#a crush any thoughts he had abt annabeth vs rachel were merely his own. like rachel was not putting herself against annabeth
understandably-odd · 4 months
i feel like rachel dare is hated a lot because she “gets in the way of percabeth.” but in reality she was just a fifteen year old girl who liked a guy. like she was never an anti-annabeth or willfully stopping percy from being with annabeth (in fact she actually does encourage percy to go after annabeth). she, similar to calypso, just fell for percy, understood he did not reciprocate her feelings, and let him go. and that’s not even the whole of her story! like so much of what is said about rachel is just relating to percy, but she herself is such a cool character. like she led percy and annabeth through the labyrinth, something that nobody else was able to navigate. she hit kronos in the eye with a hairbrush, and though she didn’t know who he was at first, she knew he was dangerous. she literally became the oracle! like rachel dare is such a cool, incredible character and she is always watered down to an obstacle in the percabeth relationship, which she never was.
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