#I withdrew my like on that post
askshivanulegacy · 2 years
It’s amazing to me that blogs who post actual original art will not use the tip feature, yet blogs that repost tweets and art and etsy stuff from somewhere else, etc., will have the tip thing plastered on every single post, despite not deserving anything while also trying to make a buck off someone else’s work.
Using these features when it’s unwarranted definitely makes me rethink whether I really want to reblog something and give it free promotion. I’ve left a lot of things behind lately that I would have otherwise reblogged. SO CURIOUS to see whether the introduction of tips has reduced the amount of reblogging, especially after the outcry about it.
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yuridovewing · 7 months
Gotta say it's really jarring to see how big WoF has gotten. I was there when the fandom was really small and there were only like 3 youtube channels that had the characters. i had a canon url. it was easy. and then i look at the series now and its got a comic series and theres apparently a netflix adaptation. and my college store has them too apparently??? like they thought wof deserved to go along with common YA series like the hunger games?? what on earth happened how is this already feeling larger than warrior cats. why is wc only just now getting a comic adaptation of the original story sdlkfjskdlf
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siriuslynephilim · 7 months
what is happening to me😭
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beskad · 1 year
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rogue-storm · 21 days
Do you ever get the vibe that a friend likes you? I'm not totally certain that's what's happening, but it's eerily familiar to TWO other circumstances where that's happened. And um. Instead of feeling happy you just want to cry? What is this feeling?
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fairuzfan · 8 months
This post is for the anon who sent me that video asking me to debunk it's claims so they can be better equipped against accusations of antisemitism.
Sorry, I won't post the video since I refuse to have that man on my blog but I can give you common Zionist talking points and the illogicality behind it.
To preface: most of the questions Zionists will ask you are a trap, and will make you fall into a "rabbit hole" (as I was once told when I was younger), as we try to apply their reasoning. My advice is to ALWAYS center the humanity of Palestinians. For example, when a Zionist says:
"Don't Jews deserve a homeland to be safe?"
It fundamentally ignores the core issue: Palestinians are being raped, murdered, and expelled from their homes so that the establishment of this so called "homeland" may exist. When people ask this to you, I personally advise saying something like:
Why must Palestinians suffer for the establishment of this homeland?
Always recenter to the issue at hand—the inhumane removal and treatment of Palestinians.
"Palestine belongs to the Jews and Not Muslims"
The whole premise of this claim is flawed—there is a weird tendency to equate Arab/Palestinian=Muslim when it just is like. Completely untrue. There are Palestinian Christians, Bethlehem is famously a Christian city, who have been there for centuries. There are Palestinian Jews, who have been there for centuries. There are Palestinian Muslims, who have been there for centuries. My grandpa told me stories of how he would turn on lamps for his Jewish neighbors in Al-Khalil (or Hebron) during Shabbat.
To claim that Palestine is EITHER Islamic or Jewish doesn't make any sense and completely neglects the fact that dissemination of culture has occurred for centuries, as well as the intermingling of people throughout generations. To somehow assert that for some reason, Jews and Muslims did not have ANYTHING to do with each other—did not create together, did not build families together, did not build culture together, all while being PALESTINIAN—is incredibly racist and nonsensical. "Palestinian" is not a religious identity—it's a cultural and ethnic one.
Also, it does not negate the core issue—Palestinians are being killed, removed, and tortured so that others can live on that land.
"Well what about [something about partitioning land]?"
Honestly like, who cares about the partitioning throughout the 1900 and early 2000s. Sorry, I'm not going to list the whole "partitioning" history nonsense. The whole reason "Israel" exists is because of a Mass Exodus, murder, and rape of Palestinians. Everything after that is rendered obsolete.
"Well, I heard Palestinians allied with Hitler"
I don't know how to tell you this but Palestine was under British Control. No they didn't.
"Israel withdrew from the Gaza and left them to themselves and they put Hammas in charge"
Oh yeah, Israel totally left Gaza, that's why Gazans' water, electricity, internet, and food is completely controlled by Israel (this is sarcasm, Israel still controls basic life in Gaza).
Go back to centering the idea that no human deserves to be shoved into an open-air prison, starved, and controlled. Did you know that the Zionist Entity controls the amount of water Gazans receive, as well as counting their calories to ensure they don't have enough energy on a day to day basis?
"I heard Israel asked Arabs to stay"
Show them these papers and videos when they say this:
If you can't show them these videos, check in the next point what to say.
"Well the Palestinians left of their own will in 1948"
Palestinians in 1948 didn't "leave." They had heard of how the Zionist Entity was slaughtering Palestinians en masse. Women especially heard stories of rape and sexual violence. They fled from *violence*. Again, from an earlier post, that this was a calculated effort on the Zionist Entity's part to try and get them to "leave" on their own and "abandon" their houses so that they can come in and say "hey, they left on their own so, we can come in and take their houses now."
Anyways, the idea that once you leave your house you can't ever come back to it is incredibly odd to me as an argument on Zionists' part. Like if you leave your house right now to go to the grocery store and you come back and see someone in your house and they're like "sorry dude, this is my house now, you left so that means you can't come back," you'd be like, "what the hell!" It would be even weirder if everyone agreed with the guy who took your house, which is what happened to Palestinians.
In Al-Khalil, or Hebron, Palestinians always have to have someone stay in their house or else a Settler will come in and take it from them. So it still goes on today as well.
This is not a point, but when that one person in the video said "Arabs lived under Israeli rule" and showed a clip of a bustling city with mountains, I'm pretty sure that was Amman, Jordan, not Palestine lol. Those buildings in the mountains look like how downtown Amman builds the residential areas. Could be wrong tho.
"There are no Jews living under Palestinian rule in Palestine"
What is this, some sort of gotcha argument? What are they trying to prove, the racist (obviously false) notion that Palestinians hate Jews as a whole? How do they know no Palestinian Jew lives in Gaza? Also, Settlers in Palestinian Territory exist??? I had never heard this claim before, its incredibly stupid lol. You're automatically a citizen of "Israel" if you're Jewish, whether or not you live in or outside of Palestinian Territories. So of course technically they don't live under Palestinian rule, they're granted full rights as an "Israeli" citizen automatically!
Go back to talking about the inhumane treatment of Palestinians, I wouldn't bring up the above counterpoint unless they really won't let it go since the main point is mistreatment.
"Why are Christians supporting Israel then, if it's a secular issue rather than a religious one?"
Well actually for a couple reasons:
Oil interests and regional control of goods (White People Supporting White People).
Weird fundamentalist ideology where they want to enact the second coming of Christ.
And finally because they are racist and don't think Arab Christians deserve to live. They literally bombed a 1500+ year church the other day. Why would (White) Christians cosign that.
Anyways, its a stupid argument again, because it forgets the core issue of Palestinians dying and being displaced.
In summary, always go back to the point of centering the Palestinians being displaced, tortured, and murdered, no matter the argument a Zionist gives you.
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thestarkinternship · 4 months
Bucky Barnes x Female Reader: One Shot (Smut)
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Summary: When you went out for drinks with the team one Friday, you had no idea that this was how the night would end: with your back pressed flush against your bedroom door, a shaking thigh hitched over your boyfriend's shoulder and his pretty mouth daring you to completely let go for everyone to hear.
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: no mention of Y/N, profanity, oral sex (female receiving), jealous!Bucky, posessive!Bucky, slight praise kink, slight exhibitionism (people overhearing), hickeys, MINORS DNI!
A/N: This is my first time writing anything like this and i was (still am) very nervous to post it. But I promised myself I'd get back into writing, even if this is how I'm doing it. Thank you @ellemj for encouraging me to do this <3
"What do you think you were playing at tonight, huh?" Bucky's low voice caught your attention the second the pair of you walked through the door to your room. Looking up from the dresser where you had set your purse down, you met his eye. What once were bright blue had now clouded over with something else, something darker. Jealousy.
A lot of things came from having a secret relationship with Bucky. You got to see the sweet, caring side that he showed to no one else. You got to be the one he trusted most, and in turn place your trust in him. Above all else, you got to love each other. Tenderly, passionately, consumingly. And to you, the best part of it was that the other Avengers were none the wiser. All of the love and shared moments were kept just for you, hidden in late night walks and early morning kisses. It was better kept that way, you had always thought. No one was able to interfere with what they didn't know about.
But Bucky's mind thought differently, even if he had never wanted to admit it. He would've shouted from the rooftop of the Avenger's tower how much he loved you if you would've asked him to. He'd wrap a strong arm around your curves in front of everyone and kissed you on the cheek, a proud grin on his face as he got to show off the fact that you were all his. But he'd suppressed how he really wanted to act in favour of keeping you happy. After all, that was what mattered to him most of all.
That was until tonight. Bucky knew he was in trouble from the second you set foot in the place. There you were, your skirt grazing the top of your thighs, your long sleeved black shirt clinging to your curves like an elastic band. His eyes were no longer the only ones on you, and there wasn't a damn thing that he could do about it. Until now that you were back home.
"What are you talking about?" You asked quietly, looking up at him.
"You know damn well what i'm talking about." He took a daring step closer to you.
With a mind of their own, your feet took a hesitant step back, the soft click of your heels dragging across the floorboard in the uncomfortable silence. It wasn't like you were afraid of him, you never had been. But there was a dangerous atmosphere surrounding him that made you nervous.
He closed in on you as you didn't answer. Leaning down, his lips hovered close to your own, leaving just enough space for his thumb to reach up and trace your quivering bottom lip. You'd always thought it felt more personal when he touched you with his right arm. As much as you loved the feel of the cool metal sliding acros your skin, it was like he craved the true feeling of the flushed heat from your skin as it reacted to his touch and his touch only. In between your shaky breaths, his thumb dipped between your parted lips. But you resisted the urge to suck on it in the way he liked until you got to the bottom of what was getting this much of a rise out of him. When he saw that you weren't giving in to him just as he wanted, Bucky's tongue rolled in his own mouth.
Fine, if that's how you were going to be. He thought stubbornly.
He withdrew his thumb from your mouth, dragging down your bottom lip as he leaned in to capture it in a hungry kiss. As confused as you were about the whole thing right now, one thing was certain - when it came to kissing Bucky Barnes, you were certainly not about to complain or ask him to stop. His metal arm flew to your hip, the soft material of your skirt bunching up in his fist. You shivered slightly as the vibranium unintentionally brushed against your bare skin. Still holding onto you, he guided your hips back until you heard the soft thud of your body against the door as your back pressed against it. His right hand slid from the side of your face and to the nape of your neck. Reaching up, Bucky tugged gently at the root of your curls, twirling the soft strands around his rough hand. A soft gasp left your mouth, giving him the opportunity to slide his tongue against yours. You welcomed the feeling, giving in to him completely as the curious thoughts about what had led you to this position slipped from your mind.
And just as quickly as it had began, his lips were gone. They trailed across your trembling jaw and down the soft juncture of your neck. His tight grip released your hair, and your head nearly fell slack against his at the sudden loss of the physical control over you. Bucky tilted your chin back up and to the side, his precise movements giving him all of the access to your exposed throat that he desired. Delicate kisses on your skin turned rough, and his teeth gently nipped at you to earn soft whimpers. He smirked against your skin, rolling it between his full lips even harder.
"Fuck, you're gonna leave a mark…" you whined, "Bucky, you're being too damn rough, you're gonna…"
Bucky finally let go off your skin, but kept dangerously close to your ear instead. There was a split second before he spoke where all you could here was his panting breaths, and that alone kept your heart pounding.
"Maybe I should mark you up," Bucky's voice was ragged, "send you down to breakfast tomorrow morning covered in hickeys that I gave to you, just to remind Steve every time that he sets eyes on your pretty face that you're mine."
Your hazy eyes shot wide open. There it was. That's what this whole ordeal had been about? Bucky was jealous of Steve?
"Wh-what do you mean?" You could barely stutter out.
"Back in the bar tonight."
You swallowed nervously as you cast your mind back over the events of the evening. Being excited to see everyone. Knocking back several drinks over the course of the evening. Bucky smirking as you found any excuse to get close to him without anyone noticing. Nodding politely in your conversation with Steve as you tried to distract yourself from the less than pure thoughts that arose whenever you made eye contact with Bucky. Thinking about how good he looked in that leather jacket. Wondering how long it would be before you'd be dragging him back to the tower and taking it off him- Fuck. You were doing it again.
Bucky's face softened when he realised that you truly had no idea what he was talking at. He chuckled slightly at your obliviousness. How could someone so intelligent miss the careless flirtation thrown her way from her teammate?
"He was flirting with you all night, you know?" Bucky pulled back slightly, his hand moved from your chin to cup the side of your face. His earlier confidence wavered as he suddenly felt a pang of guilt for getting so jealous. "Did you really not see how he was looking at you? I swear, he must've pulled every trick in the book to try and get your attention tonight."
Looking past the jealously, you saw a vulnerability. The fear that he might lose you to someone else. You hummed gently, stroking his cheek as he kept you so close.
"How was I supposed to notice when all of my attenion was on you?" You asked gently.
He smiled at your reassurance. "Really?"
"Of course, James."
"And what about right now? Where is all of your attention?" Bucky tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
"Right on you." You murmured, watching him lean in again.
"Exactly where it should be." His hand left your face. It trailed down your neck, and then your arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake as it joined his vibranium one at your hips.
And suddenly, his lips picked up where they left off, kissing and teasing your skin. He bent his head down further to your collarbone, and then the crest of your cleavage as it peeked out of your lowcut top. Squirming, your back arched away from the door and into his waiting arms. The subtle movement of your body gave Bucky space to slip his hand up under your skirt to cup your ass. His fingers pressed into the soft flesh as he hooked your leg around his waist, pressing his hips against yours. A soft gasp echoed from your trembling lips as you felt just how hard he was through his jeans.
"Can't say I blame Steve when you look this good, doll. So fucking pretty. And it's all for me.. God, I don't know how much longer I can keep us a secret. Want everyone to know you're mine." He mumbled in quick succession as his lips worked their way back across your skin to capture you in another sweet kiss.
"What if I want that too?" You asked softly, biting your lip.
The corners of his lips tugged into a smirk. "You sure? I thought-"
"I'm tired of hiding us," you interrupted, "i'm yours, and it's time everyone else knew."
"If that's what you want…" He teased, an idea playing out in his mind as he dropped to his knees in front of you.
"Bucky, what are you-" Your own gasp cut you off as you felt him lift you leg, resting it over his shoulder. He kissed your inner thigh and your head fell back against the door.
Oh, that's where he was going with this.
Tracing lazy circles up your thigh, his mouth worked it's way up. Every movement made left you needy and wanting more. Soft moans from you filled the room, and his enhanced hearing heard every one as your thighs cushioned his ears. The sounds you made when he hadn't even touched you yet were embarassing. But you couldn't help yourself. Bucky knew how to push you closer to the edge better than anyone, and he wasn't afraid of showing it. By the time he reached the edge of your underwear, you were done for. Your arousal soaked through the thin material, and you knew he could feel it. Bucky chuckled slightly against the lace fabric, his heavy breath sending waves of pleasure straight to your core. Hips stuttering against his face, you grinded closer in a desperate need for him to do something else. Anything else.
"What's the matter, hm?" He murmured, licking right up to your clit. Even over your underwear, the touch was more than enough to make your body quiver.
"Bucky…" You whined, running your hands through his hair and tugging lightly.
"Someone's awfully needy," He tutted. Looking up at you, Bucky grinned like a devil as your wetness spread across his pink lips, "Who's got you like this?"
But you were so far gone in your own world that you almost didn't hear him. When you didn't immediately answer him, he grew impatient. Bucky's tongue rolled over the flimsy lace once again and your thigh tensed over his shoulder. The stem of your heel dug into his back slightly, drawing him in closer to you. To where you so desperately wanted him to be.
"Tell me." His voice was hoarse and demanding.
Another flick of his tongue. Another cry from your lips. "Y-you… always you."
"Good girl." He paused momentarily, hooking his thumb under the delicate edge of your underwear and ripping it to the side. You gulped nervously at the tearing sound of it as he finally set eyes on your bare core. "And now I want you to let everyone in this damn building hear it."
The next morning at breakfast was awkward to say the least. When you walked into the kitchen midmorning, legs still shaking, all eyes were on you.
"Morning." You mumbled, avoiding eye contact as you prayed no one would bring up the night before. You simply wanted them to realise you were dating Bucky now, and leave it at that, not another word mentioned. The few team members already there smiled politely, ignoring the obvious elephant in the room. As you wrapped your hands around a coffee mug, the sleeves of Bucky's sweater encase your hands. The cheeky bastard had insisted that you wear it today 'for good measure', because apparently the way you had screamed his name all night long wasn't enough. It still smelled like his cologne, marking both the jumper and you with traces of him. You kept your head down, hair covering the purple marks on your neck. As the strands brushed over the sensitive skin, you winced.
"Everything okay?" Steve asked quietly, glancing your way.
As you turned to meet his eye, your carefully placed hair shifted. Steve's gaze dropped to your neck, eyes widening at the sight he was met with. Looking over the purple that stained your skin, he swallowed nervously whilst trying to find the right words to say.
Eventually, he cleared his throat and spoke what was on everyone's mind. "So, uh… last night… was that you that we heard with… you guys are…"
"Yeah." Your head snapped up to the doorway of the kitchen. Bucky leaned against the frame, his arms folded across his chest and a smug grin plastered across his face, "She's mine. And don't you ever forget it."
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hispg · 6 months
Just the tip
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Pairings: R4! Leon X Fem! Reader
Summary: You asked him for just the tip, and that's exactly what he's going to give to you.
Wc: 2.4k
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, p in v, fingering, soft! Dom Leon, pet names, dirty talk, multiple orgasms.
An: I found this draft sitting here, so yeah, I'm posting it XD. My finals are next week, so I can't wait to be free and write more😭😭
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"Just the tip, you say?" Leon asked quietly, not stopping shoving his fingers into your cunt for a second.
You were so wet, you'd even lost count of how many times he'd made you come that night. All he could hear from you were babbles that made no sense at all, or the whimpers you let out every time he viciously pulled your clit up.
"Mhm-mhm..." You murmured at his question, nodding.
You were so hot, so turned on. Your mind went wild with every touch, you felt like rolling your eyes every time he hit that weak spot of yours so easily.
All he did was frown at your response, using his free hand to lift your chin and make you look at him.
As always, he had that sideways smile on his face, that dirty look that never failed to make you wetter.
"Use your words, pretty thing." He purrs, taking the opportunity to give you a quick peck on the lips.
"Y-yes. Just the tip." You whisper embarrassedly, biting your lips to keep your moans from getting even louder.
You were without a condom, completely unprepared for this situation, not least because you didn't imagine the night would end like this.
So maybe if he fucked you with just the tip, there wouldn't be much of a problem, right?
The next thing you heard was a low chuckle, and he buried his fingers in you once again, making you see stars with the spots he was hitting. Or how deep he could reach, which you couldn't even dream of doing on your own.
He did everything calculated, moving in and out, letting your juices make a mess with every thrust of his fingers, the wet, dirty noise mixing with the heavy breathing coming out of you, which by the way were the only sounds present in that room.
"So sweet for me, mhmm... So beautiful." Another one of Leon's whispers in your ear, which made your walls unconsciously tighten around his fingers, your eyes rolling in their sockets just from hearing the little praise.
You knew you were going to fall apart in his fingers once again, but what could you do? His lips glued to your neck, his teeth lightly nibbling at your skin. By then you knew you'd be full of love bites the next day, you bet.
And as if he simply wanted to finish you off at that moment, he lay down a little behind you, spooning you. Your ass hitting his prominent erection, the warmth of his body mixing with yours.
A sign almost enough to make you go over the edge, however, those weren't Leon's plans now.
That's because he withdrew his fingers from you, making a point of using one of his hands to pull your ass against his crotch, shamelessly pressing his erection into you.
The dirty whimper that comes out of your mouth is more than enough to make him grunt in your ear, this time starting to use his free hand to grab your breasts, grasping and squeezing them.
"Sweetie, are you going to cum again?" He was just teasing you, you could tell by the way he was humping your ass.
His hips moved non-stop, and he did it just to see your eyes roll back, your lips parted as you moaned his name again and again.
"A-ah... mhmm— Please." You begged, rubbing your clit against his knee, which was already between your legs.
He could say what you wanted, but maybe he could play with you a little longer. You could feel his muscles flexing behind you.
Or the way the veins on his arm were so prominent as he flicked your nipples between his fingers, making a point of pulling and pinching your nipples gently, yet firmly enough for you to shudder underneath him.
At the same moment your nails sank into his forearm, so deep that you could already see the red marks forming on his skin, marks he wouldn't mind covering.
Your voice becomes even more whimpery when you hear the sound of him undoing his belt, the skillful hand that never took long to remove his clothes, and yours too.
Then you hear him taking off his pants and underwear, causing his cock to simply stick out.
And it was so hard, flushed and swollen, as well as the delicious trail of pre-cum dripping from the tip of it.
Soon his cock was in your pussy lips, getting dirty with your fluids, as he moved back and forth, humping against you like a dog in heat.
You were just whimpering at this point, clutching your pillow as Leon pounded you from behind, and he occasionally rubbed the tip of his cock against your clit, making you go to heaven and hell at the same time. His pre-cum leaving a sticky line on your clit, basically almost gluing the two of you together.
"You're so fucking hot, don't tell me you're going to cum with just that." And there you went, as if that was all you needed to hear to cream on his cock.
Fresh cream coating his entire length, making him growl in your ear once again. His fingers gripped your hips tightly, leaving his mark there, you could already feel it.
"Good girl." He compliments you, giving your ass a playful smack, slowing down his movements, letting it be something more gentle and soft, which wasn't unusual coming from him.
However, that night he wanted to make an exception to the rule, he was going to give you what you asked for, and you asked for the tip.
And have no doubt, because that's exactly what he's going to give you.
He turned your body a little, lowering your hips so that he could put one of his legs on top of you, basically mounting you, you could feel his chest on your back.
"I want to see you cum again, yeah? Can you do that for me?" Even though he knew the answer to that question, he wanted to hear your sweet, sly voice telling him that you could do whatever he wanted.
He didn't waste much time pushing into you, but just his girth, just a little. But it was enough to stretch you, to make your walls wrap around his shaft, which, by the way, was already satisfying you so much.
You moaned, arching your hips towards him, feeling his body on yours even more.
"Mhm- Leon..." You called softly, looking up at him slyly, only to see him smile once again.
He was enjoying this as much as you were.
"Fuck, you're so tight. I haven't even put half of it in." A grunt in your ear, he wasn't angry, quite the opposite.
The fact that your pussy was so tight for him was simply a blessing in his eyes. How did you manage to fit him so well? The only plausible answer was that you were made for him.
Soon he began to pound into you, shallowly and slowly, but you couldn't help but hear the erotic moans coming from his lips, or the way the wet noises of him fucking your cunt filled your ears.
It was so filthy, so impure, if he was being honest, nothing compared to fucking you without a condom, it was fucking good.
You weren't helping him either, honestly. You were so wet, moaning and shaking under his body, what could he do?
Your hips moved up and down with each light thrust, each time his girth moved in and out of you.
You could tell how much he was controlling himself, or how much he wanted to lift your ass up, bury your face in the pillow and fuck you from behind.
God, he'd be lying if he said he didn't want to.
But fucking you like that, just with the tip, was just as good.
"Good? Mh?" He purrs, moving his lips down to meet your ears, licking and nibbling at the spot.
You just nod eagerly, biting your lip and looking at him with those sly eyes of yours, asking for the dirtiest things with just that innocent look.
"Look at you," He continues, his thumb finding your clit and then starting to make little circles. The firmness is more than enough to make you shiver and let out a loud squeal.
"Begging me to fuck you? Begging just like the needy little thing you are." He grunted loudly, thrusting deeper now, you could feel him in almost all at once.
All you did was whimper, clutching your pillow as he rammed into you relentlessly, and there was just a little bit left before he forgot to put in just the tip and started fucking you for real.
What could he do? You were pulling him in, your velvety walls inviting and nestling him so well, how could he say no?
"Leon—" You gasped, looking at him with glassy eyes, a sign that you were almost there once again.
Your hips bucking against his, without you even realizing it. Just as you didn't realize that you'd already creamed all over his cock, leaving no spot clean.
How dirty of you.
All he did was hold you down to prevent you from moving too much, he swears to God he couldn't hold his load if you kept squirming more than you already were.
And then you whimpered loudly, in an incredibly high-pitched way. And there you were again, wetting the sheets for who knows how many times.
White cream dripping off you, getting all over your thighs and Leon's cock in the process. He couldn't help himself, throwing his head back and grunting a loud 'fuck', eyes wide as he watched you cum for him.
And that, that was all it took for him to lose control.
"I'm going to give you what you want, sweetheart." Words that sounded so sweet, completely different from the action he was about to take.
Soon he was turning you over in bed, making you lie on your stomach, your face buried in the pillow as he lifted your hips, holding on tightly to your sides.
The image was so dirty, so impure. He could cum just looking at you.
Unkempt, messy, trembling and whimpering beneath him. Your needy little hole leaking all your fluids, making you even wetter, and that was so tempting.
"I'm going to fuck you the way you want, isn't that what you want, mh?" He asked softly, taking advantage of the moment to spread your ass cheeks with his broad palms, holding on with a firmness that made you almost go crazy.
In one swift movement he pressed into you, without any effort he was completely buried in you, cock buried so deep that you could feel every inch of it, every vein pulsing. Each and every centimeter.
The stretching he did on you that every time you couldn't help but roll your eyes and bite your lip to prevent a moan slipping out.
Once again he let his head fall back, his blond strands sticking to his forehead, his lips open wide, leaving room for the dirtiest, most erotic grunts to escape.
He was so comfortable, so nestled into you. And it only got better when he started slamming into you, hard and deep, you could feel his heavy balls slapping against you.
You were so wet, your cunt so wet and tight that he could hardly contain himself, you were simply juicing his cock with every sharp thrust he gave you, to the point where there was a white ring at the base of his cock.
His fingers sinking into your flesh, gripping your sides so tightly that you could feel the marks that would be left there. All you could do was clutch the covers with your trembling hands, muffling your sounds in your pillow.
It was so good, the feeling of fucking you raw like that was irresistible, feeling your pussy tightening and clenching around him, your warmth and the way you were so tight.
Or even your trembling moans, the way his name came out of your lips in such a sly, sloppy way, just to match the mess you were in.
And as soon as he started pounding into you even harder, he couldn't help himself, your body arching, your toes curling and the words disappearing from your mouth. You clenched tightly around him, all your fluids gushing out at once.
That was it, it was over for him right there, just watching you milk his cock right then was all he needed to come inside you.
"Fuck-fuck," was the loud grunt he let out, closing his eyes at the erotic image in front of him. One he wouldn't soon forget.
He didn't have time to pull out of you, your hot, tight pussy wouldn't let him go anywhere.
So that was it, he couldn't stop his hips before his cum spurted into you, he just gave up on anything else when he felt his hot liquid filling you.
Hot white cum leaking out of your dripping hole, your juices mixing with his. The curses coming out of his mouth as he watched the situation were nothing like the scene that was right in front of him.
That was the first time he came inside, but he can bet it won't be the last.
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purinfelix · 5 months
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pairing: gavi x reader (established relationship) summary: you love your boyfriend's new look, but it proves a slight challenge when it comes to kisses warnings: none! w/c: 712
a/n: when i made this post abt this idea after seeing the pics at first i wasn't expecting so many ppl to like it 😭 ... so i'm really hoping i did it justice !!! pls enjoy !!!
taglist for this fic! (love u all <3): @gadriezmannsgirl @emz2092 @spidybaby @goldenalbon @gavisuntiedboot @zowanew
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“Baby,” you cooed, trying your best to sound apologetic and not burst into a fit of giggles at the sight of your boyfriend standing at the corner of your bed like a sad puppy. The pet name only seemed to make things worse though, his pout deepening as he shrugged off your attempts to use affection to win him back.
With a soft sigh, you pushed yourself up onto your elbows so you could look at him properly - and so he could properly see the remorse and guilt on your face.
”I already said I’m sorry,” your tone was soft - at least as soft as you could manage whilst holding back laughter at how adorable he looked - “please just come back to bed so I can make it up to you.”
“I can’t believe you pulled away from my kiss.”
“I’m sorry!”
“Did you not want it?” his brows were furrowed in confusion as if the concept of you dodging his show of love was genuinely puzzling to him. It was equal parts endearing and heart-breaking.
”It’s not that, it’s just that …” you trailed off, eyes already busy scanning your boyfriend’s face. All of his familiarly handsome features laid bare for you, his deep brown eyes looking at you with an intensity that could only be accompanied by his perfect lips which were twisted into a frown.
Still, you couldn’t help but let your faze drift to the most recent addition to his look - a tiny bit of stubble that dotted his jawline and upper lip. You hadn’t really noticed how dark his facial hair had gotten until just now, when he had swooped in for a kiss and the short hair had scratched against your face. It was an odd feeling, to say the least, and you had pulled back without thinking much of it, your face twisted into an expression of discomfort.
You were brought back to the current time when your boyfriend cleared his throat, urging you to continue your explanation.
“It’s just that,” you pause for a moment to let his brows raise in curiosity, “your facial hair - it’s a bit scratchy.”
At your confession, his accusatory stance dropped as his shoulder drooped slightly. “I thought you liked it though,” he said in a tiny quiet voice, not even looking up at you as he said it.
You hurried to assure him. “I do! I think it makes you look more mature, more manly, more …” you paused once more, searching for just the right word to express your appreciation for his new look, ”more handsome.”
This seemed to do the trick, as a sheepish smile spread across his face before he lunged onto the bed beside you. He buried his face into his pillow, both to stifle a fit of boyish giggles and to hide the pink blush your compliment had caused. You couldn’t help yourself from running a hand through his hair, before cupping his face and pulling it gently to face you. Instinctively he leant in for a kiss with his passionate roughness and you had to stop him once more.
“Gently,” you reminded him, not needing to speak much louder given how close his face was to yours. He understood you perfectly though, moving smoothly with a gentle tentativeness as he connected his lips to yours, cautiously avoiding rubbing his facial hair against your face. He let out a satisfied hum, almost melting into the kiss he had been waiting so long for.
Finally, though, your lips parted as he pulled away - eager to ask another question.
“You really don’t mind the beard?” he withdrew the hand that had been previously wrapped around your waist to rub at his own jaw.
“I don’t know if I’d call it a beard just yet baby, but I do like it. I’d like you with any look,” you assured him with a soft giggle.
“What if I went bald?”
A slight pause as you thought. “Maybe not.”
Gavi only chuckled at this, pulling you in once more for another kiss - and you didn’t have to remind him this time as he kissed you with such gentleness it made your heart flutter purely with how precious it made you feel.
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burntchez · 6 months
(Possessive! Wriothesley x Male! Reader Smut)
Note: This is basically the 2nd part for my Possessive! Wriothesley x Reader fic I posted on Youtube but this time the 2nd part is for male readers! My apologies I couldn't make a female reader version or at least Gender Neutral. I'm (kind of) experienced in writing Male Reader content bc I'm a male myself.
(This contains: Smut (duh), Breeding, spanking, cuffs)
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"Are we really doing it here..?" Asked the smaller male. The Duke's lips curled into a mischiveous smirk, his hands travelling the body of the man below him. Arms beneath the uniform, lips close to the delectable neck. "Why not here? This is my office, and I see no problem of doing such... Thing here. Besides, I know you've been wanting this." Wriothesley whispered to the boy beneath him, enjoying the sight of him being vulnerable. You couldn't respond due to the intimate sensation crawling up his sensitive skin, his mouth only letting out whines and whimpers. By now, he was impatient. He wanted to show you how bad he misses you. He wanted to mark you as his.
Screams and moans filled the room as the two of you carried onto your session. Sounds of skin slapping synchronized with the moans you let out. "If you don't want your voice to be heard from outside, then I suggest you bear with this and stay quiet while I..." He pauses and thrusts. "Enjoy this." Wriothesley whispered to him with a husky voice. "Besides, I know you also enjoy this. I know you've wanted this." He commented between pants. "Y-you wanted this! It was not my idea to be fucked!" You scolded. The Warden can only let out a low chuckle as he heard your words, "Oh yeah.". Suddenly, a hand came striking down to your ass, making a loud slap on contact and leaving red print of his hand. A loud moan escaped your lips, followed by whimpers. Wriothesley can only sadistically watch you be lost in painful pleasure with a cruel smile as he continued thrusting into you. His whole length buried to the hilt as he unsheathed and thrusted himself in. "You look so good when you're beneath me. Wrists cuffed, lying on my desk, legs spread, perfect for me. Not to mention your hole taking me in!" He growled, eyes gazing to the sweating skin of your body. Admiring how powerless you are beneath him. "Fuck, I want to see you completely ravaged, now." Wriothesley let his desires take over and increase his pace, his thrusts violating your ass like hammer striking an anvil. His hand gripped tightly on your wrists while the other played with your sensitive nipples, flicking and toying on the nubs. His eyes observed you, how your eyes rolled back and try to lower your cute sounds, how your ass takes him in easily, and your little cock that was left twitching and sobbing precum. It all fuel his desire for you, to own you, to make you his own man. "I don't care if the others knows about this. I need to mark this body of yours with my cum!" Wriothesley growled with a husky voice before attacking your neck, drawing another cute cry from your lips. You felt his teeth biting onto your neck and shoulder while also giving it kisses. Wriothesley's thrusts accelerated, plunging deeper into your wet hole, trying to milk his cock into filling you up with his warm cum.
"O-oh fuck! T-too fast!~ I-i'm gonna-" "Cum?" Wriothesley finished your sentence as he withdrew from your marked neck. He towered over your messy figure, proud of what he made of you. "Hold it in for a few more seconds boy, I'm close too." After his command, he increased the pace of his thrusts. His cock plunging into you at a restless place, eliciting a long messy moan from you. The way your head drew back and how your body responds to his thrusts, it all fueled him, he needed to make you his. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum. Take it all boy! I'll make you never forget who owns you and this ass!" With one fatal thrust, his cock thrusted into your insides and unleashed a massive load of cum that he saved up for your return. His climax hit him like a tidal wave, just like yours. Your cock spurted out white ropes of cum and came all over Wriothesley's abs and on your stomach.
As you two took gasps and breath after a rough sex, Wriothesley gave you a kiss on the lips, affectionate and desiring. After a few seconds of intimate kissing, you decided to break it and take another breather. Wriothesley watched your exhausted state with a satisfied smirk and embraced you with his cock still inside you, ensuring that no cum seeps out and preserving his mark inside you.
"How is that for a 'welcome back'?"
"I've been gone for 2 weeks!"
"I know, but I still miss you~"
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dixons-sunshine · 23 days
Bloodthirsty | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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*GIF isn't mine.*
Summary: When you started your relationship with a vampire, you were assured that he would never feed from you—he would only ever continue feeding on animals. However, in the heat of a passionate moment, you found yourself wanting him to do exactly what he assured you he wouldn't, and it turned into an extremely thrilling experience.
Genre: Smut.
Era: Apocalypse, no timeline in particular.
Warnings: Swearing, blood, dry humping, unprotected p in v.
Word count: 1.3k.
A/n: I've been loving vamp!Daryl recently and had to write my take on him. It's my first time ever writing something like this, and I'm really bad at writing smut, so I'm sorry if it sucks. I hope you like it, though!
Based on this post by @norman-fucking-reedus.
“Shit, baby,” you moaned against Daryl's lips, rolling your hips leisurely against his and creating a pleasurable friction between the two of you.
Daryl groaned in satisfaction, deepening the already steamy kiss by slipping his tongue into your mouth. His hands gripped your hips tightly, slowly guiding your movements as the bulge in his pants grew with each passing moment.
Your hands moved to his hair and gripped tightly on the brown locks, pulling gently. You successfully coaxed a low whine from your partner, making you giggle against his lips. Daryl detached his lips from yours and started trailing sloppy, wet kisses from your jaw all the way down to your neck.
You leaned your head back to allow him more access, blissed out by the feeling of his lips on your neck. However, Daryl stopped momentarily to regain his composure, your mere scent being highly intoxicating to him. He slightly rubbed his nose against your shoulder to prolong the high he got from your scent alone, breathing heavily to restrain himself from doing what his senses were telling him to—to sink his fangs into your flesh and drink your blood.
Noticing his hesitance, you withdrew and looked at him. You noticed the way his pupils were blown with lust, but your main focus was the way his fangs were slightly longer than usual, something that only happened when he was hungry and wanted to feed. Then, in your lust-induced haze, a scary yet thrilling idea filled your mind.
“Feed on me,” you whispered, cupping Daryl's face in your hands.
Instantly, Daryl shook his head in denial. “Nah, I can't. I dun' wanna hurt ya,” he told you, trying to steady his heavy breathing and retract his fangs.
“You won't hurt me,” you replied, rubbing your thumb on his cheek. “You won't ever hurt me.”
“Ya dun' know tha',” he disagreed, his hands involuntarily tightening their hold on your hips. “I haven't had human blood in a lot of fuckin' years. Wha' if I can't stop? Yer too precious to me to risk tha'.”
“Do you trust me?” you asked him, gazing deeply into the blue eyes that you loved so much that were darkened with lust.
Daryl nodded. “'Course I do.”
“Then trust me when I say that I trust you. I want you to feed on me. I want you to know what my blood tastes like. I want you to do this, Daryl. Please.”
Daryl inhaled sharply when you removed your shirt to expose your shoulder, his self-restraint dwindling with each passing second. He looked at you questioningly, clearly giving you a chance to change your mind if you wanted to.
“Ya sure?” he questioned you.
You nodded. “I'm sure.”
Daryl took a deep breath before lowering his face to your exposed shoulder, placing a few soft, tender kisses along the soft skin. Your hands instinctively moved to his hair again, your fingers threading through the brown strands. He licked one spot on your shoulder once before he finally sunk his fangs into your flesh, instantly drawing blood from the wound.
You yelped and flinched at the contact, your hands tightening on his locks. The pain soon dulled into a small ache. Surprisingly, the ache was rather pleasurable, and a small moan escaped you.
Daryl closed his eyes, a guttural groan vibrating against your shoulder. The taste of your blood had him practically melting; animal blood was more than enough to satisfy his hunger, but he had to admit, you tasted so much better. You tasted better than any five star meal he had back when he was still human.
Without even thinking about it, he continuously rolled his hips up against yours at a steady pace, the hardness of his bulge pressing pleasurably against your clothed clit. You whined, grinding down against him without even thinking about it, entirely blissed out from the entire situation.
Somehow, you managed to free Daryl's hard cock from the confines of his pants. Moving your panties to the side, you adjusted yourself and slid down onto his cock, moaning loudly at the pleasurable stretch. Daryl groaned for the hundredth time that night, his arms tightening around you while continuing to drink mouthfuls of the refreshing crimson your body put out for your survival.
Without waiting for your go-ahead, Daryl started moving himself up against you, his cock slipping in and out of your warmth at a fast pace. You met his vigorous pace with equal enthusiasm, chasing that familiar high that only Daryl knew how to successfully pull from you. Even while his mind was cloudy from both the pleasure created between your bodies and the tasteful drops of blood flowing down his throat, he managed to think of your pleasure as well, continuously hitting that one specific spot that had you seeing stars.
“Fuck—shit—holy fuck,” you cried out, closing your eyes as the familiar knot started forming in your stomach. In record time, you could feel the same knot start to unravel, making you claw desperately to Daryl's shoulders, his hair, anything. Anything just to ground yourself back to reality.
All it took was for Daryl to bring a hand between your bodies and to rub your clit with ample enthusiasm for you to completely unravel. You cried out in pure ecstasy as the coil snapped. Daryl removed his fangs from your shoulder, instead opting to lick at the blood that poured as he continued to move your hips against his. Daryl soon followed suite with his own unraveling, finishing inside you for the first time ever.
Tired out from your prior activities and from the blood loss, you lowered your head to rest on Daryl's shoulder. You panted heavily, trying to catch your breath. Daryl placed on last kiss to your exposed wound that now throbbed with a dull ache before flipping you on your back, pulling out of you.
Daryl's eyes stayed on you the whole time as he tucked himself away, worried lines creasing his forehead. “Peach, are ya okay?” When you didn't respond right away, Daryl desperately held your face in his hands, concern evident on his features. “Peach—”
“I'm okay,” you finally managed to whisper, giggling slightly. “I'm more than okay. I feel better than I've ever felt in my life.”
Daryl sighed in relief, wiping at the blood that trickled down his mouth. “Jesus, ya scared the shit outta me.”
You giggled again, staring at the man you loved through tired, half lidded eyes. “We should definitely do this again.”
Daryl nodded, moving to the edge of the bed. “If yer up fer it, sure. But not today. Ya've lost enough blood. We need to get ya fed and strong again, get ya ready to be up fer the run tomorrow.”
“Before we do that, I just have one question for you,” you stated, halting his movements.
“Wha's tha', darlin'?” he asked, sending you a questioning look.
“How do I taste? Good?”
“Good?” Daryl asked rhetorically, letting out an amused laugh. He gripped your leg gently and gave you a heated look. “Sweetheart, ya taste fuckin' divine.”
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zorosprincess · 1 month
I Still Fucking Hate You
PAIRING - Tsukishima Kei x Reader WC - 4.1K GENRE - Smut CW - second round, multiple orgasms, creampie, light impact play (face slaps), spit, slight exhibitionism
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If you would’ve known that letting Aiko convince you to come to your school’s volleyball team’s end of trimester party would end you here - you wouldn’t have come. You would have said no. If you’d have known that you’d end up alone in a room with Tsukishima Kei you would have walked out the second you got here. But here you were. Alone. With one of the people you hated the most. Panting heavily in a post-orgasmic haze. And you were glad that at the beginning of the night, you didn’t know that you’d end up here.
As much as you hated to admit it, he was a fucking sight to see.
Sculpted abs flexing with every movement. Sweat dripping down his perfect, lean muscles. Blonde hair damp and mussed without care. And his still hard cock. Fuck. It was fucking gorgeous and glistening with a mix of both his and your cum.
You swallowed hard and met his eyes as he smirked down at you. That stupid fucking condescending smirk that made your skin burn with hatred, and now lust.
"Did you think I was fucking done?" He was inexplicably intimidating from this angle-towering over you. He laughed at your wide-eyed expression and reached to tear off your dress. "What's wrong, slut? No smart remarks this time?"
You groaned and lost your balance on your arms as he quickly pushed two fingers back into you, watching with sick satisfaction as his cum gushed around them.
You moaned despite yourself. "I fucking hate you."
The sight of Tsukishima standing between your legs, both of you completely bare of clothes, was something you never thought you’d see. His eyes were trained on the gap he created between your legs, on his fingers that were skillfully pushing into you with a purpose.
“Feeling's mutual.” He muttered as he withdrew his fingers, scooping at some of his cum that had slipped out before pushing it back in as he pressed his fingers right into your g-spot, pulling a stuttered moan from your lips. “But I can admit that this messy little pussy looks so good overflowing with my cum.” He growled, smirk widening as he locked eyes with you.
You whined pathetically as his fingers left you and couldn’t help but let your lips slightly part, drool collecting in the corners of your mouth as your eyes trained on how his fingers looked covered in both of your cum. Ever-observant, Tsukishima didn’t miss the small motion and with a chuckle, he pulled his clean hand up to your jaw.
He pulled your lower lip down with his thumb and quickly pressed his soiled fingers into your mouth, the sudden heaviness on your tongue had your eyes widening. His own eyes watched as your lips instinctually closed around his fingers, a muffled whimper vibrating around them as you pressed your tongue flat against his fingers.
You lapped at the mix of your cum, the mix of tangy and salty sending dizziness through your head and you suddenly wished that you could find yourself on your knees before him. To know just how sweet he’d taste like that.
You didn’t have more time to entertain the thought because Tsukishima’s fingers were leaving your mouth just as fast as they entered, an animalistic growl leaving his throat as his hands wrapped around the backs of your knees and jerked you towards him. With your ass barely off the bed, he quickly pushed his cock back into you without warning.
You swore that your breathing stopped for a second, the feeling of him bottoming out pushed every thought out of you. You had thought that maybe the stretch would be less intense since he had just been in you but-
“Fuck, still so fucking tight.” He moaned, pulling out slightly only to slam back into you. A scream fell from your lips as your eyes fluttered shut. “A bitch like you has no - fuck - no right feeling this fucking good.”
High-pitched whines and moans fell from your lips as he picked up his pace, moans slipping from his lips. You felt his grip on your spread knees tighten and suddenly they were being pushed up, further towards your shoulders, allowing his cock to ram into you at a new angle.
The world around you seemed to fade away, you weren’t aware of anything but the small squeals leaving your lips between the curses that couldn’t even really be considered words at that point. Your eyes were squeezed shut and you could feel the familiar tightening sensation building in your gut.
You blindly reached to help him hold your legs in place, desperate to curl your hands around something. You could feel the pressure of your forearms against the back of your thighs, nails digging into the skin of the inside of your thighs. What brought your attention back was a harsh shake of your head.
Tsukishima’s hand was wrapped around your jaw, consuming it easily in a single large palm. His fingers were tight on your bottom jaw, shaking your head back and forth. “I’m fucking talking to you slut.”
You blinked rapidly, his smirk coming back into your vision as he looked down at you amused. Had he been talking to you? You didn’t think he had been, hadn’t heard anything over the rapid beat of your heart as he didn’t stop his pounding.
“So fucking dumb you can’t even hear?” he taunted, his fingers rising slightly on your cheeks and pressing unforgivingly into the space between your teeth, forcing your jaw open easily by pinching them together.
The bruising pain of his fingers forced a whimper out of your mouth. “S-sor-sorry.” You whined out, you couldn’t recognize your own voice, slurred from the position of your mouth, a higher pitch than you remember it being. Your tongue struggled to move in your mouth, the grip on your jaw and cheeks not allowing it to move into the top half of your mouth. You could feel the tip of it resting on your lower lip, drool beginning to collect there.
He laughed at your fucked out expression and paused his movements, eliciting a whining protest from you. He leaned above you, his mouth hovering above yours and smirked down at you. “How disgusting can you get?”
Your eyes widened as you watched him gather the spit in his mouth before opening it and letting it drip off his tongue straight to yours. You squeaked as you felt it hit your tongue. The foreign feeling of someone else’s spit hitting your tongue, hot and easily sliding to the back of your throat, sent a pulse running through your body, your cunt clenching around his cock as your eyelids fluttered.
“You get off on that?” He laughed but picked up his pace again. “Swallow it.” Muffled moans struggled to leave your mouth as you gulped down his saliva the best you could. His eyes focused in on how your throat constricted as his saliva disappeared from his sight.
He was hitting such a delicious spot inside of you and you could feel your body tightening. He had released your jaw but your mouth stayed hung open, tongue falling out lightly as you panted out sinful moans trying to remember to breathe.
His hands found their way back to your hips, keeping you in place as he snapped his hips into you roughly. There would no doubt be bruises left by his fingers and his hips, reminders of how you were feeling. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head again.
A sting on your cheek and a quick jerk of your head had a gasp leaving your open mouth and your eyes snapped open to look at Tsukishima hovering over you. His hips didn’t falter as his hand held your jaw open and in place again. You realized that the feeling you had just had was him slapping you to draw your attention back up to him.
“You wanna fucking cum?” he grunted out and watched as you desperately nodded your head in his hand. “You know what to do.” His stupid smirk sent shockwaves down to your core forcing the coil inside of you to get impossibly tighter. “Ask me.”
“Caa- aaah cuuuhhh?” It came out jumbled and slurred, the words refusing to form around your pinched cheeks and the drool collecting in your mouth and spilling out the corners.
You let out a scream from the back of your throat as he pounded into you harder with a laugh. “Sorry, I couldn’t catch that.” He mocked. “Did you need something?” You nodded desperately, another scream tearing through your throat.
“leeease-” frustrated tears started to pool in your eyes at your body’s refusal to form the request. “leease- leh- eee cuhh-“ your pathetic attempt was cut off by another squeal as he switched the angle of his hips.
“Oh you want to cum?” The tone was condescending and if you weren’t so desperate for release you would’ve wanted to slap him. Instead, you nodded fervently and let slurred 'yes's run from your mouth. “Well, you should have just asked me, little slut.”
He chuckled but his voice was breathless. He used his grip on your jaw and your hip to pin you into the mattress as he pounded away at your pussy, drawing choked sobs and screams from your throat. “If you want to cum, I want your eyes on me.” He demanded it, forcing you to train your eyes on his as they took in every aspect of your messy state. “Now fucking cum for me.” He ordered.
You struggled to focus on keeping him in your sight as your vision started to blur, the okay being given to you to let go. You could feel your eyes beginning to cross as he ran his hand from your hip to close around your throat. The lightheaded sensation as his fingers pressed delightfully against the side of your neck pushed you towards the edge.
You struggled to keep his face in your sight as your mouth fell open even more, a high pitched shriek falling out as his hand on your jaw left only to come down again on your cheek. You felt his hot saliva hit your tongue again, choking on it as a moan tried to claw its way out.
“Kei!” You squealed his name repeatedly, mixing in slurred 'fuck's as you felt the coil snap, your body arching off the bed. His grip on your throat kept you close to him as his hips started to lose their careful rhythm but never faulting in their intensity or pace.
“Fuck,” he growled out, “look at how cute that stupid fucking face you make is.” He groaned and dropped his hands off your face. He dropped to his elbows, situating them above each of your shoulders.
He used the placement of your elbows against your shoulders to pull you into him harder with each thrust as he dropped his face into your neck. “Oh god.” It came out as a broken moan against your skin, hot breath fanning against the sweat gathered there.
You squeezed your eyes shut as you let out another high pitched moan into his ear. “Fuck, Kei!” Tears fell out of your eyes at the overwhelming pleasure lighting every nerve on fire. “S’good, fuck. More please.” You begged desperately, whining every time you heard a moan fall from his lips, vibrating your skin.
“Fuck.” He responded in kind, his lips connecting to the base of your neck, sucking a piece of skin between his teeth. “Y’feel s’good, s’tight ‘round me.” You whimpered at it as he released the skin and slurred his words into your skin. He quickly reattached his lips to another piece of skin and you hiccuped out another cry. “Fuck, gimme another one,” he begged, “cum f’me again.”
You still hadn’t recovered from the last one, but the sound of Kei falling apart above you sent you hurtling over yet another edge. “Fuck, good girl,” he praised through moans, “fuck!” Kei cried out, pressing his hips into you and holding them as he spilled yet another load into you. He held your spasming body tight against him as your walls clenched him hard, begging to keep him inside.
The two of you laid like that for a minute, both panting and trying to catch your breaths. Trying to let your brains catch up to the reality of what you’d just done. He pulled back first, glancing down at your fucked out form as your chest heaved up and down under him.
His thumb swiped at your lower lip collecting some of the drool before he caught himself and winced at the soft action. He quickly removed his hand and helped you lower your legs from where you forgot you had been holding them. His fingers quietly traced the bruises blossoming across your thighs before he sighed and pulled out.
You bit back a whimper at the sudden empty feeling. You felt his grip on your lower back, helping you to stand and you couldn’t do anything but stare at him as he leaned down to pull his pants and boxers back on. You cleared your throat and he glanced at you quickly, an unfamiliar look in his wide eyes.
You opened your mouth to speak but were stopped as he quickly shoved your dress back at you. You let out a short scoff, followed by a gasp and widened eyes as you felt some of his cum slip out and slicken the very tops of your thighs.
You swore you could see him smirk, like he knew what had just happened but chose to ignore it as you pulled your dress over your body again. You went to look for your underwear when the realization crashed over you.
“You fucking asshole.” You growled out. “You ripped my underwear.”
He did laugh then, his usual mocking and incredibly hot irritating laugh. “Did I? Sorry.” He held up the piece of ripped lace and shrugged, not sounding, or looking, sorry at all with that smirk on his lips. He shoved the lace into his pockets and finished pulling his shirt down his abs.
“I swear to-” he crossed the distance between you in two steps and pulled your body tight to his to cut you off. Your breath hitched as you looked up at him towering over you again.
“I swear I just fucked that attitude out of you.” You gulped and he smirked as his fingers traced down the expanse of your throat. “Now, we’re going to walk out there, and we’re going to pretend like this," he waved a finger between both your bodies, "never happened and have a nice night with our friends." Your eyes widened at his words but you didn't dare interrupt.
"And you,” he smirked, one hand tilting your jaw to keep your eyes trained on him and the other pulling lightly at the hem of your dress to make sure it covered everything properly, “are going to keep my cum nice and safe inside of you in case you need a reminder when you want to run that slutty little mouth of yours again.” He slipped two fingers into your mouth and pressed down on your tongue. You froze under his touch.
“Understand?” You nodded lightly, wide eyes staring up at him. He released you then, removing his hands completely from your body and taking a small step away. “Good girl.” He cooed at you mockingly and you pushed him, though it did nothing.
You side-stepped him and were suddenly very aware of how shaky your legs were. You bit your lip and braced yourself on the wall as you pushed past him. “Fuck you, you stupid lamppost.” You growled as you left the room. He chuckled under his breath and followed you down the hall and towards the backyard where your friends were all gathered by the pool.
“Hey Yamaguchi!” Tsukishima called over you as you both stepped out the door. “Couldn’t find your stupid towels!” Your face burned as everyone’s eyes snapped to watch the two of you rejoin the group, feeling like they all knew what you both had just been doing.
You straightened your posture and took your hand off the wall trying to radiate the same confidence you usually did as you took a step out onto the porch, completely forgetting why you had been using the wall in the first place. Your shaky legs buckled under you and you nearly fell.
Tsukishima’s arm quickly caught you around your hips, steadying you. His touch lingered as you found your balance on your own. The burning in your face spread down your neck and up to the tips of your ears as you watched the team stare in shock at his hand on your body.
You tightened the muscles in your legs and your embarrassment heightened as you felt how easily your thighs glided across each other with the help of his cum. He hovered next to you as you took the few steps to reach the back of the outdoor couch that currently housed Hinata and Tadashi. You tried to ignore the whispers coming from Nishinoya from across the porch as you gripped the back of the couch to steady yourself and subtly swatted Tsukishima’s hand away.
“Did you see that! Tsukishima just willingly touched y/n!” You rolled your eyes at how bad Nishinoya was at whispering as Tanaka quickly hit him upside the head to shut him up.
“Ah,” Tadashi’s hand came up to rub the back of his neck nervously as he looked up between you and Tsukishima, “sorry Tsukki, forgot I moved them, thought Maki went to go tell you.” His voice came out as a squeak and he couldn’t seem to look either of you in the eyes.
You looked over to Aiko with accusation in your eyes, she only shrugged her shoulders, a small smirk playing on her lips. “Ahah,” she laughed lightly, “I thought I did, oops!” She smiled at you playfully and you fixed her with a short glare.
You trained your ears on Hinata, who was now excitedly calling your nickname. “Y/n/n! Come sit next to me!” He patted the seat next to him, on the other side of him from Tadashi.
You almost moved to him but paused as your thighs rubbed together and you were very aware of the stain that you would leave on the couch if you sat. The stark reminder of what you’d just done with Tsukishima starting to drip onto your upper thighs.
“Uh- I’m,” you took a deep breath to steady your voice, “I’m okay, thank you though, Hinata.” You saw Tsukishima smirk from the corner of your eye and you forced yourself to not glare at him right there and to stay nice for Hinata who was still beaming up at you.
“No! C'mon y/n/n! It’s fine! I’ll make more room for you!” He scooted a little closer to Tadashi and smiled wider.
“Really, Hinata, I’m okay.” Your face heated up again as you tried to come up with reasons you could give the boy for why you didn’t want to sit next to him without breaking his heart.
It was like a gear clicked into place for Tadashi and you could see the tips of his ears turn red in realization. “Uh, Hinata, leave her alone.” Tadashi whispered in his friends ear.
“But she looks tired!” Hinata exclaimed and your eyes widened as Tsukishima tried to stifle a laugh next to you.
“I really feel like standing will keep me awake more, Hinata, but I really appreciate you looking out for me.” You smiled tightly at him.
He opened his mouth to ask again but Tadashi tugged on the sleeve of his shirt. “Hinata, please.” Tadashi begged, his voice soft and his face turning bright red at his assumed knowledge.
Then Aiko did the one and only thing that you would thank her for tonight. She swooped in and plopped down in the seat next to Hinata. “It’s okay Hinata, I’ll sit next to you.” She smiled at him sweetly and slung her arm over him before her face lit up. “Hey! Weren’t we gonna go swimming!?” She exclaimed before pulling up a, now, re-excited Hinata and dragging him off towards the water.
Tadashi sheepishly followed after, leaving you and Tsukishima alone again, leaning against the chairs. He let out a light chuckle at your red face and you clenched your jaw, refusing to look at him.
“What the fuck do you think you’re laughing at?” You growled out at him and his smirk only deepened.
“I feel like standing,” he mocked you in a higher pitch, following it with a scoff. “You’re pathetic shrimp. Please, acting like you could even stand on your own right now. Like your legs aren’t still shaking under you.” He taunted you and you ground your teeth together. He wasn’t wrong but that didn’t mean it didn’t piss you off.
“Listen you fucking idiotic lamppost-” you seethed through your teeth. “I dont fucking know who you think you are getting off on talking to me like-“ you got cut off with a gasp. You quickly bit your lip to hide the noise as you felt his fingers brush between your upper thighs.
“Didn’t I just put you in your fucking place, slut?” He whispered, just low enough that you could hear and no one else as his long fingers collected some of his cum that had dripped out of you. “Do you need a reminder already?” You let out a low whimper as he pushed his cum back into you, pressing his fingers immediately into your most sensitive places.
“It’s okay,” he taunted, “you keep fighting with me all night, so they don’t know,” he chuckled as your grip on the couch in front of you tightened, your wide eyes trailing your friends and begging none of them could see what was happening behind the couch, “I’ll be here to remind you of your place—under me and begging for more.”
He moved his fingers slowly, like he was in no rush, clearly unbothered by the publicity of it all, he knew no one would see. “Begging to cum on my cock.”
“I still fucking hate you.” You gritted out between your teeth but almost whined in protest as he drew his fingers out of you, wiping most of your mixed cum on your upper thigh.
“Good.” He smirked as he drew his fingers up to his lips. He casually licked them clean, locking eyes with you as he did. You squeezed your thighs together and felt a whimper tear through your throat involuntarily. “I still fucking hate you too.”
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“You did remember to move the towels, right Yams?” Aiko whispered as she barely contained her giggles.
“I don’t keep towels in the guest room, Maki.” Tadashi whispered back, feeling slightly bad that he was setting up his best friend like this. “Tsukki is going to kill me if he finds out what I’m doing with you.”
Aiko laughed and shook her head, “they’ll only kill us if it doesn’t work.” She quickly stepped in front of Hinata and Nishinoya as they started bounding down the hallway. “Where do you think you’re going?” She asked, refusing to let them pass.
“To help y/n and Suckyshima.” Hinata answered proudly.
“Yeah they’re all alone in there!” Nishinoya exclaimed. “They’re gonna kill each other.”
“There’s no towels in there, are there?” Sugawara asked with a laugh from behind the two shorter boys. Tadashi’s face reddened, he opened his mouth to answer but was cut off as a high pitched scream came from behind the door.
The faces of Aiko, Tadashi, and Sugawara all turned a deep shade of red at the noise. Hinata and Nishinoya, however leapt for the door, each was quickly caught by Tadashi and Sugawara, refusing to let them any closer. “THAT SOUNDED LIKE SHE GOT HURT!” Hinata yelled, struggling.
“Let us help our precious y/n!” Nishinoya shouted in unison.
“I promise you guys,” Aiko patted both of the boys’ shoulders, “she’s just fine in there.” The smirk on her face told them everything they needed to know and she laughed as both of the boys’ faces slowly heated up to match the shade of Hinata’s hair. Small little “oh”s fell from their mouths as their body’s went slack.
“Let’s all go outside, yeah?” Sugawara started to push the group away from the door and to move the party where they could hear, less clearly.
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a/n he makes me ✨insane
@tetsuskei @universal-s1ut @cl-0-vr
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annabelle--cane · 6 months
tma s1 thing I just caught- in martin and sasha's statements, they both have a moment where they're describing the creature they encountered and stop themselves from using a gendered pronoun and go to "it" instead.
I could see those… thin, silver worms crawling in and out, and their black tips twitching as they squirmed through that… pitted… meat. I mean, it wasn’t human. It can’t have been. Sh-She… It took a step towards me and as it did so the worms began to writhe out of every hole and cavity, falling to the floor in a cascading… wave and starting to crawl towards me with… with alarming speed.
I didn’t want to call him Michael; it didn’t seem to fit somehow, and the way he said it made me think that it definitely was not his name. Still, it wasn’t like I had any other name for him. No, not for him. For it.
but martin doesn't refer to jane by pronouns for a while after that passage, and the first time he does is when he's having his "oh god was she just a sick woman I left to die" moment, and after that he reverts to using she and her pronouns for the rest of his statement. conversely, sasha uses it and its for michael the whole way through her statement after that, except for, debatably, this one line near the end. both the snarp and rq official transcripts have is down as "its," but I distinctly hear "his."
I looked up to see Michael, reaching into my shoulder. Its fingers were long and distorted as they reached through my skin, cutting it like paper. I screamed. After a few seconds, it withdrew its hand. Held there was a single silver worm, wriggling pathetically in his grip. I hadn’t even felt the thing burrowing into my arm.
to me these differences are interesting from a few angles, both from the martin/sasha and jane/michael sides of things (also just for clarity I'm going to use she/her for jane and he/him for michael going forward in this post).
michael consistently self-describes as non human, or slightly human but only begrudgingly and against his will, and to sasha's knowledge michael was never human at all, whereas jane is more simply a normal person who got creaturefied, so "it" and other traditionally non human language may just be a better fit for michael's reality than for jane's, but I also think the specific places where sasha and martin switch back to traditionally human pronouns are telling. in michael's case, it is the moment where sasha sees that he's directly saved her life, even though he did so by using a distinctly inhuman aspect of himself: his distorted hands. in jane's case, it's when martin contemplates whether she was in need of help and he abandoned her, and after contemplating that he doesn't try using "it" for her again. sasha re-humanizes michael when he is being vitally helpful, and martin re-humanizes jane when he thinks about her as vulnerable.
I also think martin trying to see jane as non human and not managing to keep it up even a little bit speaks to his reoccurring issue of being inconsistent in whom he dehumanizes and at what times. he wants to see jane as a monster when she's in his line of sight and scary and gross, but once he's away from her and conceptualizes of her as being theoretically vulnerable, he can only see her as a person.
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puck-luck · 10 days
the open secret | seth jarvis
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warnings: oral (m!receiving), allusions to free use after the fact, cockwarming pairing: seth jarvis x fem!reader summary: bestie!jarvy head as inspired by this request: "i'm a simple girl with simple wants (blurb abt giving bestie!jarvy head and he's like goofy and silly and guiding the reader's head) (OR, on the other hand, post-loss head to make him feel better cause that's stinkabutt and he deserves it for his game this post-season)". I combined the two <3 wc: 2568
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You weren’t ashamed of your oral fixation. It was like an open secret between your friends– you always had a pen, or some gum, or a nail in your mouth. You were constantly chewing on something and you weren’t exactly coy about how much you loved to go down on your partners. 
You spoke about it often enough that your best friend Seth had taken to finding a new way to shut you up, as if you were the talker between the two of you. Over the past few months, he would trace over the line of your cheek and press his fingers onto your tongue while you were mid-word. 
The first time it happened, you were stunned silent, looking up at him with doe eyes until he withdrew his hand and apologized in a sheepish voice. 
“I don’t know what came over me,” he said.
“Okay,” you replied, uncertain but aching to move past the awkward moment. 
The second time, you had watched him think it over. You had seen the look in his eyes change. His eyes had been fixed on your lips for nearly an eternity (it felt), and you saw him cock his head from one side to the other. He licked his lips and blinked, his gaze cloudy and far away. You watched his fingers rise up and how his thumb stroked over your chin before he slid the digit into your mouth. 
The moment was so heavy. It felt like all of Seth’s weight was pressing against you with just his one finger in your mouth, pressing down on your tongue while his pointer finger rested underneath your chin. It pushed into the submental space, creating an unnaturally satisfying pressure. Almost mindlessly, your lips closed around his thumb and you sucked.
Seth snatched his hand away in an instant, his eyes wide and full of shock. 
“Oh my God,” he said.
“Jarvy, it’s okay,” you replied, shaken by his reaction.
“I have to go,” he announced and booked it. He was out of your presence in a split second, and if it had been a cartoon, you could have seen the cloud of dust he had kicked up in his wake.
It hadn’t happened since, but Seth had thought about it. You knew because he continued to get that far away look in his eyes when you spoke for too long, his gaze trained on your lips. You thought once that you saw his fingers twitch at his sides and it drew your gaze, which snapped him out of his. You had watched him shake himself out of it multiple times, even when there was already something in your mouth– the straw of your coffee, most notably. 
You had seen him flush a little, his cheeks red, when the two of you went on a little lunch date and you applied lip gloss right before sipping your iced drink. Then, a bit of chocolate had dripped onto your finger from your croissant and you licked it off. You were filled with a sick sense of joy when you watched Seth shift in his seat and not-so subtly look down at his lap.
You hadn’t considered Seth in that way before you noticed his fixation on your mouth– he was just your best friend, a man who you could joke around with an tease and have a good time. He was unnecessarily mean at times, although you knew by now that it was how he expressed affection. He was cuddly because he was energetic and loved to touch his friends. Now, you were thinking that maybe he was touchy with you for another reason and that he was being mean because he was flirting with you. 
Your other friends agreed and slowly, over the course of the first two rounds of the playoffs, you realized that you weren’t just friends with Seth either. That was why, when the Canes lost in the second round to the Rangers, you weren’t terribly upset. 
It meant that Seth was coming home and staying home, at least for a little while, and you could make your move. 
You and Seth made plans to see each other the day following the loss. He spent the night alone at home, mourning the end of his season and resting after battling through injury for so long. He hadn’t even told you about it, just occasionally acting miserable about some soreness in his joints. You were angry about that, sure, but you knew a way that he could make it up to you.
But all of that hinged on getting Seth to put his fingers in your mouth again. 
He came over to your apartment under the guise of watching a movie– a low-risk activity, because you were still punishing him for not telling you about his injury. He knew that if he had told you about it, you would have told him not to play. You would have convinced him that it was dangerous and that he would just hurt himself more and the worst part is, he would have listened. He would’ve prioritized you over hockey, which is much more dangerous to him than any injury could be, considering you’re not even together.
You let Seth pick the film, because you obviously weren’t planning to watch it. He chose to watch Wolf of Wall Street, like a typical man, and as much as the success story and subsequent downfall of Jordan Belfort interested you, you didn’t care. You talked. You talked and talked through the movie, something you knew Seth hated. 
He was reverent when it came to films he enjoyed, and you knew that each time you opened your mouth, he clenched his jaw just a little bit harder. He was holding himself together well, but when the elevator scene comes on, you know you have to make your move.
“Jealous,” you mumbled under your breath, quieter than most of the things you had said during the film, but loud enough for Seth to hear. 
“What?” Seth asked, looking to confirm that he heard you right. 
“I’m jealous, Jarvy.” You threw your head back on the couch cushions in exasperation and tilted to look at him. “It’s been so long since I had something in my mouth.”
Seth paled at your words. The color drained from his face in the way that it does when a man thinks something dirty, but is ashamed of it. You almost wanted to laugh at him, but you held yourself together. 
“You, uh, haven’t been with anyone lately?” Seth asked, feigning nonchalance by clearing his throat. He wiped his hands on his shorts, shifting in his seat.
You threw yourself over his lap, draping yourself dramatically. This wasn’t uncommon for you to do, but Seth stiffened. He was tense beneath you, no doubt trying to keep you from wiggling over his cock and causing him to grow hard. He’s already a little stiff just from the thought of your lips wrapped around something and the bliss that he imagines would cover your features.
“No,” you whined, complaining with a miserable pout on your lips. “Every guy I’ve met is just so boring.”
“Boring,” Seth repeated, already looking a little far away… your pout had served its purpose. It had drawn his eyes to your mouth and now he was transfixed, his mind still racing with the image of your lips around a cock– his cock.
You sighed in satisfaction when you felt his cock twitch in his shorts, growing harder near your head. It would be so easy to just reach over and take him out of his shorts, fit him in your hand, and suckle at his tip. You covered up the satisfaction by pretending like you’re sighing in frustration.
“What should I do, J?” You asked, batting your eyelashes.
He’s quiet, still watching your mouth. His hand found your arm, rubbing it softly. His other hand toyed with the ends of your hair. 
“Seth?” You pressed.
“I could…” He trailed off, bringing his thumb down from your hair to caress your cheek.
You stared up at him, hoping to look helpless, hoping to look like you needed him to guide you. You wanted him to think that it was his idea, that he made the jump from friends to more. You just led him there.
“Do you want something to suck on?” He asked.
“Mm-hmm.” You nodded, hoping your hum came out like a whine.
He brought his thumb to your lip, tracing the bottom edge of it. “I could give you my finger,” he offered.
You nodded again, opening your mouth to take it.
“Or,” he wondered, then hesitated.
You pulled back, eyes shining. “Or what?”
“You could suck my cock.”
The idea sent a shiver up your spine. Seth said it like he’s nonchalant, like he’s just throwing it out there, but there’s a hint of desire in his eyes. He needs this, you can tell. He wants this.
You licked the pad of his thumb, fitting your tongue around the digit. You bobbed your head just a little bit, never tearing your eyes away from Seth’s. While his pupils were still transfixed on your plush lips around him, you trailed your hand up his thigh to palm his bulge. 
His lips parted at the contact, giving you a good view of his tongue sweeping over his chapped lip, then biting it. 
“I want to,” you said, sliding his hand from your mouth to intertwine your fingers. You maneuvered so that you were between his thighs and he was laying longways on the couch, the Wolf of Wall Street still playing on in the background. You bit your lip and pulled the waistband of his shorts down, achingly slow. You brought his underwear with them, inching them down to reveal his cock, which sprung back toward his stomach once your freed it. You paused, then admitted shyly, “Been thinking about it.”
Seth moaned at that, taking your hand again and holding it against his chest. You pushed his shirt up so that you could splay the fingers on your other hand over his abdomen, thumbing over his happy trail. You looked up at him from between his legs, your mouth open near the base of his cock.
You leaned forward, drawing one of his balls into your mouth. You lathered your tongue over the skin, groaning softly at the feeling of having something in your mouth, at the taste of Seth. You held him in your mouth for a moment, savoring the slightly salty, very musky taste that enveloped the buds on your tongue. You drew your mouth away reluctantly, licking up his shaft until you reached his tip.
His cock kicked against your lips, but you followed it with your jaw wide. You took the head into your mouth, closing your lips around it. You sucked in soothing, gentle beats, closing your eyes with the satisfaction that came with having something in your mouth again– something you had plotted so diligently to acquire.
You let out a quiet moan, content with where you were. You sucked on him the way you sometimes, shyly, always alone, sucked on your own thumb when you were feeling particularly needy. It was slow and deliberate and comforting.
And absolutely miserable for Seth. 
It felt good– God, of course it felt good– but it wasn’t enough. You were teasing him, your lips tight around the most sensitive part of his cock, your tongue occasionally flicking over his slit to gather his precum. When it wasn’t tasting him, your tongue was pressed against the underside of his tip, flexing with each suck.
And the way you looked up at him, fuck. Your eyes were wide and full of love and Seth could barely handle it.
He gasped and brought a hand to your hair.
“More,” Seth breathed out, pushing your head down, but not hard enough to actually move you. He didn’t want to make you gag.
You gagged yourself anyway, sinking lower and lower until you had taken all of him in your mouth. Even then, even after gagging, you looked up at him and the only thing that could describe the light in your eyes was this: you were filled with glee. 
Seth’s chest felt tight, like he couldn’t take in a full breath. He was stuttering, no longer paying attention to the movie. He couldn’t form words– for someone who talked so much, you were proud of yourself for rendering him speechless. 
You bobbed your head, drawing Seth closer to orgasm with each stroke. You let your eyes shift in and out of focus, looking up at Seth at times so he could see the tears building along your waterline. You took in the hair on his body– the dark line of his happy trail, the tickle of his trimmed pubes against the tip of your nose on particularly deep swallows. 
Seth’s hand squeezed yours, his grip tight. “Fuck, Y/N.” He thrust his hips up, causing your throat to constrict around him. You moaned at the reverent call of your name, bringing your other hand down to trace the skin of Seth’s balls, cupping them gently in your palm.
You could feel them tense beneath your fingers, a laugh building in your throat. Seth wasn’t far from orgasm now. You pulled your mouth off for just a second to say, “You should come, Jarvy.”
His jaw dropped open, hand tightening in your hair. He convulsed under you, twitches that pushed his cock further down your throat until his tip was brushing the back of it. His spongy head was bumping against your oropharynx and it sent shock waves up his spine with each touch.
He chased the sensation, curses tumbling from his lips as he started to let go. He filled your mouth with his tangy seed, and whined at the moan you released, wanton as if you were drinking the nectar of the gods. You swallowed eagerly, your muscles working around the length of him.
Seth came for what seemed like forever, the aftershocks keeping him tense. His hand stayed on your head, keeping you there. His hand stayed on your hair to ensure that you were still real, because if he looked down at you again, he’d come for a second time. If he looked down at you, holding his softening cock in his mouth, still so happy to be sucking on something, he might pass out. 
You could fit his cock in your mouth much better now that he was soft. You readjusted, laying with your cheek on the inside of his thigh. You burrowed into him, filling yourself with him, and closed your eyes. 
“What are you doing?” Seth groaned out, confused.
“Finish your movie,” you told him, words jumbled as you spoke around his length. “Wanna hold you a while longer.”
You closed your eyes and breathed deeply, the sounds of The Wolf of Wall Street filling your ears. Seth’s hand pet through your hair and lulled you to sleep, a bit of drool leaking out of your relaxed mouth and onto his thigh.
When you woke, you brought him to orgasm again. When you came over to his the following day, you kneeled beneath him again. Like you said– your oral fixation was an open secret. Seth just used that to his advantage.
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notes: guys i need some fingers in my mouth SOOO bad. i'm also a slut for hickeys and for giving head so i fear i just need something in my mouth... i am y/n fr
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polyo-nym-y · 23 days
Desserts, Served.
[Bon Appétit Pt.2]
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Alastor x Female Reader
[What to expect/Warnings: NSFW MDNI!!Blood, begging, P in V, you get restrained by his tendrils, soft ending, dirty talk, idk its tame for how I write Alastor LOL]
[Part 1 Here]
[Link to full drawing here]
Hello! Oh my goodness I am just utterly speechless by the positivity within this little horny community!
Thank you to everyone who liked my first post and who commented wanting a part two. This is for you guys <3 I’m sorry it took FOREVER to finish but I was nervous about disappointing lol.
But I needed to get this posted cause I have SO much planned for the future >:3
You watched as his long fingers hook under each suspender, slowly slinking them off his shoulders. He sent a toothy grin down to your disheveled form. As if the red of his eyes were literal hell-fire, you felt his gaze rake over your body, heat quickly following wherever they went. “What do you say, darling, are you ready for dessert?” His voice was low and heavy, the sound settling in your ears but you were unable to process what he exactly said. Your own rapid heart rate was all you could focus on as you tried to calm yourself down from the overdose of dopamine you just experienced.
A chuckle rattled from him as he reached a hand out, talons holding your chin to direct your gaze at him. His ears twitched as he cocked his head to the side, staring into your wide and glossy gaze. “Hello~? Still with me? I don’t recall eating that tongue of yours.”
Your head was foggy from your release and eyes too focused on how beautiful he looked right now. The room was dark save for the soft lighting of a lamp on a far table. His eyes glowing ethereally and his smile softening around the edges.
Alastor leaned, pressing his hips further against you. The feeling of his clothed hard-on against your exposed flesh was more than enough to wake you from your dreamy state. Glancing down trying to see him pressed into you. “W-What?”
“I asked you a question.” Pinching your chin his claws dug in slightly, trying to get your eyes back up to his. “It’s not a proper meal without dessert, you know.” He hummed a tune you didn’t recognize as he leaned back and away from you. “But if you’re full-“ He physically withdrew himself from you, reusing the same manipulation tactic he used earlier.
Just as he hoped, it brought panic to your eyes. Once again the idea of losing his touch rocked you to your core, literally. Suddenly realizing how cold and empty you felt without him and his addicting touch. The exhaustion you once felt melted away as you pushed yourself up from resting on your elbows. You lurched forward, fingers yanking Alastor in by his shirt. Crashing your lips into his you wrapped your legs around his waist pulling him into you, ensuring he couldn’t back away any further.
He watched with wide eyes for only a moment before he quickly melted into the kiss. One arm wrapped around your waist to press you flush to his chest. His other hand came to hold you by the back of your neck with a firm pressure.
His half-lidded gaze never left you as he swiped his tongue over your lips, asking entrance. To his dismay, however, you instead pulled away from him. His long fingers tightening at your neck as you struggled to pull your lips from his, his own hunger and greed showing.
You slowly slipped your eyes open to find him already staring at you. Having leaned away from his lips just enough to ghost words across them. “I’ll never count a meal as satisfying until I’m feeling stuffed.” You could feel his grin grow as he narrowed his eyes on you. “And I’m famished.”
Once again you felt the air around you grow heavy. Static began to prick at your skin as it buzzed in your ears. The lamp flickered in the background as the entire room grew darker. “Oh, Mon Cher…” his words were so heavily filtered you could barely hear him, the static began to rise further. His claws danced from the back of your neck as his hand nestled to your front. His large palm gripping you by your throat as he pressed his forehead against yours. “I'm going to fuck you stupid.” Instantly, blood rushed to your cheeks. He dropped the innuendos and the shock from it had you frozen like a deer in headlights.
You felt him tighten his grip around your throat, lips parting to gasp air instinctively. The room grew dark, too dark, as the space was completely shrouded in shadows. The only presence was Alastor, his glowing gaze seeming brighter than before. His little antlers began to grow above you. Perhaps, you thought, you were indulging him too much.
Fear flooded your senses as he drew himself up from you, stature taller than before. Suddenly, you were being thrown down against the desk by your throat. Body tensing as you braced for a hard impact of wood and vintage radio equipment. Your hands flew to grip his wrist as you were thrown back. But the pain you expected never came as instead a plush softness enveloped you. You blinked, darting your gaze around as the shadows withdrew, allowing light back in.
The sound of a zipper and a rattling laugh snapped your attention back to Alastor. He loomed over where you laid on the edge of a soft surface. “Oh ho! You should’ve seen yourself just now!” His shoulders bounced, his genuine laughter had you squeezing your thighs together. “Fear looks good on you, my dear.” He’d coo over you.
Confused, you glance away from him as you begin to crawl backwards, you turn your attention to the room. Realizing you were no longer in his radio tower. Instead, you were resting on a soft bed in a familiar room, your room. “Wha-” You turned back to Alastor squinting up at him. “Oh, fuck you! You think you’re so funny?” You tried to keep the playful squint but you couldn’t stop the smile that wanted to form.
You pushed yourself up into a sitting position, eyes glued to the open zipper as he untucked his shirt. The bed dipped as he stalked closer, his knee settling on the mattress. “I know I’m funny, darling.” You had just barely caught a glimpse of his dark happy trail before you came face to face with Alastor, who had crawled over to you. One black palm settled flush against your chest. A devious smirk returning to his features as he pushed you back down on your back.
A huff of air left your lungs as you were knocked down. Eyes scanning over his face as he situated himself above you. As you felt his hands pry your legs open at your knees, you let out a scoff. “Tch yeah…funny-looking..” you would taunt under your breath.
He quirked a brow at you as he sat on his knees between your legs. “Ha. Ha.” One of his hands worked on removing his bow tie whilst the other flicked the bite he left on your inner thigh. Chuckling when you flinched and yelped in reaction, the wound still raw and tender.
Your gaze lingered lower as he began popping the first few buttons of his shirt open. “You know? Maybe I should eat that naughty tongue of yours.” When your gaze snapped back up his bones cracked, antlers reaching out like dead tree limbs. He fell onto his palms as his large body caged you against the bed.
A nervous smile crossed your expression as that similar fear rose in you. But it wasn’t typical fear, no, this feeling was something raw and instinctual. The fear a prey would feel when cornered by a predator, with a sprinkle of lustful anticipation. Your body tensed under him as one hand grabbed your jaw, fingers that somehow grew longer squish your cheeks forward. “You’d miss it.” You’d mumble out with your lips being forced to purse.
“I don’t know, my dear, you can still moan without one~“ releasing your face, his hand trailed down between your breasts and settling on the softness of your stomach.
Your breath caught in your throat as you heard it before you realized what he was doing. Goosebumps littered your skin at the sound of ripping fabric. “Alastor!-“ a gasp of his name left you. He tore your nightgown straight down the middle and sliced the remains of your underwear that clung around your waist.
“I would, however, miss that.” His eyes fell from yours and followed down the dip of your breasts.
Just as quickly as you went to cover your exposed chest did his shadow-y tendrils appear. Multiple jutted out from his back as they wormed their way towards you, slipping around your wrists and tangling all the way down your elbows. You fought against them at first but they were stronger than you, as they yanked your arms above your head pressing them into the bed. Your back arches as you weakly struggle against his hold, mostly just testing him. But your body freezes as you feel something hot and hard smack against your pubis area.
One hand holds his exposed cock at the base where it pokes out from above his pants. A toothy grin as he watches you jolt with each smack of his swollen tip against the hood of your clit. The mere sight of him had your arousal re-awakening, needy cunt clenching around nothing.
“C’mon.” He slowly pumped his cock, spreading the precum that eagerly dripped from his tip. “Be a good girl and tell me what you want.”
Your jaw clenched at his vulgar request as you felt your whole body flush. Though your eyes never left the monster he held against you, swallowing nervously as your lips parted slowly. You found it difficult to ask for something so depraved. Not to mention you were growing more nervous at the realization that when his body grew larger, everything grew.
He saw your hesitation, and usually he’d take time to enjoy your dismay and embarrassment. But right now? He needed you completely and he was done stalling.
Lazily he rubbed his cock up and down your slit, mixing his pre-cum with your slick. When he saw your face contort he moved with more intention, his cock twitching in his hand as he rubbed against your clit slowly.
“Please..” you pleaded meekly as your eyes rose to meet his. The look he sent down to you sent a tingling feeling through your body. There was such a deep hunger in them that you were certain he was just as desperate for this as you were. The thought of The Radio Demon nearing a breaking point to have you? That had a small smirk forming across your face. You felt him twitch and throb against you as soon as you smiled.
“Alastor, Please.” His grin strained as he watched a cocky glint appear in your eyes. “You said you’d fuck me stupid. Aren’t you a man of your word?” You stretched as much as you could as you rolled your hips up against him. “Or is the scary Radio Demon a-“
A growl interrupted your taunting, a choking gasp leaving you. Without warning he thrusted into you with his hands shifting to grip your hips. Thankfully, you were thoroughly lubricated. However, you were not prepared for the burning stretch you felt as his thick member fought against your tight walls. Tears welled in your eyes from the overwhelming feeling and you were shocked to see he wasn’t even halfway in.
Trailing claws scratched down your tense thighs as his hands cupped under your knees. In one quick movement he had your knees pressed against your chest, ass lifting from the bed slightly. With this movement alone you felt him slip in just a little more, were you panting? “To think I ever planned on being gentle. You don’t want gentle, do you?” His glowing red gaze flickered as darkness flooded them. The air in the room began to tingle and prick at your skin as his filter grew heavier once again. Something that you were noticing indicated a strong surge of emotions coming from Alastor. As if what he felt was so heavy it practically oozed from him, sticking to your skin. You tried to control your breathing but he was making it difficult in more ways than one.
Tears slipped down the sides of your face as you tried to blink away the blur they caused. Trying to focus on Alastor who loomed above you like a monster. Body unnaturally large, grin spread tightly across his face and his dark eyes spun with red dials at their center. That confidence to poke the bear melted away quickly as you tugged at the tendrils around your arms. But they only responded by pressing your hands into the bed further. Your lips parted to try and frantically babble some weak reply. But any words you planned on saying were distorted into a yelp-like scream. With a sudden snap of his hips he buried his ungodly length into you, sinking to the hilt. Through bleary vision you saw the shape of him pushing up your stomach from where it reached deep inside of you. For the first time in your afterlife you thanked God you were dead, knowing well that Alastor did not intend on going easy on you.
Just as you thought, he did not give you the luxury to adjust. His claws dug into your skin where he held your legs. All you felt was the intense fullness, unaware of the small cuts his hands left as blood slowly began to drip down onto your chest. Gritting his teeth he fought against your tight hole to wrench himself out before snapping back into you. The force of it involuntarily rips a moan from you as your eyes roll back before slipping closed altogether.
Like a well trained dog your eyes snapped back open, missing their momentary rest already. Your obedience won, however, as you instantly looked up to him at the sound of your name. A sweet staticky purr rumbling from him as he spoke. “Eyes on me, Mon Cher, I want to witness your descent into madness.”
Your heart fluttered and he sucked in sharply as he felt you clench around him. How did he manage to be so alluring whilst being so demonically horrid? Perhaps that was a fault on your part and your questionable desires.
“Hm~? You like that?” His voice, the air, your body and his body on yours, everything felt heavy and hot. The heat of it all coated your skin in sweat as you felt your thoughts literally melt away into pathetic puddles. Panting, trying to will your body to grow accustomed to his size, you couldn’t do anything but look up at him with pleading eyes. “The thought of me corrupting you? Ruining you?” You felt warmth slither under your back as more tendrils worked their way to you. Pushing your lower half up from the bed completely as he contorted you. He shifted, sitting up on his knees as he buried himself deep inside you. The lifted angle had you seeing stars, swearing that he’d pierce through your womb completely.
You choked, spittle running over your lips as he rutted into you. He started a deep and focused pace. Laughing sadistically at the sounds of your choked out moans and the squelching of your cunt. Tendrils replaced the hold under your knees as they held your legs open wide for him. Talons now free to rake up your body as he enjoyed your quivering response.
“P-Please-“ you wheezed out between gasping breaths. “T-Too much-“ despite your pleas, you both felt how eagerly your walls twitched around him. Your cunt had a firm grip on him, making it difficult to even pull out for a shallow thrust. Even with the slower pace you felt that coil begin to twist in your stomach.
“What do you mean, darling? Did you not say you wanted to be stuffed?” You bit your bottom lip, trying to hold in the cry you wanted to let out. Your own hubris has come to bite you in the ass, like it often does. All you could do is whine, meekly shaking your head. “You poor little thing. Have you gone stupid already? Because despite what that mouth says- down here?” Another deep thrust rocks your whole body but he doesn’t pull back. Grinding his hips down into yours so roughly you swore your bones were bruising. “Down here is begging for the exact opposite.”
“F-Fuck- please-” Somehow he managed to grind right into your sweet spot. His breathing became ragged above you as he felt his last little bit of restraint leave him. A static hiss left him as he drew his hips back only to drive his cock roughly back in. Frantics pleas tumbled from you as you were begging for your second release.
“Say it-” his thrusts were hard and fast as he fucked into your cunt, chasing his own pleasure. “Say my name- fuck,” his filter dropped as your ears were blessed with his raw voice. At some point more and more tendrils leaked from him as they wrapped around you, their warm grip flexing with every thrust.
He had you completely bound by his tendrils, forced to be nothing but a hole for his cock. His hands were so tight on you and right now he could care less if it hurt. Alastor watched you wheeze under him as he grew frantic and sloppy with his thrusts. As one of the shadows slithered between your bodies to lovingly rub against your clit, you felt your orgasm come to its cusp. You screeched his name like a dying animal as every muscle in your body tensed. His thrusts became shallow and deep as your cunt spasmed around him. Your second rush of dopamine settled over your body in waves as he continued fucking you through your orgasm.
His hips stuttered as he panted out a laugh and brought a hand down to grab your face. Keeping your head still as he bore into your fucked-dumb eyes, watching them widen as he reached his peak with a grunt. Your legs spasmed and a deep warmth flooded your abdomen as he pumped his cum into you. Your release tipped into overstimulation as he didnt stop fucking into you even after cumming. “My sweet girl.” A long moment passed before he finally slowed his assault. Coming to a full stop once he saw your eyes fully glaze over as he knew he was losing you again. His chest rose and fell rapidly as each tendril slowly left your body, gently lowering you back onto the bed. “Youre my sweet girl, right?” He wanted to see if you were still listening.
You blinked through tears as you watched his body shrink back to its original size, albeit still large compared to you. You nodded up to him slowly and winced when he removed his claws from where they dug shallow cuts into you. His smile was soft as he slipped himself out from you. He couldn't stop his eyes snapping down to watch his seed seep from your lips.
A silence fell between you as you laid there trying to lower your heart rate. Your eyes watched him as he cleaned himself up before tending to you. His touch was much gentler on you as he scooped you up to tuck you under your blankets. As your mind began to clear you began to worry- was your deal just for one night? “Alastor?”
He hummed a response as he looked you over. He saw that familiar fear, the fear of him leaving. An amused sigh left him as he settled into the bed beside you. “Hush now, dear, you need to get some rest.” He snapped his fingers to turn the lights off before pulling you into his chest. “Afterall, I intend on sharing many more meals with you.”
You felt him bury his lips into the top of your head as your anxiety melted away. Within the dark you wore a soft smile as you let your eyes close. “I’ll hold you to that.” All you felt was comfort and warmth as you let yourself drift to sleep to the sound of Alastors heart.
[Tags for those who asked for PT. 2 <3: @saturn-alone @lustylita @karmakillz @saint-altruist ]
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rosyheretic · 2 months
little bird (part 1) (steve rogers x fem!reader)
summary: steve rogers has been acting strangely around you for months, and now you know why: he found out about your crush on him and decided to tease you until you couldn't take it, as penance for your insubordination in the field. how much of steve's provocation can you take? and does he enjoy working you up?
warnings: explicit sexual content, upcoming smut, post-endgame avengers au where everyone lives and stays, witch reader, DIRTY TALK, sparring, voyeurism, humiliation a little
notes: hi hi hello! my name is april and this is my first fic on this account. i just can't get steve rogers out of my head and need to express myself tbh. so i hope you enjoy! i love to write, so let me know if you have any requests for steve (or bucky perhaps in the future). and let me know what you think of this one. hopefully this draft is not too rough.
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"sweetheart, throw one more thing at me and there will be consequences," steve said gruffly from the other side of his kitchen. his expression told you this would be your final warning.
your hands cast a pink glow and the vase on the table next to you began to levitate. it flew toward the captain and just barely missed his head.
"you knew," you said lowly. "you knew and you were fucking with me."
"i might have heard something from natasha, who heard something from wanda," steve tried to minimize his knowledge of your feelings for him. "your thoughts were too loud, i guess."
"oh, so you decided to tease it out of me in front of everyone?!" you asked, incredulous.
"it's only fair, little bird. you were openly insubordinate from day one," he reminded you. he took a few steps toward your body, which was floating on a cloud of pink a few inches above the floor. "i had to put you in your place. plus, you're cute when you're embarrassed."
with a flick of your wrist, you sent steve flying backwards into the wall. he grunted but made a quick recovery, and in a flash he was next to you again.
"what did i say about consequences?" he whispered in your ear.
"i didn't throw anything at you," you replied, a bratty smile on your face.
"you're out of control. and as the captain of this team, that's a problem for me," steve continued, his hands roaming your body to coax you into submission. "i'm a patient man. you will learn discipline, no matter how long it takes. but i doubt it'll take long for you to fold, because i know all your weak spots."
you shuddered, unconsciously leaning into his touch. in an instant, he manhandled you so your feet were on the ground and pinned you against the counter. steve slotted his right leg between yours, just under the hem of your dress.
"there's this one, of course," he teased, flexing his toned thigh and grinding his knee against your clit through your panties. you couldn't hold back your whimper. "you like that? yeah, i bet you do. can't help how wet and tingly you get around me."
once, you and steve were paired up for a sparring match in the gym. according to the avengers' training rules, you weren't allowed to use your powers, so it was bound to be an unfair fight. no matter how much you bitched and whined, you couldn't get out of the match.
"you know if this were a regular fight, i'd kick your super ass, rogers," you taunted as he circled you.
"you think about my ass a lot, y/l/n?" he countered smugly, eliciting laughs and cheers from the other avengers. while your face burned in humiliation, steve pounced. he had you under him in a matter of seconds. one of his hands rested high on your thigh, forcing you to the ground, and the other bound your hands together above your head.
while you thrashed uselessly beneath him, steve brought his lips to your ear.
"i know what this does to you, me pinning you down," he murmured. "i can hear your heart racing, i can feel the heat between your legs, i can fucking smell you soaking your panties."
"time!" tony called, and steve withdrew. your skin tingled with the afterglow of his touch. you huffed and got up, trying to save face by acting unaffected.
"you okay there, y/n?" bucky asked, an amused smirk on his face. "you didn't last very long."
"she's alright, pal," steve answered for you, putting a hand on bucky's shoulder and leaning in. "just a little... frustrated, is all."
you felt another gush of wetness seep out of you at his filthy words. he pressed hard on your clit for emphasis, and you jerked in his hold. his hands then ran up your body and came to cup your breasts.
"and these... how many times have you imagined me squeezing them, telling you how soft and pretty they are? i know you were thinking about it when i gave you that shoulder massage."
he was dead-on.
after you wrenched your arm on a mission in tokyo, steve had insisted on giving you a massage. he claimed to want to "keep you comfortable," feeling a responsibility as your leader to look after you. you were one of the youngest avengers, after all.
he toyed with you—using his big supersoldier hands to provoke a reaction from your body, only to then leave you wet and unsatisfied. even worse, he did it on the quinjet in front of natasha, sam, and bucky. he stroked all over your body, smiling as he watched you squirm and whimper, basking in his power over you.
"dickhead," you whispered, your voice less venomous and more flustered than you intended.
"good point, pretty girl, i almost forgot about that," he replied with a cheeky grin. "how many times have you fantasized about feeling my big cock inside you?"
one movie night at the avengers compound, steve showed up wearing only a thin tank top and tight flannel pajama pants. you shuddered and pressed your thighs together when you saw him walk into the kitchen, looking so sexy. seeing the desperate look on your face, he had the audacity to wink at you.
"when are you gonna take notice of the fact that you're huge, steve? you need clothes that fit your supersoldier body properly," you chastised him to cover for the fact that the sight of his skin turned you on so much.
"i suppose you're right, doll," he responded, smiling coyly. "guess i'm still getting used to being big."
"serum makes everything bigger, doesn't it stevie?" bucky strolled into the kitchen, winking at his best friend. "so difficult to adjust."
your knees went weak at bucky's words, unable to stop imagining the monster dick hiding under steve's slutty sweatpants. you excused yourself to the restroom, hearing bucky and steve chuckle behind you.
when you returned to the living room for movie night, you made the horrifying realization that there was no seat left for you. everyone sat in their own individual recliner chair, wide enough for two small people or one supersoldier.
some of the new agents had shown up to movie night, excited to bond with the avengers. this left you sitting on the floor between two seats. both were empty, but reserved with bags. at least it had decently thick carpeting.
"aw, honey, no room left for you?" steve cooed as he and bucky strode back into the room to take their seats. "you're not sitting on the floor. don't be ridiculous. we can share."
your eyes widened and you stood up uneasily. he sat down in his chair and gently pulled you into him, leaving you perched on his left leg. this would be your undoing.
throughout the movie, the captain kept flexing his strong thigh underneath you, sending pulses to your clit. on the third flex, he feigned innocence when you gave him a dirty look.
you tried to change positions so you were no longer straddling his thigh and eventually wiggled free of him. while you considered your next move, he threw his arms around your waist and pulled you to him. soon you were sitting between his spread legs, feeling his cock through his sweatpants.
"why are you flyin' away, little bird?" he whispered in your ear, his hot breath making your head feel warm.
you couldn't help but rub against it. you had no choice, really. you were so turned on and delirious that you could only obey your dirty instincts.
when his length began to harden from the friction, you gave him a victorious smile over your shoulder. even though you were desperate for him, he couldn't deny he liked it now.
your smile faded when you made eye contact with natasha, who gave you a knowing smirk in return. god, how many people knew about this?
no. you can't do this, he's your captain. it's indecent, and he only means to humiliate you for your desire. you snapped out of it, breaking free of steve's hold and taking him by surprise. "i gotta go to bed," you managed, and darted off to your room.
that was the end of the encounter, or so you thought. later that night, you woke up to the sounds of steve groaning on the other side of your shared bedroom wall. he sounded pleasured and pent-up at the same time.
unable to resist temptation, you used your magic to project some of your energy into his room, allowing you to see him.
the sight was magnificent: captain america with his hand wrapped around his cock, moaning and grunting as he stroked himself. and oh, what a cock it was. slick with precum, long and thick and bigger than any you'd ever seen before, even in porn. you wanted his hot, hard length in your—
"i know you've seen it. that night at the compound, you watched me touch myself," steve rasped in your ear, caressing up and down your hips as he held you against the kitchen counter.
"how did you—"
"i saw your little pink sparks floating by my door," he interrupted you.
"okay, yeah, i'm desperately attracted to you! is that what you wanted to hear? i won't talk back or disobey your orders anymore. just please, don't humiliate me any more!"
"humiliate you? oh no, honey, you've got it all wrong. i wanted the team to know so that they'd understand i had you under control. can't have them thinking i'm a bad captain, right?"
"well, it's still embarrassing and degrading."
"not if i want it just as much as you," he said gently. "look, i was teasing you because i like to see you squirm. because i like you too. quite honestly, i have to fight like hell every day to resist the urge to take you. bend you over the counter, throw you down on my bed, fuck the attitude out of you."
you paused for a moment, stunned into silence. "and the others?"
"they're laughing at me as much as they are you, if not more. because i can't control myself around the girl who talks back to me. you make me so hard all the time, baby."
the words were music to your ears. you were dripping in your panties as he rubbed himself against you through his boxers.
"then lose control," you said.
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