#also. this is a collaborative effort. it's not one person's fault for the timeline. it is ✨ everybody ✨
irisbaggins · 5 months
This will contain spoilers, everyone!
(Edit: this was a preliminary attempt to think about timeline, so whilst I will let this stand, I'm not as happy with it as I'd like. This post discusses the one massive thing I overlooked, and is something I'm more confident in. So, regard this as like, an idea about mutation and magic, and not an actual analysis. It's an idea, a concept. Not proper analysis. Although, the idea of mutation and magic extending their lives has much potential. Just...this is not a Take Take, just an exploration)
On the topic of a timeline with Burrow's End, I think is a lot of interesting readings to approach it with. Due to this all being collaborative, timelines can be tricky to navigate, but also fun. Kenji's death is a little tricky, but Geoffrey and Tula's makes sense (at least to me). One of the ways in which it can, with regards to the kids, is the idea that they're slowly evolving to have longer lifespans. Specifically, in regards to Tula and Viola, they would be probably around the mid-life point, yet they act more like 30-40 instead of 50+. This, then, can be used to understand that their lives are slowly extending, where their life phases hit at different times than previous generations.
This is actually sort-of touched upon, with Tula's remark about "Old Big Walmer". In normal stoat terms, he would be much older than Tula, but as Aabria remarks, they're only a few litters apart, and they're not really that far apart in age. This little throw-away gag can, in fact, be the key to solve a little of the age puzzle. Had they been normal, un-evolved stoats, Walmer would've been much older than Tula. But, as they're slowly evolving and becoming much more like humans, they're also getting longer lives. What before may have felt like a decade in difference between two stoats several litters apart, now become less than half of that, maybe. Tula uses terms she grew up with, both to attempt to throw off her mother's attempts at meddling, and as a way to express her own distaste at the idea. Yet, they're not that far apart, she's only expressing ideas that she's heard from other, older stoats.
With this concept, therefore, I think that's what's going on with Lila and Jaysohn. The time of year they're in is slightly debatable, as we never got the actual month, but from Tula's knowledge, it was closer to winter at the start of the story. I suspect, if we're going to stretch the concept a little further (and depending on where the story takes place), we can say they're in the middle of Autumn, perhaps September-October if we're stretching it. Tula alludes to Geoffrey dying in Winter, either early or middle the season. In a rough estimation, if we're taking Aabria's narration of "knowing their dad only half their life" literally, the kids would be around 20 months, double that of normal stoat maturity. However, if we keep the idea of their lifespan being extended, that would extend the time between milestones as well. This could keep the kids still as kids, whilst also keeping to a somewhat coherent timeline.
It would also make sense why none of the others note this weird lack of maturity or age in the kids, because they themselves haven't noticed the change either. They're also having their lifetime extended, which makes it natural for them to not react all that much to such a change. The fact Lila and Jaysohn grew up so slow doesn't really matter, does it, when everything else is thrown into chaos with the death of Geoffrey and who's supposed to lead the Warren. Sure, the kids are being toddlers for way longer than previous generations, but that's just because Tula's fussing over them! (It could also be a symptom of Tula's magic leaking into her kids, extending their lives without anybody noticing. Food for thought)
It can also just be a trait with Ava's bloodline, stemming from the fact that we know she was born outside of the Red Warren, possibly having been exposed to different radiation. We don't know if the others came with Ava and her family, of came and joined them over time. It can also be from when Ava was hit with further radiation the day Kenji disappeared, and that has leaked into her family as well. They are, after all, not normal stoats, and there is so much radiation and magic going on within these stoats that it could be anything affecting them.
I suspect it's evolution and magic causing this trickery in age, meaning that they're all living for much longer than any natural stoat. They're evolving, becoming stronger, smarter. Of course they'll live longer.
It also implies that Ava might not be as old as she appears, but she has decided to be an old lady in her 60-70s, and she will make everyone believe she is closer to 100 just so they will underestimate her. Or let her get away with shenanigans. Nobody can call her out, after all, she's one of the oldest of them.
It does, however, mean for ten or more months, Tula has been a living undead. Half of her kids' life she has been something else. Viola saw Tula change, and thought it was only loss and motherhood that did that. But instead, it was Tula's own death that changed her whole worldview. Everything else affected it, yes, but her death was what tired her out as much as it did. She never got that peace, not that rest, that she longed for. She couldn't, not with her duty. Of course she feels like a fraud by giving Viola advice; hers cannot be compared to someone who's still alive.
It's just interesting to think about, how what may seem confusing at first, makes a little more sense when you take magic and radiation into consideration. Also how horrifying it must be to realise you age differently than your peers due to something in you making you different. Something making you more.
15 notes · View notes
poetryarewe-blog · 5 years
Episode 1 - Season 1 - META WARS
Hello, and welcome to Meta Wars. This terribly written and horribly campy episodic novel focuses on the users of a small portion of the internet. Do you like meta? Well, you should probably stop reading and go do something productive... you still here? Good! Well, let’s get into it, then. I do feel sorry for you because you’ll begin to experience the once in a lifetime literature that you’ll hopefully put down and put away very shortly. 
I didn’t bother formatting it from my Reddit posts because I’m a lazy bastard and hopefully- just maybe, you’ll forgive that. I’m warning you that this is an episodic novel written like an ode and is intended to be represented as a television show. I’ll let that sink in for a moment... Yeah, I know. 
Okay, enjoy and thank you. Please keep all hands and feet inside the viewfinder at all times. Any person will be lost at some point and will be discarded at the end of the ride. Have a nice day. 
(This “FanFic of Fans” is from an entirely seperate show that currently exists and you should go watch that.)
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#EPISODE 1 - Where Do We Begin / It's Starco! / The Visit
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*Where do we begin? Like an Ode we'll start with a long monologue from the author stating that he can't quite understand things. That he needs some plea for divine intervention to come down and grace the page, but we won't do that today.
Today we'll do something much more simple. Something that all can understand in the moments of these principles.
I'm going to tell you that someday these words will fall to no one and will be forgotten in time. This is fine. It's all meant to be. The love I've shown for a nice show, the posters that behold what's seen, the people that have come and gone from me. I've witnessed somethings and somethings I shouldn't have, but through the liars, and thieves, and grieving, bickering and trolling... A new world formed and in my mind it's as real as you can believe. A world where timelines clash and pocket dimensions shatter and weave what is read. Someday I hope it to be true for you all the same. Thank you. I love everything you've done for me.*
[What a miserable day](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0XEYrJkn0A), as I recollect, but you're not meant to know that. Hell, I'm not even meant to know that. This land, after all, is as mysterious as it is unforgiving. After so many years of debating and integrating, I don't remember much. 
"Jarco?" He pronounced in his Slavic accent. "It had been taken! Most of the Jarco kin were wiped clean by the storm or escaped and took refuge in the Tomar Kingdom... Rumors say that some Jarco refugees began to flood the gates of the City of Neutrality." His face went grave. "Some willingly lent themselves to the terrifying Starco." This man of legend, a leader among his infantry had been lead down a dark and convoluted path but now commanded his own army. Some feared, some taunted, but despite an indescribable reputation, most knew his name: Terepin.
The wooden room of the ship was muggy and the mood of the captain's room embodied this embattled setting.
At this point, his men were weak, tired, weary; most were hired from Terepin's own pocket, but his care for treasure was always a novelty. There was nothing worth more than vengeance. His mind was always wandering back to revenge- since a slew of downvotes laid waste to his wife, downvotes that a wandering Starco fleet had unjustly handed, as is the story of many posters.
"You do realize we're running out of time, Tere. It isn't on our side." The room fell silent as Kuriyan spoke. His men could tell you of Terepin's anger, but so could KuriyanBBQ. He said it with integrity.
Terepin grit his teeth in response, "Time is on no one's side."
His hired propagandists, Kuriyan stood next to the tacticians' map that laid before him. The large vessel swayed side to side, as Kuriyan attempted to keep from wobbling. Some of Terepin's other subordinates surrounded their boss.
"Starco is so... so strong at this point, with all the headcanon lying around as fodder." He looked down at the map that lay before him. "Five generals. CardButton, here on the peninsula. iLoppio at the foot of Mt. Retcon. Dark_Magus is patrolling between the Bloodmoon Sea and the great Starconian Islands. The dreaded Spoderman holds training for the novices at the Grand Device Estates. And FrostyJam is cultivating minds in the Great Library of Archives."
"Sir, the emperor." RedLkas, a mercenary, expressed slowly.
"You'd think I'd forgotten about the most dangerous man in the MetaScape? Unlikely. He's spreading the Empire too thin, attempting to keep watchful tabs on the Tomar kingdom now that they've gone canon." He laughed a small bit, but his smile fell flat. "He knows that his time is short. The sand moves slowly, but once the final grain stands, it falls like the rest."
"...Dramatic, sir." The mercenary chimed back while Terepin leaned over the table that lay in the middle of the room. His head shot to the side to look at the official that spoke to him.
"You bet your sweet ass. Now," He looked back at the map, "for the true matter, The Grand Estates. This must be the first phase of an attack on the Empire. Take this back and we take their western front."
"About the Grand Device Estates...my children," Kuriyan interjected nervously
"Yes, I know. When the time comes I'll see to it that your kids are found."
"You better stick to your end of the-"
Terepin slammed his hands down on the table. With enough force to crush the small figurines that were below. He proceeded calmly.
"Yes. Kuriyan. Yes, it is your rightful land. Nigh, it is your rightful empire, Starco. It is not your fault that it was stolen out from under you by the tyrant, but please have faith in me and my army."
The room of all Terepin's cohorts stood silent. Terepin looked at the door, agitated and exhausted.
"I need to see the Oracles."
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[It](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hb8aaoGUrw) was the eve of the shipping war, a war that had never truly ended but at the same time typically finished before it was over; this time was different.
Three weary souls gathered around a table with a map and several figures lane scattered. Terepin, Poetry, and Meep were all sweating profusely as they knew time was near... also because the room was hot. Three men inside a small room, inside the cove of a cave can get pretty stuffy.
"Sir, Starco has refurbished four more Jarco ships that lay waste from 'The Happening.'" Poetry warned Commander Terepin.
"Right, we must send troops to aid the Jantom supporters. Starco must not know it was us that gave them the weapons."
Poetry looked at the strategic table and then at Meep. "Meep. What's your advice? Is it too early?"
Meep had his feet on the table and leaned back in his chair- staring at the ceiling. He lowered his feet and fell with the chair, falling harshly- looking harshly at both his allies. He quickly grabs his knife that swayed from his pocket and stuck it in the middle of the map.
"Post. Here. An attack, not just on Starco, but the whole of The Metascape! With haste."
"Meep, you just stuck the knife in the island. Is he crazy?" Poetry looked quickly at Terepin. Terepin shrugged, as if requesting to be left out of the debate. "You're crazy. Do you know what that kind of retaliation that would bring? Tere!" Poetry held his ground against the eager Meep.
Terepin began to chuckle, the chuckle turned into a laugh, and the laugh turned into a gale of large bellows.
Poetry looked on, defeated. He knew that Meep had been there longer and even if his position *was* technically superior to Meep's, deep down, he knew. Terepin, being an Imperator, would trust Meep's word over his own.
"Pure insanity. The shields haven't gone down for over a hundred years." Poetry whispered.
Terepin settled down and gave his rebuttal.
"You do know what this will mean for us, right? Once we begin this onslaught we can not go back. Ever." He looked serious and serious meant something entirely different to Terepin, since the previous shipping war took his... well, you know.
Insanity was the least of his concern.
Meep got to his feet. "What post? What post?" He passed back and forth, his decorative prayer beads clanging against his scimitar-like chimes in the wind. "It should be a collaborative effort. A manifesto for the entire Marclipsian elite to adhere. Is there any way to get a runner to deliver a warning to Zero in time?"
Poetry huffed but knew it was the only way. To take a gamble, to go out to see and hope for the shields of the island to drop at that time. It would make Marclipsa canon if the island so happened to accept it.
"Terepin. What think you? Is Subzero ready to begin phase one?"
"I think this is the only way-- the only way we must forfeit ourselves to the truth. We must do it alone. Do not rely on that shinobi. We rely on nobody but our own. We rely on the force of The Spade."
"You don't think it is too dangerous? Once this happens we must keep our fleet in constant rotation. Every Ship from here to Statera will be crawling all over us." Poetry was a coward at times, but his attendance was necessary for the survival of the fleet. Especially since the destruction of the entirety of the Jarco armada lost souls to the maritime skirmish with Starco. The storm of Season3A truly favored the majority that day.
Meep threw something Poetry's way. It was a blackpowder pistol.
"Here, you'll need this. Protect your assigned platoon."
"I always do."
Terepin looked both his generals up and down. "So, it's decided, then. By dawn we--"
Suddenly a crash came through the now-open door.
It was RandomInternetGuy, bleeding from his arm. Gravely wounded.
"TEREPIN! I'm sorry, I tried to get here before—" He yelled into the room, he began passing out, "It's Starco! and--"
He fell to the ground. He slid down the side of the wall, his account injured nearly beyond repair.
"Poetry, tend to his wounds!" Terepin ran quickly to Guy and listens closely. "AND WHAT!?"
"and--" Guy could barely get out his words, "and the Studo clan." He said softly to his Leader.
"Boba." He whispered.
"Looks like old rivalries never die." Meep proclaimed as he begins sharpening his saber. "Let's fucking do this."
The Marclipsa troops headed out of their enclave hidden inside a large opening similar to a grotto. A dank, obscure place they called home for the last four years.
As the four generals exited the clashing of swords could be heard echoing through the mouth of the cave. Poetry, still carrying Guy, laid him at the foot of the cave to investigate the scene with the other two.
"No." Poetry said quietly as he looked on.
"Damn it! I really liked this place too!" Meep conceited.
A large cavalry unit was tearing through the flanks of the Marclipsa ground troops that were unprepared and mostly unarmed.
"Let's go. We'd need to get to our weapon cache and start supplying the troops with everything we've got!" Terepin ordered. "Meep, begin to focus on the Studo fighters. They are the lesser trained ones!"
"Right!" Meep and Poetry both agreed.
Poetry yelled to some troops on the side protecting the caravan of civilians. "AtlantaisatlantaBWRD, semper-S3XY have all children, and workers safe; begin to arm those able-users with whatever weapons you can find!"
Meep whistled. A black horse at the stables tore apart his reigns from the post and started galloping quickly towards the barbaric black-attired hero. As quickly as he was standing, he swung on the horse in one gallant move.
He unsheathed his saber. Meanwhile, Poetry began to position the cannons and mortars in varying strategic positions. With the help of his allies he rolled many of the artillery to their proper position.
He looked across the open battle to see Terepin on his own horse making his way around the back of the opposing army. "What is he doing?"
He rode quickly, quicker then he had ever galloped. Towards the devastating general that he knew was behind all of this. "Spoder, I'm coming for you." No man could stop him, and atop the closest knoll to the east, in a perfect position for strategic placement perched the one, the oftentimes mad General De Equis of F. Hawk, and besides him was none other than the great betrayer, PoisonousBoba. Her trinkets and heirlooms hung off her horse, almost as to contrast the astute and dapper looking Spoder.
Terepin yelled out once more "I'M COMING FOR YOU!"
The Mountain had frozen the breath on his beard. It had made his feet nearly numb even with all the layers he was gartered with. He had no longer any material for fire and the materials he had left in his backpack had no use for warmth.
"Two more kilometers. Just two more." He thought. The idea of the monastery's warm embrace taunted. *Like a glass of water in the desert so far out of reach. Or even having access to ten thousand spoons and all I needed was a knife*.
His feet led him up the path, and his joy was beyond himself when he felt the first step, the first chiseled step of the monastery. Overjoyed was an understatement. His trek took him long 4 days and 5 nights, but it was finally over. He knocked, kneeling at the giant iron double doors.
"He came alone?" One monk said in a hush. "Why would you come alone, good sir?"
"He had to come alone, Rainpelt, he's here for The Oracles. You know the rules."
Terepin was coming to while being dragged by these anchorites into the heart of the foyer. They let him down on the bench next to the blistering fire.
Terepin recognized the voices of both disciples. One, by the name of Rainpelt, was the scribe and librarian of this great monastery. The other was the youngest learning of the hiatus- RK- who had helped Terepin in the past with much more than just his visits.
RK ripped off the bandana that was shielding Terepin's mouth- revealing a frostbitten beard.
"Now what is so urgent that you need to visit The Oracles at the beginning of the snow season, Terepin? You know this isn't such a time."
"Time?" Terepin quietly said back, coughing. "Time is always what we have while we remain here."
Rainpelt sighed and began to walk away. Knowing good and well that their visitor was fine. "I'll fetch the tea."
"Alright then at least you have to sense to give me the password; now how about the tribute, sir," RK said facetiously. "You must have brought a decent historical piece if you've had these visits so close tog--" Terepin interrupts RK.
"Theory Number 8: CardButton's Removed Post." RK's eye's lit up as much as the glowing thread that remained in Terepin's hand. The post floated, controlled just off of his palm.
RK held his hand gently next to Tere's and the thread jumped to the monk's hand. He grasped it slowly and the post remained in RK's possession.
"This will need to be studied immediately. Malthus and A_Penguin will want to see you."
["Well. Isn't that a surprise?" Terepin said to himself.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qi7KDOAj4Xo)
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tondonellie06 · 3 years
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So, where did everything go wrong? Was your CDR turned down? Did you write your report all by yourself? Were you adequately prepared for the CDR evaluation?
Why did your CDR get rejected? This blog is specifically for applicants who were denied on their first attempt. Our specialists will break it down for you in bullet points.
CDR Reports are often rejected, despite considerable time and effort. As a result, it is critical to follow Engineers Australia's rules when writing a CDR Report. You should be able to provide relevant information about your engineering abilities and professional experience. Your writing should be detailed while still adhering to the MSA guidelines. Learn what frequent errors were discovered in the report and how to avoid them in the future.
Engineers Australia assesses your skills, talents, and knowledge by analyzing your CDR. Before relocating to Australia, Engineers Australia demands that you achieve the necessary abilities in the engineering profession that you have claimed. As a result, Engineers Australia evaluates engineers with a bachelor's degree in engineering who the Washington Accord does not cover. For your CDR to be accepted, Engineers Australia needs a high-quality report. The MSA handbook rules must be strictly followed. The chance of getting a CDR report accepted when prepared by applicants is very low.
The CDR report will be rejected if it is not written according to Engineers Australia's rules and criteria. If you are unsure how to create a CDR on your own and want the finest results, you may hire CDR writing professionals.
Engineers Australia requires a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) to examine your abilities and qualifications. As a result, candidates must provide a high-quality report demonstrating their professional talents. Even if you take additional precautions, you may make certain typical blunders when creating a CDR. And these errors might lead to your CDR Report being rejected. When a CDR is not written in accordance with the requisition, it is rejected.
Common mistakes Applicants Encounter while CDR Writing.
The following is a list of frequent errors made by candidates while preparing a CDR for the Engineer Australia Skill Assessment.
Split a project into two career episodes.
When creating Career Episodes, a lot of individuals make this error. They split the same project into two sections and show it in a separate Career Episode. Engineers Australia requires that you detail one project timeline in each Career Episode.
For example, a Mechanical Engineer created his Career Episodes based on tasks completed throughout his Engineering Course's seventh and eighth semesters. The goal of this project was to develop and simulate a wind turbine.
When he was in the seventh semester, he completed his first project. The project entailed gathering data, conducting a literature study, and developing the wind turbine's procedure. As a result, he talked about this endeavour in his first Career Episode.
In the eighth semester, the second project was completed. The goal of the project was to finish the analysis, testing, and modification of the proposed wind turbine and the design and simulation report that resulted. As a result, in his second Career Episode, he wrote about this effort.
Even though these two projects had separate grades and were completed for various objectives during his academic career, EA considers them to be components of the same project because they were both completed to build a wind turbine. The second phase of the project was built on the foundation of the first. As a result, EA views this project as a single project completed in two parts.
2. Writing a Group Activity Episode for a Career
This is the most typical error people make when describing how their group or team worked, solved problems, and finished projects. CDR, on the other hand, is intended to evaluate your abilities rather than the teams'. It evaluates what you did on that project, what your job was, how you accomplished it, how you collaborated with others, and so on. As a result, write your report in the first person, emphasizing what you accomplished rather than what your team accomplished.
As an example, An academic project completed throughout his engineering studies was mentioned by a mechanical engineer. The project was completed as a group, and each team member was responsible for a particular aspect of the project.
The group worked on a project involving wind turbine design and modeling. The tasks were separated into four categories: literature study, design calculation, project design, project analysis, project modification, component selection, project manufacturing, and project testing or implementation. The mechanical engineer was involved in the following tasks as part of this project:
The project's design
The project's evaluation
The components are chosen.
The project's testing or implementation
So, rather than describing the works (literature review, design calculation, design work, analysis, modification, fabrication, testing, and implementation) done by the group to complete the project, he needed to describe their duties and responsibilities (design work, analysis, selection, and testing) in his Career Episode.
Design work that we completed in software using mathematical calculations for design work. For example, he stated, "We conducted the design work with the Creo Parametric 2.0 design program." For the design job, we utilized various tools such as lines, spline, extrude, sweep, and so on.
He should have stated, "I did the design work in Creo Parametric 2.0," instead of "I did the design work in Creo Parametric 2.0." I created the design in Creo using various tools like lines, spline, sweep, extrude, etc. The software's design work is based on mathematical calculations for the design. The final design is depicted in the diagram.
3. Plagiarism from Samples Found on the Internet
This should never be done. The CDR Sample offered by various sources is for educational purposes only. Engineers Australia uses a variety of technologies to identify copied material. So, whether you did it on purpose or by accident, you'll be caught. Read the sample, take notes, and write your Career Episode on your Projects in the same manner as in the CDR Sample.
4. CDR in a foreign language
Engineers Australia requires that you provide your CDR report in English. Please speak in Australian English and do so properly. If you authored your Career Episodes in a language other than English, you must translate your report into English. Otherwise, EA may not be able to analyze your CDR report since they do not understand it.
5. Grammatical and Spelling Mistakes, as well as Report Formatting
When you give the EA your CDR report, you submit an official document that a professional should have produced. As a result, you must pay close attention to its layout, spelling, punctuation, and sentence flow in your CEs. This is an area that many people overlook. Make sure there are no problems in the flow of sentences, such as spelling and grammatical faults. Because you're presenting your report as a professional, it should appear to have been written by one. These are tiny errors, yet they have a significant impact on your grade.
Another reason for the CDR's rejection
Excessive Technical Detailing: It's fine to include some necessary technical information in your projects, but too many technical details, such as computations, charts, tables, photographs, and so on, on each project event diminishes the report's quality. A CDR should provide concise information rather than lengthy and detailed facts that readers may find tiresome.
Many individuals make the mistake of providing information on the bullet point while constructing a CDR. Many people offer their important material as bullet points, while it should be presented as paragraphs. Engineers Australia considers it to be one of their most important criteria. So, in paragraphs, sufficiently explain your statistics and other facts so that it is readily understood.
There is no mention of details such as length, location, firm profile, or project goal. This material must not only be included but it must also be presented in chronological sequence. This information must be included in your report.
Engineers Australia has established precise guidelines for the number of words submitted in each area of the CDR Report. Each Career Episode must be at least 1000 words long and no more than 2500 words long. Adding further details and lengthening your career episodes will not help you earn a favourable rating. As a result, you must choose and present vital facts and information to meet all of Engineer's Australia's criteria. More information on the optimal length of a CDR report may be found here.
Not adhering to the Report Structure: When writing a Career Episode, the first paragraph should be an introduction of around 50 words, the second paragraph should be a background of 200 to 500 words, the third paragraph should be a body and main paragraph, and the final paragraph should be a summary of about 50-100 words. Here's where you can learn more about the CDR Guidelines.
Problem Statements Aren't Mentioned: This is a critical aspect of the CDR Project. Make sure to include problem statements and the methods you took to solve them in your CEs. The project specifics you worked on and what you did as part of the project should focus on your Career Episode.
There are no specifics regarding the Design Activity: Design activities are accorded high importance in the CDR evaluation. As a result, be sure to showcase any innovative engineering and technology experience with creating tasks. Lack of design expertise might make it more difficult for your CDR to be accepted.
Why should you hire experienced Writers?
Engineers Australia's standards and the most recent modifications are familiar to CDRwritersautralia.com, an Australian-registered firm. Your CDR will benefit you the most if it is written by someone who has engineering experience.
0 notes
theimpals-blog · 6 years
10 tips on how to learn the most during internships
We can teach a student a topic a day, but, if we teach him to learn, he will continue learning all his Life.’
A student needs to plan well and exhibit considerable hard work to be selected as an intern. After selection, a student must understand that the months to come are full of opportunities. It is time to utilize the theoretical knowledge for the work output. You can learn various hard and soft skills and possibly a job offer too. Some interns came across a situation when they have nothing to do. May be it is not their fault. They might have completed the allotted work, and any new work might not be in the pipeline. This is not what they wanted because they do not want to create an impression of being lazy and useless. Also, it is not possible for them to pursue co-workers for work because they can appear unneeded and pointless. The following tips are useful for maximizing the benefits of internships.
1. Make a viable plan
You should discuss with your employer and set specific goals. Then, you can chalk out a feasible plan. This is inclusive of the particular skills that you can develop, the projects that you can work on, the sources to seek guidance and resolve queries, process of getting feedback, method of communication of delays, and adjustment of timelines on an assignment. This is mandatory to prevent any conflict and frustration.
2. Be ready for mistakes
If you make a mistake, you should keep in mind that errors are a part and parcel of the learning curve. If happenings do not occur as per plan, you should take up the responsibility. Further, you should brainstorm possible solutions, which can make it evident that you have leadership qualities.
3. Create a professional network
An internship is a very good period to begin a network.it added a value those in your network. The persons with whom you work can become your personal friends and/or professional contact for a long duration. You must make it a point that other people know who you are and what can you do. For this, you should take an initiative to introduce yourself and also be present at functions. To break the ice with strangers, you can ask a question such as “At the commencement of your career, were you an intern?” or “Which skills are most relevant in this field?”
4. Find a mentor
In the initial phase, you should find out a person who can mentor you.Mentors can see where we need to improve where we often cannotthe mentor should be able to provide you learning opportunities and introduce you to professional networks. This does not imply that the mentor can offer you a complete roadmap to success but can be a great source of information and feedback. After a mentor is selected, you should schedule periodic meetings to boost up your internship.
5. Take active part in work
You should include diligence in your way of work irrespective of whether a task is petty or significant. It is essential to take part in all types of work. In this manner, you can display a good work ethic. People in the office will notice that you are contributing well. Most times, your superiors will provide you the rules and instructions, and you should adhere to them. But, you can also take up some tasks by yourself. This will provide you opportunities to take your own decisions and work in an independent manner rather than being spoon-fed. The crux here is that in the working world, the skill to work independently with a bit of guidance is very essential. For this, you should leave your comfort zone, observe all activities in the office, take the initiative, and extend your abilities. Maximum effort to achieve goal at own level is the way.
6. Learn to think positively
The work atmosphere is full of stress. To keep the momentum going, you should learn to have a positive outlook. Pat yourself on the back for a work well done. Avoid self-blame when you face a failure. Positivity can decrease the frequency of depression and boost your cardiovascular health.
7. Practice how to work in collaboration
You should develop the skill of collaboration. This consists of setting down expectations, cultivating listening ability, and perfecting communication. For instance, for a meeting, you can draft an agenda. Begin and end the meeting on schedule to prove that you have respect for others’ time. You need to understand that although you are in the lower rung of the hierarchy in an office, you are needed for work, and your work will receive appreciation. You can learn the ability to speak with different persons professionally. For example, your items of talk can be different with a boss or a co-worker.
8. Prepare a draft
You should make it a practice to document your learnings, accomplishments, and ideas. This can also include the details of your accomplishments along with metrics to define your progress. You can do this on a daily or if not, at least on a weekly basis. Daily timesheets provide accurate data and help to get something productive. This document will prove useful when you are writing your resume or requesting your employer to be your reference.
9. Take criticism in the right spirit
When your boss calls you for a performance evaluation, it is often scary. Your evaluation can contain some points of constructive criticism. During this aspect of internship, you should be aware that nothing is personal in the criticism. On the contrary, it is for your own growth and success, which you can leverage to elevate your quality of work.
10. Maintain contact
If the company of your internship and the pertinent work interest you, make it a habit to be in touch with the company. In this way, when an opportunity props up, you will be remembered with high priority. As the internship is about to end, you can express your gratitude to your co-workers and provide them your personal contact information.
After your internship is over, when you apply for a job, you should contact the persons you have worked with in the internship. They can render you recommendations to develop a compelling resume or refer you to the company having the vacancy.
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threehoursfromtroy · 7 years
Hi, I just caught up on March of Progress and it's as good as ever! I would love to know, if you don't mind, what are your own favorite Korrasami fics or writers? (Perhaps on the fluffier side, seeing how they're faring in your fic lol)
Oh hey gosh! Glad you’re enjoying, Anon! And I don’t mind at all, though I regret to say with grad school I haven’t read much lately, so I’ll have to dig into the old memory banks. The #1 recommendation, probably on everyone’s list, is SimplyKorra’s Seeking Balance trilogy. I certainly wouldn’t call it fluffy, but it explores both characters so well and in such a heartfelt way that I just adore it. Plus, it even manages to take one of the most notorious Korrasami fic cliches and legitimately pull it off, probably the only time I’ve seen it done well. Highly recommended. I would @ them, but I don’t know their tumblr handle if they have one and they sadly seem to have moved from the fandom, alas. I haven’t worked through all of @ficsandmusings  portions of the now-merged collaborative effort (with @progmanx) Spin the Rails, but of all the fic I’ve read, it’s the closest fic to what I wanted to read, if that makes sense. Very detail and character oriented, broadens and expands the world. Plus, a ton of Asami focus, which is wonderful! It does a much more thorough and complete job of filling in holes in canon than mine did, for the pre-finale portions, and we’ll have to wait and see how my canon-continuation stacks up to the epic Repairs, Refits, and Upgrades. I still think of the finale when I hear a certain song on the radio, though, so that’s a plus. I’ve gotten a good way into @sniperct’s Absence of Light before, as mentioned, Grad School. I very much wish to pick that one back up as it’s another epic plot-first story. That I haven’t finished it is no fault of the writer or story itself--blame my accursed schedule. @darling-gypsum‘s Parts to Play starts as an alternate-timeline, then segues nicely back into near-canon and covers a lot of hidden moments during the series--of which there are a ton. I remember it being very cute and endearing. There’s not really a lot of AUs on my list, I have a weird mental block with them where they don’t make sense to me once you remove the characters from their setting. I’ve nothing but faith, though, in all the great things I’ve heard about @thejennawynn ‘s Fieldwork. Really neat premise, I know she put a ton of work into detail, and also a lovely person. There’s tons of other shorter pieces I liked that have all kinda blended together at this point, unfortunately. Skimming my history, Poetoaster’s “Sorry, were you sleeping?” covers Asami’s letters to Korra, and really leveled me with one brief line. Again, not fluff... hah, guess I don’t read a lot of fluff-centric stories!There’s a few longer ones that I was turned off by for various reasons, but I don’t like to badmouth or discourage people on a public forum, that’s bad form. Chat with me directly, I could explain why, but when it comes down to it, anybody helping keep the fandom alive and improving their art by writing is A+ in my book, even if I don’t care for their story. (Though plagiarism DOES drive me up the wall!) I keep meaning to check out Instincts of a Fearful Body based on premise and reputation, but have not yet found the time. But it’s certainly on my radar and has a lot of potential! It’s got a really good kudos to hit ratio, if you’re into math and stuff. There are many many many other wonderful writers, both past and present, whose shorter works have brought me smiles--these tend to be the fluffier ones you asked for, that I’m having a hard time naming, haha). And tons of absolutely wonderful korrasami people still about on tumblr. I’m not sure if I warrant a mention in most of those circles, but perhaps one day, eh? Thanks for the ask! :D
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feelingsdusk · 7 years
Thanks for the wonderful fanfiction! When you read so much as I had it's such a treat to find new author who writes everything excellently! I just scroll new steter on ao3 and then "hey, so good, is it a new author?" and then "nope, it's again feelingsdusk!“. I also saw a post about promts... It's idea from “runes and...". That Stiles is meant all his life to help Scott. What if Stiles thought so, but then time-travel with Scott, human!Scott and "nope, my turn to be awesome!“
So as you can see, I completely failed and didn’t manage to complete the prompt challenge I issued for myself. In my defense, I was up to my ears with work and these damn prompts aren’t collaborating with me. Seriously, this is more than 12k and another one is already at 10k and I’m not even halfway! Sigh* Anyways, I’ll keep working on them till I finally finish them, however long that takes.
Prophecies are tricky things. They are vague, short and can have three or more different meanings that apply to things already past that followed the prophecy to the letter and may make it appear already fulfilled, but in the end may refer to something completely different altogether. They're also as incredibly rare as the existence of the seers that can vision them and more often than not the ones on the receiving end don't even acknowledge them as the prophecies they are.
Not that Stiles knows any of this when he's a seven year old kid and witnesses the announcement of two prophecies on the very same day and mere seconds apart. But, then again, he doesn't know anything about the supernatural world, period, so it's not surprising that he won't think the words prophetic for a very long time.
He's on his way to school with Scott on a Tuesday morning, both of them on the same bike because Scott's has a flat tire. It's starting to drizzle and Stiles is trying to pedal faster so they can escape the storm that's rapidly approaching, if the dark clouds and distant thunder are anything to go by. Scott is the one that notices the red light, Stiles too focused on controlling a breath that is already coming in short gasps, and shout at him to stop. He startles so badly that he screeches to a halt at the crosswalk so abruptly that they nearly fall from the bike. They start bickering and aren't really paying attention to their surroundings, so to them it happens so fast that neither of them will never have a clear memory of how it occurred, but suddenly there's a car swerving at the corner and Stiles is pushing Scott out of the way and then both of them are screaming for help terrified.
When they approach the heavily smoking car, there's a dead man at the wheel and two identical twins strapped at the backseat. Both of the kids look younger than Scott and Stiles and aren't responsive to their frantic calls even if they're clearly still alive. Scott's mom is a nurse, so they know better than to move them, but that doesn't stop Stiles from grabbing their hands and holding on tight.
(Gingers, hazel eyes, a long line of freckles over their upturned noses. Bloody. Their faces won't blur in their memories for a very long time afterwards.)
"Change comes in red," chokes out one of them, face bloody and eyes dangerously vacant.
"A true leader, the catalyst-" starts to whisper the other before his eyes roll to the back of his head and his head falls forward limply.
Both of them die before the ambulance arrives, joining the man at the front, whom apparently had had a stroke while he was driving and had died almost instantly upon impact. Scott cries for a week, Stiles stops talking for two. After that, both of them try to consciously forget about everything that happened.
But change starts to come in red for Stiles and he can't.
Stiles' mom is wearing a red cardigan the first time she loses sight of reality and he never can feel secure when he's alone with her ever again. She's also wearing red pants the last time she tries to attack him, right before his dad decides that she has to be interned at the hospital. A red car rams into his dad's cruiser when he's taking them both to visit her at the psychiatric ward, forcing his dad into bed rest for two weeks and Stiles to visit his mom alone during that time. Red is his mom's blood when she dies and red is his dad's face every time he shouts at Stiles drunkenly for the next six months. Red, red, red. Always the unavoidable red.
"Stop it, Stiles," Scott scoffs at him for insisting he remembers what he buried deep down a long time ago. "I don't want to talk about this!"
"But look at what's happening!" Stiles protests, desperate for a companion in this impossible belief. "Didn't you say your dad was wearing a red sweater when-"
"I said stop it! Besides, if you're so afraid of red why do you wear it all the time, huh?"
"Because if change comes in red then I'm gonna bring my own change!"
If red inevitably brings despair to his life, why not harness that power as his own and take the reins?
"That doesn't make any sense! And I said I don't want to talk about it!" Scott shouts. "And if you can't respect that, then leave!"
Over the course of the next two years, they have this argument six times and Stiles inevitably leaves angry and hurt, stays away for a week, vowing to never bring it up again, and then ends up breaking his word every single time when red brings a tempest into his life once again. Every single time, that is, until that sixth time, when he finally follows through. Until, years later, Peter Hale comes with his alpha red eyes, bringing change with him and Stiles has to bring it up again, because surely Scott can see it now? Unsurprisingly (sadly), he gets rebuffed again, stays away a week and he comes back with his mouth shut about the issue no matter what happens.
And then the alpha pack with their red eyes comes, Scott turns out to be a true alpha, with his own set of red eyes, and he can't deny it anymore.
(Stiles doesn't say I told you so.)
So they work together through it all, coming always on top but just by a hair's breadth, Scott struggling to be the true leader and bring his change in red towards the better, and Stiles striving to help him in any way he can and manage to survive through it all as intact as he possibly can. But their efforts aren't enough in the end and they fail, losing everything they love (and themselves) in the process.
Stiles, who has never taken anything quietly (not even when he's truly at fault), searches for a solution. Because there are werewolves, mermaids, shamans, druids, witches, sparks! There are charms and spells and rituals, so there must be something! Anything! Anything, because they've lost almost everything and they're about to lose the only thing they have left, which is their lives. And, to be honest, at this point it's not like they care about living anymore, but they're not going to make this easy for their enemies. They're going to take them with themselves when they go down and die knowing that they avenged their pack, their family. So Stiles searches.
And when Stiles searches, he more often than not finds.
It's a stupid plan and they know it. Stupid, crazy and nonsensical, but they're out of options and they don't give a damn about personal harm at this point as long as they kill the bastards. So they prepare everything, they implement the plan flawlessly and they go out with a glorious bang, managing to catch their furious, incredulous faces as they die, right before fire and brimstone rains on them too.
(Change started with red fire a long time ago and now it finishes with red fire again. The irony isn't lost on them.)
They are in burning agony one second and then completely pain free the next. It's jarring and they look at each other wide eyed and confused, clinging to each other. Besides the overall discordant change in appearance, Scott can tell immediately that he's human again when he gets assaulted by an asthma attack that he doesn't know how to react to any more, and it takes Stiles a fraction too long to frantically search for an inhaler, only to find one in his own pocket. Panic claws at Stiles' throat for a moment when he finally realizes that the constant pain in his lungs is as gone as the tattoos and scarring in his body and he fights to control his own breathing. Before they can even regain their footing, a howl that brings back a barrage of memories pierces the night, and they realize that they're fifteen years old again, out in the woods the night they went in search of a body and found something else entirely.
After all that's happened, they're used to reacting immediately when faced with impossible decisions that they have little time to ponder about and this time is not any different. And so, Stiles lets himself be caught by his dad while Scott chooses to get bitten this time.
Afterwards, they spend about two days trying to grasp what the hell has happened, because travelling in time was not the intended result when they went on this self-appointed suicide mission. Then, with no answer in sight but not willing to look a gifted horse in the mouth, they move on. So, armed with the advantage of having so much information about everything (the timeline, their enemies, their allies), they think themselves unbeatable this time.
(Spoiler alert: they're not.)
They know the pain of being burned alive now, so when they finally decide, after a lot of deliberation, to kill Peter (unsurprisingly, Scott was all in while Stiles had a lot of reservations), they go for the painless route. And so, they poison Peter before he can be any more of a problem, thus proving what they already knew beforehand: killing the creator won't make a werewolf human again. Part of Scott mourns that truth even though he has been a wolf for more than ten years and he had come to terms with the loss of his humanity a long time ago, which was more than proven already with the fact that faced with the option of being human again, he chose to get bitten without even thinking anyways. Part of Stiles (the part that secretly enjoyed their research sessions) mourns the death of the man even though what they have killed isn't even a shade of the Peter of the last few years. They bury him in the preserve and vow to take care of Kate and Gerard Argent in his place.
When Kate makes an appearance, they go the same route as with Peter and simply poison her drink one day at the mall. It turns out she's with Allison, and the poor girl, who is still her classic Disney princess self at this stage and not the battle hardened one, has to suffer through seeing her aunt suffer a heart failure in front of her. Scott is horrified and paralyzed on the spot, and Stiles has to sweep in instead to covertly knock the table down and grab the incriminating glass as he makes a 911 call and he tries to help.
Derek never turns Isaac, Erica, Boyd and Jackson, and he also never kills Victoria Argent. He mysteriously disappears after he (not so) coincidentally hears them talking about how the police files say that another Hale escaped the fire and which were her suspected whereabouts. Ironically, when the alpha pack inevitably appears, their hostages are Derek and Cora precisely and both Scott and Stiles want to bang their heads against a wall in frustration. Knowing where they would be hiding in advance, though, they had already prepared a trap for them, so rescuing both of them is easy in any case. Scott tries talking to them to make them see reason against Stiles' opinion and it goes spectacularly bad, even if he manages to become a true alpha again. It's a messy affair that leaves them both feeling sick and makes the Hale siblings flee out of town the moment they're free of their mountain ash prison. There's still the problem of hiding the mess in the vault and their resident darach, so they don't have time to dwell on the near disaster, though. They clean the vault first, and then Scott insists that they talk to Jennifer Blake, because they've achieved what she wanted in the first place, so there shouldn't be any problem.
There is.
(Surprise, surprise.)
Alpha pack or no alpha pack, her power has corrupted her soul and they nearly die trying to fend her off. Stiles leaves the site frustrated and angry, but he doesn't speak about it with Scott. They avoid each other for two days, not acknowledging the problem, before going back to normal like nothing happened.
In the interim, Stiles fakes a ton of evidence against Isaac's dad to make an anonymous report to the police and also takes the opportunity to drag Deaton and Marin Morrel to help purify the Nemeton under the threat of denouncing her to the druid council. Knowing what will happen to her if he does, they comply. With two druids and spark performing the ritual it goes without a hitch. As for the nogitsune, it tries to posses Stiles again, and since the only way to cleanse it is to give him a corporeal form first, he lets it. It's a disgusting experience that leaves him vomiting black goo for hours before he can set it free.
Stiles is still only halfway recovered from the entire ordeal when Scott comes back with Allison in tow. An omega attacked her so he has told her everything, he says, and for a moment Stiles wants to scream. Then it turns out that everything means just everything about the supernatural world not about the time travelling thing and his fury abates. He nods to her and she nods back unsurely. Stiles sighs internally, hoping it all turns for the best but somehow suspecting it won't, because there's still psycho grandpa Gerard to take care of and he doesn't know how Scott has thought he's going to wade through that. Never mind the secret assassination of her favourite aunt that Stiles just knows that is going to make her fall off the rails of the original timeline look like a walk in the park if she ever catches wind of it. This just can't end well.
What's done is done, though, so they can only move forward now and somehow use this to their advantage (if they can, which Stiles doubts by the way). So with the threat of the druid council over their heads still, Stiles makes Deaton and Morrel look into Eichen House too and when they have the information they need, they go to the Argent's house to get them to facilitate a way to contact the Tribunal. Before the end of the week, Stiles' dad is grumbling about some special division of the FBI that has invaded the BHP station and looking into Eichen House.
At this point, they're convinced they're going to make it easily because everything is going perfectly. No crazy Peter, no kanima, no Alpha Pack, no darach, no nogitsune, no dread doctors and no werejaguar Kate (because Peter never killed her with his alpha claws). Everyone is still alive, and even if they will never have the relationships they used to have with some of their peers (Erica, Boyd, Jackson, Lydia, Liam, Parrish...) they're fine with it so long they're safe. They only have four more things to take of (Gerard, Malia, the desert wolf and the bastards that forced them through all this journey) and all will be over.
And of course, inevitably, everything starts going to hell when Kira comes into town.
Scott chokes on his own spit where he's sitting holding hands with Allison and Stiles does a double take. Not only they didn't expect her to appear yet, but this is not the Kira they knew. She's darker, angrier, with a wall of fury and resentment separating her from the rest of the world. Her eyes zero on Stiles almost immediately and he has to control the urge to flee right this instant. She purposely sits on the empty seat at his back and he spends an entire hour feeling her glare at the back of his head and wanting to flee to the toilet for a reprieve. With ten minutes to finish the lesson, he can't take it anymore and he does just that.
He nearly dies in that toilet.
She follows him there and closes the door behind her. He doesn't understand what's happening and he tells her so. It only serves to make her more furious and she screams at him that he killed her mother so she's going to take his life in exchange. Scott intervenes at the last minute, saving his life, and she leaves, saying it's not over.
Scott is furious. Why didn't he kill the nogitsune? Why of all times did he choose to talk to it? What was he thinking when he freed it? Stiles is enraged because Scott precisely doesn't have the right to recriminate him for that.
Everything deteriorates even more. Kira is relentless and after two failed attacks, she doesn't care about collateral damage. Stiles' dad has to get involved when an entire building explodes, finally learning about the supernatural, and gets seriously hurt, ending in a coma at the hospital. As if things weren't complicated enough, Gerard arrives into town, just like he did the last time (even if later in time compared to the original timeline), and he targets Scott, wanting the bite, again, like the last time. He captures him and Allison calls him to let him know. They quickly devise a plan and she feigns sharing her grandfather's ideals to get him out.
Except he has the security feed of the mall of the day Kate died and he tortures the truth about her death from Scott, making Stiles' predictions about involving her come true.
Stiles manages to smoke the house out and to free Scott, leaving the enraged Argents behind. They hide.
They don't know what to do now. A social worker is hounding Stiles because his dad is not looking like he will make it, Kira wants to kill him and the Argents are after both of them. Also, they've completely closed up the ally route with Morrel and Deaton, there is no pack and Scott's mom doesn't even know he's a werewolf. They're completely doomed.
And, of course, the bastards choose to appear now, right when they think that nothing else can go wrong, that they have reached rock bottom in a one swift move, and it somehow leads them to that very same clearing, with the very same stupid desperate plan.
And fire and brimstone rains on everyone.
They come back to consciousness with a gasp. Again in the woods, again fifteen, again untouched. They sit there with shaken souls and trembling bodies, unable to let go of each other despite the anger and resentment that had been filling them to the brim mere minutes ago.
A howl pierces the night and they tremble even more, but they force themselves to let go, Stiles to get caught and Scott to get bitten.
They sit silently in the cafeteria the very next day. They haven't talked about it, but by tacit agreement, Scott has made no move to make contact with Allison.
(They both secretly wonder if they're inevitably doomed to fail, if that was what the prophecy was really about.)
They poison Peter, they leak Cora's information, they poison the alpha pack (Scott again becoming an alpha in the process) and they kill Jennifer. They debate about what to do about Kate and end up following her one night and nearly dying trying to kill her. They report Isaac's dad and force Deaton and Morrel to purify the Nemeton and then trick the nogitsune into agreeing not to kill its original jailer in exchange of its freedom. They take care of the omega before it can attack Allison and then slip into the night before she can even notice them. They already have the information they needed about Eichen House and a way to contact the Tribunal, so they don't coerce Deaton and Morrel this time and they just inform the organization about the dread doctors through a burner phone that they get rid of afterwards. Stiles' dad grumbles again about his station being invaded a week later.
At this point, they've reached the part when everything went to hell last time and nervous can't even begin to cover how they feel right now. They don't talk to each other either, because they're still smarting about what happened in their last timeline and they only interact when out of necessity.
A subdued Kira appears. Her mom got into an accident and she's been confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life. They have a lot of medical bills so his dad had to accept the first moderately well paying job he could get his hands on despite having to move for it, she explains shyly to Scott, whom glares at Stiles the moment she's not looking. Gerard also comes into town and ends up abducting Scott again. When Stiles is trying to liberate him once again, he ends up setting the house on fire without meaning to. He frantically calls 911 but only Allison survives the fire. Scott calls him a monster and won't talk to him. After a week he comes to Stiles and tells him he can't live with his conscience just as deputies invade his room to arrest him.
His dad won't even come to see him, to hear what happened exactly, no matter how many times he begs.
Stiles gets screamed and insulted as he's being moved to a police van. Monster, monster, monster, they chant furious, the sound even coming through the closed doors. The van never makes it to its destination, though, because it gets attacked. Allison points a gun to his face the moment she gets the doors to open, uncaring of the two police officers already dead at the front part. She forces him to get into her father's SUV and then drives back into the preserve, holding him at gun point.
He tries to explain what happened once and she hits him with the gun. He grabs her hand and wrestles for it. She loses control of the car and they fall out of the road. When the world finally stops spinning, she's dead and he's not.
He cries.
He takes her phone and starts dialling his dad's number. He cries even more when he picks up, because his dad is trying to convince him to give himself up instead of listening to him. He tells him so and his dad says he'll listen, to please talk to him and he'll help him. Stiles explains. Or he tries to anyway, because halfway he realizes that his dad is just trying to keep him on the phone enough to track the call. Stiles calls him a traitor, says he's not surprised that he's not there for him, because he never was, so why would this be any different? He hangs up, throws the phone to the ground and runs.
Scott finds him just at the same time the bastards appear.
Inevitably, fire and brimstone rains.
Stiles is still crying when they come back to themselves .
When the howl pierces the night, by mutual accord, they decide then and there to sit this one out because there's no use in trying when their defeat is so obviously set in stone. They don't want to talk to each other either, their friendship is over. Stiles bites his tongue, but Scott doesn't. He says Stiles is a monster, that the nogitsune just enabled what was already there, that he let go with Donovan too, that he'll be watching and if he gets out of line, he'll intervene. Stiles punches him just as his dad catches them, angry tears sliding down his face. Scott has an asthma attack just then, and to his dad's utter astonishment, Stiles takes out the inhaler of his pocket and throws it at him just as he leaves. When John tries to stop him, he shakes his arm, throwing such an angry and hurt glare at him, that he's left at loss of words.
At this point, Stiles doesn't care about anything. He lets time pass, ignoring everything he sees. To hell with it, let the world inevitably burn to ashes, see if he cares. That is, until he suddenly can't because his dad disappears and he has to ally himself with Scott, whose mom has disappeared too. Stiles cuts Jennifer Blake's throat in front of everyone in that cellar and then proceeds to set Deucalion on fire. Peter, who is apparently still the alpha in this timeline, takes the opportunity to take care of the rest of the alphas with his pack. Stiles spies Derek, Cora, Isaac, Erica and Boyd as he helps his dad to the jeep, but he's tired of prophecies, the inevitable and being hurt all the time by the people he's been burned alive to protect thrice, and he's sitting this one out, dammit, he just doesn't care. As he's rounding the car to get into the driving seat, Scott tries to say something and he simply flips him the bird. He catches Peter looking at him hungrily and he flips him too. He leaves and doesn't look back.
John confronts him when he can finally move enough to corner him. Stiles explodes and brings up everything that he kept pent up through his childhood and three different timelines. His mom, the alcoholism, he doesn't leave anything out. He's crying angrily by the end and his dad is horrified. Stiles goes to his room and changes clothes, because despite everything he rushed after his dad clad just in his batman pyjamas. As he goes to the door, he spies his dad filling a tumbler in the kitchen, and he feels sick. He slams the door with all the force he can as he leaves.
Peter finds him at the park. He stops right in front of the swing Stiles is sitting at and just stares, alpha red eyes shining in the dark. Stiles sneers at him, fed up with true leaders and change that comes in red already, and simply tells him that if he doesn't leave him alone, he won't give two shits about setting him on fire. He's courting death, he knows, but he simply doesn't care at this point. However, Peter just smiles that dangerous smile he used to sport when they researched together and they ribbed each other out to the point of contemplating the other's very painful demise. The familiar sight makes him subconsciously relax and Peter arches an eyebrow at his reaction.
"I quite like you, Stiles," he says, like he did once, a long time ago. "Do you want the bite?"
"No," he answers, this time completely sure of his decision, "I don't."
And, again, just like he did once, Peter leaves.
When Stiles comes back home, his dad is still sitting in the kitchen with a full glass. He seems to snap out of it when he sees his son's back and then, quite pointedly, he gets up to throw the alcohol through the drain. Stiles simply climbs the stairs to his room and closes the door behind him, because punctual gestures mean nothing to him.
The next day, Isaac, Erica, Boyd and Cora sit with him at lunch and Stiles sneers, gets up and throws his food to the trash on his way out. He's not that hungry anyways. Except they repeat it the next day, and the next, and the next, and the next... By the seventh day this happens, he throws a disgruntled glare at them but doesn't leave. He spends lunch throwing fries at them whenever it strikes his mood, but they have wolf reflexes, so they just catch them and eat them, or in Isaac's case, he passes them to Cora so that she can have them.
They continue trying to insert themselves in Stiles' life relentlessly for almost two weeks, not reacting at all when he retaliates out of pure unadulterated irritation, and finally he snaps. He finds out where Peter lives and goes there one afternoon after school. Unsurprisingly, it's what used to be Derek's loft and everyone is there. Luckily Stiles doesn't give a damn about the audience.
"What the fuck is your game?" he snaps, arms crossed and glaring.
"My, I don't know w-"
"Cut the crap," Stiles snarls. "You think I was joking when I said I would set you on fire? Newsflash, I wasn't. So tell me what the hell do you want from me, right now."
"You're such an angry little thing, Stiles, maybe you should look into getting help for that?"
"You went on a killing rampage that ended with five deaths, one of them your own niece, you don't get to lecture me about anger management issues, Peter."
"Ah, so you do know about that. I had wondered," he muses calmly, throwing Stiles off balance at the unexpected reaction. "In any case, I was left packless and trapped in my own mind after nearly burning alive, what's your excuse?"
An abusive sick mother, an alcoholic father, a traitorous best friend, years and years of supernatural bullshit that included one possession and several tortures, and three deaths in which he was burned alive by fire and brimstone, he wants to say. And guess what, he didn't go on a killing spree after all that.
"Don't dodge the question," he snaps instead.
Peter looks at him thoughtfully for moment, as if he can somehow feel the weight of what Stiles has left unsaid. "I want you in my pack, of course," he answers simply instead of pursuing the matter.
"And I already said no," Stiles snarls, hands now fisted at his sides to help control the temptation of resorting to violence.
"You said no to the bite. And in all honesty, I'll have you in any form or capacity."
Stiles gapes for a moment, caught off guard, before he recovers his footing. "I said no to everything! Engrave that into your mind," he snarls furiously. "I only intervened because that bitch took my father."
"Understood then," Peter replies placidly and Stiles feels even more off kilter.
"Then stay away," Stiles snaps finally as he turns to leave.
And they do.
For a week.
Isaac is the first to come back to his lunch table. He's silent and Stiles can see he still has a lot of unresolved issues. Somehow, even though Stiles tries to make him leave with his sharp tongue, they end up snarking back and forth, both of them throwing painful jabs at each other that would leave others in tears. Isaac seems to relish in having someone that won't tiptoe around him, that somehow seems to understand the abuse he went through and doesn't think him made of glass because of it, but of hard diamond in spite of it.
Then one day one of the basketball team tries to make fun of Isaac, because in this timeline, Peter never let him go into sports so as to not expose himself and he's still a loser, and Nathan Jones and his little clique are nothing but the epitome of the stereotypical jocks. They crowd on him outside the gym and threaten to throw him into the dumpster. Now, Isaac is a werewolf with enough force to power lift all of them together but Stiles doesn't need to be a genius to know that he's in some kind of flashback with the way he freezes up.
There's a very good reason no one messes with Stiles in this school and those jocks get reminded of it when he intervenes before he can really think of it. Afterwards, he grabs Isaac's hand and pulls him towards the toilet first and then, when he has snapped out of it, to the rooftop to skip the rest of the afternoon classes.
The rest of the pack join his lunch table again the very next day and Stiles just sighs resigned to accept the inevitable. When Cora talks casually about how Nathan Jones and several others got caught with weed in their lockers and how they got suspended and kicked out of the team for it, Isaac's lips twitch and Stiles sighs again, knowing there's no way he can get rid of them now. Erica's smirk and Boyd casually exchanging his water for his own pineapple juice (which Stiles loves but they were out when he picked his lunch) just confirms it.
Scott glares at him from beside Allison and Stiles simply pops the straw inside the juice box and sips.
It's obvious now that sitting it out won't work, because change in red still comes to Stiles (he eyes Isaac's red scarf), whether he likes it or not. When he was a kid he used to wear red all the time, convinced that by doing that he would control what change came into his life. Why did he stop? Maybe it's time that he starts harnessing red as a weapon again.
When school ends, he drives to the loft again, Isaac on the passenger side, languidly flipping through the channels of the radio, never seeming to find anything he likes enough to settle on. Stiles is too immersed in his own mind to care, though, so he lets him do as he pleases.
Stiles glares disgruntled at Peter when he spots his self-satisfied smirk, which only makes it widen into a smile.
"We're going to blackmail Deaton and Morrel," he states simply after a moment.
"We are?" Peter muses placidly.
"We are. But just because I need your red eyes to move it along and plucking them out of your sockets would be too much of a hassle," he grunts and he would swear he just heard some muffled snickers in the background, but he ignores them in favour of maintaining eye contact with Peter.
"Hmmm... And what do I get out of this? Have you changed your mind about joining the pack then?"
"You get a purified Nemeton that stops attracting all this shit towards Beacon Hills and some psycho bastards that will cause a lot of trouble taken care of. How about that?"
Peter blinks slowly.
They blackmail Deaton and Morrel and purify the Nemeton. Peter spouts something about nogitsunes being needed for the balance, so, against his better judgement, Stiles decides to try again to save it, but this time he extracts a promise from it to not kill or harm its original jailer in exchange of its freedom. Peter is against it (even though he reluctantly sees the practicality of it), but they contact the Tribunal to take care of the Eichen House problem again.
Somehow, at one point between hearing his dad grumble awkwardly about his station being invaded by the FBI and Gerard's appearance, Stiles becomes part of the pack without even realizing it. It gets somehow driven home when he finds himself holding a gun to Gerard's temple while the rest of the pack releases Peter. Scott, who apparently was having dinner with them is horrified, but not by finding Peter detained precisely. He can't believe that Stiles is saving him and this time Stiles is the one to call Scott a monster, shocking him speechless.
The Tribunal is still managing the fall out of Eichen House, so Stiles finds it incredibly easy to make all the dirt he has on Gerard get to them with the surprising help of his dad, whom is still trying to make amends. News of Gerard Argent being arrested by the FBI travel like wildfire through their small town two days later.
Kira comes to town in a wheelchair herself, her dad dead and her mom looking older and more worn down than Stiles ever seen her and he despairs that he's been out-thought again. Scott is furious once again and he tries to confront Stiles about it. It nearly evolves into a full out war between the pack and the hunters, whom Scott is now part of. Only the presence of the Tribunal dissuades the situation.
Stiles ponders about what to do next when the whole issue finally dies down. Despite the situation with his dad and Scott and the surprising fact that he's crazy Peter Hale's emissary, he likes this new timeline.
Peter is sassy and has a very dark humour that matches Stiles' to the tee. He looks forward to their research sessions, to when Peter surprises him with a new ancient tome that he has gotten from who knows where. He likes that Peter isn't afraid of doing what needs to be done for the safety of their pack and that he doesn't look at Stiles as if he's a monster for exactly that same reason. He also likes that the man listens and treats his words as something valuable and important. Isaac looks up to him, comes to him when he needs help and effectively treats him like an older brother, bickering included. Derek has somehow found his peace and Stiles doesn't know how it happened (even if he suspects that it has to do with Cora's appearance), but his presence is calming now. He's still a little dour but more in a exasperated way, and Stiles loves when he manages to get his huge nerdy side to come out and play. Also, his protective side is of the size of the sun, and being on the receiving end is heart-warming. Cora's humour is wicked and she's super competitive, which matches Stiles' own competitiveness and makes their Mario Kart tournaments with Erica a sight to behold. Just like her brother, she's really protective of her own and will go to great lengths to keep them safe, even if she'll call them idiots all the way. Erica is a spitfire lady that brings life to Stiles' life. Again, she has a wicked humor that's somehow in the middle ground between Peter's and Cora's. She's a cuddler too and Stiles secretly loves when they are watching a movie and she shamelessly moves into his personal space and pulls Boyd, who is also a secret cuddle lover like Stiles, into it. Boyd is Stiles' source of calm. When he's stressed, he will pick up a book or simply lie in the couch beside him. Stiles will inevitably wake up hours later, not even remembering when exactly did he nod off and with his head on his lap. If he's lucky enough, Boyd will be absently running his hands through his hair (which is going through the awkward stage of being spiky and not long enough as he's trying to grow it out) and both of them will feign that Stiles is still asleep.
This is what he has now and he doesn't want to lose it, but apart from Malia and the desert wolf, there's only the bastards to take care of, and this is the fourth timeline both Scott and Stiles have gone through and they still haven't found out who the hell they are and why they are attacking them. It leaves Stiles nervous and unsettled, but he can't do anything about it except to keep an eye out and to be careful.
They find Malia on an outing Stiles suggests to bond, and Peter is floored. For a few weeks, Stiles (and the pack in general) is constantly amused by their dynamics and Peter is equally constant in the disgruntled glares he shoots at Stiles for his cheek. They retrain Malia to be able to act as a human again and join society, and Stiles is reminded of how sharp she is (as sharp as her dad) when she's ready in a little over a month to join them at school.
Then, one day, the FBI comes knocking at their door in the form of Raphael McCall, who asks Stiles to come with him none too gently. Stiles, who still can't stand the man even though now he can't stand the son, refuses. The next moment he's being dragged outside, pushed against the wall and handcuffed. Peter is there less than a second later and Stiles finds out it's Derek the one who is keeping Stiles uptight as he's trying to wait the ringing in his ears and the dizziness out minutes later.
McCall is pointing his gun at Peter, who looks like he's calculating how to drag the man inside and then dispose of the body. Stiles loves what he has now and he won't lose it for anything in the world, so he has to talk everyone down before everything slips through his fingers. He doesn't even have time before more agents bust through the windows and before he can even count to ten they have all the pack subdued and arrested.
They drag them to the police station and push them into the cells. Stiles pleads to Peter silently to just bear with it until they can understand what the hell is happening. They let them sweat it out in the cell, but Stiles has lived through a lot by now and he isn't even fazed, so he uses the time to calm Isaac, Cora, Erica and Boyd, who don't deal well with being confined in tight spaces anymore.
Much later, they forcibly pull Stiles out of the cell and from under Derek's arm, and into an interrogation room down the hall. Before they can even start, Stiles' dad bursts into the room and demands an explanation, because, for starters Stiles is a minor and he received news of the arrest through his own deputies. They grudgingly let John stay in the room.
They ask him about what has he been doing as of late. Stiles is confused about the line of questioning but answers truthfully, because apart form the supernatural aspect of it all, he really hasn't been doing much else than helping Malia, doing homework and playing with his friends the last two, nearly three, weeks. They drill him on that and he still answers truthfully, again with nothing to hide. Then McCall gets in the room and slams some pictures in front of him.
There's a ring in his ears and he can't breathe and then he's puking his guts out into the ground while John shouts at the agents enraged. The next thing he knows is that he's calling for his pack because his father is not enough. He needs Peter, Malia and Cora's vicious protectiveness, Derek and Erica's fierce one, and Isaac and Boyd's powerful one. He needs them now. The next thing he knows is that someone has let Peter in and he's talking him through his panic attack while Derek simply holds him.
Afterwards he's left violently shaking and crying, because Scott is dead. McCall found him, Melissa and Allison torn to shreds and Stiles' name had been written on the wooden floor, as if Scott had used his last strength to write it with his own blood. Everyone knows that lately they hated each other for some reason no one has been able to find out, so the next logical assumption was that Stiles did it.
Stiles turns into a vicious creature that lashes out when he's hurt and scared, so he doesn't waste a moment to tell them how stupid they are for thinking that, and, among other things, did they get their badges in a raffle? John tries to curb his tongue but Peter joins in on the unstoppable train that is Stiles' verbal abuse, with Derek doing what he does best, which is glower at them darkly, until they call defeat and let him go, because he has a solid alibi for the night of the events.
It doesn't end there, because like the last three timelines, when something goes wrong, everything else follows in tow inevitably right into hell.
Stiles is in Peter's car after they leave the station, sitting on the backseat with the man close while Derek drives, when a shot comes through the window and blood splatters on his face. Derek screams as the alpha power transfers into him but hits the gas before jumping into the backseat, grabbing a screaming Stiles and pulling them both out of the still moving car. They land on Derek himself with a grunt, but he doesn't let it stop him and pulls Stiles into the safety of the woods.
Stiles tries calling the pack as they run but no one picks up. He contains a sob and he dials his dad next. When he does pick up, he rushedly explains what's happening and he hears him calling to the FBI agents because apparently he hasn't left the station yet. He's still on the phone with him when they reach a clearing, and it's a no moon night and completely dark, but he would recognize it anywhere and he knows what's inevitably coming. He closes his eyes to contain his tears and breathes in deeply. He tells his dad that he forgives him for everything, that he loves him despite everything that has happened between them and then hangs up.
Derek is wolfed out and trying to keep Stiles behind him, but they're coming from everywhere and it's just not possible. Stiles hugs him and tells him he's sorry, that he's so happy that he gave him a chance (that they gave it to each other, really) this time and that he loves him like a brother and he always will, no matter what happens.
Inevitable, as set in stone now as the fire and brimstone rains on them seconds later.
Stiles gasps into consciousness to the sight of a bewildered Scott that is trying to keep him upright and failing. Despite everything that has happened between them, Stiles pulls him into a hug right there sprawled on the forest's floor.
"Oh my God, you're alive," he chants trying to keep himself from having an anxiety attack.
"What are you talking about?! Of course I'm alive!" Scott exclaims confused and for some reason, dread starts to pool at the bottom of Stiles' stomach at the tone.
"Oh my God, you're pale as a ghost! Are you going to faint? Tell me you aren't going to faint," Scott pleads.
"What happened?"
"What happened at your house, Scott?"
"What are you talking about?! You're not making any sense!"
Stiles' throat closes on him just as a howl pierces the night. When his dad finds them, Scott is simultaneously trying to fight an asthma attack and to help Stiles. Nothing John says can calm him, so he ends up having to rush him to the hospital and they have to sedate him.
When he wakes up, Stiles is disoriented at first, but then he remembers everything and he can't stop crying. His dad begs him to tell him what's happening but he won't talk. Then, the most baffling thing happens when Derek Hale comes through the door and both of them look at each other as if they move first the other is going to disappear.
"Brother?" Derek finally grumbles awkwardly, looking ready to bolt or remain depending on Stiles' response.
"Derek," Stiles whines softly, bursting into tears again as he extends his arms towards him.
Derek springs forward and pulls him into a tight hug as Stiles spouts things that he shouldn't be talking about in front of his dad but he can't help himself. His dad looks speechless and like he doesn't know what to do, especially since Derek seems to be calming Stiles quite effectively while John has failed on every attempt. When Stiles can finally breathe without bursting into tears, he makes up a hasty explanation about how they met. It's a little sketchy but it won't make any alarms ring on his dad's head. They met on the Internet in a help group for people with anxiety issues. They helped each other, ended exchanging numbers and then Stiles met Laura, because she was important to Derek.
It seems to make sense to John (even if he's not happy that Stiles talked to strangers through the Internet, especially when he was so vulnerable), but he wants to know what happened on the woods, what made him break down and why the hell is Derek here if he lives in New York.
Laura wanted to come back to find closure, he explains, and Derek didn't want to ever have to set a foot in Beacon Hills again, so they decided that Derek would wait for her in Sacramento. Except that she hadn't answered his phone for two days, and while at first Derek thought it might be a coincidence, by the second day he knew something must have happened, so he forced himself to come back to Beacon Hills to search for her. And then Stiles went to the woods searching for a body and found one. Except he recognized Laura and he panicked. He called Derek but then it was too much and he had an anxiety attack.
It works.
Days later, Derek comes through the window late at night and Stiles tells him what happened and about the different timelines. They both agree that they want their pack back, so Derek tells him what happened on the part of the last timeline when he still was adamant on sitting it out.
Stiles is fed up with the whole time travelling thing, and true leaders that bring change in red. So he decides to go back to what he decided when he was just a kid and ended not maintaining, and dons his red hoodie to bring the change he wants and be his own true leader, no matter what the prophecy says or not.
First stop is Peter. Remembering what he did to Laura still makes Derek rage, he tells Stiles on the car well on their way to the hospital in the middle of the night, but he's older now, has come to terms with it and more importantly, he has died agonizingly slow in a fire now and knows how it feels. That Peter went through that and then had to suffer through years of slow recovery right after his pack abandoned him makes him feel so ashamed that he almost can't stand it. When Peter was shot and the alpha powers transferred to Derek, his first thought was to protect his pack. He reached for Stiles first because he was there, but the rest were in his mind too. He loves Laura and he always will, but she left Peter to rot when he needed her the most. And while at first she could do nothing else, they stayed away years, so part of the fault of what happened lies on her shoulders too. And his too, because he was so immersed in his own pain that he never spoke against it, and he has come to accept that. So now, subscribing to the whole better later than never adage, they go for Peter first.
It's awkward having to deal with a Peter that doesn't think twice about killing his nurse right in his own hospital room as opposed to the more controlled Peter they left behind on the last timeline, but they manage. It helps that Derek shocks him speechless when he tells him exactly the same that he told Stiles in the car (minus the time travel detail, of course) on the way to the hospital. Peter snarls enraged and squeezes Derek's throat while Stiles hovers behind worriedly. When Derek makes no move to free himself and simply averts his eyes, Peter lets go.
Slowly but surely, as time passes and the case about the mysterious attacks goes cold, Peter gets better. He arranges his come back to the living so to speak and leaves the hospital and the bafflement of the doctors and nurses alike behind. At some point he fakes leaving town to get plastic surgery and comes back a two weeks later looking as good as new.
Scott goes gaga over Allison when she appears and Stiles keeps his distance. Scott is hurt by it but Stiles, who remembers first being thrown aside in favour of others, being reduced to almost begging for scraps, being called a monster, betrayed and hurt by him or, more exactly what he can become, doesn't let it sway him. It's not fair to this Scott that has been nothing but a good friend, but Stiles won't chance it again, prophecy or not.
He tries approaching his dad after what happened in the last timeline, but the man's suspicions about his motives hurt Stiles to no end, and he accepts that he never will have the relationship he wants to have with him. He mopes for days until Derek forces him to sit through a horrendous chick flick whose argument they both end up verbally destroying not even twenty minutes in, to Peter's amusement.
When Kate comes, Stiles thinks a plan to let Peter have the final blow, but it's Derek who kills her, to everyone's surprise. Peter looks at his shaking nephew appraisingly and then squeezes his shoulder before hoisting her body to dispose of it.
He later finds Derek sleeping with Stiles in his room that night. He approaches the bed slowly and when Stiles, whom is still awake but just barely, merely blinks at him, he then squeezes the back of his neck gently, almost as if experimentally. When Stiles just sighs contented he repeats the action with Derek. He seems baffled when Derek subconsciously welcomes the gesture even asleep, and Stiles grins at his expression, prompting an eyeroll from the man.
Things progress after that, Peter becoming more grounded as time passes. When Stiles thinks he's ready he goes to speak to him about turning others and expanding their pack, his eyes glued nervously to his red sneakers.
"If you wanted to be turned," Peter says smiling indulgently, "you just had to ask, sweetheart."
"Me???" Stiles squeaks flustered, prompting an amused snort from Derek. "No, I mean others. Not that there's anything wrong with being a wolf, of course," he backtracks hastily at the man's raised eyebrows. "I'm your emissary, Peter! It would be a waste of my spark to turn me!"
"I mean, from all the research I've done, sparks lose their powers for some reason if they get turned and-"
Stiles looks at Derek wildly and he snorts. "I think we forgot to mention the spark thing, Stiles."
Stiles blinks. "Oh, sorry about that. I guess I kinda forgot?" he says sheepishly and Derek snorts again, earning a dark look from Stiles. "So yeah, me spark, turning is no no. A big no no. Anyways, here, I have a list of people that would be good wolves."
Derek snorts again at Peter's blown expression and unceremoniously proceeds to drag Stiles into the kitchen. He can't cook to save his life and he's craving pancakes now. Stiles whines about forced labour even as he takes the necessary ingredients to make them.
Over the next two weeks Isaac, Erica and Boyd choose to be turned. At first it's jarring that the people Stiles loves so much see him as a virtual stranger but he copes with it as well as he can. Both Derek and Stiles become so immersed in showing them the ropes that they forget about everything else they know is coming down the road. They get reminded of it abruptly when Erica and Boyd go missing, which is how they find grandpa Gerard is back in town. Stiles is more than fed up with him, so he doesn't even hesitate to set a trap with Peter as a bait to lure him out and blow his brains out with the man's own gun. Peter, who had been a little skeptic about the whole plan (because he didn't know that grandpa wanted to be bitten to cure his cancer because they couldn't explain how they knew) but had gone along with it anyways, confident in his ability to salvage almost any situation that may arise, is as delighted by the outcome as he is by Stiles' viciousness.
As he did with Kate, the man leaves to dispose of the body and when he comes back he finds everyone in a pile in the living room, still shaken and awake. He starts with Stiles, like he did last time too, and goes on to squeeze the back Derek's neck next, then Erica's, Boyd's and, finally, Isaac's.
Stiles and Derek vow to not get caught unawares again, but the alpha pack comes into town and Isaac goes missing. Stiles has never been more furious and Peter looks fascinated by the sight, which makes him want to slap some sense into the man but he refrains. He decides to poison them again, and because mountain ash is his bitch at this point they get it done in just one night and get Cora out of the whole ordeal.
On that very same night, Stiles sneaks out to kill Jeniffer alone, not wanting to give her the chance to kill anyone in this timeline. He comes back to the loft dizzy from blood loss at the same time Jennifer's house in the outskirts goes up in flames aided by an accelerant that no one will be able to identify. Everyone is angry at him, but Peter is beyond furious. Even more so when Stiles won't back down and accept he did wrong going alone.
He leaves the loft with the help of his mountain ash and stays away. He avoids everyone at school, he doesn't go to pack meetings, he lines his house with mountain ash. Everything is going to inevitably end in fire and brimstone anyway, he decides, so why the hell shouldn't he try to do everything alone this time and save himself the heartbreak?
He blackmails Deaton and Morrel, and purifies the Nemeton and the nogitsune with them. Even feeling like shit and having to stop to vomit black goo continuously, he bargains with Ikari (his name, apparently) the conditions of his release. He won't harm or kill Noshiko or the Yukimura family, but he will take her powers from her as compensation for all the years spent in captivity, being leeched from by the Nemeton. As for Stiles, he will destroy Eichen House for him in payment for the cleansing and for releasing him.
Stiles agrees to the terms, hoping that he hasn't overlooked any catch this time, and then crawls his way out of the preserve and right into Peter's presence. And then, before they can even start arguing again, Stiles proceeds to vomit on his probably very expensive shoes and faint.
"You're an ass," Derek growls when he comes back to consciousness at the loft, on what he guesses to be Peter's bed.
"Can it," he manages to snap back through his pounding headache.
"No, I fucking won't," Derek snarls back even as his hand circles Stiles' wrist and he starts leeching off the pain, dark veins crawling up his arm. "You're an ass," he repeats again.
"I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself! And besides, you of all people know why I had to kill her!"
"Of course I do, but that's not the problem! Put yourself in our place, Stiles! What would you have thought if I had gone alone?! Or Isaac or Erica or Boyd or Cora?! What would you have done?!"
Stiles' breath catches in his throat, because he would have been worried sick first when he noticed them gone and then utterly furious when he found they had gone to face Jennifer alone, capable or not.
"I'm sorry," he whispers, deflating, and Derek sighs, reaching to pull him into an embrace. "I'm so, so sorry. I just wanted to-"
"I know," Derek sighs against his shoulder, tightening his arms around him.
Even though everyone heard the conversation between Stiles and Derek, things are still tense for a while afterwards, right up until Isaac decides to sit with Stiles at the cafeteria again and to irritate him into a bickering match, even though Stiles is trying to play nice. Then the thing with Nathan Jones happens again and Stiles doesn't even hesitate this time to ruin the entire clique by planting weed in their lockers once again, which prompts an appreciative Cora to join them and to drag Erica and Boyd with her.
Still, Peter remains distant and cold, especially when Eichen House becomes rubble in just one night and he suspects Stiles has gone solo again. Stiles puts on both his red hoodie and red sneakers (to make sure) and tracks him down to apologize for the way he did things with Jennifer. He also explains what happened with the Nemeton and the nogitsune, including the bargain with him. Afterwards he waits nervously for Peter to talk but the man only drags him forward to scent him and squeezes the back of his neck gently.
Things return to normal slowly afterwards and finally Stiles gets his wish granted when he gets back his research binges with Peter, his movies with Derek, his Mario Kart tournaments with Cora and Erica, his bickering sessions with Isaac and his silent cuddling with Boyd. He's really happy about it but at the same time he's wary, because he's again at the point where only finding Malia and taking care of the desert wolf and the bastards remains. And again, another timeline and he still doesn't even know who they are or what they want.
This is also the point where things inevitably go to hell.
There's no use in panicking, Derek reminds him, and, with red sneakers on Stiles' feet, they go in search of Malia under the guise of a bonding outing through the woods. They find her again and this time around they go directly to what motivates her the most to ease her into socializing again. After a month, she joins them both in their classes and the extremely aggressive Mario Kart tournaments and it's bliss for Stiles.
Then they get invaded by pixies and both Stiles and Derek are thrown off kilter, because this hasn't happened ever before. They try to exterminate them but they reproduce faster than they can kill them, even after they grudgingly strike a truce with the Argents because they are as overwhelmed as the pack is by the invasion.
In the end, the Argents decide to call the Tribunal and when they arrive, Stiles finds himself pulled into hiding by Derek, to everyone else's astonishment even if they hide too at Derek's insistence.
"It's them," he hisses frantically and Stiles' eyes widen, catching on immediately.
"Are you sure?!" he whispers back, equally frantic and Derek nods curtly. "Fuck."
He observes them from his hiding spot, trying to process what's happening. He realizes suddenly that in every timeline, the bastards started hunting them after the Tribunal had been called to help in Beacon Hills for some reason or another. Every single time. But why? Why would they target Scott and Stiles? Was it because Scott was a true alpha? Because he doubted it was because Stiles was spark, as rare as sparks might be too.
He gets part of his answer a few days later, when they're staking out the Argent's house and Scott comes to have dinner, nearly giving Stiles a heart attack. Except he leaves a couple of hours later unharmed and days pass and Scott remains that way. He suddenly remembers what Scott wrote in blood red on his wooden floor that made the FBI think him the culprit. It's Stiles. Is it? Is Stiles what they have been hunting all this time? But if that's the case, why? It's ridiculous!
He's not. He's not losing everything again because of them, he doesn't fucking care about the reason. He has his red something on and the support of his alpha, with his own red eyes, along his whole pack.
He calls a pack meeting and explains everything he has found out and, after a slight hesitation, the time travelling issue, backed up by Derek. He's floored that they trust him so much that they believe him immediately and just ask what's the plan.
"So, mighty leader, what's the plan?" Isaac asks to everyone's amusement and unaware of how his words make Stiles' mouth go dry.
"What did you call me?"
"Peter might be the alpha, but you're always the one with the plan everyone follows," Malia explains with her usual matter-of-fact attitude, no tact at all, and Peter snorts amused, but doesn't correct her.
"It was that or red riding hood with your penchant for red hoodies," Erica mocks. "Or red everything, really."
"Our leader in red," Cora joins in.
"That sounds so wrong," Erica protests. "Our red leader? The true leader? We really need to work on that."
"Stiles?" Boyd inquires softly, leaning in to run his hand through his hair and effectively grounding him.
"I-I, yes, everything a-okay," he manages to stammer out, finally letting the hand that is squeezing the life out of Derek's thigh relax. "So, the plan." He launches into an explanation about the fire and brimstone and how he can change it so it doesn't take him this time. "But even if it does," he vows, "I'll repeat everything again and again until the pack is together and I find a way so they can't hurt us anymore."
(Fuck the inevitable.)
Later, he finds himself in that clearing again, except this time he's alone, because everything has gone horribly wrong and the plan has been shot to hell (he doesn't know why is he even surprised at this point, to be honest). Back straight and unafraid this time, he makes fire and brimstone rain on them once again.
Just as he's falling to the ground with his clothes on fire, Peter bursts into the clearing, and Stiles wishes and wishes and wishes that he reaches him in time to get pulled back in time with him, because despite what he said at the loft (home, his home now), he doesn't want to do this alone again.
He wakes up in the woods, clutching at Scott and desperately trying not to cry. He hopes that the Peter lurking not far from here is his Peter, even if he feels incredibly selfish because that will mean that he'll remember dying on fire again.
He trembles.
Except that's not Scott's voice but Peter's and he ends up crying anyways, because fire and brimstone rained on him but Stiles is still here and hasn't lost everything and gone back to the starting point once again.
Everything hurts and he can already see blisters forming on his arms. His legs feel no better and there are some spots on his face that feel like they are still on fire, but he throws himself at the man again anyway, and clings to him as his body shakes violently. It's going to be hell when the adrenaline leaves him but he doesn't care because he's still here (here!) and he would endure everything for that, even fire and brimstone a thousand times more.
Peter hugs him back, equally tight.
Days later, the doorbell rings at the loft and Stiles, who had stubbornly insisted that he could get to the kitchen on his own and is deeply regretting his decision right now, is the one that opens it and he regrets it even more than getting up from the couch and away from his silent cuddles with Boyd in the first place, if that's even possible, because if the woman on the other side isn't from the Tribunal, he'll eat his own red shocks. The only people at the loft with him right now are Malia and Boyd, and Stiles' mind goes into overdrive thinking a way to kill the hunter before she can get to them.
"Stiles?" Malia inquires, popping up from behind just as the woman takes a step back and raises her hands placatingly. He'd bet his ass that Boyd is out of sight but equally close, and has probably Peter or Derek on the phone already. "Your heart is tap dancing, everything ok?"
"Everything a-okay," Stiles replies, mind still running a hundred miles per hour.
"You're lying," she frowns. Then she takes in the woman and starts growling at her.
"She's leaving," he states coldly, glaring at her and setting his tattoos into motion.
"I am," the woman says simply and Stiles blinks, thrown off kilter. "I'm not here to harm you, just to relay a message from the Tribunal."
"She's not lying," Malia pipes in helpfully.
"Indeed," she nods. "The Tribunal wants to me convey their deepest apologies for what happened with a rogue faction that acted against our Code, and an explanation too."
"I don't know if I care for either of those at this point, to be honest," Stiles growls, suddenly incensed instead of wary.
"I understand," she nods, still keeping her hands up. "Just know that no repercussions will come from what happened at the forest because we understand you acted purely on self-defense, then, and I'll be on my way."
"Wait," Stiles says sharply and she stills. "Why me? What did they want from me?"
"They were deranged fanatics, Mr. Stilinski, and sadly there was no real reason why they chose you as their target."
"Bullshit," he snaps, because it can't be anything else.
She sighs and he sneers uglily at her. Five. Five completely different timelines and they inevitably went for Stiles in every single one of them, so there must be a very specific reason (deranged or not, nonsensical or not) why they targeted him.
"Nine years ago," she finally speaks, "a man that was imprisoned for crimes I'm not authorized to share the information of, suddenly went into convulsions when he was going to be moved to the court room to be judged for them. He started crying the same words again and again, then went into shock and died on the spot before medical help could come. The incident and the hunters involved in the move were investigated but there was no evidence of foul play, so the matter was let go and what happened was forgotten." She shifts minutely in place, clearly uncomfortable. "Or that's what we thought, in any case. Apparently, the hunters involved in the incident started noticing that things that happened to them followed the words that the man cried in his delirium and, over time, they were convinced they were prophetic." She can't quite contain the sneer that twists her features momentarily before smoothing out. She doesn't notice how Stiles' breath catches at her words or how he reaches to squeeze Malia's hand, prompting her silently to not comment on it. "From our investigation this last week, we've found out that they visited many... seers," she sneers again, "to consult them about what they were sure was some kind of prophecy. Mostly they simply got assured that the words were so vague that they could mean anything, but a witch passing up as a non supernatural seer gave them a completely different and much more detailed interpretation. Our guess is that she wanted to make profit out of selling to some idiots protective charms or potions, but it backfired on her. Not only they didn't buy anything from her but they ended up killing her without contemplations. And what's even worse, they also left the store thinking that a leader would bring the end of the Tribunal in a bloodbath and having a lot of false details that she had made up about said leader to identify them."
"And I match the description?"Stiles asks incredulous.
"Yes, sadly along the more than thirty people they've killed over the last six years," she nods curtly.
"So all of this happened because of a prophecy?"
"All this happened because some hunters got obsessed about the words of a delirious man about a true leader in red that would be the catalyst of change to the court, then got tricked by a witch, created an entire faction of fanatics within the Tribunal and went on a crazy killing spree that spanned over years." She visibly takes a fortifying breath before regaining her cool attitude. "Let it not be said that we don't learn from our mistakes, though, because the Tribunal will cease to exist by the end of the week." Stiles blinks surprised and she smiles chagrined. "We already knew that our method wasn't perfect, but we believed that it was a good enough one that worked, that it was the best we could get. When you defended yourself and uncovered the dirty faction of the Tribunal, you brought to our attention (quite spectacularly, I might add) that we were wrong. Apart from fanaticism, this happened because of ignorance, so if we want this to work, we have to work together with the supernaturals. So this is why the new organization will be formed in equal parts by humans and supernaturals."
"A lot of people aren't going to like that," he can't help but snort.
"To put this simply, they can suck it or face the repercussions of going against the Court's code."
"The Court?"
"A name to remember what brough us here," she explains simply.
She leaves after that and Stiles closes the door, letting his forehead rest against it as he tries to take everything in. He opens his eyes and looks at his red clad feet.
(Inevitable, huh.)
When Boyd starts pulling him towards the couch, he doesn't resist. He makes himself a ball and automatically relaxes when Boyd's hand finds its way into massaging his scalp. He sighs contentedly and smiles, feeling completely at ease for the first time since he got abruptly immersed in the supernatural world a long time ago.
Prophecies are tricky things. They are vague, short and can have three or more different meanings that apply to things already past that followed the prophecy to the letter and may make it appear already fulfilled, but in the end may refer to something completely different altogether. They're also as incredibly rare as the existence of the seers that can vision them and more often than not the ones on the receiving end don't even acknowledge them as the prophecies they are.
Stiles is seven years old when he receives two prophecies and nearly sixteen when he finally fulfills them.
(Or, hopefully, that's the case, but only time will tell.)
(And also hopefully, if it comes down to that, this time without fire and brimstone inevitably raining on him.)
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projectlabsco · 4 years
How to Do a Project Management Audit
What is a project management audit? It’s an important part of any project, but often one that is neglected. Read on as we explain what a project management audit is and show you in a few simple steps how to do one yourself.Why Audit? Let’s start with a definition of the word audit. In its general sense, audit is a verb that means to inspect, examine, check, assess, review or analyze. Now that is not so different than what a project manager does all the time. We’re constantly auditing the health of our project, its financial well-being, the schedule and our timeliness in completing it, as well as the equipment and tools we’re using in the project. Why do we do this? Well, for many reasons. One, it helps to understand where we are compared to where we should be in the project. Auditing lets us know if things are okay and are performing as planned. It also tells us if we’re safe to go on and if things are improving. What Is a Project Management Audit? A project management audit is a bit different than the general definition of audit. First off, in this context, it’s a noun that means an independent, structured assessment. The audit process is designed to determine the status of work performed on a project to ensure it complies with the statement of work, such as the scope, time and budget of the project, along with the maturity of the project management process. Benefits of Project Management Audit One of the main reasons to do a project management audit is to ensure that you’re compliant with whatever governing regulations your project is subject to, depending on the industry, such as HIPAA, GDR, FAA, FTC, etc. It also helps to find gaps or reasons for any project failures or errors. On the flipside of this, it will also discover any areas for efficiencies concerning time, money and effort. But you must know your specific objectives, as they are not necessarily the same from project to project and organization to organization. There are many questions to consider during an audit, such as, why are you engaged in the project, and what results are you seeking? The project management audit at the top level asks, who does what, when and where, and how can it be improved? Well, improvement always comes through process. By going through each task and auditing it, you can begin a thorough audit of the entire project. Who’s Involved in a Project Management Audit? Every organization is different and therefore every project management audit is going to have differences depending on the project-related processes they use. For example, there’s the budget, which will include those managers involved in this process, depending on the size of the organization. Regardless of the size or your organization, a project management audit is likely to be lead by the project manager and include all project team members. It can also include anyone who interfaced with the project, no matter in what capacity, such as vendors and stakeholders. This provides different perspectives, which gives a fuller, more accurate picture. The discipline of a project management audit is not the same as managing a project. Though it’s a project, too, sometimes it is better to leave it in the hands of a dispassionate third-party. An outside contractor can run through the process with more authority due to their experience and not be prejudiced by closeness to the project. What Kind of Prep Do You Do for a PM Audit? First, you create a process and use a document repository. Then, use a template/checklist and track the work with a tool that allows you to attach documents to tasks/milestones. These will serve as your artifacts or evidence or proof that Jennifer was referring to. The Project Management Audit Process Plan the Audit: You shouldn’t start anything without a plan. Let everyone involved in the audit and the project know about the audit, and stress that this is not anything scary. It’s a method to make things work better, not lay blame. Conduct the Audit: Now do the audit and work through a thorough process to get all the data and proof. This includes interviewing project sponsor, manager and team, either in person, a group meeting or through a detailed questionnaire. Summarize the Audit: At this point, you’ll have lots of data; so take these findings about improvements and faults, and put them in an executive summary to give a clear and broad overview. Be sure to point out and praise those who have done well. Present the Results: Next, you want to present that summary of results to all parties that need to know about the audit, from your team to your stakeholders. At this point, you’ll want to identify opportunities that have been realized and implemented, as well as a list of all the problems that have and have not been resolved. Also, share recommendations. Determine the Action Plan: With all this data, you can now develop a plan of action that will help improve efficiencies. Get people involved and set that course with assignments and due dates. Use all the records collected during the interviews, meetings or via questionnaire and define the solution. This will be submitted to senior management. Schedule Follow-Up: Don’t let this action plan go unattended. Go back to it and make sure that the plan is progressing on schedule. Repeat: This is a list that should really be designed in a circle, because you can never sit back and become complacent. The more audits you do, the more efficiencies you’ll create. How ProjectManager.com Can Help with PM Audits ProjectManager.com is a cloud-based project management software that helps you plan, execute and track your project through every phase, and it can be a valuable tool for your project management audit, too. One-click reports provide a detailed picture of your project and how it adhered or diverted from your plan. Reports can be filtered to show just the data you want and then easily shared among management. Our real-time dashboard not only track progress during the project, afterward it provides color graphs and charts that make it easy to digest project metrics. ProjectManager.com’s dashboard reports in real time, so data is always accurate. When you’re done gathering and reporting data and ready to start an action plan, our online Gantt chart takes your tasks and sets them across a timeline. You can now set duration, assign team members, who can collaborate at the task level, adding documents and commenting. Gantt chart in ProjectManager.com let’s you analyze each project task. ProjectManager.com has you covered before, during and after the project. See how it can help you deliver your next project more productively by taking this free 30-day trial. Watch Our Expert Help You Plan a PM Audit Need more tips for executing your project management audit? Watch Jennifer Bridges, PMP, as she walks you through the steps to auditing your next project. [embedded content] Here’s a screenshot of the whiteboard for your reference! Thanks for watching! Pro-Tip: A project management audit is a critical method of making sure that you’re running the tightest project possible. But there are other complimentary ways to help with project efficiencies, such as hiring a project analyst to work with the project manager to help perform analytical tasks. Transcription Today we’re talking about how to do a project management audit. So in this whiteboard session, I wanna talk about what an audit is, clarify what a project management audit is, and why we do it, and then give a few simple steps on how to get it done. Well, first of all, an audit is a verb. So some synonyms that we hear all the time is inspect, examine, check, assess, review, and analyze. So the reason I wanna talk about this is because sometimes people think an audit is so scary, especially like a project management audit. What are they gonna find? Well, we do this all the time, right? We do it with our health. We wanna make sure is our health getting better? Is our blood pressure getting better? In our financials, are our financials increasing? Are they decreasing? Also, people on athletics, they check their race times all the time. Maybe even musicians check their tools or their equipment, or even race car drivers, they check their equipment, right? So we do this all the time. But why do we do it? We’re trying to identify are we where we should be? Are we okay? Are we safe to go? And are we improving? So we do this all the time. So let’s relate it to the project management audit. So a project management audit is a noun. It’s an independent structured assessment. It’s an examination designed to determine the status of the work performed on a project to ensure we’re meeting the SOW, which is the statement of work. We’re looking at the scope, the time, the budget. We wanna make sure what we’ve committed to we’re actually producing. It also can look at the maturity of the project management process. So why do we do the project management audit? Well, in some cases, we wanna make sure we’re complying. There are things in healthcare like HIPAA. Now, with people working with data, there’s the general data requirements and even the FAA and the FTC. So depending upon what industry, there may be things that you have to comply with in your project. We also wanna find any gaps or reasons for failures or errors. And then we wanna find areas of efficiencies to improve the time, improve the money or decrease expenses. Maybe we even wanna decrease the effort. So before you start your project management audit, then know why you’re doing it. We are doing this for the purpose of what? So you can be clear that you know why you’re doing this, and more importantly, what is the result that you’re seeking? So what do we look at? So basically, at a high level, we’re checking out who does what, when, and where, and how can you prove it. So in the audit, we may be looking at process documentation, deliverables that are produced, maybe even tools that we use to track it, and the artifacts. So the artifacts are actually the proof. So we can look at the project management task, and the audit is looking at these tasks were supposed to be done or these deliverables were supposed to be produced. So were they. So we always wanna prep before we do the audit. So here are some of the things just at a high level we wanna make sure that we’re prepped and ready for. We wanna create a process, a process for the audit. And we also wanna use a documentation repository for our projects. Because that way, when we’re using the process, we can go to the repository define documents, deliverables, and artifacts. We also wanna use a template or a checklist. So we ensure that we haven’t missed anything and to also ensure that we have a documented repeatable process. We also want to track this with a tool. So the great news is, with software tools today, we can for the different tasks that are being performed by the project manager or the team member, they can attach documents to specific task or milestones. That way the artifacts or the evidence is right there in your project plan and in your tool. And so here are just, again, some very high level steps for an audit process. So first of all, you want to plan the audit. So let everyone know who is involved in the audit or in the process or the project. Give them a heads up that this is going to be done. And again, it’s not a scary thing. It’s not to make any one wrong. We’re trying to improve things. So we want to conduct the audit actually go through the process of the audit by doing the things we’re looking at doing. Then I think it’s important to summarize the audit. What were the findings? What improvements did you see, had occurred, or what recommendations for improvements do you see could be done? And also, I like to give accolades. When people improve processes, I like to encourage them and let them know that they’re actually doing things better. Then we wanna present the results to the team, the stakeholders, or the people who need to know. And then number five, determine the action plan. So from the findings or improvements that you see could be made, you want to be sure to put a plan around that so you know what actions need to be done, when they need to be done, and who needs to do it. And then schedule the follow up and then you go back and you rinse and repeat. You actually do it again. So that’s continuous improvement. And you can see that that’s very valuable to not only the project but the organization and the team. So if you need a tool that can help you with your project management audit, then sign up for our software now at ProjectManager.com. (This post was updated December 2019) Related Posts from WordPress https://ift.tt/38qHrgW via IFTTT
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dorothydelgadillo · 5 years
Why You Need a Content Manager for Your Company (Some Tough Love from a Former Content Manager)
Let's cut to the chase. If you want to see results from inbound and content, someone in-house has to own your content as a full-time job.
Now, inevitably some of you are saying to yourselves:
"We're not ready to commit yet. We want to dabble first to see if inbound is for us."
You'll never get 110 percent results by putting in 50 percent (or less) effort. Success will only come if you commit fully. There is no in-between. (This is true for almost everything in life, so I'm not sure why anyone would think inbound would be different, but whatever.)
Or maybe you think you've got it covered:
"We've got a few people who can use part of their time on inbound, it's fine."
No. No, it's not fine.
You've got a few people who will deprioritize your content strategy the second something else "more important" comes along -- and you won't have anyone to hold them accountable.
As we've spoken about at length before, you need to hire a content manager if you want to walk an inbound path to attain the growth, revenue, and expanded brand awareness you're looking for.
You can call them whatever you want -- content strategist, content marketing manager, chief content officer, grand high priest (or priestess) of words... I don't care!
You just need someone in that seat.
We've also shared what questions to ask when interviewing for a content manager, as well as the most important qualities to look for in a content manager.
But I think we need to roll this narrative back a bit.
Lots of people -- including us -- are telling you that you need a content manager, but why?
Why do you really need a content manager? What do they bring to the table that can't be covered by someone else on your team? ("Seriously, can't the marketers we've already hired just take care of it?") Are the skill sets we're suggesting you look for actually necessary?
Most of all, will having a content manager really make a difference for your team and your company, beyond accountability?
Those are the exact questions I'm going to answer here for you.
But first...
A Brief History of Liz the Content Manager
Before we joined forces with IMPACT in 2017 -- where I was first a content strategist and I'm now our director of web and interactive content -- I was Quintain Marketing's content manager.
Although I didn't start out in that role.
I joined Quintain Marketing in 2014 as an account manager (and then a senior account manager), before Kathleen Booth (then-owner) created the content manager position for our company and moved me into that seat a year or so later.
Kathleen's move solved two challenges.
Coming from a writing and publishing background -- part of the reason she hired me in the first place -- I was much more suited to that role. As a result, I was able to thrive and excel professionally in a way that would have never been possible as an account manager. (Truth be told, I wasn't that great of an account manager. I was the right person in the wrong seat.)
More importantly, however, it helped us centralize content creation efforts for ourselves and our clients.
Kathleen realized what many other marketing leaders (agency or otherwise) had not at that time -- mediocre content no longer gets results.
So, if an organization doesn't bring centralized content and publication expertise in-house, they will fail in the long-run.
Through my experience as our content manager, I could not agree more.
What It Feels Like When You Don't Have a Content Manager (Spoilers: It's Painful)
No matter what your marketing strategists and subject matter experts tell you, creating content feels like a burden. (Although some will be upfront about it. Really upfront about it.)
There are those who will be exceptions to that assertion, of course. But, for the most part, creating content -- even when they see the value in it and want their voice to be heard by your audience -- will always be that thing they have to do.
It will always be in the way of what they really want to be doing.
Without having a content manager in place:
You will have some folks who grow to resent your strategic content efforts. Even if you're getting results, their pain doesn't go away or get better.
Marketers who want to create and execute innovative campaigns and strategies will leave, because they didn't sign up to be a brand journalist who is forever caught in a loop of chasing people down for edits and approvals.
You won't have someone in-house who can empower others to create truly engaging content that actually gets them noticed and gets better results.
Deadlines will be missed, strategies will go off the rails, and -- eventually -- your little inbound experiment will fall apart.
I want to draw particular attention to that second point, because this is something that often gets overlooked.
One of the top things I look for in a content manager or specialist hire is the desire to do that exact role. 
Unfortunately, it's my experience that digital marketers who end up with content manager responsibilities they shouldn't have (and/or didn't ask for) always end up leaving or cycling out to another role within the company. 
Even if they say they want that role, it's not going to work out. That's not to say there aren't marketers who later go on to find their passion as a content specialist -- that's exactly what I did, as did Ramona. But someone either has the foundational skills and (more importantly) the passion for content, specifically, or they don't. 
I've seen too many super-talented social media strategists and digital marketers try to backdoor their way into a different dream marketing job via a content specialist role, and it never goes well.
If you don't take this into account, you will hire the wrong people or worse, lose the people you've already got in-house. 
Which leads me to a personal bone to pick with the digital marketing industry, as a whole.
Stop Expecting Your Digital Marketers to Be Everything to Everyone
There are way too many of you out there who expect your digital marketing strategists to wear as many hats as possible.
They need to be experts in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, community management, LinkedIn, HubSpot, WordPress, Adobe Creative Suite, conversion rate optimization, social advertising, PPC, Salesforce, sales enablement, marketing automation, business writing, SEO, keyword research, brand messaging, website user journeys, privacy laws, public relations, video production, graphic design, web design, HTML, event production and marketing, email marketing, public speaking, personal branding, podcasting, audio editing, audience research, data analysis and reporting, wood carving, baking soufflés that never deflate, predicting the future, and so on.
Now, you're also expecting them to become storytelling, publishing, and journalism experts?
Those are areas of expertise people get degrees in and build whole careers around, because you can't just "wing it" or watch a few YouTube tutorials to learn the required skills to excel in those areas.
Here's a story to show you what I mean.
Almost two years ago, a senior marketing strategist who is absolutely brilliant at crafting results-driving campaigns for his clients came to me with a problem that had been keeping him up at night.
"I have this outline for a guide a client wants to publish, and I want you to look at it," he said.
He shared they were way over their timeline on the project. A fully-designed version was supposed to have been published the week prior, according to their original timeline -- and they were still mired in the outlining phase, with no end in sight.
"I don't know what's wrong with it or why we're stuck -- can you take a look at it?"
It only took me a five-second glance to realize what the problem was.
The topic they had chosen for their guide was so broad in scope -- with no specific problem they were trying to solve clearly identified -- there was no way they were ever going to agree upon an outline, let alone actually produce the damn thing.
They were doomed to fail from the start.
To toot my own horn, this is what my background in writing and publishing has trained me to do.
But it wasn't his fault that he couldn't see that -- we're simply experts in different things. Seriously, some of the strategies he would share with me blew my freaking mind, because I knew I could never make my brain work that way in 1 million years.
Bottom line, asking your digital marketers and other subject matter experts to suddenly become storytelling wizards and editing geniuses is a bridge too far. You're creating unnecessary friction while also guaranteeing your inbound content strategies will ultimately tank, because you're not putting someone qualified in place to own it.
I say this because the story I shared above is not a unique one.
There isn't a week that goes by where I don't have between at least three and five people approach me with a content problem. They do so because they know it will take us 10 to 15 minutes (on average) to solve it together, instead of the many hours (days, weeks, or more) it might otherwise take them to do so on their own.
Content nerds like me know how to manage writers, make content more powerful, edit content efficiently (so you can produce more, better and faster), make writing blogs less painful, spot why content projects will fail (long before they do), get other stakeholders participating (and enjoying) the content creation process, and manage competing deadlines for lots of projects -- all of which are inevitably a "top" priority.
We spend our late nights obsessing about new ways we can tell our brand's stories in ways that are more helpful, engaging, and innovative.
We go out of our way to find the content tools and applications your company needs to make content creation and collaboration easier and more productive.
We're constantly trying to find new methods and processes for empowering our internal subject matter experts to have more time to do what they do best, while still getting their names and insights in front of our audiences.
This is the stuff we're born to do, and that's why you want someone like me (and Kevin Phillips) on your team.
(Not us, specifically, of course. We're IMPACTers. But you get the point.)
If You're Still with Me, Here's What You Need to Do
If you want to see exponential gains in your website traffic, lead generation, and the numbers of deals you are able to close, you've got to hire a content manager. It's that simple.
And if any of the pains I outlined above sound familiar, trust me when I say a content manager will make a lot of that go away... assuming you hire the right person.
To do that, you need to:
Commit to memory the top qualities your content manager needs to possess.
Use the interview questions and situational activities Marcus Sheridan outlines in this article.
I know Marcus mentioned this in those articles above, but I want to reiterate how important it is to hire for the right skill set and company culture fit over industry expertise.
If you happen to find someone who checks all of those boxes, that's great!
But never, ever exclude a candidate because they're unfamiliar with your space -- especially since some of the best content managers we've seen were fresh out of college with journalism degrees.
If you hire for the right skills, your content manager will quickly accumulate the knowledge and expertise you want them to possess simply by doing their job.
They'll become unstoppable. 
And you'll wonder why you ever questioned investing in a content manager, because (in hindsight) you'll see you never could have afforded not to.
from Web Developers World https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/why-you-need-a-content-manager
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10 Tips On How To Learn The Most During Internships
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‘We can teach a student a topic a day, but, if we teach him to learn, he will continue learning all his Life.’
A student needs to plan well and exhibit considerable hard work to be selected as an intern. After selection, a student must understand that the months to come are full of opportunities. It is time to utilize the theoretical knowledge for the work output. You can learn various hard and soft skills and possibly a job offer too. Some interns came across a situation when they have nothing to do. May be it is not their fault. They might have completed the allotted work, and any new work might not be in the pipeline. This is not what they wanted because they do not want to create an impression of being lazy and useless. Also, it is not possible for them to pursue co-workers for work because they can appear unneeded and pointless. The following tips are useful for maximizing the benefits of internships.
1. Make a viable plan
You should discuss with your employer and set specific goals. Then, you can chalk out a feasible plan. This is inclusive of the particular skills that you can develop, the projects that you can work on, the sources to seek guidance and resolve queries, process of getting feedback, method of communication of delays, and adjustment of timelines on an assignment. This is mandatory to prevent any conflict and frustration.
2. Be ready for mistakes
If you make a mistake, you should keep in mind that errors are a part and parcel of the learning curve. If happenings do not occur as per plan, you should take up the responsibility. Further, you should brainstorm possible solutions, which can make it evident that you have leadership qualities.
3. Create a professional network
An internship is a very good period to begin a network.it added a value those in your network. The persons with whom you work can become your personal friends and/or professional contact for a long duration. You must make it a point that other people know who you are and what can you do. For this, you should take an initiative to introduce yourself and also be present at functions. To break the ice with strangers, you can ask a question such as “At the commencement of your career, were you an intern?” or “Which skills are most relevant in this field?”
4. Find a mentor
In the initial phase, you should find out a person who can mentor you.Mentors can see where we need to improve where we often cannotthe mentor should be able to provide you learning opportunities and introduce you to professional networks. This does not imply that the mentor can offer you a complete roadmap to success but can be a great source of information and feedback. After a mentor is selected, you should schedule periodic meetings to boost up your internship.
5. Take active part in work
You should include diligence in your way of work irrespective of whether a task is petty or significant. It is essential to take part in all types of work. In this manner, you can display a good work ethic. People in the office will notice that you are contributing well. Most times, your superiors will provide you the rules and instructions, and you should adhere to them. But, you can also take up some tasks by yourself. This will provide you opportunities to take your own decisions and work in an independent manner rather than being spoon-fed. The crux here is that in the working world, the skill to work independently with a bit of guidance is very essential. For this, you should leave your comfort zone, observe all activities in the office, take the initiative, and extend your abilities. Maximum effort to achieve goal at own level is the way.
6. Learn to think positivity
The work atmosphere is full of stress. To keep the momentum going, you should learn to have a positive outlook. Pat yourself on the back for a work well done. Avoid self-blame when you face a failure. Positivity can decrease the frequency of depression and boost your cardiovascular health.
7. Practice how to work in collaboration
You should develop the skill of collaboration. This consists of setting down expectations, cultivating listening ability, and perfecting communication. For instance, for a meeting, you can draft an agenda. Begin and end the meeting on schedule to prove that you have respect for others’ time. You need to understand that although you are in the lower rung of the hierarchy in an office, you are needed for work, and your work will receive appreciation. You can learn the ability to speak with different persons professionally. For example, your items of talk can be different with a boss or a co-worker.
8. Prepare a draft
You should make it a practice to document your learnings, accomplishments, and ideas. This can also include the details of your accomplishments along with metrics to define your progress. You can do this on a daily or if not, at least on a weekly basis. Daily timesheets provide accurate data and help to get something productive. This document will prove useful when you are writing your resume or requesting your employer to be your reference.
9. Take criticism in the right spirit
When your boss calls you for a performance evaluation, it is often scary. Your evaluation can contain some points of constructive criticism. During this aspect of internship, you should be aware that nothing is personal in the criticism. On the contrary, it is for your own growth and success, which you can leverage to elevate your quality of work.
10. Maintain contact
If the company of your internship and the pertinent work interest you, make it a habit to be in touch with the company. In this way, when an opportunity props up, you will be remembered with high priority. As the internship is about to end, you can express your gratitude to your co-workers and provide them your personal contact information.
After your internship is over, when you apply for a job, you should contact the persons you have worked with in the internship. They can render you recommendations to develop a compelling resume or refer you to the company having the vacancy.
About Us
Impals Marcom LLP is the Digital Marketing company established in Pune. Impals Marcom LLP provides following services.
1. Media Relations
2. Marketing Collaterals
3. Branding
4. Market Research
5. Digital Marketing
6. Website Development
7. Designing
8. Content Marketing
9. Content Writing
Our team consists of experienced professionals from a diversified background with one common interest, i.e. providing the best possible solution that matches your business line. We are highly devoted to serving you with creative and upgraded solutions that are dynamic yet feasible. Our copywriters are often found blue-sky writing over a cup of coffee while our designers are peevish with creating art-work like never before! Our digital marketing team brainstorm on how to skyrocket a digital /online presence! Our Client Servicing Team believes that the ideas can really brew over a coffee. We are ready to walk that extra mile to listen to all your worries sitting at your office desk!
Contact Us
Impals Marcom LLP
2nd floor Ariana, Near New Poona Bakery,
Bhumkar Chowk, Marunji Road,
Wakad Pune-411057, Maharashtra.
Phone No: +91 788 780 0015
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theimpals-blog · 6 years
10 tips on how to learn the most during internships
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We can teach a student a topic a day, but, if we teach him to learn, he will continue learning all his Life.’
A student needs to plan well and exhibit considerable hard work to be selected as an intern. After selection, a student must understand that the months to come are full of opportunities. It is time to utilize the theoretical knowledge for the work output. You can learn various hard and soft skills and possibly a job offer too. Some interns came across a situation when they have nothing to do. May be it is not their fault. They might have completed the allotted work, and any new work might not be in the pipeline. This is not what they wanted because they do not want to create an impression of being lazy and useless. Also, it is not possible for them to pursue co-workers for work because they can appear unneeded and pointless. The following tips are useful for maximizing the benefits of internships.
1. Make a viable plan
You should discuss with your employer and set specific goals. Then, you can chalk out a feasible plan. This is inclusive of the particular skills that you can develop, the projects that you can work on, the sources to seek guidance and resolve queries, process of getting feedback, method of communication of delays, and adjustment of timelines on an assignment. This is mandatory to prevent any conflict and frustration.
2. Be ready for mistakes
If you make a mistake, you should keep in mind that errors are a part and parcel of the learning curve. If happenings do not occur as per plan, you should take up the responsibility. Further, you should brainstorm possible solutions, which can make it evident that you have leadership qualities.
3. Create a professional network
An internship is a very good period to begin a network.it added a value those in your network. The persons with whom you work can become your personal friends and/or professional contact for a long duration. You must make it a point that other people know who you are and what can you do. For this, you should take an initiative to introduce yourself and also be present at functions. To break the ice with strangers, you can ask a question such as “At the commencement of your career, were you an intern?” or “Which skills are most relevant in this field?”
4. Find a mentor
In the initial phase, you should find out a person who can mentor you.Mentors can see where we need to improve where we often cannotthe mentor should be able to provide you learning opportunities and introduce you to professional networks. This does not imply that the mentor can offer you a complete roadmap to success but can be a great source of information and feedback. After a mentor is selected, you should schedule periodic meetings to boost up your internship.
5. Take active part in work
You should include diligence in your way of work irrespective of whether a task is petty or significant. It is essential to take part in all types of work. In this manner, you can display a good work ethic. People in the office will notice that you are contributing well. Most times, your superiors will provide you the rules and instructions, and you should adhere to them. But, you can also take up some tasks by yourself. This will provide you opportunities to take your own decisions and work in an independent manner rather than being spoon-fed. The crux here is that in the working world, the skill to work independently with a bit of guidance is very essential. For this, you should leave your comfort zone, observe all activities in the office, take the initiative, and extend your abilities. Maximum effort to achieve goal at own level is the way.
6. Learn to think positivity
The work atmosphere is full of stress. To keep the momentum going, you should learn to have a positive outlook. Pat yourself on the back for a work well done. Avoid self-blame when you face a failure. Positivity can decrease the frequency of depression and boost your cardiovascular health.
7. Practice how to work in collaboration
You should develop the skill of collaboration. This consists of setting down expectations, cultivating listening ability, and perfecting communication. For instance, for a meeting, you can draft an agenda. Begin and end the meeting on schedule to prove that you have respect for others’ time. You need to understand that although you are in the lower rung of the hierarchy in an office, you are needed for work, and your work will receive appreciation. You can learn the ability to speak with different persons professionally. For example, your items of talk can be different with a boss or a co-worker.
8. Prepare a draft
You should make it a practice to document your learnings, accomplishments, and ideas. This can also include the details of your accomplishments along with metrics to define your progress. You can do this on a daily or if not, at least on a weekly basis. Daily timesheets provide accurate data and help to get something productive. This document will prove useful when you are writing your resume or requesting your employer to be your reference.
9. Take criticism in the right spirit
When your boss calls you for a performance evaluation, it is often scary. Your evaluation can contain some points of constructive criticism. During this aspect of internship, you should be aware that nothing is personal in the criticism. On the contrary, it is for your own growth and success, which you can leverage to elevate your quality of work.
10. Maintain contact
If the company of your internship and the pertinent work interest you, make it a habit to be in touch with the company. In this way, when an opportunity props up, you will be remembered with high priority. As the internship is about to end, you can express your gratitude to your co-workers and provide them your personal contact information.
After your internship is over, when you apply for a job, you should contact the persons you have worked with in the internship. They can render you recommendations to develop a compelling resume or refer you to the company having the vacancy.
About Us
Impals Marcom LLP is the Digital Marketing company established in Pune. Impals Marcom LLP provides following services.
1. Media Relations
2. Marketing Collaterals
3. Branding
4. Market Research
5. Digital Marketing
6. Website Development
7. Designing
8. Content Marketing
9. Content Writing
Our team consists of experienced professionals from a diversified background with one common interest, i.e. providing the best possible solution that matches your business line. We are highly devoted to serving you with creative and upgraded solutions that are dynamic yet feasible. Our copywriters are often found blue-sky writing over a cup of coffee while our designers are peevish with creating art-work like never before! Our digital marketing team brainstorm on how to skyrocket a digital /online presence! Our Client Servicing Team believes that the ideas can really brew over a coffee. We are ready to walk that extra mile to listen to all your worries sitting at your office desk!
Contact US
Impals Marcom LLP
2nd floor Ariana, Near New Poona Bakery,
Bhumkar Chowk, Marunji Road,
Wakad   Pune-411057, Maharashtra.
Phone No: +91 788 780 0015
Website: http://www.theimpals.com      
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