#and i know they both know I'm training him to be a service dog they've never been around me with a service dog before
fayeandknight · 1 year
Did another PA training session at the local mini mall with Forte.
This time he gave the elevator banks one glance and then deemed them unworthy of attention.
My plan was to have him do some training in the lobby of the movie theater. My friend is throwing a surprise birthday party for his wife and rented out a theater for it. I'm undecided on whether to bring him so wanted to see how he'd do.
The floor the theater is on was pretty empty when we arrived so I did some warm up/engagement stuff first. Forte took in the environment well and was moving confidently. There was one of those photo booth things with flashing overhead lights and since no one was on that side of the floor I decided to have him try getting in.
I thought it might give him pause but he stepped in without hesitation, sat and happily accepted a cookie, and exited calmly.
I was set to move on to the actual movie theater when a security guard stopped us. The guard wasn't hostile, just super interested in Forte. I politely explained that he's a service dog in training. I hoped he would take the hint but he proceeded to hover over us and make kissy noises.
So I opted to move down a floor and hope we could quietly come back after.
The next floor down has a grocery store and was much busier. We did basic obedience, heeling, and some alerts in motion. Forte did really well and only seemed unsure after the second small dog, in someone's arms, barked at him. (He completely ignored the first small dog that barked at him from a cart.)
I was running low on treats because at this point we were out longer than I anticipated. So we went down another level to grab treats from Target.
In retrospect that wasn't my best idea. Target was super crowded. Several employees started following us cooing about the service dog and I told them, over my shoulder because I didn't want to stop, yup he's working. But they followed us all the way from the entrance to the pet aisle and back to the checkout lanes.
After I checked out a different employee stepped in front of us and loudly exclaimed oh that's a service dog! I don't think anything malicious was meant by it. But unfortunately the way he did so cut off my path out and I could feel myself getting seriously effected.
Gave Forte the exit cue and he navigated his way around people to the exit. I'm so proud of him for this in particular because it's a relatively new task and I've never asked for it with so many people in a limited space.
Had him do DPT once we were clear which and he did it so seriously. But as soon as my hr was at about 80 he got off, rolled onto his back, and demanded belly rubs. I obliged because he worked really hard and I think he was releasing a bit of stress himself.
I called it quits then and we went back up to the level I parked on. I did tell him to find the car and then overruled him when I thought he was going down the wrong aisle. He went by two cars and then made a wide turn and took me back down where he wanted to go initially and led me straight to the car. I have to stop doubting him.
Anyway it was about a two hour outing and, as per usual, Forte exceeded my expectations.
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im-gonna-squeet · 7 months
I still dont know who you are, I only know that I'm still lonely chap 1
ao3 chap 2
The Technodrome changed Donnie, both physically and mentally, and to ease their families worries, they decide to ask their father (Baron Draxum) to mutate them a service dog, much the same way that he made them. Shenanigans ensue.
Ever since Donatello was torn out of The Technodrome, they've been different. They blink less, they move weird (as if their body is alien to them, as if they were used to being something much bigger). They used to have to be working constantly, disliking having nothing to do, wheras now they can just sit. for hours upon hours upon hours. Its like they know something. Like The Technodrome showed them things no mortal mind should ever see.
Of course this could all be chalked up to the mental and physical trauma they underwent that night, but Donnie's family knows better. They've seen how donnie responds to trauma, and this is different.
It affected them physically, too. Because The Technodrome's tentacles were attached to Donnies spinal chord, when they were ripped apart, it was damaged. And now Donnie's legs were... less reliable than before. They still worked, just not very well, and they struggled to support themself enough to stand, nevermind walk or do anything else they used to.
Of course, Donnie being Donnie, they just carried on as usual, using their tech arms instead of their legs, and building themself a very cool high tech (weaponised) wheelchair suited specifically for their needs.
But with their family and friends worrying so much about their well-being, they decided to do something to put their minds at ease; they were going to get a service dog!
But not just any service dog, they were getting one custom mutated by their father, Baron Draxum. Well, if they can get him to agree to it.
Thankfully, they had the wonderful Michaelangelo on their side, and who can say no to that face?
Today, Donnie was at Draxum's to finish work on the lab, which had been going on for almost a year at this point and they ere both very relieved that it was finally almost over. So when they were finished, Donnie decided to ask before they could overthink it and back out.
"Father?" they stopped long enough to know that he was listening, "I have a request," At this, Draxum tried to say something, but was quickly cut off, "And before i state my request, please remember that you tried to kill slash kidnap us multiple times and threw my twin off of a roof."
Donnie had never been good at reading people, but they couldve sworn they saw Draxum look guilty for a split second.
"I require a service dog. But I dont typically care for canines as they are far too needy and touchy and whiny and syliva-y. Therefore I am going to request you mutate one for my specific needs. Also just an FYI, Mikey also wants this and will be really really sad if you say no (two reallys)." They wheeled back and forth lightly, just to do something with their hands in the deafening silence that seemed to last simultaneously an eternity and no time at all.
"I said alright, would tou like to start working on the design now, or schedule a better time?" Donnie blinked. This should not have been that easy.
"Um, yeah, now is– now's fine", Donnie confirmed, their monotonus voice and blank face hiding the words' stunning effect.
Draxum nodded and started to walk towards his newly fixed lab, expecting Don to follow. Which, after a split second, the shock wore off, and they did.
After working with Draxum for a while, Dee discovered that they could customise a lot more than they had previously thought.
Of course there was the obvious, like the base breed, and which senses to heighten, but they could also choose its colours and, to an extent, mystic abilities.
Their father assured them that it would come fully trained and ready for service. As much as they loathed to admit it, Donnie had long since given up on questioning mystics, so did not comment on this.
After a while of designing the dog, it started to feel more real, and Donnie progressively got more excited, which was incredibly unexpected, and they started to move more to het it out, wheeling in place and drumming their fingers on any available surface.
In a surprisingly short amount of time, Donnie had finished, and was to leave Draxum to work.
They had decided on a large husky base (purple obviously), with similar markings to Donnie, just lighter (and pinker) than her regular fur. She had A lot of eyes, solid bright green with regular dog-like pupils – though she had a third eyelid which aided in darkvision. With razor sharp teeth and claws to match Donnie's own. She can also change size at will, to fit in donnies pocket or carry them around.
Donnie placed their hands on their wheels, about to leave, as Draxun called them back once more. "Do you have a name in mind, or should I use a placeholder?"
Donnie took a second to reply, because it only takes a second for a dumb idea to latch onto their brain and refuse to let go. "Missile Launcher."
Their father took a second to process this. "Are you certian this is the name you would like to give it? You can wait."
But Donnie had decided, and would not be budging on this particular naming choice any time soon.
"Missile Launcher. That is her name, I will not be changing it.", donnie replied, giggling with anticipation, before quickly adding on, "Evil laugh."
The alchemist sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose before straightening up again, "Very well then, you can leave now, off you pop."
Donnie chuckled slightly at the wording, but quickly obliged. "Okay bye Dad! Thank you! I love you!" They quickly shouted back, mind too preoccupied with pure excitement and what to tell their siblings when they got home to process the words.
"Brethren." Donnie greets coolly as they enter the living room, "The reconstruction of father's lab is finished and also he agreed to make me a service dog. Probably because im the coolest, smartest, most favoriteist child, N.B.D." They announced, smoothly transferring themself onto their beanbag and pulling their phone out and waiting expectantly.
"OHMIGOSH DEE THIS IS HUGE!!!!", Mikey immediately jumped up and started jumping in place, and swaying side to side slightly.
"Right? I have named her Missile Launcher and she will be my colours and will be made to help me specifically. This is So Cool!" Donnie drops their phone and flaps their hands next to their chest.
"Dude this is incredible, and I am not usually one to encourage your rants, but... tell us everything" Leo settles behind his twin, wrapping his arms around their shoulders tightly and squeezing, proudly showing off his 'twin privileges' as he and Don had dubbed them years ago.
"Way to go Donna!" Raph held out a fist, which Donnie gleefully bumped.
"As much as i would adore to talk your metaphorical ears off right now, dearest siblings, I will wait for dinner as to not repeat myself." They explained with an uncharacteristic ammount of self restraint.
So the siblings sat and talked or in comfortable silence for a while until Mikey went to make dinner, insisting that he would do it himself when the others offered to help.
A little before dinner time, April burst through the entrance of the lair with her signature battle cry of "APRIL O'NEIL!!" and was only greeted by Raph, and she soon found out why when she heard Donnie's shout of "I swear to Pizza Supreme, Nardo if you touch my controller..."
Followed by Leo's "...boop." and a loud smacking sound not a second after. As soon as she walked into the living room and nade her presence known, however, the twins immediately ceased their petty slap fight to greet her and tell her how much they missed her. Donnie, of course, in a far less noticable way, though just as meaningful. "Hey guys! Mikey in the kitchen?" At that moment, they decided that they had left Mikey at peace long enough, and collectively decided to go and bother him.
"Ooh smells great!" April complimented the moment she was within Mikey's earshot.
"Hiya April! Thanks, Im almost done! Could you guys set the table for me please-and-thankyou!!"
And of course, they did as they were told, Leo on placemat duty, donnie grabbing the plates and bowls since they could reach easily, Raph getting silverware, and April sorting out drinks. Only it wasnt quite as functional as it should've been.
Though their dining room (modified kitchen island) was large enough to comfortably fit all of them, having to move around it was another thing. Donnie used their tech arms to lift themself above it, olacing the plates wherever Leo used his 'rad skillz' to throw the placemats, with Raph attempting to get around fast enough to keep up with the cutlery without knocking anything (or anyone) over. April had the easiest job, pouring drinks away from the chaos, and then, with her incredible wairessing skills she gained from working in a cafe one summer, carrying them all over at once and putting them in their correct positions.
Practically the moment they finished, Mikey announced that dinner was ready and Splinter came into the room. It took a while for everyone to get into their designated seats, and make sure food was portioned out correctly.
But when it was, they all ate, complimenting Mikey's incredible cookery the whole time. But Donnie had but one thing on their mind.
"'Pril, Papa," they got their attention, "You are aware that father and I finished work on his lab today, correct?" They nodded, "So he can finally start working on projects again. And as we discussed, i requested he mutate me a service dog. Well, surprisingly, he agreed, and will start work on her imminently." They didnt bother to hose the genuine grin that spread accross their face, displaying their large, pointy teeth in a strange show of happiness.
"Dee!" April reached across the small table and squeezed one of their hands in her own, nonverbally conveying her excitement for them, much in the same way Raph did. They squeezed back.
"Well done Purple, I am very proud of you." Hearing this not only from a parent-aged adult, but his dearest papa made Donnie's tail wag so hard it audibly hit Leo's thigh, and sent the entire family into a fit of laughter.
"So, you wanna tell us about her?" April prompted after the laughter died down.
"But of course, dear sister. As many of you know, I have decided to name her Missile Launcher – Missy for short – and she will be based on a large husky, with a dark violet coat and very similar markins to my own in a more magenta colour. She will have many bright green eyes with third eyelids to aid in dark vision. She will, of course, have very sharp teeth, and retractable claws. She can change size to aid in mobility slash balance, act as a weighted blanket or lap pad, and be carried around for easy transport. She will be fully trained because mystics and will act as a pet as well as a service animal. Any questions?"
It was pretty much unanimously agreed that Donnie had covered everything, so they began to pack up and clean.
"Well would you look at the time, I have to go pick up Shelldon & Jr. from Todd's! Guess I'll see you guys later!" Donnie exclaimed as they left the lair, much to the others' chagrin. But they really did have to!
chap 2
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commander-revan · 1 month
what do you think akane and touya's life together would have been like if she had been able to go to sekoto peak?
Oof, so this is something I've thought a lot about, and maybe someday I'll even write an AU for it (assuming I ever finish the fic I'm working on now).
In an idealistic world, what would probably be the most mentally healthy thing for them to do would be to give up on their dream of becoming heroes. Touya could let go of seeking his father's approval, and channel his rage and pain into art, something that all of the world could see, that proves he exists and exists for a reason. And while Akane isn't good with people in any universe, she could use her self sacrificing and protective instincts (what Dabi calls her tendency to take in broken things, like himself) to work in animal rescue in some capacity, maybe even training service dogs.
But, even in a world where Touya lived, neither of them are ever in the best mental state due to everything they've been through, and both of them are too stubborn and determined to give up on their goals once they've set them. Touya would still want to prove himself, and Akane would still want to find out what actually happened to her mom. (Spoilers for my own fanfic because it'll be a long time before I get there so whatever, but it's All For One related, and her mom was basically involved in a situation similar to some of the plot in the Vigilantes manga. And AFO also stole her quirk and put it in a Nomu, so that'll be fun once I get around to the Paranormal Liberation War arc)
I've got a lot of sort of disjointed thoughts on this though, so bear with me for a bit, lol. I think that in a world where he lived, she would almost not make it to him in time, but something would make her realize that despite what was going on with her family the same night, that she needed to go find him. She'd find him crying under the tree and either the area under his eyes would have already caught fire, or his whole body would have just erupted into flames. She'd get there, see him, grab him, and dive into the water he had tried to get to on his own. He'd still suffer from some rough burns that he'd definitely have to go to the hospital for, but I think seeing her show up could have jolted him out of it enough for the flames to die down before the water douses them completely.
I also think given what almost happened to him, and the fact that she did lose her mom that same night, Akane would actually admit her feelings for him, and tell him she loved him. Which, while it wouldn't fix things for Touya, it would maybe help him heal and realize that he shouldn't have to fight for Endeavor's love/attention so much.
That event would scare both of them enough that they'd start trying to reevaluate their training techniques, and since Enji only ever taught Touya how to burn, they'd make it a priority to try to figure out how to turn down Touya's flames in case something like that happened again. Maybe even going to Rei, Fuyumi, and Natsuo for tips given their ice quirks. (Also maybe discovering Touya's latent ice quirk sooner? We still don't really know what's going on with that in the manga, so we'll see.)
Akane would probably be able to convince him that he should look into support gear to help him stay cool and not burn himself as much (not really sure if there is support gear that could help that, but fuck it, it's a fanfic), that unlike what his father thinks, it doesn't make Touya any lesser for needing it, it's just that others have an unfair advantage.
With Touya not dying, I think Rei would have improved a lot faster in the hospital, and given how apologizing to his mom is one of the first things Touya thinks of when waking up after his coma in the manga, I think they'd write to her/go visit her a lot more. Touya and Rei could start having more honest conversations about their life at Akane's urging since she never got to have that relationship with her own mom. And because of that, I think Touya would realize how much of a monster his father is sooner, even if deep down he still craves that approval, he'd see how Enji's behavior isn't ok and none of them ever deserved what they went through. Which would make Akane and Touya try to make looking out for Shoto a priority. Even if there is still a bit of that jealousy there, Touya would be able to see past it and see how much pain Shoto was in.
Akane would probably try to reach out to someone, maybe even All Might since Endeavor hates him so much, to tell them about what Endeavor was putting his children and wife through. I'm honestly not sure if that would result in the kids being taken away from him (I do think the HPSC and the courts would just ignore any evidence of abuse though) or Endeavor changing at all. But maybe All Might would start doing wellness checks on the Todoroki's at least.
Akane and Touya would still probably go to U.A. and similar to the rooftop trio, they'd want to follow through on their promise to start a hero agency of their own together. With Touya learning to want to be a hero for himself and his family along the way, instead of chasing the Number One spot and status like his father.
Akane's father would still die her first year at school, and she'd probably still see Vlad King as a mentor figure, whether she ended up in 1A or 1B. So her experience there would be a bit similar to what it already is in some ways. Though instead of living in a U.A. dorm set up after her father's death, I can see Fuyumi and Touya petitioning their parents for her to live with them, and for her to share a room with Fuyumi.
I can see both of them being highly critical of hero society as a whole once they become Pros, maybe not enough to join the League or anything like that, but enough to try to change things from the inside, at least for a while. Ultimately I'm not sure where that would put them by the time we get to current events in the manga, but those are some of the basic ideas I have.
There would still be a lot of difficult times for them, sleepless nights, some bouts of suicidal ideation, tough battles, and that sort of thing, but they would absolutely be happier. They'd definitely be one of those insufferably cute couples that would burn the world for each other. Even if they are heroes, that still doesn't make them the best morally in some situations, and they'll always choose each other first before anything else, even at the cost of innocent lives.
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If they had kids would Carla and Shin be good parents?
Trigger warning for some reference to child abuse (partly because I'll be bringing up Carla's backstory).
Short answer: It depends on the circumstances.
I think they both have the capacity to be at least halfway decent parents but it would depend on them having someone (probably their respective S/Os) knock some of their edges off first.
If we're talking about a scenario in which they've fulfilled their goal of carrying on the founder race without forming any sort of attachments to someone beforehand, then that's when you'd see some problems.
One thing with Carla is that at the start of Dark Fate, he's struggling to balance his own emotions with the feelings of duty he has as Giesbach's son and the current Founder King—which is to say his emotions are trampled on and ignored over whatever he perceives his duty as king to be. If someone hasn't broken through the ice shell he surrounds himself with before he has children, then he's going to be a very strict parent, and while he would have some affection for his children, they probably wouldn't ever realise it until he told them so while on his deathbed.
You can get an idea of what it might look like if you examine Carla's interactions with Shin in early material. We know Carla cares about Shin but he never expresses it in a way that Shin realises it. We know from Carla's DF route that each future king of the founders was strictly trained by the previous king (or at least that's certainly what Carla believes) so my big worry is that he'd feel he had to do the same thing. I'm not sure he would ever be quite as bad as Giesbach was to him (we know from LP that he doesn't like the sound of children crying because it reminds him of the founder children crying as their parents died of Endzeit) but I can definitely see him going down that sort of path without someone to make him see sense beforehand (he certainly wouldn't enjoy it but those feelings would get shoved to the back of the emotion cupboard and kept solidly under lock and key).
If someone has managed to prize open the door to Carla's heart, then I doubt any of the above would come up as an issue. He'd definitely need someone to help him with basics as I cannot foresee Carla "I can't make a sandwich" Tsukinami (his CL route) really knowing how to take care of an infant or young child. He'd make sure his children got a good education and in terms of worldly goods, I'm fairly certain he'd let them have whatever their hearts desired (while Shin cries because he's the one trying to manage the budget). I still don't think he'd put up with any rampant disobedience but he'd be nowhere as harsh as he might have been.
As for Shin... If we again consider a scenario where he's somehow raising a child without having dealt with any of his own issues then I don't think he'd be great. To be honest though, I still don't he'd be anywhere near as bad as undeveloped Carla in terms of hard discipline even if he does generally have less patience.
One thing that isn't super obvious about Shin but you do see if you know where to look for it, is that he kind of likes taking care of things. This is most obvious in two of his bonus CDs (his Versus IV bonus CD where he works at a dog café and his MMB Animate bonus CD featuring Asa the hamster) but there a couple of other instances where you see it come up (this sort of ties into acts of service being one of his love languages but that's a whole other thing).
If it's his own child, then even without an S/O, I imagine he'd be a lot more patient than some might think. I do think he would be kind of strict about training them, namely in swordplay and how to fight, but unlike with Carla, you would be able to tell he cared.
Honestly my biggest worry with Shin parenting on his own is what sort of values he'd impart to his child. If no one's helped Shin sort through his own strength complex, then I'm fairly certain his kid would be raised to believe strength was everything and that as a founder they were above all of the other races and could do whatever they wanted.
With an emotionally mature S/O who wasn't afraid to say no to him then I think Shin could make for a good parent. Any child he had would still be raised with the mindset of "the founders are the best" but to a less fanatical degree and Shin's S/O would be able to stop him from any making any of the more questionable decisions he might make on his own. "Shin, you are not teaching our five year old how to use a sword! Oh for heaven's sake if you must at least make sure it's a wooden one he can't hurt himself with".
He'd still be strict about making sure his children received whatever training he felt they needed but outside of that he could make for a fun parent. Shin's the parent who initially says no to getting a pet, later wilts under the mournful eyes of his S/O and their children and then ends up loving said pet and takes charge of caring for it.
I will say that whatever the circumstances of their birth, heaven help anyone who tried to harm either of the brothers' children as it would cause the both of them to go absolutely nuclear.
I hope that answers your question anon!
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Request for Reassignment (Vyn/Kat)
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Vynette sat at her desk, finishing up the paperwork assigned to her, just like any night in the office. The only difference was her demeanor. Something about her was tense. She caught a look from Kat more than once for her heel tapping nervously, and the elf kept sneaking glances at her Director to almost make a comment before sealing her lips again.
Finally, without looking up, some of the proposed words in her head finally managed to tumble out. "I was talking to an agent from another Unit today. I guess they've had eight agents now put in to answer the call for aid. From, you know, the Covenants."
"Uh-huh," Kat muttered in response without looking at the elven operative, her focus remaining on the papers she shuffled, expression blank.
It was more or less the kind of response Vyn expected. She sighed, knowing she was going to have to move things forward. "It seems like the need for more trained hands is still pretty great. And what with the duties of wartime off everyone's plates, more or less," her voice trailed softer and quicker as she mumbled, "I was considering requesting a temporary assignment to offer my abilities. Ma'am."
Kat froze in place, staring at the document in hand as a slow exhale spilled over her lips. Eyelids shut as lips curled inward over the teeth and the paper set aside. "There are plenty of eager hero types and jar-heads t' fill the ranks." Her response monotone as the stark gaze shifted to the elf.
"We have plenty t'do here."
The air in the room thinned out at Kat's tone and in any other instance, Vyn would have dropped the topic. Unfortunately, the circumstances here were unique. "I know. There is work to be done, and I'm not ignoring or underplaying the work we do." She may have come to Unit Eight looking for a job and a safe place to hide, but she did understand the value they added to the Alliance she was somehow a part of now.
"It is just... the request came for me specifically." An uncharacteristic uncertainty softened Vynette's voice. "My teacher is part of the House of Eyes. He has called for me to aid the Necro Lords."
Without missing a beat, Kat's eyes narrowed sharply following Vyn's confession. "I see..." Her tone and demeanor turned ice-cold, and the eye contract broke, the Director diving back into her papers.
"So after everythin', I've done, everythin' I've risked, yer going t' abandon me just like that." Pain and anger laced Kat's words, her jaw tightening towards the end. "One letter from a ghost and I'm nothin' t' ya'."
Vyn's bright blue eyes went wide at the shift in tone. It was rare to see such intensity drawn from the otherwise collected and calculating Director. As someone who genuinely respected Kat, Vyn felt the pit of guilt in her stomach. "No, that's not it at all! You're... you mean a lot to me. You took a chance on me." She spoke of the risks Kat took for her in a hushed voice, not wanting to raise suspicions of anyone who might still be lingering in a nearby office. "I owe you everything."
Taking a deep breath, Vyn pressed forward, mustering up her determination. "I am not looking to leave beyond a temporary reassignment; my home is here. With you and with the Unit." Their office was one of the few consistent places anyone could find her these days. "But he was the one who got me here. He saw value in me and gave me purpose. And I failed him. And he died," she finally admitted.
"And I saw value in ya', and gave ya' a new purpose!" Kat quickly countered, pointing a finger in the elven woman's direction. "A purpose that could have, and still could, get us both killed."
With a scoff, Kat's head shook, and her arms crossed as she stood from the desk and paced. "Ya' failed him, but he sends a letter? Have ya' gone dense Vynette?" For once, the Director addressed her elven shadow by the first name rather than the forged surname. "It has trap written all over it. Or did ya' forget how ya' were ejected from the Horde?"
It would have been easy to call her paranoid; plenty of people in SI:7 had already. The real pain came from the truth in her words.
"I was overconfident when I got set up. I'm not that anymore thanks to you," she pointed out. "Being by your side is important to me."
Vyn was to the point of pleading, even when she knew Kat was not so easily swayed. What else could she do? "Kat..." She addressed the woman, not the title. "There's still closure I need from my time as an apprentice. Shit I'm still carrying with me. My loyalty is with you; no one can change that. So I'm asking-- begging for the chance to serve the cause in the Shadowlands and put my ghosts to rest."
A heated exhale pushed through the nostril as Kat turned her back to Vynette's pleading, facing the wall where documents, pins, and red string put together the tapestry of their current case. She did not appear to be swayed by the elf's begging, not entirely. Something in that final statement did bring a silent pause.
"If bein' by my side is so important, then why so eager to leave it?" She chose to hone in on other points and skip over the please, keeping her back to the elf. There was still a tinge of pain and anger in her tone.
"Livin' in th' past never moved anyone forward. I need ya' here. Or is suddenly wot I and this job I graced ya' with no longer of importance? I didn' say a bloody thing when I came back to find yer visage eerily similar to mine, plucked a hair from the office, no doubt. Even when my patience is tested by yer sometimes questionable motivations and comments in the borderline territory of breakin' my rules, I allowed yer leash to remain lax. I never asked fer anythin' other than service in return, even after footin' the bills to fake and create yer life in the Alliance. But this is the thanks I get? T'be abandoned fer some Horde dog."
Vynette got to her feet, because she disliked the tone Kat was taking regarding her teacher. Vyn rarely defied Kat; it was not in her nature. Still, she persisted. "You've let my leash remain lax because I've done everything you've ever asked of me, without question. I've followed every order, completed every mission," her voice dropped lower, but picked up its intensity, "I've done every off-book task you've needed with a smile because I'm your knife. I've committed sins for you and I'd commit them thrice over and you know that."
Scrunching her nose at the realization that her tone was getting away from her, Vynette composed herself. "He's not some Horde dog, Director; he's found a place of high standing in the House of Eyes. If I went over your head, they'd give me the go ahead. Hell, I could go to Fiske. I didn't do that because I don't give a shit about their authority. You're the one I follow."
Looking down at her desk, Vynette sat back down feeling resigned to defeat. "If you command me to stay, I'll stay. I don't ask for much. But I'm just asking for you to trust me. I have debts to repay, but he's not my master anymore."
As the Operative's tone began to get away from her, Kat looked back over her shoulder. One brow lifted as she stared the elven woman down from across the room as if cursing her for the act of defiance.
"Go over m'head or t'Fiske, and it won't be a temporary reassignment." The Director barked. Whether it was a threat or fact was anyone's guess.
Fingers ran through her raven tresses, pulling the strands back as she sighed quietly, seemingly content with Vynette's concession. "When this case is over," Kat motioned to the wall at her side as she turned to face the elf. "Then I will consider signin' off on a temporary reassignmen'. I will no' make any promises, however."
The tension in Vyn's shoulders released. Resisting Kat's authority made her physically uncomfortable, but she had made it to the other side. They both knew the elf would not go over Kat's head, but she was still being given an out. She could handle finishing their assignment at hand. She would cling to the hope that, if she continued to be on her best behavior, Kat would give her the chance to settle her past.
"Of course, ma'am," she replied with an earnest salute and a genuine, radiant smile. "Til then, the only thing on my mind is our case. I'm all yours; you have my word."
"Good," Kat murmured as she returned to her desk and the papers scattered atop it.
"Now get out of m'sight for an hour or two before I change m'mind, and there better be a bottle in one hand when ya' return."
[ @kat-hawke​ ]
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