#and fashioned a potion which allows her to control her hair as independent arms
thestuffedalligator · 11 months
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I had a very silly thought.
Fairy tale villains for Little Webbed Riding Hood, my Spider-Verse OC. The Unicorn, The Vulture, and Doc Locks.
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Character Development
Full Name: Elizabeth Kenna Argyle Nickname: Lizzie, only used rarely by people close to her Sex/Gender: Female Birthday: 4th May 1963 Age: 16 Astrological Sign: Taurus Occupation: Student at Hogwarts Spoken Languages: English, some Scots Gaelic Sexual Orientation: Straight Birthplace: Inveraray, Scotland Relationship status: Single
Race: Human Ethnicity: White British Hair Color/Style: Red, straight, reaches to her mid-back; is usually kept in a ponytail Eye Color: Blue Accent: A fairly broad but relaxed West Highland Scottish accent. Height: 5′4″ Tattoos: None Piercings: One in each ear. Unique Attributes: Elizabeth is heavily freckled across her face, arms and legs. Defining Gestures/Movements: She tends to tuck loose strands of hair behind her ears as a fidget, and keeps her arms folded most of the time when talking to others. Posture: She usually stands up straight, but sometimes slouches when she’s tired or unhappy.
Pet Peeves: People taking her things without asking, or just hiding them so she can’t find them. Hobbies/Interests: Elizabeth is a member of the Chess Club, enjoys any games that can be played with a pen and a bit of paper, and is a founding member of a small informal club that plays games with a ball and assorted charms - the basic aim being to keep the ball moving between players by bouncing it off walls, floors and the like, while using any charm they like to affect the ball as it moves. Also, like her brother, she has been learning Scottish dance and fencing from a young age. Special Skills/Abilities: Excellent hand-eye coordination, has something of a knack with animals. Likes: Thunderstorms, teasing her brother, Muggle clothes shops Dislikes: Purists, the cold, deep water Insecurities: Mainly she’s worried about messing up her exams. Quirks/Eccentricities: She has a habit of swearing in Scots Gaelic, and will stop to pay attention to any cat that crosses her path. Strengths: Confident, helpful, and gentle Weaknesses: Hot-headed, stubborn, emotional Speaking Style: She tends to talk fairly quickly and clearly, though not particularly loud. Temperament: She’s very friendly to anyone who seems willing to talk, but she does not take well to anyone giving offence and can flare up very easily.
Family:  Glen Argyle (father), Kenna Argyle (mother), Jason Glen Argyle (brother), Micheil Argyle (paternal grandfather), Jean Argyle (paternal grandmother), Rory Macmillan (maternal grandfather), Ealasaid Macmillan (maternal grandmother), Fergus Macmillan (maternal uncle) How does she feel about her family?: She’s a bit of a daddy’s girl, and although she gets a bit irritated when her grandparents tut at her tomboyish ways, she appreciates that they just want what’s best for her, even if that’s not necessarily what she wants. She adores her big brother, and although he’s just as protective of her as the rest of the family, she gets her own back on him by being an annoying little sister whenever he’s smothering her too much. How does her family feel about her?:  As the baby of the family, she’s always been wrapped in cotton wool and a little bit spoiled. Her parents try to encourage her to be a little more independent, but this makes little headway against her overly protective grandparents. Her Sorting into Slytherin was quite a shock; she doesn’t have quite the same loud, vocal drive and ambition that put her brother in there, but they have relaxed on seeing that she is still the same cheery young woman they know and love. Pets: She got a black kitten as a pet when she started her first year, and named him Lonan. He’s fully-grown now and a regular mischief-maker in he common room. Where does she live?: When not at school, she lives in the family home on the outskirts of Inveraray, Scotland. What is it like there?: It is far enough away from the main town that the environment is reasonably quiet, and with the loch close by the entire area is tranquil and comfortable. Description of her home: The old stone house is reasonably spacious for its age, though this is partly due to having been expanded a few times with magic. It has a garden surrounded with a low stone wall and hedges at the back of the house. Inside, it’s furnished in a cosy, old-fashioned style, with lots of old furniture and dark wood, but the decor is light enough that it doesn’t feel too cramped. Description of her bedroom: Despite being pretty small, it’s very cosy, decorated with warm reds and yellows. The solid wooden bed against one wall has a thick, bright yellow quilt, and the heavy wardrobe is against the wall at the foot of the bed. A desk, covered with books and scribbled-on papers, sits under the window, with a bookshelf next to it.
Introvert or Extrovert?: Extrovert; although she’s not loud and boisterous, she does enjoy spending time around others and loves to meet new people. Optimist or Pessimist?: She’s somewhere in the middle; while she likes to look on the bright side, there’s a streak of cynicism that stops her from getting too carried away. Leader or Follower?: She’s definitely more of a leader type. Confident or Self-Conscious?: Usually she’s quite confident. Cautious or Careless?: Cautious - although she has a quick temper, she’s reasonably good at controlling it most of the time, and doesn’t just leap into situations. Religious or Secular?: Secular - she wasn’t ever raised in a religion, but she attends church sometimes for significant holidays. Passionate or Apathetic?: Passionate. She picks and chooses her causes, but she gives herself to them 100%. Book Smarts or Street Smarts?: Book smarts. She’s been sheltered enough that she’s not really as streetwise as she could be. Compliments or Insults?: Depends on how she’s feeling, but she’s usually more likely to give someone an affectionate insult than a compliment. Pajamas or Underwear?: She prefers pyjamas or nightdresses rather than risk someone walking in on her less dressed.
Favorite Color: A really bright, sunshiny yellow is her favourite. Favorite Clothing Style/Outfit: When she doesn’t have to wear her school robes, she’s usually wearing Muggle dresses, mostly with floral patterns on them. Favorite Bands/Songs/Type of Music: She doesn’t have a favourite; she’ll listen to pretty much anything people are playing. Favorite Movies: She’s never seen any. Favorite TV Shows: She’s never watched TV. Favorite Books: She likes to curl up with a set of children’s books about the adventures of a group of Animagi named the Creature Crew. Favorite Foods/Drinks: She loves roast lamb dinners and sausages, and her favourite sweets are Fizzing Whizzbees. As far as drinks go, she’ll happily curl up with a cup of tea or a glass of pumpkin juice. Favorite Sports/Sports Teams: While not as avid a fan as her brother, she’s a supporter of the Quidditch team Pride of Portree. Favorite Actors/Actresses: N/A Favorite Time of Day: She likes evenings, as she’s definitely no morning person. Favorite Weather/Season: She likes sunny days, and summer’s her favourite season because it’s the warmest. Favorite Animal: Her beloved cat Lonan, but she likes most animals.
Fears/Superstitions: She’s terrified of kelpies; when she was about six, a kelpie in the local loch tried to attack her, and it was only due to Jason’s intervention and accidental magic that she got away unharmed. She also believes in a number of superstitions, having grown up in an environment full of them - white heather is lucky; you should never place new shoes on the table; if you spill salt you should throw some over your left shoulder; rowan wards off evil (this one is particularly significant to her, as her wand is made of rowan wood). Political Views: She isn’t much for politics, but if she thought about she’d probably say she leans towards the liberal side of things. Religion/Philosophy of Life: She believes that there’s some greater power out there, probably, but it’s not something that can be relied on to help and she’d rather try to make a better world herself. Allergies: None. Addictions: None, fortunately. Best/Worst School Subject: Her best subject is Charms, whereas her worst used to waver between History of Magic and Transfiguration and is now Potions. How does she get money?: Her parents give her an allowance, which is generally sufficient to buy the things she wants. How is she with technology?: She’s never interacted with it much, but it does make her a little curious.
Fondest Memory: One warm summer evening when she was about nine years old; her parents and grandparents were all out in the garden enjoying a meal cooked over a little campfire they’d set up, and she and her brother were playing at camping with a tent they’d rigged up out of an old blanket. Deepest, Darkest Secret: She’s not really got any terrible secrets - the worst is probably letting Jason take the blame for a valuable piece of china that she broke. Dream Vacation: She’d love to go to the Caribbean, or some other tropical seaside location, and just explore for days. Best thing that has ever happened to this character: Passing her OWLs. Worst thing that has ever happened to this character: Being attacked by a kelpie as a little girl. What does she want to be when she grows up?: She wants to work with animals - at present her intent is to join the family business. Perfect Date: She’s never really thought about it much - mostly because she’s still at the stage of “all the boys I know are morons and I can’t imagine going out with one” - but she’d enjoy a day out somewhere pretty.
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