#and I got excited and wanted to reblog it for nostalgia's sake I LOVED that movie
askshivanulegacy · 2 years
It’s amazing to me that blogs who post actual original art will not use the tip feature, yet blogs that repost tweets and art and etsy stuff from somewhere else, etc., will have the tip thing plastered on every single post, despite not deserving anything while also trying to make a buck off someone else’s work.
Using these features when it’s unwarranted definitely makes me rethink whether I really want to reblog something and give it free promotion. I’ve left a lot of things behind lately that I would have otherwise reblogged. SO CURIOUS to see whether the introduction of tips has reduced the amount of reblogging, especially after the outcry about it.
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shinidamachu · 4 years
So here’s the thing...
From day one, I knew Hanyou no Yashahime was created to profit off childhood nostalgia. In fact, some people pointed that out quite exhaustively. I have always been aware of it. Still, I gave it a shot (and was super excited to do so). Why? Three reasons: Inuyasha, Kagome and the child born from their love.
I also knew there was a real chance Rin would be the mother of Sesshoumaru’s twins, but I gave Sunrise the benefit of the doubt. Which is why I watched the four episodes on an illegal site, just in case they were playing me.
That’s what kept me going. That, and the certain no matter who the mother was, it would only be revealed at the very end, so I wouldn’t have to worry about it too much and could just enjoy whatever glimpse of Inuyasha, Kagome and Moroha I could get.
And boy, did I enjoy it. Moroha is everything I needed her to be and more. And it was really fun to see this super creative fandom making theories and being so active here every saturday. I had a great time.
Unfortunately, as for this saturday, this wasn’t the case anymore. When I first got the spoilers it was Rin in the tree, I started to mull it over, but decided not to make any judgements until I watched the episode myself, so I could get to my own conclusions.
Here’s where I am at: I have been getting strong vibes from episode four that Rin is, after all, the mother. Granted, the fact that the narrative have been hitting so early and so strongly toward this path can also mean the exact opposite, for the sake of plot twist, since it’s one of the biggets mysteries of the show.
However, there is no actual confirmation at all. So Sunrise waves to Rin being the mother while simultaneously not officially confirming. That way, Sessrin shippers are getting the content they want and the antis still stick around because as long as there is no official confirmation, there is still hope it’s not Rin. We had already called out that would be their game, though: profiting off both sides. I just thought they would drag the issue until the very end instead of straight up writing Sessrin fanfiction.
This is just disappointing, and that’s coming from someone who had very low expectations from this sequel. I’ve seen people complaining about the art style. I’ve seen people complaining about the plot(holes). I’ve seen people complaining about the characterization (me included). None of it was a deal breaker to me, because I’ve never expected too much. All I wanted was for them not to follow the path where one of the main characters had children with someone he meet when she was a child and saw him as an authority figure for the entirety of their relationship. It baffles me that apparently it was too much to ask.
So if this is what Hanyou no Yashahime really is: Sessrin fanfiction, then I’m not the audience for it. And I hate to feel they’re using Moroha and Inukag as baits to keep me watching. I hate to feel like they’re not doing Inuyasha and Kagome any justice. Again: Inukag and Moroha are the reason I ever started this show to begin with, so it’s just not worth it to feel this uncomfortable when I can get the bits that truly interest me through Tumblr posts, gifsets and youtube videos.
I promised myself I would drop it as soon as it stopped sparking joy and today was it for me, so that’s what I’m doing. I might be right, I might be wrong. Maybe by some miracle Rin isn’t the mother in the end of the day. I just really don’t have the energy to stick around until we finally find out, anymore. They were never going to see my money anyway (not that it would make any difference), but my time is far more precious. I don’t want to be invested in this if I’m so certain it will end badly.
And this isn’t about ship wars. In my headcanons, Sesshoumaru was always asexual. Sure, I also saw a lot of potential on his relationship with Kagura and I would have loved if they had gone down this road, too. The truth is: I never cared enough for Sesshoumaru to actively ship him with anyone. But I do care about his character development, which Sessrin would inevitably ruin. And I care about the little girls watching this show, growing up to think this is a healthy kind of romance.
All of that being said: I don’t feel like watching Hanyou no Yashahime anymore.  Sessrin shippers can have it, it was clearly made for them. I can see myself writing Moroha on my future fanfics for sure, but as far as I’m concerned  Hanyou no Yashahime is not canon and nothing anyone say will ever change that.
There’s still probably some Hanyou no Yashahime in my queue. After that, I intend to refrain from reblogging original content from the show. I don’t want to be a part of it, so I’ll probably only reblog fanarts.
For those of you who will still watch the show, good luck and enjoy yourselves. Other than keeping track of my daughter Moroha, I pretend to ignore it completely and that means I won’t be making any negative comments on it, either. This is my issue and I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade. I will still be very vocal against Sessrin, tho. If that bothers you, feel free to unfollow or block me, it’s the healthy thing to do and I promise: no hard feelings about it.
To be very clear: this post is not me trying to tell people to stop watching something they like. This post is me venting and getting some heavy shit off my chest. I can give the show a second chance later if I change my mind or if the mother is confirmed to be someone else, but right now this is it. Thank you for reading. 
PS.: I won’t be replying to any comments of this post.
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dumdeeedum · 5 years
More Veronica Mars Thoughts
For all of Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell’s excuses for what was done to Logan and how it was “necessary” and a part of “growing up,” I really wonder how much we (and whomever else) keeps gassing these writer’s heads up so that they feel comfortable and even brilliant continuing writing the way they do in the name of “maturity” when their writing doesn’t mature at all.
Veronica Mars was fine, great-even 10+ years ago but the more I think about the movie and season 4 the more clear it becomes to me that Rob Thomas thought he could go into a revival about adult versions of his characters the same way and with similar problematic themes as he did his teenager characters over 10 years ago, EXCEPT for Logan and Wallace whom were the only characters to actually “grow up” and behave like it. And, if we remember, Wallace’s growth was treated as a joke by Veronica and with longing by Logan.
I’ve seen and have reblogged commentary about Veronica’s development, or lack-thereof, and it’s absolutely spot on. But there are other problems with the writing itself that I take issue with more because I could deal with the Veronica still acting like her teen-aged self thing if it worked within a narrative of Veronica perhaps being called out for it and having to navigate it in a meaningful way, y’know, without needing the love of her life, her new husband to die for it. That sort of trauma is been-there, done-that for Veronica so it seems weird if this additional trauma is what snaps her out of her emotionally-stunted behavior, it seems weird that losing someone else is what does it and not the threat of losing a good life where she can move on from her traumas instead. 
A more realistic and reasonable approach would have been for her to lose Logan to a break-up. Season 4′s Logan was overcoming his issues, working through them and seeing his issues for what they are, leaving Veronica until she demonstrated some emotional growth and desire to meet him half-way seemed reasonable given the givens, especially after the wall-punch scene. That scene demonstrated that Veronica didn’t appreciate the Logan who was working on himself and was still too fixated on whom Logan no longer wanted to be and that wasn’t good for either one of them. Logan didn’t have to die for Veronica to fucking grow up, he just had to leave!
Aside from all this: 
1) Weevil was shown to have developed in the movie with a girlfriend/wife (not sure which), a kid, and a good job only to have the writers strip that away from him in a super problematic way that really went no where, seemingly, to give Veronica back a guard dog to get her out of the trouble she dives into because she thinks she’s invincible. And now he’s right back to where he was in season 1 only worse because he fucked with a Mexican cartel.
2) Veronica still can’t keep female friends. Mack wasn’t in season 4 and the reason was because the actress, Tina Majorino declined the opportunity to be part of season 4 because Mack was going to be sidelined the same way Percy Daggs III (Wallace) was for the sake of whatever Veronica-only experiment Rob Thomas has in mind for season 5, good luck, dumbass. Veronica has a new friend in Nicole for all of 2 seconds and then betrays her. In over 10 years, Rob Thomas couldn’t find it in himself to write any other friendship dynamics for Veronica other than the sausage-fest she was always surrounded by. Dick got plenty of screen-time though, interesting, that. Perhaps someone who is more familiar with Rob Thomas’ work can answer this for me but is the one girl and a bunch of dudes a common thing with him? 
3) Rape/sexual assault is still a big theme for some reason. We know it happens, we know how common it is, but just because 1 in 4 women will be raped or sexually assaulted in their lifetime doesn’t mean almost all your female characters have to be rape survivors or that the theme of sexual assault has to be present in every-single-season including the fucking movie. I know Rob Thomas wasn’t there for season 3 but that’s probably all the more reason to omit it thereafter. It says something when men have to rely on sexual assault themes for female characters and you’d think he’d be past it. And I know this was a spring-break themed season which makes this angle “realistic” but it’s still troubling that every single season of this show has included sexual assault in some form. 
The problem isn’t that Veronica needed some catalyst for growth, she’s had plenty of those, the problem is that Rob Thomas’ writing for this show hasn’t grown, hasn’t developed at all. And he admitted as much in his recent interview on season 4 of Veronica Mars. And that wouldn’t even have been much of a problem if his ego hadn’t stopped him from reaching out and using the vast resources at his disposal to find help in writing the “grown up” version of Veronica Mars he wanted to write. Instead he ruined the show, ruined it and spat in the faces of the people whom have only helped his career. 
So fuck him, I’m not here for season 5 and I’m done with reboots and revivals in general because my excitement for more Veronica Mars overwhelmed my good sense here. I know revivals and reboots are never a good idea, I’ve known this since I declined, rightfully, to watch season 4 of “Arrested Development.” Everything has a time and a place and we really need to stop forcing these reboots and revivals for the sake of nostalgia, nostalgia doesn’t even really work that way and we actually end up demanding products that ruin the good memories of what we had. The movie was enough for a proper goodbye and now we have a story that makes the previous seasons of Veronica Mars almost meaningless. 
I’m sad and angry that Veronica Mars was ruined for me and I can only hope  that Rob Thomas sees how royally he fucked up and goes back on these asinine plans to make Veronica Mars a one-woman show because that isn’t what we loved about the original show to begin with. However, I’m not sure that’s enough to bring me back.
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randomstupidchaos · 2 years
I saw your writing asks post and loved all the questions you came up with! Hope you don't mind me popping in to ask you a couple ☺️
BD: What do you like most about your writing?
AJ: What is one piece of worldbuilding you came up with for a story and never used?
I'm glad people enjoy the ask list! I love reblogging them so it seemed only fair that I finally contribute one to the internet. And I'm super psyched to have asks, you have no idea, haha. Thank you!
I answered this question a couple weeks back and wasn't really sure how to answer it, honestly, but I've had a little more time to think about it. I do like my plotting, because I think overall I'm good at coming up with stories that are exciting but make sense. No plot twists for the sake of messing with readers like a Shyamalan twist. Also, while I don't claim to be an expert at characterization, in the last few years I've put much more focus on developing my original characters and I think I'm making really good progress in that area. People who have followed me for a while know that I was obsessed with writing a supernatural adventure series for about 8 years. I've since put that on hold but I feel like Nora, Mal, and Dusty are the first characters that I created who truly felt like real people with flaws and wants and needs. I wrote literally almost 1 million words of that series that will never see the light of day but it taught me so much about writing.
Oh gosh, there's so much. I've talked about most of it here, so I'm trying to think of what I've got....
OH. Oh, man. So.
In the first 3 drafts of book 1 of my series, Nora encounters the Beast of Bray Road because I used to live in Wisconsin and always wanted to go looking for it when I was a teenager.
In book 1, Nora is driving down the road and nearly hits the Beast, which then proceeds to chase her. She later finds out the Beast is an orphan who was raised by a kindly old lady who offers Nora tea. The Beast (he calls himself Bray because I couldn't think of a better name, apparently) is an example of the Michigan Dogman; his mother relocated to Wisconsin when he was a baby and was killed in a car accident. The woman found the infant Bray and raised him as her own. Bray has been acting out because he's just a teenager and his adoptive mom is sick.
In one of the later books, I can't remember which, the trio checks in on him. He has relocated to a colony of dogmen in Michigan with his adoptive mom and is thriving now that he's with his own people. While the adoptive mom has a terminal illness, it's pretty clear she will be well taken care of in her final days, and Bray is popular and is well-adjusted to his new life.
In later rewrites of the early parts of the series, this whole subplot was cut out, but I was always fond of it for the native Wisconsinite nostalgia and for Bray's happy ending.
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