#both somewhat terrified and also vibrating in anticipation of what she's going to do with THESE pieces
neuxue · 1 year
so my sample size is admittedly still quite limited but one of the things I've noticed Priest is particularly good at, as an author, is a very particular kind of... foreshadowing, I suppose - not necessarily in terms of 'what will happen next' plot-wise (though it could be that) but 'what will turn up eventually' narratively, where she'll start by giving you maybe a brief glimpse at portions of a character's backstory, or gesture in the direction of some worldbuilding element, or note a particular trait of a side character and you'll go 'hm okay there's more there, probably'.
And it'll be just enough information that it's intriguing, but not enough to know for sure a) what the whole story is or in some cases even b) whether it ever will be fleshed out in full or not.
So you'll just have it there in the back of your mind for a while, and she gives you enough material and, crucially, enough time, narratively speaking, to sort of turn it over in your mind idly a few times, and wonder where it might be going or what else it might lead to or mean, and maybe start to come up with some theories or extrapolations--
and if you're like me you'll look at some of the pieces she hands you and think 'huh. you know what would be really fucked up?'
--but you figure that's just looking too closely at something Not That Deep, or hanging an entire headcanon on a single throwaway line, or trying to construct an entire tower on a pebble of worldbuilding; you figure maybe it was just meant to be an offhand detail added for a sense of greater depth; you figure the backstory will be dark and maybe with a twist or two but will probably stop short of the worst your id is capable of. you think that character trait was just there to flesh them out a bit.
And then she'll just look at you through the subsequent pages and go 'you are like a little baby. watch this' and somehow make it so much more than you expected. That 'oh this worldbuilding concept could have some implications if you looked too closely'? you weren't even looking closely enough. That 'hm this character's backstory is probably A Lot'? you have no idea. That side character you thought could have so much potential if given the space on page? buckle up my friend, they may not get much on-page space but what they are given is about to leave you reeling.
It's not just a talent for dropping tantalising hints early or for tying up loose ends in a satisfying and often somewhat surprising way, though it is both of those things; it's also the note-perfect sense of timing, of what to dole out and when to give you the time to stew, and to give you just the barest hint of something so that you think it really is just a little sprinkle of added seasoning, to let your imagination run wild and your id run rampant with potential implications that you think the actual story could never possibly fully satisfy... and then to present you with something beyond those wishes-that-were-never-even-expectations.
it's a delight.
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vernonfielding · 4 years
I’ll keep it (our secret)
Jake agrees it's best they don't tell Charles they're trying. It's just really, really hard. (Yep, it’s a missing scene from Pimemento.)
Thanks to @fezzle for the beta! She’s just the best, you guys. And thanks also to @exploding-snapple, who inadvertently inspired this story, somewhat, from a conversation we had last week.
Read on AO3.
The morning after their first foray into baby-making sex, Jake is sitting at his desk when a woman walks into the precinct holding a baby on her hip and weirdly, his first thought is, ‘That was fast.’
It’s followed immediately by his second thought, which is that the baby, of course, is not his.
“Can I help you?” Jake says to the woman.
“Someone broke into my apartment last night,” the woman says, and then bursts into tears.
Jake’s not bad with people who are crying; he’s not great with them either. But the bullpen is currently empty of detectives other than Hitchcock and Scully, who appear to be playing cat’s cradle with their toes, so he leads the woman to the chair by his own desk and waits for her to calm down enough to tell him more. He gets why the woman is freaked out -- she woke up this morning to find her living room in disarray, her TV and laptop and purse all gone -- but it’s a relatively boring case. When he’s done getting the basics, the woman -- her name is Caroline Wu -- dabs at her eyes and sniffles dramatically.
“I’m sorry I’m such a mess, it’s just my wife is out of town and this is my first time alone with the baby,” Ms. Wu says, gesturing to the kid on her lap. He has black hair that sticks up straight all over, like a cartoon character who’s just been shocked, and he’s been drooling steadily for the past half hour.
“It’s okay,” Jake says. “We’ll take care of this.”
The woman gives him a weak, watery smile and rubs at her nose with the sleeve of her shirt. Her eyes are bloodshot and swollen and her cheeks are a splotchy pink and he feels bad for noticing that she’s kind of a wreck. He feels worse when she sighs and says, “I’m such a mess. Is there a bathroom I can use?”
“Yeah, down the hall,” Jake says, and nods in the right direction.
The woman stands, shuffling the baby back onto her hip, and then she bites her lip and shuffles her feet before saying, “I hate to ask, but- would you mind holding my son? I’ll just be a minute.”
Jake feels himself go wide-eyed for a moment, then shakes himself and says, “Sure, yeah, here,” and holds his hands up for the baby. Ms. Wu passes him over and thanks Jake and heads down the hall, her sneakers squeaking against the linoleum.
The baby is heavy in his arms, and Jake sets him on his knee and bounces him a little. The kid could be three months old or three years, Jake honestly has no clue. He blinks up at Jake, looking totally unbothered to be left here without his mom, and Jake wonders if it’s too early for a “stranger danger” conversation.
“Can you talk?” Jake says to the baby. The baby drools. “Okay, well. I’m Jake. I guess you can’t tell me your name.”
He’s held babies before, of course: Ava and Iggy, Amy’s niece Dolores and her nephew Reggie, Cagney and Lacey, though not when they were this small. He’s never really noticed before how warm babies are, and how sturdy. This baby’s eyes are so brown they’re almost black, and he’s looking at Jake like he can see straight into his soul (and hasn’t yet made up his mind about whether he likes what he sees).
The baby jams a fist in his mouth, and in the same instant he grabs for the badge around Jake’s neck and yanks, hard. Jake lurches forward in his chair and throws his arms around the baby to keep him from slipping off his knee to the floor, and that’s when he hears the shutter-click of an iphone camera and looks up into the gleeful face of Charles.
“This is so beautiful,” says Charles, who may or may not be crying. “I’m sending it to Amy.”
Jake hears the “swoosh” of a sent message, and less than a minute after that his own phone vibrates on his desk. Jake shuffles the baby to his other knee so he can pick up the phone. It’s a text from Amy, all caps: DO NOT TELL HIM.
Jake sighs and sets his phone face-down on his desk. The baby has stuffed Jake’s badge in his mouth, and Charles is still taking photos. This is going to be impossible.
It’s not like Jake actually tells Charles everything. He kept the proposal a secret -- never even let on that he was buying the ring. He doesn’t talk about his sex life (it’s too private, and Charles’ brain and/or heart couldn’t take it anyway), or about how sometimes Amy’s tendency to schedule every minute of their shared days off makes him want to burn her special weekend binders (just a little burning -- like a light char).
But this feels different. A baby -- that’s such a huge step, and Jake’s excited, his whole body practically thrumming with a nervous, joyful anticipation, but he’s still scared, too. And now that they’re committed to this, like actually having the unprotected baby-making sex (and oh god, Amy could be pregnant right now), Jake doesn’t want to lay all his fears on Amy. She needs him to be all in, and he is all in, he truly is, but it’s possible to be all in and also terrified, he’s realizing, because that’s where he’s at.
He can’t even articulate to himself what he’s scared of, exactly. He knows by now that he won’t be his dad, that he would never abandon Amy or their child and that he’ll always do his very best. But what if his best still isn’t good enough? What if he lets them down in some way he can’t even begin to imagine right now, because he never had a dad to let him down (other than the obvious let-down of total abandonment -- but aside from that)? Jake doesn’t even know what he doesn’t know about being a good father. 
Charles would say, ‘You’re Jake, any baby you father is going to be the luckiest baby in the world.’ And then he’d say, ‘You’re going to be top ten, maybe top five dads of all time, like probably not better than Mufasa or Full House’s Danny Tanner, but right up there.’ And then things would start to get weird and Charles would talk about how he wishes Jake was his father, and Jake would have to hang up on him or walk away or whatever, but the other stuff? Jake kind of really wants to hear that right now. He wants Charles’ uncomplicated, unrelenting confidence in all things Jake.
“You can tell Charles if you really want to,” Amy says that night, after their second round of baby-making sex of the evening.
Jake’s feeling pretty spent as the sweat cools on his face and chest, and he idly winds his fingers through Amy’s hair. She’s tucked up against him, her head on his shoulder, and he can feel her heart still beating fast.
“Are you really talking about Charles?” Jake says, and Amy chuckles.
“I was thinking about how right now one of your little sperms might be swimming to my egg and this could be it,” Amy says, and Jake feels a nervous, happy flutter in his belly. “And then I realized that was exactly the kind of thing Charles would be thinking about, which, by the way, is why we’re not telling him. But he’s your best friend, and-”
“Ames, you’re my best friend,” Jake says, and pulls her closer to him. “It’s fine if we keep this just between us.”
“And Rosa,” Amy says.
“And- You told Rosa?” Jake sits up a little, and Amy rolls onto her back and gives him a sheepish half-smile.
“I’d told her when I thought I might be pregnant. You were dealing with the manhunt and I was freaking out a little and I needed her help,” Amy says. “And then the next day she asked how you’d taken it and I kind of just- told her we were trying. I’m sorry!”
“It’s fine,” Jake says quickly, leaning over to kiss her briefly. “At least we know Rosa won’t tell anyone, ever.”
Whereas Charles -- well. “I just don’t want everyone to know,” Amy says. “We don’t know how long this will take, or if there might even be problems along the way. And if we tell Charles you know he’ll start bringing in some kind of animal placenta soup and trust me, there will be plenty of time for morning sickness later, I don’t need the nausea now.”
“I get it, babe,” Jake says. He lies back down alongside her, and this time he rests his head on her shoulder, and he traces his fingers over her flat stomach. “Just us. And Rosa.”
Amy laughs, and Jake feels it under his fingers and imagines a baby there. He lays his palm over her skin and concentrates.
“I love you,” Amy says.
“Love you too.”
The next morning Jake gets a call from Terry before Amy’s first alarm has even gone off. He’s got a suspected kidnapping case, and he needs Jake and Charles at the scene ASAP.
“Please tell me this is kicking your paternal instinct into overdrive,” Charles says, as soon as they’ve walked into La Petite Bebe daycare center, where a dozen children of various sizes, shapes and colors are toddling and squatting and crying and chewing on things.
Jake hisses, “Not now, Charles,” and squares his shoulders as a middle-aged woman with her hair pulled into a messy ponytail rushes toward them and introduces herself as Lena, the owner of the daycare.
One of the children has gone missing, Lena says, and shows them the ledger where she keeps track of drop-offs. She points out the name of the 5-month-old who was delivered by her father that morning at 6 a.m. and is now nowhere to be found.
“Could she have left on her own?” Jake says.
Lena stares at him, and Jake feels his cheeks start to burn. “She’s 5 months old,” she repeats. “She can’t even crawl yet.”
“So, no,” Jake says.
Lena leads them to a sofa where they can talk while her aide watches the remaining kids. She gives them a description of the baby: short brown hair, blue eyes, wearing pink leggings and a white onesie printed with “Welcome to the Shit Show” (“I don’t dress them,” Lena adds quickly). The parents are married and don’t seem to have any conflict. She’s called them both and left messages but they haven’t replied yet -- they don’t know their child is missing.
Charles takes notes and Jake is doing a fine job of not getting distracted by the total chaos around them, until a small child suddenly crawls right up to him, uses his knee to leverage herself to her feet, and makes a grab for his badge. She’s shoved it in her mouth before Jake can figure out what he’s supposed to do. 
Lena sighs and picks up the child, who wails when Jake’s badge slips out of her mouth.
“Sorry about that,” she says.
“It’s okay. I haven’t even cleaned it since the last one,” Jake says.
Five minutes later, the mother calls and tells Lena there was a miscommunication with her husband -- little Leslie wasn’t supposed to go to daycare at all that day, so they came by and picked her up and took her home and oops, forgot to tell anyone. She’s sorry for the inconvenience.
“Parents,” Lena says, shoulders slumping with relief or exhaustion, or both.
“Quick question,” Charles says, eyes darting to Jake and then back to Lena, “do you have a waiting list? And would it be presumptive to get on that waiting list before the child has been conceived?”
Jake stands up so quickly he pulls a small muscle in his back, and yanks Charles to his feet.
“Have a nice day, ma’am,” he says and hauls them both out the door.
They get sent to a kid’s first birthday party in the afternoon, after a man who had been stabbed multiple times stumbled into the parents’ Greenpoint backyard. Fortunately none of the babies saw anything.
“You have to feel like the universe is sending you a message,” Charles says, after the paramedics have hauled the man away. He and Jake are following a blood trail, which starts at the sidewalk in front of the house and ends just beneath the pinata strung to a tree branch. Jake’s pretty sure 1-year-olds are too young to be swinging bats at pinatas, but he’s not a dad (yet), what does he know?
Jake takes off his sunglasses and pinches the bridge of his nose. He does actually feel like the universe or whatever is trying to tell him something, but he doesn’t know what. Behind him, he can hear children squealing and parents laughing, and then everyone starts singing “Happy Birthday.”
In a year and nine months, it might be his own kid’s first birthday. The image of it flashes before his eyes: A brown-haired baby with bright laughing eyes and a huge smile, chocolate cake smeared all over its face. Amy is crying a little, and Jake is too, and Charles makes them stand on either side of the high chair for a photo. Charles is, of course, bawling.
Jake realizes he’s smiling to himself and bites his lip to stop. He puts his sunglasses back on and turns to Charles, who is watching him expectantly, rocking back on his heels.
“It looks like the stabbing happened out front,” Jake says, wincing a little when Charles’ face falls. “We should start there.”
Later, the father of the birthday boy invites them to the party for cake, and they both politely decline. But when they’re alone again Charles says he knows of a place nearby that has a pork-and-beans cupcake he’s been dying to try and Jake opens his mouth to say yes, of course (even though -- no, absolutely not).
But he thinks about dodging Charles’ comments and questions about babies and biological clocks and fertility windows and he knows he’ll never survive.
“Sorry, bud. I’ve got plans.”
“Sure, okay,” Charles says, voice gone flat and horrible. “Some other time.”
Jake’s standing at the kitchen counter wiping down his badge with Purell when Amy gets home that evening. She raises a questioning eyebrow but doesn’t actually ask what he’s doing.
They have salads for dinner because Amy read an article about fertility superfoods and apparently spinach and kale are the superest. When Jake doesn’t even raise a cursory protest, Amy asks him if he’s feeling okay.
“Yeah, fine,” Jake says, and stuffs a forkful of deep green spinach in his mouth. It tastes chalky and bitter and he swallows it down with grape soda (he’s trying to branch out a little).
Amy tells him about Gary’s latest accidental attempt at a coup among the beat cops -- “I know he doesn’t mean to undermine me, but he really needs to shut the f up about color-coding the weekend rotations” -- and Jake tells her about the not-missing kid from the morning and finding a man bleeding to death under a pinata.
They’re cleaning up together, Amy wiping down counters while Jake gets the dishwasher going, when Amy asks how it’s going with Charles. “He must have been losing it with all of those babies in the vicinity,” she says, and though she’s laughing a little Jake senses that she’s concerned.
“He was fine,” Jake says, and off Amy’s skeptical smirk, adds, “Okay, he was Charles.”
Amy tosses her sponge into the sink and rests a hip against the counter, and he can feel her gaze on the side of his face as he crouches over the dishwasher. He sets it running and then wipes off his hands on a towel and steps over to her. He loops his arms around her waist, tugging her to him, and kisses her, gently at first. When she hums against his lips he opens his mouth, tilts his head just so, and slides his tongue alongside hers. They make out for a while, Amy’s hands curling over his neck and his fingers reaching up under her shirt to stroke over her back.
Then the dishwasher gurgles loudly and they break apart, laughing.
“C’mon,” Jake says, letting go of her waist to grab her hand and pull her toward the bedroom. “I think it’s time for me to put some bludgers in your golden snitch.”
He hears Amy sigh behind him. “That’s not how Quidditch works, Jake.”
Pimento, at least, takes Charles’ mind off of babies. It helps that they’ve gone more than 24 hours without a single child sighting.
Which is why Jake’s glad he’s alone in the main hospital waiting area when a couple emerges from an elevator. They’re young and their eyes are bruised with exhaustion and they both have the shell-shocked look that Jake usually associates with people who have just survived near-death experiences, but there’s a glow about them that he recognizes too. The man is holding a tiny pink bundle in his arms, and the woman keeps peeking over at them both, like she can’t help herself, like she can hardly stand to look anywhere else.
Jake’s heart is beating too-fast, because that will be him -- he’ll be the man with the bundle, the father taking his little girl or little boy home for the first time, and Amy will be right there too, and it’s going to be incredible. 
And when they get home, after they’ve settled in a bit, Charles will bring them so much soup and so many casseroles and they’ll even eat most of it because they won’t have time to shop or cook for themselves. And Charles will take photos and change diapers when they both need a break, and he’ll tell Jake he’s doing great, he’s doing his best, and that’s all any kid needs, after all.
“We can go up and see him now,” Charles says, breaking into his thoughts. Jake jerks and looks away from the new family, just as they disappear out the main hospital doors.
“Pimento, we can see him,” Charles says. “Are you ready?”
Jake thinks about that for a moment and then grins up at Charles and stands. “Yeah,” he says, “I’m ready.”
End Notes:
The title is from Feed the Beast (Bash Brothers, of course).
A note on the timeline: I THINK this fits with what we have so far from the season? I notice some people are thinking that a couple of months have passed since the first episode, but I’m going with this being Jake and Amy’s first round at baby-making. If I missed some canon detail, please let me know! 
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thedeliverygod · 6 years
Good Enough
a yatori college AU
Chapter 26/?
“Hey, is everything okay? Your text kind of got me worried.”
Hearing Yato’s voice sent a wave of relief over her for a moment before she remembered the subject of the conversation. Frowning again and heaving a sigh, she answered bluntly, “Um… No, actually.”
“What is it?” His voice got a little bit quieter and she took a breath before starting her explanation.
“I guess my mom got a call from Fujisaki-san last night. She kept quiet about it until this morning when she basically woke me up by yelling. It turns out… he followed us from the train station Christmas night and saw that I didn’t leave your apartment. So she was freaking out about my life decisions and I just basically walked out. I’m at Yama-chan’s house but I’m meeting up with my older brother soon.”
The phone was silent, so Hiyori clarified, “I’m okay, I’m just… in disbelief that she will never listen to my side of things. But I’m also angry as well as scared that he followed us—not really for myself, but… I don’t want him anywhere near you or Yukine-kun.”
She finally heard his voice, though it sounded a bit muffled as if he were holding his face in his hands, “I’m so sorry, Hiyori.”
“For what? It was my idea to stay over at your apartment, plus it’s not like we knew—” She started but was interrupted.
“I should have been paying better attention when we were walking home. I was goofing off and being stupid; you could have been hurt.” He practically sounded on the verge of tears himself, the frustration clearly overbearing.
Hiyori was quick to correct him, “Yato, don’t think like that. It’s like you told me before, all the blame falls on him, you didn’t do anything wrong. We shouldn’t have to worry about him every time we step outside; that’s not living.”
“I know you’re right, but…” She heard a harsh sigh come through the speaker, “Fuck. I wonder what it will take for this guy to actually leave you alone.” After a pause, he questioned nervously, “You don’t have to see him for any of your family things, do you? Especially since he and your mom seem to be BFFs—”
“Actually…” She interrupted quietly, pulling nervously at the bottom of her shirt, “Fujisaki-san and his parents will be at the party for hospital staff—the day before New Year’s Eve.”
“I’m going.” Yato replied before she could get out the rest of her description.
Hiyori blinked in disbelief, “What?”
“You shouldn’t have to deal with this by yourself anymore. But also, he’s trying to intimidate you. He won’t be expecting me, so that’ll throw him off guard too.”
His voice was sincere and he wasn’t speaking out of anger, but she was at a loss for words. “B-but, don’t you have to work?”
“That’s the day I was supposed to be heading over to Kofuku and Daikoku’s. Look, don’t worry about it. Only thing that might be worrisome is what sort of clothes I need to scrounge up… but I can always bug Kazuma. He’s about the same size as me.” Yato continued to ramble, mostly to himself, as Hiyori still tried to gather her words.
Her throat dry, she asked quietly, “Are you sure?”
He finally paused, “Do you… not want me to?”
“It’s just that I—I appreciate the sentiment, but I’m worried for you too, you know. I don’t know what he’s going to do, and then there’s my parents—”
“I mean, you were going to let the cat out of the bag later this week anyway, right?” He questioned, adding, “Plus, uh… it’s sort of already half-way out of the bag, thanks to that asshole. But yeah.”
She finally swallowed, “I know, but me telling them as opposed to you actually having to talk to them are two different things entirely. And especially because of what Fujisaki-san told my mom… they’re probably going to be really harsh towards you and I don’t—”
Yato waved her off, “Look, Hiyori. Pretty much, no matter what, I’m honestly going to be terrified to talk to your parents, particularly your mom, so… It doesn’t really matter. It’s going to suck either way, so let’s just get it over with.”
“You’re right.” She admitted, letting out a breath of air. She placed her hand over her face, trying to ignore all the possible scenarios running through her head, “But… I still apologize in advance for anything they say.”
He gave a laugh in response, “In a way, I don’t really blame them. I probably threw some of the same insults at myself after you first asked me out to dinner and I realized you were actually interested too.”
“That doesn’t mean that any of it is true.” She chewed her bottom lip lightly out of annoyance.
“I know.” He answered softly, his tone still amused.
Hiyori smiled and stayed quiet for a moment before her phone vibrated against her ear. Pulling it back to look at it, she saw it was a text message from her brother.
“What’s up?” She heard Yato’s voice and pulled the phone back to her ear.
“My older brother is getting close. He said he stopped for gas but should be at Yama-chan’s in about fifteen minutes, so I need to start getting ready.” She dangled her legs over the side of the bed and let her feet touch the floor, “I’ll text you later and let you know how it goes with mom after trying again. Hopefully I can make it somewhat easier for you.”
He gave a half-hearted and forced laugh, “I doubt it, but thanks for trying.”  
“If you end up not being able to come, that’s alright too.” She added quietly. She was excited at the thought of seeing him sooner than anticipated, but she knew the weight of the visit was definitely a heavy one.
“Short of something serious going on with Yukine, I’ll be there.” He answered confidently.
Hiyori closed her eyes and let out a breath, “Thank you. Bye for now.”
“See ya.”
Shortly after she put the phone down on Yama’s bed, she heard a knock on the door. “You can come in.” As the door slowly swung open and Yama peeked in, she added, “You really didn’t have to leave the room in the first place.”
Yama shrugged, “Eh, your relationship is getting serious so I figured I’d give your space.” Pausing, she tilted her head and asked, “But I did overhear something since you kinda raised your voice a bit. Is Yato coming here?”
“For the New Year’s party, yeah.” She nodded and twisted her hands in her lap, “I’m somewhat glad and relieved but… I know it’s going to be really hard for him, too.”
She took a seat next to Hiyori on the bed, humming, “I think it’ll be a good thing. I didn’t really want you going to that party by yourself. I mean, I know your brother would definitely keep a close eye on you since he knows what’s going on, but since other people at the party know him well I guess there’s more of a chance for him to get pulled away momentarily. Since you and Yato are a couple, anyone talking to you would probably talk to both of you at the same time; in theory.”
“Um, yeah, possibly.” She gave an unsure nod, “I went to a few family business dinners and such with Fujisaki-san when we were dating, but everyone knew him, so that was a bit different as well.”
“Well, my family dinners are a lot more casual, but anytime I brought a boyfriend along, we were almost always addressed together. Especially if they were just meeting them for the first time, if that helps at all.” Yama finished with a small grin.
“It does, thank you.” Hiyori slid the rest of the way off of the bed and stood up, “My older brother is almost here so I’m going to get changed. Thanks again for the clothes, Yama-chan.”
She waved her hand, “Not a problem! Anything for you, Hiyori.”
Giving another smile, she grabbed the shirt and jeans next to her and moved into the bathroom. It was a bit cramped compared to the one she had at home, as was much of Yama’s house, but she had always found it a lot more homey than her own. Her house was almost sterile at times; which made sense, considering she grew up in a family of doctors.
Yama was the tiniest bit taller than her, but they were relatively the same size, so her borrow clothes fit with ease. Looking in the mirror, Hiyori ran a hand through her slightly tangled hair and let out a small sigh. Exiting the bathroom and going back into Yama’s room, she held her dirty clothes in her arms awkwardly.
Yama blinked and waved to her hamper, “Just throw those in there. I’ll get them washed and put them in my suitcase for when we head back to the university.”
She gripped them uncertainly, “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, of course. Just send me a text to remind me to pack them, if you could.” She gave a sheepish laugh before she pointed at Hiyori, “Oh, and if you could do the same for me, please.”
“Oh, right.” Hiyori lightly pulled on the hem of the borrowed shirt, “Definitely.” Feeling her phone begin to vibrate in her pocket, she pulled it out and saw that it was her brother. Accepting the call, the held the phone up to her ear, “Hi, are you here?”
“Yep, I’m right out front.” He answered simply, “See you in a minute.”
After he had hung up, she slipped her phone back into her pocket and reached to grab her coat, “My big brother is outside waiting.”
“I’ll walk you out.” Yama reached for her coat as well as Hiyori grabbed the last of her things.
As they came out the front door, Masaomi stepped out of the car and onto the sidewalk, waving, “Hey.” They both waved back as they approached him, and he added, “Thanks for looking out for Hiyori, Yama-chan.”
“Of course!” She replied enthusiastically and grabbed her shoulders, “She’s always welcome here.”
“Thanks.” Hiyori murmured sheepishly.
Masaomi waved towards the car, “Well, you ready to go?”
She nodded and unlatched herself from Yama’s grasp, “I’ll talk to you later.”
“Good luck.” Her friend’s face faltered into a more serious expression before she flashed another quick smile and turned around.
Hiyori pulled the car door open and lowered herself into the seat. After she had closed the door and pulled the seat belt across her, her brother asked, “Do you have any specific requests for where you want to eat?”
She shook her head, “Not really. I guess somewhere more laid back like a diner.”
“Sounds good to both me and my wallet.” He answered with a small laugh as he started the car.
“More expensive doesn’t always mean better.” She answered automatically before making a sour face, “On top of that, the fancier of a place we go to, the more likely we run into someone who knows us and mom and overhears something.”
Masaomi clicked his tongue in agreement, “…Very true. A diner it is, then. And let’s stay on this side of town as an added measure of security.”
“Sounds like a plan to me.” She rested her hands in her lap and let out a little breath.
He glanced over to her, “Are you feeling any better than you were this morning?”
Hiyori nodded, still looking down at her lap, “I am. It’s just… a lot. But I definitely feel better after talking with both Yama-chan and Yato.”
“So you did get the chance to talk to him already.” He acknowledged and she caught that he had raised his eyebrow in interest.
“Yeah. He, um… He actually wants to come to the New Year’s party. Since Fujisaki-san will be there.” She began to fiddle with her fingers and he hummed in response.
“How do you feel about that?”
Hiyori took a breath, admitting, “I would feel more comfortable having him there, but… I know that the people there, especially our parents, are probably going to give him a hard time. So because of that, I kind of don’t want him to come because I don’t want him to go through that. But he said he’s going to be nervous and have a hard time no matter what so it’s better to just get it over with.” Looking out the window, she added, “I told him it was fine if he ended up not being able to come. He did originally have plans to be with his own family, after all. But he seems pretty intent on coming.”
Her brother let out a small, nervous laugh, “I’ll do my best to help, but you definitely know that crowd just as well as I do. Anyway, did he need clothes or anything? I mean, I don’t know what size he is compared to me, but I’ll do what I can.”
“He’s already going to ask his friend Kazuma-san since they’re about the same size. But if that falls through, I’ll let you know.” She nodded appreciatively, “Thank you.”
“Well, even if it’s a bit unexpected as well as complicated, I’m glad I’ll get the chance to meet him. Or get re-acquainted with him, I guess I should say, since the last time I saw him he was barely up to my knees.” He flashed a grin before looking back at the road, “Hard to believe it’s even the same person as back then.”
She gave a laugh, “Believe me, I know… It was very surreal when I just saw him on campus for the first time.”
“Imagine how it felt to get a phone call from your sister saying she’s dating him now.” He joked back and she flushed a bit.
“Yeah, I get it. It’s weird.” Hiyori mumbled in response, turning her head to hide her face.
He gave another laugh before they fell into a comfortable silence. After another turn, he pulled into a parking spot and announced, “Guess it’s time to come up with our game plan to handle Mom.”
“Right.” She agreed, but her hands were already starting to shake.
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ohstardust · 7 years
Champagne Supernova
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REQUEST: from wardley10
Hey ❤ I loved thinking about this prompt for you that was in my head all day :) The reader is a well known H/Wood actress, 10 yrs older than Jack, but is very fun loving and one of the lads. The reader was part of the main cast of Dunkirk & she and Jack got on very well. She has a young daughter that she brought to set and Jack got on well with her. Jack asks her out on a dinner date as he loves her secretly but worried in case people think he is just wanting to be with her as she's famous. XX
A/N: I really love this prompt and I love that it challenged me a little ot write but I wanted to make this so perfect for you. Sorry it took so long for me to get it right! Also, I really fucked up with the tenses in the fic, but I was so in the moment with the writing that it feels wrong to change something into one tense, so let’s pretend that’s cohesive and consistent.
I’ve also started a playlist for my Jack fics, some feature in the fics themselves and some I just wanted in there. You can listen to it on Spotify. Feel free to send me song recommendations too. xo
Title: Champagne Supernova by Oasis
Gaining such a significant part in a World War II movie was one of Y/N’s career-defining moments, she had to pinch herself every time she thought about it. She’d always had such an affliction for history, especially something as pivotal as war, so this was a hard-hitting role that she felt she could really prove her worth and status as being one of Hollywood’s leading actress’. She wasn’t one to be typecast and she never would be.
Y/N wanted to prove that although women hadn’t the opportunity to fight, they still played a defining role in the war through their careers and on land help. The unsung heroes.
Thankfully she’d been blessed with incredible cast-mates and crew who made her feel so at ease on set and she’d made some wonderful friends that she knew she’d take with her beyond this film. No matter how many films she’d made, nothing had quite matched this experience thus far. And it was only slightly due to a warm-hearted, bright smiling gentleman.
If there was one thing that concerned Y/N about joining the team, it was working with so many younger actors and feeling a little left out. Sure there were the older ones such as Cillian, Tom, Mark, Kenneth and James, some of whom she knew, but despite being in her late thirties she was still so much younger in heart and head. As it turns out, she really needn’t have bothered. And what an incredible relief that was. “Harry Styles, you absolute terror, you put me down right now!” she shrieked, banging her fists against the man’s back as he ran down the street with her following a meal that a few of the cast attended. Jack was absolutely weak. Bent over, he began coughing with laughter before thinking better of the reaction when he saw the stormy face on the woman. He quickly straightened up, looked at Barry and Tom for help and followed after them. “Just helping your day along love, thought you’d like a young strapping gentleman to escort you home.” Harry pulled his head back to face her and gave the cheekiest grin. “No offence love, but it wouldn’t be you I’d be asking to escort me.” Harry gasped in mock offence before he laughing, “Why ever not? Is it because I’m not Scottish?” She fell silent for a moment, feeling caught out by her feelings but quickly retorted to avoid the silence lasting even a moment too long, “Fuck off.” He roared his laughter and the vibrations shot through her chest, “Put me down, H.” He softly let her feet land on the ground as Jack, Barry & Tom appeared, thoroughly amused by the spectacle and absolutely not willing to admit that they’d hung back a few moments simply to enjoy the scene. “I don’t think the lady likes being manhandled, Harry,” Tom smirked and slung his arm around her, “I thought you knew exactly how to treat the women.” There was a sparkle in the blonde boy’s eye and he tried to stifle his laughter when Harry glared at him. “You know I’m far from a lady at times, I could still drink you all under the table.”
“Jaaaaaack!” Y/N’s daughter screamed across the set, running towards the blonde man. He turned at the sound of the small voice and his face lit up, eyes shining at the sight. He then crouched down and opened out his arms for her to run into. As soon as she landed against him, he lifted her up and swung her around and then settled her again his hip, “How’s my favourite little lady, today?” She giggled and snuggled her head into his neck, “’m good Jacky.” He rested his head atop of hers and stroked her back before she started to wriggle around to be put back down. “You’ve got an itchy face,” she pouted, rubbing at the side of her face. “Sorry my angel, ‘ll sort it out for next time, just for you.” Just to the side of him, Cillian and the older Tom watched on in amusement, cooing and pulling silly faces at her. The little girl had accompanied her mother to set a few times over the past few months and Jack had adored her instantly, carried her around the set pointing things out to her and kept her occupied off set when he wasn’t involved in a scene. Neither Jack nor Y/N could quite believe how well he had taken to the young girl and vice versa, the sight of them together had melted the older actress and she felt her heart clench. The sight was almost too much to bear. Almost.
“She’s the most incredible kid, y’know? She’s such a credit to you, you’ve done an amazing job.” Jack told her one afternoon, when the little girl had left set. They were sat eating lunch on a break, looking out over Dunkirk beach, the water calming them from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the film location. “Thank you, that really means a lot to me,” The older woman let a small smile pull at her lips and took a sip of her water, “It’s not been easy but she’s wonderful and so worth it.” “You’re such a great role model to her, she’s really lucky to have you.” “I worry sometimes because her dad’s not around, I’m scared that she’s missing that male influence. I know it’s silly, it didn’t affect me extensively, but I still know what it’s like to not have one there and I hate that I can’t give her that.” “That’s not your fault, you know that. It takes two to tango sweetheart. You’ll find someone else who will love that little girl as their own. Besides, until then you have me.” His eyes flitted from his food up to her face and back again, somewhat worried that he’d overstepped. He couldn’t understand how someone would willingly leave a woman like that, beautiful and talented with a wicked sense of humour and the most enormous heart to match. Jack could spend a lifetime complimenting the woman he’d only known a few months. “Now I have you in my life, I have no idea what I’d do with you.” Y/N placed her hand over his and squeezed before pulling away. “You’ll never need to.”
Jack paced the length of the outside of his trailer, worrying his lip between his teeth. “C’mon mate, just ask her, what have you got to lose?” Harry questioned, his back leant against the silver container as he watched his frantic friend. “A good friendship? Her.” Jack mumbled and slowed his movements, then turned to face the curly haired lad alongside Aneurin, “It’s so unlike me, but I’m scared what people’ll think, she’s so successful and they’re gonna think I’m either punching above my weight or after her to further my career. Which is bullshit by the way.” The Welsh man slipped his phone back into his pocket and interjected, “You know she adores you, don’t you? I’m pretty sure asking her out for dinner isn’t going to change that, and it doesn’t matter what other people think, it’s what you and her think. But you have to really think long and hard about the little girl. Don’t get involved with someone if you aren’t willing to take on their child too, she’s already lost her dad, don’t let her get attached if you’re not prepared for that.” The Scotsman nodded, he knew that he’d have to be careful with a child being involved, and the prospect scared the living daylights out of him, but somehow he felt like the whole situation was worth it. Jack adored them both, and they were a package deal, no matter what way you look at it, there were 3 people in this relationship. He was smitten with the child and his feelings for her mum were increasing by the day, every moment they spent together sent him spiralling a little further. And quite frankly, as terrifying as it was, he relished in the feeling of falling in love, completely un-phased by the significant ten-year difference in their ages. “I think it’s safe to say that we’re attached as it is, didn’t even think about that at first. I feel so selfish now.” “Don’t, just be prepared to stick around if you’re serious about this.” Aneurin had always been one of the wisest people Jack knew, although he only had a few years on him, married life had matured the older actor more than he ever anticipated. He knew the real feeling of love, wanting a family and how life-changing finding that partner is. Jack ran his fingers through his hair, “This is bloody crazy, isn’t it? I’ve only known her a few months.” “When you know, you know,” Aneurin replied and Harry just stood there, the words pouring through him as he began to envy his friends.
Y/N had finished her scenes for the day, and although she was free to leave when she pleased, she hung around to watch some of her friends, so fascinated by the difference between the actors and their actual acting. It wasn’t too long before Jack had spotted her, the end of his latest scene complete for the time being, and he made his way over to her. She couldn’t resist taking in the sight of him in his RAF uniform, the way it fit him perfectly, the way the jacket clung to his arms and how absolutely incredible he looked. No matter how many times she had seen him in the attire, it still managed to make her breath hitch. “How are ye’ doin’ love?” Jack threw his arms around her and pulled the woman close in a soft embrace. “I’m good, finished for the day, just debating what to do this evening.” Without thinking, Jack opened his mouth and asked the question he’d been trying to hold back since the conversation with the lads last week. “Ye could always join me for dinner?” As soon as the words left his mouth, he paled and looked ready to slap his hand over his mouth in the most comical way. There was no way he could take that back now, not that he particularly wanted to, but fuck was he worried that he’d royally botched this. Feeling as incredibly bold as Jack, Y/N thought fast and teasingly replied, “Well that depends then doesn’t it, are we going as friends or am I your date?” “Well that depends on what you want, doesn’t it?” He was starting to feel brave, the flirting had become second nature to the pair, this he was comfortable with. This he could do. “Be at mine for 8 then and we’ll go on our date.” When the time comes, I’m gonna die a happy man, Jack mused to himself, You lucky son of a gun.
The setting was quaint, cosy and a single candle sat between them as they devoured their meals in content. Soft music set the atmosphere and filled the space where the conversation lulled, leaving them in a comfortable silence that seemed almost impossible with anyone else. The pair couldn’t keep from watching the other, entranced by the way the awkwardness had vanished within the first five minutes of stepping into the restaurant and how this felt so right, being here together on the cusp of something beyond their friendship. “I know I told you this about an hour ago, but you look beautiful.” Y/N blushed furiously, feeling sickeningly giddy over the man’s compliments. Despite how common Jack had made such comments, in this setting and under these circumstances, she felt this was more deliberate and meaningful than they ever had been before. “You’re such a smooth talker, but thank you. I really mean that. You look so handsome.” She reached her hand across the table to hold his, the flame illuminating his soft features and his freshly shaved skin that she just wanted to caress and kiss. She felt unashamed to think these things now, but she hoped beyond all reason that it was okay to feel these things, that this evening gave her the right to think such a way. He brought her hand up to his face and kissed her palm before resting their intertwined hands onto the table. “Is it too honest to say that I can’t quite believe we’re here, on an actual dinner date?” He looked slightly nervous as he spoke, still somewhat scared that he himself had read the situation too wrong, not that there had been much reason to doubt at this point, but still gentleman enough to know that he could be misreading this. “Absolutely not, I feel the same way.” Jack felt himself exhale sharply and grinned at the confused look on Y/N’s face. “It’s silly really, I’m just nervous that I was still getting the wrong end of the stick with this evening, but it seems not.” “Jack, I want to be here with you, no matter how romantic it is or isn’t. There’s no other way I wanted to spend this evening, or any other evening for that matter,” her heart had been placed onto her sleeve and her vulnerability had been put out there for the man to do with as he pleased, she had enough faith in him to be honest with his feelings, “I think we need to go somewhere, have a drink, a dance and see where this takes us, yeah?” His eyes lit up and he gave her the warmest smile she’d ever seen from him, and in that single moment she knew she was absolutely gone for him. Thirty minutes later they found themselves in a small dive bar, somewhere that Y/N had insisted on, with a drink in hand and starting to lose themselves in the music amongst the evening’s patrons. The songs had been a diverse mix so far and the pair were in fits of giggles by the time the opening bars of Talking Heads’ Psycho Killer had begun to play. Jack looked at her blankly for a few moments as she began to sing to him, “Babe, am I showing my age here?” He grinned at her and shook his head with a look of pure adoration before he began to recognise the chorus and joined in. She grasped his face in her hands and continued to sing to him as they danced along. He couldn’t contain his laughter until the song had long finished and Y/N had left him to grab them another drink. As soon as she returned Justin Timberlake’s Senorita had started to ring out through the speakers and she threw her head back with joy, singing along to every word as did Jack. She turned her back on the younger man and slotted herself against him as they moved to the music, the heat around them increasing and the tension intensifying, neither of them had ever felt so alive. Without thinking twice, Jack began to kiss the side of her neck, where her shoulder joined, and wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her even closer to him. She felt surrounded by him in the best way, their bodies moving together in unison, the most intimate moment they’d ever shared together. Together. Her mouth smiled over the words, and head tilted back to rest against his chest whilst his mouth began working over her skin. She didn’t care about prying eyes, all she cared about was this extraordinary man and the overwhelming way he made her feel. Y/N pulled away from him to turn and stepped close to him again only to press her lips against his. They were both long past the nervousness and anxiety of their first kiss together, too hyped up on adrenaline, liquid courage and each other. It was the sound of The Smiths that had Y/N pulling away, her eyes crinkled with laughter as she looked to Jack’s crystal blue’s. He tried hard to fight the smile, trying to act moody that she’d stopped licking her way around his mouth only to tease him over the DJ’s song choice and his bloody acting choice, but she was so endearing that his minor resolve cracked almost instantly. I would go out tonight But I haven't got a stitch to wear This man said "it's gruesome That someone so handsome should care" Jack & Y/N held both of each other’s hands and stepped to the beat, hips shaking from side to side as they moved around their small area of the dancefloor. After a few moments, he took one hand away and began to spin her away before pulling her back in and held her to his front, continuing to move with the beat for the remainder of the song. Both actors started to regain their breath and headed to the bar for a glass of water, both too busy trying to keep their wits about them and not royally fuck this up by drinking too much. As Champagne Supernova started, neither of them knew that this would be a defining song. Their song. Y/N had her arms loosely looped around Jack’s neck as his hands rested on her lower back, them swaying with the sounds of Liam Gallagher’s voice. But you and I will never die  The world's still spinning around we don't know why This time Jack took the leap and kissed the woman before him, taking in every little bit of her. Her taste, her scent, her love. He couldn’t even think straight, he just wanted whatever she was willing to give him. The kiss was messy, all teeth, tongues, saliva mixed in together, all urgent and needy, much more passion-filled than the slow kiss they had shared a little earlier. She began to draw out letters on his back, not wanting to remove herself from him, the message all but lost on him as he was already so consumed by her. Curiously he pulled away momentarily, “What did you write?” “Are you sure you wanna know? I can’t take it back if I tell you.” Her nerves were creeping in, so scared that he’d run for the hills if she were this honest with him, so sure he’d leave. But she was so into the moment that she felt secure. He pressed small kiss to her face, “tell me, darlin’.” Y/N tilted her head upwards and locked her gaze onto his, “I love you.” The smile he formed was almost instant, almost unsure he’d heard wrong before he all but knocked the breath out of her in a bruising kiss, “I love you too, bloody hell do I.” “You have to know that this isn’t easy though, this is going to be so difficult, and I have a child.” “I know, I’ve thought long and hard about it for the past few weeks, and I don’t care that it won’t be easy, I want it all. I want you.” Both of them felt a strong surge of emotions, their tears began to fall as they grinned at each other, taking in the life-changing moment, the moment that was completely unplanned but formed in the most perfect and natural way. “I want you too, for as long as you’ll have me.” There was a bumpy road ahead of them beyond the film, no one could deny or prevent it, no one could stop the press from printing whatever slander they wanted, the division of their fans who resented their relationship. But they knew that they wanted this relationship enough to stand up to this and fight through it, and one day these people will grow tired of their negativity and Jack & Y/N will come out the other side with the strongest family they could manage.
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carolyn nichols and isaiah whitman as parents...biological daughter delilah whitman...werewolf
part one, year one: presently a few weeks old delilah whitman is living at home with lyn, isaiah and lyn’s visiting brother em.
         Lyn’s fingers moved over the brow of her daughter, dark hairs already coming through on top of the newborns soft head. She still had that new baby smell, soon to be overtaken by the natural smell of the wolf and human’s home, but for now she was still fresh and new and sweet and Lyn hated putting her down. It wasn’t like she ever thought she’d be a poor mother but she also had never anticipated being obsessed with holding her baby like she was. This was the most beautiful, wonderful thing she’d ever done - this notion pushed on her by a half happy, half envious best friend that insisted to Lyn everything during her pregnancy was somehow a miracle - and weirdly maybe that’s what made her not want to let Lilah go.
          “Where’s Isaiah?” Em asked, stepping into the baby’s room with his messenger bag. He’d been prepared for Lyn to suffer from a myriad of post pregnancy ailments, bag filled with medicine of all sorts, so far she had only taken these crazy pills Bellamy had convinced her to get made out of her afterbirth, the vampire convinced it would help with prevention of post-partum. God, she was such a people pleasure, even when Bella wasn’t around she was taking them, unsure if she believed they worked of if she was just doing it because she knew it would make her friend happy.
         Lyn swallowed, bringing Lilah to her chest, the baby’s tiny fingers, with her small nails, scratching at Lyn’s chest, gripping the soft black fabric of her top. “He’s still...nervous,” Lyn acknowledged, a little embarrassed her brother was seeing this side of her partner. “We probably should have asked to know the gender at the start of all this. I knew he was terrified of having a girl and I thought...maybe he’d handle it better if he just saw our baby and loved them regardless, and he does, he’s just...still nervous.”
           Em nodded, Isaiah was certainly protective of Lyn, wouldn’t let anything happen to her but all he’d seen so far was this protective nervous man. “How about I reheat some food for all of us while you feed her? Maybe food will have him sit in place a while,” Em suggested, but actually because his phone was vibrating with texts from his own partner - he couldn’t judge anyone when his own boyfriend wasn’t all he should have been. “Men can react poorly too, and with his past...it’ll get better, Lyn,” he assured her as he stepped out of the room.
          There was a part of her that didn’t believe that but then she’d looked at Delilah and she’d have to believe...how could anyone abandon her? How could her own father have abandoned her and Em though? Maybe she wasn’t letting Delilah go because she was afraid Isaiah might. Lilah certainly wasn’t letting go of Lyn, pulling on her top and making Lyn smile as she did so. It only took a moment for her to rearrange herself and Lilah so the small baby girl was feeding.
          “She’s hungry,” Isaiah commented. Lyn hadn’t even heard him come in, so distracted by what she was doing, her mind somewhat hazy since the birth, it was exhausting trying to sleep when the baby did. 
          Lyn smiled, Lilah’s one hand wrapped around one of Lyn’s fingers. “Always hungry,” she smiled up at him. Isaiah looked tired, his hair longer than it normally was and his eyes surrounded by dark circles. Em wasn’t wrong, Isaiah was probably just dealing with a lot of emotions that he needed time with. “You could read to her while she feeds, so she can hear your voice,” Lyn suggested, making it so Lilah’s hand waved at Isaiah by moving her finger.
           “Yeah, yeah, I can read to her,” Isaiah agreed, picking up one of the books that had been given to them and moving closing, dropping a kiss to Lyn’s head, That comforted the both of them. She knew Isaiah needed that and if he was still seeking it out then he was trying, he wanted this family with her. “God, did Bella pick this book?” Isaiah asked, holding it up and showing it was a Vampirina book and Lyn chuckled, giving him a nod. 
            Isaiah smiled too, opening up the book with one hand and resting the other on Lyn’s arm holding their daughter. He’d read to her, he’d get accustomed to the idea of a little girl he needed to protect. He’d make sure they were both safe this time.
@lyn-nichols, @isaiahwhitman
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