#ahahaaaa eclair used to be a stroppy child
For the salty asks, 6, 9, and 21 (what are some of them?) please?
Ooohh thanks! Here we go! Some of these are a little embarrassing to admit lmao
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
Aaahhhhhhh this one is really embarrassing and I’m really ashamed to admit this- (I now love this ship by the way)
I used to hate Ryushot...well, not hate, but more like. It made me feel weird?? When I saw it?? I actually really liked the ship, because well y’know a dragon and a ninja is awesome, but I just felt really >:( every time I saw it 😂
And well actually it was following and seeing @ana-list’s absolutely amazing Edgeshot and Ryushot art that made me really like it- like...woah, beautiful....(I love their art so much it’s one of the things that actually made me feel confident to post my Edgeshot and Edgejeanist stuff actually ily 🥰) so yeah ahaha I actually forgot about my previous grumpiness towards this ship...😬
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Ahahaa funny story, I used to dislike Hawks (for manga matters I will not elaborate on rn, but then I read the actual manga and realised that it wasn’t as I thought-) for basically no reason...now I absolutely love him, he’s my favourite little chicken son.
Other than that, I don’t really know? We have obvious ones like Mineta and Endeavour (as much as I like writing him in my stuff for the top 5 he’s still a really crappy guy) but I dunno? I don’t really think about the main characters enough to dislike them, I like most of the characters anyway, but my focus is always on like the same 5 or 6 background characters and I don’t think that makes me think about who I dislike ahaha
21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?
Oh I do like crack ships they’re fantastic- I don’t have any personal ones...? I don’t think? But honestly, things like random jumbles of heroes and teachers just mismatched and shoved together in the weirdest ways possible? That’s hilarious to me.
...although...I’ve mentioned this before, and this may be the best place to put this? I dunno whether you’d class it as a crack ship or not (probably, I think I would actually) but Ryukyu and Uwabami?? I absolutely love it..so much...and I have no clue where it came from. But my brain loves the idea of beautiful dragon lady freaking out over sexy snake lady... and I have loads of headcanons for it too ahaha it’s so weird, because it just popped into my head one day with absolutely no prompt whatsoever and I’ve just kinda rolled with it.
Thank you for asking @ohpleaseiwillendyou! I do like answering things like this, though I forgot how embarrassing and grumpy I used to be- yikes.
~Eclair ❤️
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