#as bona fide marching banders
makelikesprinkles · 3 months
Bandstuck headcanons - what if everyone went to the same school and their relationship to the band
John Egbert - Marching Band, Clarinet
- dorkiest person to ever clari the net
- only guy clarinet
- completely neutral to the band uniforms, just having fun in the group
Rose Lalonde - Orchestra, Violin
- only because of her mom, neutral on orchestra
- always attends marching competitions
- argues modern marching uniforms are better just to get on Dave's nerves
Dave Strider - not in band
- huge marching band fanboy but would never show it
- aggressively believes classic uniforms are better
- would probably help the front ensemble just to get closer to the action
Jade Harley - Jazz Band, Bass Guitar
- Enjoys band but it is not her priority
- Probably doesn't even have a first hour, always a little late to jazz rehearsal
- Supports John but doesn't go to every marching performance
Jane Crocker - Marching Band, Saxophone
- always complains about getting new reeds yet is always prepared with extras
- very committed to every rehearsal
- dislikes modern uniforms because of how unflattering they are
Roxy Lalonde - Marching Band, Color Guard
- relatively new to guard, medium skill level
- has so much fun with every costume
- has gotten seriously injured at least twice
Dirk Strider - Marching Band, Baritone
- just stands there and doesn't talk
- incredibly enthusiastic during morning stretch routine
- classic uniforms supporter
Jake English - not in band
- says ignorant things about how "easy" band must be, everyone dislikes it
- doesn't attend contests, might go to, like, one football game
- cheers really loudly and annoyingly at concerts
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