#and making him to be condescending when he's literally not except for 1 single occasion which is conditional
wild-magic-oops · 4 months
Gale: *simply explains something that he has way more experience and knowledge about than the player character*
Some players who seem to have self-worth and insecurities issues and take offense at the very idea that someone else might be more knowledgeable or experienced in a subject than them: He talks so much and he's so condescending!
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im-not-corrupted · 4 years
Safi, No (a Witchlands fanfiction) - Chapter One
This chapter was written by @un-empressed
On a rare occasion, Safi knew the answer in geography class. But when Merik Nihar spoke over her, she wasn't so happy. So her and Leopold devised a revenge plan to get back at him, and accidentally got everyone involved.
Vivia Nihar doesn't really have many friends, apart from Vaness. She's mostly focused on her studies - and what's wrong with that? But then she meets theriverstix online.
Aeduan and Iseult didn't mean to get involved in the revenge plan, but it was inevitable. But that's okay. They had each other to talk to.
Also posted on Ao3
Tags: @Iseultdetmidenzi
Safiya fon Hasstrel didn't know what she had done to deserve such maltreatment. Not only was geography a disaster that morning, her best friend wasn't listening. Or rather, she was until she realised what Safi was talking about. Apparently she was immature for wanting the basic right of speaking. It wasn't her fault that she had an insufferable classmate, and it certainly wasn't her fault that he decided he could speak over her.
It wasn't like she enjoyed geography, but she actually knew the answer. That was a once in a million years occurrence and Merik Nihar ruined it. She didn't even know his name before he so rudely interrupted her.
She wouldn't even have bothered to ask someone - asshole from third row worked just as well for a name - but she was confronted by another classmate after geography. A very pissed off one at that. Safi knew Vaness by name, because everyone knew Vaness. They'd never talked before, though, so Safi didn't know what to expect.
She was definitely surprised when Vaness verbally attacked her. Well, it wasn't an attack, but what she said was just a pretentious way to say "Go fuck yourself" and they both knew it. Apparently Safi's huffing and whispering to her friends that she was going to kill Merik over "an idiotic thing that doesn't even matter" was making it hard for Vaness to take notes. And apparently calling her a "poor dear" was "condescending" and "rude".
Why had she never talked to Vaness before? She knew now. Caden laughed to her face after having overheard the disastrous conversation. Safi found that absolutely unnecessary. At least Zander and Lev laughed at her behind her back. Well, she didn't know for sure that they did, but she hoped that Levs's so-called reassurance of "I've hidden many bodies before, nobody ever misses the ones like him" was a joke.
"Saf, I'm sure he didn't mean to inconvenience you," Iz said, trying to be reasonable. Safi liked that about her best friend; she wasn't as reckless as Safi herself, but she was definitely easy to drag along to stupid adventures.
"You don't know him."
Iseult rolled her eyes. "Neither do you."
Iseult sighed. She was about to say something else, probably about how it was actually relevant, but Corlant came. Safi wasn't sure what his deal was, only that someone ought to push him off that table he liked standing on to feel better than everyone else. But no, the school encouraged free speech, and Corlant claimed whatever absurd shit he said (Safi didn't bother enough to listen) had something to do with his religion.
Safi didn't know who or what he worshipped, but she personally found lunches without him causing a scene holy. Maybe she should start a religion that specifically opposed him. Or maybe she should take Lev up on that hiding a body offer.
"This is ridiculous," Iseult muttered. Safi personally would have yelled it so he could hear, but she already did and he didn't seem to care. Asshole.
Safi didn't even notice Leopold approaching their table until he sat down. And, he wasn't alone. "Girls, this is Aeduan. Aeduan, Safi and Iseult".
The name didn't sound familiar at all, but Safi had talked to the guy once. Well, it was barely a conversation. She asked for a pencil, and he spent five minutes mocking her for not bringing two. Just when she was about to tell him to fuck off, he handed her the damn pencil. Safi made a point of using it only when she lost the pencil Caden had lent her.
She never even returned the pencil. Maybe that made her an asshole, but she needed something to write with for the rest of the day, and he never even asked for it. How was she supposed to know it wasn't meant to be a gift?
Aeduan uttered out an uninterested greeting, hesitantly sitting next to Iseult. They shared commiserating looks as Safi told Leopold about her encounter with the world's biggest asshole that morning.
"Look! There he is, talking to his friends. I bet they're just as rude and inconsiderate-"
"Saf, those two literally mean the same thing," Iseult said. There was a slight difference, but Safi wasn't about to say that. Leopold was willing to hear her complaints, and she wasn't about to waste the potential this conversation had.
"And besides, you're overreacting. That's Ryber Fortiza over there, and she's pretty nice. I'm willing to bet the others are too. You took this way too personally."
Safi had talked to Ryber Fortiza once or twice, and she knew that Iseult was right. She wasn't going to say that out loud, though. Judging by the look on Iseult's face, her best friend didn't care at all. She went back to her probably dry conversation with Leopold's friend.
"Way too personally? It is personal!" Leopold said. Safi was glad that at least someone knew she wasn't overreacting.
"Thank you!"
Iseult rolled her eyes. She did it so much around the two, Safi wouldn't be surprised if her eyes fell out one day. And she had yet to hear about what Vaness said, even though Safi knew Iseult would agree with most things said.
Suddenly, she remembered something that made her groan. Leopold raised his eyebrows. "I have geography again tomorrow."
Leopold grinned. "Why the disappointment? It's your chance to get revenge."
Safi quite liked how that sounded. Even more than that she liked the fact that Iseult obviously didn't approve of the idea, if her face was to be trusted. She could've been making faces at what Aeduan was telling her, but that didn't seem likely. Leopold's friend seemed to have the same opinion. All the more reasons to do it.
Besides, Safi already had a few suggestions for the revenge plan herself.
Safi smiled, making Iseult shake her head. "What did you have in mind?" [x]
"-And she kept staring at me the whole time, whispering something to her friends. I'm telling you, that girl is insane."
The story didn't get reactions Merik Nihar was hoping for from his friends. Ryber pretended she didn't even hear him, and Cam just rolled his eyes. Merik was pretty sure Tanzi wasn't even listening. That didn't hurt him, because she was Ryber's friend. Stix was asking if 'he was done yet' after every word. That didn't hurt either, because she was like that. At least Kullen was on his side.
He smiled, and Merik didn't know what to expect from his best friend. Kullen often heard what he wanted to hear instead of what was being said. "Maybe she likes you! And, you've never talked about this girl before. Why would you even look at her if you didn't like her?"
Kullen was not on his side.
"It wasn't like that!" Merik said, trying desperately to seem like he was telling the truth. Which he was, of course. Kullen just caught him completely unaware.
Stix grinned. "Oh really?" Merik knew she didn't share Kullen's delusion. She just took every single chance to make him uncomfortable.
Cam and Ryber looked at each other across the table, seemingly not surprised at all that the conversation was taking that turn. Tanzi was too busy copying Ryber's homework to listen.
"Really! The teacher called on her and I knew the answer, so I might have possibly answered instead of her. I wanted to see her reaction but she was just glaring at me and I'm pretty sure I heard her friend say something about hiding a body." Merik realised that the story in its entirety made him look the slightest bit bad, but being perceived as rude was better than Kullen getting ideas.
"Can we blame them, though?" Stix asked. She just raised her hands in mock surrender when Ryber shot her a look. "I'm just saying."
"You did speak over her," Cam reasoned.
Ryber sighed. "That really was rude. No one likes people who do that."
Merik was willing to admit that it wasn't his best moment, but it was really not that big of a deal. Sure, his classmate might be pissed for a while, but that wasn't his problem. His only problem was Kullen, who was grinning at him from across the table.
"You could still like her. Maybe you inconvenienced her just so she would talk to you - that seems like the kind of 'I'm bad at admitting my feelings' thing you would do and call flirting if it succeeded," Kullen said, making Stix laugh.
Well, now Merik was offended. He did nothing to deserve the unjust treatment. Even Ryber was against him, and she rarely cared enough to pick a side. Merik needed to start hanging out with Tanzi; She never listened to him, which meant she couldn't mock him for every single thing like the traitors he once called friends.
Besides, Vivia insulting him 24/7 was enough. He didn't need his friends and his sister to have anything in common. He wasn't sure anyone except Kullen even knew he had a sister. Good.
Vivia preferred solitude, but Merik knew that if Ryber found out, she'd make him ask her to join them. That would likely result in either of the three catastrophes he'd rather avoid:
1. Vivia thinks he's making fun of her for eating alone and yells at him.
2. Very awkward lunches because Vivia yelled at him when he didn't tell her what time it was fast enough.
3. Vivia finds out about Kullen's theory and tells the girl.
The last one might have been a bit of a far stretch if it was anyone else. Vivia, however, wanted nothing more than to ruin her brother's life. The amount of love was mutual.
And, she was definitely the kind of person capable of figuring out someone's name and all social media usernames just from a vague description. Merik dreaded of the day Kullen and Vivia talked alone, without him there to filter his best friend. That would be a disaster. For him, that is. For Vivia, it would be a way to accomplish her mission in life.
"Ryber, control your boyfriend," Merik said.
Ryber just rolled her eyes, which Merik found rather rude. It wasn't like he was the one terrorising Kullen, it was the other way around!
"Look, it's not Ry's fault you were stupid enough to mention it to Kullen of all people," Stix said. Merik didn't know if that was supposed to be an insult to him or to Kullen.
"Mention what? I'm not in love with some girl whose name I don't even know!"
Stix sighed. "You don't have to be for Kullen to think you are. You should know that by now. He only sees what he wants to see." Cam nodded in agreement. 
"Look, are you on my side or are you not?"
"I'm not necessarily on your side, I'm just not on Merik's." Kullen nodded, as if that was a completely reasonable answer.
Merik blamed his trust issues on his friend group, which consisted of Kullen, Cam, Stix, Ryber and occasionally Tanzi. All people who tolerated him but didn't dread to tell him when he did or said something stupid. Except Stix, but Merik doubted that she actually hated him. Either way, she, too, was never going to meet Vivia if Merik was to ask. He usually wasn't when it came to his sister and what she did, but he had to hope that Vivia wouldn't want to do anything with a friend of his.
"That's ridiculous. You hate me for no reason."
"Ridiculous? That's it, you've lost your Stix privileges. It's Stacia for you from now on." Merik fought the urge to tell her that what she just said was ridiculous as well. People lost their 'Stix privileges' at least three times a day.
Ryber rolled her eyes, silently listening to the exchange. She occasionally whispered something to Tanzi, who was still doing her homework.
"Thank you very much for doing as I said and controlling your boyfriend," Merik said. He was getting fed up of everyone being against him for a simple mistake.
"You're welcome," Ryber said, turning to help Tanzi read something. Even Ryber, who was usually the responsible one, was seemingly tired of him. Merik was starting to think he had done something wrong.
Kullen probably noticed that Merik wasn't fighting back, because he sighed and said: "Look, Merik, we're only making fun of you because you don't see that what you did was wrong. Just... Try to be nicer to the geography classmate."
It seemed nice enough, and, even though Merik hated to admit it, it was good advice. But Kullen wasn't done. "And then, when you're a couple, Stix and I will pretend we're your siblings and tell her made-up, embarrassing information."
Ryber took one look at the three of them and sighed. "That might not work."
"Cousins, then."
Ryber rolled her eyes. "That still won't work. Just say you're his friends."
"But no one ever takes the friends seriously!" Stix whined.
"No one should take the two of you seriously."
"Bold of you to assume they won't make all of us do it," Cam said.
"See? Cam gets it!"
Sometimes Merik really hated his friends.
Read Chapter Two here
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Most Annoying Types of Classmates
In school, you’re going to run into a lot of unpleasant, irksome things, most of which will be the people you have to interact with. In this case, I’m talking specifically about your fellow classmates. No matter what grade you’re in or what type of school you attend, there are certain types of classmates that everyone hates. 
1. The one that refuses to help with anything 
When I say anything, I do mean literally anything. This is the person who gives you a look and says, “Well, you should have been listening more carefully” in the most condescending, arrogant tone ever if you happen to misunderstand a few instructions. If you ask them for help on a math problem, they tell you to look at the textbook (never mind the fact that you just spent the last 20 minutes doing exactly that) or just flat-out ignore you. 
As a matter of fact, I had a classmate exactly like this in fourth grade. I’m not sure what changed over the years, but by the time high school came around, he was the one who needed clarification on everything because he “wasn’t listening”. I never took the opportunity to exact a little petty revenge, however, mostly because I rarely spoke to him and was never seated anywhere near him in class anyway. 
2. The one who looks over your shoulder at your score when the teacher passes back your tests (or anything else, for that matter) 
Excuse me? It’s none of your business what I got on my science quiz. Besides, if you really wanted to know so badly, you could have just asked. I mean, not that I’m likely to tell you, but at least show a little bit of common courtesy. Grades are meant to be confidential unless the person who earned them decides otherwise, you know. 
What makes this person even more annoying is that you just know they’re only looking over your shoulder to confirm that you earned a lower score than they did. Well, they wouldn’t be looking over your shoulder in the hopes that you did better than them, would they? But on that note, it is satisfying seeing them silently turn away and start brooding if you earned a higher score. Getting your ego crushed is kind of what you deserve for being a nosy little prick. 
3. The one that complains (or pretends to complain) about high grades as a means of bragging to someone who earned a lower mark 
To be clear, I don’t mind people who are genuinely disappointed even if they earned a good mark. There is such a thing as having personal standards, and I’ve been that person on a few occasions. People who are upset about a B+ are absolutely valid if they know they’re capable of and were aiming for an A. 
What I don’t appreciate are the people who do this: 
“Hey Vivi, what did you get on the test?” 
“Oh, I got a C+. Thank God, haha. I thought I was going to fail for sure.” 
“Ha, I’ll bet that’s a relief. I’m actually kind of annoyed, though. I mean, I got an A- which I know is a good grade, but still! Just one mark shy of an A. Seriously.” 
Then, of course, when someone actually earned a better grade than them, the conversations go more like this: 
“Hey Ashley, what did you get on the test?” 
“Me? Oh, I got a 98. Why?” 
*glances down at their paper with 94 written at the top* 
“No reason! Just wanted to know.”
*immediately skulks off to brood over their unfortunate life decisions* 
4. The one that disrupts the lesson by asking stupid questions 
Look, we all love an inquisitive mind. However, when you constantly interrupt the lesson to ask questions such as, “Would it be a bad idea to stand next to a volcano as it’s erupting?” then you have some problems. There’s a difference between being curious and just being an idiot. As for the volcano question, I think that’s something you need personal experience with to be able to answer. 
5. In group projects, the one who never puts any effort forward yet has the nerve to get mad at you when you make a mistake 
Look, no offense or anything, but you don’t really have a right to get upset at someone who’s actually putting in effort when you’re trying to rely on someone else’s hard work to get you a good grade. If you were so concerned with perfection, you should have volunteered to do some of the work yourself. 
I had a classmate like this in high school. In freshman year, we were assigned a group project and this guy would sit on his iPad or computer and play games all period long but would criticize me and the one other person who actually did the work whenever we messed up on a concept or chapter. I found out a few years later that he suffered from a series of mental health issues, which made me a little more understanding of his attitude. Back then, however, I took great pleasure in giving him a 0 on the peer review sheet. 
6. The one who says before every test that they didn’t study and are going to fail 
Sweetheart, just shut up. We all know you studied; we’ve seen you get 95 percent or above on every single test this year. What’s the point of lying anyway? To try to lower everyone’s expectations of you? Well, it’s not going to work because as I said, you do this song and dance every time there’s a test and the result is always the same. 
Then there’s the other end of the spectrum, where someone actually didn’t study and probably will fail the test. In that case, yes, you are going to get an F and yes, it is your fault, and no, there’s no one else here who cares except you. Please stop talking about how you’re going to fail because you didn’t study. There’s no need to state the obvious. 
7. The one that cries to a teacher as a means of getting their grade raised 
If you’re crying over a grade, fine. Everyone has different emotional responses to everything. Hell, I once saw a girl in bloody seventh grade spend half a class period crying over missing the due date for a homework assignment. At the beginning of the year. 
What isn’t okay is when you start crying in front of your teacher and beg them to change your grade. For one, it’s extremely manipulative, as most teachers are likely to feel at least some sympathy for crying students (there are some exceptions, of course, but we’ll get to that another time). When you start crying and use the “I worked so hard” line, you’re just emotionally manipulating your teacher into raising your grade. Big deal. Everyone works hard–or at least everyone is supposed to work hard. You don’t get extra points for doing what you’re bloody supposed to do. For another, it’s unfair to the others in your class who put in more effort than you, earned lower grades than you, but are mature enough not to throw a temper tantrum/pity party to a professor in the hopes of getting their grade raised. 
8. The one that acts as if they’re a genius just because they have good grades 
Dude, just chill out. Yes, you’re probably at least somewhat intelligent, but you’re not a genius just because you have an A in chemistry. If earning good grades made you a genius, then that means there are at least 500 Albert Einsteins running around the school. There’s a lot more to being a genius than earning good marks, so maybe step off your high horse there. 
Funny story, my mom is exactly like this. Back when I was younger, she used to tell me, “If you need help on anything, come to me instead of your dad. I was a straight-A student in high school; I know how to help you.” I tried that a few times and it got me absolutely nowhere because she was terrible at explaining things. But that’s another story. 
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