#Whole grain products are less processed but still processed... and they contain more plant toxins (lectins) than the white grain stuff
subconsciousmysteries · 6 months
I'm in a forum group and they're telling a woman who "cooks with mostly grains" that she's got a healthy diet. I'm fucking LIVID
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doctor360india · 2 years
The 5 Most Well-known Diets Debunked.
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There are many reasons people focus on various diets, be it for health, weight reduction, environmental factors, religious reasons, or even concerns about animal welfare. The perception of going on a diet has undergone tremendous transformation throughout the years, and diet strategies have become ever more popular with the growing variety and availability of foods and dining choices.
However, are they safe or healthy? Since they all claim to be superior, it can be difficult to understand which ones are worth trying.
The reality is that no one diet is best for everyone – and exactly what works for you personally may not work for someone else.
Here, we discuss a handful of the most popular diets to see what they’re all about.
1. Vegetarian
In earlier times, research on vegetarianism primarily focused on nutritional deficiencies that come with it. However, recently, there has been a good bit of buzz surrounding the health benefits of meat-free foods.
Plant-based eating has been identified to play a role in protecting against numerous long-term ailments; however, this is only legitimate if it’s executed appropriately. For instance, vegetarianism is worthless for your health if your diet includes primarily fast foods and fizzy drinks, which are technically still vegetarian. When you diet, it contains a nicely balanced number of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and with good fats instead of trans or saturated fat, you might be carrying it out perfectly. However, that still doesn’t mean you can eat exceedingly with no workout, as loads of plant-based foods are rich in calories and can promote weight gain.
If an all-vegetable diet panics you, you can alternatively invest in a Mediterranean diet. With this diet, you get to take pleasure in the disease-fighting benefits of being a vegetarian without fully cutting out meat from your diet regime; the Mediterranean diet targets plant-based foods, but you can still feed on beef moderately.
2. Vegan
Veganism is a lot like vegetarianism, except that a myriad of animal products like dairy products and honey are also cut off from your diet regime.
However, with the investigation so far, the advantages of being vegan are more or less a lot like that of being vegetarian. This means that reducing all the more animal products doesn’t specifically make you far healthier than being a vegetarian. And due to the constrained diet, vegans ought to ensure that they obtain enough minerals and vitamins.
For grown-ups, this can often be executed through consuming plant-based foodstuffs with the specific nutrient or by taking supplements. However, the argument gets dull when it comes to small children. The baby of a vegan breastfeeding mom may have an elevated risk of B12 insufficiency, a naturally present vitamin in animal products. However, on the other hand, the same mum may not carry the toxins and pesticides that a meat-eating mother would in her bust milk.
It can be fairly hazardous for a child who isn’t well-informed to get this kind of diet, as there may be a high possibility of nutrient shortcomings. But if offered the correct nutrition and cautiously administered, it can be risk-free.
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3. Ketogenic
Rapid weight loss may sound wonderful, but the keto diet is hard to follow. All grains, starches, processed foods, and most fruits are restricted.
You may be shocked to learn that a ketogenic diet isn’t something new; it has helped treat epilepsy for more or less a century. However, it has been mostly regarded as another crash diet for losing weight nowadays.
A ketogenic diet is usually loaded with proteins and fats but low in carbohydrates. Cells commonly favor using blood glucose, produced from carbohydrates, as energy. The lack of it would compel them to break down stored fat into ketone bodies, a process identified as ketosis. As soon as this happens, your cells will continue to use energy from ketone bodies until they have more blood sugar.
So, is it wholesome? Studies have shown the advantages of a ketogenic diet as a treatment to counteract seizures. The diet has also been noted to improve blood glucose control, which assists type 2 diabetes patients in controlling their condition.
Nevertheless, most people nowadays embrace a ketogenic diet program because it encourages weight reduction. And that’s where the lines get a bit unclear. Although research has shown that the diet does bring on rapid weight loss in the short term, a few experts have called out that the extremely prohibitive character of the diet would make it unsustainable in the long term.
Extreme carbs limitation can lead to symptoms such as food cravings, fatigue, increased frustration, mood swings, constipation, and hassles. It can also enhance your risk of renal stones, osteoporosis, gout, and nutrient insufficiencies in the long term. So, instead of going for this type of diet to speed up weight reduction, you might be better off with something less prohibitive and more sustainable.
4. Gluten-free
Grains, such as wheat, barley, and rye, are loaded with gluten. This means that foodstuffs like bread, pasta, pizza, and cereal are generally taken off your diet.
Going on a gluten-free diet is a good idea for those with celiac disorder, as consuming gluten would trigger side effects on their health. However, others have hopped on it more recently, trusting it can enhance energy, cause weight reduction, take care of autism, or strengthen overall wellness.
So, what’s the decision? Well, research has proven little health profit with proceeding gluten-free. For example, studies have shown that gluten-free diets do not have a favorable effect on heart wellness but, in contrast, can boost the risk of diabetes. Other specialists are adamant that a gluten-free diet does not necessarily have positive impacts on sporting performance or weight reduction at the same time.
If you believe you’ve acquired celiac disorder or experience pain and discomfort when taking in gluten foods, do see a medical professional and get examined early. Or else, it may not be worth limiting yourself to this particular type of diet for your overall health.
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5. Paleo
The paleo diet revisits how early humans dined during the Stone Age, where cave dwellers could only take in foodstuff that they hunted, fished, and gathered. The Palaeolithic diet consists primarily of lean meats, fish, fresh fruits, greens, nuts, and seeds. It contains a high amount of proteins and fibers, a reasonable amount of fats, and a low to moderate quantity of carbs. Additionally, it is common in salt content and processed sugars.
The paleo diet came into being because many believed it could encourage weight reduction and reduce the risk of ailments. While reports have verified these positive aspects, specialists may argue that excluding huge food types may raise the risk of nutrient insufficiencies. Further, it takes a lot of time, cash, investment, and self-control to prep this specific diet, which may not be sustainable over time.
Takeaway note
To put it briefly, every diet has its benefits and drawbacks and may not be for just anyone. But before you hop on it, know exactly what you’re getting into and meticulously keep an eye on your nutritional intake to avoid nutrient deficiencies. Some of these diets are fairly extreme, so you may be better off just having a healthy and balanced diet with routine workouts.
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drlaurynlax · 5 years
8 Things to Know About the Meat And Cancer Debate
Have you heard about the meat and cancer debate? Does eating meat increase your risk of cancer? Read this article to get the best answers.
Pop question: Does Meat Cause Cancer?
The jury is out: Meat—good or bad?  The vegan and vegetarian camps say “Nay!,” the meat lovers say, “Yay!” Who is right? Moreover…does meat really cause cancer? Read on to find out what the research says. 
The Great Meat And Cancer Debate
The great meat debate has been an ongoing source of conflict between varying groups for the past 20 years—particularly since the release of the famous “China Study” book, published in 2005, often cited as the leading authority on the reasons to NOT eat meat. 
In it, the authors explain the 1980’s “China Project” research study in layman’s terms, concluding that that people should eat a predominantly plant-based diet—excluding animal products (including beef, pork, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese, and milk), processed foods and refined carbs—in order to avoid, reduce, and reverse the development of numerous diseases. 
The truth? There really are lots of studies out there linking meat consumption (especially red meat) to cancer. 
Regardless of the type of meat consumed (organic, grass-fed, etc.), researchers have uncovered several components linking cancer with meat that have nothing to do with what an animal eats, hormone or antibiotic exposure. 
However, does this link actually mean that meat causes cancer, or is there something else that sets the stage for meat to cause cancer?
10 Things You Need to Know About the Meat & Cancer Debate
(These are the things that most news headlines won’t tell you). 
1. Cancer is an Autoimmune Disease (Anti-Inflammatory Foods are Best)
Call it cancer, Lupus, Hashimoto’s, Celiac disease, or any one of the other 100+ autoimmune diseases now classified by the CDC, all autoimmune diseases share a common link—your body is attacking itself (autoimmune response).What causes this autoimmune response in the first place? Inflammation, or “stress.”
 Inflammation and stress are interchangeable terms in the autoimmune disease presentation. Anything that causes inflammation is a “stress” to your body—setting you up for the perfect storm of autoimmune disease (i.e. body attacking itself). Stress goes far beyond mental stress. It includes things like:
Toxins in the cleaning & hygiene products
Tap water consumption
Lack of sleep
High screen & light exposure
Lack of exercise or too much exercise
Longterm medication use or antibiotic use
Pesticides on fruits & veggies
Gut irritating foods (high intake of grains, sugar, processed, hydrogenated oilsor refined foods)
Hormones & antibiotics in meats and dairy
Lack of balance in the diet
Gut dysfunction (low stomach acid, low digestive enzymes)
Given these facts, high meat consumption can certainly be a source of inflammation for some people—particularly depending on the type of meat consumed (organic vs. conventional); a lack of veggies in the diet; or low stomach acid (that helps digest the meat in the first place). However, as noted above, meat is NOT the only source of inflammation in the body connected to stress and disease.
Essentially, any time we lack balance (such as lacking nutrient-dense foods in our diet) stress and inflammation happens.Other examples of dietary stressors that trigger inflammation for some people may include: 
High amounts of raw and cruciferous vegetables
FODMAPS are difficult for some people to digest and break down—especially those with SIBO, IBS or gut issues.
Whole Grains
Unfortunately, most of the grains sold in the U.S. today are highly processed, pseudo-versions of grains, filled with enriched flours, fillers, sugar and oils; or not properly soaked or sprouted, containing heavy amounts of phytates and lectins (1) that our digestive tract cannot break down.
Sugar & Artificial Sweeteners
Sugar feeds cancer cells (2). Artificial sugar is not much better, correlated with tumors and various forms of cancer in multiple studies cited by the National Cancer Institute (3). 
High Fat without enough greens—
For those with a sluggish, under-functioning, liver-gallbladder, fatty foods can be more difficult to digest—particularly in the face of low green and veggie intake (4, 5). (No, fat is not bad for you, but if you, once again, lack balance then inflammation risk is higher)
In short: Cancer is an inflammatory autoimmune disease that is triggered when your body encounters various inflammation and stressors. Certain dietary triggers (like poor quality meat consumption, or lack of veggies with your proteins) may be more “inflammatory” to some people, whereas other stressors, (such as lack of sleep and smoking) are more present and inflammatory for others. 
The Bottom Line: 
Focus on an anti-inflammatory, nutrient-dense diet to fight off cancer. (And yes, protein can be included).
2. Leaky Gut is a Root of Cancer
Hippocrates said it best: “All disease begins in the gut.”“Leaky Gut” and an unhealthy gut microbiome is another common link that all autoimmune diseases—including cancer—share (6, 7, 8, 9).Unfortunately, for a long time, debates over “what causes cancer” have been heavily weighted at particular foods and lifestyle stressors, such as meat, smoking and lack of fruits and veggies (10). However, valid or not ,the root cause is often missed in all these studies, claims and debates—leaky gut. This cancer debate needs answer.
Your gut is the gateway to your health! If your digestive tract and gut microbiome are unhealthy, then you are LESS likely to digest and absorb your nutrients properly to feed the rest of your organs and cells.
Additionally, in the case of “leaky gut,” food particles and foreign proteins from the foods you eat seep into your bloodstream, undigested, where your body’s immune defense system then attacks itself to get those proteins out of there (i.e. “autoimmune response” or “autoimmune disease”). If this happens continually, over time, this autoimmune attack wreaks havoc on your health, resulting in various autoimmune disease presentations or symptoms. In functional medicine we say, “Genetics load the gun, BUT environmental factors (diet, gut health and lifestyle) pull the trigger.”
The Bottom Line:
You may have the genetics for cancer or other health conditions, but only when other environmental factors are “stressed” (like your gut health) is when that cancer presents itself. We still have a lot to learn about the influence of the microbiome on health and disease, but we know enough already to conclude that the gut-disease link is significant. Many people are talking about this during cancer debate.
Do you have a “leaky gut?” Find out here, plus insider tips on how to fix it here.
3. Stomach Acid is Crucial
Stomach acid is essential for the digestion of food—especially protein (10, 11). Your stomach acid has a pH of 1.5-3.5 on a total 14 point scale (translation: It’s HIGHLY acidic). Unfortunately, stomach acid deficiency is common in people due to high amounts of stress humans have adapted to today. Examples of stressors that wreak havoc on your stomach acid levels include:
Long term medication use
NSAID/steroid use
Antibiotic use
Lack of prebiotic fiber and probiotic rich foods
Not chewing your food well
Eating on the go or distracted
Lack of sleep
And, yes, even high amounts of mental stress
Stomach acid, also known as “hydrochloric acid,” is essential for the break down of all foods, but particularly proteins.
Without enough stomach acid, proteins in foods can pass into the rest of the GI tract only partially broken down and digested from the stomach—making effective digestion even more challenging throughout your small and large intestine.
The result? Increased likelihood of leaky gut, and other gut-related issues correlated with an unhealthy gut microbiome and disease (including cancer) (13). Interestingly, several studies show that people with long-term PPI medications use (drugs that “boost” stomach acid) experience up to a six-fold risk for getting cancer (14, 15). Why? These drugs essential decrease your natural stomach acid production.
The Bottom Line:
Meat itself may not be the culprit of cancer, but instead an unhealthy gut microbiome and low stomach acid that was unable to break down your meat in the first place.
4. Meat Studies Don’t Necessarily Use “Healthy” Controls
Given that 1 in 2 Americans already have a chronic disease in our country, are studies with “average” controls of the population really all that healthy?While syndromes and diseases like IBS, acne, allergies, anxiety, constipation, pre-diabetes and more may be considered “healthy,” “normal,” or “average” in our society, these issues typically signify something else (health related) is going on under the hood—especially gut health and hormone related.
The Bottom Line:
When interpreting a study that claims “meat causes cancer,” or “carbs cause weight gain,” or even “broccoli causes cancer,” ALWAYS question: Who were the test subjects? What was their current lifestyle, diet and gut health like? There’s often more to the story than meets the eye.
5. Meat Contains Carcinogens (& So Do Plants)
Compounds in meats (salts, nitrates, nitrites, heme iron, saturated fat with toxins in the fat cells, estradiol) have been theorized to increase DNA synthesis and cell proliferation, increase insulin-like growth factors, affect hormone metabolism, promote free radical damage, and produce carcinogenic heterocyclic amines—all of which may promote the development of cancer (16). However, these components, prevalent in many processed and conventional meats are not prevalent in sustainably-raised, grass-fed, pastured and local meats.
The Bottom Line:
Bad quality meat (17) is linked to cancer (think: processed and conventional)—and so are carcinogens in fruits and veggies (i.e. Roundup, pesticides, etc.) (18).
6. You Need Greens with Your Meat
The “problem” with high meat diets—or even cancer and meat studies—is that often times, these studies LEAVE OUT the OTHER important components to the human diet, digestion and absorption—particularly fiber!Fiber (19), found in veggies and fruits, is essential for “pushing food” through your digestive tract and also helping probiotics (good gut bacteria) stick in your gut (20, 21).
No wonder inflammation happens in meat studies! And many are taking about in in any cancer debate. The same thing goes for high-fat diet studies, where participants tend to leave out the whole-food carbs (i.e. greens), and opt for the standard American diet—full of hydrogenated oils, proteins, and refined processed foods and carbs. Duh, inflammation will happen.
The Bottom Line:
Get your veggies on! Bonus: Incorporate fermented foods into your diet daily.
7. Meat Variety is Essential (Just Like Fruit & Veggie Variety is Essential)
Red meat has long been touted as the “bad meat”—highest connected to cancer. However, in consideration of ALL the other facts we’ve addressed, red meat is simply the most often studied in meat studies (perhaps due to the bad rep it also has gotten over the years for “causing heart disease” and high cholesterol—however, these claims have also been debunked) (22).
The bigger “culprits” than red meat vs. chicken vs. fish? Ask yourself these questions: Question 1: How is my gut health and stomach acid for breaking my meat down in the first place?Question 2: How is my meat and food variety in general?Question 3: Where is my meat source from? (Grass-fed, organic and sustainable raised or full of hormones and antibiotics?). This are the common questions when it comes to meat and cancer debate.
Just like it would be “unhealthy” to eat grapes and iceberg lettuce for your only sources of fruits and veggies every day; and just like it would be “unhealthy” to fuel up on a heavy dose of Roundup (a pesticide) in your fruits and veggies, the same thing goes for red meat.
The Bottom Line:
Red meat itself is not “bad”—it’s all about the context. Boost stomach acid with apple cider vinegar or HCL tablets at meals; opt for a grass-fed cut of meat; and vary up your proteins often (beef, chicken, fish, turkey, etc.)
8. Whole Grains, Iceberg Lettuce & Vegan Ice Cream Can ALSO “Cause Cancer”
It’s no secret: Processed, man-made, refined foods are not real foods. And what do we know about real foods?…They cause inflammation in the body. True, high meat consumption without enough stomach acid, variety and/or poor quality meats is inflammatory; but so is a diet rich in gut-irritating whole grains (i.e. cereals, quinoa bowls, oats), nutrient-deficient iceberg lettuce, and vegan ice cream, laced with synthetic ingredients like: guar gum, erythritol, vegetable glycerin, pea protein and other inflammatory fillers.
The Bottom Line:
Eat real, nutrient-dense foods to fight cancer. 
The BIG Bottom Line:
A colorful, plant-based, nutrient-dense diet IS the optimal human diet. 
In addition, if we really want to “study” the facts on what the optimal human diet is for disease and cancer prevention, who better to look to than our ancestors who were practically free of all modern day diseases we experience today (autoimmune disease, high cholesterol, heart disease, and cancer)? This is a part of the cancer debate.
Also, studies of indigenous, hunter-gatherer populations who live lifestyles like those our own ancestors lived thousands of year ago, reveal similar findings: low disease rates and generally healthy people (23, 24, 25).
The optimal hunter-gatherer diet greatly depended on the terrain, season and geographic location in which one lived, however a few key universal themes true for most human are these:
High intake of colorful plants (vegetables, berries and plant “oils”—like olives, avocados and coconut)
Meat and fish, when hunted and available (i.e. not an 8 oz steak for every meal)
Minimal starches, beans and grains, if at all
Minimal raw dairy
Some nuts and seeds
In short:
If we model a similar diet to the optimal human diet that humans remained cancer-free on for thousands of years, support our gut health (25), and minimize stress in our own lifestyles, the whole “meat causes cancer debate” becomes a thing of the past. 
Cancer-Fighting Diet
An anti-inflammatory does a body good—particularly in the face of cancer or other autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, here are some anti-inflammatory super foods to add to your grocery list and regular part of your diet. (Note: This is not an exhaustive list, but several of the top players in fighting inflammation).
Antioxidant-Rich Veggies & Fruits 
Dark Leafy Greens
Fresh Herbs (cilantro, basil, parsley, etc)
Brussels sprouts
Fresh Tomatoes
Minimal Starches (cooked & cooled potatoes/yams, cassava, plantains)
Green Tipped Bananas
Healthy Fats
Avocado (avocado oil, avocado)
Coconut (oil, butter, milk)
Olives (olives, extra virgin olive oil)
Traditional Fats (lard, ghee, tallow, duck fat)
Pastured egg yolks
Fatty cuts of wild caught meats
Sustainable Meats
Wild-Caught Fatty Fish (salmon, tuna, halibut, cod)
Pastured Chicken (all cuts)
Grass-fed Beef & Bison
Organic Lamb
Organic Ground Turkey
Wild Game (Venison)
Organic Organ Meats
Pastured eggs
Extra Anti-Inflammatory Boosters
Apple Cider Vinegar
Sauerkraut & Fermented Veggies
Celery Juice
Cancer-Fighting Diet & Gut Healing Plan
Want a custom protocol or support for healing your gut and fending off cancer? Connect with Dr. Lauryn today to find out how she can help you.  
Vasconcelos, Ilka & Oliveira, Jose. (2004). Antinutritional properties of plant lectins. Toxicon : official journal of the International Society on Toxinology. 44. 385-403. 10.1016/j.toxicon.2004.05.005.
Peeters, K., Van Leemputte, F., Fischer, B., Bonini, B. M., Quezada, H., Tsytlonok, M., … Thevelein, J. M. (2017). Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate couples glycolytic flux to activation of Ras. Nature Communications, 8, 922.
National Cancer Institute. 2016. Artificial Sweeteners and Cancer. 
Schugar, R. C., & Crawford, P. A. (2012). Low-carbohydrate ketogenic diets, glucose homeostasis, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 15(4), 374–380.
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Cynthia A. Thomson, Patricia A. Thompson; Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Breast Cancer Risk: A Case for Subtype-Specific Risk?, JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Volume 105, Issue 3, 6 February 2013, Pages 164–165, https://doi.org/10.1093/jnci/djs640
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Van Hecke, Thomas & Van Camp, John & De Smet, Stefaan. (2017). Oxidation During Digestion of Meat: Interactions with the Diet and Helicobacter pylori Gastritis, and Implications on Human Health. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. 16. 10.1111/1541-4337.12248.
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McKenzie, F., Ellison-Loschmann, L., Jeffreys, M., Firestone, R., Pearce, N., & Romieu, I. (2014). Healthy lifestyle and risk of breast cancer for indigenous and non-indigenous women in New Zealand: a case control study. BMC Cancer, 14, 12.
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Thomas Jefferson University. (2012, February 21). Stronger intestinal barrier may prevent cancer in the rest of the body, new study suggests. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 16, 2018 from
The post 8 Things to Know About the Meat And Cancer Debate appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/wellness-knowledge/the-meat-and-cancer-debate/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
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digitalgyan1 · 3 years
Infertility Clinic in Pune - Orion IVF Pune
Have you wondered if you can increase sperm count without taking any treatment? Now the recent scientific evidence suggests that you can do it so provided you do it correctly. A good sperm count is very important for fertility, so make sure that you know everything about it. Let’s see how to increase sperm count without treatment. First, let’s understand the basics of it
What is sperm count
What causes a decrease in sperm count
How to increase sperm count
What is sperm count
semen is a greyish white colored thick fluid made up of sperm and other secretions from the accessory glands. Sperms are produced in the testis and are stored in small tubules called the epididymis, where they achieve motility. From there, they are carried to the penis by a small tube. While they are carried, various glands such as the prostate and seminal vesicle pour their secretions into it. The sperms as such constitute only 3% to 5% of the total volume of semen. About 60% of the semen volume comes from seminal vesicles which mainly contain fructose which gives energy to sperms. About 30% of the content is added from the prostate gland which contains various enzymes with protecting sperm and allow it to swim. Characteristics of normal semen
Volume is around 1.5 to 5 ml
Colour greyish white
Sperm count more than 15 million/ml
Motility at least 32% should be progressively motile
Morphology (appearance) at least 4% should be normal
Vitality at least 58% should be live
What causes a decrease in sperm count
Sperm count is the quintessential thing for fertility. In one astonishing study, there was a staggering 50% dip in sperm count from 1973 till 2011. But the more disturbing fact was that it still continues to decrease and the trend is ongoing. There are so many factors that can decrease sperm count, but let’s see some important causes.
Zinc and selenium
These are called essential micronutrients that are required for normal body function. Zinc is required for producing more than 80 chemicals that are required for sperm production, sperm motility and strength. The deficiency of these metals in food leads to various diseases apart from sperm problems.
Folic acid
Folic acid is essential for normal DNA synthesis and various cell functions. It is also important for normal brain development in the fetus.
Varicocele is a condition in which the veins around the testes are enlarged and which causes abnormality in maintaining the temperature in testes and sperm production. Varicocele can be diagnosed on ultrasound examination. Few patients with varicocele get benefits from surgery but not all.
Alcohol consumption by pregnant women can cause serious harm to the baby is a well-known fact. But alcohol consumption by the male can also affect sperm count and fertility. It has been shown that more than 14 drinks per week or more than four drinks in one sitting affects sperm quality, as well as motility. It decreases the testosterone level in the blood which is a male hormone and is essential for libido and sperm production. It also increases estrogen levels which is a female hormone there by interfering with the normal testicular function.
Human sperms contain small charged molecules called protamines. These are essential to fight any toxic stress to sperms. Regular smokers have abnormalities in their function and hence resultant sperms are less likely to withstand chemical stress. The sperms have morphological abnormalities as well as motility issues.
Illicit drugs such as cocaine and heroin affect not only the sperm count but also the libido and normal sexual function on long term use.
Chemical and radiation
Various environmental pollutants, gases, chemicals, pesticides have shown an effect on sperm production. Few of the chemicals have also been shown to cause birth defects in the baby. Radiation exposure such as X rays affects the cells from which sperm are produced.
Genetic diseases
Around 15% of the patients with poor semen count suffer from some genetic diseases such as Kleinfelter’s syndrome or abnormal Y chromosome. Most commonly it is seen as a total absence of sperm, although few patients will have low or very low sperm count. Unfortunately, nothing much can be done about a person with a genetic disease.
Electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone
In a significant study, it was found that mobile use either for online surfing or keeping the mobile phone in trouser pockets can significantly affect sperm motility. The effect was directly proportional to the time spent online and sending and receiving messages.
Any psychological stress can have a profound effect on the hormones required for sperm production. Prolonged and significant stress will affect the sperm count. Studies have shown that depression and similar psychological illnesses have a significant effect on fertility.
Exposure to heat and friction
Continuous and prolonged exposure to high temperatures such as furnaces or certain industries increases the temperature of the testes and affect sperm production. Certain sports such as cycling causes constant friction to testes and causes injury thereby affecting sperm production
Infection of the testis with sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia and ureaplasma can affect the tubes where sperm are produced. They can also block the tubes which transport sperm from the testes to outside.
How to increase sperm count without medicines
1. Stop smoking Smoking is not only dangerous for overall health but specifically affect sperm morphology and count. It contains various toxins such as tar, oxidizing agents that makes the sperm abnormal. Stopping smoking has shown significant improvement in semen after 3 to 6 months.
2. Stop alcohol and drugs You have to stop moderate to heavy alcohol consumption for good fertility. Alcohol and drugs like marijuana cause temporary elation in the mood but its prolonged use is a sure shot recipe for fertility problems.
3. Stress-free life Meditation and pranayama (Breathing exercise) are great ways to reduce stress. Stress is produced when your mind is not at rest and is in a chaotic condition. If you are able to bring your awareness to one point, the mental clutter stops automatically. To help concentrate more, breathing exercise also helps as there is a strong connection between your thoughts and breathing.
4. Yoga Yoga increases flexibility, blood circulation and strength of almost all body parts. Different yoga asanas are prescribed for different conditions. Sarvangasana (shoulder stand), Bhujangasana (cobra pose), Paschimottasana (seated forward bend) are very good for reproductive health.
5. Exercise regularly The exercise which has the most benefits for sperm count is aerobic exercise. At Least 45 minutes of aerobic exercise in the form of jogging, skipping, dancing, swimming can positively affect semen parameters in 16 weeks program. Exercise also reduces obesity and improves sexual performance.
6. Vitamine C and E Vitamine C and E are naturally occurring antioxidants. Oxidation is a process due to which body cells are damaged because of various oxidative stress. Antioxidants are molecules that neutralize this oxidative stress. Various foods containing this vitamin are ● Citrus fruits such as orange, kiwi, guava, grapefruit ● Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, capsicum, Brussel sprouts ● Plant-based oils such as sunflower, soybean, and corn oils are rich in Vitamin C
7. Tribulus Terrestris ● Tribulus has been used as a traditional fertility herb for years, in both Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda. This plant has a positive effect on the fertility potential of oligozoospermia patients. ● It also helps to improve reproductive parameters and sperm quality, sexual activity, spermatogenesis, and erection. ● Increase in sex hormone production in both men and women. ● Improvement in sexual desire in both men and women.
8. Nuts Nuts are a rich source of various phytochemicals required for sperm synthesis. Above all it is a dense food containing various minerals such as zinc, selenium. Studies have found significant improvement in sperm count.
9. Fenugreek supplements Fenugreek seeds are well-known herb seeds used by people in different countries as spices. It has been shown to increase serum testosterone levels which in turn brings about good changes in all semen parameters. Generally 600mg of fenugreek extract given daily for 2 to 3 months to get enhancement in sperm count.
10. Zinc Zinc is a part of various enzymes required for sperm production. Male with higher levels of zinc in their blood has shown to be having a better sperm count and motility. Zinc is present in ● Red meat and poultry ● Oyster ● Nuts and beans ● Whole wheat grain products ● Shellfish such as crab
11. Ashwagandha Ashwagandha is an ayurvedic Indian medicinal herb given as aphrodisiac. It maintains various hormones required for sperm production. In quite a few studies, it has been shown to increase sperm concentration and motility. 600 mg if ashwagandha extract taken daily in three divided doses can improve sperm parameters in 90 days.
12. Folic acid and vitamin B 12 Folic acid is mainly required for DNA synthesis and its function. Vitamin B 12 mainly reduces the oxidative damage to the sperm along with reducing inflammation and increasing the functionality of reproductive organs. Foods containing folic acid are ● Asparagus contains concentrated amounts of many vitamins and minerals including folic acid. ● Green leafy vegetables such as spinach ● Beats ● Citrous fruits ● Broccoli ● Vitamin B 12 is mainly found in animal products such as poultry and meat. ● Vegetarians can have it in fortified cereals in their diet
13. Vitamin D Vitamin D is another vitamin that can boost your testosterone levels. Many studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency can cause altered semen parameters. Taking 3000 IU of the vitamin daily for 6 months will improve testosterone levels significantly.
14. L arginine An amino acid, L-arginine appears to play several different roles in male fertility. Inside the body, it transforms into nitric oxide, which promotes sperm function. It is present in ● Nuts and seeds. ● Meat products. ● Legumes. ● Seaweed.
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drlaurynlax · 5 years
How to Heal IBS Naturally for Good
Can you heal IBS naturally? Well, Natural IBS healing IS possible…here’s what you need to know
IBS 101
 IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) is a collection of unspecific signs and symptoms also known as a “disease of exclusion” when other gut problems that have a structural component (like IBD, GERD or diverticulitis) have been ruled out. I will discuss how you can heal IBS properly.
IBS Symptoms
Ideally, IBS symptoms must have been present at least 3 months before a diagnosis is given. The most common symptoms include reoccurring abdominal pain with two or more of the following:
Chronic diarrhea or loose, watery stools
Chronic Constipation
Interchanging constipation and loose stools (never consistent) 
Improvement with defecation
Onset associated with a change in frequency or consistency of the form of stool. 
Causes of IBS
There is no one single cause of IBS. Some potential triggers of the onset of IBS include:
Food poisoning
Gut infections (like parasites) 
Antibiotic use
Low stomach acid
Heavy metal and toxin exposure
Suppressed immune system
SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)
Leaky gut
Gut dysbiosis (unhealthy balance of gut bacteria)
Gluten and food intolerances
Regardless of what started your IBS symptoms, there is no doubt that it is UNCOMFORTABLE, and can keep many enchained to always needing to know where the nearest bathroom is (diarrhea), or praying every time they are on the toilet “please help me go #2!” (constipation). 
What to do about it?!
There’s a wide variety of both pharmacological (drugs, like laxatives, stool softeners and steroids) and non-pharmacological (non drug, natural) treatments for IBS. 
However, in BOTH clinical practice and the scientific literature, the non-drug treatments are not only safer and have LESS side effects, but they are also MORE effective in many cases.
Here is a 4-step natural healing protocol for IBS—both IBS-C (constipation) and IBS-D (diarrhea).
Heal IBS Naturally
Step 1: Identify Underlying Food Intolerances
Testing for sensitivity to gluten and dairy can be game changing if you are sensitive to these foods. In addition, other foods (particularly FODMAPS, like apples and high fructose fruits, Brussels sprouts and other cruciferous veggies) can trigger symptoms.
People with IBS are often but not always FODMAP intolerant. The Low-FODMAP diet is one of the most, if not the most, effective treatments according to research studies (1). This is an important step to heal IBS.
The top recommended ways to “test,” include either:
An elimination & customized diet (see Step 3) to test and experience how certain foods make you feel or don’t feel (first hand)
Cyrex Food Intolerance Testing 
Array 3 (gluten and gluten derivatives, if you are currently eating gluten)
Array 4 (gluten cross contaminating foods) 
Also, Array 10 (list of 100+ foods, like FODMAPs)
Step 2: Identify Additional Gut Dysfunction (if any)
In addition to assessing for food intolerances, testing and assessing for other gut conditions that may be behind your IBS is crucial. Work with a functional medicine practitioner or nutritionist to determine if any further testing is necessary to find out what may be driving your IBS condition, such as:
SIBO Breath Testing (SIBO)
Comprehensive Stool Testing (Parasites, Bacterial or Gut Infections)
Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis (Thyroid Testing, Iron Deficiency/Overload, Nutrient Deficiencies) 
DUTCH Hormone Testing (HPA-Axis Dysregulation and cortisol imbalances)
Organic Acids Testing (gut imbalances)
Toxic Burden Testing (urine, hair, serum)
By assessing and addressing the “root” causes of health imbalances, you may find the real reason IBS is prevalent in the first place. This is a great start to heal IBS for good.
Step 3: Integrate a Real, Foods Diet
It sounds simple, but simplifying your nutrition can get you far. 
After all, if you have a “dirty windshield” and keep getting more dirt on it, you won’t notice if it’s still dirty. BUT if you have a clean windshield, and then put more dirt on it, you certainly will notice. The same thing goes for our diet and when you try to heal IBS.
Real whole foods should comprise the base of a diet to heal IBS in order to give yourself the best possible chance to allow your IBS healing supplement protocol can also work for you (below). 
In addition, I find that an anti-inflammatory Gut Reset dietary approach or AIP style (autoimmune protocol) diet can be tremendously impact early to heal IBS—especially during times of a “flare.”
Foods to Include
Sustainable Proteins (wild caught fish, pastured poultry, grass-fed beef, etc.)
Leafy Greens
Colorful Starchy Tubers (sweet potatoes, winter squashes, carrots, beets)
Fibrous Veggies
Healthy Fats (avocado, coconut, olives/olive oil, grass-fed butter, ghee, animal fats)
Clean Filtered Water & Herbal Teas
Foods to Avoid
Eggs (pastured egg yolks ok in moderation)
Nightshade Veggies & Spices (peppers, tomatoes, chilis, chili powder, paprika, eggplant, white potatoes)
Dairy (except for fermented full fat kefir or yogurt)
Alcohol (no more than 2-4 glasses/week)
Instant Coffee (even Starbucks; opt for 1 cup organic black roast if you drink)
Sweeteners & Sugars
Next Level
Already “eat clean” or eat real food, but don’t feel any differently?
Some people find a short-term (30-90 days) “therapeutic” Low FODMAP diet. This helps them take their diet to the next level to heal IBS. Also, this allows inflammation to cool down. FODMAPS are ___ . They include dozens of foods with these sugars that trigger IBS symptoms in some. 
No, NOT ALL FODMAPS have to be avoided. 
A low-FODMAP diet can provide short-term relief and it can be used partially. For example, you can remove YOUR biggest triggers from the low-FODMAP diet. This includes broccoli, apples and onions but continue eating other FODMAPs that don’t necessarily trigger you.
Check out this complete list of FODMAPS
Low FODMAP Diet 
Eat Freely: Low FODMAP Foods
Bamboo shoots
Bok choy
Cucumber (including pickles made without sugar)
Dandelion greens Eggplant Endive
Fermented vegetables (raw sauerkraut, or lacto- fermented vegetables)
Green beans
Sea vegetables 
Spring onion (green partonly)
Sprouts and microgreens (including alfalfa and sunflower)
Summer squash (zucchini, pattypan and yellow squash)
Swiss chard
Tomatoes (including cherry tomatoes)
Winter squash (acorn, butternut, pumpkin and spaghetti squash)
Melons (including cantaloupe and honeydew)
Muscle meats 
Organ meats 
Homemade bone broth 
Fish and Seafood 
Bacon (made without sugar)
Avocado oil 
Coconut oil
Cod liver oil
Grass-fed butter
Lard from pastured animals 
Olives and EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
Macadamia oil 
Homemade mayonnaise
Sprouted nuts and seeds minimal quantities 
Cassava / Yuca 
White potato 
Sweet potato
White rice
Best Avoided: High FODMAP Foods
Asparagus (fructose)
Broccoli (fructans)
Cabbage (fructans)
Cauliflower (polyol)
Garlic (fructans)
Jerusalem artichoke (fructans)
Leeks (fructans)
Okra (fructans)
Artichoke (fructose)
Onion (fructans) Shallots (fructans)
Snow peas (fructans, polyols)
Sugar snap peas (fructose) 
Raddichio (fructans)
Tomato sauces and tomato paste (fructose, fructans)
Avocado (polyol) 
Brussels sprouts (fructans) 
Celery (polyol) 
Fennel bulb (fructans) 
Green peas (fructans) 
Mushrooms (polyol)
Apple (fructose and polyol)
Apricot (polyol)
Cherries (fructose and polyol)
Mango (fructose)
Nectarine (polyol)
Peach (polyol)
Pear (fructose and polyol) 
Persimmon (polyol) Plum (polyol)
Watermelon (fructose and polyol)
Legumes (lentils, beans, and peanuts)
Soy (including edamame, tofu, tempeh, and soy milk)
Vegetable oils and high pro-inflammatory omega-6 fats (canola, sunflower, safflower, grape seed, soybean, cottonseed and peanut oils)
Processed mayonnaise and salad dressings
Pistachios (fructans) 
Most nut and seed butters (unless raw, sprouted nuts)
Gluten-cross contaminating grains (oats, quinoa, barley)
All commercial dairy products made from non- pastured, grain-fed cows, such as commercial yogurt, whey and pasteurized milk.
Additives & Seasonings
Sugar-, grain-, soy- or gluten-containing seasonings or condiments (ketchup, soy sauce, some tamari sauces, balsamic glaze, commercial mayonnaise and salad dressings)
Chicory (fructans)
Sugar alcohols (sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, etc.)
Gums, carrageenan, soy lecithin
MSG and colorings Agave syrup (fructose)
Artificial sweeteners (Splenda, aspartame, etc.)
High-fructose corn syrup (fructose)
Honey (fructose) 
Refined sugars
Beer (most contain gluten and/or mannitol)
Fruit juice Soda
Wine (ports, late harvest, ice wine)
Bonus: Low FODMAP Optimization
Consume organ meat. For example, liver from pastured animals one to two times weekly will help to replenish your vitamin B12, iron, and other nutrients IBS commonly depletes you of. This will help heal IBS.
Sip homemade bone broth between meals or with meals
Slow cook, stew, braise and poach meats for best digestion at low cooking temperatures. You can take this step to heal IBS effectively. 
Vegetables should be well-cooked with any seeds removed to improve digestibility; minimize
intake of raw, fibrous fruits and vegetables.
Beyond an anti-inflammatory (real foods) diet, and the Low FODMAP approach, one more short term dietary approach the works for some is the GAPS Diet—specifically a diet developed to heal gut dysfunction and bacterial imbalance.
 It’s a subset of the real foods, anti-inflammatory diet with the main distinction of forbidding starchy plants. This means avoiding or significantly restricting potatoes, sweet potatoes, plantains, yuca, taro, and all grains, such as white rice, oats and quinoa.
The GAPS diet is similar to the customized anti-inflammatory diet, with the following distinctions:
• It eliminates all starch sources (e.g., sweet potatoes, potatoes, plantains, etc.).
• It emphasizes the use of fermented foods and bone broths to restore healthy gut
microbiota and gut barrier integrity
• It allows dairy that contains little or no lactose, like grass-fed butter, ghee, homemade
kefir and yogurt, hard cheeses, and fermented cream. Milk, soft cheeses, and unfermented
cream are NOT allowed.
• GAPS begins with an “introductory phase” that allows only meat, fish, bone broth, ginger tea, and small amounts of fermented foods and progresses through several stages, concluding with the “full GAPS diet,” which is much less restrictive.
You can find out all the details at the website.
Step 4: Lifestyle Gamechangers
Once a baseline of “real foods” is established, a few lifestyle game changers can make a difference in how you feel.
Sleep Enough. Get 7-9 hours of sleep (shortened sleep shortens the elimination process)
Drink Half Your Bodyweight in Ounces of Water. Essential for healthy bowels
Stress Management. Stress is the #1 driver of all disease—IBS included. In addition, stress is NOT just mental either, it involves physiological and sociological stress too, such as circadian rhythm dysfunction. For example, staring at screens all day, shift work, eating late or working out late at night, nature and fresh air deprivation, lack of social connection, working long hours without breaks. Eliminate one habit stressing your body out and integrate a balance of work and play to heal IBS.
Increase Soluble Fiber (prebiotics). These foods help you go #2 and form healthy bulk in stools (i.e. partially hydrolyzed guar gum (PHGG) supplements, and prebiotic foods, like cooked and cooled sweet potatoes/potatoes, carrots, and squashes, green tipped bananas and plantains, and cooked and cooled white rice). 
Step 5: Supplement Smart
Last but not least, some supplemental supports can help your body rewire healthy bowel function. Keep in mind though, you CANNOT supplement your way out of a stressful lifestyle or unhealthy diet. 
IBS-C (Constipation) Natural Supplement Protocol
Antimicrobial Herbal Supplements. Kill off bad gut bacteria. (Recommendation: Dysbiocide + FC Cidal)
Bitter Herbs: Take under tongue to stimulate bile (waste) production. (Recommendation: Iberogast)
GI Revive (Designs for Health). A blend or herbals to support elimination.
Magnesium Glycinate (200-600 mg/day) *don’t use high doses over long term
Also, Magnesium Citrate (like Natural Calm, 1-2 tsp. before bed)
Ox Bile. Liver Support to encourage detoxification and proper waste production (Recommendation: Beta Plus).
Peppermint. Natural stimulant and soother for constipation. (Recommendation: IB Gard)
Soil Based Probiotics, Promote healthy gut bacteria in the microbiome. (Recommendation: Primal Probiotics)
Prebiotics. Help form healthy stools and support healthy gut bacteria.  (Recommendation: Sunfiber) 
Prokinetic: Helps move bowels through. (Recommendation: MotilPro) 
Vitamin-Electrolyte Blends Vitamin C stimulates digestion and elimination. (Recommendation: Ageless Hydro-C) 
IBS-D (Diarrhea) Natural Supplement Protocol
Antimicrobial Herbal Supplements. Kill off bad gut bacteria. (Recommendation: Dysbiocide + FC Cidal)
Bitter Herbs. Calm stomach aggravation or abdominal upset.  (Recommendation: Iberogast)
Butyrate Supplement* (sodium/potassium form + pre-biotic powder in water, like this one)
Peppermint. Natural stimulant and soother for constipation. (Recommendation: IB Gard)
Soil Based Probiotics, Promote healthy gut bacteria in the microbiome. (Recommendation: Primal Probiotics)
Prebiotics. Help form healthy stools and support healthy gut bacteria.  (Recommendation: Sunfiber) 
Saccharomyces boulardii (Recommendation: Floramyces) 
For bloating symptoms: Atrantil (2 capsules with meals, diminishes bloating as well)
1. Hill, P., Muir, J. G., & Gibson, P. R. (2017). Controversies and Recent Developments of the Low-FODMAP Diet. Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 13(1), 36–45.
The post How to Heal IBS Naturally for Good appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/gut-health/how-to-heal-ibs-naturally-for-good/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
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kasemabderrahim · 4 years
8 Easy Ways To Naturally Boost Your Metabolism & Speed Up Weight Loss!
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It’s the start of the new year! A time for resolutions and setting goals. If you’re like me, you only realized an extended season of eating things that were great for your taste buds, but no so great for the waistline finally trapped with you. Time to urge those eating habits in restraint and rev up that metabolism so we will shed that extra weight! You with me?
Proper diet and exercise will always be the cornerstone to true weight loss, but there are some belongings you can do to naturally boost your metabolism, burn fat and assist your body shed additional weight. We teamed up with iHerb.com to suggest 8 ways you revisit into your skinny jeans before later.
1. Drink More Water
This one could seem a touch too easy, but recent studies have shown that beverage before meals has led to a rise in weight loss in test subjects. Studies showed that subjects who would refill on the water before meals would get fuller faster and eat but they might without the water. You're taking in fewer calories without having to believe it.
Drinking more water also can alleviate dehydration, a metabolism killer. Often when we’re dehydrated, our bodies trick us into thinking we’re hungry. Next time you are feeling a hunger pang, your body might just be craving water! Try drinking a tall glass of water first then see if the sensation of hunger dissipates before you go grab a snack.
According to Men’s Fitness, water accelerates metabolism and flushes out toxins from the body, ensuring that your organs can function efficiently.
Try starting your mornings with an ice-cold glass of H2O. Researchers at the University of Utah found that volunteers who drank eight to 12 eight-ounce glasses of water per day had higher metabolic rates than those that drank only four glasses. “Your body may burn a couple of calories heating the cold water to your core temperature,” says Madelyn Fernstrom, Ph.D., founder, and director of the University of Pittsburgh center Weight Management Center.
If you’re not a water drinker, try adding slices of fruit like watermelon, strawberries, lemon or berries for a touch of flavor without the added sugars found in sodas and juices.
2. Drink tea & Matcha
Green tea is understood for its cancer-fighting compounds, but it also packs a punch when it involves weight loss. Although tea does have some caffeine (a metabolism booster on its own), it’s also chock filled with antioxidants. It’s a most notable fat-burning antioxidant, ECGC (Epigallocatechin gallate) has been proven in many studies to be a metabolism-boosting superhero and enhance the fat burning process. Organic Tao of Tea Green Matcha
One study showed that those that consumed tea and caffeine lost a mean of two .9 pounds during 12 weeks while sticking to their regular diet. Another study suggested the rise in calorie output was adequate to about 100 calories over 24 hours. (1)
Matcha, a spread tea is taken into account the richest source of nutrients and antioxidants among all kinds of green teas. meaning, even more ECGC, and more fat-burning power! Here’s why matcha is different: the entire leaf of the tea is ground into a fine powder and consumed within the predicament as against steeping the leaf then removing it. only one glass of matcha is the equivalent of 10 glasses of tea in terms of nutritional value and antioxidant content.
Matcha not only tastes great but is additionally super versatile. It is often wont to add flavor things like smoothies, yogurt, kinds of milk and traditional recipes. Try it served cold over ice for a twist on ice tea and begin burning that fat away!
Green Matcha Tea
Want to undertake matcha for yourself? you would possibly just get hooked. We love The Tao of Tea’s, 100% Organic Japanese Powdered Matcha tea. We wish to order ours from iherb.com.
Here are the right thanks to brewing tea so you get none of the bitter and you preserve all the green tea’s metabolism-boosting chemicals, which are sensitive to completely boiled water.
3. Take animal oil
Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, something many folks are deficient in. Omega 3 may be a sort of fat that reinforces the body’s metabolism, helps balance sugar, reduces cravings and maintains heart health. Both DHA and EPA, components of omega-3 fatty acids, are effective in eliminating unwanted body fat.
In a 2010 study, subjects took about 2 grams of Omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) a day for six weeks. At the top of the study, they lost quite 2 lbs of body fat without a change in exercise, diet, or other habits. (2)Ultimate Omega animal oil
We recommend Ultimate Omega animal oil and obtain ours from our iherb.com. Their prices are great and that they ship super fast. Ultimate Omega animal oil offers concentrated levels of omega-3s for high-intensity essential carboxylic acid support. Plus, it’s wild-caught and tested by a third-party certified lab for environmental toxins, including heavy metals. And better of all there’s absolutely no fishy aftertaste.
4. Cut Out Processed Foods
Processed foods are filled with fillers, GMOs, preservatives, sugars,” bad” carbohydrates, trans fats and empty calories. After eating these foods, usually for convenience, we normally don’t feel satiated and can still eat. Ingredients like salt, sugar, and fat are sometimes added to processed these foods to form them taste better and to prolong their period. beat all, these foods are calorie-dense with not much actual nutrition to offer our bodies and contribute to weight gain. to stay your blood glucose levels steady and your metabolism up, limit the consumption of sugar and refined grain. Instead, choose whole-grain foods with high fiber content.
5. Increase Your Protein
Protein is a crucial nutrient for weight loss and requires more energy to digest. There’s this thing called the “thermic effect of food” (TEF). It’s the energy our bodies use to digest food. Protein features a higher TEF than carbohydrates and fat. Meaning you’re burning more calories to process protein than to process the opposite two. Eating fish, lean meats, eggs and plant proteins keep your metabolism going long after the hours of consumption. Protein shakes are simple thanks to adding more protein to your diet and are shown to assist with weight loss. They’re also an excellent thanks to boosting energy for the day and provides you a meal on the go.
There are many various sorts of protein powders on the market. We quite love this dairy-free, gluten-free, vegan one from Sunwarrior. this is often how it’s described:
“Warrior Blend fuses and multiplies the facility of several rich, raw protein sources into a smooth, great-tasting, and revolutionary proprietary formula that's overwhelmingly superior to the individual components alone. Warrior Blend is an easily digestible, nutrient filled superfood perfect for anyone who wants to amplify their health and fitness levels. better of all, it tastes phenomenal! it's an entire protein contains all essential amino acids. It creates a sense of satiety (fullness). Promotes muscle function. Ideal for healthy weight loss. Easy to Digest. Increases energy. WARRIOR BLEND maybe a green product and is suitable for any diet or lifestyle (NOT only for VEGANS)! Our natural, raw process is freed from solvents, GMOs, radiation, artificial colors, and preservatives.”
Check it out here on iherb.com!
6. Try Supplementing With Guggul
Did you say Google? Nope, guggul. For over 3000 thousand years, Ayurvedic medicine (the traditional Indian system of medicine), has been using Guggul to treat a spread of conditions starting from pain and inflammation to high cholesterol and thyroid problems. Sanskrit “guggul” actually, translates to “one that protects against diseases” and has been used for many years to fight obesity in India. More recently guggul has been getting more credit for increasing metabolism and aiding in weight loss.
What exactly is guggul? Guggul springs from a resinous sap obtained from the bark of the Mukul myrrh tree(Commiphora Mukul). Small and thorny these trees are found in India.
Guggul contains chemical compounds called “guggulsterones” and has the power to stimulate the assembly of the thyroid hormones and increase the assembly of the T4 and T3 thyroid hormones. These hormones play an important role in your body’s metabolism and energy regulation within the body generally. When the thyroid isn’t producing enough of those hormones a condition referred to as hypothyroidism occurs. Weight gain and inability to reduce may be a common symptom.
A promising study on guggul was wiped out in 1995 (3). Indian researchers gave 58 subjects 1.5 to three grams of guggulipid in conjunction with a 1200-1600 calorie per day diet and a half-hour of walking. Subjects who took the guggul were measured to possess lost 4.22 pounds quite those that took no guggul.
If you’re feeling sluggish and would like to undertake Guggul, Himalaya Herbal Healthcare Guggul is one we recommend. you'll order it directly here from iherb.com.
Although guggul is taken into account non-toxic it's always recommended to consult your doctor before trying something new.
7. Check Your vitamin D Levels
Doctors and scientists now acknowledge there's a definitive link between individuals that suffer from obesity and vitamin D deficiency(4). In other words, if you’re overweight, the likelihood is that your vitamin D levels could also be less than you think that.
Research has also shown that increasing your vitamin D levels can improve weight loss while following a reduced-calorie diet. (5) newer research has found that ladies considered overweight or obese, who then lost weight had a rise in vitamin D levels. (6)
A recent study presented at the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting followed 38 overweight men and ladies on an 11-week diet plan. Subjects with higher levels of vitamin D at the start of the diet lost more total weight than subjects with lower vitamin D levels. (7) Although the precise mechanism of how and why vitamin D influences weight loss remains somewhat of a mystery, the evidence seems to be clear: if you would like to remain lean confirm to urge your D!
What have the simplest thanks to getting vitamin D? Commonly referred to as the sunshine vitamin, our bodies naturally make vitamin D when our skin comes in touch with UVB sun rays. Recommended skin exposure times range from 10-20 minutes within the sun daily. this will take approximately 1,000 to 10,000 IU of the vitamin within the body. But this range is vast and depends upon the time of year, geographical location (distance from the equator), and the way much skin is exposed. Sunlight is taken into account the simplest source of the vitamin. But in winter this will be difficult and next to impossible for those folks who sleep in cold northern climates. Although foods like wild-caught fish like mackerel, salmon, halibut, and mushrooms have higher amounts of vitamin D than most foods, it’s still not enough. It’s recommended by the vitamin D Council to supplement 5000 IU’s of vitamin D3 daily.
8. Eat Your Greens
It’s no secret that adding more leafy greens and fresh veggies to our diets is great for weight loss. Vegetables supply our bodies with plenty of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, but they also keep us feeling fuller longer thanks to their higher fiber and water content. Plus, they contain a treasure trove of nutrients. When our bodies are properly nourished, we tend to crave less of the bad stuff (you hear me donuts).
Green Vibrance Superfood
To get more of the green stuff in your diet, try having a salad a day at lunch or sauteing some veggies together with your morning eggs (think kale, peppers, spinach or broccoli). Also do not forget your breakfast.
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trenemharry-blog · 5 years
Emylia Cream Reviews
Many folks have a significant misunderstanding Emylia Cream of collagen injections. The perception is that collagen may be a form of fat that is injected into your face to fill in the lines caused by wrinkles. Actually, collagen is a good type Emylia Cream Reviews of skin care treatment for wrinkles not as a result of it's fat-but as a result of it's protein.
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There numerous reasons for skin aging, there Emylia Cream is the intrinsic aging method that's a results of growing older.
This normally begins within the mid twenties whereby our skins turn out less collagen a substance that is responsible for the Emylia Cream Reviews elasticity and firmness of our skins, and also starts turning into less efficient at shedding the dead skin cells on the surface of our skins.
When this happens it means that the regeneration Emylia Cream of contemporary skin cells slows down similarly This may begin during our mid twenties and nonetheless the results of this intrinsic aging finish up being visible decades later in the shape Emylia Cream Reviews of wrinkles and fine lines, sagging and thinner skin.
out using anti aging skin care product quite early Emylia Cream in our lives, primarily throughout the mid twenties to late twenties to be in a position to combat the intrinsic aging process at its onset Young people, for example, have lovely skin as Emylia Cream Reviews a result of they need tough skin.
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Yes, their skin is thick and powerful! This does not mean that it is unhealthy or unattractive as a result of too much swimming, sunbathing, or nail cropping neglect. 
Instead, thick and tough skin means Emylia Cream that it's well-structured, robust, and works as a good barrier against bacteria invading the body from a topical supply. Let me repeat: powerful skin is additionally stunning, healthy, and sleek Emylia Cream Reviews skin. It is skin that is enticing. While it could be sleek to the touch, it's not delicate skin.
Creating flawless wanting skin is best Emylia Cream achieved naturally. When you have naturally lovely skin you achieve higher overall health still. Naturally flawless skin is also addicted to how healthy you are internally.
The symptoms Emylia Cream Reviews from nutritional imbalance can show up as skin issues. Stress and emotional issues conjointly will result your skin.
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For naturally flawless looking skin you've got Emylia Cream to be acutely aware about your diet. Eating a healthy balanced diet is key to beautiful skin and is as abundant of a issue as what you set on your skin. Avoiding foods with synthetic Emylia Cream Reviews ingredients, chemicals, preservatives and different potentially toxic ingredients is vital for the condition of your skin.
Highly processed, refined foods do not provide Emylia Cream much good nutrition and usually also cause skin problems as a result of of the sugars, salts and dangerous fats they contain. Eating lots of recent organic fruits, vegetables and Emylia Cream Reviews whole grains can offer you balance and support your efforts to care for your skin.
Using organic skin care merchandise that are high in antioxidants will facilitate to stay not solely skin cancer away, however additionally to avoid many common skin diseases, like rosacia, dermatitis, hives, infections, psoriasis, eczema etc. Antioxidants are one in all our greatest aids in combating the negative effects of environmental toxicity. 
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You are surrounded by toxins within the air, water and in the materials you are exposed to. The entry point into your body in through your skin. 
If you are adequately loaded up with antioxidants in both your skin and internally you can combat the results of environmental toxins Organic could be a abundant stronger term for knowing that a product is pure and free of toxic ingredients. 
When selecting organic skin care, it's still necessary to browse the label and see what the ingredients are. There are some organic products that contain ingredients that although they're organic and from a supply in nature they are not ultimately nice for your skin. Do your home work. Also not all organic merchandise are antioxidant made. 
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For example there are many plants and fruits that grow in the rainforest that are being utilized in organic skin care product because they're therefore high in antioxidants Question range 3's answer is additionally yes. Future use of chemical ingredient skin care merchandise will cause many types of future health issues. Like cancer, auto immune disease.
There are a number of types of illnesses that are connected to the absorption of toxic compounds through the skin. It's unhealthy enough that we all absorb toxic compounds just being exposed to the setting, we have a tendency to live during a very toxic world nowadays. Then to conjointly add a lot of toxic chemicals willingly through the skin care product you employ is insult to injury. 
The bottom line for your general health and Emylia Cream the look and health of your skin relies on the same flow of antioxidant made foods and skin care merchandise. Free radicals are constantly attacking your skin cells, the means to fight back Emylia Cream Reviews and keep these free radicals underneath management and minimize their negative consequences is with tons of antioxidants. Read more: https://medium.com/@kindaniyo/emylia-cream-reviews-anti-aging-eye-care-cream-13b5fa20f9c4
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wellpersonsblog · 5 years
3 Things that Shouldn’t Be in Your Protein Powder (But Probably Are)
Over the years, we’ve talked a lot about protein: How much you need, how to get it from food, and whether or not you should supplement.
And there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to that last question…
Although I’ve managed to get plenty of protein from whole foods for the past few years, I’ve always acknowledged that for certain people — people who want to add muscle, try to hit macronutrient levels, or just want some peace of mind — supplementing makes more sense. 
But if you take protein powder yourself, there’s one question you should most definitely know the answer to: 
What’s in your protein powder?
I started looking more closely at protein powders a few months ago, for my kids’ sake. They’re both young plant-based athletes, and — call it parental paranoia if you want — I find myself worrying about their picky eating habits, specifically that most of the foods they love (fresh fruits and vegetables, especially in smoothies) aren’t necessarily dense in protein or, more generally, in total calories.
But when I started looking at the ingredient lists of the common plant-based powders, I was surprised and disappointed. Unfamiliar and artificial ingredients, plus sweeteners (even natural ones) that I knew they wouldn’t like the taste of in their smoothies.
So I did some more digging… 
And it got worse. Waaay worse. 
Today I want to share a bit about what I found, in hopes that it helps you to make more informed decisions when choosing a protein powder, if you choose to use them. 
And I’ll start with the one that scares me the most… 
1. Heavy Metals and Other Carcinogens
Now, I know what you’re thinking.
Heavy metals and chemicals in my protein powder? Nah. No way. I get the good stuff. And it comes from plants. 
Think again. Last year, the Clean Label Project
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completed a study examining 134 plant-based and animal-based protein powder products from 52 different brands. They screened for over 130 toxins, including heavy metals, BPA, pesticides, and other contaminants with ties to health problems.  
And you know what they found? (You might want to sit down for this one.)
Many of the most popular plant-based powders were ranked the worst for their high levels of contaminants like heavy metals. In fact, plant-based proteins ranked lower than animal-based proteins on average. 
So how does that nasty stuff get into your powder? 
According to Clean Label Project, “Contaminants are the result of sourcing and production practices. Contaminants can be found in soils because of pesticides and mining run-off (ex. heavy metals) and can be absorbed into plants just like nutrients. They can also be the result of the manufacturing process (ex. BPA/BPS is using the lining of cans and containers and leach into the protein powder.)”
Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common heavy metals and chemicals to see what the study actually found: 
BPA (bisphenol A)
By now you’ve probably heard of BPA, but most people don’t actually know what it is. BPA, or bisphenol A, is a chemical used in a lot of commercial product packaging as a way to strengthen the plastic. 
High amounts of BPA, however, is known to cause cancerous tumors, birth defects, and other mental and physical health issues. 
A few years ago, BPA garnered a lot of attention when it was discovered to leach from that plastic into drinks, like water. Since then, many popular water bottles have gone BPA-free, but it’s still commonly used in many food containers, including some plastic containers that store protein powder, or even the plastic measuring scoop often included in the tub. 
The Clean Label Project study found that 55% of protein powders tested had high levels of BPA, and one had over 25 times the allowed regulatory limit in just one serving. 
According to the study, nearly 70% of plant-based protein powders contained measurable amounts of lead. The potential mental and physical health problems associated with lead are well documented, so why is it showing up in these protein powders?
The primary problem seems to be where the ingredients are sourced from. Lead in the ground seeps into the growing food before harvesting, and stays there as it’s turned into your powder. 
Arsenic is a naturally occurring chemical often found in water, food, and soil. 
This is a particular problem with rice-based products, which is grown in water-flooded conditions, and arsenic in the soil finds its way into the roots of rice crops and is eventually stored in the grains.
Arsenic, of course, is also known to cause a number of health problems including cancer. 
So why is it in plant-based protein powder? Primarily because of poorly sourced brown rice protein isolate. 
According to the same Clean Label Project study, 74% of protein powders contained measurable amounts of cadmium.  
Cadmium is another natural toxic element often found in rocks and soil, and because it does not corrode easily, it’s often used in batteries. That’s right, batteries. 
And you guessed it, cadmium also has links to cancer. 
But what if my powder is organic? 
That was one of my first questions as well. But organic, although good for other reasons, is no help when it comes to heavy metals. Organic protein powders had on average twice the amount of heavy metals as non-organic options, so if a brand doesn’t disclose heavy metal information to you, you’re left wondering. 
2. Sweeteners and Flavorings
These days, sweeteners are added to just about every processed food, so it should come as no surprise that they’re also often added to protein powders. 
But here’s the thing. 
Sweeteners are totally unnecessary. Same goes with flavors (natural or not) like vanilla. The only reason companies often adds the sweeteners and flavors is to try and mask the taste. 
In turn, however, they’re adding unnatural ingredients that not only taste fake, but are potentially harmful. 
Take a look at common artificial sweeteners like acesulfame potassium, sucralose, or splenda, for example. These sweeteners with their potent taste not only train the brain to crave sweet foods, but are known to increase the risk of diabetes and obesity. 
How about natural sweeteners like stevia or monk fruit, you ask? 
In my opinion, if it isn’t serving me (or my kids), I don’t want to add it to my smoothie, where the additional sweetness only makes things taste less natural. I want my smoothie to taste like the fruit that’s in it, and no sweeter.  
3. Fillers, Preservatives, and Gums
While the contaminants scare me most, the biggest shocker I came across in my research on protein powders was what I learned about fillers. 
First, there’s a reason why you don’t see percentages next to protein powder ingredients on labels.
Many brands, like the one I used to take, boast a “blend of pea, rice, hemp, and chia” (for example) to create the appearance of a complete amino acid profile. But if they’re not telling you the amounts of each in the product, then nothing prevents them from using 95 or even 99 percent of the cheapest powder, and only blending the others to make up the remaining 5 percent or less. 
There’s nothing to tell you it’s pretty much just one type of protein. And that the amino acid profile is incomplete.
In an industry so unregulated as supplements are, it’s not hard to imagine that’s what they do.
Besides cheap proteins, dextrin (a carbohydrate from starch) and maltodextrin (produced from corn, rice, potato starch, or wheat) are common fillers added to protein powder to bulk it up. 
Then there are gums, like xanthan gum, which is derived from corn and soy and often used as a thickener in protein power. These gums are totally unnatural, and often cause bloating and gas. 
The misleading packaging means you don’t ever really know what’s in your powder. Sure, you might have an ordered ingredient list, but when you don’t know how much of each ingredient is included, you have know idea if your powder is really what it claims to be. 
What’s In Your Protein Powder Matters
When I first started doing this research, it terrified me. Since I was just looking for a small boost to their intake, not a 40-gram megadose of protein, I had assumed choosing a natural, plant-based option would be easy.
But toxic heavy metals? 
Artificial sweeteners? 
And not really knowing how much of each protein is in it?
As a parent, the last thing I’d want is to think I’m making a smart decision to help my kids’ health and athletic potential — and actually be giving them something that does the opposite.
So: armed with this knowledge of the problems with most protein powders, what do you do? 
For starters, your research. 
A quick search will produce a number of lists created by reputable sources of powders that are better than others. Companies that source ingredients from the right places and spend the time to do the appropriate testing. 
Or there’s the other option… create your own. 
Ultimately, when I couldn’t find what I wanted on the market, that’s what I opted to do. (Just like with Complement, where I wanted a way to be able to get just the handful of important nutrients missing from a plant-based diet in from a single source.)
For the past several months, the No Meat Athlete team and I — along with the help from a small group of super-engaged community members — have been working on a cleaner, healthier, plant-based protein powder, free of heavy metals, sweeteners, and other fillers. And one which we can be completely transparent about which ingredients are included and exactly how much of each. 
Not a giant dose of protein, just a boost, meant to “complement” what’s already in a healthy plant-based diet. 
In other words, a protein powder I’d be comfortable giving to my own kids.
It’s not yet available to the public, but next week, we’ll be taking pre-orders on the first batch, to offer the NMA community the chance to be a part of bringing Complement Protein to life (and get a pretty amazing price, too; a price you’ll keep for as long as you remain a subscriber). 
I’ll be in touch with more info soon.
The post 3 Things that Shouldn’t Be in Your Protein Powder (But Probably Are) appeared first on No Meat Athlete.
First found here: 3 Things that Shouldn’t Be in Your Protein Powder (But Probably Are)
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A Recipe For Rapid Aging: The "Hidden" Compounds Stealing Your Youth, Minute by Minute
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You may be eating all the right things.
You've cut out unhealthy, processed foods from your diet, and may have already reduced added sugar intake dramatically.
You may be focusing on eating meals that are high in protein, healthy fats, and good carbohydrates.
And along with that, you may be exercising regularly and living an active, healthy lifestyle free of smoking, heavy drinking and other vices.
And yet...you still may be exposing your body to millions of molecular compounds that are disrupting your body's normal processes and deeply damaging your DNA.
These disruptive particles are called Advanced Glycation End (AGE) products.
I know. You're like "WTF, I thought all I had to do was eat healthy, work out, and reduce toxins??"
Well you do have to do these things.
But reducing toxins is a bit more difficult than it looks. (This is yet another reason why I highly recommend anti-inflammatory herbal formulas like InvigorateNOW be taken every day.)
AGE products are created during a process called "glycation". The process is set off when a sugar molecule bonds to a protein, and the protein doesn't have the enzyme it needs to control the damage that the sugar does.
The defenseless protein is altered/damaged by the interaction with sugar, and limps out as an Advanced Glycation End product.
You don't want this.
Your bodily protein has to remain as undamaged as possible for two main reasons:
You're Made Out of Protein.
Your Body Relies on Protein for Chemical Processes.
Your muscles, organs and much of your body's fleshy "structure" is made out of protein. Your skin is too! In fact, collagen, which is what your skin is largely made out of and what keeps it elastic and strong when you're younger, makes up about 33% of the protein in your body.
Proteins serve as critical enzymes that enable your body to perform nearly all of its life-sustaining biochemical processes.
Once these harmful AGE products make it into your body, they affect other proteins in your body and bloodstream.
They're like zombie proteins that have been turned against their former friends and loved ones.
They degrade other proteins and attack enzymes and other chained amino acids in your bloodstream, which makes it harder for your body to do what it needs to do.
And scientific studies are beginning to emerge that show AGE products are responsible for a lot of undesirable health effects, like cell oxidization and damage to our DNA.
In fact, studies have implicated AGE products in diseases like:
Alzheimer's Disease
Heart Disease
Type II Diabetes
Kidney Disorders
High Blood Pressure
And many more! If you look at that list again, what jumps out at you? They're all diseases that disproportionately befall older people. That's right - they are typically associated with aging.
AGE products have been scientifically shown to literally make you age.
Even worse, many of us have been eating foods high in AGE content since we were born (and even while we were a fetus if you're counting the nutrient transfer from mother to child), potentially harming us to an even greater extent.
If you ingest a lot of AGE products, they're damaging the very structure of your body, and damaging the important processes that occur within your body that would otherwise keep you healthy, happy and functioning well.
And yes, there's even more you need to know about them.
Here's another way AGEs are harming you without you knowing about it - and it's something you might be familiar with.
You may have heard the importance of taking antioxidants that naturally occur in foods like berries, fish oil, and various plants and herbs. Antioxidants directly combat a type of cell damage known as "oxidative stress."
Now, AGEs have been linked in studies to increase this "oxidative stress", meaning they unnaturally force damage on your cells.
AGEs can essentially cause our cells to initiate their "death program" too early, or just out and destroy our cells - which can lead directly to disease.
This is what the experts call "no bueno".
Ok well maybe only I call it "no bueno", but anyway, we're getting off point.
So what exactly are these AGEs and where are they coming from! What gives??
Relax young Jedi. I'll tell you.
There are two ways that AGE products get into the body - you eat them, and they happen naturally inside of you. To get more specific:
You're eating AGEs 24/7. Every time you cook up a steak, or throw some chicken on the grill, or bake a pork roast, you're creating AGE products. It's the act of "browning" protein (those of you who are cooks might have heard this called "caramelizing," but that's something different).
Essentially, any time any protein is browned, it causes a Maillard reaction, which results in AGE products.
I know you're saying "Ok well I just won't eat meat then". Not so fast, unfortunately.
Vegans and vegetarians aren't safe from the scourge, because meat isn't the only thing with protein in it.
Vegetables, grains, starches and legumes all contain proteins as well - and if you're cooking them by grilling, frying, baking, sauteing - basically, by browning them and not cooking them via water-based methods (think steamed, poached, stewed, boiled) - you're creating AGE products.
This goes for almost every food you can think of eating.
Your Body Makes Its Own AGEs too. As we age, our body gets less and less efficient at using the carbohydrates we eat for fuel. Some of the carbohydrates, after being broken down into simple sugars, then bond to proteins in our body and form AGE products. That's right - they brown us from the inside out!
So even if you're eating good carbs, and even if you stopped ingesting any AGEs at all, they would still occur in your bloodstream naturally (although on a much smaller scale, depending on carb intake and other variables.)
Interested in losing weight? Then click below to see the exact steps I took to lose weight and keep it off for good...
Read the previous article about "Choosing High Quality Foods"
Read the next article about "7 Steps To Reduce AGEs and Slow Aging" 
Moving forward, there are several other articles/topics I'll share so you can lose weight even faster, and feel great doing it. 
Below is a list of these topics and you can use this Table of Contents to jump to the part that interests you the most.
Topic 1: How I Lost 30 Pounds In 90 Days - And How You Can Too
Topic 2: How I Lost Weight By Not Following The Mainstream Media And Health Guru's Advice - Why The Health Industry Is Broken And How We Can Fix It
Topic 3: The #1 Ridiculous Diet Myth Pushed By 95% Of Doctors And "experts" That Is Keeping You From The Body Of Your Dreams
Topic 4: The Dangers of Low-Carb and Other "No Calorie Counting" Diets
Topic 5: Why Red Meat May Be Good For You And Eggs Won't Kill You
Topic 6: Two Critical Hormones That Are Quietly Making Americans Sicker and Heavier Than Ever Before
Topic 7: Everything Popular Is Wrong: The Real Key To Long-Term Weight Loss
Topic 8: Why That New Miracle Diet Isn't So Much of a Miracle After All (And Why You're Guaranteed To Hate Yourself On It Sooner or Later)
Topic 9: A Nutrition Crash Course To Build A Healthy Body and Happy Mind
Topic 10: How Much You Really Need To Eat For Steady Fat Loss (The Truth About Calories and Macronutrients)
Topic 11: The Easy Way To Determining Your Calorie Intake
Topic 12: Calculating A Weight Loss Deficit
Topic 13: How To Determine Your Optimal "Macros" (And How The Skinny On The 3-Phase Extreme Fat Loss Formula)
Topic 14: Two Dangerous "Invisible Thorn" Foods Masquerading as "Heart Healthy Super Nutrients"
Topic 15: The Truth About Whole Grains And Beans: What Traditional Cultures Know About These So-called "Healthy Foods" That Most Americans Don't
Topic 16: The Inflammation-Reducing, Immune-Fortifying Secret of All Long-Living Cultures (This 3-Step Process Can Reduce Chronic Pain and Heal Your Gut in Less Than 24 Hours)
Topic 17: The Foolproof Immune-enhancing Plan That Cleanses And Purifies Your Body, While "patching Up" Holes, Gaps, And Inefficiencies In Your Digestive System (And How To Do It Without Wasting $10+ Per "meal" On Ridiculous Juice Cleanses)
Topic 18: The Great Soy Myth (and The Truth About Soy in Eastern Asia)
Topic 19: How Chemicals In Food Make Us Fat (Plus 10 Banned Chemicals Still in the U.S. Food Supply)
Topic 20: 10 Banned Chemicals Still in the U.S. Food Supply
Topic 21: How To Protect Yourself Against Chronic Inflammation (What Time Magazine Calls A "Secret Killer")
Topic 22: The Truth About Buying Organic: Secrets The Health Food Industry Doesn't Want You To Know
Topic 23: Choosing High Quality Foods
Topic 24: A Recipe For Rapid Aging: The "Hidden" Compounds Stealing Your Youth, Minute by Minute
Topic 25: 7 Steps To Reduce AGEs and Slow Aging
Topic 26: The 10-second Trick That Can Slash Your Risk Of Cardiovascular Mortality By 37% (Most Traditional Cultures Have Done This For Centuries, But The Pharmaceutical Industry Would Be Up In Arms If More Modern-day Americans Knew About It)
Topic 27: How To Clean Up Your Liver and Vital Organs
Topic 28: The Simple Detox 'Cheat Sheet': How To Easily and Properly Cleanse, Nourish, and Rid Your Body of Dangerous Toxins (and Build a Lean Well-Oiled "Machine" in the Process)
Topic 29: How To Deal With the "Stress Hormone" Before It Deals With You
Topic 30: 7 Common Sense Ways to Have Uncommon Peace of Mind (or How To Stop Your "Stress Hormone" In Its Tracks)
Topic 31: How To Sleep Like A Baby (And Wake Up Feeling Like A Boss)
Topic 32: The 8-step Formula That Finally "fixes" Years Of Poor Sleep, Including Trouble Falling Asleep, Staying Asleep, And Waking Up Rested (If You Ever Find Yourself Hitting The Snooze Every Morning Or Dozing Off At Work, These Steps Will Change Your Life Forever)
Topic 33: For Even Better Leg Up And/or See Faster Results In Fixing Years Of Poor Sleep, Including Trouble Falling Asleep, Staying Asleep, And Waking Up Rested, Do The Following:
Topic 34: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 35: Part 1 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 36: Part 2 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 37: Part 3 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 38: Part 4 of 4: Solution To Overcoming Your Mental Barriers and Cultivating A Winner's Mentality
Topic 39: How To Beat Your Mental Roadblocks And Why It Can Be The Difference Between A Happy, Satisfying Life And A Sad, Fearful Existence (These Strategies Will Reduce Stress, Increase Productivity And Show You How To Fulfill All Your Dreams)
Topic 40: Maximum Fat Loss in Minimum Time: The Body Type Solution To Quick, Lasting Results
Topic 41: If You Want Maximum Results In Minimum Time You're Going To Have To Work Out (And Workout Hard, At That)
Topic 42: Food Planning For Maximum Fat Loss In Minimum Time
Topic 43: How To Lose Weight Fast If You're in Chronic Pain
Topic 44: Nutrition Basics for Fast Pain Relief (and Weight Loss)
Topic 45: How To Track Results (And Not Fall Into the Trap That Ruins 95% of Well-Thought Out Diets)
Topic 46: Advanced Fat Loss - Calorie Cycling, Carb Cycling and Intermittent Fasting
Topic 47: Advanced Fat Loss - Part I: Calorie Cycling
Topic 48: Advanced Fat Loss - Part II: Carb Cycling
Topic 49: Advanced Fat Loss - Part III: Intermittent Fasting
Topic 50: Putting It All Together
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laurenjohnson437 · 5 years
Eat more plants, fewer animals
Eat more plants, fewer animals
Science has shown us over and over again that the more meat we eat, the higher our risk of diabetes, heart disease, and strokes. Conversely, the more fruits and vegetables we eat, the lower our risk for these diseases, and the lower our body mass index.
Why is eating meat bad? High-quality research shows that red meats (like beef, lamb, pork) and processed meats (bacon, sausage, deli meats) are metabolized to toxins that cause damage to our blood vessels and other organs. This toxic process has been linked to heart disease and diabetes. (Want to know more? Read about how these animal proteins harm the body here and here).
Should we all become vegetarian or vegan?
Not necessarily. One can be 100% perfectly vegetarian or vegan and still have an unhealthy diet. Many foods that aren’t made with animals are still unhealthy. Think candy, soda, and pasta, and baked goods made with refined flour. Sugar-sweetened beverages and refined grains are also toxic to the body and associated with significant health risks.
A better approach is a plant-based diet. This means consuming mostly fruits and vegetables, including beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, and whole grains. A plant-based diet is well associated with a lower risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and death from any cause.
An estimated 90% of the population of the United States is omnivorous, and the vast majority of people aren’t going to give up meat. The good news is, they don’t need to. A 2017 study published in JAMA showed that consuming just 3% less animal protein and replacing it with plant protein was associated with up to a 19% lower risk of death from any cause.
Not only that, but a plant-based diet can protect us when we do occasionally eat meat. Fruits and vegetables contain special plant nutrients that neutralize toxins. These are antioxidants, and they are really good for us. But they cannot be isolated and packed into a capsule or pill — supplements don’t work. A balanced diet that includes a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables is what works. Just eat more plants that anything else, and minimize the meats, and you’ll be doing your body a huge favor.
Where will I get my protein?
Protein does not have to mean meat. As a matter of fact, many plant foods are excellent sources of protein. And no, it doesn’t have to be tofu. Think beans, lentils, peas, and edamame! Nuts and nut butters, seeds and seed butter! Whole grains contain a fair amount of protein as well.
Having trouble envisioning meals without meat? You can enjoy the same classic meals, just substitute in plant protein. For example:
If you love tacos, replace the meat filling with spiced lentils. (Try my Easy Spiced Lentil Taco Filling recipe below.)
If you love shepherd’s pie, use finely diced mushrooms instead of ground meat.
If you love fajitas, switch out the steak or chicken for portabella mushrooms.
Classics like minestrone soup, chili, spaghetti, and lasagna are easily converted into healthier, animal-free meals. Use whole grain pasta where pasta is called for, and add extra veggies. Even if you prepare any of these dishes using animal protein, add extra veggies and you will be benefiting.
Going to a plant-based diet doesn’t have to mean eating plants exclusively. Just aiming to eat more healthful plant foods, focusing on overall nutrition, decreases health risks significantly. Even a little improvement can have big results.
A Plant-Based Diet, Atherogenesis, and Coronary Artery Disease Prevention. The Permanente Journal, Winter 2015.
Healthy Dietary Patterns for Preventing Cardiometabolic Disease: The Role of Plant-Based Foods and Animal Products. Current Developments in Nutrition, December 2017.
Association Between Dietary Factors and Mortality From Heart Disease, Stroke, and Type 2 Diabetes in the United States. JAMA, March 7, 2017.
Animal and plant protein intake and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: results from two prospective US cohort studies. JAMA Internal Medicine, October 2016.
Intestinal microbiota metabolism of L-carnitine, a nutrient in red meat, promotes atherosclerosis. Nature Medicine, April 7, 2013.
Intestinal Microbial Metabolism of Phosphatidylcholine and Cardiovascular Risk. New England Journal of Medicine, April 25, 2013.
Easy Spiced Lentil Tacos
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Serves: 4-6
This dish cooks up fast, faster than meat. Red lentils are cheap; I always keep several bags in our pantry for soups and taco filling.  This hearty, satisfying, high-protein meal can be made from scratch in under 30 minutes.
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 small yellow onion, grated or finely diced
3 cloves garlic, finely diced or pressed (or, 1 teaspoon of garlic paste from a tube)
2 cups of red lentils, dry
5 cups of water
4 tablespoons of taco/fajita seasoning (buy it ready-made, or make your own — see recipe below)
8 corn tortillas
1 jar low-sodium salsa (less than 90 mg sodium per 2 tablespoon serving; examples include Newman’s Own, Green Mountain Gringo)
Chopped lettuce, lime slices, chopped green onions, plain Greek yogurt and/or red pepper flakes for serving, if desired
Homemade Taco/Fajita Seasoning:
3 tablespoons chili powder
3 tablespoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cayenne (or to taste)
Easy Spiced Lentil Taco Filling
Pour the lentils into a colander and rinse under cool water, swishing around. This removes any debris that may be mixed in. Classically, red lentils are known to have debris mixed in, and so people often call for washing them prior to cooking. You can choose whether or not to rinse the lentils in a colander first. I’ll admit I often skip this step, and haven’t come across any rocks yet.
Heat a large sauté pan or medium saucepan (that has a cover) over medium-high heat. Add the oil and swish around for a couple of seconds. Add the onion and sauté until soft. Add the garlic and sauté until fragrant.
Add the lentils and water, and bring the water to just boiling, then turn down to a simmer. Simmer for five minutes, then add the fajita seasoning and stir. Cover the pan and turn off the heat. The lentils will absorb the rest of the water while you prep the rest of your meal.
Put the meal together
Wrap the tortillas in a clean towel or paper towel and microwave for thirty seconds to heat.
Chop some lettuce (romaine is a good choice here), slice a lime, and set out plain Greek yogurt and the salsa. Let people put together their own tacos. Enjoy!
The post Eat more plants, fewer animals appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.
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richardgarciase23 · 5 years
Eat more plants, fewer animals
Eat more plants, fewer animals
Science has shown us over and over again that the more meat we eat, the higher our risk of diabetes, heart disease, and strokes. Conversely, the more fruits and vegetables we eat, the lower our risk for these diseases, and the lower our body mass index.
Why is eating meat bad? High-quality research shows that red meats (like beef, lamb, pork) and processed meats (bacon, sausage, deli meats) are metabolized to toxins that cause damage to our blood vessels and other organs. This toxic process has been linked to heart disease and diabetes. (Want to know more? Read about how these animal proteins harm the body here and here).
Should we all become vegetarian or vegan?
Not necessarily. One can be 100% perfectly vegetarian or vegan and still have an unhealthy diet. Many foods that aren’t made with animals are still unhealthy. Think candy, soda, and pasta, and baked goods made with refined flour. Sugar-sweetened beverages and refined grains are also toxic to the body and associated with significant health risks.
A better approach is a plant-based diet. This means consuming mostly fruits and vegetables, including beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, and whole grains. A plant-based diet is well associated with a lower risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and death from any cause.
An estimated 90% of the population of the United States is omnivorous, and the vast majority of people aren’t going to give up meat. The good news is, they don’t need to. A 2017 study published in JAMA showed that consuming just 3% less animal protein and replacing it with plant protein was associated with up to a 19% lower risk of death from any cause.
Not only that, but a plant-based diet can protect us when we do occasionally eat meat. Fruits and vegetables contain special plant nutrients that neutralize toxins. These are antioxidants, and they are really good for us. But they cannot be isolated and packed into a capsule or pill — supplements don’t work. A balanced diet that includes a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables is what works. Just eat more plants that anything else, and minimize the meats, and you’ll be doing your body a huge favor.
Where will I get my protein?
Protein does not have to mean meat. As a matter of fact, many plant foods are excellent sources of protein. And no, it doesn’t have to be tofu. Think beans, lentils, peas, and edamame! Nuts and nut butters, seeds and seed butter! Whole grains contain a fair amount of protein as well.
Having trouble envisioning meals without meat? You can enjoy the same classic meals, just substitute in plant protein. For example:
If you love tacos, replace the meat filling with spiced lentils. (Try my Easy Spiced Lentil Taco Filling recipe below.)
If you love shepherd’s pie, use finely diced mushrooms instead of ground meat.
If you love fajitas, switch out the steak or chicken for portabella mushrooms.
Classics like minestrone soup, chili, spaghetti, and lasagna are easily converted into healthier, animal-free meals. Use whole grain pasta where pasta is called for, and add extra veggies. Even if you prepare any of these dishes using animal protein, add extra veggies and you will be benefiting.
Going to a plant-based diet doesn’t have to mean eating plants exclusively. Just aiming to eat more healthful plant foods, focusing on overall nutrition, decreases health risks significantly. Even a little improvement can have big results.
A Plant-Based Diet, Atherogenesis, and Coronary Artery Disease Prevention. The Permanente Journal, Winter 2015.
Healthy Dietary Patterns for Preventing Cardiometabolic Disease: The Role of Plant-Based Foods and Animal Products. Current Developments in Nutrition, December 2017.
Association Between Dietary Factors and Mortality From Heart Disease, Stroke, and Type 2 Diabetes in the United States. JAMA, March 7, 2017.
Animal and plant protein intake and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: results from two prospective US cohort studies. JAMA Internal Medicine, October 2016.
Intestinal microbiota metabolism of L-carnitine, a nutrient in red meat, promotes atherosclerosis. Nature Medicine, April 7, 2013.
Intestinal Microbial Metabolism of Phosphatidylcholine and Cardiovascular Risk. New England Journal of Medicine, April 25, 2013.
Easy Spiced Lentil Tacos
Tumblr media
Serves: 4-6
This dish cooks up fast, faster than meat. Red lentils are cheap; I always keep several bags in our pantry for soups and taco filling.  This hearty, satisfying, high-protein meal can be made from scratch in under 30 minutes.
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 small yellow onion, grated or finely diced
3 cloves garlic, finely diced or pressed (or, 1 teaspoon of garlic paste from a tube)
2 cups of red lentils, dry
5 cups of water
4 tablespoons of taco/fajita seasoning (buy it ready-made, or make your own — see recipe below)
8 corn tortillas
1 jar low-sodium salsa (less than 90 mg sodium per 2 tablespoon serving; examples include Newman’s Own, Green Mountain Gringo)
Chopped lettuce, lime slices, chopped green onions, plain Greek yogurt and/or red pepper flakes for serving, if desired
Homemade Taco/Fajita Seasoning:
3 tablespoons chili powder
3 tablespoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cayenne (or to taste)
Easy Spiced Lentil Taco Filling
Pour the lentils into a colander and rinse under cool water, swishing around. This removes any debris that may be mixed in. Classically, red lentils are known to have debris mixed in, and so people often call for washing them prior to cooking. You can choose whether or not to rinse the lentils in a colander first. I’ll admit I often skip this step, and haven’t come across any rocks yet.
Heat a large sauté pan or medium saucepan (that has a cover) over medium-high heat. Add the oil and swish around for a couple of seconds. Add the onion and sauté until soft. Add the garlic and sauté until fragrant.
Add the lentils and water, and bring the water to just boiling, then turn down to a simmer. Simmer for five minutes, then add the fajita seasoning and stir. Cover the pan and turn off the heat. The lentils will absorb the rest of the water while you prep the rest of your meal.
Put the meal together
Wrap the tortillas in a clean towel or paper towel and microwave for thirty seconds to heat.
Chop some lettuce (romaine is a good choice here), slice a lime, and set out plain Greek yogurt and the salsa. Let people put together their own tacos. Enjoy!
The post Eat more plants, fewer animals appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.
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jesseneufeld · 5 years
Eat more plants, fewer animals
Science has shown us over and over again that the more meat we eat, the higher our risk of diabetes, heart disease, and strokes. Conversely, the more fruits and vegetables we eat, the lower our risk for these diseases, and the lower our body mass index.
Why is eating meat bad? High-quality research shows that red meats (like beef, lamb, pork) and processed meats (bacon, sausage, deli meats) are metabolized to toxins that cause damage to our blood vessels and other organs. This toxic process has been linked to heart disease and diabetes. (Want to know more? Read about how these animal proteins harm the body here and here).
Should we all become vegetarian or vegan?
Not necessarily. One can be 100% perfectly vegetarian or vegan and still have an unhealthy diet. Many foods that aren’t made with animals are still unhealthy. Think candy, soda, and pasta, and baked goods made with refined flour. Sugar-sweetened beverages and refined grains are also toxic to the body and associated with significant health risks.
A better approach is a plant-based diet. This means consuming mostly fruits and vegetables, including beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, and whole grains. A plant-based diet is well associated with a lower risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and death from any cause.
An estimated 90% of the population of the United States is omnivorous, and the vast majority of people aren’t going to give up meat. The good news is, they don’t need to. A 2017 study published in JAMA showed that consuming just 3% less animal protein and replacing it with plant protein was associated with up to a 19% lower risk of death from any cause.
Not only that, but a plant-based diet can protect us when we do occasionally eat meat. Fruits and vegetables contain special plant nutrients that neutralize toxins. These are antioxidants, and they are really good for us. But they cannot be isolated and packed into a capsule or pill — supplements don’t work. A balanced diet that includes a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables is what works. Just eat more plants that anything else, and minimize the meats, and you’ll be doing your body a huge favor.
Where will I get my protein?
Protein does not have to mean meat. As a matter of fact, many plant foods are excellent sources of protein. And no, it doesn’t have to be tofu. Think beans, lentils, peas, and edamame! Nuts and nut butters, seeds and seed butter! Whole grains contain a fair amount of protein as well.
Having trouble envisioning meals without meat? You can enjoy the same classic meals, just substitute in plant protein. For example:
If you love tacos, replace the meat filling with spiced lentils. (Try my Easy Spiced Lentil Taco Filling recipe below.)
If you love shepherd’s pie, use finely diced mushrooms instead of ground meat.
If you love fajitas, switch out the steak or chicken for portabella mushrooms.
Classics like minestrone soup, chili, spaghetti, and lasagna are easily converted into healthier, animal-free meals. Use whole grain pasta where pasta is called for, and add extra veggies. Even if you prepare any of these dishes using animal protein, add extra veggies and you will be benefiting.
Going to a plant-based diet doesn’t have to mean eating plants exclusively. Just aiming to eat more healthful plant foods, focusing on overall nutrition, decreases health risks significantly. Even a little improvement can have big results.
A Plant-Based Diet, Atherogenesis, and Coronary Artery Disease Prevention. The Permanente Journal, Winter 2015.
Healthy Dietary Patterns for Preventing Cardiometabolic Disease: The Role of Plant-Based Foods and Animal Products. Current Developments in Nutrition, December 2017.
Association Between Dietary Factors and Mortality From Heart Disease, Stroke, and Type 2 Diabetes in the United States. JAMA, March 7, 2017.
Animal and plant protein intake and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: results from two prospective US cohort studies. JAMA Internal Medicine, October 2016.
Intestinal microbiota metabolism of L-carnitine, a nutrient in red meat, promotes atherosclerosis. Nature Medicine, April 7, 2013.
Intestinal Microbial Metabolism of Phosphatidylcholine and Cardiovascular Risk. New England Journal of Medicine, April 25, 2013.
Easy Spiced Lentil Tacos
Tumblr media
Serves: 4-6
This dish cooks up fast, faster than meat. Red lentils are cheap; I always keep several bags in our pantry for soups and taco filling. This hearty, satisfying, high-protein meal can be made from scratch in under 30 minutes.
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 small yellow onion, grated or finely diced
3 cloves garlic, finely diced or pressed (or, 1 teaspoon of garlic paste from a tube)
2 cups of red lentils, dry
5 cups of water
4 tablespoons of taco/fajita seasoning (buy it ready-made, or make your own — see recipe below)
8 corn tortillas
1 jar low-sodium salsa (less than 90 mg sodium per 2 tablespoon serving; examples include Newman’s Own, Green Mountain Gringo)
Chopped lettuce, lime slices, chopped green onions, plain Greek yogurt and/or red pepper flakes for serving, if desired
Homemade Taco/Fajita Seasoning:
3 tablespoons chili powder
3 tablespoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cayenne (or to taste)
Easy Spiced Lentil Taco Filling
Pour the lentils into a colander and rinse under cool water, swishing around. This removes any debris that may be mixed in. Classically, red lentils are known to have debris mixed in, and so people often call for washing them prior to cooking. You can choose whether or not to rinse the lentils in a colander first. I’ll admit I often skip this step, and haven’t come across any rocks yet.
Heat a large sauté pan or medium saucepan (that has a cover) over medium-high heat. Add the oil and swish around for a couple of seconds. Add the onion and sauté until soft. Add the garlic and sauté until fragrant.
Add the lentils and water, and bring the water to just boiling, then turn down to a simmer. Simmer for five minutes, then add the fajita seasoning and stir. Cover the pan and turn off the heat. The lentils will absorb the rest of the water while you prep the rest of your meal.
Put the meal together
Wrap the tortillas in a clean towel or paper towel and microwave for thirty seconds to heat.
Chop some lettuce (romaine is a good choice here), slice a lime, and set out plain Greek yogurt and the salsa. Let people put together their own tacos. Enjoy!
The post Eat more plants, fewer animals appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.
Eat more plants, fewer animals published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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laurenbaker553 · 5 years
Eat more plants, fewer animals
Eat more plants, fewer animals
Science has shown us over and over again that the more meat we eat, the higher our risk of diabetes, heart disease, and strokes. Conversely, the more fruits and vegetables we eat, the lower our risk for these diseases, and the lower our body mass index.
Why is eating meat bad? High-quality research shows that red meats (like beef, lamb, pork) and processed meats (bacon, sausage, deli meats) are metabolized to toxins that cause damage to our blood vessels and other organs. This toxic process has been linked to heart disease and diabetes. (Want to know more? Read about how these animal proteins harm the body here and here).
Should we all become vegetarian or vegan?
Not necessarily. One can be 100% perfectly vegetarian or vegan and still have an unhealthy diet. Many foods that aren’t made with animals are still unhealthy. Think candy, soda, and pasta, and baked goods made with refined flour. Sugar-sweetened beverages and refined grains are also toxic to the body and associated with significant health risks.
A better approach is a plant-based diet. This means consuming mostly fruits and vegetables, including beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, and whole grains. A plant-based diet is well associated with a lower risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and death from any cause.
An estimated 90% of the population of the United States is omnivorous, and the vast majority of people aren’t going to give up meat. The good news is, they don’t need to. A 2017 study published in JAMA showed that consuming just 3% less animal protein and replacing it with plant protein was associated with up to a 19% lower risk of death from any cause.
Not only that, but a plant-based diet can protect us when we do occasionally eat meat. Fruits and vegetables contain special plant nutrients that neutralize toxins. These are antioxidants, and they are really good for us. But they cannot be isolated and packed into a capsule or pill — supplements don’t work. A balanced diet that includes a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables is what works. Just eat more plants that anything else, and minimize the meats, and you’ll be doing your body a huge favor.
Where will I get my protein?
Protein does not have to mean meat. As a matter of fact, many plant foods are excellent sources of protein. And no, it doesn’t have to be tofu. Think beans, lentils, peas, and edamame! Nuts and nut butters, seeds and seed butter! Whole grains contain a fair amount of protein as well.
Having trouble envisioning meals without meat? You can enjoy the same classic meals, just substitute in plant protein. For example:
If you love tacos, replace the meat filling with spiced lentils. (Try my Easy Spiced Lentil Taco Filling recipe below.)
If you love shepherd’s pie, use finely diced mushrooms instead of ground meat.
If you love fajitas, switch out the steak or chicken for portabella mushrooms.
Classics like minestrone soup, chili, spaghetti, and lasagna are easily converted into healthier, animal-free meals. Use whole grain pasta where pasta is called for, and add extra veggies. Even if you prepare any of these dishes using animal protein, add extra veggies and you will be benefiting.
Going to a plant-based diet doesn’t have to mean eating plants exclusively. Just aiming to eat more healthful plant foods, focusing on overall nutrition, decreases health risks significantly. Even a little improvement can have big results.
A Plant-Based Diet, Atherogenesis, and Coronary Artery Disease Prevention. The Permanente Journal, Winter 2015.
Healthy Dietary Patterns for Preventing Cardiometabolic Disease: The Role of Plant-Based Foods and Animal Products. Current Developments in Nutrition, December 2017.
Association Between Dietary Factors and Mortality From Heart Disease, Stroke, and Type 2 Diabetes in the United States. JAMA, March 7, 2017.
Animal and plant protein intake and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: results from two prospective US cohort studies. JAMA Internal Medicine, October 2016.
Intestinal microbiota metabolism of L-carnitine, a nutrient in red meat, promotes atherosclerosis. Nature Medicine, April 7, 2013.
Intestinal Microbial Metabolism of Phosphatidylcholine and Cardiovascular Risk. New England Journal of Medicine, April 25, 2013.
Easy Spiced Lentil Tacos
Tumblr media
Serves: 4-6
This dish cooks up fast, faster than meat. Red lentils are cheap; I always keep several bags in our pantry for soups and taco filling.  This hearty, satisfying, high-protein meal can be made from scratch in under 30 minutes.
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 small yellow onion, grated or finely diced
3 cloves garlic, finely diced or pressed (or, 1 teaspoon of garlic paste from a tube)
2 cups of red lentils, dry
5 cups of water
4 tablespoons of taco/fajita seasoning (buy it ready-made, or make your own — see recipe below)
8 corn tortillas
1 jar low-sodium salsa (less than 90 mg sodium per 2 tablespoon serving; examples include Newman’s Own, Green Mountain Gringo)
Chopped lettuce, lime slices, chopped green onions, plain Greek yogurt and/or red pepper flakes for serving, if desired
Homemade Taco/Fajita Seasoning:
3 tablespoons chili powder
3 tablespoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cayenne (or to taste)
Easy Spiced Lentil Taco Filling
Pour the lentils into a colander and rinse under cool water, swishing around. This removes any debris that may be mixed in. Classically, red lentils are known to have debris mixed in, and so people often call for washing them prior to cooking. You can choose whether or not to rinse the lentils in a colander first. I’ll admit I often skip this step, and haven’t come across any rocks yet.
Heat a large sauté pan or medium saucepan (that has a cover) over medium-high heat. Add the oil and swish around for a couple of seconds. Add the onion and sauté until soft. Add the garlic and sauté until fragrant.
Add the lentils and water, and bring the water to just boiling, then turn down to a simmer. Simmer for five minutes, then add the fajita seasoning and stir. Cover the pan and turn off the heat. The lentils will absorb the rest of the water while you prep the rest of your meal.
Put the meal together
Wrap the tortillas in a clean towel or paper towel and microwave for thirty seconds to heat.
Chop some lettuce (romaine is a good choice here), slice a lime, and set out plain Greek yogurt and the salsa. Let people put together their own tacos. Enjoy!
The post Eat more plants, fewer animals appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.
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Is it possible to loose belly fat after 50?
There are definitely perks to getting older: we know what we like, our bank account is a bit more robust than during those college years, and we have experience on our side. Unfortunately, there are a few trade-offs in the way our bodies change. Most notably: We might not see results from healthy eating and workouts as quickly as we once did. It can be frustrating to maintain a healthy lifestyle without seeing the change you want in your body, but you don’t have to skip meals or spend hours at the gym to fit into those skinny jeans again. It’s completely possible to lean up and maintain a flat belly after you learn how to lose belly fat after 40.By following six simple principles, you’ll find yourself healthier and fitter than you have been in years. And they’re not unachievable tips, either. Each one just takes mindful thinking and a little commitment. It’s time to diet smarter, not harder, and this this guide will walk you through exactly what you need to know about how to lose belly fat after 40. You’ll have all the information you need to achieve (and maintain) that flat belly, so let’s get started!
Smoothies For Younger Looking Skin  
1. Clean Eating
This is one of the first major lessons for how to lose belly fat after 40. We may have been able to eat junk food when we were younger, but there’s no way we’ll see results that way today! Make a lifestyle change to choose healthier options for foods. That means minimally processed foods with limited ingredients. Organic is always best, but it’s not 100 % necessary for clean-eating.
We would also encourage you to choose lean sources of protein, like fish or chicken. They provide all the protein you need while also helping you avoid unnecessary fats. Plant-based proteins – like legumes, tofu, or tempeh – are also great. These are perfect options to help you consume low-calorie foods that are healthy, nutritious, and make you feel more satisfied while avoiding overeating.
Next, let’s talk about the type of foods you’re choosing. Fruits and vegetables should take up the bulk of your diet, along with heart-healthy grains, seeds, and beans. You should seek a diversity in food types, as well as color. Different colored food contains different vitamins, which are beneficial to your body. The more colorful your daily fruits and vegetables are, the better!
2. Portion Control
Next up, let’s talk about changing your eating habits to rebuild your body. A fundamental principle of clean eating is to eat more frequently, in smaller portions. You should have 3 meals per day and 1 snack in between each meal to keep your hunger at bay. But, as we get older, our bodies still need the same amount of protein and vitamins. At times, we may actually need more! So, keep that in mind as you portion.
Breakfast options are plentiful, but it’s important to choose the right foods. Foods like donuts, cereal, and bagels might satisfy us in the moment, but they provide no real benefits to our system. Your choice for breakfast food sets the tone for your day. Think light, filling, and energy-rich foods. Our breakfast section has a large variety of options to kick-start your day.
how to increase energy after 50  
For lunch and dinner, you should choose meals that include a nice balance of fruits or vegetables, grains, and lean protein. As always, it’s a good idea for those vegetables to take up the majority of your plate. Try these lunch and dinner suggestions to help you to get an idea of how to portion those meals.
Finally, snacks should always be nutritious and filling. Feeling full is not only beneficial to our overall well-being, but it also prevents binge eating. Our 25 Best Flat Belly Snacks post provides delicious options to flatten that belly and satisfy your taste-buds.
3. Water
Our bodies are 60% water. The more hydrated we are, the better our organs will function. Benefits of regular water consumption include sweating to release toxins, hydration to keep workouts going strong, and a feeling of fullness that wards off cravings. On average, you should aim to drink 8-12 oz glasses of water a day.
Did you know there are 21 Ways to Eat Your Water?
4. What to Avoid
Cutting certain items from your diet can be the greatest lesson for how to lose belly fat after 40. It will also contribute to your overall weight loss and wellness. Alcoholic drinks can add extra inches to your belly line, and that kind of fat is hard to get rid of. Soda is another beverage that has no nutritional value. Be wary of juices also. Some may be 100% natural, but their sugar content can be high. Moderation in these types of drinks is always a good option, or try some of our favorite recipes and make your own juices and smoothies.
Exercise for Flabby Arms for Seniors  
Food such as white rice, white sugar, white bread, and regular pasta are processed and offer less nutrition. It’s not just that they’re carbs, either. These types of foods provide your body with simple carbohydrates instead of filling you up with beneficial complex carbohydrates. Instead, try some of these carbs for weight loss, like brown rice, brown sugar, and whole wheat bread and pasta. To wrap things up our list of things to avoid, let’s talk about artificial sweeteners. These products are unnatural and provide little (or no) benefit to your body. Instead, try some natural sugar substitutes. Our  10 Alternatives to Refined Sugar provides great options that can satisfy your sweet tooth and give your foods flavor.
If you’re looking for some options to still enjoy delicious food, try these three article options: • 30-Day No Sugar Challenge • No Sugar Added – Skinny Desserts
5. Exercise
This might be one of the most important tips of the day. Exercise (and varying your exercises) is the best way to create a flat belly. Let’s talk about a few different types of exercises to help you lose that belly fat: 1. Ab exercises are important in order to build muscle and slim down your mid-section. Hitting your abs from all angles (targeting lower abs, upper abs, and obliques) will help you to get amazing results. 2. Cardio exercises are also a beneficial way to tone. Although we can target where we want to build muscle, we can’t decide where our body burns fat. Cardio works to involve your entire body in fat-burning action. Jogging, treadmills, spinning, and even swimming are good options for burning body fat and revealing a more toned belly. 3. Building muscle is key. Although ab work and cardio will get you results, exercising other parts of your body will bring faster results. The more muscle we have, the faster we burn fat. Work on your butt, which contains the biggest muscle in your body. Also include your arms, legs, back, and chest to increase your fat burning abilities. Unsure of where to start on with transforming your belly? Our 6-Week Flat Belly Program will guide you into a belly you’ve always dreamed of.
Once we hit 25 years of age, our metabolism begins to slow down gradually. Our muscle mass also decreases, making it more difficult to burn fat at the rates we need. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is one of the best methods to kick-start your metabolism. HIIT involves doing fast-paced exercises for a short period of time.It allows us to change our bodies on a cellular level. The higher the intensity, the more you change you’ll see in your body.
The famous Japanese routine, Tabata, is a great HIIT workout. It involves working for 20 seconds followed by a 10 second rest. In total, you’ll repeat this process about 8 times with various exercises. That creates a 4-minute workout that can burn fat for up to 24 hours. Start your morning with these Tabata routines and watch your belly fat disappear.
How To Release Toxins From Fat Cells  
If you’re looking for more, these are some of our favorite HIIT routines.
Additional Tips
1. Plan your meals ahead. The more you prep in advance, the easier it will be to stick to a meal plan and get the results you need. 2. Everything takes time. Give your body time to adjust to your healthier lifestyle and exercise routine. In 4-6 weeks you should see a significant change. 3. Change your exercise routine every 3-4 weeks. Our bodies begin to get used to routines and our muscles hit a plateau and stop reacting to the resistance.
0 notes
quintinefowler-blog · 5 years
Natural Remedies to Help Prevent, Treat Flu and Colds
NOTE: This is a long, information-packed article on Natural Remedies to Help Prevent, Treat Flu and Colds. To make it easier to navigate, use the Table of Contents button to your right!
When cold and flu season comes around, it's hard not to feel that getting one or both is inevitable. After all, doesn't everyone get sick during the winter? Not necessarily – there are certain things you can do to help minimize your risk of contracting colds and flu, and there are natural treatments to help you get over a cold or the flu much more quickly.
Smart Ways to Help Prevent Colds and Flu
Nip It in the Bud
If you feel a cold or flu coming on – maybe it's a tickle in your throat, or a certain feeling in your chest – then it's a good idea to act fast.
Several options are listed below, and they are all said to be more effective if implemented right away, before the illness settles in. This means it's a good idea to keep your treatment(s) of choice on hand, before symptoms set in.
Wash Your Hands
Really. This one is important. Hand sanitizer is good to keep on hand (literally) in case you don't have access to soap and water, but nothing beats thorough washing with anti-bacterial soap and warm water.
The general consensus is, work up a lather on your hands for a full 20 seconds before rinsing.
A Good Multi-Vitamin and Mineral Supplement
During the winter months, health experts theorize that our susceptibility to colds and flu increases in part due to lack of key vitamins. So it's a good idea to get started taking a quality supplement at the beginning of cold and flu season so your body is ready when you get exposed to germs.
Vitamin D
You have probably heard of Vitamin C for cold prevention and treatment, but have you heard of Vitamin D? The latest research shows that Vitamin D (particularly D3) is important in staving off colds and flu. This may be because the lack of sunlight in the winter creates a Vitamin D deficiency, and supplements are needed to keep the immune system in top shape. You can take a D3 supplement, and/or eat foods rich in this vitamin, such as eggs, liver, salmon, and mushrooms.
Vitamin C – Still Relevant
Vitamin C is still an important cold and flu prevention vitamin. Foods that are high in Vitamin C include citrus fruits, peppers (bell and chili), parsley, dark leafy greens, and strawberries. Many of these foods are out of season during cold and flu time, so if you do get these foods at your grocery store they will not only be more expensive – they will also be less likely to contain their full allotment of Vitamin C. This is largely due to long shipment times during which the Vitamin C decreases in the foods. Therefore, a daily supplement might be a good idea.
Vitamins C and D (particularly D3, say experts) tend to be low in the winter season, with its lack of fresh produce and sunlight.
The popular cold and flu herb, echinacea, is not generally recommended as a daily preventative. You can take it if you think you've been exposed and keep taking it for a month or so; but experts warn that echinacea tends to lose its effectiveness if taken for more than a month at a time.
The good news is, there are other herbs you can use to keep your immunity working well this winter – and they are probably in your home kitchen.
This anti-inflammatory herb is tasty, spicy, and said to be a great cold and flu preventer. You can drink a cup of fresh ginger tea every day, and/or include this herb in your cooking.
Garlic is another herb that is sometimes used along with ginger in Asian cooking. Sprinkle minced, chopped, or crushed garlic liberally in daily recipes, or mix it with olive oil for a healthy dip for bread. You can also take garlic in capsule form. It's been shown to be a powerful anti-viral, anti-bacterial herb.
Raw Honey
Truly raw honey can really help with cold and flu prevention – studies have shown that a tablespoon a day prevents cold in children. The same could probably be applied to adults, only perhaps a larger daily dose. If you don't like it plain, put raw honey on toast or swirl it into hot herbal tea.
Get Enough Sleep
Lest you think you don't have time to get a good night's sleep, consider the amount of work time lost if you get sick. You could be out of commission for weeks!
Instead, try to get at least eight hours of sleep a night, preferably starting before midnight (sources say you get a healthier eight hours if they begin before midnight).
Eat Well
Just because it's winter doesn't mean you have to eat junk food instead of fresh produce.
There are all kinds of interesting, healthful foods you can eat in the winter that can boost your immunity and keep you healthy: greens (like kale and collards), winter squash, whole grains, sweet potatoes, cabbage, onions, garlic, pomegranates, and so forth.
Healthful meats like fish and lean turkey are generally available year-round, and Vitamin C-rich citrus fruits are often available in grocery stores during the winter. And don't forget frozen fruits and veggies.
Natural Remedies to Treat Cold and Flu
What if that nasty cold or flu bug has already gotten it's claws into you? Well, there's quite a few natural remedies that can help – and some of them are going to echo the things that help prevent these awful bugs.
Increase Vitamin C Intake
Vitamin C increases the body's resistance to colds and decreases toxicity that can prolong a cold. Vitamin C is found in oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits. Alternatively, you can simply purchase some inexpensive, effervescent vitamin-C tablets at the pharmacy.
Drink Garlic Soup
As gross as this might sound to you, drinking garlic soup is perhaps one of the most surefire ways to get rid of that cold. Garlic has great properties that help to clear up the respiratory passages. The soup also helps to flush cold-producing toxins out the body.
Boil three to four cloves of chopped garlic in just one cup of water.
Drink once daily until the cold subsides.
Drink the mixture once a week thereafter to prevent the symptoms from resurfacing
Drink Ginger Soup
Ginger is also a great remedy for getting rid of a cold and may be easier for you to swallow. It has some of the same benefits of garlic, and you'll experience relief in no time!
Cut a piece of ginger root into small pieces and boil in a cup of water.
Strain and add sugar to sweeten.
Drink the mixture twice daily until the symptoms disappear.
Increase Turmeric Intake
Fresh turmeric could be the answer to your persistent cold, especially if you have other symptoms like throat irritation. Here's how you could approach turmeric intake:
Put half teaspoon of turmeric powder into a ladle.
Pour a serving of milk over it and allow it to boil.
Drink once or twice a day.
Other Ways to Attack the Cold that's Attacking You
These include:
Taking a mild sunbath every day.
Deep breathing in fresh air.
Taking brisk walks.
Adjust wardrobe according to the season so there is less impact from weather elements.
While you're experiencing the symptoms of a cold, try abstaining from eating solid foods and fill your diet with juices made from fruit and vegetables. You'll get the direct impact of antioxidants found in these products that can tackle the causes of the cold.
Once you've totally recovered from your cold, maintain a well-balanced diet thereafter. Aim to eat natural food items as opposed to processed foods. Pack your diet with healthy, cold-fighting foods like fruit, vegetables, seeds, and nuts.
In many cases, the natural methods produce better results than commercial cold medicines, so in no time, you can expect your annoying cold symptoms to go away for good!
The Health Benefits of Eucalyptus for Colds and More
If you are like most people, you have probably at least heard of eucalyptus. You don’t have to live in Australia to know that this tree produces bark and leaves that are very beneficial to both the koalas living in them and to humans, too!
Eucalyptus has natural healing affects that you just can’t get with many man-made remedies. In fact, this plant is just as effective to ward off colds and congestion as the expensive stuff you buy in your pharmacy.
Why does eucalyptus work so well? Like many plant materials, it has healing properties all of its own. You might be surprised to learn that the leaves from this tree are very similar to the rubs and creams you can buy for your chest when you have a cold.
(Read the full essential oil profiles for the various types of eucalyptus)
It smells very similar, too. It can help fight off the symptoms you get when you have the cold and flu. Plus, it is natural and safe to use around children.
The next time you are feeling under the weather with coughing and congestion, consider using eucalyptus. You might be surprised at the results. It can help break up the phlegm that can build up in your chest and it can also serve as a natural germ killer.
Did you know that this essential oil can also serve as a diuretic and may also help lower blood sugar? What other medication do you know that has so many healing properties?
One of the best ways to use this essential oil for coughs, colds and the flu is by inhaling the vapors. If you have ever used a vaporizer, then you know how this works. You will place several drops of the oil in boiling water. Pour the water in a heavy bowl and bend over the steam.
Be careful, it is hot. You can even form a “tent” over your head with a thick towel and breathe in for a few minutes. You will immediately feel it working. You can also burn candles with this essential oil in the room for an immediate effect. Mix eucalyptus with other oils such as rosemary, lemon or tea tree oil and you can get the same effect.
Another great way to use this oil when you are feeling sick and congested is to actually rub it on your body. Find a good carrier, such as almond oil and mix a few drops of eucalyptus along with tea tree oil. You can then use it as a massage and rub it on your chest and neck.
The idea is that it will start to break of the phlegm in your throat and chest. It is always a good idea to mix eucalyptus with something else, as using it alone can cause skin irritations.
There are a few warnings you should know about using eucalyptus. Prolonged use and exposure to this oil can cause liver damage or failure, therefore, it should be used sparingly and only when necessary. In addition, never use this oil and treatment on infants or on children and elderly with a suppressed immune system.
More Natural Remedies for Cold, Flu Symptoms
Beta Glucan – Natural immune system booster to strengthen immune system health and protect the body against viral and bacterial infections Mucus-Clear – Homeopathic remedy reduces phlegm and thick mucus plus relieves throat congestion InstaClear Sinus Relief – Herbal remedy instantly clears sinus congestion SinusSoothe – Homeopathic medicine for temporarily relieving sinus pressure and nasal congestion RespoSoothe – Homeopathic medicine to assist with temporary chest problems such as tight chest, wheezing or bouts of bronchitis Immu-Stay – Natural supplement boosts the immune system
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16 Signs Which Are Warning You That Your Liver Is Overloaded With Toxins That Make You Fat!
Share this post: The liver is a very important organ – it is responsible for over 400 processes in the body and it acts as a filter for every toxic material that enters our body. It is mainly responsible for filtering toxins besides controlling numerous other functions. Besides digesting fats and storing vitamins and minerals, the liver also processes nutrients from the food you consume, which is why we need to keep it in perfect shape at all times. The liver has two pathways for detoxification: Phase 1 of liver detoxification – This phase involves using enzymes to transform these lipid-soluble toxins into less harmful substances that Phase 2 can now handle. Phase 2 of liver detoxification – It involves pairing these battered up toxins with other molecules which increase their water-solubility so they can be safely removed from the body through the means of elimination. Even if you follow a healthy lifestyle, drink pure water, eat organic foods, use toxin-free cleaning and personal care products, you are still exposed to toxins. Toxins from the environment, (air, soil, water, cars, factories, plastics) are factors that cannot be controlled. Is your liver sluggish? When the liver becomes sluggish, toxins are no longer able to leave the body and are instead stored in fat tissue (since they are lipid-soluble) and they will hang out there until liver function improves and they can be safely eliminated. This can be a huge factor as to why you aren’t shedding extra weight even with a healthy diet and exercise. There is a variety of tell-tale symptoms of a stressed out liver, regardless of the degree of your symptoms, by taking holistic approaches and preventative steps you have the ability to improve your liver function and improve your quality of life (because you deserve to feel good). If you experience the following symptoms, don’t – there are some tips to follow for improving liver function which I encourage you to practice in your daily routine: Negative emotions Chronic fatigue Migraines/headaches behind the eyes Dull headaches improved with sleep Feeling drained/Lethargy/Brain fog Chronic, Muscle or Joint pain Difficulty digesting fats Excessive perspiration Allergies Removed gall bladder Diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, bloating, gas Skin conditions or acne Depression and anxiety Hormonal imbalances Chronic stinky breath Sudden weight gain Chemical sensitivities The health begins in the kitchen Eating a healthy diet and acquiring healthy lifestyle choices is vital for proper organ function. Eliminating processed foods from your diet and replacing them with healthy alternatives is a must. Avoid eating pre-packaged foods and try making your own meals at home in order to keep your liver healthy. Eating healthy doesn’t need to be complicated, focus on the following steps to get on the right track: Buy Organic and avoid GMO. Consume a balanced diet which consists of whole foods, high-quality animal and plant proteins, sprouted ancient grains, fermented foods, healing fats, raw nuts and seeds. Eliminate inflammatory oils such as canola, corn, soybean, vegetable oil, cottonseed, safflower, sunflower. Drink enough pure water. If you take your weight in pounds and divide it in half, this is the amount of water you should be drinking in ounces (150lbs = 75oz). Source out your best pure accessible water, whether it be reverse osmosis (remineralized) or self-harvested spring water. Increase consumption of healthy healing fats such as coconut oil, sustainable red palm oil, ghee, grass-fed butter, avocado, hemp. Get in enough fiber. 35g daily minimum coming from whole food sources such as chia seeds, artichokes, golden flax seeds, avocado, broccoli and brussels sprouts. Eliminate refined sugars: brown/white sugar, cane sugar, cane juice, cane juice crystals, beet sugar. Restrict fructose consumption to 20g – 25g per day. agave, glucose-fructose (high fructose corn syrup), high glycemic/fructose fruits Increase leafy green vegetable consumption as they are high in magnesium, folate, vitamin C and B-vitamins. Include animal-based and plant-based sources for amino acids (bone broth, collagen, pasture-raised chicken & eggs, raw spinach, parsley, cabbage, beets). Focus on food sources of sulfur (pasture-raised eggs, broccoli, brussels sprouts, garlic, onions, asparagus, kale). Limit or eliminate alcohol. If you are experiencing 3 or more of the above symptoms find a healthy replacement for this (toxic) habit, such as grape kombucha. The powerful threesome for the liver 1.Globe Artichoke Globe artichoke comes from the thistle family and it is excellent for protecting the liver and improving its function. Moreover, it increases bile production and reduces the LDL cholesterol. Artichokes contain more oxidants than broccoli, asparagus, and raw garlic even when cooked. 2.Turmeric Turmeric’s active ingredients, curcumin has a number of benefits. It protects the liver from damage and also regenerates damaged liver cells thanks to its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Turmeric should be paired with black pepper and healthy fats for optimal absorption. 3.Milk thistle Milk thistle is hands down the best food for your liver. It contains silymarin, a compound with powerful anti-fibrotic, antiviral, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that will protect your liver from damage. Consume milk thistle in liquid form or find a supplement.   If you enjoyed this post, I’d be very grateful if you’d help it spread sharing it on Pinterest. Thank you! Read the full article
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