#also remembering the tragedy of aaron dingle
eleonkraken · 1 month
honestly the worst part about getting invested in tv shows is when you fall in love with one character but not their popular love interest
so there's practically no transformative content you can engage with
i mean, in some fandoms there's still a lot because there's an alternative love interest. But when there isn't?? I just want to read about this guy (gn) healing from trauma and nobody wants to contribute!!
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burgundy-and-navy · 2 years
callum deserves his aaron dingle moment
Here's the thing I'm looking forward to a ballum reunion. Admittedly I have some fears about it, but for the most part I don't care. Ben finally gets to go home. Callum gets his family back. I'm perfectly fine with the reunion also being lowkey. I think after everything something small and quiet and soft would be really nice. I don't need a special episode, but the one thing I think the show needs to do have callum show some self-awareness and this is where emmerdale comes into it.
I love the big robron reunion episode. I love everything at the club, Robert getting to say that Aaron really hurt him by leaving and have those feelings be treated as valid, and I love a good monologue. I don't think ballum needs all these things. But one of the moments that I really love in the ed episode, and i think ee could learn from, is when Aaron took accountability for his actions, both before and during the break up. I mean I was near cheering when I saw that. Because just like with ballum that break up was ultimately the fault of both characters. And I don't just love it because of the reunion, I love it as a moment of growth. Aaron recognises that he can't just blame Robert or Rebecca for the break down of his marriage. It's him being reflective and working to be better. It is a massive character moment irrespective of the relationship and callum deserves that too.
Because like Callum, Aaron fully scapegoated Robert during their break up. Everything was Robert's fault even though, pre-Rebecca especially, Aaron's behavior directly contribute to their relationship falling apart. He attacked a dude and ended up in prison and still wholly blamed Robert for that. It got to the point where it was frustrating to watch. It didn't mean I didn't like the character or didn't find his actions understandable, that's the tragedy of that era. But even after the break up, as time went on, I found Aaron to be cruel at times and that's with the knowledge that Robert did actually cheat. I mean I love the final scene of christmas 2017, genuinely my fav ed scene, but part of me just cringes when Aaron does his 'i am moving on and that might not be with alex but at least it won't be with you' bit, cause its kicking a man when he was already down.
I think its slightly worse for Callum, because his martial failures are simultanously way more noticable (i mean going get over your ptsd or i'll divorce, or ignoring ben breakdown over the poster -yelling im scared while hitting yourself in the head are not the behaviors of someone who is well- are just horrible things to do, and if it was any other character but especially ben there would be ten thousand think pieces about how it's emotionally abusive) but seemingly forgotten about, and personally that's spoiling things a little for me. Like with today's line about I know when you're struggling, part of me was like 'aw that's lovely' and then the part was bitterly going 'do you now Callum, cause I distinctly remember the several months when you either didn't notice or didn't care.' And that is pre-Lewis. Selfishly, just a line were Callum accepts some fault would just make me enjoy things a bit more.
I like callum, I really do, but when ee leans in to this saint callum thing all it does is piss me off, cause guess what this year callum has treated ben way worse then ben treated callum. And by not acknowledging that they're doing a massive disservice to the character. The reason he can feel flat at times isn't because he's treated like just ben's husband, it's because he's treated like he's without sin, even when he is clearly in the wrong. It's a soap opera. Characters are sinful. Characters in soaps are messy and make mistakes and struggle, but they also work to be better, and that's starts with taking accountability. That's what makes them meaningful. All it takes is just one line where he goes 'hey I was wrong too, but I'll try be better.' Let callum have his aaron dingle moment, he deserves it.
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scrapyardboyfriends · 5 years
Since I didn’t get a fun ‘you’re suddenly the new Emmerdale producer’ anon ask, I figured I’d just answer it on my own unprompted...cause why not.
So...If I was suddenly the Producer of Emmerdale, I would: 
- make them bring in two new multigenerational families, let one of them be a new farming family since the Bartons have been decimated. - give the storyliners a week to come up with and pitch me stories on how to make graham/Kim/Home Farm interesting and if they failed, I’d tell them to figure out how to scrap it all and bring in a new family. - I’d end this Joe story as soon as possible and make sure joe remained dead because I don’t see the point in trying to bring him back now after all this nonsense - I’d let Debbie go off for Charley’s maternity leave and when she came back give her a different kind of story. Let her start a new business or have a girlfriend. Give her a friend, let her be a support to someone else’s story in a meaningful way that isn’t about Sarah. Let her actually fail and not have ha magical fix and watch her dig herself out of a hole so we can root for her ala Bob. Something where she is forced to have a different expression on her face. - If Debbie wasn’t getting a girlfriend, I think I might give one of those new families a teenage lesbian or something. I think it’d be interesting to look at coming out in a younger generation. Might be fun if she befriended Liv too.  - Speaking of Liv, I’d definitely want to see her get to say the word Asexual, and in general let the women self identify on this show.  - In general, I’d give the teens more to do and more to do together - I’d give robron an interesting story of course, one that had A plot material and lasted at least 4-6 months - continue to build up the village feel. Give them some big events to come together for. Parties, weddings, tragedies, going against a new big business, a community theater thing. - in making Home Farm interesting again, there would be more events up at the house. Whoever lived there would mix with the rest of the village more. Probably in an antagonistic way. We’d actually get to see the business side of things up there. If it is Kim and James Tate. I’d have one be more antagonistic and one be more sympathetic. - more stuff for the Sharmas - For Vanity, I’d try and give them both lives outside of each other again. Get Vanessa back to work, let her be friends with Rhona again, talk to Tracy more. Get Charity out of the pub, give her a new fun business opportunity to sink her teeth into. Perhaps let her start a business with Jimmy, Nicola and Robert. Let her make some progress finally with Noah and let it stick. Once all that was established, I’d give Vanessa a bigger story to build her character up and give her more history. Bring in her mum and get into more of Vanessa’s backstory and let her mum clash with Charity or something. Lean into that natural conflict and let it fester for more than an episode. Doesn’t have to be a break up, just something that digs into who these characters are. - Sad to say, I’d probably kill Zak off just because I think it’d be interesting to see the Dingles deal with losing their patriarch. It could also give a reason for Belle to leave, only because no one ever seems to know what to do with her. Let her go off and travel or go to uni.  - Also, let Sam and Lydia have a wacky wedding that everyone is invited to. Let stuffed Steve be the ring bearer. Let Sam do birdcalls in his wedding speech.  - more work stories. Let’s see some smaller stories about their every day lives again. Let’s see the farm and more than just for dodgy tractor accidents. Let’s see the Vet’s, the factory, the salon, Tracy and Leyla’s new pizza business, the B&B - more of a focus on friendships that have long been forgotten and create new ones, stop having characters feel so isolated - more stories crossing over with each other even if it is just friends talking to each other about their plots and offering advice but also in bigger ways too. - more of a focus on family. Use those relationships that already exist. Let Robert interact with Vic more and Diane and Bernice. Let the Dingles remember that Aaron is one of them. Let other families besides the Dingles shine.  - more people gossiping.
oh and I’d also probably yell at the social media team and try and make them more consistent and professional. 
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