ofviolentdeath · 2 years
30 Days of Drabbles::Day Ten
Character(s)::Belladonna Word Count::1,034 Trigger Warnings::Murder, Torture, Blood, Gore @babyitsmagic tagging you in all of the things
"You know, I thought we had covered what would happen if you tried to back out of our deal before you, you know, signed on the proverbial dotted line. I mean, yeah, I get that you were pretty desperate at the time and I probably could have gotten you to sign over the heart of your firstborn child and blah, blah, blah, but that's not really the point, is it? We had a deal. I kept my end of the bargain and I was even nice enough to have you pretty low on my list. Hell, I might not have come to collect until you were a little old man," she rambled, tossing the blade between her hands and barely sparing the man a glance. She seemed bored and maybe a little annoyed, but she hadn't done anything to actually hurt him. Not yet anyway.
"But then you had to go and look for a loophole or some way out of it. I'm, well, I'm a little offended, Frank."
The knife finally stilled in her hands and she turned her focus on the man, an unpleasant smile twisting her lips. If he hadn't been afraid before, that had very quickly changed at her expression.
Belladonna didn't look dangerous. She was small in build, slight with a generally pleasant, almost cheerful, demeanor. It made it easier to lure in targets, she supposed, always the Delaney that no one took seriously upon first meetings. They always thought her reputation was exaggerated. She was just a little girl, too nice, too friendly. It was part of how she was always able to get so much out of a deal. No one ever expected her to come and collect.
It also meant she frequently dealt with men especially that who thought they could find a way out of her deals. It never ended well for them and she always celebrated later with waffles and milkshakes. She wondered if Jay was busy tonight, she could use the company and he was almost always down to meet up at some greasy spoon at odd hours.
"Please, please, I'm sorry," the man sputtered as he tried to keep a healthy distance between himself and Bells.
Her eyes rolled and she moved fast, throwing the knife into his knee hard enough to embed the blade into bone. "Ooh, dead center. That's about, what, fifty points? I mean, I don't think I could hit that spot quite that well again if I tried," she laughed, clearly enjoying herself as she closed the distance and wrapped her hand around the hilt. "Now, I'd sit still if I were you because this is going to hurt like a bitch," she warned before twisting the blade and swiping his good leg out from under him. The momentum tore the blade upwards and if it hadn't been spelled, it would have broken. Instead, it split the bone with a sickening crunch and his vision swam with black spots.
Bells tapped his cheek, trying to get him to focus on her, her smile never wavering. "No, no, come on now, stay awake. It's so much better if you don't pass out. Well, better for me. I like having an audience and we're the only two people here, Franky my boy."
He whimpered, trying to get away from her touch but everything pitched sideways when he moved. He might have even passed out for a few seconds, but when he came to, she was shoving some contraption in his mouth, forcing it open.
Frank would have given anything for blissful unconsciousness.
She was humming to herself as she settled the clamp around his tongue and pulled it forward, glad he had come to for this. "Oh, there you are! This is going to be a real treat. I mean, I wasn't even planning on taking your tongue but, you know, the tongue of a cheat has a lot of pretty solid uses," she explained as she grabbed his hand and wrapped it around the clamp. "Here, hold this for a second. I just need to find my, oh, here it is!" She held up a pair of sheers, the blades well-kept despite the obvious use. "This is going to pinch," she warned before slicing cleanly through the muscle.
"Lean forward please, no sense in letting you choke to death on your own blood," she sighed as she pressed a jar into his hands. "And hold this to your mouth? Thank you. You're doing great, Frank."
The tongue was placed into a spelled jar and secured inside her bag before she was digging out a different blade, this one jagged and glassy and a deep, rich black. She set it aside and dug a candy from her pocket and unwrapped it, shoving it in his mouth. It wouldn't grow his tongue back, but it would stop the bleeding. She needed him alive for this next part and it would help with the blood loss.
"This next part is going to really hurt, but, I mean, a deal's a deal and I need a heart. That is, after all, what you agreed to," she reminded him as she pushed him back and got to work. She could have gone the more gentle route and slipped her hand under his ribs, but he had pissed her off so she settled for breaking his bones to get to his still-beating heart and carefully cutting it out of his chest.
It was only magic that was keeping him alive at this point and a part of her wondered how long she could keep him suspended in this state, but she knew she didn't have the patience for that. No, what she wanted now was to clean up and get something to eat.
Once the heart was secured, she released the magic she was using, a little disappointed at just how quickly he passed after. He had been a terrible person even before making his little deal with her and, had she been in a better mood, she might have made him suffer more. But that didn't matter, she had gotten what she had come for.
Bells always got her payment one way or another.
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ofviolentdeath · 2 years
30 Days of Drabbles::Day 5
Character(s)::Noah and Bells (with a bit of Creedance) Word Count::554 @babyitsmagic look another not depressing one!
Creedance had warned him that his mother was coming down to visit but that he wasn't entirely sure when she would arrive. She was, supposedly, one of those people that wasn't exactly great with time and could show up in an hour or in a week. It hadn't been the most comforting thought, but Noah had done his best to prepare.
"If she shows up before I get back, she's, well, she's friendly," Cree had advised, trying to balance comfort and honesty. He wanted to say his mother was harmless, but that couldn't have been further from the truth and he knew it. No, Bells was far from harmless, but she was downright likable enough that most people didn't realize how deadly she was until it was too late.
Not that Creedance thought his mother would cause any harm to his boyfriend. On the contrary, he was fairly certain she would adore him and he had told Noah as such at least a dozen times.
Yet nothing he had been told had prepared Noah for rounding the corner of his home to find a woman that looked younger than Creedance, perched on the back of the couch and grinning at him.
"You must be Noah," she greeted, hopping off the back of the couch and offering her hand.
She was petite, everything out of her mouth had seemed genuinely friendly, and her body language was relaxed, open, and yet every hair on the back of Noah's neck was raised.
"I-I am. Are you one of Cree's siblings?" He hadn't mentioned any of his siblings coming down, but she didn't look nearly old enough to be his mother.
"Oh, a smooth talker. No, hardly. I would be his mom. Belladonna, Bells if I like you well enough. Cree's told me enough that I'd go with Bells," she laughed, introducing herself almost properly. "I'm guessing my son didn't mention my, uh, distaste for doors and knocking?"
"Yeah, he did neglect to mention that," Noah agreed as he finally shook her hand. The feel of her energy felt almost like pins and needles and he had to resist the urge to wipe his hand on his jeans when he pulled back. "Can I get you anything to eat or drink? Creedance should be home in about thirty minutes or so," he offered, trying his best to be a good host. His auntie would tear him a new one if she thought he had been impolite, even with the situation at hand.
"Nah, I text Cree about 10 minutes ago and told him to pick a local diner with good breakfast food. My treat. As soon as he answered, I dropped his dad off there and Creedance will be meeting up with us."
Her son had, quite bluntly, told her not to freak Noah out, but she hadn't quite been able to resist the temptation. He had handled it better than she had expected though and it had definitely earned him some respect.
"I think I can manage that but I can't let you pay," he protested weakly, still trying to get his thoughts straight.
"Nonesense. It's the least I can do after startling you. You can cook or pay next time if it'll make you feel better."
Noah smiled at that and nodded, appreciating the compromise. "Deal."
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ofviolentdeath · 3 years
Characters::Belladonna and Dakota Word count:: 499
It had been a quiet night, the sound of rain hitting the roof just hard enough to drown out the sound of the jukebox up front while he worked on prep for tomorrow’s soup of the day. So lost in his own thoughts he almost didn’t notice Annie standing in the doorway looking white as ghost until she spoke up and told him there was a girl asking for him at the counter. 
The fear in her palpable, resulting in Dakota telling her to stay in the back and, if he hollered out, to hit the emergency alarm. He doubted they would need it, but it was better to be prepared.
Of course, the source of her fear had him huffing a laugh. 
“Belladonna Delaney. As I live and breathe. To what do I owe this visit?”
Sure, she was a little worse for wear, blood smeared across her cheek and wavy hair hanging wet against her back as she gave him her best and brightest smile.
“Hey pup. I need a favor. A little you do something for me and I owe you a solid down the line sort of thing.”
Right down to business, but he expected nothing less from the woman. 
“What kind of favor would you need me for?” He could only hope it wasn’t one that required blood. Or worse.
Bells didn’t answer right away, busying herself with digging out her phone and pulling up the most recent picture of her son that she had before handing it over. “That’s my kid. He uh, sort of decided to relocate closer to your neck of the woods. Down by the border. Jelly or some shit, weird town name. If you could peek in on him from time to time, make sure he’s safe, I’d seriously owe you. Like, a lot. Not too big on my kids moving that far from home, you know?” Not after what had happened to her eldest. 
“You want me to play occasional babysitter?” It was an easy enough task, he supposed, and given what she did for a living, he had to figure she had enemies enough to cause concern. “He in the same line of business as you?”
The question had her giggling until she was out of breath, shaking her head and wiping at her cheek before finding the words to answer. “Oh hell no. Cree’s a good kid. Very talk shit down before throwing a punch sort of boy. He’s probably got the better traits his daddy and me got. I mean, don’t get me wrong, he totally could have gone into the business, I wouldn’t have stopped him, but he’s more into like woodworking and his old ass truck.”
It was a relief, to say the least, and Dakota nodded, offering his hand. “Yeah, I can manage that then. Now. Before you get on out of here, because I know you didn’t plan on staying, waffles?”
“See? You’re a good kid. Fuck yes, I want waffles.”
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ofviolentdeath · 3 years
30 Days of Drabbles::Day 12
Character(s)::Belladonna with special guest appearance by Hades Word Count::968 @malevolentmagic because I know you were looking forward to this one
It was hard being told she couldn’t go to school anymore like her brother. She wanted to argue, to say she hadn’t meant to hurt that other kid, but it would have been a lie. She had absolutely meant to kill her peer and she was just mad that she had only succeeded in putting him into a short coma.
Even still, it had been enough for her parents to pull her from the public school and that meant she was now mostly stuck at home during the day, doing nothing while her mom and dad got her new schooling stuff set up. 
But that also meant she had more time to annoy the cat. 
Bells marched through the house, grabbing blankets and pillows as well as snacks and juice boxes and smuggling them all back to her room. The blankets were spread over the floor as neatly as she could manage, the pillows arranged in a circle around her tea set and the pilfered snacks and drinks. She had plenty of plush toys, but it wasn’t as good as something breathing.
Which led back to the cat. 
Hades had been napping on the larger cat tree Ava had gotten him for the holidays, enjoying a nice patch of warm sunlight through the window when he was abruptly awakened. Tiny hands grabbed at him and dragged him from his perch and despite the meow of protest, he was not set down to return to his nap. Instead, he was half carried, half dragged up the steps and into Bells’ room for what he could only assume was a tea party. 
Had he not been in his natural form, Hades might have heaved a sigh, but as it were, he could only give another protesting meow before giving in. There was never any real point in trying to run or hide from Bells, not when the girl was already beginning to show her affinity for darker magic.
“No yelling,” the little girl scolded as she dug out some doll clothes that were sure to fit her dad’s familiar. A pretty bonnet with flowers on it and a puffy squirt that she immediately set to work dressing the cat in. “See? You look pretty!”
She grabbed the cat again and pulled him to the poorly crafted mirror on her plastic vanity, making him look at the very frilly clothes she had forced him to wear. “Prettiest kitty in the whole wide world! Now. I gots juicy boxes and people treats and we’re gonna have a tea party,” she instructed as she again dragged the cat back to the makeshift picnic area she had set up on the middle of the floor.
“You sit here next Mr. Weasles and I’ll sit next to you.”
The cat did as he was told, choosing to just go along with it. If he got lucky, Ava or Alexi would come to check on her and rescue him, but overall, it wasn’t the worst way to spend the day. If nothing else, he was sure he could still nap a little during this game. After all, the other guests were all stuffed so it wasn’t like she was expecting him to be that active of a participant. 
Bells got to work poking holes in the juice boxes and squirting them into the plastic cups, arranging everything in front of the plushies and the cat before moving on to the snacks. 
“Hades, you gotta sit up,” she scolded, giving the cat a firm look as she placed a cup and small plate of crumbled up cookies in front of him. “No napping at the tea party.”
The cat did as instructed, sitting up slowly and batting lightly at the cup without knocking it over. He had a feeling things would not go over all that well if he made a mess. Sure, he didn’t think Belladonna would hurt him but he could never be too sure. The child did, after all, have a bit of a violent temper.
“See? That’s better.”
The girl plopped down next to him and scratched behind his ears, a reward for being a good sport and playing with her. 
She didn’t get a chance to go much further before Ava was in the doorway, arms crossed and a brow lifted. 
“Bells, what are you doing to the cat?” she inquired, trying her hardest not to laugh at the sight of Hades in a tutu and bonnet. 
The child gave a dramatic sigh and gestured at the circle of stuffies as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “We’re having a tea party, mommy. You’re not invited.”
“Be that as it may, little miss, Hades has work to do and cannot spend the day playing with you,” she reminded her as she stepped into the room and knelt to start removing the play clothes from the cat. “Your dad needs him in the shop today.”
“That’s dumb. I need a friend!” she argued, pouting at the loss of a playmate.
“I know, Bells, that’s why I’m taking you to play with some of your cousins today. That way Hades can do what he has to do and you can still have someone to play with. Sound good?”
As far as Ava was concerned, it was a good compromise and, even better, it was a safer one than allowing the girl human friends. At least she couldn’t kill her cousins. 
“Fine,” Bells grumbled as she began to clean up her tea party, not entirely happy about it but willing to at least go along with her mom’s idea if it meant she got to play with people. 
“Good girl,” Ava praised as she lifted the cat into her arms. “Get dressed and we’ll go, okay? I promise, it’ll be fun.”
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ofviolentdeath · 5 years
tell me a story!!!
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Rordan froze, panic clear in his gaze as he stared the girl down. He hadn’t made the deal, but he was pretty sure that wasn’t going to matter. No one really kept witnesses alive. He was trying not to think about that fact that his best friend was dead on the floor or the fact that it was her heart that the blonde was holding. 
Bells smirked, not bothered by the blood coating her hands or the fear in his eyes. “Hand me that jar by your feet,” she asked, her tone sweet despite the scene. 
He never blinked, slowly doing as she asked on the off chance it would keep her from killing him too. 
“Thank you!” The lid was loose enough that the slicked hands wouldn’t be an issue. Once the heart was jarred, she slipped it into her bag before leaning in and kissing his cheek. “Don’t look so terrified. If you tell anyone what you saw, I will be back for you.”
“Y-yes ma’am,” he stammered, the reality of the situation finally beginning to sink in.
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