#also the obvious autism shows by both gus and hunter. and how amity and willow show several nd traits too. toh is an inherently nd show
goldiipond · 1 year
seriously im not exaggerating when i say that the moment when luz said “mom always tells me ‘mija, if you would just apply yourself’ but i AM applying myself!!” that was the most seen i’ve ever felt watching a show. she means so so much to me
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I’m in the ranting mood, these are the owl house characters I feel like are neurodivergent 🤭 also I’m not reading over this so if nothing makes sense, oh well
Luz (autism/adhd) - She’s obviously heavily nd coded, I’m pretty sure Dana even confirmed it. There have been multiple instances where she has stimmed. To the neurotypical eye, they would probably go unnoticed or they would just think she’s being a childish/energetic teenager. For example:
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That is very clearly her stimming. It’s not the first time she has done that either. Luz has stimmed many times throughout the show. Another thing that shows that she is nd is her interest for “the good witch azura” (same for amity but I’ll talk about that later). In the newest episode, “thanks to them”, you can see Luz’s interest grow over at least a few years. Most people don’t have an interest that lasts them years.. she decorated her whole room with things from her interest and she mentioned how she can read and write witchtongue in five different dialects. If that doesn’t scream ‘special interest’ to you, I don’t know what will. Luz is the character almost everyone knows about her neurodivergency so I’ll move onto the rest..
Amity (autism) - Surprisingly I haven’t seen that many people agree with this?? To me, amity is very clearly autistic. She stims as well but it’s not as noticeable as it is with luz. She fidgets with my clothes or her hands a lot and that’s an example of tactile stimming. For exampleeee:
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You can see her rubbing her hands in this, it’s possibly a way she’s self regulating because of the situation she’s in. Moving on, just like luz, “the good witch azura” is most likely her special interest. Neurodivergent people are known to attract people and the fact that they have the same interests is just a huge give away. And the way that they dressed up as azura and Hecate for Halloween just shows how they try bring their interests into everything. Amity also doesn’t understand social cues or jokes! When luz told her “I’m picking up what you’re putting down”, amity responded with “I’m not putting anything down”. She didn’t understand the figure of speech and took it literally, that’s a big thing that autistic people do.
Hunter (autism/adhd) - I’m gonna start with things from the newest episode. Everyone knows that wolves have got to be his special interest. It’s incredibly obvious. The way his eyes lit up when he spoke about them just shows how passionate he is about that topic. This part is more of a headcanon but I like to think that the shirt he made brings comfort to him and that’s why he continued to wear it. Anyway, just like amity, Hunter both fidgets with his hands. For example:
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It’s not that obvious but once again, this is considered tactile stimming. He also doesn’t understand social cues. Like when willow spoke about his “sick sky skills” then he proceeded to touch his forehead and say he didn’t feel sick. I’ve seen people say that it’s probably because he was sheltered in the emperors coven but I disagree, he just took it literally because of his autism :/ I also think that wild magic is a special interest for him.
I’m losing motivation so I’m just going to list the other characters I see as neurodivergent:
Eda - adhd Lilith - autism Edric - autism/adhd Alador - autism King - autism Collector - autism Gus - autism/adhd Willow - autism Raine - autism Camilla - autism Wittebane brothers - autism
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