Why hello there
This is going to be a side blog for a fic project I'm working on :) 
It's going to be a little different than my usual things. This fic will be updated in the form of chapters, tekst messages and later on social media updates for our bois. I'll make a masterlist with all posts in chronological order to make it a little easier to follow. 
But what's the story? Well, I would love to tell you all about that
The story here follows, of course, the Sanders Sides living in a dystopian America. There will be a bit of a prologue of them as kids, how they meet. We will be following them as they start a band, The Brotherhood, forming their own protest against the state. 
More will follow under the cut
The characters are:
Patton Velvet. He's one of the oldest members of the group. He's a sweet guy who would die for his friends. He is very very pan, and grew up with only his mother, as his father left when he was only two years old. His mother was very close with Virgil's mother, which is how they met. He has been taking drumming lessons since he was seven years old. He either dresses like a soft boi (with lost of pastel and dresses) or as a punk boi. There's no inbetween. 
Virgil Calder. He's the youngest. Very gay, but also very ace. He's pretty anxious, but his stage persona is a straight up badass, and he prefers his stage persona over his regular self. He grew up with two dads and a mum. And Patton. Patton's mother is like a second mother to him. He dresses pretty punk, with lots of black clothes, make up and nail polish. Has a nose piercing. He also loves conspiracy theories a lot. 
Roman Gaenor. The second youngest. Also mega gay. Grew up with a mom and dad. He's a caring dude, but sometimes he can take things too far, and he tends to forget to think about others if he gets wrapped up in something. He met Virgil in primary school, and while they didn't get along well at first, Roman redeemed himself a bit when he saved Virgil from a few bullies. He met Patton through Virgil. Very much into singing and acting. He dresses like his personality. Flamboyant and gay. Lots of dresses and colours. Though he also loves to wear a leather jacket and skinny jeans (it's because it makes him look drop dead gorgeous and he knows it). He also had long hair, because that's just a Look TM
Logan Fateen. The oldest of the group, also the last to join them. He meets Patton in middle school, and the other two through Patton. He has to get used to Patton's nature, which is very different from his calm and collected self, but when he does, they are the best of friends. Roman and him don't get along well at first, but they warm up to each other. He's played the guitar since he was eight years old. Grew up with divorced parents. He's also super aro ace. He usually dresses pretty casually, though he loves formal wear too because it makes him feel confident (and he looks stunning in it). But that's not usually the stuff people wear when performing. 
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queenhee · 6 years
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