#as opposed to oh my hestia which i usually use
CJ: oh my gods. Just leave me alone! Freddie: alright. But first you have to let go of my hand. CJ: CJ: no.
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It’s freezing outside when the Hogwarts students make their way down to the Quidditch pitch. Every student around has on their warmest of winter clothing, and many are walking in groups so as to retain some warmth. There has been a blanket of darkness wrapped around Hogwarts ever since that fateful day in Hogsmeade, nearly two weeks ago. Dougal Wood, for one, was happy to have a bit of normalcy return to Hogwarts. His parents had returned home, classes would resume tomorrow, and it was time to do his most favorite thing: watch a game of Quidditch. While wrapping his scarf tightly around his neck, Dougal plops down behind the commentator microphone. He listens to the usual lecture from McGonagall, before taking his seat behind the commentator microphone. He looks around the stadium, smiles, and then opens his mouth to give the atmosphere a little cheer.
“Good afternoon, Hogwarts! Merlin, it’s cold outside today, isn’t it? Anyways, before we start the match, why is it that I never got a date to Professor Slughorn’s Christmas Party despite announcing it to the entire school over a microphone? I’m a catch, I swear! ---- Yes, Professor McGonagall, I’m starting right now. Today’s match pits the Slytherins against the Ravenclaws! It should be a good one, folks. Ah, look, the players are all flying out now, and there’s Professor Hooch coming with the quaffle. Haha, check out the look on Emma Vanity’s face. She looks ready to kill. Ah, Hooch has let the bludgers and the snitch out. Looks like we’re about to begin. Everyone, get ready. And, we’re off!”
“EDGAR BONES is the fastest of the bunch, and he rockets forward to snatch the quaffle from the air in a swift, one handed grab. However, he isn’t quick enough to escape from EMMA VANITY, who doesn’t seem to be in the mood to be polite today. She slams into BONES, quite forcefully, and snatches the quaffle right from his hands. He doesn’t look too happy about that. VANITY races up the pitch, it looks like she’s going to try to score! She’s getting closer. Ravenclaw Keeper BENJY FENWICK looks nervous. Folks, I told you. She looks ready to kill! VANITY’S in scoring position now and... WOW, did you all see that?! VANITY leaps from her broom and makes the first score of the game with an astounding Finbourgh Flick! That was some professional style flying. What a fantastic start to the game!”
“It seems JOSEPH MULCIBER is out on a warpath as well today — damn, it seems captain TALKALOT truly removed the leash on her hellhounds for this game. After what seems like a brief argument with his fellow beater about who’s taking the shot, MULCIBER gets his hands on a Bludger, the expression on his face absolutely mad. His swing seems filled with anger as well, and it is all aimed straight towards LUDO BAGMAN. Merlin’s tits, what did he do to deserve all that?! BUT WAIT — fortunately for him, BAGMAN is fast enough to dive out of the way, unfortunately for ANDROMEDA BLACK, she was right behind him. BLACK tumbles out of the sky, caught by her captain at the last possible second. She was placed back on her broom, but doesn’t seem to be doing to well. Taking advantage of the chaos in Slytherin, HESTIA JONES scores 10 points for her team.”
“I’ve just checked my watch and we’ve hit the hour mark for our game. The score is 70-40 to Slytherin, but so far, the snitch has been out of sight. Seekers LORCAN D’EATH and REGULUS BLACK must be getting bored. Right now, VANITY has the quaffle again, and she looks ready to throw it. She’s in position, and, OH SHIT! -- Sorry, Professor! -- But would you look at that, BONES has snatched the quaffle right from VANITY’S hands in a little payback from the beginning of the match. BONES races across the Pitch. He’s halfway there now-- is he going higher? BONES flies up into the air, and suddenly tosses the quaffle down to HESTIA JONES, who tosses it right past the Slytherin Keeper for a goal. What a well executed Porskoff Ploy that was! Let’s see... Ravenclaw has the quaffle again. It’s HOOKUM this time. You know, I asked her out and she was quite rude in how she told me no. She said-- Okay, okay, sorry Professor. Anyhow, HOOKUM scored. The score is now 70-60. Oh, look. HOOKUM has the quaffle once more. Another score from her, then. And, oh, she has the quaffle again. I guess that’s pretty impressive. I bet she can’t make another-- oh, she scored. Well, that puts the score at 70-70 even then. Looks like HOOKUM finally decided to stop being a quaffle hog, because BONES has the quaffle once again.”
“Holy Hagrid’s buttcrack — we are two and a half hours in and the teams have been tied at 120 points each for the last twenty minutes. Both teams have put up a strong defense, the chasers are unable to get through on either side. C’mon, where’s the excitement? Oh wait, here’s AMYCUS CARROW, who has his hands on a bludger — some of the Ravenclaws look worried, but he has his focus towards, OH NO! The bludger flies towards a distracted ALEXEI KRUM, which has alternate GILDEROY LOCKHART looking a little too excited, but wait — KRUM pulls off a magnificent Sloth Grip Roll with a grin on his face, narrowly avoiding what would’ve been a nasty injury. We don’t get any time to recover from that beautiful move, because here’s captain LUDO BAGMAN with the second bludger, it flies all the way across the field, hitting captain of the opposing team, LUCINDA TALKALOT, straight in the chest. TALKALOT doubles over in pain and seems to be in need of medical attention. Luckily, Madam Pomfrey is there fast. Ravenclaw uses the loss of their opponents captain well, with HESTIA JONES and EDGAR BONES — heh, that rhymes — swooping over the Slytherins, passing the quaffle between them, and BONES taking the winning shot towards the hoops!” 
“Four hours in now, with both teams locked in at 200-200. We might have to camp out here, if the snitch isn’t found soon! As it is, I’ve really got to take a wizz, so I’m going to let my friend here take over the microphone.”
“Hello, Quidditch fans! In case you don’t recognize my voice, my name is Pinky Parkinson, and I’ll be your announcer until Dougal finishes in the loo! Let’s see... what is happening... Hm, I think ANDROMEDA has the quaffle now. She’s doing really well, don’t you think, still playing after that injury she got earlier! Oh, look! There’s ALEXEI! It looks like he’s hitting a bludger at someone. He really is so good at Quidditch, isn’t he! Alexei is good at a lot of thing, including dancing. We danced together at the Christmas Ball, and-- Oh, Merlin, AMYCUS just got hit by a bludger! Ugh, I think his finger looks crooked. Anyways, Alexei was such a great dancer. He obviously had some lessons. Oh, LUDO is waving at me! Hey, LUDO! Oh, wait, he’s not waving at me-- he’s... well I’m not sure what he’s doing, but now the Ravenclaw Chasers are doing something weird. DAISY and HESTIA look like they’re trying to distract the Keeper, and -- oh my God, whose corgi is this? I love corgis! Her name is Shelly? Oh, she’s just adorable. Is this Dougal’s dog? I can’t believe he has such a well trained---- oh, someone scored again! Ravenclaw must have done something cool, because the stands are going wild, and -- Oh, Dougal! You’re back!”
“Thank you, Pinky, I’m sure that was lovely — now back to the action! Slytherin captain LUCINDA TALKALOT is still out of the game, but that doesn’t seem to be holding back her teammates. Beaters MULCIBER and CARROW have stopped their lover’s quarrel and are now working together to take out Ravenclaw’s chasers, their first bludger hits poor HESTIA JONES right in her shoulder — yikes! That looks dislocated! JONES fell off her broom, but luckily she was close to the ground. CARROW doesn’t give them any time to recover, and whilst KRUM and BAGMAN struggle for what to do, the next bludger goes straight for DAISY HOOKUM’s head. It collides and with a hard crack, HOOKUM seems to be knocked out — now I would be more upset about that, but she was really rude to me and — yes. Sorry Professor McGonagall. Ahem. DAISY HOOKUM seems to be laying unconscious on the ground now, her broom broken. Whilst CARROW seems to be cackling loudly, MULCIBER goes for their final target. He nearly dodges a bludger sent his direction with what was a wonderfully executed Dopplebeater Defense from KRUM and BAGMAN, but instead of catching it, he decides to hit EDGAR BONES in the head with his bat instead, who is now also, unconscious. Hooch is quick to call the foul, but with JONES just barely having climbed back on her broom with a dislocated shoulder, it’s no surprise that she misses her penalty shot.”
“Five hours into the game now. Merlin, this is a long one by Hogwarts standards. Anyhow, the score is 320-260 to Slytherin. JONES has the quaffle, but things are looking bleak. Her fellow Chasers, BONES and HOOKUM have just returned to the field, but they’re so far behind now that it’s looking like the snitch is their only chance! BAGMAN looks mighty anxious over there, but both VANITY and BLACK seem to have smiles on their faces. Don’t get too confident now, ladies, the game isn’t finished yet! Oh, JONES just tried to make a score, but its easily blocked by the Slytherins. Just in time, too, because it looks like TALKALOT is making it back onto the pitch. Still, no sign of the Snitch. Again, I wonder how LORCAN D’EATH and REGULUS BLACK are holding up.”
“We are at almost 6 hours now, and man — I might have to ask Pinky to make a return if we go on for much longer. The Ravenclaws, despite their chasers returning, are not doing all too well. Whilst the beaters are trying to make their way through Slytherin’s defense, it remains strong, only broken by TALKALOT, VANITY and BLACK flying out in their Hawkshead Attacking Formation to score some points. Whilst BAGMAN looks on with an expression of pure despair, they score a whopping EIGHT times. It seems that only LORCAN D’EATH can save Ravenclaw now. Let me grab some binoculars to see what in seven hells is going on up there! HOLY COW — they are going fast! REGULUS BLACK and LORCAN D’EATH are zooming across the sky, both diving down trying to go for the Golden Snitch. Bludgers are being sent in their direction, but they’re too focused to notice. Merlin and Morgana, they’re going at top speed! Players lower in the air have almost stopped moving to watch what is going on. D’EATH and BLACK are narrowing in, both their arms outstretched and — did D’EATH just hiss? Whatever it did, BLACK was obviously startled. D’EATH inches closer, and closer and — YES! LORCAN D’EATH catches the Snitch! Ravenclaw wins! By ten points! That was insane!”
FINAL SCORE: 410 Ravenclaw - 400 Slytherin
GOALS: Emma Vanity (19), Andromeda Black (12), Lucinda Talkalot (9), Edgar Bones (18), Hestia Jones (15), Daisy Hookum (8)
FOULS: Ludovic Bagman (4), Alexei Krum (2), Daisy Hookum (1), Amycus Carrow (5), Joseph Mulciber (3)
INJURIES: Andromeda Black (hit with a bludger to the stomach), Lucinda Talkalot (knocked off of her broom with a bludger to the chest), Hestia Jones (dislocated shoulder), Edgar Bones (knocked unconscious with a bludger to the head), Daisy Hookum (knocked unconscious with a bludger to the head)
As much as it pains my heart to say this, CONGRATS RAVENCLAW! After the attack in Hogsmeade, there won’t be much room to have a proper victory party, but Ludo Bagman is holding a little shindig in their common room anyway. Curfew has been extended with two hours just like the previous game, so students can calm down and/or celebrate! Here are some quick notes on the event and concerning posts:
You can post starters or create threads before, during or after the game.
You will be allowed to create threads (so that means both replying to starters and creating your own) for this event until SUNDAY, MARCH 4TH at 11:59PM EST.
Please tag your starters with both MORSMORDRE STARTER and MMRP EVENT007.
The IN-GAME DATE is JANUARY 15TH, 1978 (the family members have left in the morning) and any threads created after it finishes it can be from JANUARY 16TH until JANUARY 31ST.
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