#and the lgbt rep was just absolutely atrocious
musclesandhammering · 8 months
I realise asking marvel to give us good genderfluid rep, or any queer rep, or a relationship that isn’t heteronormative and selfcestual, or a cool outfit, or consistent characterisation, or a plot fully centred on loki is completely unrealistic…. But like, where are we on the black nail polish? Anybody hear any rumors about that??
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fatoulein · 5 years
so like, i wasn't gonna be this person. but i have to say if you Still stan druck after the last clip they posted…how?????
everything they've done wrt mia's sexuality in this season has been atrocious. they had her unchallengingly be called a lesbian for the first few clips, until axel told her that she needed to 'give up the lesbian act and go on a date with her'. literally, what the fuck??? as if being a lesbian is just an act that you can give up on a whim when you meet the right man. as if bi girls and women would want to or be at all safe dating a guy who has expressed those views about lesbians.
and then for a while, we see absolutely no acknowledgment of this. nothing to address the fact that mia may have previously thought she was a lesbian, and is questioning her sexuality. nothing to challenge axel's incredibly homophobic views. they fall in love as though nothing is wrong with this.
now suddenly, we see axel and mia watching lesbian sex scenes together, and both being aroused by it. mia teases axel by asking him if he was turned on by it. as if that's what bi women like to do in relationships with men - watch lesbian porn, which is incredibly skewed towards the male gaze, violent, and objectifying towards all gay women, including bi women.
the message is clear here. lesbians only exist in the druck universe as sexual objects to arouse men. they have no agency of their own. and, of course, they're always willing to 'give up the lesbian act' when a guy wants to have sex with them. this message about lesbians is incredibly harmful. their message about bi women is incredibly harmful as well. it completely ignores the fact that men who hate lesbians will most likely hate bi women just as much, and it is dangerous for bi women to enter into relationships with men who have expressed such views, especially considering bi women have one of the highest rates of intimate partner violence. every aspect of mia and axel's relationship, when analyzed from this viewpoint, is harmful and wrong, and should not be presented to impressionable young girls in this way.
druck fails in every respect when they attempt to address mia's sexuality. the actions that they have taken this season are beyond atrocious and actively harmful to all wlw. the fact that they are still attempting to address matteo's sexuality in another season makes this all the worse. it shows that either they will completely fail to address his sexuality adequately as well, or they will succeed, and prove that once again gay female rep is viewed as less-than gay male rep.
regardless, i truly cannot understand how any person could continue to watch this show and enjoy it or have any excitement for future seasons considering what they have done. their treatment of wlw has been truly disgusting, and if you are lgbt+ or consider yourself an ally, you should not stand for this. we deserve better.
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