#aurora did ultimately pick tristan
ladamedemartel · 2 months
Klaus or Tristan?
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lyralumina · 7 years
~ ✨ YGO Dance/Ballet Headcanons ✨ ~
These Headcanons are based off of @sergle and  @ochidump ‘s YGO Dance AU and is inspired by this:  http://sergle.tumblr.com/post/162623521861/yugioh-dance-au-its-ochidump-s-fault
Principals: Anzu (Tea) Mazaki and Atem
Soloists: Seto Kaiba, Yugi Muto, and Mai Kujaku
Apprentices: Joey Wheeler, Tristan Taylor, Marik Ishtar, and Ryou Bakura
Corps de Ballet: Mokuba Kaiba, Weevil Underwood, Rex Raptor, and Serenity Wheeler
Yugi, Joey, and Tristan are ballet dancers within Juilliard. Seto and Anzu are ballet dancers within The New York City Ballet. Marik and Ryou are ballet dancers within the Miami City Ballet. Mokuba and Serenity are ballet dancers within the American Ballet Theatre. Mai is currently abroad in the Paris Opera Ballet School. Weevil and Rex are in japan still, trying to get into a ballet school.
Seto and Anzu are dancers within the New York City Ballet, they have been dancing since a very young age. Seto actually started dancing a year after Anzu. Since both Seto and Anzu are both within the school, They actually share a studio apartment together and why yes, they own a dog together. Well it is more of Anzu’s dog. She pitched the idea and Seto let it slide. They have a tiny York Terrier named Lily. She is often brought to the school since many of the other dancers do bring dogs to the studio, even the ballet masters. Their dog is very chill but once they get home, Lily gets very restless. It’s really bizarre but they put up with it. She’s a real sweetheart. Lily is their comforter when a day gets bad. She brings them something a normal person would have since they did not have normal lives as ballet dancers. Did you know that the New York City Royal Ballet lets their dancers bring their dogs to the school and lets them stay in the dance rooms? They do actually.
Seto is one of the few men that have gone on pointe. Men do not go on pointe though, Seto found that to be a bit saddening so he tried it. Yes, Seto has faced scrutiny of it. He faced the gender oppositions of wearing pointe shoes but he did not falter. He kept practicing it. He eventually got better and now he is really good with pointe. He stands on the same ground as any other female who does pointe. Seto and Anzu do have what we call “Dancer Feet”. Where their feet is blistered and when a bone seems out of place. That does not stop Seto from dancing at his best. His feet might show the pain and the “ugly” side of ballet but from all that hard work he has put in for so many years, he shows the true beauty of ballet. With that being said though, Seto’s feet often bleed a lot so he makes sure to bandage up his feet and ice them. He takes several pain killers throughout the day to ease the pain. Ballet is beautiful but the true beauty of it hurts. Seto and Anzu and the rest of the dancers know that well.
Anzu is a Principal ballet dancer while Seto is just in his second year as Soloist. The two often get paired up for pas de duex and you best believe that they have such a wonderful chemistry together. No, they are just friends who love to dance, actually, many of the other dancers think they are going to start dating but nope. They just laugh and continue to dance. Never had they had feelings for one another like that. Yugi and Anzu though, that is another story. It would be a long time till she even sees Yugi though. She does keep in great contact with Yugi and the others though, even Mai who is off in Paris. Seto only keeps tabs open with of course Anzu, Yugi since he is a little brat and could never dance as good as him, Atem since the same applies with him just like Yugi, and Mokuba.
Anzu, Seto, Joey, Yugi, and Ryou have gotten injuries within the ballet schools. Anzu had a sprained ankle which made her sit out for a week to heal and she felt really bad for that. Seto during a partner lift, he had to gently arch his back during a lift but due to so much strain, his back gave out and he spent a month healing his back. He lost his role and someone gained his role. He did not cry but Anzu could feel his pain. Joey during a leap combination, he stumbled over himself and twisted his foot. He spent two weeks and yes he lost his role, he sat in his dorm for the week healing his foot. Ryou broke his hand during a show stopping lift. They all got better and continued to dance. They all know that one injury can send them home, that one injury can ruin their career forever. They try not to think about it but it always does creep into their minds.
Anzu’s favorite role that she has danced for is Odette from Swan Lake. She has a big dream to dance as Aurora from Sleeping Beauty, or the Rose Adagio is her ultimate dream. She has loved that adagio her whole life. She wants to be the one on center stage, in a pink tutu fit for a princess, to get those roses. She is so close. She is very close. Seto’s favorite role he has danced for is The Nutcracker, or better known as The Prince. Anzu was actually Clara or better known as The Sugar Plum Princess at that time so they got the job done perfectly. Yugi’s favorite role he has danced for is Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid. Atem’s favorite role he has danced for is Warrior Solor from La Bayadere. Mai’s favorite role she has danced for is Giselle from Giselle. She did such an amazing job. Joey’s favorite role he played was Lumiere from Beauty and the Beast. When he got the role he cried. He was just so happy and he played the role to perfection. Mokuba’s favorite role he has danced for is one of the flowers from Alice in Wonderland. This boy piroquette his way into people’s hearts.
All of them take pain killers and supplements. Painkillers are a dancer’s best friend. Yugi needs a little bit more of that extra pick me up since being so small and frail and light so protein is his best friend. Seto takes a ton of pain killers but not to the point where it would send him to the hospital. He is fine. He just feels a lot of pain. All of the them take band-aids, and painkillers in case they need it. Atem, Yugi, Anzu, Seto, Tristan, Mokuba, and Ryou stock up on cold compresses and just go to town with them.
Anzu does own three practice tutu’s. One in white, one in black, and finally one in performance pink. The white one is more of a ankle skirt while the black one is more of a tutu. The black one was a gift from Mai all the way from Paris on her birthday, she sent her photos of her dancing in it. She loves that black tutu.The pink tutu is also like the black one but that one she bought with her own money. Pointe shoes are a no biggie for them, Their school supplies them for them. Seto though, he has to buy his own. This all goes back to him being a male and that males do not wear pointe shoes, they wear a different kind of shoe. Both Seto and Anzu do own demi pointe shoes. Seto owns a pair of bedazzled pointe shoes since it was a gift that he received from Anzu on his birthday. He loves them so much, he just rarely openly shows it. Anzu is that type of dancer who will wear long leg warmers when she dances. Black and Maroon are her personal favorite colors. She also owns a lot of hair scrunchies to tie her hair, ranging from neon colors, to ones with patterns, to ones that are plain black. Bobby pins are her best friend for when it comes to her ballet buns, “ Would you like me to help you Anzu? You seem to be having a hard time putting the bobby pin in. “ Seto asks as he watches her struggle. Seto does help her with that ballet bun but she is a capable young lady, she can do it herself.
Leotard and makeup shopping sprees are a frequent thing. Serenity loves a good pink leotard that makes her chest not hurt and one that makes her not wear a bra. Mai needs some support for her breasts so her leotards are either custom made for her or just very pricey. Mai has a problem with dancing and getting into costume due to her large chest. Yugi spends a ton of time looking for some great quality makeup at Sephora with Atem and Joey. “ Joey relax, I am sure they have your blue eyeshadow somewhere, just keep looking. ATEM NO! Your role does not even need that silver eyeliner! “ -Yugi Muto
Anzu, Joey, Atem, and Mai are Fuoette masters, Anzu is better though, she has amazing balance. They all have their aerial cartwheels down, except for Rex, Weevil, and Marik is almost there.
Anzu internally screams when rosin gets on her black leotards. Seto just tells her to wash it off but she just wants to cry. “ Anzu, it’s no big deal. Please, don’t cry. “ “ You don’t understand! “
“ Seto do you need help sewing your pointe shoes? “ “ I can do it Anzu, Im fine. “ “ Really? You have been stuck on putting the string through the sewing needle for the past five minutes. “ “ Leave me alone Anzu! “ Seto may wear pointe shoes but he takes forever to get the ribbons sewed on. With that being said, Yes they do carry a small sewing case around in case anything goes wrong.
So at the New York City Ballet, the dancers do not use the term “Break a leg!“ for good luck. They use the term “Merde!”. Why? “ According to my French teacher (who was a ballet dancer), in days gone by, when members of high society went to see an event in their horse drawn carriages, the horse crap would pile up in front of the theater. The more successful the show, the bigger the pile -- hence the expression ‘merde’ as an expression of ‘good luck’” Robert L. Friedman So this happens a lot and well, “ Merde! “ Anzu says, as she gives Seto a thumbs up as well, stretching her body on one of the ballet bars off stage. Seto half smiles and goes off telling her thank you as he has to wait in the stage wings to run on for his cue to start the leap combination.
Joey has amazing leaps, he has incredible height. Anzu has amazing flexibility. Tristan and Mokuba are turning kings. Yugi has amazing technique along with Atem. Atem has stellar endurance. Mai and Seto are extension royalty. They can kick really high. Seto can only do that since being really tall.
Seto needs some work on dancing with emotion but he is a capable dancer. He is often picked on for that but he is working on it. He can smile. He is not poker-faced on stage at all unless needed to.
Yugi and Atem are often placed in the very front since they are very tiny men. Yugi hates that but he has to live with it. Some of the other dancers have a joke where they use Yugi as an arm rest for when the ballet instructor is telling them what to do and what to work on. Yugi used to hate it so much but now he is used to it, he doesn’t bat an eye. Even Joey and Tristan do it for fun.
Serenity has a slight technique problem, she tends to sickle her feet a lot. Its an old habit but she is working on it. She gets nitpicked on for that. It could lead her to injury if she does not stop. Rex has the same problem as Serenity.
Atem, Ryou, Marik, and Ishizu are very keen on La Bayadere. All of the people who are associated with ancient Egypt love La Bayadere. Atem loves that Ballet so much since it reminds him of home for its scenery. Atem has a little secret that only Yugi knows of. Atem loves the role of Nikiya. He has a dream of playing her role but alas, he is a man. Nikya is to be played by a woman.
Pegasus is a world famous ballet instructor. Ishizu and Odion are ballet instructors and are teaching Weevil and Rex. They love their jobs so much. They wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Pegasus is really famous in the ballet world, he is a coveted icon, he has danced since he was a very young boy, he has directed, he has just done so many things that his name is very big. Seto aspires to be the next Pegasus in the ballet world, he is close. Very close.
Ryou is a master at strong theatrical emotion when he is dancing. In fact, Ryou got his apprentice acceptance one week before Marik got his. They both were so emotional that they spent their time crying. Marik called his older siblings the great news and he would not stop crying. Ishizu was so happy for him, especially Odion. Odion teared up just hearing the great news. They both celebrated together with a good ole day at the beach to soak in the sun and later that night, Ryou treated Marik to some steak at a steakhouse within the city. It was fun.
Anzu spent a lot of time as a soloist actually. She spent three years as a soloist. Seto witnessed her get very moody when she was at that time where she didn’t know if what she had done was enough to get her rank up. Seto and Anzu both entered together at the same time actually. I stated up at the top that Seto is a soloist. He is not a principal but he is almost there. He is very close. Yugi is also very close to getting his rank up to Principal as well. He wants to stand by Atems side. He wants to break the gender rule of females being lifted and for females to be paired with a partner. He wants Atem to lift him up over his head. He wants to feel Atem’s strong hands on his hips. As I stated before up at the top, Yugi is a soloist and Atem is a principal. Joey and Tristan are apprentices and envy Yugi and Atem just a tad but they are great friends who will support each other through thick and thin.
Mokuba is trying his absolute hardest to get into the New York Royal City Ballet to be with his older brother.
Here is the more refined HC Post Sergle, I am so sorry, I just wanted it to look really neat for you~
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Chapter Reviews: February 19-23, 2019 + Thoughts on Nightbound and Wishful Thinking
High School Story: Class Act Chapter 2:
I've always suspected that Morgan will be a candidate in the school presidential elections, and I take it as a bad sign that she's running. I can never forget how cruel and unapologetic she was back in Book 2 of the first trilogy. Not to mention she nearly accepted Max and Kara's bribe in Book 3. Anyway, she better remain a lost cause, and the same goes for Lorenzo, who has no platform to speak of.
Once again, Skye shows valid concerns about the school presidential elections and the drama it will cause. I also admire Rory for seeing the elections as ultimately fun and games. Regarding Ajay, why does he have to see almost everything as serious business? He needs to be knocked some sense that his overcompetitiveness is alienating people.
It always warms my heart to see my old MC and Aiden together. And it's nice of them to lend their sled to new MC and Skye. Might pick the premium option to go sledding with Skye and visit the Silvas.
As to who I will support, I'll most likely support Rory. Her priority in encouraging the arts is much needed, especially with the heavy emphasis on sports at the expense of other activities. Not to mention that the twin's being too rash regarding her decision to run for president. I might support Myra, but time will tell if I will favor her.
The Heist: Monaco Chapter 12:
I think this Tristan Dumont fellow is shady, even after he conceded to the MC and Fabien. I mean, he has an illegal and dangerous race track that has seen many deaths. Not to mention that people play dirty all the time. I certainly do not enjoy seeing Gino again, especially since he played dirty as usual. Good thing I beat him in the race.
OH HAI Tillie! Nice to see you again! I might pick her over Fabien if I replay this series. I heard she's more interesting. I mean, I couldn't fully immerse myself in Fabien's backstory about him switching to street racing after losing to a street racer as a professional racer.
Okay, so the next chapter's title cracked me up and made me cringe at the same time. I have zero love for #LoveHacks, especially since the first book's completely aimless. The second book's a bit better, but the ending felt less satisfying than I thought because Martin and TJ's reactions at their defeat weren't shown. Bah! That aside, I look forward to know my hacker Anton better.
America's Most Eligible Chapter 6:
Holy cow! Slater is definitely a snake! Using Eden as a human shield and tripping Mackenzie over are some of the examples I've seen of his foul play. Fortunately, the popup I got said that I won fair and square. Well, my MC did, not Slater. I was just careful with the choices I picked. Nevertheless, I'm going to keep him at arm's length. He's definitely playing to win.
After seeing Slater cheating to win, I've come up with a new theory. What if he and Vince are the co-antagonists but with different agendas? After all, they're playing to win, but have different ways of interacting with the MC.
Seeing Ivy, Vince, Adam, and Mackenzie in the bottom four felt bittersweet. I like Mackenzie and am okay with Adam (partly because I roleplay my MC as gay and having a weakness for hot men). As for Ivy and Vince, I'd love to have them eliminated to save my skin and feel more secure. Now I just need to have Slater eliminated and focus on winning.
It's ridiculous that I have to spend diamonds to meet with Natalie despite her potential as the reason why Mackenzie's competing. I didn't pick the option to meet her because I'm saving my diamonds for now. I definitely will pick the option to meet her with Mackenzie.
A charity date at a high school prom sounds interesting, but please don't let my MC do anything dirty to Adam or Derek. High schoolers do not need to see that kind of stuff.
A Courtesan of Rome Chapter 16:
It's about time I get to kill Aquila. That scumbag finally got what he deserved when my MC intoxicated him, interrogated him, and finally killed him when he was begging for mercy. Pathetic of him. I still have to say that even though Caesar is the big bad of this series, Aquila is still the one executing his orders, and he likes feeling powerful.
Yay! Sabina's finally a free woman! I didn't pick the premium option to go to her house and trash Aquila's stuff, but the sight of her free from her abusive husband was just awesome to behold.
Victus fighting in that premium armor I bought when he was in Rome was awesome! I had him spare the gladiator because I envision him as compassionate if necessary.
Darn, the next chapter will involve Victus and Syphax fighting at the arena? What a nightmare! If there will be an option to determine who to live, I'd say Victus because I roleplay my MC as concerned with family. This is gonna be a dilemma.
Open Heart Chapters 1-2:
These are way better chapters than Ride or Die's first two. I enjoy how agonizing I felt when I struggled with the two patients. I was fully immersed at the tension, dynamics of the characters, and atmosphere.
Aurora already intrigues me with her anger at being compared to her aunt and desire to make a name for herself. Seeing her acting nice towards patients despite her aloof behavior proves that she's professional at her job. Reminds me of Anton Edison, but with a guarded personality. I'm curious to get to know her better and hopefully watch her slowly warming up to everyone else, but knowing this is an app where the writers have a tendency to lapse into thirst-fests for male love interests, chances that Aurora's story will progress at all will be slim. And in case anyone's wondering, Aurora doesn't qualify as a "mean girl" because she's already professional towards her patients and ultimately wants to prove her worth as her own individual, outside her aunt's shadow.
Ethan Ramsey's a tough boss, though his attitude comes across as too harsh at the same time. He could be weighed down by years of his job and wants newbie doctors to actually do their best, but that doesn't excuse his initial behavior. What irks me is that he's the cover LI, so I'll probably have to see him more than the other LIs, and there will be little to no progression with his character.
I like Jackie, Bryce, Sienna, and Elijah already. Jackie's tough on the MC but also has a soft side when it comes to her co-workers. In fact, she's tough at the right moments, and I respect that. Bryce is the big bundle of energy I sorely need after a stressful day at work. Sienna's perseverance at her job gives me optimism. Elijah's Harry Potter references are guaranteed to brighten my day.
So far, I'm moderately enjoying this, but time will tell if I'll like it or not. Here's hoping the writers keep up the good work.
Ride or Die Chapter 6:
I'm so helping MC's dad with his job, so that's why I circled the Verratti Motors manufacturing plant, in case the Mercy Park Crew or some other crew steals from it. However, I told Mona because she's my love interest, so she can stay. As for Colt, I didn't tell him. Oh, and I told Jason about the MPC heading to confront the Brotherhood. I like the idea of playing both the MPC and Brotherhood.
So the MC easily got her driver's license even though the instructor pointed out her many flaws when doing it? Ugh! A driver's test shouldn't be that easy, especially since you have to achieve a near-perfect score. I swear, this story is a blatant wish-fulfillment fantasy that defies common sense, but that's already obvious.
Logan and Colt arguing again. I swear, Pixelberry better give us players the option to set them up together, especially since I have no interest in pursuing either of them.
Surprisingly, this chapter sucks slightly less than the previous ones, mainly because I get to help the dad with his investigation and line of duty, and I don't feel forced to be with Logan. I even get to kiss Mona on the cheek.
The Elementalists Chapter 19:
It feels so satisfying to see my MC receiving various honors from Professors Kontos and Englund, and Dean Swan. Not to mention that I get praised by Atlas. Nice.
I'm so happy for Aster when she finally gets accepted to Penderghast. I hope this means I'll see more of her because she rarely shows up throughout Book 1 despite the lore she mentions behind paywalls. Seriously, there's a lot of potential she and the things she has said can bring to the story. Pixelberry better not waste their resources on Book 2.
Honestly, the new villain looks ridiculous. His weirdly colored suit, equally weird top hat, and evil-looking mustache make him look so over the top that I can't take him seriously, even when he was killing the poor hiker with a tornado. He looks like Discount Dorian Pavus, but with horrible fashion taste.
Anyway, I think The Elementalists is enjoyable at first, with its worldbuilding early on and the clues I receive. Pity it degenerated into a Beckett thirst-fest since Chapter 9. I mean, he's okay as a character, and I'm fine with pursuing him with my MC, but he has too many premium scenes that make no sense or even move the plot and his character forward. It's like Pixelberry has wasted their limited time and resources on certain love interests they think the silent majority loves that they squeeze other love interests and the story out in order to make way for their cash cows. At least the few moments I get to learn about the setting and other characters are worthwhile.
What do I want from the next book? I want to see the interactions between the different races, and Aster's enrollment into Penderghast is a good start. I hope to see more races, however, and the dynamics between them. Like, what are their histories, priorities, and approaches to the world around them and how they affect the way they see the world and other races? I also wonder how this new villain will factor into this engrossing setting. He could be someone who tricks one race into turning against the others.
Thoughts on Wishful Thinking and Nightbound:
I'm kind of wary that Nightbound will only let us play as a female MC. Bloodbound lets us play as a female only because Pixelberry was saving funds for other books, and it's possible Pixelberry will do the same thing to Nightbound, being a spinoff of Bloodbound. It could be good, but the possible lack of gender options will be a wasted opportunity.
As for Wishful Thinking, I honestly have no opinion on it so far. I think it has a higher chance of providing gender options, but it doesn't guarantee that the story will be good. So far, I'm not super excited, considering the declining quality of most of the stories as of late.
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