welcomeplanet · 1 month
Vitamina D em excesso aumenta o cálculo renal, alertam médicos
A vitamina D é essencial à saúde. Na pandemia, em razão da reclusão, houve aumento no consumo da substância, segundo dados da Associação dos Laboratórios Farmacêuticos Nacionais (Alanac). À época, o crescimento foi de 60% entre abril de 2020 e de 2021. A pandemia passou, no entanto, a procura nas farmácias por vitamina D continua e preocupa médicos, que alertam para os perigos da ingestão em…
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Farmacêuticas e drogarias sobem pressão contra ICMS, que vai elevar preço de remédio
(FOLHAPRESS) – Cresceu a pressão do setor farmacêutico para tentar combater o aumento do ICMS dos medicamentos, que deve impulsionar o preço dos produtos neste ano, prejudicando as vendas. Além do Sindusfarma (sindicato das grandes farmacêuticas), que enviou ofício a 12 secretarias de Fazenda pedindo para não subir as alíquotas do tributo, a PróGenéricos (dos fabricantes de genéricos) e a Alanac…
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laana-c-blog · 7 years
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atticusm · 4 years
closed starter    /    @alanacs​ location:    atticus’ house
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eyes stare up at the ceiling as he lounges back on the couch with guitar in hand, feet laying across the coffee table and crossed at his ankles ─ being careful not to knock his second glass of wine, of course. it’s become a new norm for atticus to finish up at work and have a glass or two of wine or some tequila and ice; it’s become a new norm for him to sit and wallow in his own thoughts for far longer than he’d like. why does he have to be so confused? why does he still feel the pull towards alana even despite her ‘ cutting the tie ’ between them? she left him. that should be that, but it’s not. it’s not cut and they continue to play this game with one another and he continues to long for her. it doesn’t help there’s parts of her lingering around his house ─ her toothbrush, hair ties, some socks, and he’s sure he saw a pair of her jeans neatly folded in his drawer. he’s half tempted to throw it all away to rid himself any memory of her like the petty man he is, yet there’s something inside of him that just ... can’t let her go. 
atticus’ playing his guitar without much thought, simply fiddling around when a knock at the door breaks him from his trance. he’s not expecting anyone, not at this hour, though it could be his mother, or brother; god help his father if he decided to show up in town unannounced. as he rises from his place and rests the instrument on the lounge, atticus makes his way to the front door with confusion knitting his brows in. who he finds on the other side of the door leaves him shellshocked ─ alana. she really is the last person he thought would be standing on his front porch and he’s left standing in his own doorway speechless, bewilderment still evident though his features begin to soften upon seeing her. yet, he manages to mutter out a barely audible “ alana. ”
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corleoneisms · 3 years
(  closed  starter   :   @alanacs​   )
hearing the doorbell , she shakes her head to her house keeper ❛ va bene, ho capito. Ti ho detto di togliermi il resto della serata di riposo, mi hai aiutato abbastanza. ❜ she reassured the older lady and as she disappears she makes her way to the door greeting her cousin ❛ I thought you weren’t going to make it . ❜ closing the door , she leads them into the middle of her table where everything was already set ❛ surprise ! ❜
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jude-ellison · 3 years
Agate: What or who will your muse protect with their life?
“Of course, my family and friends --- @daniclmoon, @mikemoon, @matrodriguez, @itsfletchers, @mapledvale, @kassldyruocco, @jvr-h, @hedgedroses, @thehudsonx, @cassiehqs (cassie + eden), @brandonmurphys --- and my bandmates @ncpnthe (todd) + @cfrelthompson --- and the families that I babysit for --- @hcldenalexcnder + @mrliamstxuart ---- and @notauroraborealis, she’s a fighter and doesn’t need my protection but I’ll still always be looking out for her. The truth is, I’ll protect anyone with my life. To be alive is the most precious thing we have. And even if I’m not close with them, someone out there needs that person to be okay. So I’ll protect everyone. I know what it’s like to feel like no one can possibly understand or is there for you, so I’ll fight ‘till my last breath to make sure no one I know feels that way. Even @alanacs, though I’d be afraid of her biting me the entire time.”
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oflanes · 4 years
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written on the back of a sunrise diner receipt snd tucked between the pages of a seven - year - old day planner.
mentions : @penabrams, @hatlvs, @alanacs, @kassldyruocco, & @cdriens
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daniclmoon · 3 years
closed starter for @alanacs​ | location: Mapleview’s park
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Daniel was left haunted ever since his last encounter with Alana. Overthinking what he could have done better, what he shouldn’t have done... and wishing he hadn’t turned into an asshole right at the end causing her more tears, once more. It was true that Alana knew how to push his buttons, but Daniel wished he had been more patient. After leaving her without a real explanation, even if he was convinced he was doing the right thing, that was how he showed up to act 8 months later? After barely getting any sleep, again, over her: he had the courage to text her, not expecting he’d succeed. Never in a million years Daniel thought she’d accept to meet him again. He never thought he’d be anxiously waiting at a small town park, her hometown, with a letter and a bouquet of flowers beside. Both filled with apologies and regrets. He was convinced he’d just make a fool out of himself, but he had to give it a try. Get some closure. Do all the explaining he was too coward to do the first time, back in March.  
Daniel knew he had lost her forever, he had slowly began to accept that, it was a common talk in therapy. And he’d learn to live with that. But he wished there was a way to make her stop hurting over him. A silly thought. But it was worth a try. His heart skipped a beat when he spotted her figure in a corner, making her way to him. He hadn’t been this nervous about seeing her since... well, their first dates. In his heart it was 2017 all over again. And it was bittersweet at best. He immediately stood from the bench he was sitting at. Attempting to hide with his body the bouquet and the letter laying behind him. A shy, nervous smile curved his lips. “Alana, hey...” he let out, almost breathlessly as she stood in front of him again, looking as effortlessly beautiful as ever. Knowing he wasn’t really ready to face the pain in her eyes again but that he had to. 
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penabrams · 4 years
who are your favorite people in mapleview?
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my  favorite  people  ??  i  gotta  say  my  dad  (  @abramsrobin  )  ,  my  boyfriend  (  @oflanes  )  .  then  @noahbishops  ,  @alanacs  ,  @madisonfms  and  can’t  forget  @hatlvs  .
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mikemoon-archive · 4 years
what do you miss the most about alana?
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“who the fuck is alana?” ( @alanacs )
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linkoln · 4 years
LOCATION: fair lane, in the neighborhood TIME: mid afternoon AVAILABILITY: closed, @alanacs
               LINCOLN HAD NO OTHER REASON FOR BEING IN FAIR LANE other than the fact that he saw a flyer for an open house on his way back from the convenience store. the picture that was advertised making it seem like a mansion — but then again, anything that was more than three bedrooms was considered a luxury in link’s book. and this house? it had four, plus three baths. so putting his boredom to good use, he drove on over to the shiny part of town and parked about a block away from where the open house was supposed to be held. moseying his way along the sidewalk with a tangled set of headphones in his ears, quietly bopping to the song that was playing as he looked at the flyer again. and when he peered up to see if he was headed in the right direction and wound up seeing a familiar face, it was like a lightbulb went off in his head. because link was always filled with bright ideas. “ lana, lana, lana, just the girl i wanted to see, “ he schmoozed, meeting her halfway. “ got any plans? or is now a good time to ask you to be my fake fiance so i have an excuse to tour this open house? “ and he showed her the advertisement. 
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hatlvs · 4 years
𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗗  𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗧𝗘𝗥  𝗙𝗢𝗥:  @alanacs. 𝗟𝗢𝗖𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡:  𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗻  𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘁,  𝗼𝗹𝗱  𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗺𝗲𝘀  𝗳𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝘆  𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗲.
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     TURNS  OUT  PEOPLE  ASK  QUESTIONS  when  there’s  a  big  load  of  gasoline  involved,  but  the  same  suspicion  isn’t  met  with  a  baseball  bat.  atlas  and  alana  stare  at  the  building  in  front  of  them  in  the  dark  of  night,  though  the  vision  that  meets  them  is  probably  not  the  same.  where  alana  likely  sees  a  house,  atlas  sees  a  prison,  an  abandoned  cage  —  he  feels  small  again,  lamb  to  the  slaughter,  all  of  that.
     but  atlas  is  not  a  victim  anymore.  actually,  he’s  been  a  survivor  for  too  long.  it’s  time  to  fight  back.
     «  let’s  break  in,  »  he  announces  without  hesitation,  and  before  alana  has  time  to  respond,  atlas  is  already  striding  over  to  what  used  to  be  the  living  room  window  —  and  smashing  it  up  into  a  thousand  sharp  bits.
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finclinc · 4 years
ALANACS​:    /    alana bishop.
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              “  but of course i care , i have my moments ,  “  the blonde quickly replied , truly trying her best not to laugh although her  bright  smile said it all  ;  she truly was relishing in someone else’s misfortune.  there might’ve been a moment that she genuinely felt bad for going after a woman who t r u l y   hadn’t done anything wrong  (  other than dressing up like someone working at hooters ) , but it was replaced by a sensation of her finally not feeling …                  jealous .  shit , was she really ?  his downright assumption of it made her stop dead in her tracks just when she was about to reach the balcony to look at him , both shock  &  shame written over her face as she tried to process his words.  “  w-what  - i’m not jealous of - of her  !  why the hell would i be - “  she tried to defend herself , but it wasn’t often she was caught off guard by someone a c t u a l l y  seeing right through her bullshit.   with the words failing her in the worst possible moment , she let out a loud scoff , pushing the male instinctively to give herself more space , suddenly feeling  trapped .  “ oh , fuck off ! “  she spat , her index finger raising up to jab the air between them.  “ i am not jealous , “
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ding ding ding! atticus’ hit the jackpot. the way alana comes to a halt and the look of pure disturbance upon her face is a dead give away that he’s hit a nerve, and that she is in fact jealous. satisfaction creeps onto his face in the form of a sadistic grin while she stammers over her words, and he’s quick to bite back. “ not jealous of her my ass. ” truth be told, atticus is half expecting the shove when it comes although he still stumbles back a little.
“ you may be able to convince yourself that you’re not, but you can’t convince me. ” if he ends up being wrong about her jealousy, than this is all a mind game ─ a trick to get inside her head and get back at her. alana’s actions and defensive behaviour, however, can only be a result of jealousy; it has to be. he steps forward, closer to her and the chill in the night air is hardly felt against his warm cheeks. he’s worked up, concerning himself with the disagreement they’ve found themselves in for the second time in a short period of time. “ just look at how defensive you got. if that’s not an act of a jealous snake in denial, then i don’t know what is. if i didn’t know any better i’d say that you still want me. ”
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laana-c-blog · 7 years
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Cherry Bomb.
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atticusm · 4 years
fmk: alana bishop, zoey cohen, aurora levi
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“ fuck: zoey. marry: rory. i’m sorry, who’s the last person? ” @alanacs @zoeycohen @notauroraborealis 
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romeoisms · 4 years
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“what the fuck.” romeo chuckles, hand placed on the blonde’s waist as he guides her. god, he is horrible at ball room dancing though he knew a failed attempt is an attempt nevertheless. “besides this horrible dance, and again, i profusely apologize for stepping on your toes. how’s your night going? haven’t seen much of you so that means it has to be good, right?” @alanacs​
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