#and now i'm just like. they stick their leggy in the air
ministarfruit · 2 years
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miss them. the two wiggly worms from dangit roomba v3
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whatchild · 3 years
Grumpuses from Bugsnax i could take in a fight (and if i would win)
filbo fiddlepie- yes. but at what cost. i'm dumb not stupid. i'm not a heartless monster.
wambus troubleham- no.
beffica winklesnoot- more likely to make me cry first but that would just give me a motive and that's exactly what she wants. a setup. i'd win in the fight but at what cost. a mastermind. terrifying. i wanna be just like her.
floofty fizzlebean- yes and i'd pay snorpy to hold the camera and shout worldstar.
gramble gigglefunny- yes but it would take some grease. and it'd be a pretty hollow win. pit two tiny ragesters against eachother when they should be lifting eachother up smh. can't reach the tall shelves at the store unless we do.
wiggle wigglebottom- no all she has to do is hold a hand against my forehead. i mean if i get a running start and take her by surprise maybe. know what yeah put her down as a maybe.
cromdo face- it'd be a bit of a scuffle but i could do it. like throwing two possums at the same slice of sandwich ham. it all comes out to who wants it more. maybe i do want it. maybe i want the sandwich ham. what now, rat man? what now?
triffany lottablog- ok first off if i tried wambus would send me into orbit. and even if he wasn't gonna interfere triffany is an outdoorsgrump all she'd have to do is land one hit. no. no i would not win. deathwish.
chandlo funkbun- if it was a genuine fight i'd get totally yote but if it was more along the lines of a predetermined duel i'd make one (1) weak ass punch, hurt my hand trying to saitama my way through solid walrus beef, start crying, and he'd pat me on the back and offer to train me. he'd make the sickest teacher but owie my hand and owie my pride.
snorpy fizzlebean- again if i tried it'd just be triffany 2 electric boogaloo and i probably wouldn't even be able to get close before chandlo removes me from this plane of existance. and if i did, again all he'd have to do is stick he leggy out and i'd be thrashing at air.
shelda- this is only a gut feeling but i bet she has like. hidden capoeira skills that could totally body me but otherwise probably.
eggabell batternugget- grump pressure points are probably in the same spot as human pressure points and she probably knows how to hit 'em. not accounting for lizbert making an attempt on my life i would have to get squiggly for this fight. so like. maybe not.
elizabert megafig- i'd get dunked on. just straight up. wrecked. annihilated. might not even be a body left to clean up.
clumby clumbernut- possum fight 2 come at me garfield
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I love you too, bonehead! *I blush, laugh slightly, stick out my tongue and just. Dramatically slide onto a random couch that just so happened to be there. I throw my legs up in the air like Mettaton and move them around in random poses* Now go. Touch my smooth legs. You better appreciate this by the way, I wore SHORTS just for you! I'm crazy insecure, that's a big deal. Now FEEL my pale leggies! I promise you will not regret this. They're SO smooth! *I'm grinning hella hard*
*he laughs a bit louder, watching you with amusement and affection. It’s easy to be happy with you around, you’re so damn cheerful. He sits beside you, pulling your legs into his lap and runs his hands across them* no need to be insecure, they’re soft as hell babe. *he continues to rub them, gently* you’re soft in general.
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