#and he can call joong demjin to his face and get away with it lol
lavandulacosmos · 11 months
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[ATEEZ X Six of Crows] Jeong Yunho as Matthias Helvar
Jeong Yunho was raised to hate.
It was never said out loud, never spelled out explicitly, yet it was carved into the very essence of the drüskelle – its roots running as deep as the sacred ash tree’s of the White Island. The drüskelle was the salvation, the only shield against the monsters that used witchcraft to kill the innocent and spread corruption through the world.
 And the world was as simple as that, just black and white.
Orphaned and alone, Yunho never got the chance to challenge these values because the sense of belonging, the safety of being part of their country’s sacred brotherhood, was much too compelling. It was everything a Fjerdan boy could hope to achieve, the greatest honour to befell them in their life.
Yet, despite being their best fighter, Yunho could never truly belong.
Like his wolf companion, he was trouble. He questioned and resisted, just barely enough to be visible, yet through the years he grew into an entirely different shape. He was a birch tree amongst a forest of ash trees, the one who yearned to see beyond the confines of their worldview.
He was someone who never stopped wondering.
But it took a disaster, the touch of death and a stubborn witch who refused to break without a fight, to truly open his eyes. It was slow going, much like the maturing of a tree, but he began to see where lies were told as truths. Where the blind fear and hate set so deeply, it became part of everything he knew.
There was more to the world than what he knew it as. It wasn’t just black and white, but everything in between, and he hoped to show it to his people, too.
Jeong Yunho was raised to hate, yet he learned to open his heart to love to take root in, and even betrayal and the shackles of Hellgate couldn’t tear these new roots out.
(@applejongho 😉)
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