#also you can pry recovering addict eskel out of my cold dead hands
lambden · 2 years
Three sentence fic:
Eskel and Jaskier
Florist/Bakery AU
“I took this job because it meant getting up early,” admits Eskel. “Before I was a baker, all I did was party— I’d usually still be out by the time I get up to make dough now. I needed a hard reset.”
Before Jaskier can commend him for his recovery or even inquire further, the baker leans onto the counter, towards him. From this close, Jaskier can see all the colours shot through his kind amber eyes, and smell the dough he’s been toiling over for the last few hours. Everything about the man is warm. Jaskier can’t help but lean in too, forgetting the bouquet in his hands, until—
“But you don’t strike me as a morning person,” the baker accuses, his smile twitching up in both corners. “So unless you really do have to hand-deliver fresh flowers every single morning to someone else down this road… is there a chance you’re just here to see me?”
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