#and black countertops. caustic tile
spacecampband · 1 year
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Bathroom Master Bath in San Diego
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altocat · 2 years
‘Ello!!! I hope the day is treating you well!!!
This prompt has been eating at me for errrr a couple hours now and I know no one can pull it off like you can! Take it off my mind!! xD
While away on a mission, Angeal tasks Sephiroth & Gen to make dinner. They're both completely unexperienced in their own right. (And maybe they get some “wonderful” advice from the puppy too???) Either way, Angeal mayyy not be too happy with the condition of his kitchen when he gets home.
Oh man, that's perfect 😂
"Pass the salt." Long, pale fingers extended impatiently into the open air, wrist waggling with an absent minded sigh. "I think it needs more texture."
"BOTHER your texture," Genesis growled, digging around the cabinets. "You're going to have to do without. I can't see shit through all this clutter. I don't even think we have any."
"It needs salt."
"And you would know because you're the expert, I suppose. This was a bad idea. We're going nowhere on this. I'm surprised we haven't burned the place down yet. I don't know why Angeal--"
"Found it! Here!" Zack scrambled forward, black bangs hanging messily across his forehead as he handed the small carton to Sephiroth, watching the silver soldier unceremoniously dump its contents into the boiling pot. The young soldier grinned, rocking enthusiastically on his toes as he tossed the scowling Genesis a smug look. Genesis sneered in response, crossing his arms and turning away.
Sephiroth stirred the pot and sniffed dubiously at the concoction, frowning. "...Hm."
"What?" Genesis huffed, still digging around in the cabinet.
"You said 'Hm'."
"Did I?"
"You don't remember two seconds ago?"
"It smells off."
"So fix it."
"I'm doing my best."
"Maybe it just needs some pepper?" Zack suggested. "That goes good with salt. What's soup without pepper?"
"What's soup without SUGAR?" Genesis gasped, whirling around and lifting the carton in horror. "Goddess, Seph, you didn't actually dump that in there?"
Sephiroth blinked, his catlike eyes glancing from Zack's fading grin to the carton to the pot itself. "...oh."
"OH?! I'd say that merits more than an 'oh'. Puppy here's trying to poison us."
"It's not--" Zack protested, his blue Mako eyes wide as he snatched the carton away in examination. "It isn't...!"
"It is," Genesis hissed, vengeful and vicious, though admittedly unable to disguise the note of triumph that purred between his teeth.
"It LOOKED like salt, okay? It had white stuff in it. They're identical. How was I supposed to know?"
"Maybe try the LABEL first!"
The auburn soldier pinched between his eyes, turning away again. He surveyed the scope of the room in anguish, wincing at the sickening squelch that issued from the pot behind him. Somewhere, a glass broke, scattered crystals across the once-neat tile floor. The drawers and cupboard doors were all but broken off their hinges, the countertops cluttered and stained, the tiny table virtually unrecognizable underneath the maze of condiments and dishes. The pot squelched again, a wheezing belch that smoked the air around them.
Genesis folded his hands in prayer and tipped his despairing eyes to the ceiling. "Angeal's going to kill us..."
Sephiroth dipped his fingers into the pot, lifting his hand and licking sedately at the tips. He glanced nonchalantly at the gaping Genesis and Zack, shrugged, and did it again.
"Are you serious?! That stuff is CAUSTIC now thanks to genius."
"Hey!" Zack yelped indignantly.
Sephiroth shrugged again, stirred, pulled the spoon out and drank deep. "Actually, it's not so bad. Try?"
Genesis flushed green all the way to his eartips, making a beeline for the bathroom. Zack stared at the floor and trailed apologetically behind, his hands in his pockets.
Sephiroth only stared puzzledly after them, head cocked, his green eyes flicking back to the pot. He brought the spoon up once more, licked his lips, and shrugged.
"...It still needs salt."
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marbleinkishangarh · 3 years
Granite is also available in any size or shape, and in varying sizes. Some colors and styles of granite are rarer than others, which makes them cost more. But every piece of granite has an elegance and quality that’s undeniable.
Granite is naturally very strong and durable—still one of the most durable options for countertops. A type of igneous rock that’s made from a mix of feldspar, quartz, micas, and other trace minerals, granite is resistant to heat and scratches. It’s naturally strong and water-resistant with some antibacterial and stain-proof characteristics. When properly sealed (a task that homeowners will need to do to keep granite looking great), granite countertops can last a lifetime.
Ease of maintenance is another positive quality of granite. While it will need to be sealed, it can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth and mild soapy water. In fact, if you select granite, you’ll want to avoid ammonia, bleach, or any cleaning products with solvents or caustics, as this will remove the sealant.
If you’d like to learn more about the types of granite available and the surface’s many attributes, visit us at Bhandari Marble World.
Nine Ways to Protect Natural Stone Countertops
Everyone knows natural stone surfaces are beautiful. They add a sense of unique personality to a kitchen, bath, or any space in the home. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to care for them. Maintenance is key to having kitchen or bath countertops that last a lifetime. It’s not hard, but there are a few “habits” you should get into to make sure your countertops stay beautiful.
Here are Marble & Granite, Top tips for caring for your natural stone countertops:
Have Marble & Granite, Inc. professionally clean your countertops! Our Service Department now offers professional cleaning and sealing of our natural stone countertops. We’ll re-seal them using the best sealers on the market and finish them with a final polish.
Wipe up spills as quickly as possible. The longer they sit, the bigger the risk of permanent damage, even if the natural stone has been sealed. Some substances that can be particularly damaging include orange juice, lemonade, wine, tomato sauce, yogurt, salad dressing, perfume, and aftershave.
Don’t use harsh disinfectants like bleach or ammonia. Never use vinegar to clean natural stone—it’s highly acidic and will damage it. Also avoid alkaline cleaners, such as baking soda. Basically, unless the label specifically notes that it is safe for use on natural stone, do not use it. Glass cleaners should also be avoided.
Avoid abrasive cleaning products like Comet or Soft Scrub and never use any type of scouring pads on natural stone. They often contain silicon carbide and will scratch even the toughest stone.
Clean natural stone frequently with warm water and mild soap, like dishwashing liquid.
Seal your natural stone countertops regularly. And before sealing, make sure the natural stone has been cleaned before sealing. If not, sealers can trap dirt and debris, resulting in damage to the stone.
Use placemats when eating on a natural stone counter or bar top, this way you’re covered in case you drip or spill.
Use trivets and pot holders under hot pots and pans. Again, it’s just a good habit to help maintain the integrity of your countertop.
Always use coasters. Get into the habit so that when you’re drinking acidic beverages such as alcohol or juice you’re protected.
Marble Granite Use in Porch Area
Granite is the hardest and least porous of all the natural stones. Granite is an igneous rock which means it was formed from lava. Tell that to your guests next time they compliment you on your floor! Granite is rough cut from quarries into blocks or slabs of a specific length, width, and thickness and then finished for its final presentation.
Because granite is hard enough to resist abrasion, strong enough to bear significant weight, inert enough to resist weathering, and accepts a brilliant polish, its use dates as far back as ancient Egypt and is a prevalent building material today with many applications. It also holds up well in cold temperatures and adverse weather conditions, definitely suitable for the northeastern part of the United States where we are. Granite is available in beautiful color variations from white to black.
Finishes Available in Marble Granite
Finishing options for granite include polishing, honing, flaming, as well as a leather/brushed application. A polished finish is high-gloss and reflective. Once polished, an added benefit is that granite is more resistant to stains. A honed finish is similar to a polished finish but presents a matte appearance.
This finish is achieved simply by stopping at an earlier stage in the polishing process. A honed finish is recommended for flooring because of its ability to better hide foot traffic and the evidence of wear as well as reduce the risk of slipping. A flamed finish is achieved when extremely high temperatures (often supplied by a blowtorch) are introduced to the surface of the granite, causing the individual grains to burst and change color. The result is a rougher and more natural look.
A leathered finish is similar to honed in that it presents a matte look without the reflective element of a polished finish. Unlike a honed finish, however, a leathered finish leaves pits and fissures on the surface giving a slightly bumpy texture. The latter two finishes mentioned are recommended for outdoor flooring as a rougher surface makes your granite flooring more slip-resistant. Additionally, a penetrating sealer is recommended to prevent water damage, caused by freezing and thawing.
All About Marble Hardness
Marble is the second hardest natural stone and slightly more porous than granite. Marble is a metamorphic rock which means it was once a caterpillar. Just kidding. A marble is a limestone that underwent high pressure and heat, and because of its formation process, marble is durable and resilient. It’s still porous, so it needs to be sealed to prevent degradation. Marble is available in many color variations from white to black with beautiful veining.
Finishing options for marble, which are similar to granite, include rough and polished finishes as well. In the polished category are polished, honed, or a combination of the two. In the rough category are ‘tumbled’ and leather/brushed edge finishes. These finishes present a more rustic or worn look. As far as the tumbled finish, the process consists of placing the marble tiles into a rubber drum that also includes things like rocks, sand, and water. The stone surfaces are bumpy when completed. Again, for outdoor flooring, the tumbled or leather/brushed finish would be recommended to decrease the risk of slipping.
Marble Granite Use in Landscaping Area
Landscaping stones give a garden variety and texture while helping to organize and define aesthetic elements. Stones can also play a role in controlling erosion.
Whenever you add large stones, dig a space in which to lay them and level the yard as needed. This ensures the stones have a sturdy foundation.
Types of Stone
Common types of landscaping stone include granite, slate, limestone, sandstone, and bluestone. The marbled look of granite looks elegant when smooth and maintains a beautifully intricate texture when rough. Sandstone’s lovely grainy look most commonly appears in beige, yellow, red, or gray tones. Limestone ranges from light brown to blue, always with a pale hue. In fact, limestone can even have a creamy white color that gives a project a classy look.
Natural Cuts of Stone
The cut of the stone you choose also affects the look of your landscaping installation. Common natural cuts of stone include Riverstone, rough stone, and fieldstone. Fieldstones are rough stones that have not been modified from their original shape. Rough stone includes any stone from a quarry before it is cut. The two are essentially alike. They and Riverstone’s — rounded stones are worn by water — create a natural look. Additionally, small stones called thinkers, which have a rough, irregular shape, are often used to fill gaps between larger stones in building projects.
Paving Cuts of Stone
Paving stones form stepping stones, stairways, pathways, patios, and other surfaces. Common examples include flagstone, semi-dressed stone, cobblestone, and Belgian blocks. Flagstone is a large flat stone with a 1- or 2-inch thickness. It can have smoothly cut, rough, or irregular edges, which may fit together like a puzzle. Semi-dressed stone has been smoothly cut on one or more sides but maintains a rough face. Cobblestones are small round stones used in paving. Belgian blocks are paving stones cut to roughly the size of large bricks.
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pukethazargutts · 4 years
20 Resources That'll Make You Better At Concrete Stain Vs Dye
I applied my very clear coat with a roller with a long deal with. The smoother the roller nap, the higher. (I utilised a 3/eight nap roller on certainly one of my rooms (it absolutely was all I had), and I didn’t like the “texture” it still left inside the end. A smoother nap would have been a lot better.)
Cleaning aged paint from concrete is analogous to stripping paint from wood. Get the same types of paint strippers.
Hey! Did you at any time look for a wax to put down on top rated? I’m Operating as a result of staining my concrete floors and just need that more standard of protection from scrapes and transferring home furniture.
Solution could possibly be sprayed from the Chapin sprayer, brushed or poured out and squeegeed out evenly across the floor to be dealt with.
Of course. If not rinsed promptly, this product or service is quite hazardous and can destroy any flora it will come in touch with.
Your floors look fantastic. My partner and I did our complete downstairs of our strawbale home with acid stain on our concrete floors. We scored the concrete to start with, into eighteen″ blocks, that are now grouted, so they look like tiles. It’s pretty much exactly the same color as yours. We too, utilised quart spray bottles. I had the cola coloration, and hubby had the pink coloration, and we designed it look ‘splotchy’. I would like I could post you an image or two, but I don’t see how I can perform it right here.
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They energy troweled it, and we slopped paint and sheet rock mud on it as we have been ending the walls (which I deeply regretted later….). On the other hand, the stain even now reacted superbly with the concrete once I cleaned it.
! I used it to stain my concrete countertops. It took about 5 coats to realize a true prosperous black, but it dries fast and evenly. Concluded with six coats of sealer to get a shiny end. Such a wonderful result.
Unfold the Acid Option Placed on boots, gloves and safety goggles with a respirator prior to handling the muriatic acid. Combine just one component acid into four pieces drinking water within a plastic sprinkling can. Moist the concrete surface Yet again and soak any bordering grass or shrubs.
I replaced my previous deck boards following 30+ several years in 2016. Most many years, I employed Thompson Drinking water Seal to treat the deck. In 2016 I installed all new "Cedar Tone" deck boards. I prepared to enable the new boards to cure for a calendar year and to seal them this ye...
We hope you identified this information on how to eliminate rust stains from concrete useful. In the event you appreciated Studying about rust stain removing and think your family and friends can gain from the information, be sure to feel free to share the write-up.
Solution: Certainly. Otherwise rinsed instantly, this item is kind of hazardous and can eliminate any flora it will come involved with.
It doesn’t have to have a neutralization bath like acid stains do and we didn’t have to shield the vegetation from acid stain’s caustic overspray. At the time EcoStain has long been applied you merely make it possible for it to dry ahead of going forward with sealer.
Valspar® Etching Stain Sealer completes the process, bringing out the vibrancy of the colour and protecting it from Sunshine, h2o and household-chemical destruction
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mldrgrl · 7 years
Chasing Satisfaction
By: mldrgrl Rating: R Summary: Hank and Stella announce the change in their relationship.
It was dark and rainy outside, so they’d overslept. Both their internal alarms were off. Hank’s from being in twelve cities in two weeks and Stella’s from jet lag. The grey skies didn’t help.
Hank was just about a minute slower than Stella to get out of bed. He groaned and flung an arm over his head when she turned the light on, but knew he had to get moving if he didn’t want to be late to brunch with Becca. He finally rolled out of bed and stepped into the black pair of jockey shorts crumbled on the floor from the night before. Scratching his chest and yawning, he stumbled towards the bathroom.
Stella was at the sink, washing her face. Her hair was clipped up off her neck. Her silk robe was tied at her waist. Hank paused inside the doorway to watch. The small diamond ring on her finger winked at him when she put her left hand down to search for the towel she’d set on the counter.
He’d wanted to take her to Tiffany’s, but she preferred a vintage jewelry shop in Providence she’d found online. She’d chosen something she referred to as ‘practical.’ It wouldn’t have been Hank’s choice, but she was the one who was going to wear it, so he didn’t really care. He didn’t know what a ‘European cut’ was, or what ‘diamond-set shoulders’ were. He did like the sound of ‘sleek, knife-edge ring shank,’ though. The salesman seemed reluctant to admit it was ‘only .78 carats,’ but it hadn’t seemed to deter Stella, so it hadn’t deterred Hank either.
Hank raised his arms and leaned his elbows against the doorjamb as he watched Stella pat her face dry. He rubbed his thumb against the silver band on his own finger, twisting it around and around, not yet used to its weight.
“I’d like to tell Becca today,” he said.
“Of course,” Stella answered, voice slightly muffled by the towel.
“I’m just not sure what I’m going to say.”
Stella wiped her hands dry and then turned around and leaned against the sink. He could see the outline of her hardened nipples under her robe and his cock twitched slightly. She hadn’t put on her bra yet, obviously. He wondered if she was wearing underwear or if she was completely naked.
“Whatever you want to say is up to you,” Stella said.
“Have any suggestions?”
Stella pushed away from the sink and stepped up close to Hank. She ghosted her hands over his chest and down his abdomen. With the tip of her index fingernail, she snapped the elastic on his shorts lightly and then rested her hands on his love handles.
“You’ll think of something,” she said. “We need to finish getting ready or we’ll be late.”
He growled at her and leaned forward, still braced against the doorjamb, as she turned back to the sink. She took her toothbrush and toothpaste out of the medicine cabinet and Hank got down on his knees behind her as she started brushing. He pushed her robe up and bent his head to lick the back of her thigh as his hands moved up her legs. It turned out, she was wearing underwear, lacy and pale pink. He had her robe up around her hips when he sank his teeth into the underside of her left cheek.
Stella grunted and out of pure reflex, her right foot kicked up, heel bumping into Hank’s thigh dangerously close to his groin. He chuckled and caught her ankle, letting go of her hip to drop a protective hand over his dick. He rubbed her achilles tendon as he lowered her foot back to the tile.
“Police brutality,” Hank said.
“Self defense,” Stella countered around her toothbrush.
As Stella leaned over to spit and rinse, Hank gripped the countertop on either side of her hips and stood up, pressing himself against her. He rubbed his pelvis against her ass and reached up to cup her silky breasts with both hands as she hunched over the sink.
“Honestly,” Stella said, straightening and bring the back of her hand across her mouth.
“Don’t tell me the honeymoon’s over already.” He moved one hand down to her hip and reached inside her robe to feel her skin.
“We’re to be downtown in half an hour.”
“I’ll I need is five minutes.”
Stella reached around and dipped her hand inside Hank’s shorts. He hummed and tweaked her nipple, but she withdrew her hand after one light squeeze. His mind had been on what to tell Becca for the last day and his arousal was weak.
“Tease,” he mumbled, letting her go as she squirmed out of his grasp.
“Get dressed. We’ll fuck later.”
“What a romantic proposal.”
In the cab ride over, Hank contemplated what to say to Becca. When he’d said it to Stella, it made sense. When he thought about telling Becca, it seemed ridiculous. Married in the head also sounded crazy in the head.
The streets were like rivers from the rain and the sidewalks weren’t much better. Hank paid the cab driver and then held the umbrella open over the door as Stella slid across the street. She grimaced as their boots sloshed in the puddles and he offered her his hand to help her jump the gutter. Surprisingly, she left his hand in his and he ran his thumb over the unfamiliar ridges of her ring before he opened the door to the cafe Becca had chosen to meet them at.
The interior was brick walls and high-backed, dark wood booths. Low, orange lighting gave off a false sense of night. It smelled like freshly baked bread and coffee. Hank dropped his soaking umbrella into a bucket by the door with an assortment of other dripping umbrellas and scanned the booths for Becca while Stella stomped her feet on a doormat.
Becca was in a booth near the back, a book propped up in her hand. Hank pointed her out and then hurried over to the table, calling her name when he got closer. Becca closed her book and slid out from the booth to be crushed in Hank’s embrace. Stella hugged her as well after shedding her coat and hanging it on a hook just outside the booth.
“How was the tour?” Becca asked, as Stella slid into one side of the booth and Hank followed.
“Like a tour,” he answered. “Some kid in San Francisco asked me if you were working on anything new. Are you working on anything new?”
“What did you tell him?”
“Her. I said I didn’t know.”
“A collection of short stories right now.”
“That’s great.”
Becca’s head tipped to the right and her eyes narrowed slightly in a look of confusion. “Oh my fucking god,” she said.
“Language!” Hank said.
“Oh, please,” Becca answered. Her stare was pointedly directed at Stella’s hand, the fingers wrapped around the complimentary glass of water that was sitting in front of her. “Are you engaged?”
“Well, no,” Hank said.
Becca’s eyes bounced over to his hand and this time they grew round and surprised. “Are you fucking married?” she hissed.
“Yeah, yes, kind of,” Hank stammered. “I was thinking about what to tell you.”
“When did this happen.”
“Uh, yesterday?” Hank looked to Stella and she shrugged. “Well, that’s when we got the rings. I guess we could say in Boston. Wednesday night? Thursday morning?”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Because asked.
Stella rested her hand on Hank’s thigh and gave him a light squeeze. “We’ve agreed to commit,” she said. “Without adding any legal complications to it.”
“Hey guys,” a waitress appeared suddenly, pulling an order pad out of a black apron around her waist. “Can I get you anything to drink?”
Hank and Becca ordered bottomless mimosas. Stella wants coffee. The waitress took the extra silverware away before she left and Becca slumped back in her seat.
“Then you’re not actually married,” Becca said, a sudden sadness creeping into her voice. “And you don’t have any intention of getting married?”
“This is married for us,” Hank answered.
“Why can’t you ever just follow rules for once?” she mumbled, lowering her head slightly. “Be normal.”
“Fuck normal. Normal is overrated. And I got news for you, darling daughter, you’re an artist now. You’re not ever going to be normal.”
“Hank,” Stella said, fingers digging into his thigh.
Stella ignored him and took her hand away, clasping her fingers on top of the table and leaning forward slightly. “Becca,” she said, “you’ve a perfect right to be upset. Perhaps we should have requested your input before we made any decisions.”
“No,” Hank said. “She’s an adult with her own life.”
“And she will always be your child,” Stella said, mildly. “We should have extended the courtesy.”
“I thought you liked Stella,” Hank said.
“Fuck you,” Becca whispered. Her eyes welled with tears and she fled the table.
“Don’t,” Stella said, taking a strong grip on Hank’s arm as he made a move to go after his daughter.
“She can’t just…”
“Yes, she can. Give her a few minutes and then let me speak with her.”
“I’ve got two mimosas and one coffee,” their waitress interrupted, smiling cheerfully as she put their drinks down. “Were we ready to order or do we need a few more minutes?”
“We need something stronger than this,” Hank caustically spat into his glass.
“Just a few minutes,” Stella told the waitress. She glared at Hank after the young girl left. “I’d slap you if I didn’t think you’d enjoy it too much.”
“What? I don’t know what to do anymore, she is never happy.”
“Neither are you,” Stella said, quietly. She pushed on his side to let her out of the booth and he slid out with a sigh.
While Stella was tending to Becca in the bathroom, Hank drank his mimosa and then he drank Becca’s too. After a few minutes, his head dropped down like a kicked puppy. He felt morose, but chagrined. Things had not gone well and it was his fault. Just like old times. He’d tried to hard to be better than that, but Becca’s sour reaction had put a cloud over him. He’d looked at her and all he saw was that moody, sulky, petulant teenager that declared he’d fucked up her life on a daily basis.
Hank flagged down the waitress and silently passed her the two empty mimosa glasses. She glanced at the empty table as she took the glasses and hesitated before she said she’d be right back with refills. Fresh drinks were on the table before Stella and Becca returned, as though they’d been waiting there the whole time.
“I’m an asshole,” Hank said, rising from his side of the booth as the two approached.
“Yes, you are,” Stella agreed, waving him back down to sit. “But, we forgive you.”
Becca slid into the booth and Stella slipped in as well on her side. She shook her head slightly at Hank and gestured for him to pass her the coffee.
“Becca was saying the vegetarian omelette is quite good,” Stella said. She added a packet of sugar to her coffee and stirred it slowly. “Did you have a chance to peruse the menu?”
“Dad likes the crepes,” Becca said, her gaze directed mostly at the brick wall.
“I do like a good crepe.”
Brunch was subdued. The food was good, but their appetites were weak. It wasn’t until Hank was paying the check that Becca spoke directly to him.
“Have you told mom,” she asked.
“Not yet,” Hank answered. “I’ll call her when we get back to the loft.”
Becca felt stiff to Hank when he hugged her goodbye. She wouldn’t let him hail her a cab, said she preferred the subway and didn’t mind the rain. He watched her walk away as Stella flagged down the cab. Once they were alone inside the back seat and the only sound was the windshield wipers and Taxi TV, the curiosity overwhelmed him.
“What did you say to her?” Hank asked.
“Tell me what you believe the issue was,” Stella answered.
“She doesn’t want us to be married.”
“I know you pride yourself on being very observant, however you’re not very perceptive.”
“When it comes to Becca, I’ve always been at s loss.”
“No, don’t sell yourself short in that way. You just need to listen more.”
“Does she think I’ll get back together with Karen?”
“Hank,” Stella admonished, shaking her head. “That’s a fantasy for a child. Becca’s not a child.”
“Spell it out for me Sherlock, obviously I’m not the detective in the family.”
“Ah,” Stella said, nodding. “Now you’re getting warmer.”
Hank drummed his fingers on the armrest on his side of the door. He gave a huff of frustration and set his jaw.
“I asked her if we seemed to fit the mold of her vision of a traditional marriage. She admitted that no, we did not.”
“What’s her vision of traditional marriage?”
“I don’t know. Maybe you should ask her sometime.”
“So she’s upset because she wants us to have a traditional marriage?” Hank gave Stella an incredulous look.
“Try again.”
Hank was quiet for the rest of the cab ride, mulling over the finer details of the brunch conversation, unraveling it in his head, trying to add things up. Women were so fucking infuriating sometimes with their mysteriousness and expectations of mind reading. And since when did Stella play those games with him? She was usually blunt with him, preferring to be direct and not waste time.
“For the record,” Hank said, turning to Stella as they rode up the service elevator to the loft, “I’m deliriously fucking happy, so you’re wrong about that. I’m so happy it’s a wonder you haven’t heard me whistling out my asshole.”
“That would be quite a feat,” Stella replied. “Perhaps unsatisfied is a more accurate description.”
“Why would you say that?” Hank nearly went speechless and the elevator lurched to a stop as he stuttered to protest.
Stella opened the doors and shrugged lightly. “This shouldn’t come as a surprise to you,” she said. “You chase satisfaction like it’s a drug, always needing it, always wanting it. I’ve always known, I’ve always understood, I’ve always accepted it. It’s merely a fact, Watson, not a criticism.”
“Well, so do you.”
“Yes, I know.”
Hank grabbed Stella by the hips as she turned to walk away. “Tell me what I’m missing because I don’t want to keep doing this and one of the things I love about you the most is that you’re always honest with me.”
“She would like to be a part of our lives, but she thinks you push her away.”
“That’s crazy, you know I’d-”
Stella reached up and placed her hand over Hank’s mouth. “I know how you feel.”
“She said this to you?”
“Sometimes it’s what people don’t say.” Stella raised up and kissed the corner of Hank’s mouth. “I need to shower. I’m damp from the rain.”
Hank let Stella go and stood in the middle of the room in contemplation. He went over to the windows and watched the rain stream down as he pulled his cell phone out of his pocket to call Karen. She picked up on the third ring, sounding hollow and distracted.
“Hey,” she said. “You’re on speaker, we’re putting together kabobs for a barbecue. Did you have brunch with Becca?”
“Hey, Hank!” Fish called out.
“It isn’t raining there?” Hank asked.
“Just spittin’,” Fish yelled. “Ain’t gonna stop me.”
“Hope you don’t get what we have,” Hank answered. “Cats and dogs down here. Yes, I had brunch with Becca. I think you might need to call her when we hang up.”
“Why?” There was a slightly exasperated edge in Karen’s voice. “What did you do?”
“Stella and I are married.”
“What!?” Karen yelled.
“‘Bout fuckin’ time!” Fish called out. “Congratufuckinlations!”
“Are you being serious?” Karen asked.
“Yeah. We got rings yesterday.”
“Yesterday? So the wedding hasn’t happened yet?”
“We’re not…we didn’t want a wedding. Just to be married.”
“What does that even mean?”
“It just means we’re married. Call Becca because I could’ve done better explaining it.”
“Hank, come up and we’ll put on some lobstah!”
“Next time, Fish. I have to go.”
“Hank!” Karen called.
“I just…I’m happy for you.”
Hank disconnected the call and put his phone down on the table next to the couch. He started stripping off his clothes on the way to the shower, leaving a trail from the couch to the bathroom door. Stella would be pissed, but she’d get over it. He’d call Becca later or he’d go over to her apartment and try to make it up to her. Right now he had something else he had to do though.
“Hey,” Hank said, opening the door to the shower stall and slipping in behind Stella.
“Close the door,” she said. “You’re letting out all the steam.”
“Yes, dear,” he said.
Stella turned, dousing her head in the spray and then wiping her face clear of water. “Did you call Karen?”
“I did.” Hank stepped close and put his arms around Stella, getting more wet from her body than the shower which was directed at her back.
“Fare any better?”
“Fish wants us to come up for lobstah.”
“Any excuse to put something on a grill seems to delight him.”
“I’m not even quite sure I know how to turn one on.”
“You have enough skill turning other things on.”
“Are you one of the other things?” he growled lightly and pushed his hips into hers.
“I might be.”
“Are you happy?”
“You must know I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t.” She put her hands on his chest and he reached up for her left wrist to pull her hand away and inspect her ring. Water dripped down her fingers and over the diamonds.
“It looks good on you,” he said.
“I was thinking the same,” she said. “Now, shut up and kiss your wife.”
The End
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