, email, SMS, and more. Complementing this robust unified inbox, Glassix offers an intuitive drag-and-drop chatbot flow builder and templates, making it effortless to craft smart, efficient automation flows and deploy chatbots to any channel with just a single click. The platform's distinctiveness lies in its comprehensive AI suite and omnichannel features, providing users with innovative and modern tools such as auto-suggested replies, automatic tagging of conversations, one-click conversation summaries, and the capability to deploy generative AI chatbots. These features collectively ensure stellar customer support and experience, setting Glassix apart in the realm of customer engagement solutions.
Contact Details
One Boston Place, Suite 2600, Boston, MA, USA 02108
Phone- +1 (617) 683-1236
Website- https://www.glassix.com/
Business Email- [email protected]
Business Hours- Mon - Thu: 9AM - 5PM.
Payment Methods- Credit/ Debit Card, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Wire Transfer.
Owner Name- Guy Shalom.
Follow On:
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/GlassixCompany
YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/@Glassix_CX
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/glassix_cx/
TikTok- https://www.tiktok.com/@glassix.com
LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/company/glassix
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vasu-variance · 11 months
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🎉𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞-𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐀𝐩𝐩 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧!
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🎭 Hold on tight, because it's time to dial up the exaggeration and leave you gobsmacked. Brace yourself, for this integration, is no ordinary feat – it's an absolute game-changer! 🎮
💻💬 With seamless Salesforce WhatsApp integration, you can single-handedly transform businesses, breathing life into their customer interactions.
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Let's empower your business with seamless Salesforce-Whats App integration! 🚀✨
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marketingideas24 · 8 hours
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smsgatewayindia · 10 hours
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Unleash the Power of Personalized Messaging with SMSGatewayCenter’s WhatsApp Business API File Upload Feature
Personalization is essential for attracting and keeping customers in the always changing world of digital communication. Companies are always looking for creative methods to modify their messaging to fit the specific requirements and preferences of their target audience. With its cutting-edge WhatsApp Business API capability, SMSGatewayCenter is leading the way in the personalization revolution by enabling users to easily upload files and send customized messages.
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thesmspoint · 8 days
Maximizing ROI: Leveraging an End-to-End WhatsApp API Solution in 2024
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The Rise of WhatsApp and Its Growing Importance
WhatsApp has become an integral part of our daily lives, with over 2 billion active users worldwide. Its popularity has led to a surge in businesses leveraging the platform to connect with customers, promote products, and provide customer support. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, WhatsApp has emerged as a crucial channel for businesses to reach their target audience. 
The Benefits of an End-to-End WhatsApp API Solution
An end-to-end WhatsApp API solution offers numerous benefits to businesses. Firstly, it enables seamless integration with existing systems, allowing for efficient data management and streamlined communication. Secondly, it provides advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, enabling businesses to track performance and make data-driven decisions. Additionally, an end-to-end WhatsApp API solution offers robust security features, ensuring that customer data remains protected and secure. By leveraging an end-to-end WhatsApp API solution, businesses can enhance their customer experience, increase engagement, and ultimately drive revenue growth.
How an End-to-End WhatsApp API Solution Can Boost ROI
An end-to-end WhatsApp API solution can significantly boost ROI by providing businesses with a range of benefits. Firstly, it enables businesses to automate customer support, reducing the need for manual intervention and minimizing response times. Secondly, it allows businesses to send targeted promotions and offers to customers, increasing conversion rates and driving sales.  By leveraging these benefits, businesses can significantly increase their ROI and drive growth.
Best Practices for Implementing an End-to-End WhatsApp API Solution
Implementing an end-to-end WhatsApp API solution requires careful planning and execution. Firstly, businesses must ensure that they have a clear understanding of their target audience and their communication needs. Secondly, they must select a reliable and scalable API solution that meets their requirements. Additionally, businesses must ensure that they have a robust data management strategy in place to handle the influx of customer data. 
Conclusion and Future Outlook
In conclusion, an end-to-end WhatsApp API solution is a powerful tool that can help businesses maximize their ROI in 2024. By leveraging the benefits of an end-to-end WhatsApp API solution, businesses can enhance their customer experience, increase engagement, and drive revenue growth. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, WhatsApp is likely to remain a crucial channel for businesses to connect with customers. By staying ahead of the curve and leveraging the latest technologies, businesses can ensure a competitive edge and drive long-term success.
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go4whatsup · 2 months
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Alright, you’ve created your business account on WhatsApp and you’re ready to take the plunge into verification territory. Let’s walk through the process step by step to make sure you get that green tick in no time.
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whatsappbusinessapiii · 6 months
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Verified Whatsapp Business Provider in India
Grow your business faster with Verified WhatsApp Business APIs, and Drive Sales, Support & Marketing Conversations on the World's most popular messaging App.
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decimaltechnology · 11 months
Discover the Power of WhatsApp Business Solutions by Decimal Technology
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Looking for a reliable and efficient WhatsApp Business solution provider? Look no further! Decimal Technology offers a comprehensive suite of WhatsApp Business solutions tailored to meet your business needs. With their expertise, you can streamline communication, enhance customer engagement, and drive growth like never before.
Decimal Technology, a trusted leader in the industry, offers a range of innovative WhatsApp Business solutions that cater to businesses of all sizes:
WhatsApp Business API Solutions: Decimal Technology specializes in implementing and integrating the WhatsApp Business API, enabling you to harness the full potential of this powerful communication platform. Seamlessly connect with your customers, send automated messages, and provide real-time support with ease.
Verified WhatsApp Business Accounts: Gain credibility and build trust with Decimal Technology's assistance in the WhatsApp Business verification process. By obtaining the official verified badge, your business account will inspire confidence among your customers.
WhatsApp Marketing Solutions: Reach a broader audience and unlock new marketing opportunities with Decimal Technology's WhatsApp marketing solutions. Their expert team will guide you in creating personalized and targeted WhatsApp marketing campaigns, enabling you to effectively promote your products or services.
WhatsApp Business Automation: Streamline your operations and provide a seamless customer experience with Decimal Technology's WhatsApp Business automation solutions. Automate various communication processes such as welcome messages, order confirmations, appointment reminders, and customer support, freeing up valuable time for your team.
When it comes to WhatsApp Business solutions, Decimal Technology is at the forefront of innovation. Their dedicated team of professionals understands your unique requirements and delivers tailored solutions aligned with your business goals.
Experience the power of efficient communication, enhanced customer engagement, and accelerated business growth with Decimal Technology as your trusted WhatsApp Business solution provider. Visit their website https://decimaltechnology.com/ to learn more about their comprehensive suite of services.
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sinchwhatsapp · 2 years
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