#absolutely insane that Barry was like 'we gotta do this slowly so that they don't freak out' and introduced Wally over like a month
I like how Ace and Avery got introduced to Wally slowly. Like putting fish in a new aquarium, they had to make sure they wouldn't go into shock or get territorial. So Barry introduced them to Wally in slow increments before eventually, when they bonded with him, telling them who he was.
And then Ace and Avery got slam dunked into a pond with Bart, Jay, Max and Jesse in the span of an hour with zero introductions. Just WHAM! Here's Bart, your cousin from the future! KABOW! Here's Jay, the first Flash! BANG! Here's Jesse of the Quick legacy! BOOM! Here's Max, the Zen Master of Speed!! KAZAM! Here's Wally's twin children that are suddenly alive again!!
Their Flash legacy knowledge before that day was just Barry's origin and the fact that Wally existed. And then, while fighting Eobard Thawne, they were thrown into time travel, golden aged heroes, other speedster legacies and the entirety of Wally's Flash family. And Iris was just like "Oh yeah no, it's chill, they're family don't worry about it."
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