#air wubbox is baby
Pls draw Air Wubbox (aka my fave) thank you!
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Is going to give u hugs ☝🏻☝🏻
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crypticsketchpad · 1 year
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ok u know what. *organics your robots*
spec bio wubbox concepts because why not! lore and rambling under the cut:
The Wubbox is an ancient species of monster dating back to the Dawn of Fire. Presumed to be extinct post-cataclysm, several caves full of dormant eggs have been found in the present day, and the species has once again become widespread in monster society. Loud, powerful, and somewhat territorial, they served as guardians of pre-contemporary monster tribes, and were regarded as gifts from the Celestials.
pic explanations
1. sketch of an adult wubbox, with different textures/components labeled. they are mostly covered in armor-like scales that are shed periodically; these can be replaced/upgraded by artificial parts, and are often repurposed into armor and instruments by other monsters.
2. sketch of a wubbox hatchling + notes:
- Baby teeth are sparse but very sharp, can and will eat almost anything (young wubboxes are notoriously ravenous, which lead to the myth that they eat other monsters)
- Protective cap over chest “speaker” (see image 4), falls off after a few weeks
- Long, fluffy fur for retaining warmth
- Simple armor plates that are shed several times while growing; initial set is made of eggshell parts that fuse onto the hatchling’s body
- Bioluminescent markings do not appear until adulthood
3. “blushing” wubbox; when flustered, their under-eye plates retract slightly, exposing patches of fur on their cheeks. these patches, like the rest of their fur, is bioluminescent, and is similar in texture to fiber optic lights
4. rough respiratory system diagram. they have very large lungs with a sort of dual output system; when speaking or “singing”, air passes through their larynx and into a hollow cavity in their chest covered by an eardrum-like membrane that functions like a speaker. this amplifies their voice and creates their signature booming roars.
5. side view of a wubbox’s head + skull concept. their mouths are full of large, flat teeth, with a diet consisting of vegetation and processed foods. 
6. earth epic concept. in this scenario, “epic” wubboxes are the result of eggs being stored in certain environments for prolonged periods of time and developing specific adaptations for said environments; for example, an earth epic would be created by keeping an egg buried in volcanic ash, in/near magma, or just in a high temperature environment.
an earth epic’s horns are hollow tubes developed from their eye plates, which grow out to cover their nostrils completely; these horns are the output of a built-in air purification function in its respiratory system that filters the ash and smoke it breathes in and ejects the contaminants in mist clouds.
7. air epic concept + notes
- Large eyes and angled under-eye plates
- Wingtips are notched like an eagle’s (air epics are very fast and agile fliers, being smaller and more lightweight than others of their species)
- “Nostrils”/air output valves on their wrists; purpose unknown (these are mainly used to emit train whistle-like shrieks for communication, but why they exist is a mystery)
- Body armor plates are replaced by smaller, feather-like scales
8. lol bald eagle
extra note bc i haven’t designed the rare versions yet: “rare” wubboxes are the result of experimentation on a common individual in an effort to “improve” the species for the modern age; all current rares are clones of the first successful specimen
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enderguardiangt · 1 year
Part 1/?
Age: 19
Species: Human
Pronouns: They/Them
They are a self insert character that I use for many fandoms.
Is 5'2
Age: ±1000
Species: Attmoz
Pronouns: He/Him
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He's pretty chill, likes to rock-out on the air guitar. He's around 6'7 (As his younger self, his older form is much bigger. Because Celestials are Godly beings, they deserve to be big.)
Age: 20
Species: Werdo (Stoowarb)
Pronouns: He/Him
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He is a Himbo. Nothing more, nothing less. Not so bright in the head, but his intentions are pure. Just an inch taller than Arthur (6'8).
(All Wubboxes are ±1000)
Species: Wubbox (Epic Air)
Pronouns: He/Him
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Big baby, pleas pat snoot. Lots of energy. Big boi, 10m.
Species: Wubbox (Common)
Pronouns: They/Them
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Another bby, plz protecc. Loves cuddles. Taller than normal Wubbs, is 5m tall.
(Canon Wubbox is 4m/13.1ft tall)
Species: Wubbox (Rare)
Pronouns: He/Him
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Little shit. Likes to bully, not the harmful type of bullying though, just very annoying. Likes to challenge Titan, but loses every time (I wonder why~). Taller than Chrysos, 5.2m.
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What this (it's safe but loud Wubbox warning /srs)
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