#also dont mind any spelling errors or unfinished sentences its 2 am
carnalhaus · 4 years
Infodump abt your proxy oc PLEASE
y’all r really abt to make me act up 😳😳😳 watch out ur gonna make me ramble about all my ocs and ur gonna have to sit thru all of it
but fr when people genuinely want to hear about my ocs my heart flutters, like i can’t fathom people actually liking my creations lmao (especially since i’m dramatic and put a piece of myself into each one) so thank u ❤️❤️ i’m not gonna go into everything rn but i will go on and on about random details, so without further ado here’s me infodumping about my proxy oc
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her name is recess hill !! yes that’s her real name and it’s on her birth certificate, her first name is recess and her last name is hill (her middle name is genevieve !!)
her “code name” or “proxy name” is tagalong. it started out as a nickname but it just stuck.
she’s about 19 ? probably a little older at this point, but she was 19 when she went missing aka she became a proxy
she’s pretty quiet and mild mannered, but she always has a really intense expression. she’s usually pretty nervous, and gets jumpy when you do something like call her name, you always have to verbally let her know that she’s not in trouble. she’s trying to get better with it, considering she’s not held down by her mother anymore, but progress is slow sometimes. overall she’s a pretty sweet girl, just shy.
something special about her though is her unbreakable resilience, growing up the way she did leaves way for a lot of pent up anger, so even though she doesn’t show it often, she’s extremely stubborn and absolutely refuses to give up (that’s literally the sole reason she was chosen in the first place)
she’s very socially awkward but you can tell she’s doing her best, she usually comes off as overbearing because she tries so hard, but she loosens up a lot more once she realizes you’re being patient with her
she has tourettes !! yes that is absolutely me projecting, i felt lonely with toby being the only character i’ve seen that has traits like me, so i decided hey, what’s the harm in giving recess a little spice ??? she mostly has vocal tics where she says a word in a high pitched voice and sorta buffers. whenever she does it, she shakes her head to the side violently a few times and sometimes shoots out an arm or a leg. she gets a lot of neck pain from it but otherwise it doesn’t inhibit her or anything.
she doesn’t listen to girl in red but she DOES listen to bikini kill ... iykyk
her main weapons are a shotgun and a pistol. considering she was taught to shoot at a young age, she actually has pretty good aim. that doesn’t mean she likes shooting though, she would prefer not to hurt people but you gotta do what you gotta do when you’re being harassed by an unfathomable godless entity.
yes she’s part of the boys group. it’s not a romantic thing, it’s a familial dynamic. she’s the baby as well, so they’re kinda mother hens with her. well tim and brian at least, toby is more like her doting brother. with them she’s actually learned how to cut loose. (they found out she didn’t do normal kid things like rollerskate, trespass, have sleepovers, or watch cartoons, and they’ve been dedicated to helping her live a little ever since)
speaking of which, her “role” is to basically act as a vessel for the operators messages in a way. she’s the one that kind of puts orders into words. she gets these visions where her whole body goes rigid, her nose gushes blood, and her right eye flickers upwards. it’s scary for her and it’s scary to watch, but she’s not physically harmed much. she does get nightmares frequently because of it though, plus a lil dizziness from blood loss. she isn’t the strongest or the smartest, but she’s able to endure the mental toll that comes with experiencing those vivid visions, thus why she’s important.
she was raised in the middle of nowhere in the midwest by her conservative god-fearing mother in a little white house on a farm, she was homeschooled her whole life and was pretty sheltered
she had like one friend which is a girl who lived down the street named thea, thea’s dad was really sweet to her, he taught her how to play guitar, shoot a gun, fix a car, etc. since her mom wouldn’t let her (she thought that kinda stuff was too manly) and he’s the one who initially lighted that spark of rebelliousness in her
because of her mom, she only really owns dresses and skirts. she was taught that women should only wear skirts and all that bullshit, but even after she was freed from her mother, she kept wearing them. she felt that she shouldn’t wear skirts because she’s a girl, but because they make her comfortable. though when she doesn’t wear dresses, she wears baggy men’s clothing. it’s cozy and easy to find.
she rlly likes riot grrrl and punk rock type music, it was the only kind of music she was exposed to besides country. she wanted to be a lead guitarist and singer in a band one day when she was a kid.
her whole aesthetic is very heavily related to the kinderwhore style. i chose it for her bc kinderwhore basically represents taking the feminine good-girl aesthetic (something that tends to constrain a lot of women), and turning it into something to be empowered by. something that stood out to me while i was researching was the fact that these kinderwhore girls were described as confident, gruff, abrasive, loud-mouthed, and strong while they were performing on stage despite their feminine appearance. i felt like it fit her bc femininity is something that’s always loomed over her bc of her mother’s influence, so taking that aspect and subverting it is something that would help her grow more as a person (plus it just resonated with me personally bc i like being an angry woman lol)
if you want her general vibes, just look at 90’s kathleen hanna, courtney love, and kat bjelland, with a modern hint of nicole dollanganger
her entire concept is basically supposed to embody my personal struggle with womanhood. as a kid i was one of those girls that always hung out with boys, picked up worms, threw sticks at people, collected cicada shells, ran around in the woods, scraped my knees, etc, but i was also really girly. as i grew up, i was taught it wasn’t right for me to be dressing so feminine when i was so ornery and rowdy. as a result, i repressed that femininity. again, as i got older and learned from older women i knew, i figured out that nobody fucking cares, and i shouldn’t either. femininity shouldn’t be defined by gentleness and submissiveness, femininity can be whatever the fuck i want it to be. i wanted to channel all of that into recess, and use her to express a special part of myself while also throwing her into a fandom i love to bits.
in summary: midwestern farm girl turned gunslinging proxy in a vintage babydoll dress
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