#and how he manged to recreated every single one of tyler hoechlin's mannerisms as derek PERFECTLY
152glasslippers · 3 years
just had the most awful thought that. what if when derek was turned into his 16yo self and then turned back into his 23(?)yo self he got back memories about his family he'd lost since the fire. like. he'd forgotten how his dad had handed him his lunch that morning and kissed his cheek and messed up his gelled hair. the sound of his little brother's laugh when their mom groomed him in her full shift. how his youngest cousin's first word was 'der'. the way cora followed their older brother around demanding he read her favorite book over and over because he was the only one who could do the voices right. how her twin brother was never far behind. his mom seeing all the kids off in the morning waiting by the front door and scenting them as they passed. every friday his aunt picked them all up from school and took them out for ice cream. or that one time peter signed him out of school early for no reason other than a day trip to the beach. how his younger cousin always hid laura's butterfly clips and snuck them into his pockets so she'd blame him. or the way his dad's hugs felt. the way his youngest sister lit up whenever she saw him. how his grandma always had room in her rocking chair for him and stroked his hair as she taught him a different language. how his grandpa hummed old rock songs in the kitchen. the way his uncle made midnight snacks with him while everyone else was asleep. he'd remembered all the large pack gatherings and holidays and full moon runs but forgotten the little things over time. memories he wants to share with peter who shuts down every time he tries. memories that cora herself doesn't remember. memories he takes when he visits laura's grave, sharing them with his older sister, who will listen but never reply or jump in and finish them, filling in the blanks. memories he tells malia, letting her know family she never knew but lost all the same. memories he hoards to himself when no one can remember with him.
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brb sobbing all of this is canon now
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