#-stares off into the distance thinking about the ask i got about “canon” for my blog that i still need to answer-
ladamedemartel · 2 months
Klaus or Tristan?
send  me  this  or  that  questions  for  my  muse  ! 
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astronomoney · 2 months
Pairing + WC: Jason Grace x mortal!reader, 2.1k Warnings: NOT canon compliant, this takes place in my world where Piper and Jason realized they were best as friends right after lost hero and Leo never got with Caylpso. also TOA never happened because it makes me sad. Also somewhat not proof read Summary: Jason has been sneaking off for weeks and Leo is detirmened to find out why. Or alternativly: Leo, Piper, Annabeth, and Percy go snooping in Jasons buisness Authers note: Hey hey! first fic in what feels like a million years! I definitely have to shake the rust off a bit but this was a fun one to get back into it! I was listening to Waitress at work and got this idea so i ran with it. Honestly not much of the actual relationship, theres a lot of set up and other characters but I think I may do a part two if this does well :)
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Jason Grace was a busy man. Going between camps, building shrines to all the minor gods, serving as Pontifex Maximus, taking trips to Olympus to meet deities, and head counselor duties. Everyone knew he had no time on his schedule. His friends were lucky if they could get him to spare an hour to catch up, much less get him to a bonfire. So why on earth is it that Jason Grace would take upwards of two hours out of his day, three days a week, to walk out of camp and go to who knows where?
Leo was determined to find out. He’d watched Jason sneak off for the past month, and he was sick of wondering. He tried to bring it up but just got a red-faced muttered excuse about it’s just a walk in the woods and I have to finish my work before he'd disappeared into his cabin.
“I think we’re lost,” Percy said, stopping suddenly and causing Piper to almost slam into his back.
“We are not lost!” Leo exclaimed, “I swear he went this way,” 
“We’re miles from camp,” Piper butt in, “he could be anywhere,” she crossed her arms and glared at Leo. 
“We should turn back before someone notices we’re gone,” Annabeth added, looking up and down the road they were on. Leo had seen Jason sneaking off just before lunch and had convinced his friends to follow him. Now, here they were, on some back road heading through the woods surrounding the camp a mile and a half away from the border.
“Guys, c'mon! Don’t you want to know where he’s been going!” Leo turned back to the group. “He can’t have gotten far.” He kept walking backward in the same direction they’d been heading for the past 10 minutes. For a little while, they could see Jason walking along the side of the road, far ahead, but they’d kept their distance so he wouldn’t notice them. Then he made a turn at an intersection, and they’d lost sight of him. 
“Maybe he really is just out for a walk?” Piper offered.
Leo hualted now, “For two hours? No way, he’s definitely up to something out here.” He stared at the group, waiting for someone to disagree. No one did. It was definitely unusual behavior from the son of Jupiter to take so much time away from his work.
“We’ve been walking for 25 minutes. I say we go 5 more and then head back,” Annabeth spoke up, sending Leo a you owe me glance. 
“Perfect, 5 minutes!” Leo returned an appreciative smile before turning on his heel and continuing down the road with his friends in tow.
They rounded a corner a minute later, and Leo couldn’t help the I told you so grin that came across his face. In front of them, just a few more meters down the road was a genuine 1950s-style roadside diner with the name The Doo-Wop Diner plastered over the door. “See!” Leo pointed triumphantly, “Now imagine if we had turned back when you quitters had wanted to,” 
The group walked up to the diner, rolling their eyes at Leo’s antics. They peered in through the windows that lined the front. It was cute, with pastel blue on the walls, 50s-style booths, a jukebox in the corner, and a countertop bar.
“Is he even in there?” Percy asked, huddled next to Annabeth and scanning the restaurant.
“He’s got to be,” Leo squinted from Annabeth's other side.
“There he is!” Annabeth pointed to the far end of the bar where Jason was sitting. He had a cup of coffee and an open book in front of him.
“What’s he doing in there?” Leo asked as if any of them knew. “He walks all the way out here for ‘New York's best black coffee’?” He read off the sign in the window. 
The group looked at him for another minute in deliberation before Piper let out a quiet gasp. “It’s not the coffee he’s here for,” she was staring at something on the other end of the restaurant with wide, knowing eyes. “Look,”
When the three others looked back at Jason, they saw a soft, almost nervous smile on his face while he gave a slight wave. When they followed his gazeto the other side of the resturant, they all came to the same conclusion that Piper had. Jason Grace had walked nearly thirty minutes away from camp to a rinky-dink old diner on the side of the road to see you.
You were dressed in a 1950s waitress uniform and serving some of that aforementioned black coffee to an old couple. When you caught sight of Jason, your face lit up, and you waved back. As soon as you finished pouring the coffee, you brought the pot over to where Jason was sitting, even though he still had a full cup in front of him. The four standing outside were frozen in place as they watched the two inside interact. 
“Hey!” You said as you approached. The smile you had on now was so much more genuine than your usual customer service smile. “I missed you last week,”
Jason’s smile mirrored your own as he put a napkin between the pages of his book to mark his place. “Hey. Yeah, sorry, I had a last minute thing, uh, out of town, I had to do,” he had been called back to Camp Jupiter to resolve a minor god conflict and hadn’t been able to come in at his usual time. 
“Ooo, more of your mystery out-of-town work?” He’d mentioned it several times but, for obvious reasons, couldn’t tell you the whole story, and being the golden boy he was, he couldn’t bring himself to flat-out lie. “Is it something illegal?” You asked.
Jason let out a laugh at that. “It’s definitely not illegal.” He pushed his glasses back into place. 
“Are you sure? Because based on what you’ve told me, it’s out of town, it’s odd hours, it’s highly secretive, and it’s hard work.” You listed things out, counting them on your fingers. “You’re either selling drugs or possibly a secret agent.” You finished with wide, questioning eyes.
He laughed again at your list. You always had a way of putting his mind at ease. When it was swimming in work, and he couldn’t think straight, you always managed to bring him back to sanity. “It’s all boring, I promise. I’d much rather be here.” 
Your grin returned. “Oh really? I didn’t know you held our fine establishment in such high regard.” While you spoke, the cook rang a harsh bell and shouted, "Order up!”
“Thanks, Cal,” You called while you grabbed the two burger plates from the kitchen and walked them around the counter to deposit them at a table nearby. Jason watched you while you worked, the soft smile never once leaving his face as you handed out napkins and refilled some water. 
Once you were back, the conversation picked up exactly where it had left off. “It has its selling points,” he mused. The other half of that sentence, mostly about cute waitresses with the brightest smiles and the prettiest eyes, stayed caught in his throat. The pair slipped into an easy routine they’d established long ago. Jason would sit and drink his coffee while you bustled around, taking orders, running food, cleaning the occasional spill, all the while keeping up a steady stream of small talk. 
It was a mutually beneficial relationship. You got a bit of conversation to distract from the monotony of your work, and his blue eyes always seemed to make your day go smoother. Jason got a much-needed break from everything Greco-Roman. At camp, he always had so much responsibility, and so many expectations were weighing him down. Here, he didn’t have to worry about all that. You didn’t know who his dad was or what quests he’d been on, and you didn’t care. You liked him for him and not for the hero he was supposed to be. 
You returned to your spot across from him and picked up a rag to look like you were still doing something. “Have you told anyone at that camp of yours about this place?” You knew Camp Half-Blood existed. You also knew it wasn't anywhere close to normal based on the folks that came through, but they had the best strawberries even in the off-season, so you didn’t ask many questions.
“No way. Trust me, you do not want them coming here,” Jason had told you about his friends, minus a few details, but he had always emphasized that they were trouble.
“Uh huh, so then, who's staring at us from the window?” You asked with a sideways grin on your face.
“What?” Jason wiped his head around in time to see four panicked faces duck below the window sill outside. “Oh, by all the gods!” He muttered angrily under his breath and made a beeline for the door. “I’ll be right back,” he called to you, knowing you’d watch his book and half cup of coffee.
“Take your time,” you called back as he pushed open the door and stepped outside. 
For a second, all the demigods stared at each other without moving. Four crouched on the ground, wishing he hadn’t seen them, and one glaring at the group from above. Jason grabbed the front of Leo’s shirt and hoisted him up so he stood with his hands raised in surrender. “What are you doing here,” he hissed.
“Hey! Calm down, calm down,” Leo tried a friendly smile but was met with a glare. “We just, uh went for a walk?” He offered an explanation that sounded more like a question
“Wrong answer,” Jason sent his glare at the other three. “Did you all follow me?” He let Leo go and took a step back so he could glare at everyone all at once instead of having to shift his gaze.
“Leo made us come,” Piper threw him under the bus.
“Oh gee, thanks, beauty queen. It's nice to know where your loyalties lie.” Leo shot back, adjusting his shirt front.
Percy gave Jason a sly grin. “We were curious, but we never would have come if we knew you had a secret girlfriend out here,”
“She is not my girlfriend!” Jason cut him off. 
Percy put up his own hands, “Sorry, secret crush,” he corrected.
“She isn't! I don't-” Jason was full-on flustered now.
“Does that mean she’s up for grabs?” Leo asked. He looked back inside before getting smacked upside the back of the head by Annabeth. “What? She cute!”
When Jason looked back through the window he caught your eye and you sent him a questioning, yet very amused, glace. Jason had a bit of panic at that and quickly moved to usher the four away from the window and back towards the road. “Absolutely not! First of all, she’s a person; she can’t be up for grabs, and secondly, you can’t meet her!”
“What? Why not, she seems nice,” Annabeth asked.
“She is nice! And she's normal, and she doesn’t need to know any of you,” Jason managed to get them all about 10 feet from the front door. “Go back to camp. Just follow this road east for a mile, turn right at the second intersection, go straight for another half-mile, and you’ll see the border.” Jason gave the hurried directions and prayed to whichever god would listen that they’d all just leave.
“Whoa, man, we walked all the way out here, and now you're just gonna send us away?” Leo asked, putting a hand over his chest in fake offense.
“Yes,” Jason shot back flatly.
Piper spoke up next, “Wait, what’s her name? How long have you been coming here? How’d you even find this place? Does she like you back? It looked like she did.”
“Really?” Jason asked before shaking his head and focusing again. “I mean, I am not answering that,” he was still trying to shew the group away, but clearly, it wasn’t working. 
“Well, do they have good food here?” Percy added
“I saw ‘Breakfast all day’ on one of the signs,” Annabeth walked around Jason and back towards the door.
“And that burger meal she brought out looked really good,” Leo added. The four demigods went right past Jason and headed for the front door. 
“No, no, no, no, no,” Jason muttered as his friends ignored him and went in. “This is not good,” he said to himself, following the group back inside. They obviously had no intention of leaving, and he figured the next best course of action would be to simply die of shame. He knew this day would come; someone would catch him sneaking off, and his best-kept secret would become his worst nightmare. He just didn’t think it’d be so soon.
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Ahhhh first fic in a long ass time, its not my best work but personally I liked the plot so I got a little carried away and might have to make a part 2
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kaiijo · 6 months
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pairing: portgas d. ace x gn! reader content: canon-typical depictions of injury and blood notes: after months of obsession, finally a one piece post
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Your eyes drift to the open ocean again, watching the horizon with a hawk-like awareness. You shouldn’t be this distracted, not when you need to be formulating a strategy to propose to Whitebeard and the rest of the Division Commanders. 
“You know he’s going to be fine,” Marco reminds you for what feels like the millionth time, giving you that same, knowing look. 
You nod back. “Yeah, I do,” you reply but you can hear the tightness in your tone and the voice in your head reminds you that he’s been gone three days longer than expected. 
You know that Ace is one of the strongest members of the crew; it’s the reason Whitebeard promoted him so quickly to Division Commander, the reason your captain sends him on solo missions often. It certainly doesn’t hurt that he has the power of the Flame-Flame fruit, but even the strongest of pirates have been beaten — Gol D. Roger being a perfect example.
You see a dot in the distance, which grows bigger as it draws closer. You hope it’s Ace but you put your crewmates on alert, just in case. To your utter relief, you recognize the yellow of Ace’s Striker but the relief is short-lived as he comes into focus. He’s gripping the boat’s mast, cuts and dark bruises marring his tanned skin. You don’t think twice as you jump off the side of the Moby Dick, landing steadily on the bow of the Striker. 
Ace shoots you a signature lopsided smile, though it’s a bit pinched. “Don’t think you asked permission to board.”
You sigh and roll your fondly, trying to quell your racing heart as you slip an arm around his shoulders. His own arm drapes across your shoulders as the crew hoists the two of you up. With a cursory glance over him, Marco says, “Let’s get you to the infirmary.”
Ace untangles himself from you as soon as his feet land on the deck. “I’m fine, Doc,” he says. The way he stumbles a little as he tries to right himself and the blood slowly dripping from the deepest laceration at his shoulder doesn’t help his case. 
Marco levels him with a stern look and a firm grasp on his uninjured shoulder, both of which make Ace sigh in acquiescence and follow Marco down into the ship. You chew on your lip, about to follow, but Thatch says, “Let Marco work. We’ve got a Division meeting. Check on Ace after.”
You glance one more time at the way the two men left before following Thatch to the captain’s quarters. 
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You’re hurrying down the steps towards the infirmary as soon as the meeting ends. You’re not even really sure what you all discussed. You can only assume it’s something about swords and cannons and the Marines, and you’ll get Thatch or Izou to catch you up on it later but you have more pressing concerns right now. 
You nearly collide with Marco in your rush. “Sorry,” you say breathlessly. “How is he?”
Marco peers down at you through his glasses, half-amused, and answers, “Good. He’s been whining about not seeing you and it’s my duty to keep patients happy. So…” He slides over and you open the door. 
Ace is wrapped in gauze and bandages, reclined grumpily in one of the infirmary beds. His face lights up when he sees you and he tries to sit up, wincing when he does. “Don’t get up,” you say, pulling the chair that is next to his bed closer to it. You adjust the pillow and unconsciously reach up to brush a stray strand of hair from his eyes. They follow your motion and when you realize that he’s now staring at your face, you quickly drop your hand. 
There are so many questions racing through your head but the first, and most logical, one is: “What happened?”
Ace groans and huffs, “Got ambushed. Thought I was finished collecting intel and let my guard down a little too early.” When he sees you studying the dressing Marco wrapped around him, he nudges you with his elbow. “You should’ve seen the other guy.”
It makes you laugh a little and in turn, Ace’s smile grows wider. “You know,” he says, leaning close. You hold your breath as he puts his face only an inch or two away from yours. “I’ve always heard that a kiss makes everything hurt less.”
He wiggles his eyebrows teasingly, a mischievous glint shining in his dark eyes. You gulp down the knot that has formed in your stomach and your cheeks are on fire. He smells like sea salt and the open sky. You can count every freckle that dots his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. Ace’s smile falters when you don’t answer and he jerks back, stumbling over his words. “It’s no pressure or anything! It’s just something I’ve—”
Plucking up all your courage, you shift forward and move quickly so you don’t lose your nerve. Gently, you let your lips brush against the worst of his injuries: the cut in his right shoulder. You draw away swiftly and when you survey his face, you push down the pleasant warmth in your belly at the way his face goes red.
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i-yap · 13 days
Can I get your thoughts on a gn reader who’s dating Grayson and is like a parent figure or older sibling to Damien, so they have a soft spot for him ( so does Damien ) ?
Dick grayson x gn!y/n x platonic!Damian
this is my first time writing a gn reader so like I'm sorry if I write something stupid or offensive, just comment it and ill fix it.
if you are dating dick then damian will stalk you extensively at first. Dick is his favorite sibling ( in most comics) and if dick is serious about you, stalking is just how the batfam shows love.
He will be rude , he will be mean and sarcastic but dick warned you and you understand where dami's coming from. So you kindly and patiently deal with him and dick obviously doesn't let Dami cross the line when it comes to you.
One night dick had to rush out for a really scary mission and told you to stay at the manor because its the safest place to be.
Damian was the only other person that was left behind since the mission required everyone else on the team and bruce did not think damian was ready for such a high risk mission just yet.
so damian was really frustrated and also worried for the rest of the family. you walk past Dami's room to see him staring off in the distance while fidgeting or biting his nails. You ask alfred for a chess set ( or any other board/card game) and bring it to dami's room. While playing , he opens up about his frustrations and you patiently listen . Not a lot of people in his family are as warm and caring as you are ( maybe dick but even he is really busy)
After that night the roles are reversed. Now damian thinks dick is undeserving of you and his snarky comments are directed to him. You just find it funny while dick is left confused. "I thought he liked me more man, why the sudden switch?" " he got enlightened dickie boy muhahah" " you are mind controlling him arent you"
One-on-one time in the manor- haha dick wishes. So he tries only calling you when dami is at school or training or patrol. ofc you and dami catch on soon which means you and dami chasing him with katanas.
talking about katanas, dami loves showing you his art and his pets and if you share an interest in either of them he gets even more excited.
you and dick become dami's honorary parents. might as well adopt him since bruce and talia are obviously not doing a very good job ( in most comics) .
whenever dami is mad at bruce or simply upset or bored he comes to you and dick's apartment. You and dick are the fun warm loving couple that spend the night playing board games and watching stupid movies . you introduce him to all the major pop culture shows and movies and dick teaches him how to just dance randomly. your apartment is so different from the gloomy , filled with blood stains, fights and training manor. its filled with music and love and warm lights cooking together in funny pjs and dancing badly to pop songs.
it is watching you and dick that dami realizes what love is supposed to look like. and what a normal household looks like( sort of normal) and it affects the way he grows up. I wont be surprised if he comes to you for parents teacher meeting days or to sign his field trips or for advice on normal things
and the canon where dami is being bullied in school, while you go full on protective mode ,dick tries teaching him how to be better in social situations.
overall dami is just counting down days dick marries you and you'all unofficially adopt him.
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flowerandblood · 3 days
The Fall from the Heavens (37)
[ canon • Aemond x Strong • niece female ]
[ warnings: angst, attempted murder, descriptions of wounds and their effects, descriptions of the fight ]
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[ description: A cool distance turns into friendship and more when two children see that they can find refuge and understanding in each other. However, naïve dreams collide with the reality in which every event has consequences and what once could have been love becomes a dark, newly painful obsession. Angst, sexual tension, obsession, violence, madness, very dark Aemond. ]
The story in this series is an alternate reality from the oneshot Stay and love, leave and die, in which Aemond reads the letters his niece has sent to him over the years. They are the same characters and it shows what would have happened between them − I have changed the background story from their childhood slightly for the sake of the plot.
Characters & Series Moodboard Lady Strong Moodboard Aemond & Lady Strong Moodboard Aemond & Lady Strong Childhood
Remember to read Alys POV before this chapter: click
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
Jace's presence in Harrenhal was making him furious – although he was staying in his chamber, offended apparently at the whole world, he was irritated by the very fact that it was unclear when he intended to return to Dragonstone. His wife noticed his sullen mood and, to his satisfaction, decided to speak with her brother. What he heard when she returned to their quarters, however, shocked him more than relieved him.
"What?" He asked, hearing that this fool intended to take Alys Rivers with him.
"He fucks her?" He sneered, raising his eyebrows in amusement. His wife sighed heavily, burying her face in her hand, exhausted.
"I don't know. He didn't refer to her as his mistress, just his relative. Which in our family, unfortunately, leaves a lot of room for interpretation, as you know, uncle." She muttered, stroking her slightly rounded belly as she walked slowly to the window. He involuntarily chuckled at her words, shaking his head.
One of the things he had treasured about her since childhood was the irony she was able to frame with her own characteristic gentleness.
"He was seeing her without your permission?" He asked lowly, looking down at his fingers. His niece sighed heavily.
"Are you going to leave this insult unanswered?"
"I don't have the strength for it, Aemond. Let him do what he wants. He plans to leave for Dragonstone tomorrow morning."
He hummed under his breath, spreading out comfortably in his chair, satisfied.
They both shuddered as one of the guards walked into his chamber without warning. The man bowed before them.
"What is it?" He asked coldly.
"Your Grace. We have come across the trail of Larys Strong."
He got up from his seat and nodded at the man to come closer, feeling his heart pounding like mad.
"Lord Strong was seen an hour's ride on horseback from Harrenhal. Someone noticed people moving around in the ruins of the old fortress at night and recognised a man limping on one leg among them." The man replied.
He pressed his lips together in contentment, thinking that the moment had arrived when he would finally be able to cut off the head of this viper and throw it to his wife at her feet.
"Assemble the troop. We leave at nightfall."
His wife watched from the sidelines as he and his commanders discussed how to plan their expedition.
He decided he would fly on Vhagar to raze Lord Strong to the ground.
"What if it's a trap? Doesn't that seem too easy to you?" She muttered uncertainly, stroking her lower abdomen in a nervous gesture with her trembling hand, looking up at him with her big eyes. He stared at her wordlessly, fastening the buckles of his leather coat, changing into his riding attire.
"I'm sure it's a trap. Nevertheless, it won't be much of one if I burn them alive." He hummed, grasping her face in his hands, placing a lingering, wet kiss on her forehead. He heard her swallow hard, stroking his shoulder.
"The fire won't reach him if he's hiding underground. Perhaps it would be better if I flew with you?"
Her suggestion made him boil with rage.
"I think you have completely lost your mind." He said coldly, his pupil narrowing dangerously in frustration.
"I will assign you my most trusted guards to look after our quarters. You are not to leave them until I return. Do you understand?" He asked drily, impatient.
She nodded her head.
His hands cupped her warm cheeks as he leaned in to place a comforting, tender kiss on her sweet lips, but he stopped in mid-motion when the door to his chamber opened.
He turned over his shoulder, frustrated, and saw Jace before his eyes. His nephew was breathing heavily, looking at him with wide eyes.
"I fly with you."
He snorted at his words, dropping his hands in a gesture of helplessness.
Gods, give me fucking patience, he thought.
"Don't make me laugh. Take your whore back where you came from, and get out of my sight." He growled, his wife lowered her gaze in horror and embarrassment. Her brother clamped his mouth shut at his words, furious.
"He wanted to kill my sister."
"Then stay with her and protect her as befits a man."
"I'm not going to stay here while you fight!" Jace exclaimed.
"So this is as always about your pride? Hm?" He hissed, dimly recalling the day he, Aegon and Luke had brought him a pig, finding it amusing that they could humiliate him so easily.
It was always about making him feel better at someone else's expense.
He walked towards him, towering over him, wanting to show him who was the rider of the greatest dragon in the world, who had the last word.
"You are our guest, nephew, and you are straining my patience. I tolerate you only for the sake of my wife and my child in her womb."
"My aunt saw a sea of blood in her dream. She thinks something is going to happen there. I want to take revenge on the man who tried to poison my little sister and her child. I ask you, uncle, to let me fly with you."
He looked at him for a moment, hesitating.
The witch's words made him feel uneasy and he didn't know what he thought about it himself.
"Aemond. Please." His wife mumbled, looking at him pleadingly, her fingers clenched on her stomach.
He licked his lips impatiently, sighed heavily and nodded.
The guard who had informed them of Lord Strong's location had shown his troop on the map where the fortress was, so he ordered his nephew to simply fly after him.
Soaring into the skies on the mighty Vhagar, he felt shivers, cold and discomfort running along his spine, some premonition and anxiety from which he was all tense and vigilant.
My aunt saw a sea of blood in her dream.
On the dragon's back they would have reached their destination faster than his soldiers, so they simply circled above them, adjusting their flight speed to maintain the effect of surprise.
After many minutes, he spotted a small, abandoned fortress, or rather its ruins, in the distance and pressed his lips together at the thought that fire couldn't do anything here – the stronghold was made of stone and they, according to his wife's words, were probably hiding underground.
They wasted no time and landed, heading inside immediately with they troop and torches – he ordered his soldiers to search thoroughly all the rooms of the fortress, himself with his nephew and his commanders descending into the underground, feeling the cold sweat on his back.
There were no signs of anyone's presence, the keep looked like it had been abandoned for years.
Something was wrong, he could feel it, and after a moment he heard the voice of one of the men behind him.
"Long live King Aegon!"
He only had time to turn around when he heard the sound of blades being drawn, one of the commanders swinging a dagger, intent on slitting his shocked nephew's throat. Jace lowered his torch, terrified, taking a few steps back.
"NO!" He shouted, furious, sliding his sword out, wanting to step in front of him and shield him, however, the other soldier stepped in his way.
"Do not protect this traitor, my Prince."
Without thinking about what he was actually doing, with one sweeping swish of his sword he decapitated the man, whose head fell with a loud thud to the ground. Not looking at his inert body, he rushed to the aid of his nephew, who drew his sword and tried to defend himself, pale and trembling with fear.
"UNCLE!" He called out in despair like a small child, trying to push one of his opponents away – there was something in his expression, in his dark eyebrows arched in terror and fear, in his bright eyes that reminded him of her.
He thought they resembled each other when he pushed him away and felt someone's dagger thrust into his back – he drew in a loud breath as he looked at his face full of disbelief, thinking he should have listened to her.
"NO!" He heard Jace shout, throwing himself towards him as he fell to his knees, his soldiers moved away, horrified, looking at him in disbelief.
"Gods, what have you done?" Shouted one of them, the other began to run away, followed by the others, throwing their torches to the ground, clearly afraid of what would befall them for what had happened.
The stab of that blade was not meant for him.
He clutched at his wound and hissed, feeling immense, burning pain, his warm blood beginning to run down his back. He heard the neighing of horses in the distance and then someone's screams as his nephew knelt beside him, trying to lift him up.
"– fuck – fuck,fuck,fuck,FUCK! –" Cursed Jace on the verge of crying, clamping his hand over his wound, trying to stop the bleeding.
He thought, breathing heavily, terrified and shocked that he would die here, abandon her even though he had promised himself he would never leave her again.
"– I want to see her face one more time –" He muttered in a trembling voice, afraid of what could come, afraid of death, afraid of what his family would do with her when he was gone.
If they believe it was Jace who killed him, that this was all a trap set for his life.
"– you'll, uncle – come on – just don't fall asleep –" Jace gasped, throwing his arm over his neck in an attempt to rise with him. He shuddered and drew in a breath as a stocky, bearded man rushed in, panting heavily, his palms in blood.
He looked at them with wide eyes as if he had seen a ghost, holding a torch in his hand.
"Good gods." He muttered.
He couldn't remember much of what happened next – he felt the man helping Jace lead him outside, all around him the screams of men being butchered like animals on the orders of the man who had come to their aid.
He felt it was getting harder and harder for him to keep his eyes open, his head was humming, warm blood running down his leg.
"– just a little more – don't fall asleep, uncle – don't fall asleep –" He heard Jace's voice as if in the distance.
He closed his eyelid, praying to the gods to protect his wife if they decided his time had come, to let her give birth to his child without pain, to let her see Essos as he had promised her.
He hissed loudly as someone picked him up and then began to pull him onto something rough – he felt someone slide him into the saddle, and then someone's figure sat behind him before rising into the sky a moment later, the crisp, chilly night breeze cooling his hot face.
"– don't fall asleep, uncle – hold on –" He heard his nephew's pleading voice and hummed sleepily under his breath, remembering her face.
When he closed his eyes, he saw her standing in front of him, terrified and flooded with tears then, when he lost his eye.
He felt a similar pain, though not in his face, and had trouble concentrating, her words seeming to him to be mere mumbles coming from afar.
"– I'm with you – you won't die – you won't die –"
He shuddered and opened his eyes, a loud hiss came from his throat as he felt a stinging, deep pain in his back. The sound he made woke up the person who was apparently lying next to him – she had risen, but in the darkness of the chamber he could not see her face, however, he immediately recognised her scent.
"– Rhaenys –" He muttered, trying to lift his hand towards her, but he was unable to and it fell numbly to the bedding.
"– I am here, my beloved –" He heard her whisper beside him, her gentle, soft hand touching his hot cheek.
He sighed quietly, feeling a squeeze in his heart and throat at the thought that she was not disgusted by him, that she still loved him despite the fact that he would forever be crippled.
"– I knew you would come –" He said quietly, seeing her silhouette leaning over him as if through a mist, her puffy, moist lips placed a kiss on his forehead.
"– do you still want to marry me? –" He asked with difficulty, breathing hard, feeling that through the fever his eye were closing again, but he needed to hear it.
He needed to be sure that the great scar he would have on his face from now on and the absence of his eye did not cross him out as her future lover and husband.
Her figure froze, her thumb stroking his jaw.
"– uncle – we are married – I'm expecting your child –" She whispered in a trembling voice, gently grasping his wrist, guiding his hand to her slightly rounded lower abdomen.
He swallowed hard, furrowing his brow, and then looked at her, suddenly understanding, feeling tears burning under his eyelids, involuntarily smiling.
"– I have married you –"
"– yes, my love – I am your wife and you are my husband –" She said softly, leaning towards him, her sweet, moist lips pressed against his in a warm, tender kiss, from which his heart thumped harder in his chest.
"– you promised me that you would take me to Essos – you can't leave me now –" She mumbled out in a breaking voice, nuzzling her forehead against his, her gentle hands stroking tenderly his heated, sweaty cheek.
"– never, my sweetest – never –"
He whispered, feeling calm, and after a moment a quiet, warm darkness enveloped him.
When he woke up again, he was blinded by the brightness; he hissed and raised his hand, trying to cover his face. He heard someone get up from a chair and walk over to the bed, sitting down next to him on the sheets.
"– Aemond –" He heard his mother's voice and blinked, running his hand over his face, wondering if it was a dream. Her familiar fingers caught his wrist, squeezing it tightly, as if she needed to make sure he was really awake.
"– my son –" She muttered in a trembling voice. He lowered his hand and saw her face, pale and swollen from the tears she had clearly had to shed over his bed for days.
He could not remember what had happened and why he felt such a terrible pain in his back.
"– where am I? –" He choked out, sighing heavily, tilting his head back, feeling like his skull was about to burst.
"– in Harrenhal – you had a fever for days and were delirious –" She explained, taking his hand in hers, stroking it affectionately. "– I arrived as soon as I found out – Daemon is here too –"
He swallowed hard, memory after memory regaining his awareness of what had happened, Jace's terrified face and the blade stuck in his back.
Don't fall asleep, uncle.
He looked at her in horror, looking around.
"– where is Rhaenys? –" He asked, tense and concerned that she was not by his side, that perhaps someone was trying to hurt her while he lay in bed, unaware of anything. His mother furrowed her brow and shook her head.
"– who? –" She asked, as if she didn't understand what he meant.
He felt a cold sweat on his back at the thought that her silhouette lying by his side was merely a figment of his fever-ignited imagination.
"– my niece –" He muttered. His mother nodded, and it was only then that he realised that no one but him had called her by that name.
"– she sleeps – she stayed by your side for days and nights, but we feared it would harm both her and the baby – her brother persuaded her to rest –" She explained, stroking his hand with hers.
He closed his eyelid, feeling incredibly, wonderfully relieved at her words.
"What happened?"
His mother pressed her lips together, lowering her head.
"Your wife sent a letter to your brother-king. It appeared that Lord Strong, in consultation with your grandfather, wished to deprive Rheanyra of her two children and her dragons in one fell swoop. While Jace was to be murdered away from the fortress, your niece was to be abducted so that your grandfather could pact with you for you to join the war, but with the help of Alys Rivers she hid in her chamber."
He stared at her with wide-open eye, feeling a squeeze in his throat and discomfort in his stomach, a cold sweat running down his back.
Your niece was about to be abducted so that your grandfather could pact with you for you to join the war.
"They wanted Daemon and Rhaenyra to believe that it was you who betrayed them. That you had such a plan all along, to take revenge on her for your eye."
She whispered, looking at him with a sad, tired look.
Only after a moment did he realise that his mother's gown was black.
"Your brother-king sentenced my father to death."
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hugmekenobi · 15 days
S3: The Bad Batch (9)
Chapter Nine: The Harbinger
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Gif by @barissoffee
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Series Summary: Ever since Eriadu, Clone Force 99 had been a fractured squad. Months have passed but you're finally back with the Batch but Omega is still out there and you won't stop until you find her again.
Chapter Summary: As you're all awaiting word from Fennec, an unwelcome but familiar face comes to your aid
Masterlist for S1 and S2
<Previous Chapter
Genre: Friends (idiots) to Lovers (we're in the lovers stage now)
Chapter Warnings: Canon-typical violence, swearing, angst (reader and Omega fall out), fluff, limited (y/n), Ventress and reader get into it a bit, brief mention of blood, emotional hurt/comfort, nickname (sweetheart), reader being described as strong cause Hunter can't get enough of that lol, kissing
Word Count: 9K
Author's notes: Yet another chapter that gave me more trouble than I would've liked but I think it came out alright! Yet again @burningfieldof-clover came to my aid and I appreciate it sm! Hope you reader enjoy!
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It was an unusually gloomy day by Pabu standards. Fog and dark clouds cast a shadow over the island but that didn’t stop the people from going about their jobs.
“Well, that’s the last of it.” Wrecker said as he lowered the crate for Crosshair to finish transporting into the sailboat. “Go catch something big to eat!” He tossed the fishing line to the fisherwoman.
“You got it, Wrecker.” She replied cheerily. “Thanks for the help, Crosshair.”
Crosshair only acknowledged the thanks with a grunt and toss of his head as he walked off.
Wrecker gave Crosshair’s shoulder a playful slap. “Aw, look at that. You made a new friend.”
“We checked the ship’s comms. Still no word from Fennec.” You said as you and Hunter came down the stairs to join the other two at the docks.
“Since when do we wait around for intel?” Crosshair queried.
You suddenly had one too many horrible flashbacks to your time with Cid.
“Well, she’s the only lead we have. If her contact can tell us what an M-count is besides what we already roughly know, we might figure out why the Empire’s targeting both Omega and you.” Hunter explained with a glance in your direction.
“We already know why they’d be after me. It’s Omega…” You trailed off as you saw the look Hunter was giving you. The two of had gone round and round in this debate since Teth when you’d also appeared on that target register. You maintained the position that you were unrelated to Omega and Hemlock so you shouldn’t be a priority, but Hunter thought that it was too risky to assume that now and so you both needed to be careful.
“Besides, does it matter? We’re not handing them over.” Crosshair said resolutely.
You inclined your head in both thanks and agreement at the sentiment.
“Can’t be prepared if we don’t know what we’re dealing with.” Hunter said before the four of you set off to go find Omega.
“Batcher, wait!” Omega called after the hound as she ran off down the beach, but the dog paid her words no attention.
Omega jogged after her to see her come to a sudden stop and her whines were filled with anxiety. “Batcher? What is it? What’s wrong?” She asked as she gave Batcher some reassuring pats.
Batcher turned towards the dark cave and let out a low growl.
Omega brought out her torch and examined it. “It’s just the cavern. We’ve been in there plenty of times.” But the dog seemed insistent that something was amiss. “Okay, okay, I’ll check it out.”
Omega wandered further into the cavern, and it was then that she came across something very peculiar. “Where did that come from?” She thought aloud as she stared at the unfamiliar ship in the cave. She ran up to give it a closer inspection, but Batcher’s retreating whines made her turn around. “Batcher? Where are you going?” She hissed but a chill ran down her spine as she turned and shone her light on the stranger that appeared.
“Hunter.” Crosshair pointed in the direction of Batcher who came running out in the distance, barking urgently in your direction.
“Where’s Omega?” You voiced worriedly.
The four of you didn’t wait to come up with an answer, instead you ran to meet up with Batcher and you came to a pause as you saw a strange woman dragging Omega out of the cavern.
“I wasn’t doing anything!” Omega grunted as she tried to loosen the stranger’s grip on her. “Let me go!”
“Hey! Let her go!” Wrecker ordered as you all made your way down to the cavern entrance.
“You heard her. Let her go.” Hunter repeated, his voice a low threat.
But you weren’t paying attention to the hold the woman had on Omega.
Instead, you took in her face as she stepped into the light and your heart stopped as you stared at the figure. She may have grown her hair out but there was no mistaking what you saw.
There was no mistaking the disturbance you sensed in the Force.
You recognised that face.
You recognised that raspy, sultry voice.
But what you couldn’t comprehend was the fact that she was actually standing in front of you.
You’d heard word that she’d died.
It may have been a futile gesture because if you could recognise her, she probably recognised you, but you moved your lightsaber out of sight anyway. You didn’t want to give her the temptation and you didn’t want to endanger the others with the confrontation that could unleash.
The figure subtly flicked her eyes over to you but said nothing. It wasn’t the right time yet. Instead, she responded to the clone’s demands. “Gladly.” She released her hold on the child.
Omega dashed over to the four of you.
“You know, for a rogue squad who are trying to lay low, you’re failing spectacularly.” She commented, unimpressed with the group in front of her. “Especially that one.” She looked down at the kid.
“And who are you?” Crosshair asked guardedly.
“Fennec sent me.”
“We never gave her our coordinates. How’d you find us?” Hunter questioned.
“I have my ways. I hear you’ve been asking questions about M-count.” She came closer to you all and crossed her arms. “Very reckless to inquire about such things. It attracts the wrong kind of attention.”
“And why is that?”
“That’s the real question, isn’t it?” She shot back. “First, tell me why you want this information.” But she was met with a firm silence. “Consider it my payment.”
“We already paid Fennec for the intel.” Hunter said.
“Not my problem. Either talk or I go.”
No one talk, no one talk. You begged internally as the others all crossed their arms and stayed quiet.
“It’s for a friend.” Omega said hastily.
It took a lot of willpower to hold back the expletives than ran through your head.
“The Empire’s after her, and she thinks it’s because of some M-count experiment they’re doing.” Omega continued, stumbling slightly over the words. “But we don’t know what that means.” She didn’t divulge what you’d already theorised and dismissed because that could endanger you.
You loved Omega, but fuck did you wish she could be a little better at lying. You then noticed the icy blue ices flit towards you again, but it was so quick, you knew the others hadn’t picked up on it.
“It’s something in the blood. Everyone has it, but at varying levels. Those with a high count, were believed to be more capable of wielding the Force.”
“The Force? You mean Jedi.” Hunter realised. He and Crosshair closed ranks whilst Wrecker put his hands protectively on Omega’s shoulders.
You stayed rooted to the spot, but felt the confused glances being sent your way and no wonder- that had been the one thing you’d ruled out instantly and now it was being suggested again. There was no way you’d been that blind… you couldn’t have been that blind to something like this, could you?
“You’re saying I’m a Jedi?” Omega gasped excitedly before she realised that she’d already given the lie away. Then another type of realisation hit her. She looked over at you only to find you frozen where you were, the only sign of life being the look of alarm on your face. “Wait-”
“Of course not. Your blood doesn’t make you a Jedi. You’d have to be trained for that. And I’ve never known a clone to be Force-sensitive. But clearly, none of you are normal.”
Okay, that was supporting what you’d already said at least.
“You got that right.” Wrecker said proudly.
“The Kaminoans did make millions of you. So I suppose it’s possible. But if you do have a high M-count, consider yourself warned. The Empire will hunt you down.”
Again, those eyes darted between you and Omega.
“There’s your intel.” She finished and turned to walk away.
Omega shrugged out of Wrecker’s hold and darted in front of her. “Wait!”
“Move, child.”
“So is that why the Empire’s been after me?”
“I can’t determine your midi-chlorian levels without testing you.”
“Then test me. I can handle it.” Omega insisted.
Your stomach dropped to your feet and your blood ran cold as you heard those words. “No.” You blurted out.
The others all looked at you in surprise since that was the first time you’d spoken or moved since arriving.
“No. You’re not testing her.” You said again, more forcefully this time and you walked closer to the two of them and placed yourself between her and Omega.
“(Y/N), stop.” Omega tried to get you to move but you weren’t budging.
“You should listen to her, child. The truth is rarely comforting.” The woman stalked off and waited further inside the cave. She already knew the outcome of what was to come.
“Why can’t I get tested?” Omega demanded, her brow furrowing in anger as she looked at you.
“Because she’s dangerous!”
“But she wants to help me!”
“She’s not just anyone, Omega. That’s Asajj Ventress and you’re not going near her!” You said protectively.
The name meant nothing to her, and Omega just shook her head. “Or is it because you don’t want me to be like you too?”
In a way you didn’t because you knew the added danger that would put her in, but you knew that wasn’t what she was implying with those words. You took a step back in shock, “No, Omega, I swear I-”
“You never told me about these tests. I need answers and she’s the only one prepared to give them to me! You could have but didn’t!”
And that very fact was going to haunt you. You looked at her imploringly. “Omega, please-”
“I need to know what I am, and you were never going to let me find out.”
Your throat closed up as you heard the betrayal in her voice. “Omega-” You breathed as you attempted to reach for her, but she stepped away from you.
“No. You had your chance.” With that, Omega and went to stand in front of the woman she now knew as Ventress.
“Just remember, you asked for this.” Ventress said to the young clone.
Hunter tried to catch your shoulder, but you just powered past him.
Stay with Omega and do not let her out of your sight. You said to him as you shoved through the rest of them.
Hunter still found himself torn as he watched you leave. He took a half step in your direction before he paused and turned in the direction of Omega and Ventress.
“I’ll go.” Crosshair offered. “We need to check Tech’s files to see if she’s right and you two should stay here first.”
Hunter nodded his thanks before he and Wrecker followed Omega and Ventress into the cavern.
You anxiously paced up and down the corridor of the Marauder. How had you messed up this badly? The answer had been staring you in the face! But instead of covering all your bases, you just rejected it without thinking! In your urge to keep Omega safe, you had done the very opposite and you’d hurt her. The one thing you’d never thought yourself capable of doing and you’d done it. And now you had pushed her in the direction of a Sith assassin! “Fucking dammit!” You shouted as you punched the wall, the emotional turmoil you were experiencing in the Force meant the area you had hit caved in on itself.
“Oh, good. I never liked that wall.” Crosshair drawled as he stepped on board.
You heaved an irritated sigh as you rectified the dented metal. “Why are you here? You need to be back at the cavern.”
“You dropped a pretty big name. We need to make sure you’re right. I mean, we can’t just take your word for it anymore- in case you’ve forgotten why we’re now in this mess.” He added pointedly.  
You turned your head to sharply in his direction, “I’m very fucking aware.” You snarled as you retreated to the cockpit and started pacing again.
“So, you got something wrong, it happens.” Crosshair said nonchalantly as he pulled out Tech’s datapad and brought up his old files.
“This is a pretty big something, Crosshair.” You snapped as you collapsed into a seat in the cockpit, but your leg continued to bounce restlessly. “But it’s definitely Ventress and she shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near Omega.”
“Or you.” Crosshair reminded you as he continued to scroll through the files.
“I don’t fucking matter right now.” You said angrily as you stared at the floor.
“There are four people that would disagree.” Crosshair replied before he went still as he found the correct file. “Well, you can at least say you were right about this.” Crosshair showed you the older image of Ventress but there was no mistaking the similarities. His body language and voice were more serious now.
“Get Omega out of there but do not engage Ventress.” You wished you could go with him, but if you went back in your current emotional state, there was no telling what might happen.
“This is the test?” Omega asked as she struggled to maintain her balance. She had done as Ventress had instructed and stood with her arms out and one legs raised whilst the other foot stood on the wet rock. She was supposed to balance like this and keep the fruit on top of her head, but she kept sliding.
“One of them.” Ventress replied as she stood behind her.
“But the rock is…” Omega grunted as she had to catch her balance again. “…slippery. Can we go someplace else?” But Ventress didn’t answer so she asked another question, “How does standing on one-leg have anything to do with M-count?”
“You’re focused on the wrong things. Stop trying to have balance. Let go of your conscious mind.”
“ ‘Conscious mind’?” Omega repeated. “I don’t even know what that means.”
Ventress merely sighed and caught the fruit mid air as Omega fell forward. “Try again.” She tossed the fruit back to her.
“Come on, Omega! You can do it!” Wrecker cheered supportively as he and Hunter stood further back in the cave.
“Why don’t you two make yourselves scarce?” Ventress requested as she looked at them.
“She doesn’t leave our sight. And neither do you.” Hunter replied coldly.
“How fun for me.” Ventress said dryly as she kept her eyes on them but caught the fruit as Omega fell over. “Again.” She brought her focus back to the kid and gave her the fruit back.
Omega did find herself curious as to how you already knew Ventress and how she was aware of these tests. “Since you know about these tests, you must be a Jedi, right?” She placed the fruit back on her head.
“No, but I know some of their ways.”
Omega’s brow furrowed in confusion. “But how do you-”
Ventress gripped Omega’s jaw and covered her mouth. “Enough questions. Concentrate.”
Omega inhaled and exhaled deeply and worked on grounding herself in the current moment.
Hunter and Wrecker kept their eyes on the two of them as they wandered over to meet Crosshair who had re-entered the cave.
“I checked Tech’s files from the Republic archives. She was right.” He showed the others the screen. “Asajj Ventress.”
Hunter took that in before he got ready with his next question, “And how’s-”
“As you’d expect.” Crosshair responded. “But she’ll be fine once we deal with this.” He said as he jutted his chin over to Ventress.
“Why would a Separatist assassin be helping us?” Wrecker wondered.
“Who says that’s what she’s doing?” Crosshair countered.
The distrust that Ventress had already been sensing from them was now coming to a point and she readied herself for what was about to happen. But first, she needed the kid out of here. “Well? What happened?” She asked as she heard the child fall over yet again.
Omega sighed, “I told you. It’s too slippery.” She gratefully took Ventress’ outstretched hand. “I’ll start over.”
Ventress saw out of the corner of her eye that the three clones had advanced towards her. “No need. We’re moving on to the next test. There’s a weeping maya tree up in the colonnade. Retrieve one of its white blossoms and return before the sun sets.”
“It’s too far away.” Omega protested. “And- well the sun’s already started s-” The look Ventress gave her silenced any further arguments so all that was left to do was start running.
Ventress kept her back to the clones. “Now that she’s gone, let me give you some advice. Whatever you’re planning on doing won’t end well for you. The one that could actually challenge me is no longer with you.” She turned and felt into the Force around them, and the words got reaction she expected, but there was a different type of intensity from the clone with the skull tattoo and that intrigued her. She walked a few paces. “Think carefully. How do you want this to go?” She studied the unfriendly faces. “You asked for my help. Remember?”
“That’s before we realised who you are.” Hunter said. “Now leave.”
“You know, she knew very well who I was, and if she’d done her job right, I wouldn’t need to be here.” Ventress goaded.
“Leave.” Hunter repeated firmly, doing his best to keep his reactions steady.
But he couldn’t control the ripple in the Force around him that Ventress picked up on and she grew even more curious as to the relationship between the two of you. “I’ll consider it, once I’ve finished testing Omega’s abilities.” She saw the shared looks between them and decided it was time to test how far their protectiveness extended. “Or maybe I’ll stick around here a bit longer.”
“Wrong. Get in your ship and go. Before we make you.” Wrecker threatened.
“You can try.” She crooned.
“We’ve taken down worse.” Crosshair retorted.
“So have I.” She summoned the Force and took their blasters from them. “No cheating.” She said in a sing-song voice before she welcomed their attack.
You were feeling more level-headed now and decided to head to the cave since there was no sign of the others yet and if there was anything you could do to help with the process, that’s what you were going to do.
You stepped out of the Marauder and lightly jogged down the winding levels of Pabu, but a figure bumped into you just as you came down one of the staircases, panting hard. “Omega? What are you doing here?”
“Can’t talk. Need… to find Batcher.” Omega said breathlessly as she tried to dart past you.
“Hold on.” You caught her upper arm. “Why? Where are the others?”
“They’re… back… at the… cave.” Omega managed to get her breathing under control. “Ventress told me to go. It’s the second test and I’ve got to get to the maya tree and back before sunset!”
“Ventress sent you out?” Alarm bells started ringing in your head. “And the others are still there?” You double checked, your panic growing by the second.
“I just said that! Now I’ve got to go!”
But you’d already released her and had started to sprint in the direction of the cave.
Omega watched you go in confusion. That hadn’t been the reaction she’d expected- you had looked… worried? She didn’t have time to linger over it. She whistled for Batcher as she heard the familiar bark. “Hey, girl. I’m gonna need some help. I need to get to the Archium, and fast.” She hopped on Batcher’s back.
The sight of the three of them at her mercy sent a stab of cold fear through your heart. Crosshair was hunched over and holding his ribs in agony but what terrified you more was the fact that Ventress had Wrecker in a Force-choke whilst her blade was pointed at Hunter who was sprawled on the cave floor.
And while your mind may have jumped to slightly more ill-timed and inappropriate scenarios upon seeing Hunter’s legs spread like that, you quickly brought your concentration back to the issue at hand.
You called on the Force and pushed Ventress into the cave wall. You then heard Wrecker’s coughs and gasps for air, and you saw in your peripheral the way Hunter attempted to stand up. Stay down. You told him as you kept your eyes fixed on Ventress.
Ventress pushed herself up off the floor and wiped away the blood that dripped from a fresh cut on her mouth. “I was wondering when the Jedi would come out to play.” She sneered as she reignited her lightsaber.
She advanced towards you once more. “I wonder if you’ll even provide me with more of a challenge than that lot- not a very impressive bunch. I could do you a favour by ridding you of them, particularly that one.” She scorned as she looked to the clone with the skull tattoo. She sniggered at you as she sensed swell of emotions in the Force around you that proved her suspicions.
You glared at her and clenched your jaw but said nothing, you only unclipped your lightsaber and ignited it. The blue blade came thrumming to life as you let the connection between you and the weapon flow through you.
Ventress swung her lightsaber towards the centre of your chest.
You blocked her move and the fight between you got underway.
The others could only watch the two of you in quiet awe. Yellow and blue blades clashed against each other in well-timed and well-placed strikes. Both of your movements were so fluid, it looked like the two of you were engaged in a coordinated dance- only the stakes were much greater in this. And it was far more tense to just watch.
You were on the back-foot, there was no denying that fact, Ventress had a higher skillset, and you were out of practice. You’d only really been able to work on deflecting blaster fire and going over the different stances and fight positions could only get you so far.
But what did give you an edge was that you were fighting for your family and the people you loved and that gave you a different type of strength which kept you in with a shot.
Ventress continued her aggressive assault, but you were blocking her strikes with a degree of finesse she hadn’t been expecting. You weren’t backing down as easily as she thought you might. She had thought the argument with the child and seeing the clones in danger would unbalance you, but it seemed to fire you up and there was no loss of control. Clearly emotions didn’t distract you like they used to do with your fellow Jedi, so she had to push them in a different direction, “Falling for a clone? What would your precious Jedi Council say?” Ventress provoked again as she swung her blade around for another strike.
“Well, lucky for me they’re all dead.” You snarked back as you redirected the next jab of her lightsaber into the cave floor before you flipped over her head. But you didn’t turn in time, and she was able to land a harsh kick to your side that sent you stumbling to your knees.
You barely had time to stand up before she was on you again. You angled your blade up as she brought her blade down towards you. Your front left leg bent forwards whilst your other leg was in a lunge behind you, your knee down towards the ground and your back arched as she pushed yours closer to your face.
“I remember you. Your master died on Felucia didn’t he? During a recon mission.” Ventress said cruelly as she held her blade on top of yours.
You felt your foot slide behind you as she pressed her blade against yours, but you weren’t going to let her words unravel you- she wouldn’t win that particular fight with you. “I’d rather that than know he got bored and just left me for dead.” You smirked as you saw the words had the intended effect. You felt the wave of emotion that surged around her, and you felt the pressure against your blade drop which meant you were able to push back against her.
You pulled your blade away from hers and landed a sharp kick to her stomach to create some distance between you both. “What’s the matter, Ventress? Still not over Dooku dropping you without a second thought?” You mocked.
Ventress snarled and lunged for you again.
Her moves were becoming more undisciplined, so they were easier to block and gain the upper hand. “I don’t know how you still showed your face after that, if my master pulled something like that, I’d be pretty fucking humiliated.” You continued to press as she now became the one who had to block your strikes.
Ventress backed off for a moment to regain the composure she was surprised to find she’d so quickly lost. She’d underestimated your emotional control and you’d managed to turn things around rather rapidly. If she wasn’t careful, the outcome of this would not be favourably for her.
You didn’t give her much time to recover. “And since you want to talk about falling for people, why don’t we talk about Quinlan?” When you’d first heard rumours of her death, that had been a familiar name to go along with it, so it had been a gamble to use it, but it worked. It had been the breaking point you needed to hit.
Ventress released an enraged shout and lunged forwards.
You ducked under her uncoordinated swing, but it was a move that also left you vulnerable and she gathered herself quicker than you’d anticipated.
As you rose and jutted your blade out, it stopped by the side of her neck just as hers stopped by yours. You could feel the heat from the blade as it hummed against your skin, but you did not flinch.
You did not falter.
You held her stare.
And waited.
“I’ve got the white blossom! Wh- what’s going on? Stop!” Omega shouted as she re-entered the cavern and saw the way her lying on the rocks, brothers were beaten and sore, and how you and Ventress were standing off– your blades at each other’s throats.
“She’s been lying to you, Omega. She’s a war criminal.” You said you did not yield to Ventress yet.
“Times have changed. Something you all should be familiar with.” Ventress replied.
“We are not the same.” You growled.
“No? Clones and Jedi were pawns in the same war as was I. And we all lost.” She disengaged her lightsaber first and stared you down. “The Empire is more dangerous than you could possibly fathom. I’m many things but I am not your enemy. Not anymore.”
You breathed heavily as you looked at her, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it, not when she could’ve killed them and decided not to. For that reason, you found part of yourself believing what she said. You deactivated your blade and watched her go to her ship.
Omega dashed over to the others to make sure they were fine.
You reattached your lightsaber and placed your hands on your hips as they all got to their feet. “Everyone alright?” When they nodded, you spoke more sternly and more seriously than you ever had with them before. “Good. All of you get to the Marauder right now.” You turned on your heels and made your way out the cave.
“Uh… are we in trouble?” Wrecker asked Hunter apprehensively, his throat still slightly sore from experiencing what he just had.
Hunter let out a knowing sigh as he watched you go. “Yeah, we’re in trouble.”
The others could only watch and listen from their seats as you strode up and down the cockpit- each step punctuated by a new reprimand.
“Of all the irresponsible…”
“And downright stupid plans that you could come up with… that was by far the worst one!” You stopped mid stride and faced them all. “You do not go up against a Sith assassin with just three people and blasters! That was a fight you were never going to win!”
“Hey, we were just getting warmed up.” Wrecker protested but your answering glare had him looking down at the floor sheepishly.
“And you! Exactly what part of ‘do not engage’ was unclear?!” You said heatedly in Crosshair’s direction who just shrugged and continued to chew his toothpick, but you saw a flash of regret behind his eyes. “She could’ve killed you guys; do you understand that?!”
“No!” You shook your head at Hunter to stop him before you continued, “She could’ve killed you all if I hadn’t shown up in time!”
“You did.” Hunter reminded you gently.
“But I didn’t!” You tossed your hands in the air and then gestured to each of them, starting with Hunter. “She had a lightsaber pointed at your neck!”
You then focused on Wrecker. “She was choking the life out of you!”
Then you shifted to Crosshair. “And you were out for the count keeled over in pain, and it wouldn’t have taken much for her to finish you off!”
You addressed them all as a group again, “I don’t know why she didn’t follow through, but she could’ve ended everything right then and there, and I wouldn’t have arrived in time to stop it.” The thought took the wind right out of you, and you inhaled sharply and braced your hands on your knees. “You are all I have left. I can’t lose-” You straightened up. “I can’t lose any of you.” You repeated softly. “Not like that.”
Hunter slowly got to his feet and walked over to you. He put his hands on your shoulders to reassure you, “We’re okay.” He said, his voice a quiet murmur as he looked at you. “We’re okay.” He whispered again as he brushed the back of his fingers against your cheek.
You felt some of the stress and upset evaporate under his touch, “Do you have any idea what it’s like to have to owe someone like that something?”
“Can’t imagine it feels great.” Hunter acknowledged, a half-smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
You managed a small smile of your own before you pulled away and looked over at Omega. “You’re done. No more tests.”
Omega frowned at you. “No way! I passed one of them and she still has more she can show me!”
“Omega, I’m telling you she can’t be trusted. You don’t know the things she did during the war. All of us do.” You replied, doing a broad sweep of the space to the rest of the squad.
“Okay, but it’s like you said, she didn’t kill them when she had the chance. She can’t really be as bad as you say.” Omega rebuked.
You hung your head with a sigh, “Omega…”
“I don’t know much about the war, but things are different now. People can change.”
“You’re being naïve.” Crosshair chimed in.
“I never gave up on you, did I?” Omega pointed out.
That made Crosshair pause and reflect more on the situation than he would’ve initially liked.
“I say we give her a chance.” She then looked glumly down at the floor, “Besides, Ventress hasn’t held anything back from me.”  
Your breath caught in your throat and suddenly the ship began to feel incredibly small. You hurried outside.
Hunter immediately got up to follow you out, but he stopped and glanced down at Omega. He knew how badly she needed to know the truth of her situation and it outweighed the concerns the rest of them had. “I trust you. We won’t interfere but at the first sign of trouble, it stops. Understand?”
Omega nodded gratefully.
“But you need to ease up on her. She knows she messed up, but she cares about you, Omega, don’t forget that.” Hunter said before he walked out the Marauder and over to the maya tree where you were now sitting.
“She’s right. She’s completely right.” You said as Hunter approached and sat down next to you.
“You need to imagine how Omega feels. To her, it seems like you deliberately kept something from her that could give her more common ground with you. She looks up to you, if she knew there was a chance of something that could bring you and her closer, of course she would want to latch onto it. You can’t blame her for wanting to know.” He said honestly as he squeezed your thigh in comfort.
You brought your head back against the tree trunk and stared up at the night sky, “And that’s what kills me. I should’ve been the one to help her find out the truth, instead I just kept her in the dark and thought I knew best.”
“You’re putting too much blame on yourself. You’re human and you made a mistake. It doesn’t-”
Your frustration got the better of you and you got to your feet. “Who else am I supposed to blame, Hunter?! This is on me! I hurt Omega! I let her down!” You blinked back the angry tears that threatened to spill from your eyes.
Hunter stood up and tentatively reached for you. His eyes softened in concern as he saw the anguish written across your face and it pained him to see you so affected by this. “Sweetheart-”
You began your distressed pacing again, “I could’ve tested her; I know how to, and I didn’t! If I hadn’t just rejected the possibility of her being like me and actually done the tests, Ventress wouldn’t have stayed, and we’d be no worse off than we are now! Instead, Imight as well have guided Omega to her! And I endangered the rest of you in the process! All of you could be dead because I couldn’t do one simple thing!”
“Stop.” Hunter caught your wrist and stepped in front of you, but you averted your eyes from his. “Look at me.” But you ignored him. “Please, look at me.” He said soothingly as he delicately tilted your chin up.
Your throat bobbed with the effort of keeping the tears at bay.
Hunter stroked a hand through your hair, “Everything is going to be okay. Omega’s a good kid, she’s just hurting right now. Give it time and you two will be alright.” He pulled you to his chest and held you close. “She’s still a clone, still one of us. Loyalty runs in her blood. She’ll come around.”
It was automatic the way you relaxed into his hold and wrapped your arms around his back. She’s doing another test tomorrow, isn’t she? You asked as you rested your head in the crook of his neck.
“We can watch from a far but we’re not interfering unless we have to.” Hunter murmured as he pressed his lips to your temple.
You heaved a deep breath but accepted that that was to be the course of action.
“Come on, we should get some rest.” Hunter released his hold on you and intertwined his hand in yours as he led you back to the ship.
“No chaperones today?” Ventress observed as the young clone came to stand next to her as she waited by the docks.
“Nope. You said, ‘no distractions.’”
Ventress only glanced down at the hound that remained by the girl’s side. “I’m surprised you came to find me. I can’t imagine your Jedi friend is particularly pleased about this. They all must have told you about the things I’ve done.”
“They did.” Omega said animatedly. “But you also stuck around instead of leaving, so I think you’re trying to help me. And you may have history with (Y/N) but you like us. I can tell.” She added victoriously.
“You’re an odd little clone.”
“Thanks.” Omega replied cheerily. “So what did the tests tell you?”
“You failed the first one.” Ventress said as she passed her by and headed for the boat.
“But I passed the second. That has to mean something, right?” Omega reminded her optimistically.
“Hmm. We’ll see.” Ventress boarded the ship. “Get in. Time for your final test.”
Omega bid Batcher farewell before she too stepped aboard and offered Ventress a warm and sincere smile.
“Stop smiling. It’s unsettling.” Ventress griped as she clicked the controls that would set the boat in the direction of the open sea.
“Should we be out this far?” Omega asked. She could barely see Pabu anymore; the clouds had grown darker and there was more of a fog out here.
“It’ll be easier to concentrate.”
“On what, exactly?”
“Many who wield the Force have an affinity for nature. They connect with things that respond to their energy.”
“Oh! I know about that! (Y/N) has done it a bunch of times!”
“And yet she never thought to show you.”
Omega glanced away to mask her reaction to the comment.
Ventress rolled her eyes. The attachments between you all were so glaringly obvious, it was no wonder the child had not been exposed to the potential of a Jedi way of life. You undoubtedly didn’t want to risk her safety any more than what was at play already. “Now’s your chance to give it a try.” She brought one of the rudders up to the surface for Omega to stand on.
Omega stepped onto it and awaited further instructions.
“Close your eyes and reach out.”
“For what?” Omega queried uncertainly.
Omega took the cryptic advice and began.
Wrecker lowered his macrobinoculars. “I don’t like this. We should be out there with her.” Wrecker said with an uneasy sigh.
“We gave Omega our word we wouldn’t intervene.” Hunter reminded him, taking his sights away from his own binoculars.
“You did.” Crosshair interjected.
“Besides, Ventress won’t do anything right now. She’ll know you’re watching.” You said unhappily as you leaned against the stone column, one foot braced behind you, arms crossed.
Wrecker raised his binoculars again. “We’re so far away, there’s no chance…” He trailed off with a shocked gasp as he saw Ventress looking directly in his line of vision. “How’d she know we’re watching?!”
“Same way I’d know.” You grumbled.
Omega released a frustrated grunt and opened her eyes. “Forget it.”
“Giving up so soon?”
“This isn’t working. I don’t feel anything. I don’t even know what I’m supposed to be doing.” Omega replied, her voice rising in aggravation. “This is a waste of time.”
“I blame those four overprotective shadows for your lack of training and discipline.” Ventress said critically.
Omega turned to her and rested her hands on her hips indignantly. “I am trained.”
Ventress got to her feet. “This is different than being a soldier, something you’d know had the Jedi told you of your possibilities. Even if you have Force potential, they can’t show you how to tap into it and she certainly won’t- she’s too worried about what other danger that could put you in to allow you to explore that.”
Omega lifelessly jumped back into the boat, sat down, and crossed her arms. Even if Ventress was right, you were all still her family and she couldn’t just dismiss that.
“Since you seem content with that, perhaps this is a waste of time.” Ventress mused.
“I bet you don’t understand any of this either. (Y/N) even struggles to explain it sometimes.” Omega argued. “So, why should I listen to you?”
Ventress simply glided to the edge of the boat enacted the instructions she had told Omega before. She listened to the wind around her, the sounds of the waves lapping against the boat and felt beneath the water for the thriving life that lived there.
Omega watched in awe as schools of luminous green fish appeared from the deep. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, you both may not be able to always coherently explain how it worked but what you did say clearly meant something.
“I’m not the one holding back.” Ventress said, exhaling deeply and letting go of the connection.
But then something shifted, there was a low bellowing sound coming from the deep and both of them watched in confusion as the fish hurriedly swam away.
“What happened? Why’d they go?” Omega asked.
Her question was soon answered as a giant sea creature crashed beneath the bottom of their boat, making is spin out of control.
“Did you summon that?” Omega asked as she stared at the creature as it broke to the surface with a piercing screech, yellow algae dripping from its mouth.
“Not intentionally.” Ventress programmed the boat to head back to the docks.
You pushed off the column as you felt a creeping disturbance settling in your veins and Crosshair’s words confirmed it.
“Well, that doesn’t look good.” He stated as he saw the action through his scope.
“Get to the Marauder.” Hunter ordered.
The boat didn’t make it very far. The vessel was completely capsized by the creature, and they went flailing into the water.
They treaded water for a moment before Omega felt a tentacle wrap around her leg and pull her under.
Ventress dived after her and dodged the other tentacles as she ignited her lightsaber and cut through the one that was pulling Omega further down. She grabbed her and made a break for the surface.
Omega gasped for oxygen as she reached the open air and the two of them quickly swam to their upturned boat and stood on top of it. They watched as the Marauder came flying into view and fired down on the creature but, judging by the enraged screeches and flailing of tentacles, that seemed to only anger it further.
“Your friends are making things worse. I can do this on my own!” Ventress yelled above the chaos. She let the tentacle that came for her wrap around her body and bring her closer to its mouth. She didn’t focus on the danger of the situation, she only focused on bridging the connection between the animal and her.
Omega brought out her comm, “Hunter, stop firing. Ventress can handle it.”
“Doesn’t look like it from up here.”
“You’d trust (Y/N) in this situation, you should trust her too!”
Hunter glanced beside him to where you were sitting in the co-pilot’s chair expecting to see disagreement but instead- despite the reluctance on your face- you nodded your head.  
Omega looked on in admiration as she saw the creature quiet down and let out an affection rumble as Ventress pressed her hand against its face.
“You actually did it.” She breathed as the animal set Ventress back down and retreated back to the depths. She’d never seen that gift be used to actually calm a threat before, she’d only ever see you do it on non-threatening animals and it gave her a true indication as to what you could be capable of too.
“Don’t sound so surprised.” Ventress quipped.
The Marauder came back around, and Crosshair descended the steps. He reached a handout to Omega to help her up before he offered the same courtesy to Ventress.
The group of you were back at the cavern as you anxiously awaited the results from Ventress.
“Did you figure it out? Do I have a high M-count?” Omega inquired as Ventress exited her ship and came towards you all.
“From what I’ve seen? No.”
You held back the massive sigh of relief that threatened to leave your lungs but despite apparent good news, something about it still didn’t sit right.
Omega hung her head in disappointment. She was still without the answers she so desperately wanted. “Then why’s the Empire after me?”
“Believe it or not, I don’t know everything. But seeing as how a high M-count would make you a target…” Her eyes shot over to you. “…Consider yourself lucky.” She looked back down at Omega.
“But I’m already a target.”
Wrecker walked up and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Uh, don’t worry about it, kid. We’re gonna figure it out. Come on. Let’s go get some chow.”
Omega sighed, “Thanks. For trying.”
Ventress gave her a small nod in acknowledgement before the kid walked away and she turned her attention back to the three of you that stayed behind.
“You’re lying.” Crosshair stated suspiciously.
“About which part?” Ventress replied coyly.
Hunter narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms, “You tell us.”
“If Omega did have that potential, she’d have to be trained, which would mean leaving you behind.”
“That’s not happening.” Hunter said immediately.
“And it wouldn’t need to.” You added firmly.
“I don’t think you realise just how unique you really are.” Ventress said to you. “But even with your affinity for handling attachment, you let it get the best of you when it came to the child. You let your urge to protect her cloud your better judgement and that undoubtedly would be a problem in training her. So, what you want is irrelevant. The fact is, the Empire is after her and they’re after you…” She then looked between you all, “And they won’t stop.”
“And are you going to help them?” You challenged.
“Don’t insult me, I have no interest in the Empire’s agenda towards our kind. Plus, I don’t fancy getting into another brawl with you all even if I wanted to turn you in.” Ventress added as she saw the way the two clones tensed up and your hand drifted back to your lightsaber. She addressed you all as a group again, “So, if I were you, I’d leave this place. You’re not as safe as you think you are.” Ventress turned her back on the three of you but before she left, she said over her shoulder, “Our business is done.” She carried on walking away.
“I still can’t figure out what side you’re on.” Crosshair said.
“My own.” She responded calmly without stopping.
“You’re not worried about the Empire coming after you?” Hunter called to her back.
That made Ventress wait. “They can try. But I’ve got a few lives left.” She said cryptically.
You all made your way back to the Marauder as her ship took off.
Crosshair and Hunter paused as they saw you halt by the steps.
You nodded to them to go head in. Omega, can we talk?
Omega gave a small wave of farewell to Wrecker and the others when they entered as she left to join you outside the Marauder. She saw you open your mouth to speak but she jumped in ahead of you, “I’m sorry I gave you such a hard time. I just…” She trailed off as she saw you shaking your head.
You crouched down and rested your hands on her shoulders, “You have nothing to be sorry for, Omega. Absolutely nothing. I’m the one that needs to apologise to you.” You took a breath, “I’m sorry I never told you about the tests.”
Omega tilted her head at you, but she saw genuine remorse in your eyes. “Why didn’t you? Why did I have to hear about them from Ventress?” She asked, a hint of sadness in her voice.
You inhaled deeply and Ventress’ words lingered in your head, “I love you, kid, I just want you to be safe. I think in my urge to do so, I neglected to do the things that could truly ensure that. I got too concerned with what risks of the results of those tests could mean that I felt it was better to not even entertain the possibility.”
“I mean, you were right. I’m not Force-sensitive and we still have no idea what an M-count means for me.” Omega said gloomily.
“I may have been right…” You said gently, “…but I should’ve been more thorough and told you about the tests and carried them out. I shouldn’t have kept you in the dark and for that I am so sorry. I got what protecting you meant all twisted in my head.”
Omega looked down and scuffed the ground with the toe of her boot, “So… it wasn’t because you didn’t want me to be like you?” She whispered.
Your heart went out to her immediately and you hated that you had ever given that impression. “Oh, honey, no.” You brushed through the loose strands of hair that came to rest just past her forehead. “My only concern with it was that it would put you in more danger than you’re already in. It’s not easy being a Jedi in the best of circumstances, let alone how things are now.” You affectionately brought her chin up so she would meet your gaze as you said warmly, “But if you had been, I would’ve loved to share that experience with you.”
Omega’s expression softened as she heard the sincerity in your words. “I’m not that lost kid you found on Kamino; you don’t have to make choices for me. I can handle more now.”
Ventress may have been right about you in this situation, but it wasn’t one you were ever wanting to repeat. You could change. You would change. “I won’t make decisions like that for you anymore and I won’t hide things from you, you have my word.” You promised.
Omega exhaled a breath of relief, “I don’t like falling out with you.” She said quietly, a forgiving smile on her face.
You chuckled lightly. “I don’t like it either.” You brought her in for a hug. Let’s not do it again, okay?
Omega hugged you back tightly in answer.
All was quiet in the Marauder, save for the familiar snores coming from Wrecker’s bunk and the occasional whine from Batcher as she dreamt but nothing felt amiss.
You and Hunter were yet to fall asleep. The night was when the two of you had an opportunity to switch off for a moment and be in each other’s company without having to worry about the others seeing and commenting. It was a time where the two of you didn’t need to be Sergeant and Jedi or think about the Empire but where it could just be you and Hunter.
You were laying on top of his arm as he hugged you into his side. One of your legs was hoisted over his lap as you nuzzled into him and touched the necklace on his chest that sat proudly on display over his sleep clothes. The two of you were sharing in light, delicate kisses between breaths as you lay together.
“Did I mention how impressive you looked going up against Ventress today?” Hunter said quietly against your lips into the silence of the ship.
Do I not look like that anyway? You teased as you left featherlight kisses along the column of his neck.
“Yes, smartass.” Hunter breathed as he focused on the sensation of your lips on his skin.
Well, no you didn’t, but I’d rather you never gave me a reason to have to do that in the first place. You glanced up at him with a playful scolding expression.
“Hmm, well if you look as strong and capable as you did today, I might just have to risk it.” Hunter kidded as he kissed the crown of your head whilst his free hand ran up and down your thigh.
You narrowed your eyes at him but there was an amused smile on your face. You traced your lips along his jaw. Oh really?
He hummed in an affirmative answer before he brought his lips to yours in a soft, tender kiss like the ones before- one that did not have to lead to anything more. But as he felt your twist your hands in his shirt and heard your breath hitch, he cradled the side of your jaw to encourage you to open up to him more.
You sighed happily into the kiss and pressed yourself tighter to him and went to fully straddle his lap, but he beat you to it.
Hunter, without breaking away, rolled you so that you were on your back, and he was on top of you. He kissed you with the passion and love he could only express when the rest of his family were not around before he pulled away from your lips and began pressing doting kisses along your neck.
You felt his teeth graze your pulse point. Don’t get too carried away. You said, weaving your hands in his hair as you held back a groan and resisted the urge to roll your hips against his. The words were also a reminder for you- you both needed to remember where you currently were.
Hunter huffed out a disgruntled moan against your neck, but he stopped. However, he didn’t lie down next you again, he opted to rest his head on your chest instead.
His weight on you always acted as a secure and reassuring presence, so you always welcomed the position. It was also him offering you a degree of vulnerability and trust that he so rarely allowed himself to enjoy so it always made your heart swell when he showed this side of himself to you.   
Hunter listened to the steady beat of your heart, each thump reminding him of what he was fighting for, of what he had to protect. “We need to keep you and Omega safe… and I think- I think Ventress is right. We can’t stay here.” He whispered.
“We’ll talk about it more tomorrow.” You murmured as you tenderly ran your fingers through his hair and across his scalp. You felt him release a relaxed sigh at your actions. “Right now, we need to get some sleep.”
“I love you.” He mumbled sleepily as he got lost in your touch and let the tiredness overwhelm him.
“I love you too.” You replied as you closed your eyes.
Next Chapter>
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy, @arctrooper69, @dominoeffectsworld, @andreaaxy, @notgonnaedit, @superbookishhufflepuff , @jellybeanstacey0519 , @nightmonkeysstuff
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spookyspecterino · 9 months
Grunt Work
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Sam Coe x GN! Reader
GN! Reader. No pronouns, no use of Y/N, or reader descriptions used. Reader is referred to as Captain sometimes, like in the game.
Canon typical violence: blood, injury, mentions of death, guns, language, romance, kissing. All PG-13.
Spoilers for the “Grunt Work” Quest
It’s the very first UC Vanguard quest. If you haven’t played it yet, I highly recommend it. Out of my 20-ish hours playing it’s my favorite so far.
No spoilers for the end of game (I haven’t even gotten close to it yet) or anything to do with Sam Coe’s romance questline (I haven’t finished that either).
Non-spoiler summary for this fic/quest:
Reader and Sam Coe go to Tau Ceti II to check up on the settlers in the Tau Gormet Production Center.
More descriptions of the fic with a more specific summary below the cut. I’m being very specific about spoilers because for most people, myself included, we’ve only had the game for a week.
More specific summary of this fic/quest:
The UC Vanguard sends you on a routine mission to check in on a settler colony on Tau Ceti II—it turns out to be anything but routine. With Sam Coe at your side, your first Vanguard mission is a baptism by fire.
Characters: Hadrian, Sam Coe, Vasco (mentions of other characters: Cora Coe and Barret)
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“Vasco, do a quick comms check for me. I want to make sure it’s working after it glitched out on the last planet.”
The tall robot makes some beeping and whirring noises. The way it stares into nothing bothered you at first, but after some time you’d gotten used to it—even appreciating how it followed commands without hesitation. Over by the ships on and off-boarding ramp, Sam says goodbye to Cora. A smile spreads across your face as you watch them.
The Frontier’s external lighting illuminates the surrounding landing site. An otherworldly moon hangs in the night sky. You take one more moment to do a last check of your pack’s contents. This was going to be a routine check-in mission, but it never hurt to be safe than sorry.
“Comms are operational, Captain.”
“Thank you.” You wave goodbye to Cora who smiles and waves back before returning to the Frontier. “Comms are good Sam, ready to go?”
Your companion saunters over with that signature ranger’s confidence. “Always.”
“Great. I think I’ve got everything. Vasco, have I got everything?”
“Scanning now.”
Sam shifts from foot to foot. “Storm’s rolling in.” He comments, looking into the distance. “I’d like to get there before it starts raining.”
Sure enough, muted thunder rolls on the horizon and the wind picks up a touch.
“Yeah, yeah. Hold your horses, cowboy.”
“I don’t even know what a horse looks like.” He mumbles.
Vasco beeps affirmatively. “The necessary items are present, Captain. However, you are carrying more than the recommended amount.”
You sling your pack over your shoulder with a grin, ignoring the second part. “Thanks Vasco. You know, for a second there Sam, I thought you were going to say something about your joints hurting.”
“Ha ha. I’m not that old.”
You make a teasing face at him as you start heading toward the compound’s lights in the distance. The trek isn’t bad, mostly flat terrain with a few rocks here and there. The wind continues to pick up, carrying the scent of rain.
Sam hops over a rock, taking his place by your side. “Not to sound too over-eager to get this Vanguard busy work out of the way, but, where’s our next stop after this?”
“I was thinking we could explore the rest of this system. How’s that sound?”
“You know me, no complaints here.”
A radio tower comes into view, red lights along the sides flashing periodically. Beyond it is the main compound.
“Oh, Cora asked to keep an eye out on books specifically about ship reactors. She thinks she can fix ours.”
You hike your pack higher on your shoulder, already feeling the soreness. Blast your incessant need to carry every type of weapon part with you at all times. “I’ll be on the look-out. If she can save me a few credits and fix it herself, she’s welcome to try.”
“She’s a brilliant kid, but let’s do it on a planet with an actual mechanic who can make sure it works after. I have faith in her, but she’s 11 and you can’t learn everything from books—”
“Hold up. Sam. Stop.”
He freezes, noticing your stock-still posture, eyes fixed on the wide-open doors of the radio tower. Bright light filters out into the night.
“Does that look like a body to you?” you ask him, pointing toward a slumped over shape laying against a supply crate.
“Sure does.”
Unholstering your pistol, you both crouch and move closer. The grass underfoot sways in the wind.
It’s a grisly scene. Multiple bodies litter the area. All settlers—dressed in civilian working clothes. Blood splatters dot the concrete, some trail back to a body. Sam whistles, short and low, to get your attention. He’s looking inside. On the table is a settler, face up, arms splayed out and gutted. Clothes stained a vibrant red. Deep claw marks gouge out sections of the floor.
“No bullets, no casings in sight.” He murmurs close to your ear. “And it’s all fresh.”
You don’t need to look at him to know he shares your particular anxiety. “Let’s check out the main compound.”
Moving out of the small building and down toward the tar mac, you’re about to say something about the wrecked ship when an alien scream interrupts you. It sets every hair on end. Never have you heard a sound like that, even on the many planets you’ve explored.
In little to no time after the scream, a sharp static crackles over your comms, making you jump. Sam shuffles closer, crouched low next to you. If the situation wasn’t so tense, he may have chuckled, but he stays frozen and somber faced.
“I am so glad to see you.” The voice, a woman’s, sounds heavy with relief. “I think it knows you’re here. Hurry up to the second-floor office, I’ll unlock the door.”
As you make your way into the compound, it feels like walking straight into the lion’s den. Every sense is on high alert. Lightning flashes, making you see things in the shadows that aren’t really there. Only Sam’s presence behind you keeps you level-headed.
The brightly lit, glass windowed office only makes you feel worse, like a sitting duck on display.
“I’m Hadrian.” The woman introduces herself curtly while holding her side. “Are you my saving grace?”
“Not exactly. I’m UC Vanguard—sent to check in on the settlers.”
“Well shit.” She leans against the table, eyes closed in pain.
“Please don’t tell me we’re dealing with a Terrormorph here.” Sam asks, beating you to the punch.
She sighs. “Unfortunately, yes.”
“Shit. That’s bad news, Captain. Real bad.”
“Listen,” Hadrian starts, moving away from the table, “I know you’re just two people, but you have to help me kill this thing.”
“And why’s that? Why don’t we all just leave now?” You ask.
“It’s unique. It showed up way too early. Tau Ceti’s only been colonized for 20 years. If this is a new kind of Terrormorph that matures faster and shows up earlier, we need to know.”
“Damnit.” You hiss. “Terrormorphs that show up after only 20 years of colonization could wipe humanity off the map.”
Rain begins to fall on the large windows with a clatter. The rolls of thunder were becoming booming clashes now. Visibility was already reduced at night, but now the storm made things worse.
You relent, giving up any notions of leaving. “Alright. I’ll help. Got any ideas on how to kill it?”
Sam’s eyeing you particularly hard from where he stands.
“Yeah, turrets. But we need to bring them back online and get them powered up. The terminal’s on ground level at the far end of the warehouse.”
Sam grunts. “So, closer to the Terrormorph?”
“I’m not sure where it is right now. My best guess is it’s still around the outer edge of the facility. But there’s a tracking system you can use on one of the terminals.”
You run a hand over your face. “Ok. Tracker and turrets. That’s better than nothing. I can make do”
“Radio me when you’ve reset the system and I’ll calibrate it from here. Thank you for helping and good luck.”
You and Sam sneak out one of the office doors into the warehouse. Fat raindrops fall on the metal roof, amplifying the sound into a loud drumming. It doesn’t come close to the volume of your heartbeat in your ears.
“Vasco, come in.”
“Reporting, Captain.”
“Initiate full lockdown on the ship. Tell Cora we ran into some trouble and are taking necessary precautions. If she seems worried, give her a book from my locker.”
“Yes Captain.”
You shut off comms and sling your pack from around your shoulders, attempting a commanding tone that you’ve always needed to fake. “Sam Coe.”
His usual raspy, low voice is layered with apprehension. “Captain?”
You’re pulling out weapon pieces from your pack for your rifle. They’re big—heavy duty—and add a decent amount of weight to the gun. “Go back to the ship.”
“I had a hunch you were gonna pull something like this. No. No way.”
“That’s an order—”
“Don’t try that with me. You know it ain’t gonna work.”
You pause, just as you’re changing out the rifle’s .50 Cal magazine with a 9x39mm eight round clip. “Sam.”
“I’m staying.”
His eyebrows are furrowed. Mouth slanted in a stubborn, almost angry frown. You’d have to dig deep. “Cora can’t lose you.”
“You always pull that card. It’s lost its affect.”
“…I can’t lose you either.”
You’ve never used that before and quite frankly are surprised to hear it come out of your mouth. Maybe it’s too soon. Up until now, you and Sam have only been flirting—no real feelings or moves have been made. It’s a bit of a jump, but you’re sincere.
His eyes hold yours unflinchingly. The crease on his forehead lessens a little. “Then you know how I feel and why I’m staying right here.”
He’s one-upped you and you weren’t prepared for it. You murmur a “Damit Sam” and go back to modifying your rifle. Fighting is pointless, and his admission has your nerves shaken more than you’d like. “Stay glued to my side unless I say otherwise. If things turn sideways and I order you back to the ship, you’d better listen. Got it?”
“Understood, Captain.”
“I mean it.”
A hint of his familiar smile returns. “I heard ya.”
“And Sam…”
“No heroics.”
He doesn’t respond, his brows pinch together again. It’ll have to do.
Moving through the warehouse went excruciatingly slow. At all times you wished you could just get up and run instead, but it would signal the monster almost immediately. The whole situation made you feel like you were prey, scared and small. The addition of Sam’s presence put a heavy responsibility on your shoulders and that made you even more careful.
Hadrian was on your comms as soon as the system was reset. She directed you to the tracker frequency tuner in the same room. While finding the frequency, the system went into high alert—detecting the major threat. Your watch begins beeping steadily, and then rapidly speeds up. The Terrormorph was getting closer to your position.
Your eyes met Sam’s just as the alien appeared on the roof of the building outside. Right in sight from the room’s windows you were in. A rough hand yanks you down to the ground. Sam is crouched damn near on top of you, shotgun aimed up at it. However, it doesn’t notice you two in the dark room. You slowly cover the watch face to try and muffle the beeping sound. Maybe it was the rain, or the creature was just playing games, but it moved on past to a different part of the facility. Loud footsteps fading as it leaves. The radar lessens to a low, steady beat.
“Hadrian, come in.”
“I read you. The turrets are going to need their power sources reset with the security system in lockdown.”
“Great.” Sam sighs, lowering his gun. His shoulder leans into yours as he gets closer.
“We’ll find them. Out here.”
Reaching for your rifle, your hands visibly shook. You can feel Sam’s watchful gaze.
“Last chance to leave.” You whisper, aimlessly checking over your gun. You feel his hand squeeze your shoulder reaffirming.
“Not happening.”
The first power source wasn’t hard to find. You took the slow route, keeping an ear out for any changes in the radar frequency. The power switch was like a beacon, a big red switch on a yellow panel—it stuck out like a sore thumb. When you flipped it lights came on, loudspeakers announced to stand back…and the radar went nuts.
“Out, out, out!” You hiss, pushing Sam toward the far end door. He doesn’t need to be told twice as he beelines it.
With Sam leading, you follow him, scrambling up onto the roof of the building near the turrets. Two of the six are online now. Two more switches and you’ll have a fighting chance. Maybe.
Behind you, further in the facility, things crash. For now, it seems you’re safe.
You huff, lightening the death grip you have on your rifle. “Ok, here’s the plan. We’re going to split up.”
“I’m not gonna like this am I?”
“Take the watch. Find the power sources. I’ll create a distraction.”
“Sam…” you exhale, closing your eyes. Despite the sheer terror you feel, you manage a chuckle. “We’re not going to get anything done if you keep arguing with me.”
“Let me create the distraction.”
“Now who’s arguing?”
“Your shotgun has no range—it’s effectively useless, you’d be dead in two seconds.”
“Fair point. Then give me your rifle, I’m a good shot.”
You’re already unclasping your watch’s band from around your wrist. “I’m not taking the risk.”
“What if I wanna take the risk?”
Shuffling over while still crouched, you bring his arm closer. The watch slides on and you make sure to fasten it tightly. “You already know I won’t let you. At least now you can radio Vasco if…”
It didn’t need to be said.  
He looks at the device and back to you. “Why is this startin’ to feel like you’re on a suicide mission?”
You can’t look at him or you’d lose the last of your nerve. “I’ll be on that walkway over there. It’ll have to run through the turrets to get to me and they’ll still have a shot when it tries to climb up.”
The way Sam chews his cheek really underlines how unhappy he is with this plan of yours. “Remind me to have a word with you about your savior complex when this is all over.”
“Hm. I’m looking forward to it.”
A gentle hand wraps around your arm. His eyes are soft, pleading. His other hand cups your face, it’s rough and calloused, but warm. “If you need to run, then run. You don’t have to die for some Vanguard that sends you on a ‘routine’ mission they were too lazy to check first—or for a colony full of dead settlers. Ok? I want you back, with me, alive, and in one piece.”
You don’t trust yourself enough to speak, something sappy or cheesy may decide to come out, so you simply nod.
It isn’t enough for him. “Please, say you’ll come back to me. I need to hear you say it.”
If he wasn’t so close, he may not have heard you through the pounding rain. “I’ll come back to you.” You pretended that you meant it, that you believed it.
“Thank you.” His hand falls away to hold his shotgun. “Now let’s kill this thing.”
“Be safe.” You manage before turning and heading toward your position. The chill of the rain creeps through your spine, but the warmth from Sam’s hand lingers on your cheek. You try to hold onto that feeling.
The steel walkway is sturdy and grated, giving you a good vantage point of the surrounding area. Once in position, you set up your rifle and lay flat, adjusting the scope. Lightning flashes, the crash of thunder isn’t far behind it. Water runs down your face and you wipe it hastily to keep it from your eyes.
The bright fire of the flare casts everything in red. With a good toss, it lands directly in the middle of the kill lanes. Bringing out your pistol you shoot once, twice, up into the air. The alien screams and the sound of wrenching, tearing metal draws near.
The hulking creature appears at the far end of the kill lanes, focused on the flare. It’s huge, big enough to fill your scope’s sights. You breathe deep and exhale slowly as you take your first shot.
The round hits the Terrormorph square in the back leg, crippling it for a moment. Blood leaks out onto the ground below. It lurches before regaining balance on its five other legs, letting out an enraged roar.
More lights come on in the facility. Sam’s already found one power breaker. Two more turrets begin to flash and come online.
The monster’s head swings in a different direction. Toward Sam, no doubt. The realization fuels you with a cold fury. You crank the rifle’s bolt-lever, a long bullet casing flies out of the chamber with a cling. Sliding the lever back with a heavy clunk you even your breath and prepare to take another shot.
You take it, aiming for its other back leg, but miss—the shot glances off the ground. Six shots left.
The thing’s giant head swings back to stare at you directly. Through your scope it’s as if you’re staring it directly in the eyes. Its front legs stomp the ground, and it roars. It ambles forward right into the kill lanes. Four turrets open fire, knocking it off balance and sending it sprawling momentarily. You take another shot, this time severing its thinner front limb.
The thing howls, ear splittingly loud and shrill, but claws its way back onto its feet. The turrets are doing damage, but it isn’t enough. It lurches toward you with surprising speed. The turret fire follows. You take a shot and miss. You exhale and your breath comes out shaking.
It's at the base of the building your walkway is on as Sam flips the final switch and the last of the turrets power up. The Terrormorph slows down a little, struggling to climb the building with two of its limbs missing. You have another 130 seconds, maybe, before it reaches you.
Your fifth shot hits it in the back, effectively doing nothing. The thing is bloody and losing steam from the constant onslaught of all six turrets. You start to feel hopeful. There’s movement to your left. It’s Sam on one of the rooftops. You’re about to give him a thumbs up when lightning flashes—some of the facility machines spark, an alarm sounds, and all lights except for auxiliary backups flatline. An unlucky power surge from the storm.
The Terrormorph has reached the base of the walkway below and is trying to make its way up, now free from turret fire. This would be your chance to run, but something holds you there. A false hope maybe.
You hold your breath, take a shot, and hit it square in the face. It doesn’t stop, clawing at the thin metal for purchase. Pulling the bolt lever and sliding it home, you fire again, chipping its other back leg and causing it to stumble. Metal rails groan and collapse under the monster’s weight. It falls to the ground with a metallic crash. You don’t fire, yet.
Sam is still on the other roof. You wave him off, pointing to the ship. Trying to make it clear that this was the order to run. A clashing sound below snags your attention back to the monster. It’s testing out the strength of the rail supports.
You’re aiming again as it springs up and begins throwing its weight at the steel rods. The vibration of the metal groaning and shifting with each impact reverberates through you. This is your last shot.
You fire and miss entirely as a section of rails to your right collapse and bend, tugging your section down. You’re forced to let go of your rifle to hang on. It clatters to the ground below.
More support beams collapse and you can feel the structure groan before you even hear it, vibrating hard enough to numb your hands. Trying to climb up the tilting walkway was a mistake as the shift in weight caused the whole thing, with you attached, to fall entirely. The feeling of falling was short-lived, something sharp sliced at your leg as you fell into the railing and walkway debris below.
For a moment, you lay dazed and in pain. The sound of rain patters around you on metallic surfaces. The whole walkway and railing fell over, the area was littered with jutted angles and metal parts. Something shifted under the debris. Something big enough to toss heavy metal away with ease. Any hope of the Terrormorph getting crushed by the impact was gone as it reared back and screamed. Its eyes, all six or seven of them, landed on you.
There was no way of escaping, debris had fallen over you. A particularly large beam held you in place on your back. Your pistol, the last line of defense, dug into your hip uncomfortably.
Sensing it had you trapped, the creature took its time closing the distance. Your leg was devoid of all feeling except a vague sensation of warmth spreading around it. The rails on top of you pinned you down, but you managed to free your measly pistol.
Only three or four of your shots made contact, others glanced off the Terrormorph’s armored shoulders or missed entirely. Either way, the low caliber did nothing to it. With an empty mag, and nothing else to defend yourself with, your arm fell to your side. You just hoped Sam was smart enough to listen and go back to the ship.
A loud blast caught the monster on the side of its head, snapping it away from you, and causing it to stumble.
Apparently, he wasn’t.
Sam emptied three more shells into the creature before reloading with cool, practiced ease. One blast dislocated the Terrormorph’s other back leg. Chunks went flying.
It howled and thrashed as he kept unloading shells into it. When he was completely out, he dropped the shotgun and picked up a long rod of metal with a jagged, broken end. The sharp tip sliced clean into its ribcage. When the alien still tried to pull itself up on its remaining two feet, Sam pulled it out with a yank and drove it home into the thing’s head, right above the mandibles. It gave one final spasm and finally fell dead.
At last, the only sound around you was the rain.
Sam dropped the crude spear with a clatter, eyeing the body a few times as he rushed over through the debris.
“You ok?” he panted, kneeling down. His hands cupped your face, bringing the familiar warmth with them.
“Holy shit.” Was all you were able to say.
It made him laugh with relief as he moved to check you over. “And you said a shotgun wouldn’t do anything.”
His hands moved debris from your legs, and he hovered as you yelped in pain. “You’ve got a nasty gash here. We need to get you back to the ship for medical attention. Let me see if I can get this off you.”
With a grunt of effort, he pushed the beam up enough for you to pull yourself out. Your leg was bleeding badly, but nothing you couldn’t fix with some TLC and bed rest. The pain hadn’t set in yet, thankfully.
Near you was a chunk of the Terrormorph’s leg. Feeling oddly disconnected from yourself, you grabbed it, staring at the gross thing, and put it in your pocket for Hadrian.
Sam started taking out bandages and doing what he could to wrap your leg. You could see his hands were shaking now.
Against all odds you both were alive; you started to laugh.
Sam gave you an odd look. “Don’t go loopy on me.”
A giant smile broke across your face. “Wasn’t expecting to live. There goes my chance at a cool memorial or bragging rights.”
“Going face to face with a Terrormorph and only losing a chunk of your leg gets bragging rights. Believe me.”
“Nah. All the credit goes to you on this one. That was just badass.”
He grunted, throwing more debris out of the way, and trying to clear a path. “Wasn’t thinking about how cool it looked when I did it. I was just trying to save you.”
“You know I’ll be telling this story forever, right?”
He chuckles, helping you up, slinging your arm over his shoulder and wrapping his around your waist. “I can see Barret’s expression now.”
“‘Sam Coe, my hero’ is how I’ll start it.”
He groans playfully. “Please don’t.”
“It’s true.” You looked at him as your feet touched even ground. Your faces were close. You could see the rain drops clinging to his hair and beard. “You saved my life.”
When he looked over, his nose nudged yours from close proximity. He didn’t shy away from the contact. Your paces slowed to a stop. “I wouldn’t hesitate to do it again, either.”
Your grin was slow to spread as you glanced at his lips more than once. “Would you prefer a quippy one line as thanks?”
“Mm—no. Maybe something else though.”
You feigned ignorance as his eyes trailed down your face. “Oh? And what would that be?”
“I’ll let you think of it.”
“A hero’s song?” you joked, voice softening.
“How about a poem?”
He faces toward the room Hadrian’s in with a low laugh and begins to walk again. “You know, if you were as much of a smartass to that Terrormorph as you are to me, it would have keeled over on the spot.”
You put your good foot down and hold it, halting any forward progress. “Ok, ok. I think I’ve come up with something.”
He’s still smiling as he looks at you. Your noses nudge again. “If you suggest a book or a short story—”
His surprised breath as your mouth presses to his is an award in itself. He stays motionless for a moment, as if his brain had short-circuited, before his lips move and mold to yours. Slow and tentative at first, exploratory. Soft and gentle as if he’s afraid of hurting you. His hand on your waist moves to your lower back, gripping your clothes. He leans into you, beard scratching the skin of your face. Your fingers slide through and tangle in his wet hair. It makes him pant into your mouth before kissing you again, more eager this time.
Breaking apart, you both linger close, hot breath mixing together. His forehead leans to yours, eyes still closed.
That raspy voice of his you love so much is the first to break the silence. “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting you to do that.”
“You could have made the first move. I wouldn’t have minded.”
“Was never sure if you were just being quippy and flirtatious for fun or not.”
“It is fun, but it’s also because I care for you.”
He hums, nuzzling his nose against yours. “Good to know, we’re going to have to find time for this more often.”
You close the distance enough to ghost your lips over his. “We have time now.”
He hesitates, so tempted with the offer, but exhales instead. “You’re hurt and bleeding all over the place, I need to get you some medical help. Plus, Hadrian needs her damn samples.”
“Pshh. I’ve got plenty of blood left—and she can be patient.”
He starts walking again, bringing you with him, and pressing the gentlest kiss you’ve ever felt against the corner of your mouth. “Just wait until you’re healed. You won’t be able to keep me away.”
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yukoii1 · 2 months
Hi, can I please request a Shinra Kusakabe x reader about him crushing and then asking us out and also if you can put head-canons about that too like him dating us.
I love your work btw!!!
·˚ ༘ 𝑰𝒏𝒇𝒐 ➪ fluff, black!reader, shinra blushing a lot. kissing
ミ★ 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆 I had fun writing this even though the main Idea I had didn’t go as plan but I really hope you enjoy It either way :(. also thank you sm for liking my work! It means a lot to me ml <33!!.
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#❤︎︎ — 𝖲𝖧𝖨𝖭𝖱𝖠 for starters. everyone knew. the WHOLE team knew he had a fat crush on you. for the many times of eating and venting to making, she adviced shinra to just go for It, he was 18, a full adult but he was still acting like he was 16. and just his luck arthur took notice of how nervous shinra was of the idea asking you out deciding to take his chances to make fun of him. which lead to both of them getting Into a tussle and getting a punishment from the captain.
leading to now.
"so you got cleaning duty huh?." you questioned plopping a grape In your mouth as you watched him with knitted eyebrows sweeping the ground, "If It weren't for that blonde bastard I wouldn't be here." he grumbled, humming In response eating another grape, "what did he do this time?." he paused his movements to think back to moments ago.
"there's no way you're this scared to ask her out dude." he laughed as shinra grumbled, "you don't know what you're talking about." he argued back but arthur chuckled again placing his sword down now facing him, "but I do. you don't have the balls to ask the girl you like out!. maybe..I should ask her out yeah? since the little devil foot doesn't have enough balls to—!" a loud thud echoed through the room as shinra tackled him to the ground strangely him.
pretty much what happened.
"shinra." you took him out his thoughts, looking up at you who had your head tilted to the side, "you ok?. you blanked out." you chuckled as shinra shook his head with a smile of him own, "yeah I'm fine, it wasn’t that big just disagreeing on some things.” he practically snarled at the last part but turned his attention back to you. you hummed eating another grape, “what did he say that made you get to this point?.” you questioned staring at him who looked down at the broom, “It was just something. nothing In Important.” he cleared his throat but you weren’t buying It, you squinted your eyes at him scoffing, “come here right quick.” he paused, “what?” — “I said come here.” you signaled him to where you were sitting and with no argument he walked towards you. he was standing right In front of you, raising a brow grabbing him by the shirt to pull him closer. “look me In the eyes right now and tell me It was just nothing.” shinra gulped down that huge lump In his throat with wide eyes, “I-It was nothing.” still not buying It, “youre stuttering..” you whispered seeing his eyes flick between your eyes and your lips.
you have no Idea what came over you but you got distracted getting lost In his eyes. It was just silence between the both of you, your head moved forward a little on Its In, fist gripping more Into his shirt as shinra started to lean In too. It was slow pace moving but the more seconds that counted down you felt his lips on yours. as you guys were about to lock lips, eyes half lidded a loud sound shocked you both. you both pulled back shocked about what was finna happen. shinra’s heart rushing as you’re did the same.
what was finna happen?
shinra cleared his throat stepping back a little to give you both distance. “I should get back to sweeping.” he mumbled and you hummed “yeah.” you bit your bottom lip grabbing the bowl of grapes hopping off the counter walking towards him, feeling flustered. "well don't let this small punishment get to you and whatever arthur told you. maybe this is a lesson learned to stop fighting, yeah?." you stood tall reaching to give his cheek a small peck, his cheeks turning red watching you smile then walk away, “If you need anything I’ll be In my room.” he placed a hand on his cheek feeling a grin himself form. he was so Inlove.
ever since the moment in the kitchen shinra's courage started to build up. today was the day where he was going to ask you out, he had everything planned. a nice beach picnic. great idea! especially since you love beaches It was perfect, since today was a free day he gotten up early to get all the stuff he needed, your favorite snacks, and drinks etc etc. the team was confused by the sudden energy shinra had, he was never this energetic—well he was energetic but not like this?. "what's gotten Into him?." captain obi asked sipping his morning coffee as maki shrugged, "maybe he's excited for something." hibana butts In rolling her eyes, "It's a sunday. what could he possibly be excited for." she asked annoyed seeing the boy rush past the kitchen to his room hearing a small slam, “whatever It Is let's let him be."
throughout the whole day shinra was non stop nervous about tonight. nervous If you would like It or not, would you come?..will you reject him.?. all these thoughts clouded his mind as he paced In his room, hands In his hair with no shirt on and ontop of that not knowing what to wear. what do people wear at beaches? bathing suits?? but It's gonna be cold. would you care about what he wears? many other times you would compliment him even If it wasn't that great of an outfit. why is he overthinking this much? you weren't judgmental you weren't any of that, you're a sweet and kind girl. yeah..you weren’t like that. he stopped pacing for a second taking a deep breath In calming down his nerves letting his thoughts focus on one thing.
making sure this date goes to plan.
after picking out an outfit he grabbed everything he bought today making his way to the location, he pulled out his phone and texted you.
shin ☄️
- meet me at this location In 10 minutes
- I’ll be waiting :)
the sound of your phone going off took your attention away from the conversation you were having with maki and tamaki. 'meet me at this location In 10 minutes' from shinra, your heart sped but you quickly responded with a quick 'ok :)' putting your phone back In your pocket, "sorry girls but I have to go. we can continue this later!." you said rushing towards your room going straight Into your closet. "what should I wear..." was this the day? you finally get to be alone with him? just you both?? your heart was racing as you rushed through outfits. 3 minutes had went by and you found the perfect outfit.
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(or whatever you prefer! :))
lucky for you since base wasn't far from the beach It was a 5 minute walk, as you were walking up to the location shinra sent to you, you saw him. hearing foot steps step closer to him he looked up and his breath hitched. you looked so beautiful. you smiled at him nervously, but he was so lost In a gaze. when you didn’t hear him say anything you looked up be faced with brown eyes staring directly at you. you got surprised from the sudden eye contact was there something wrong with your outfit? did you put too much makeup on? Is there something on your face??. your eyebrows furrowed placing a hand on your face wiping It, “Is there something on my face?.” you asked and shinra’s eyes widened a bit shaking his head, “no! —no there’s nothing on your face.” this made you more suspicious dropping your arms to the side., “then what Is It? Is there something wrong?.” your facial expression was enough for him to shake his head Immediately no, “I— no! nothing It’s just..you’re.. really pretty— beautiful even. I’ve never seen you In a dress before.” he chuckled nervously rubbing a hand behind his neck as you began to feel flustered smiling, “wanted to dress nice, you know?.” you mumbled seeing him nod with small blush pulling out a blindfold, “I wanna show you something but It’s a surprise.”
you seen him hold the blindfold, looking at It then him, “do you trust me?.” almost Immediately you nodded, “of course I do.” shinra smiled walking up behind you to tie the blindfold around your eyes, your breath hitched a bit feeling him behind you, this was the first time you’ve been this close with him. after he was done tying the knot you felt his hands grab ahold of yours, “nothing will happen. It’s just me and you.” he said, taking a step back as you took a step forward following him. the distance from where he was taking you wasn’t that far. It was possibly only 3 minutes. It was nice, the warm sand under your feet as his hands were engulf with yours. you both stopped feeling his hands let go of yours, shinra walking up behind you to untie the blindfold. you blinked a couple of times before adjusting to what you saw In front of you, It was a picnic with your favorite snacks, and drinks laid out on the blanket.
your heart fluttered turning around to face a blushing shinra who looked at you nervously, “I wanted to do something special for you.” he said grabbing ahold of your hand leading you to the blanket, sitting down. you were still speechless, everything was so cute and romantic..a smile started to creep to your face, “shinra you didn’t have to do all of this.” you said looking back at him but he shrugged, “but I wanted too. you deserve It.”throughout the whole evening It was just you two talking and having a great time with each other, talking about your dreams, life goals, telling funny stories overall having a great time.
you chuckled dipping another strawberry In the chocolate dip staring back at shinra, “funny thing Is I was afraid of the ocean for a really long time.” you said taking a bite from the strawberry confusing shinra, “really?” you nodded, “yeah. ever since I was 4 I’ve been afraid of getting swept off shore to the middle of nowhere.” you laughed at the memory, “but once I turned 12 I got over my fears and ever since I fell In love with the ocean. the breeze, the smell..” the ocean was your favorite place to go, to read, to relax even to train. shinra gave you a hum. “so Is that why half the time when we train on our own you’re gone?.” you turned to face him nodding your head, “yeah. It’s just easier for me to concentrate.” you placed down the stem of the strawberry where the rest were wiping your hands off.
shinra didn’t say anything but slowly nodded his head, but something caught his attention. you had some bits of chocolate on your face, he reached his hand to be placed on your cheek taking you by surprised feeling him turn your head a little. he scooted a little closer to you, using his bottom thumb to wipe the chocolate away. you stayed quiet. when he got the chocolate off your face he just..kept his hand there, staring at you. you’re so much prettier up close. the sound of the water crashing together and the slight cold breeze brushing against you, you didn’t wanna ruin the moment by moving so you sat there. eyes staring back at each other as shinras eyes flickered back and fourth between your eyes and lips. you caught noticed of this, breath hitching. his head slowly started moving towards you as you did the same, you felt his breath hit your lips as they barley touched. before they could engulf each other shinra paused, “can I kiss you?.” he whispered. you didn’t say anything but nodded your head, “yes..” when shinra got the green light he closed his eyes taking your lips with his.
your heart started to do back flips kissing him back. It was slow and gentle but started to get slightly rough like he was waiting for this moment. shinra’s hand glided towards your waist giving them a small squeeze pulling you by them to be closer with him. your chest hitting his made him groan In between the kiss as your hands were wrapped around his neck tilting your head to deepen It. the moment lasted for a few minutes before you were the first to pull back. you smiled as shinra looked stunned. did he really just do that? “I..uhm.” he began to stutter with a small blush, “I have something to tell you.” you looked at him with confusion, tilting your head, “what’s up?.” he breathed In and out going to engulf yours hands with his squeezing them, looking up at you with soft eyes. those red eyes staring back at you. “would you wanna go out with me?. I know we just kissed and all but.” he nervously laughed, “would you want to go out with me?.”
thought he would never ask.
“I would love too.”
— ❤︎︎❤︎︎ —
shinra Is the type to be really overprotective but not In a toxic way. knowing that he has a girlfriend now the people coming after him would be coming after you more. more like you’re their target so he always sticks besides you like glue to make sure you’re safe.
he’s gets jealous whenever arthur would “flirt” with you to just get under his skin but you would calm him down every time kissing or hugging him knowing you only wanted him and no one else.
would take you out on weekly dates, like watching a movie, having dinner, lunch, going shopping, etc. definitely will spoil you on special occasions, like christmas, your birthday, valentine’s day. you would always get mad at him and feel bad for the amount of stuff he gets you but he would always tell you that you deserve everything In the world. cheesy but you liked cheesy.
loves cuddling you. like all the time, whenever you guys are free from training with the group all you guys do Is be all cuddly with each other, It’s makes the team sick. when watching a movie, when laying In bed. he was also really clingy, loves holding your hand or kissing your cheek whenever you don’t expect It.
he would totally have you as his pfp on Instagram to let people know that he was taken. he loved showing you off.
would still constantly get nervous around you but It was In a loving way, whenever you would place your hand on his cheek when speaking to him, pecking his lips with your soft ones, running your hand through this hair..everyday he reminds himself. he was lucky to have you.
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bg-brainrot · 4 months
Hugs for a Vampire (Astarion x GN!Reader) - Chapter 6: Before the Assault on Moonrise
Chapter 6: Before the Assault on Moonrise
Each chapter can be read as a standalone hug.
Pairing: Astarion x GN!Reader (Rogue!Tav)
Genre: Fluffy, Filling in Canon
Rating: Teen
Tags: Gender-Neutral Pronouns, POV Second Person, Act 2, Canon-typical violence, developing relationship, blood, boundaries
WC: 2.3k words, 6/18 chapters
Summary: A feeding-hug for Rogue!Tav and Astarion. They're still working out how to act around each other, with Astarion setting the boundaries.
Ao3 | [Hug5][Hug7] | Hugs for a Vampire Masterlist
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It feels like the calm before the storm. Come tomorrow, you’ll head to Moonrise and begin an attack on the evil that resides there. You’ve freed the Nightsong, given Shadowheart some time to herself, and now gathered the Harpers for a full-on assault. Your companions are all itching to get going– for the most part. 
Throughout the Gauntlet of Shar, Astarion had been a bit off. You imagined it was an odd combination of learning about the scars on his back and, selfishly, both of you trying to figure out something real between you. Now that you’ve left the Gauntlet though, Astarion still seems lost.
“Something the matter, love?” you ask him over dinner at the Last Light Inn. The two of you are eating together, though he only holds a glass of wine to your plate of actual food. He seems deep in thought, staring off into the distance as he runs his tongue over one of his fangs.
Astarion jumps at your words, taking a second to register that you’re speaking to him. “It’s nothing,” he says, on instinct. Then, after a stern look from you, follows it with. “I’m just a tad peckish, my dear.”
Tilting your head, you ask, “Have you not found something to your liking today?” Early on, you’d agreed that he can and should drink from any enemy with a pulse.
He shakes his head ruefully. “Not much on offer out here,” he sounds wistful, and you register an underlying desperation to his voice. “I don’t think I’ve had a solid meal… well, since we entered the Shadowlands.”
You balk at that, thinking back to every enemy you’ve faced so far. Undead, plants, cursed fish, the odd shade, and he hasn’t fed from you since you’d agreed to take things slowly– how did you not realize this sooner? “Astarion, you must be starving!” You push your own food away, as if its presence would only make his hunger worse. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“What will you do, bring the undead back to life? And it’s not like I could drink from a Harper,” he rolls his eyes and pauses. “Wait, do you think I could–”
“Don’t you dare,” you stop his thought process in its tracks, holding up a hand. “We are nice to the Harpers and we appreciate their help, got it?” 
“Oh, you’re no fun,” he pouts. “I guess I’ll just continue to starve. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve gone without.” He adds that last sentence as a bitter afterthought. The thought of him having gone weeks, months, a year without so much as a drop of blood tears at your heart.
“And why don't you ask me?” you ask, quieting your voice so that only he can hear you in the din of the Inn.
He looks genuinely confused. “Ask you what?”
You narrow your eyes at him– surely he didn’t forget you are not an undead, not an aberration or anything of the sort. Right? “Um, ask me for blood?” you offer, equally confused.
“Ah,” he says, it comes out like a soft huff. “My love, I couldn’t.”
“And why not?” You bristle at the thought that your blood isn’t good enough, isn’t as satisfying as some random Harper’s. “Am I no longer to your taste?”
Placing a hand on his chest, he gives you an aghast look, “Of course not, dear. You’re quite possibly the most delectable creature I’ve had the fortune to taste. In every single way.”
You hear a startled choke from behind you. Astarion has not been keeping his voice quiet in the same way you have, and a blushing Gale tries to pretend that he is absolutely enthralled by the plate of food in front of him.
Shooting a look at Astarion, who doesn’t even have the good grace to look embarrassed, you say, “Let’s talk a bit more privately, shall we?”
“If you insist,” he replies, with a hand wave. “But I hope you know it isn’t the first time that half this team imagines devouring you.”
You decide to ignore the bait, opting instead to drag him gracelessly away from the Last Light’s central area. All but pulling him upstairs, you set him on a bed and place your hands on your hips.
“You’ve had your fun, now tell me truthfully,” you start, keeping him pinned with your eyes. “Why haven’t you asked to drink from me? You know I’m happy to offer.”
“Darling,” he starts, eyes avoiding yours, clearly intending to avoid this conversation. “I don’t see what the big deal is. We deal with the cult, we get back to Baldur’s Gate and I’ll have a veritable feast of ruffians to pick from.”
“The big deal is that you planned on suffering by yourself this entire time,” you say, and hurt begins to color your voice. “I thought we were being more… honest with each other. Maybe I was wrong about that.”
Astarion stands then, whispering your name as he takes a step toward you. “I am being honest, love. I can’t possibly drink from you, not anymore.” His hands reach up to cup your face, and the ruby eyes that lock with yours are so very conflicted.
“Why not?” you ask again, trying to keep firm under his piercing eyes but failing miserably.
“Because it feels different with you,” he says, quietly. He rubs a cool thumb across your cheek, bravado all gone as a searing sweetness settles between you both. “You’re not some bandit, some cultist, or goblin. I don’t want to hurt you and…” Astarion looks down, away from you. “I don't want you to feel like you owe me anything.”
You lean into his hands, closing your eyes. A strange sort of relief settles over you as you respond, “My sweet fool.”
“What?” he says, indignantly.
“I don’t feel like I owe you anything,” you say before opening your eyes again. “I want to do this for you.”
“And how do I know that I haven’t just entranced you against your will?” he says with a soft, disbelieving scoff as his eyes search yours. “In fact, I’m finding that, for perhaps the first time in my life, I'd rather someone’s blood remain soundly in their body.”
“What if,” you start, not sure how to say it without sounding insane. You drop eye contact with him to muster the will to continue, “What if I said I liked it when you fed from me?”
He’s silent and you’re suddenly worried that you’ve said too much, been a little too honest too quickly. But when you finally bring your eyes back to him, you just see a war going on behind Astarion’s eyes. A deep hunger, surely, but above all else, a concern– one that you know is for you and your well-being. 
“I promise I’m not just saying that,” you add, hoping to assuage his worries.
Your love doesn’t seem to believe you, brows furrowed and hands gripping your face a bit tighter as he tilts it this way, then that way. “You… like having your life force drained out of you?”
“Listen,” you start, placing a hand on Astarion’s arm to stop his examinations. “If you don’t want to believe me, you don’t have to. But I invite you to drink from me regardless. You can’t confront the armies at Moonrise like this.”
He finally releases your face, shoulders drooping with a heavy sigh. “In two centuries, I never thought I would be fighting an offering of blood like this, but darling, if I injure you, if I take too much…”
“You haven’t before,” you try reasoning. “Besides, I’ve pushed you off once, I can always do it again.”
“Fine,” he says with a frown. “But don’t you dare hesitate.”
“You know I wouldn’t,” you respond easily, tugging on one of his hands. “Shall we get comfortable?”
Astarion allows you to take him back to the bed, sitting down in a manner all at once defeated and eager despite himself. You can’t even imagine the hunger he must be feeling right now, and the fact that his feelings for you could have overridden even a portion of that astonishes you. You sit down next to him and bare your neck.
He settles in behind you, hands ghosting at your neck and shoulders. “You’re certain?” he asks again, eyes large and pleading. 
“Yes,” you stress. “But if you’re that worried, could I make a request?”
“Anything,” he says, the word a breath on his lips.
You still waver, the vulnerability new and quite frightening. “Well, the previous bites haven’t been exactly cozy. Would you mind… holding me while you bite?”
Astarion’s response comes in the form of his arms wrapping around your torso, pulling you into his chest. He places a fleeting kiss under your ear before burying his head into the crook of your neck. Nuzzling softly, his nose tickles your bare skin. “Cozy enough, my dear?”
“Mmm, yes,” you say, feeling a blush creeping up your neck. You hadn’t expected him to embrace you so thoroughly. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” he murmurs and he sounds utterly bewitched as he inhales. The sharp bite that follows catches you by surprise and you know that he couldn’t resist any longer. He takes a long pull from your neck, drinking more deeply than he has in weeks.
However, unlike previous times that he’s fed on you, this feels distinctly different. It’s the first time he’s bitten you since you’ve agreed to figure out, well, whatever you have between you two. And it shows.
It shows in how his arms, which had previously held you in place while biting, gently squeeze around you. In how his lips, which he used to bare wide, press the occasional soft kiss as he drinks. In how your heads tap together, his curls caressing your cheek.
Oh, you think distantly as you lean into his devouring mouth. I see why this might feel different from a bandit. While it felt like a nice gift you could provide before, now the act of feeding him feels immensely close. Could you always feel his breath on you like this?
You don’t have to ponder long before he pulls away, placing one last kiss where he’s bitten. “There,” he says, taking a shallow breath. “How do you feel?”
Taking a second to check in with yourself, you find that you feel pretty normal. “I feel good, too good,” you say, turning to face him. “Are you sure you had enough?”
Astarion licks a few drops of blood from his lips as he surveys you, verifying your liveliness. He smirks before responding, “More than enough. As I said, I was only peckish. Thank you, love.”
He looks more vibrant now– his eyes shine bright in the firelight of the inn and there’s a rosy tint to his skin that wasn’t there before– so you decide not to push it. “You’re welcome, and thank you,” you say, grinning at him cheekily.
“Whatever are you thanking me for?” he asks, skeptically.
“If you always embrace me so tenderly while you feed, I may run out of blood asking for another go.”
Astarion clicks his tongue with annoyance. “I was not being tender. I was quite literally consuming you. Could you please have an ounce of self-preservation?” 
You keep a small, satisfied smile on your face as you shrug. “Some mighty righteous words from a man who was just refusing to feed.”
“How about this,” he starts, leaning into you. “I promise to seek you out if I need sustenance and you promise to never call me tender again. What will the others think of me?“
You lean right back into him, and give a short affirming nod. “Your secret is safe with me, my oh-so-fearsome vampire.”
“Thank you, my delicious little treat,” he responds. Swiftly bringing your hand to his face, he places a kiss on the back of it. “And thank you for…” He clears his throat. “Helping me navigate whatever this is.” The vampire vaguely gestures between you both and it’s evident what he means. If feeding felt different for you, he surely felt it too. Even the emotions bubbling at the surface now feel different. It would surely settle in time, but for now, learning together, it is a terrifying new unknown.
“Of course,” you say, placing your other hand on top of his. Your eyes meet in unspoken communication, marveling at the absurdity of your situation, of your gentle moment. Of course, you must be the one to break it. “I was worried for a moment there.”
“Whatever for?”
“I thought maybe you didn’t like the taste of my blood anymore, maybe I ate something off-putting,” you pretend to sniff at your arm, as if you’d be able to pin down the scent of your blood.
Astarion shakes his head at you, ruefully. “I meant it when I said you’re the most delectable.” His eyes get a distant look to them, as he thinks. “Maybe it’s because you were the– ehem– first. Or because you're just… you. But you have a lovely flavor.”
Unable to help your own curiosity, you ask, “What do I taste like?”
“It’s hard to pin down.” He pulls your hand to his nose for a long sniff. “But you taste like warmth feels.”
You’re not sure what to say to that, but by the way it’s sending your heart somersaulting, you’re not certain you’d be very coherent anyway. So you just give a little, “Mmm.”
Astarion laughs at your reaction and drops your hand. “Let’s head back to dinner. You’ll have to keep your energy up if we’re to defeat the Absolute or whatever nonsense.” He gets up to leave and you return to reality.
“And to keep my blood tasting warm,” you quip, standing up and following after your vampire.
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gemini-sensei · 4 months
Everything Has Changed pt. 3 | Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz x Chubby!LaRusso!Reader
● Part One ○ Part Two ●
CW: teen pregnancy, Canon level violence, unhinged and protective Daniel LaRusso.
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Evenings when training was over with were always the best, that was until Reader wound up pregnant. Now Hawk rethought everything and the time after training wasn't as great as it used to be. It was filled with the same after-trainging cooldown, the Gatorades, the laughter, but now his head was filled with thoughts of Reader and the baby. All he wanted to do was go home and text or call her, hearing her voice was the highlight of his day.
He grabbed two Gatorades from the store coolers and made his way to the counter. It was easy to pay for it and leave, heading toward his car. As afternoon turned to evening, he was once again consumed by thoughts of Reader.
With his car in sight, Hawk was ready for a relaxing evening. He deserved a shower and to lay back on his bed. Daytime was for worrying about things, such as the baby.
The least of his worries, as far as he was concerned, had nothing to do with getting punched in the face while walking to his car.
He stumbled, dropped his drinks and keys, and got into a defensive position. His vision was a little blurry but he blinked away the tears in time to block another fist. He countered with a jab of his own and was blocked, so he remained on the offense and kept attacking his attacker until he could put some distance between them.
"What the Hell, man!" he yelled, fiery and ready to rage. Then he saw who his opponent was. "Oh shit."
"Is that all you have to say for yourself, you little cretin?" Mr. LaRusso asked, still holding his fists up. Hawk stared him down, never taking his eyes off of his opponent but remained aware enough that he could have come with others. For all he knew, Sam was around the corner waiting to jump him too. "I should kill you."
"I'd like to see you try, old man," Hawk huffed, wiping a little blood from his nose with the back of his hand. There was no way he was going to let the rival sensei get the better of him. "So you know."
"I know," Mr. LaRusso said, rather harshly. He glared at the mohawked teen. "I know you took advantage of my daughter."
"Don't feed me that bullshit. I know you talked her into it or used whatever charm you Cobras have to woo her. But that ends now. You're never gonna see my daughter again."
"You can't do that," Hawk grunted, and without a second thought charged.
Mr. LaRusso was now the enemy trying to keep him away from Reader and the baby. All Hawk saw was red.
They fought through the parking lot, Mr. LaRusso blocking all of Hawk's efforts to hurt him. They backed into a car and that when Hawk thought he had him cornered, only to get turned around and pinned to the car. Mr. LaRusso held a hand on his chest, but it wasn't good enough. He headbutt the man and pushed away, watching him stumble. Mr. LaRusso caught himself and tried to kick him, but Hawk stepped back and dodged. Then he ran and sent his own kick toward the man, only for him to catch his ankle and hold him there like that.
"Just leave Reader alone," Mr. LaRusso said.
Hawk glared at him. "Never."
"Why? You wanna keep playing games with her?"
"Why the fuck would you think that?"
Mr. LaRusso let him go by pushing him back. Hawk fell on the ground, but didn't back down. He pushed himself up and got in the man's face, but their wasn't just any guy. This was his girlfriend's father. Someone he shouldn't be fighting in a dingy parking lot at 7pm.
He breathing hot and heavy through his nose staring at the man. "I didn't trick her into anything. I didn't woo her. I didn't take advantage of her. It started off at blowing off steam for the both of us. But even before all that, I've liked her. This wasn't some random hookup for me, so no, I'm not gonna leave her alone. I'm not gonna leave her period. Deal with it."
Daniel stared him in the eyes. "Do you love her?"
"What kind of question is that?"
"A necessary one, now answer it."
"Of course I do," Hawk breathed, tension finally releasing from his body. It was over, this moment.
It was finally over and now they were two jackasses standing in a darkening parking lot bruised and bloodied. They had each gotten a few good hits in, with Mr. LaRusso's experience and Hawk's anger such things were inevitable. They sat on the curb to collect their bearings and talk through the situation like men, like how they should have from the beginning.
"You're lucky you got me coming out of training. My mom would have your head if I had to tell her a grown man attacked me," Hawk sighed.
Mr. LaRusso took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. For a moment, I thought you deserved it. Something like if you're man enough to get my daughter pregnant, your man enough to fight me over it. It was stupid and wrong of me."
Hawk shrugged. "I don't care about that." He felt like he won in the end, but that wasn't what was most important. "I only care about Reader and the baby."
"About that," Daniel said, looking at him. "How are you planning on finishing high school and raising a kid?"
"I'm not worried about graduating, that's the easy part. What's been hard is sneaking Reader out to take her to appointments, buying baby stuff with my allowance, and hiding this from my mom," Hawk said, putting his face in his hands. A hand came down on his back and rubbed it in soothing circles. After a moment, he lifted his head to speak clearly. "Most of all, only seeing Reader at night. I wanna take her out on real dates, take her shopping for the baby. Yeah, I see her when I take her to the appointments, but it isn't the same."
Daniel continued to rub circles on his back but Hawk didn't know if it was helpful or not. He sighed and dropped his head again, letting everything he just said hang in the air.
"You two don't have to do this alone," Mr. LaRusso said, finally speaking after a long pause.
Hawk looked up, and for a brief moment he felt like he wasn't Hawk at all. He was Eli - scared, uncertain Eli. He nodded a little bit and went to speak, but a voice cut through the air.
"Mr. Moskowitz, what's going on here?"
It was Sensei Kreese.
Hawk stood up and faced his sensei while Mr. LaRusso stood defensively. He glared at the older man, whose focus was solely on his student.
He shook his head. "No, sensei."
Kreese cut his eyes to Daniel, who was still glaring. "Don't you have other things to attend to? Or is stealing away my star pupil on your agenda for the week?"
"This has nothing to do with karate, Kreese. Stay out of it."
"On the contrary. You're outside of my dojo fighting with one of my students. I could easily go inside and call for the police-"
"He said stay out of it!" Hawk yelled. He grabbed his stuff off the ground and glared at the karate sensei. He had never taken that tone with Kreese before, but at the thought of Mr. LaRusso getting arrested, he knew he had to do something. It would devastate Reader. "Take that star pupil bullshit and shove it up your ass. I quit."
With that, he walked away from the two bickering men. He walked away like a man who needed to think about his family, which was exactly what he was doing. Mr. LaRusso was smart to do the same and make sure Hawk got to his car without further interruption from Kreese.
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When Daniel got home, his wife was waiting for him. She didn't look the least bit happy but he expected that. He braced himself for the verbal beat down she was bound to give him, but it never came. She sat quietly, arms crossed over her chest as she stared him down. She was still dressed for the event they missed because of his outburst, a crude reminder of what he put his family through. Her silence was much worse.
"I'm sorry," he said, sighing. He shook his head. "I thought that boy... Hawk," he corrected himself, then took a moment to collect his thoughts. "I was wrong about him. He seems genuine about his feelings for Reader-"
Amanda cut him off. "I'm not the one you need to apologize to."
"I know," he said and looked at the stares. He made a step toward them to go to their daughter, but was stopped short.
"She's on the phone with him right now," Amanda told him. Her tone was full of disappointment and Daniel knew he deserved it. "She was a wreck the whole time you were gone. You really put her through it, which you know is bad for her and the baby. Now, I understand how shocked you must have been to find out she's pregnant, believe me, so was I, but that was no way to react to it. We should have been able to sit down with her and talk to her about this, but because you went and beat up her boyfriend, that was impossible. She cried so hard, she couldn't speak. She couldn't tell me what was wrong. She was so wrapped up in trying to call and text him that Sam and I could hardly get her to calm down."
"I am so sorry," Daniel said. He knew he couldn't deny anything he did. His face hurt. Hawk had gotten a few good hits in and busted his lip. It was already starting to swell and he knew it would be fat for the next few days. "I should have handled this better."
Amanda nodded and stood up. She walked past him like a breeze, giving him a cold shoulder. Without saying anything else, she walked upstairs and Daniel followed her a few minutes later.
He walked down the hallway as he heard her talking to Reader. "Honey, your father's home. He has something he wants to say to you."
"Okay..." Reader's soft, strained voice came.
When he saw her, he knew she'd been so upset. Her eyes were puffy and red, her cheeks tearstained, her hair a mess. She was wearing a shirt he'd never seen before, likely one Hawk had gotten for her, and was wrapped up in a blanket on her bed. She held the phone to her ear, just breathing into the phone and listening to whatever Hawk was saying on the other side.
After a moment, she ended the call with a small, sweet "I love you."
Daniel came into her room and sat on the end of her bed, keeping some distance in case she didn't want to be close to him at that moment. He stared at his hands, the ones he'd used to attack her boyfriend, and sighed. "Reader, I am so sorry for tonight. I don't know what I was thinking," he told her, though that was a lie. He just didn't want to explain to her what she'd said to Eli - now wasn't the time to tell her all of that. "I shouldn't have done what I did and I'm lucky he didn't call the cops on me. I just thought... I thought he was wrong."
"Dad," Reader said, making him look up. She lightly shook her head. "I tried to tell you. Why wouldn't you listen?"
He shook his head and sighed. "I was angry. Not at you, at him. I wanted to blame him for everything, not that I blame you. This isn't your fault."
"Sure it is," she said, then shrugged. "But I shouldn't be so surprised. We were having-"
"I don't want to know the details," Daniel said, putting his hand up. "I beg you, spare me the details of... that part of all this. All I want to know is whether or not you love him."
He'd heard her tell Hawk as much, but he needed to have this conversation with her.
"I do," she told him, a small smile gracing her lips. "I love him."
"Then that's good enough for me," he told her.
He moved closer to her and gave her a hug. She returned it and breathed in his scent mixed with the night air. She held onto him for a long time and Daniel didn't care. He stayed there as long as she wanted him to, kissing her head and telling her the same thing he told Hawk.
"You two don't have to do this alone," he told her. He rubbed her back as she nodded gently. "Your mother and I, we're going to do everything we can to help you through this. We love you."
"I know," she sighed. She pulled out of the hug and looked at him. "I'm sorry I hid this from you."
She looked down at her belly and put hand to it sweetly, holding it gently. He watched her for a moment before shaking his head.
"It's okay, sweetheart."
Then her phone buzzed and she checked it. "Oh."
"What is it?" he asked softly.
She looked up at him. "Eli's parents want to meet me... He told them about us and the baby."
He put hand on her shoulder. "We'll be there if you want us to be."
She smiled and nodded gently. "That would be nice."
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kit-kat-katie · 1 month
this time, my time
A/N: hey, do you remember me? 0_0 it's been a long few months of school, to put in simply. now I'm off for the summer, and I'm here to slowly finish up my Finnick series and the request decaying in my inbox.
TW: canon violence and other sensitive topics (prostitution and other servitude to the Capitol), reader has a long-term knee injury, main character death, strong deviation from cannon events will start here, quick mentions of knives, past and present trauma for reader, the ending is so sad
Pairing: Finnick x GN! Reader (romantic)
Summary: The rebellion goes strong as you try to find your place in District 13. Things fall in and out of place as the continuous ups and downs of the warzone weigh on your mental and physical condition.
(<- Previous Part | Next Part -> | Series Masterlist)
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You stand quietly outside of the meeting room, trying to pretend like you weren’t eavesdropping on the conversation going on inside. Whatever it was, it ended quickly as Katniss burst out of the doors first.
“So you’re going to be the Mockingjay?” You softly ask, which stops Katniss in her tracks.
“What choice do I have? You saw Peeta on TV in the Capital, and we know that the others are there too. I have to get him, them home.” She curtly says before turning and leaving the area.
You slip into the shadows as other members of the meeting leave - some you recognize, some you aren’t quite familiar with.
The last man to leave the room, the one you didn’t know on the air carrier that took you to District 13, is the only one to notice your presence.
“Do you believe Katniss is our Mockingjay?” He solemnly asks as you step into the light.
“She might not be an elegant speaker, or the best role model, but she’s got a lot of fight and energy left in her. If anyone is going to get us out of this mess, it’ll be her.” You hold on to your cane as you limp forward with your injured leg.
“What I said when we rescued you, Finnick, and Katniss, is still on the table. We can arrange to fix-”
“My fighting days are long over.” You gesture to your knee as a small chuckle escapes your throat. “Your doctors are amazing. They can prescribe fantastic painkillers, but they can’t fix this.”
Plutarch simply smiles to himself.
“You should see Beetee when you have the time. He’s made something for you, if you’re interested.” He shrugs before leaving you alone with your thoughts.
This cane is getting on my last nerve. It would be nice to walk with two feet again, or to walk long distances without having to be carried by a child.
“I’m assuming Plutarch spoke with you?” Beetee says as you stare in admiration at his room of inventions. 
“You’ve been busy while we’ve been stuck down here.” You marvel at something on his desk, but you know better than to touch.
“I haven’t had much to do, being stuck in a wheelchair and all.” Beetee makes his way over to you with a strange, metal-looking brace on his lap.
“What is that?” You ask as he hands it to you.
“It’s a regenerative knee brace - a special project that I was working on with a few of the medical specialists in Thirteen. I can’t guarantee that it’ll heal all, but you should be able to walk without that cane for hours at a time. Ideally, a few weeks of usage should get you completely healed, but we haven’t tested it on any subjects so the results may be unsure-”
“Beetee, I don’t think I can thank you enough for this.” You sit down on a chair next to him as you put the brace on. 
“Think nothing of it - it’s a favor for a friend.” He offers you a rare smile, and it’s one that you happily return.
When you stand up, the aching of your knee is reduced to a dullness that medication could only hope to achieve. After hobbling around Beetee’s workspace for a bit, you’re able to walk pretty well on your own - without that damn cane.
“It’ll work?” He asks as you brightly smile.
“This will definitely work.”
“I see you took Beetee up on his offer.” Finnick remarks as you lay on the bed next to him.
“You knew about this?” You ask as Finnick squeezes your side.
“Prim came to me one day and asked a bunch of weird questions about you and your medical history, and when I pressed her for answers, she told me about Beetee’s project for you. I only knew for two weeks-”
“-two weeks? And you didn’t tell me?!?” You playfully roll your eyes. “You watched me struggle for two weeks, knowing that there was a solution on its way. If I didn’t love you so much, I’d push you off of this bed.”
“You love me, Sunny?”
“Leave me alone.” You gently push him away before he wraps his arms around you.
“I love you too.” He mumbles into your hair before kissing your neck.
With the butterflies lingering in your stomach, you curl into his touch more as you feel your eyes become heavy.
“For the record, I’m still mad at you.” You mumble softly, and his bubbly laughter is the last thing you remember before drifting off to sleep.
“How is your knee?” Prim takes a few notes on her notepad as you swing your legs back and forth on the examination table.
“The pain isn't gone, but I can walk for a while without needing to sit down. Standing still can be an issue at times because my knee locks, and the brace is so heavy that it pulls me down with it.” You explain as she nods.
“That’s good progress, especially since you’ve only been wearing it for a week. I’m glad you’re feeling better.” Prim stands up and gathers her notes before heading towards the door.
“Wait a minute, you-” You pause before asking, “why did you want to help me recover? You helped Beetee with the brace, but why do so?”
“My sister likes you, as much as she can like anyone,” Prim says, “and I have the same trust in you. We need as many people as we can for the fight ahead of us, and if I can help one person get back on their feet, then it’ll be worth it in the long run.”
“You’re wise for your age, and strong.” You softly bite your lip. “I’m sorry about your home, about everything that’s happened to you.”
“It’s all in the past, and the future is what we make of it.” She nods before leaving the room, and you push yourself off of the bed before heading for the door yourself.
I wonder what Prim was like before all of this happened. I’ll have to ask Katniss sometime, if she’ll ever tell me anything personal about herself.
“President Coin has wanted to meet you for a long time, but in-between your recovery from the injury, Katniss becoming the Mockingjay, and then the recent attack, there hasn’t been much time-”
“-It’s alright, Plutarch. I’m just grateful she took us all in.” You shrug as Plutarch opens the door for you. “Thank you.”
President Coin stands up and offers you her hand, which you gladly shake.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sunny, if I may call you that?” She greets you before letting go of your hand, and you take a seat next to her.
“It’s alright with me. Thank you for your endless hospitality, President Coin, I can’t thank you enough.” You graciously bow your head.
“It’s no issue, but I’m afraid this isn’t a simple greeting. I requested your… unique expertise for a reason. After the attack on District 13, the civilians from this District and District 12 are, understandably, scared. I’m requesting that you offer some of your time and expertise to train them on different fighting tactics.” 
“You want me to teach them? What about Katniss or Finnick?”
“Katniss is an… acquired taste, and Finnick hasn’t connected to the people of this shelter as you have.” Coin explains as Plutarch nods along.
“People look up to you, not as a Victor, but as a person. You might not be the Mockingjay, but your voice and actions carry power. Why not use them for something good?” He adds as you ponder for a moment.
It’s been a while since I’ve held my knives… am I going to be okay with this?
“It might take me a while to get back into fighting, with my knee and all, but I’ll give it a try. I’m sure Beetee will be happy if I can get some more use out of this brace.” You lightly tap your foot on the ground as you feel the brace hum against your leg.
I wonder if it’s going to heal me fully, or if I’ll be stuck with this thing forever.
Training the civilians of the two districts didn’t go as poorly as you thought it would. You were worried about injuring yourself further, or worse, accidentally hurting an innocent civilian if your survival instincts kicked in. 
Those who had shown up seemed grateful for your help, and the children that you had grown to care for had come to watch the training. You weren’t going to let them fight, no child should be involved in a warzone, but you didn’t mind them watching.
Especially when they cheered every time you hit your mark or you pinned someone to the ground. It gave you a much-needed ego boost, something that had never really phased you before. All eyes had been on you since you won the Hunger Games those years ago, and it didn’t dawn on you how weird it felt to be left alone.
You were grateful, of course, to not have to look over your shoulder in case someone from the Capitol was spying on you. Things were just… different now. The life you had known since you won the Hunger Games was gone.
Maybe you could get used to the idea of an “after”, one where you can let go of everything that has been eating you alive. One where you and Finnick could…
It’s best not to get my hopes up.
“I learned a much more valuable form of payment… secrets.”
You stand next to Katniss, quietly wiping tears from your face as you watch him bare his soul for all to witness. It wasn’t like you were completely clueless to what he was doing in the Capitol, but you never knew it was this bad.
Katniss, on the other hand, is fixated on the small bits of footage of the rescue team. You can’t blame her for doing so - who knows how Peeta, Johanna, and the rest were doing inside of the Capitol? Had they been tortured, killed, or condemned to a fate much like Finnick’s?
“And the biggest secrets are about our President, Coriolanus Snow. Such a young man when he rose to power, such a clever one to keep it. How, you may ask, did he do it?” Finnick stares into the camera, and you stare into his eyes, hoping you can offer some sort of comfort when he can’t even see you. 
“One word: poison. He stopped every mutiny before it even started. There were so many mysterious deaths of his adversaries, even the allies who were threats. Snow would drink from the same cup to deflect suspicion, but antidotes don’t always work, which is why he wears roses as a perfume. It helps cover the scent from sores in his mouth that will never heal.”
Your eyes dart over to the rescue team footage as they get closer to the captives in the Capitol - Finnick just has to distract them for a bit longer. It’s tortuous, for you and for him, to live so vicariously through the trauma and memories that you’ve both carried for all of these years.
“He can’t hide the scent of who he really is. He kills without mercy, he rules with deception and fear. His weapon of choice is the only thing suited for such a man. Poison, the perfect weapon for a snake.”
Suddenly, things go white and you’re pulled out of the weird haze you were in when Katniss calls out to Beetee. Coin attempts to bring the footage back up, but it seems to be too late.
“We have another sixty seconds and then we’ll be cut off.” Beetee says, and someone in the room asks if they should call back the hovercraft.
You would’ve volunteered to go next, to tell them every dirty little detail about being a Victor, but Katniss volunteered first. 
“Are you sure?” You softly ask, and Katniss nods as you step out of the way.
The others in the room do the same as Katniss calls out to President Snow multiple times, and time runs thin before he answers her back.
“What an honor, and I don’t imagine you’re calling me to thank me for the roses.” His face appears through the static, and you physically recoil at the sight of him. 
“I never asked for this. I never asked to be in the games, I never asked to be the Mockingjay. I just wanted to save my sister and keep Peeta alive. Please, just let him go.” The desperation in her answer is evident as she continues. “I will stop being the Mockingjay. I will disappear, you will never have to see me ever again.”
“Ms. Everdeen, you couldn’t run from this anymore than you could’ve run from the games.” Snow coldly says.
“Please, you’ve won. You’ve already beaten me. Release Peeta, and take me instead.” Katniss offers herself up, but Snow shakes his head.
“I couldn’t pass the opportunity for a noble sacrifice.”
“Then tell me what to do. I’ve always kept my promises, haven’t I?”
“You say you didn’t want a war, and that’s just what’s happened. I told you what a fragile thing peace was, and still, like a child, you took pleasure in breaking it. I know what you are, I know you can’t see past your narrow concerns, but please, Ms. Everdeen, I doubt you know what honesty is anymore.”
You’re barely able to focus on the conversation because the sight of President Snow is enough to send you into fight-or-flight. Haymitch has had to pull you back multiple times to prevent you from interfering, and you’re a few seconds from leaving the room entirely.
He’s not even here, and you’re still scared shitless of him. What a fucking nightmare you’ve found yourself in.
“You’ve asked me to convince you that I was in love with Peeta. Haven’t I, at least, done that?”
“Ms. Everdeen, it’s the things we love most that destroy us. I want you to remember that I said that. Don’t you think I know that your friends are in the Tribute Center?” He pauses for a moment as everyone stares in abstract horror. “Cut them off.”
The feed crashes as everyone launches into a panic. Haymitch goes to comfort Katniss as Beetee tries to reach those inside of the Capitol. You’re left staring at the screen, contemplating why he continues to play the same games with Katniss that he did with you.
“Sunny, you’ve done excellent work today.” Snow’s eyes remain fixated on his roses as you admire the poppies near the entrance. 
“Thank you, President Snow.” You quietly mumble.
“You can just call me Snow - we are friends, are we not?”
“Of course, my apologies.” You put on a brave smile as you take a cautious step forward.
“No need to apologize, at least not to me.” He pauses for a moment. “I heard from one of my advisors that you had brushed off his attempts at courting you.”
“It won’t happen again.” You bow to him after looking back at the poppies. “I’ll go and make a personal apology before I leave for District Four.”
“Good, it’d be a shame if I had to hurt the family that threw you out after you had won the games. Or maybe I’ll show your new ‘family’ some of the raw footage of your Games, if that would be enough to deter them from speaking with you again.”
“I sincerely apologize for disrespecting you, Snow, and I will make sure that my apology is just as sincere to your advisor.”
“I know you will, you always make great amends. That’s what I like about you, Sunny, you know when you’ve done something wrong, and nothing will stop you from making it right.” Snow picks a rose before making eye contact with you. “The advisor is being housed on the second floor of my home.”
“Thank you for your utmost kindness.” You bow again before scurrying away.
“They’re here.”
Nothing could’ve stopped you from rushing into the hospital ward - not even the armed guards that tried to stop you. Your eyes scan around for a familiar face, and you spot Johanna pulling away from guards and doctors alike.
“Leave me alone!” She barks at them before looking at you. “You look like shit.”
“You look much worse, believe me.” You scoff before waving the doctors away. “I’ve got her, I promise.”
“I tried to give them hell, but the Capitol repaid the favor with interest, as they always do.” Johanna reluctantly swings her legs back onto the hospital bed as you arrange some of the medication nearby.
“Don’t worry, I’ll watch what the doctors give you. You won’t have to take anything you don’t need, I promise.” You step aside and gesture for a doctor to come back.
“The knee brace?”
“Talk to Katniss about that one.” You both chuckle to yourselves before Finnick bursts into the ward.
“Annie? Mags?” He calls out as he desperately searches around the area.
When you look back at Johanna, she has a sympathetic look on her face as you cover your mouth with one of your hands.
“I’m sorry-” 
“-I need a minute before I do something I regret.” You back away from Johanna and rush into the hallway as you continue to hear Finnick call out for them.
Hot tears fall down your face as you let your metal knee brace pull you to the ground. After seeing Peeta alive, you had hope for the others… but your hope had now been crushed.
You remember a time when you wished that you and Finnick could have all of the time in the world to be alone together.
Now you want to reach back into the past and slap yourself for saying that.
There wouldn’t be anymore Sunday dinners, small fishing trips, or beach picnics. No more midnight stargazing with Mags when you couldn’t sleep, or baking cookies with Annie as a way to help her relax for a while.
Everything you had gained after losing yourself in the Games was nearly gone.
All that was left was the somber man who just stumbled out of the ward. The look in Finnick’s eyes was distant - he was here with you without being here with you.
You, as quickly as one with a knee brace can, stand up and rush into his arms. You’re sure that your sobs can be heard from the farthest corner of the underground facility.
He doesn’t even respond or move his head in acknowledgment. 
Neither of you move, and time doesn’t either as you grieve together.
You wanted to believe that you were out of your waking nightmare, but maybe the Games were just the beginning of a lifetime of torture.
Only time would tell.
tagging ->  @yokolesbianism , @avoxrising, @honethatty12, @sweetybuzz25, @catvader101, @sollum, @emerald-valkyrie, @randomgurl2326, @caitsymichelle13, @bcbci, @iris1587 (send a request or comment on this fic to be added to the taglist!)
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obey-my-twisted-logic · 8 months
Name-Your-Friend : You find a rather tall boy with an interesting look in your yard at Ramshackle. Despite your initial wariness, something draws you to the man and an interesting friendship blooms. Platonic!Malleus Draconia x GN!Reader
Synopsis : you make a new friend who's almost as bad at socializing as you are. He's quiet, gentle and awkward in a way that's endearing. He won't share his name, so you decide on a nickname as you confide in this mystery man. Begins the night after Riddle's Overblot.
Warnings : general spoilers about the game Disney's Twisted Wonderland. Light fluff, purely platonic and friendly, use of personal head canons and what I know about the game pre book 5. Slightly different from the in game meetings but same vibe. INCREDIBLY SELF INDULGENT BECAUSE HORNTON IS MY BEST BOY. Reader is normal font. All thoughts and musing by Malleus are italic.
Authors Note : this has been living rent free in my head since I first met Malleus in game. They can't show us every second and every interaction, so I think there's a lot of late nights he visits because he's just as lonely, and it's nice to have someone who's not groveling, calling him "my prince" or scared of him. God I love him.
You were physically and emotionally done for the day. Grim was passed out and dreaming of tuna all ready while you began to close the curtains. As you did, something caught your eye. Something? More like someone. You couldn't tell from this distance but because of the lighting of the moon, you could see a student of NRC just staring at your house.
It definitely startled and when you made eye contact from the window you pulled the curtains shut and dropped to the floor. Why did you feel like you'd been caught peeping? After a moment of collecting yourself, you pull on a hoodie over your pajamas and stuff on your shoes before making your way down and out of the house.
The ghost trio gave light teases as you passed. A midnight tryst?! And so soon! You'd have to introduce them. You waved them off, a little annoyed but mostly focused.
Had he run off? You can't help but wonder as you step outside into the brisk air. Scanning your surroundings you find him nearer than before. He had what you could barely call a smile on his calm and handsome features. He was so beautiful you felt inferior. Shaking off the nerves, you stepped onto the dying lawn and stood beside him, looking up to see what had caught his eye.
You weren't sure if he acknowledged your presence, but he made no move to leave or brush you off. He just continued to stare up at your roof.
"Is it the gargoyles?" You ask suddenly. It was the only thing of interest you could spy. It kind of fit his spooky yet handsome appearance. "I couldn't believe myself when I was first dumped here. Old place has a lotta very cool bits and bobs, even if it is falling to pieces..." You grumble that last bit, still frustrated that Crowley had been avoiding the topic of fixing the roof, despite all your work so far. The near perfect grades you got, handling Riddle's outburst and Overblot without dying, and just generally baby sitting some of the rowdier students.
"A child of man?" Was the first thing he said. You try not to gasp, he had such a pleasing voice. "To my knowledge, this dorm has been abandoned and forgotten for quite a while." You noticed for a split second a look of confusion. Had you not been studying his face, you may of missed it all together.
"Ah yea, I had heard that from some of the ghosts and the headmaster. My name is [Y/N], I'm Ramshackle Dorms new Prefect." You explain quickly and offer your hand.
A moment passes, and you begin to feel a fool for offering your hand to a stranger. He does however accept it within his firm gloved grasp. "A pleasure to meet you child of man. I am-" he paused and shook his head. "My name matters not, you may call me what you wish. Though careful, you may come to regret it." He gave a playful smile, exposing sharpened canines. Between the horns and his teeth, you knew he wasn't human. This didn't scare you near as much as it should, but then again three of your roommates were ghosts.
"Shy?" You ask with a shrug and give it a thought. "How about Hornton? It's a bit on the nose but it's all my brain can come up with."
He bursts into laughter, giving you his first genuine smile. "You are quite fearless child of man. Truly." He gives you one last smile. "While it's been pleasant having the ruined house to myself, I look forward to what you bring to the future." He gave the gargoyles a fond look. "Remember the gargoyles as you fix things up, and give it attention." he finished with a short bow, as he burst into a beautiful green light, leaving nothing behind but some fireflies.
What a magical way to end a very long and unpleasant day. You hoped he'd visit again, he was pleasant to be near. He gave you an odd calm feeling, even though his aura screamed danger.
You intrigued Malleus Draconia greatly. Not that he had revealed his name. Despite his overwhelming aura, you approached him with little to no hesitation.
In the following months, you'd catch him admiring the quiet of your house, even going so far as to give you advice on how to deal with the OctoTrio when they had taken hold of the dorm, threatening to leave you homeless in a world that wasn't your own and was hardly kind. Especially not kind to those without magic.
Other times you'd join him in his quiet studies of the gargoyles and surrounding forest. Occasionally you would break the silence with questions or just to add your own musing to the about the surroundings and recent event. You told him about everything, from mundane classes to nightmarish Overblotting of several Housewardens.
His favorite part about you was how you genuinely treasured your time with him. You never pushed for his identity, happy to have him as your gargoyle enthusiast friend Hornton. He found himself chuckling over the name, even when not around you. Lilia had asked about you more and more as he noticed the lingering visits Malleus spent at Ramshackle. He waved it off, merely stating he needed to check on you, his "Child of Man" who was almost completely alone in a terrifying new world, full of a magic you had never seen before. Lilia would always laugh and nod along, even going so far as to deliver a holiday card when Malleus could not himself.
Not long after the winter, he was once again in front of Ramshackle, waiting patiently for his Child of Man. He was surprised when he heard your familiar footsteps. Not surprised by them exactly, more stunned by the speed and noise that you made rushing to open your door.
"Hornton!" You exclaim and practically threw yourself at him, embracing him. It felt like so long.
The embrace surprised the fae dragon, but he caught you none the less, carefully returning the embrace. "Awfully excitable tonight aren't you child of man?" He teased lightly.
You beamed up at him with a pleased grin. "Yes! Tonight is important. It's very special." You assure him, kicking your door gently open further.
Freeing yourself from his embrace, you give him a little bow and extend your hand for his. Before he could even pout, you continued to smile at him and take his hand. "Ramshackle is finally presentable enough for me to invite you in. Hornton," you begin to lead him inside. "I welcome you in to my dorm, come have a drink or something! I'm excited, you're the first person I wanted to invite in."
"You're inviting me inside Child of Man?" Malleus asked surprised, but genuine smile and delight on his face.
"Of course! You're one of my best friends, and I wanted to share this with you as soon as I could." You led him in and rambled about how you had to enlist Azul and professor Trein to finally get Crowley to get off his ass and make the place at least a safe haven from the elements.
Malleus had stopped listening from the moment you confirmed the invite. All he could do was smile and keep his hand in yours. You truly were special. His Child of Man would always remember to invite him, always remember to have him in your life. He quite looked forward to that night, and any following adventures he would have with you.
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loading-mag · 1 year
Oh, Leon
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(Not my gif)
Did you know:
Leon had a girlfriend before he left for Raccoon City and since he had to head there fast, he broke up with his girlfriend before he left?
Summary: Leon leaving his girlfriend so selfishly forever haunts him as she was so understanding even in such a situation but what happens when one mission his temporary partner holds a shockingly close resemblance…
Timeframe: Around Resident Evil 6
Word count: 1.3k
CW: Canon-typical violence, toxic relationship (not really though, reader blames stuff on herself and Leon sucks at communicating), major injuries (not too graphic), hurt/comfort(?), let know if I missed any
A/N: I just feel so bad for this man…also, this wasn’t a request, I just wanted to post so people got the gist of my writing. This is not proofread well, sorry! And I don’t have access to my laptop right now so this was on my phone.
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“Oh, Leon…”
He froze as he stared into those all too familiar eyes, any words lost with the shock of seeing your face again.
“I wish I could say you look well these days but even you know that would be a lie…” you admitted as you stood across from him, watching him tense under your gaze.
“I-…” he started but stopped himself, worried he might say something to anger you, which would be almost impossible. “It’s alright. You don’t need to say anything. Just so you know, I’m not angry about what happened back then. What’s to be is to be.”
“Let’s go. We need to start briefing,” is all he said as he made his way past you to the briefing room. “Hey, Leon,” you called as you turned him. He stopped but made no move to look at you.
“I’m still interested in you…but don’t feel any obligation to me. I know you have a lot to deal with these days. Forgive me…”
Though you didn’t see it, Leon’s eyes welled up with tears, face scrunching slightly with a tiny sniffle as he forced them back down.
Maybe he realized why he was with you in the first place, someone understanding and patient, though he thinks you're insane for asking for forgiveness when it’s him that should have been asking for forgiveness.
Leon continued to the briefing room with you close behind.
Your mission started off without a hitch but as you progressed the enemies and B.O.W’s became tougher. At the start, communication was limited as it was not required with weaker enemies but if the lack of communication continued then someone could seriously get hurt, you and Leon both knew that.
You two headed towards a massive double door leading to an old cathedral-like building. “This should be where the evidence is kept,” Leon stated.
You reached the doors, back against the walls beside them, guns ready. Leon slowly pushed one door open, peeking inside but the dark obstructed his vision inside. He looked to you as a signal to be ready to storm him as soon as he pushed the doors open. You looked back at him, whilst to signal you were ready but you swore time froze as you looked at each other.
Leon was the first to breakaway as he kicked the doors open. You both entered, checking every corner while aiming your guns with your flashlights.
You two searched on opposite corners of the cathedral. It seemed eerily quiet as you looked for any enemies or the evidence you came to collect.
While you were investigating the altar at the front, Leon was inspecting the near the murals on the right side. He heard a soft but strange noise and followed it with his light up to the ceiling only to land on the massive chandelier near the altar.
His eyes widened.
A massive B.O.W laid across the chandelier as it chewed on the base of the support. Leon tensed, as he wondered how he missed such a beast above him.
He looked down to see you unaware of the monster above you as you read old text on the altar. He took cautious steps towards you.
“Hey…slowly step away from there…” he spoke as lowly as possible to you with the distance between you guys. You move your gaze to him with a questioning look but still made a move to stand. Before Leon could even motion to the B.O.W above you, it made a loud growling noise causing you both to focus your flashlights towards it.
You froze at the sight of it as it took a massive bite of the chandelier base causing it to only hang from a wire.
“(Y/N)!” Leon shouted to you but before you could make for a sprint it started to fall.
Without hesitation, Leon accelerated towards you. He grabbed you by your waist as you threw you two out of the chandeliers' vicinity with his body weight.
Your vision blurred as you hit the floor. You felt Leon get off of you and went to inspect you only to hear the roar of the beast again. It seemed he had said something to you but you couldn’t hear it, all you could make out was him giving you a look that seemed to be an apology and made his way to the fiery wreckage of the chandelier where the beast stood.
It took a few minutes before the ringing in your ear stopped as you writhed on the floor. You went to sit up only to feel an excruciating pain in your side. You look down to your abdomen to see an ugly deep wound from the glass piece, most likely from when the chandelier fell. Your fear worsened at the sight and you were about to start hyperventilating only to hear a loud groan ahead.
In the midst of the mess you saw Leon being held up by the B.O.W by one hand, the other ready for a finishing blow.
You look around you to see your gun a meter to your left. You use whatever strength you have to crawl over to it. You reach for it and in one motion grab it and aim for the big red beating organ in its chest.
It fell to the floor in agony, dropping Leon in the process. Leon shot up, grabbing his gun and aiming it at the monster. With a last check that it was defeated, he looked towards you only to see you drop your gun and lay your head back down.
“(Y/N)!” He started towards you. Once he reached you he took your head and rested it on his lap. He saw the big wound in your side and took his receiver to request for rescue.
He saw you slowly move out of consciousness, “Hey…hey, I got you, okay? Stay with me.” He rested his palm on your forehead, moving your hair out of the way. “The…evidence… I saw…ugh, it…in a…hidden compartment…in the altar,” you struggled out.
He was baffled that you said that in a time like this but in a way it reminded him of himself. “We’ll worry about that later, right now you need to focus on yourself.”
You looked at him with such love in your eyes it made him want to die. How could he ever let this happen to you?
“Oh, Leon…”
Is the last thing you said as you heard helicopters in the distance and slipped out of consciousness.
“Hey, Leon…did you know that I became a secret agent so I could find you. Maybe I was too desperate, you could have already had a badass girlfriend by now,” you chuckled out.
You had just awoken since the mission and Leon turned to you in shock. His gaze then softened.
“You’re crazy,” he told you with a small smile.
“I just had to see you again. You left with such haste, I just wanted some closure but I heard what happened in Raccoon City…I just wanted you to be happy but maybe if I was more stubborn to not let you leave then you could’ve lived the life you wanted…” you admitted to him with a sad smile.
“You’re seriously blaming yourself for what happened to me?! God! You're still the same!” He sounded more concerned than angry as he let out a sad sigh.
He made his way towards your recovery bed. He stood there for a few minutes before gathering you in his arms. You could feel him shaking and a wet spot form on your shirt.
He is crying…
“I love you.”
“It’s okay, take as much time as needed.”
“…thank you.”
Should I make a part two or is it better to end there?
Well, thanks for reading my first post! Make sure to send in requests!
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janicho88 · 10 months
When It All Falls Apart - Chapter 12
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Pairing- ex!Jensen x Padalecki Reader
Word count- 3,827
Warnings- Some language. Dealing with a breakup. Sad reader. Angst, If I missed something let me know!
A/N-We're going to hear a little bit more from Jensen, and the reader gets to know someone new a little better. A little off canon, SPN ended after 10 years. We still got all the characters in during that time though. Thank you to @writercole and @leigh70 for your help with this. You two are amazing!!
Summary-Y/N Padalecki loved acting on Supernatural.  Working alongside your older brother and your boyfriend, but after ten seasons the guys have chosen to hang up the guns.  Now the three of you are moving on to other projects, but that’s all that needs to change right?  While you have moved to Austin to be closer to your family and boyfriend, Jensen is working elsewhere.  Distance is only the start of your troubles.
Series Masterlist
When Mackenzie leaves your apartment complex, she makes her way back to Jensen’s place.  Her brother is on the couch with a glass of what she assumes is whiskey in his hand, his phone on the table in front of him.  He’s just staring at a black television screen.  
She doesn’t know if he heard her come back or not, because he hasn’t moved yet.  Walking behind him she slaps the back of his head before coming around the front of the couch.
“Ouch, what was that for?” Jensen questions, rubbing the back of his head. 
“For being a dumbass, and losing the best damn thing that has ever happened to you.” 
She picks up a pillow from the end of the couch and throws it at him, with the glass of alcohol in his hand he doesn’t react in time to knock it away.
“What has gotten into you today?  I liked yesterday’s Mack better.”
“She hadn’t just spent the last couple hours with Y/N.”
Jensen looks up at her, “you saw her?”
“I did, and considering how much you always said she meant to you, you did a piss poor job of showing it.  I don’t think I have ever seen Y/N so down and hurt.  What the hell were you thinking treating her like that?”  She ends with a shout.
“I never wanted to hurt her!” He yells back. 
“Well mission not accomplished!”  
Kenzie is pacing back and forth in front of the tv, while her brother gets up and moves to the kitchen.  She follows him after a moment and watches him fill up his glass with whiskey and down it.
“If the man you told me about yesterday, and what she said today is who my brother is turning into, I don’t think I want to know him.”
“That makes two of us.”  He pours another drink before his sister takes the glass away from him.  He takes a big drink from the bottle instead.  “I looked through my phone today, my text messages with Y/N.  There are so many I never responded to.  I didn’t even make it to checking the call log.”
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“What happened to you?  This isn’t how mom raised us, and this isn’t my big brother that always used to watch out for others.”
When he doesn’t reply she continues.
“How could you just push her to the side like she doesn’t mean anything?  Yesterday, you told me you already bought her a ring.  Were you having second thoughts about asking her?  Did you want to end things?  What was going through that head of yours?  Did the new hairstyle come with a dickhead attitude?”
“No, I don’t know. I didn’t mean to.”
“You didn’t mean to?  You’re not a kid that accidentally broke mom’s vase here.  She is really hurting Jay, heartbroken and living in some closet sized dump of an apartment.” 
He stares at his sister and replays the last thing she said.  Is she not at Jared’s anymore?  Grabbing his empty glass and going back to the couch, Jensen sits down in one corner and Kenzie sits in the other facing him.  
“Talk to me please,” she softly pushes. 
“For the first time in ten years I was walking onto a new set.”
“It’s not the first time you’ve been on a new set.  You were just on a movie set before this one.”
He rolls his eyes at the interruption.  “I know, but it was the first time I was coming on after being the star of my own show for so long.  The Batman movie, we were all pretty much in the same boat there.   These guys on The Boys, have been together for two years already.  Not everyone was the most welcoming at first.  Hell, one of the guys even told me, he didn’t want to like me.” 
He pauses for a moment before continuing.  “I didn’t want it to end up being like Dark Angel, where there were stupid fights over lines, or screen time, or some other idiotic thing.  So I did everything I could to try and fit in and avoid rocking the boat. I found a new friend in Karl, and we hung out outside of work. We might go golfing or hit up a bar, maybe both, sometimes Chace or Jack would join.  Then Karl would invite me along when they all went out as a group.I didn’t want to tell them no, and let them think I wasn’t a team player.”
“Okay, but what’s that have to do with how you treated Y/N?”
“When she showed up to dinner with Eric, I was afraid they might see it as calling in a favor with the boss to get my girlfriend to be around.  I don’t quite know how to explain how I saw it at the time.”
“That’s ridiculous.  What about barely talking with anyone before that?”
“We would spend a lot of time on set.  Might not always be the ones filming, but we were there. Phones had to stay in our trailers.  Some nights I was so beat that I just wanted to shower and get to sleep.  Honestly there were times, I didn’t even think to look at it. This character, he’s not exactly the best guy.  There were days or nights I would get in this awful headspace, and I just shut myself away.”
“Mom, Y/N, me, any of us could have helped and talked to you if you needed it.”
“But I got it in my head that I needed to do this on my own.  Prove I could do it just as well as the other guys they were looking at for the part.”
“Bravo, you did it.  You just became an asshole in the process.”
“I never meant to.  I got caught up in everything, and the filming process is different.  It isn’t really just one episode at a time.  Plus there are all these extra things thrown in that we’re filming.  Everything together, it was just a crazy couple of months.”
“I think you need to take some time now that you’re home, to figure out where exactly you stand, and what’s important in your life.  You treated Y/N like shit, and your family didn’t fare much better. I doubt your friends did either.  But you would be an even bigger idiot than you have been if you let that girl go without a fight.”
“After everything, there is no way she would want me back.”
His sister shrugs, getting up from the couch.  “Well this has been an interesting two days, but I need to get back to Dallas.  You need to work on removing your head from your ass.”
“Thanks, Mack,” he quips with a roll of his eyes. 
Picking up her purse she heads for the door.  “Good luck, you’re going to need it.”
“Thanks, drive safe.  Text me when you get home.”
“It would serve you right if I didn’t.”
He just glares at her.
“Alright, fine.  Love you.”
“Love you too, kid.”
With a hug she is off the front porch and over to her car.  Jensen waves as she pulls out of sight.  Shutting the front door he makes his way back to the living room thinking over everything that had been said. 
You spent the rest of your Sunday on the couch with the now empty bag of popcorn.  The Hallmark Channel didn’t last very long.  Flipping channels doesn’t get you anywhere, so you pull up Netflix and decide on Lucifer.  Rich had worked on that show before, and had given you a hard time about not checking it out yet.
Unfortunately, you end up falling asleep on the couch and your neck and back are not happy with you Monday morning.  At least today should be a fairly easy one.  You just have two early scenes and should be free after lunch.
After hair and makeup are done with you this morning, you head to wardrobe before going to your trailer to wait for your call time.   While you are going over the script there is a knock at the door.
“Come in,” you call out from the couch.  
Looking up you see Keegan walking in, seems like he is all ready for the day also.  
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“Hey, I was just wondering if you wanted to run lines for the second scene?” he asks.
“Sure, you can have a seat.”
Sitting across from you he pulls out the needed pages while you flip to your own.  The scene is just the two of you talking or arguing about Cordel after he has stormed out of their parents house. It has your two characters slightly at odds.  You want to cut the ranger a little slack after everything that has happened, his brother does not. 
A short while later a PA comes to call the both of you to the Walker family house set.  Jared is talking with the director.  Violet and Kale, who play Jared’s children, are off to the side looking over their scripts, while Mitch and Molly, the elder Walkers, are seated in the family living room already in their spots.   
During a break after the second take, Keegan pulls out his phone and takes a quick video of everyone waiting for the next take.  
“Here is some of our amazing cast hard at work on episode 2.”
You wave and smile when he turns it to you.
“Are you ready for this Miss Padalecki?”
“I believe I am.  How about you?”
He turns the camera on himself before shrugging. “Guess we’ll find out.  Bye for now.”
The morning goes quickly.  Since you are finished with your scenes, you are getting ready to head out.  Jared comes over as you are locking up your trailer.
“Hey, where are you off to?”
“Heading home.  What do you have?”
“A couple scenes after lunch, then some work on the producer side.”
“Good luck, hope it goes well.”
“Thanks.  I was heading for lunch, did you want to grab some with me before you go?”
You are about to say no, but your brother looks a little down.  “Sure, sounds good.”
You follow him over to craft services and notice that once he has his food, he’s looking around for a place to sit.  Unlike the Supernatural set, those here just look at him and nod as he walks by.  No one calls out for him to join them.  The two of you sit at an empty table in the back, he looks down while he starts to eat.
“What’s going on?”
Looking up in confusion, Jared just shrugs.
“Okay, let’s try this.  Where do you usually eat lunch here?”
“Gen was here some last week so she and Tom joined me.  I’ve had some meetings over lunch other days.”
“You don’t join in with the others?”
“I’m their boss here.  I’ve tried to joke around to get them to loosen up, but it’s still early I guess.  Mitch isn’t bad, but he usually eats in his trailer so he can skype his wife.”
“Y/N, you’re still here!” you hear Keegan call out behind you.
Looking up, you notice him walking over toward your table, he pauses when he sees Jared.  
“Hey Keegan, why don’t you join us?” you call out to him.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, come on.  Do you have more scenes this afternoon?”
“Yep, Jared and I have the brother’s confrontation scene next.  Then a flashback with the Walker family.”
“Okay, did you two need to run lines or anything?”
“I don’t want to bother Jared,” your new friend starts to say.
“It’s no bother.  I’d be happy to.  We can figure out how we want to play it before we get there,” Jared interrupts him.
You leave a short time later with those two in an animated discussion. 
Back at your apartment you decide to take advantage of the workout room.  All your extra snacks and sweets lately have your wardrobe fitting a little tight.  A swim after helps to cool you down before going back to your place. You have the next day off and give Gen a call to see if she wants to get together.  She has some meeting for a fundraiser board she is on, so you offer to come watch Tom.
It’s been a few days since your nephew has seen you.  The little man keeps you on your toes all day Tuesday.  You are playing with his toys indoors, out in the pool, and then running around the yard for a game of chase.  By the time Gen gets back you are wiped.  Tom settles down for a nap, while you spend some time with her.   Back home later that night, you head to bed early knowing the next three days will be long ones on set. 
Jared gives Jensen a call Tuesday night when he is once again hounded by Tom because Aunt Y/N didn’t bring Uncle Jensen over today.  
“Hey,” Jared greets his longtime friend.
“Hi Jare,” Jensen answers. 
“Tom wants to know when he's going to see Uncle Jensen.”
“My week is pretty open, what’s yours look like?”
“I’m on set all week. Tom has an appointment tomorrow Gen is taking him to.  She’ll be home with him Thursday, and she’ll be on set Friday afternoon so he’ll be there.”
“How about I pick him up Friday before Gen goes to work.  That way he isn’t stuck on the lot, or in your trailer.  I can take him over to the park, and bring him back to my place until one of you is done.”
“I’ll run it by Gen, but it should work.”
The two make small talk before ending the conversation.  Jared texts him later that Friday is good for them.
Wednesday and Thursday end up being longer days on set for you, and you are thankful there are only three scenes you are a part of on Friday.  They are just spread out a bit so you are still spending the whole day on set.  You see Gen arrive and go over to greet her and Tom, and are surprised when your nephew isn’t in the car.
“He’s with Jensen.  Tom has been begging to see him,” she tells you with a slight wince.
“Oh, I bet he has.  It’s good that they can spend some time together,” you respond with a small smile.  “I forgot something in my trailer, I’ll catch you later Gen.”
Back inside your trailer you take a seat on the couch.  Why are you upset about this?  Tom loves Jensen and you knew eventually your brother and him would be hanging out again.  Is it because you wish you were included in the plans like you used to be?  You just have to keep reminding yourself that you need to get used to the new way of things.
One very excited Tom is in his car seat in the back of Jensen’s truck on the way to the park.  The little boy hasn’t stopped talking yet. It helps take Jensen’s mind off of the tense exchange he had with Gen.  She is loyal and fierce, so he should have expected that.  Tom has told the adult up front all about his new lego set, the mess Sadie made in the house after she rolled in mud the other day, and the trip he took where he got to wave a sparkle lighter in his hand.
“What’s a sparkle lighter?”  Jensen asks, looking back at him while they are stopped at a light.
“A stick that my daddy put fire on and then I got to hold it while the sparkle lights shot off it.”
“Oh, you mean a sparkler.”
“Yeah, a sparkle lighter.”
“Sure bud, did you do that all by yourself?”
“Daddy helped.”
When they arrive at the park, Jensen is thankful it isn’t very busy.  Tom takes off for the swings first, when he’s tired of being pushed it’s over to the slides.  He makes sure his uncle is watching him go across the bridge on the play set to get over to the tall slide.  
Jensen is keeping a careful eye from down below to make sure he doesn’t fall.  Watching the small child, he can’t help but remember the last time he came here with you and Tom.  You were right up there with Tom making sure he got across just fine.  The first time down the slide you had to go with him, after that he wanted you up with him, but to slide down himself.  Jensen, definitely misses your company today.
When it’s time to leave the park, Tom convinces Jensen to stop for ice cream on the way back.  Looking at the time, Jensen calls in a pizza for them to pick up for dinner before they stop for ice cream.  When they reach his house, he takes Tom and the ice cream inside before coming back for the pizza.  He tells the little boy he has to eat some actual food before he can have his ice cream out of the freezer.
While they are eating Tom starts to tell Jensen about a time when you were watching him.
“Mommy and daddy weren’t home and me and Aunt Y/N got pizza and bread and cake and cheese fries and popcorn and cookies and ice cream.  I had one but she got two.”
“You had all that at once?”
“Yeah, she told me not to tell mommy though.”
This was the opening Jensen was looking for to see what was going on with you.  “How is your Aunt Y/N?”
 Tom shrugs his little shoulders. “She was crying a lot, but only when she didn’t see me there.”
“Is she still?”
“I don’t know.”
“Do you see her cry anymore?”
“Not when she visits.”
“She doesn’t live with you anymore?”
“No. Why isn’t Aunt Y/N at your house?” the little boy quickly returns.
“Um.. well.. What did she tell you?”
“You were busy working.  But you aren’t now.  So can she leave her new home and come back there?  I don’t like it.  It’s really small and she has bad snacks there.  Mommy let me take goldfish over for you when you go to her new house.  So you don’t have to have the bad snacks.”
“That was very nice, thank you.  What’s Y/N’s apartment like?” Jensen tries to fish out more information.
“I don’t like playing there. Her bed is in the living room and kitchen together.  We can’t even play hide and seek.”  It doesn’t have any place to hide.”  He waves his hands around as only an exasperated four year old can.
The picture Tom is painting in Jensen’s head isn’t a great one.   Why would she leave Jared’s for a place like that?
After dinner and ice cream Jensen finds a kids movie on Netflix and hangs out in the living room with Tom.  He is out before the end of the movie and Jensen covers him with a blanket before turning off the movie and sitting there in silence.  
A knock at the front door quickly stirs him from his thoughts, he tries to get there before they wake up the little boy.  Opening the front door, Gen is on the other side.
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“I’m here for Tom.”
“I figured.  He’s asleep, come on in.”
Gen silent follows him in the house, stopping in the hallway when Jensen questions her.
“How is she?”
She turns to look at her husband's best friend, and her sister-in-law’s ex. “I’m assuming you mean Y/N,” she replies after a moment.
“That would be correct.”
“Why should I tell you?”
He runs a hand through his hair, “Mack and Tom both said some things. I’m worried about her.”
“Where was that worry two, three months ago?”
“I screwed up, I majorly screwed up, okay.  That doesn’t mean I don’t care about her.  Please.”
She stares at him a good minute before responding, “You hurt her bad.  She puts on a good front, but those that know her can see through it.”
“Is her apartment as bad as they both said?”
“None of us are thrilled with her current living arrangement.”
“I was surprised to hear she moved out.”
“I don’t know how many times I heard her tell Jared she didn’t want whatever happened between the two of you to come in between you and Jared.  One reason she moved out was so he could still have you over without worrying about upsetting her.”  Gen shakes her head.  “As hurt as she was…is,  she still cares about you.”
“I never meant for this to happen.  Hurting her wasn’t my intention.”
“What was your intention then?”
“I got caught up in my own head and trying to get through filming.  I just… I didn’t realize what had happened until it was too late.  She’s right, I didn’t take the initiative and call her.  Took a few weeks after the breakup  for me to realize I was still checking my phone for messages or calls from her.  I had been doing that during the…the end of our relationship, I was too wrapped up in my own things to pick up the phone and call her to see how she was doing.  I left it to her to do all the communicating.”  He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.  “Hell, I still check my phone to see if there’s anything from her.  I’ve come to realize, I failed her on a number of levels.”
“You really did. It’s about time you realized it.  Now how are you going to fix it?”
“I don’t think I can.  She deserves a better man.”
Gen shakes her head.  “I agree she deserves better, or at least better than the you in Toronto.  But I know you still have her heart.  What the two of you had was something very special, and I thought it would be worth fighting for.”
“I won’t be around much the next few months.  I have a recurring role that films in New Mexico.  It’s not fair to her to try and win her back when I’m leaving again.  What if I just fall back into the same habits?”
“I don’t think you would be stupid enough to do that to her twice. Get your shit together Ackles, because you hurt her again, Jared will kick your ass.  But that’s nothing compared to what I will do.”
She leaves him with that, walks into the living room to pick up a sleeping Tom.  Jensen holds the front door open, and moves the car seat back to her car, all the while replaying what was said.  Could he try and win her back?  Does he wait until he’ll be around more?  Is Gen wrong and it’s already too late?  Does he even deserve to?
Thank you for reading!
Chapter 13
SPNForevers- @winchest09 @flamencodiva @whatareyousearchingfordean @waywardbeanie @deanwanddamons  @emoryhemsworth  @atc74 @sandlee44 @akshi8278  @fantasydevil2002 @writercole @440mxs-wife   @nervousfandom @lunarmoon8 @thoughts-and-funnies @downanddirtydean @katelyn--renee​ @that-one-gay-girl​ @lyarr24 @pineapleavocado @siospins2 @deans-spinster-witch ​ @ariesbabe1993​  @graciebear73  @stixnstripesworld​ @spnbaby-67  @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @charmed-asylum​ @winchestergirl2 @jawritter @hobby27 @amyzombie1013  @sexyvixen7 @leigh70 @krazykelly @nancymcl @candy-coated-misery0731 @kmc1989 @supraveng
WIAFA Masterlist
@woodworthti666 @spnfamily-j2 @stoneyggirl2 @creative-writing92 @kaz11283 @deans-baby-momma @let-me-luv-you @senjoritanana @itzabbyxx @djs8891 @tmb510 @perpetualabsurdity @mellyie @fiftyshadesgrl @jessicalynnann @prettyinplaid94 @itsdesiree86 @mrsfox79 @backseat-of-deans-67chevy @jamerlynn @jessica-marsh09 @abaker74 @ladysparkles78 @monkey-d-hoshizora98
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thehellsystem · 9 months
the varigo is killing me rn.,,. . do you have head canons
WRITING A VARIGO FIC RN SO YES Varian just never stopped being afraid of blood. So, one time, Hugo got hurt during the trials. Bleeding all over the place kind of injury. "Did Varian help him?" "Did Varian support him?" Varian dropped like a rock to the ground and Nuru and Yong found them knocked out and one of them covered in blood and they were like "...what is WRONG with these adults?" Playing Pokemon Violet DLC,,,,, Varian would have a Galarian Zigzagoon and Hugo would have a Zorua. They hate each other Olivia was NOT for Varigo. She was over here going "Nope that is MY Hugo, I have had him all to myself for years and you can't have him" and Ruddiger was entirely ready to have another human to feed him apples so they were just fighting each other. Still very bitter about having to share their people, though. AUs... thinking about aus Specifically a Star Rail au where Varian is Mara-struck. That appeals to me. I could write that. But I don't want to share vat7k with people that like hsr because nothing is scarier than having a popular fandom in your fandom of like, twelve people. SPEAKING OF HOYOVERSE GAMES Varian would have a cryo vision. Since they stand for conflicted ideals most of the time, he'd probably get it during the snowstorm. His ambition was to save his dad, but he wanted to listen to his dad so badly. Hugo would PROBABLY have a pyro vision. I think he'd get it after Varian got posessed, because most of his life was spent doing mindless thieving. The second he could focus on something else, he realized how much he just wanted a calm life. He looked at his crush being posessed and went "I am NOT doing this again! Jesus!" Varian listens to Michael in the Bathroom on repeat at 12am every night and Hugo is So Tired of it. He's a Heathers fan and cried listening to Someone Gets Hurt (Reprise) from Mean Girls. They like horror movies but are both objectively afraid of them. In the bad way. Varian watches that one really fucked up episode of My Little Pony and is out for the rest of the year on horror movies. He kins Stygian.
Varian and Ruddiger copy each others expressions. Olivia noticed this and got EXTREMELY jealous, so she started doing it with Hugo. They both have their little vermin copying them. Hugo does not have Can Eat Spicy Food Swag. He only has White Boy Swag. Hugo and Rapunzel do white girl shit together. Rapunzel loves Varian very much, but she and Hugo are posing together for Instagram pictures and buying Starbucks and going to Target. Hugo with a braid is real to ME because I feel like that reminds him of Rapunzel. Varian thinks it's funny. ON THE SAME NOTE Hugo does not understand Rapunzel. He doesn't understand people who do nice things for no reason. If he's doing something nice, it's because he expects favors back. Even if the favor is just something like a kiss from Varian or a good pat on the back from Eugene. Rapunzel will give him little gifts and he panics because he doesn't know what she expects back from him. Varian has to explain that she's just That Nice. He's very concerned. They participate in actively sitting in each other's laps. Ask them when the last time they sat in an actual chair was and they stare off into the distance and have a flashback scene in their mind. Hugo is objectively uncomfortable to sit on but his scrawny twink ass is just laying on Varian whenever possible. Royal meeting and they don't have an extra chair for him? Don't worry gang, he already has one!
They are both deranged! Yippeeee!
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gonedreaminggg · 5 months
Council, we've got some work to do.
@laurencezvahlslefteyebrow @xerith-42 @cinnamontoastcroonch
I've been thinking about all of our shadow knights headcanons, and how they make sense in the grand scheme of things. Because right now, we are a bit disorganized.
We've taken bits and pieces from canon and fanon and smushed into this little autism creature. But if we want our headcanons to work, they have to work cohesively.
We're starting from the beginning, folks.
This whole shitstorm started with the doll headcanon. The mighty titan that got us to where we are now. We tossed around a lot of ideas, but I'll sum it up.
It all began with that fateful anon ask...
Mutually, I think we've decided that the doll headcanon can be boiled down to a symptom of the Shadow Knight transformation. No matter what kind of SK you are, you show symptoms. It's worse in premature SKs, and SKs who are farther from or trying to rebel against Shad. Seeing as the symptoms are part of the Spirit Magicks used on SKs, it makes sense that their condition also depends on distance. The symptoms also depend on Shad's power. While he doesn't have his physical form, his control over the SKs is more widespread, but not as strong. Once he has a physical form, his power is condensed, yet multiplied. Those closest to Shad have no control over themselves, but those farther are as free as ever.
The general doll symptoms are...
an uncanny valley appearance
episodes of paralysis, whether in certain limbs or the whole body
physical marks, in the form of whatever doll the SK most resembles (Gene with porcelain cracks, Zenix with strings on his wrists)
jerking, seizure-y episodes (either mentally present or not)
symptoms get worse the longer they resist. if they resist for too long, they succumb to complete paralysis, even if they're still sentient. since this only happens to premature SKs, they will still die eventually.
the progression of the symptoms stops when the SK completes their transformation.
This is where we sort of floated into the next idea.
What happens when Shad dies?
Since we decided that Shad's control over the shadow knights is an immensely powerful form of Spirit Magicks, we have to know what happens when he's gone.
Many ideas were tossed around for this one. Mostly because some of us want to save our favorite characters, and others will succumb to the whump.
What we (for the most part) decided on was that full SKs pass on into the next life, rid of the burden that's plagued them for centuries. One last gift from Shad for answering the calling. And premature shadow knights are done for. They succumb to their symptoms entirely, imprisoned in a body that they can't move, with a mind going 100 miles an hour.
With Aphmau's determined nature, and the extremely powerful friends she's made on her journey, she'd find a way to get them back. Specifically, Laurance and Vylad. However, they're husks of their former selves. They're not shadow knights anymore, but they certainly aren't human. They have episodes akin to what they've experienced from the doll symptoms. Staring off into space, pure catatonia and dissociation. These episodes can last from seconds to days. And they have no recollection of what's happened in between.
Basically, they lost the parts that Shad took from them. Then, they were replaced with Shad's Spirit Magicks. And finally, it was all stripped away one last time, turning them into these subhuman husks.
This was all wrapped up neatly, with a bow on top to seal the deal. You can see where things connect and how the two ideas relate. There's a clear stream of thought.
And then, we get into Xavier.
Oh my, Xavier...
You guys have completely sold me on Xavier being the first shadow knight. Like, this is canon, no one can say otherwise. I am putting my foot down.
However, we know he founded the Jury of Nine. But when did this happen? Before or after his transformation? And also, what type of SK is he? He couldn't be a full SK, because Irene would be the one he'd have to kill. Theoretically, Xavier gets killed and Shad resurrects him to experiment with minions and whatnot. So, he's probably the most rudimentary SK you could get. So, does the calling even exist yet? Because it doesn't have to.
This is the timeline I've come up with.
Xavier dies, either protecting Irene or fighting against her. Shad, who's already been banished to the nether, has a spiritual connection to Xavier. So he's able to resurrect him, even if he died in the overworld. Shad experiments with his Spirit Magicks, killing and resurrecting Xavier until he has the perfect monster.
But in this time, he gets so used to having Xavier around. And Xavier's so used to being in the nether, like there was nothing before it. Plus, with the constant resurrections, his mind is pretty scrambled.
Eventually, he gains a part of himself back. He remembers what's out there waiting for him. And he prays and prays to Irene to bring him back. And she answers.
He lives in the overworld for a while, already having the immortality of a full SK. His friends pass on, Irene hides away in her dimension. And Xavier finds purpose in the Jury of Nine. But he'll always be a failed shadow knight. At some point, something does him in and the world goes on without him.
We've also agreed that Laurance is Xavier's descendant. And sometimes, their memories bleed together. During Laurance's imprisonment in the nether, he has flashes of Xavier's long talks with Shad. Or fighting with Aphmau, he remembers arguments that they've never had, but Xavier sure did.
And this. This is the turning point.
This is where we get into the blue flames. And the rebellion.
Xavier was the first to rebel. I mean, there really was nothing holding him back. His blue flames come from his spirit, because he's still holding on to what's left. He uses his spirit to push through, and create the Jury of Nine, and help those in need. And also, give Shad a big fuck you.
Then, after Xavier's big show of rebellion, Shad invokes the calling. He inflicts every shadow knight with this, to give them incentive to stay. Because he gave them too much autonomy.
The blue flames become even more noble after this. Because it's a display of spirit, and strong will. And as time goes on... a display of anger.
As a shadow knight; to have control, you need to supress your emotions. Almost completely. This is what Vylad has been able to do. But in the process, he's bottled it all up. Then, the blue flames started to show.
Blue-flamed soldiers run hot, even hotter than regular shadow knights. When their rage is almost bubbling over, they would probably burn you if you touched them. We see Vylad and Laurance on the beach a lot, near the water. If they jump in to cool down, the water would start to boil.
Over time, the blue flames have become a symbol of rebellion. Something that shows you've overcome Shad's control. And then, the actual rebellion forms. With Laurance and Zenix leading the charge. Zenix, already branded with the blue flame, calls the rebellion Api Biru (blue lava). Informally, they're known as The Blue Flame.
Now, how do all of these things connect?
Shad's life energy.
Every shadow knight is endowed with part of Shad. It's the only way he knows how to gain control of the SKs. And all of our headcanons depend on how much control Shad has over someone.
The doll symptoms are worse when Shad has less control.
He'll let you pass on into the next life if you were loyal to him.
He didn't have enough control over Xavier, so he created the calling.
The blue flames being a symbol of rebellion against Shad's control.
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