#a shadow in riverclan was so good btw
I swear, the amount of people I've seen defend Tigerstar is incredibly uncomfortable! So what if RiverClan attacked first? So what if he's not being violent compared to the first Tigerstar (never mind that he literally threatened them with death before they finally submitted)? The literal definition of a conquest is to invade and subjugate land, some even being more peaceful and subtle than others! I've also noticed that a lot of people doing this are also Nightheart haters, and speaking as someone who isn't a big fan of him, either, this is just embarrassing!
I personally think that being Nightheart haters is probably just coincidence since most people do seem to hate him lol, I’ve seen plenty of people that hate him that also hate Tigerheartstar.
But yeah I really don’t understand how this can be justified. Yes Tigerstar is correct in that RiverClan needs help - but this isn’t help. This is forcibly taking away their right to be independent despite fierce protest against such a measure. If anything this is making things worse. How do you expect RiverClan to sort themselves out and appoint a leader while they’re having to deal with the stress and trying to resist a forceful rule? They only gave up the fight when beaten so much they couldn’t go on without cats dying - a measure Tigerstar was willing to go forward with.
Colonial history is smeared with the whole “it’s for your own good” excuse from the colonisers, I just can’t get my head around as to why people defend Tigerstar’s actions as a good thing when I feel clearly the Erins are taking inspiration from dark points in history for this plot line, it’s hard not to see the similarities imo.
Whatever Tigerstar’s intentions (which are debatable at best), the way he has done about executing those intentions is undeniably wrong. Even if we’re looking at just a vacuum within the warrior cats universe, this is going directly against the warrior code. Rule 2 (the code is in priority order now btw) of the new warrior code which has only been instated weeks prior by StarClan themselves reads “Nevertheless, each Clan is proud and independent, with traditions that must always be respected.” What part of this takeover is adhering to that?
I really hope there still aren’t people defending him over this after Shadow is released.
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yuridovewing · 6 months
A Shadow In RiverClan Diagnosis: C
Very pretty comic, Barry's art is absolutely gorgeous in this one. He did a great job with the backgrounds and the coloring, and I really love Feathertail's design here. It all looks really nice. I also like how Feathertail's PTSD is represented, she's resentful and cold to her clanmates and she has every right to be, yet doing so is still harming her. She makes reckless decisions and only serves to make her situation worse. That's a really compelling internal conflict for her to reconcile with. I found a lot of her struggles really relatable because I've also isolated myself and resented people who enabled my abuse. It honestly felt really freeing to see Feathertail cope with her feelings and begin to reach out to others again by the end of the book.
The problem is the everything else. This doesn't feel like a satisfying Feathertail story, and it just passes as a Stormfur one. Leopardstar being uwu so sorry is annoying, I think it's good that she apologized to Feathertail and Stormfur and I agree with the writing that it was a good thing to do for Feathertail's arc... but Feathertail shouldn't have to forgive her. She can move on, open up again, but she can do that without forgiving the one who had Stonefur executed in front of her. Also wow she's just as xenophobic to ThunderClan as the rest of RiverClan now... what fantastic character development. And it's so awkward with what we know from TNP, where she dates Crowpaw and sacrifices herself for the Tribe and stays in their afterlife instead of StarClan. I don't think reconciling with RiverClan was the correct option for this story specifically in the grand scheme of things.
Sasha deserved better too. It feels bad that Feathertail reconciled with Leopardstar but not Sasha. I can understand Feathertail being upset about Hawk and Moth being TIgerstar's children, and Sasha not immediately saying what the situation was, but its weird how she never ever recognizes that Sasha was a victim, just like she was. FFS, Sasha literally says she ran away before Tigerstar learned she was expecting his halfclan kits, and Feathertail is STILL like "muh muh muh you bastard i cant believe you love that guy". it's a shame, cause they're both not the "perfect victims" that the media likes to portray. Sasha still loves her abuser and misses him and wanted better for him even though he would never do the same for her, because he'd broken her down so much that she only wants his validation. Feathertail hates her leader for ordering her death and is scared of her clanmates for egging her on, and does not forgive them for a very long time. It makes sense! I always like to see different depictions of trauma. But there's just a lack of sympathy to Sasha that I don't like.
This is also just a nitpick btw, and not exclusive to this book, but why have Oakheart tell her the prophecy and not Crookedstar, the cat she actually knew and had a good relationship with? She'd absolutely listen to him so I don't get what the deal was. Even if Crookedstar wasn't a huge character when they wrote that plot point, neither was Deadfoot. I dunno, it's weird.
Anyways. I'm just gonna be looking at this for spare parts for my au. I won't lie, I'm pretty sure this is alongside Leopardstar's Honor squarely in the "not canon" category. Which is a shame, cause there's stuff I like, but it just doesn't make a lot of sense.
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bramblefake · 4 years
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