#meme: second gen
dapper-lil-arts · 3 months
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Season 1 Rarijack is really funny
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hopalongfairywren · 6 months
As much as I hate 'generation discourse' Nothing makes me roll my eyes harder than older Gen Z/millenials shitting on Gen Alpha now. Like of course there's a lot wrong with using screens to pacify young children, but it's not even critiquing the parentings, nope we've moved on to full on 'this new generation is rotten and doomed' rhetoric about how these literal children and toddlers are gonna be the downfall of society because someone posted a video of a toddler having a meltdown for millions of people to see and find their justified outlet for wishing harm upon young children- I mean, Ipad baby meltdown cringe comps. What kills me though is the irony, all the things Gen Z and Millenials rightfully despised Boomers for- You are doing right now, in your twenty five minute video essay on why some parents neglecting their toddlers means kids these days are all uncultured drooling npcs. Calling the next generation after you stupid and inferior to you goes back to ancient times, and now you have unironic video essays on why Gen Alpha will be the worst generation in history.
I hate ageism.
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galaxynajma · 1 month
Oh god look at what I found
Kaiser really said " if I’m going down you’re going down with me! " to the other new gen 11
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Oh … OH
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gosha305 · 2 months
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Redraw of that one image of a cat with apples on its head, but with a bat pone because it felt appropriate. Thought now that I think about it, Applejack might have been even more appropriate
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singeart · 2 years
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new away mission just dropped!
more memes
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puppyeared · 1 year
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(god maybe I need to add another disclaimer saying I'm not affiliated with Game Theory-)
I'm your host, the COOLER ZERO, and today we will be doing an in depth deep dive into the dreams of none other than the Writer of Chronicles Zero themselves.... CHRONOS (I'm still refusing to call them Zero)
Long post once again-
Very quick(?) backstory on Dream Theory/Psychoanalysis for you all:
(I'm not an expert, so give me slack if I'm a bit off-) (you're also welcome to skip this section if you just want the interpretations, I just felt it might be useful)
One of the first main people to use Dream theory in a psychological aspect was Freud, who. Is a person. That had both really good and really bad ideas about the Psyche. If you know anything about him I'm sure you know what I mean. Anyways-
Freud mainly interpreted dreams as being a form of wish-fufillment (though later discussed dreams that were obviously not that) and were often influenced by the preceding day. It's fairly straightforward to see in children, but in adults it often got complex and convoluted, with the original meanings were often lost behind a veil of distortion and disguise. As such, instead of interpreting an object within the dream at face value, you need to instead look deeper and find the real meaning hidden underneath.
Freud had a list of the main ways that a dream distorted it's own meaning:
- Condensation (a singular object represents multiple ideas/associations),
- Displacement (emotion surrounding one thing is instead applied to another),
- Visualisation (a thought is given a visual image),
- and Symbolism (a symbol replaces an action, person, or idea).
Freud also suggested that Nightmares and the like were failures of the minds ability to disguise/redirect fears and anxieties. (Do be aware, like every theory, there can be holes and things not covered. E.g trauma dreams that simply repeat the event in no way showcase wish fulfilment or the above distortions, as Freud's theories would suggest.)
Another theorist by the name of Jung, whilst not dismissive of Freud's interpretations, thought the notion of dreams being simple Wish-fulfilment to be rather limiting. He stated that Freud's interpretation of collecting associations would bring insights to the dreamer's mental complex, but not necessarily towards the meaning of the dream.
he instead proposed two approaches to analysing dream material: the objective, and the subjective. In the objective, everything within the dream is what it is at face value (a friend is your friend, a flower is a flower, etc), whilst in the subjective approach, everything instead represents an aspect of the dreamer.
(the article I'm referencing then goes on to say that "if the dreamer is being chased by a crazed killer, the dreamer may come eventually to recognize his own homicidal impulses." which is. A choice of an example.)
Jung also cautioned against blindly ascribing meaning to dream symbols without understanding of the dreamer's situation. One approach he suggests is that one must ask "why this symbol, and not another?", and from there you will find additional things about the dreamer's attitudes. this mightttt be a little tricky but I'll see what I can do.
(I am strictly not using the given examples of this section. Why Jung whyyyy-)
UH, there are other dream theory people- but I've talked about this enough already for a "quick" backstory.
( oh, my old english teacher would be so proud of me referencing Freud and Jung rn-)
Time for the actual interpretations!
the Red Sky: this one's interesting. obviously, red is a huge focal point colour in the gen loss 'verse, but that's not all. first off, we've seen it before. behind one of the dimension doors during The Spirit Of The Cabin, was a beach at which the sky was notciably red. Secondly, do any of you know the rhyme "red sky at night, sailors delight, red sky in the morning, sailors warning"? it's a really old saying (that has some factual reasoning, something to do with air pressure) for predicting bad weather, or in the case of night, good. it's not immediately obvious as to whether the the message in this case is good or bad, as the sun is "gone." (the whole red sky stuff is based on the sun being close to the horizon, so sunrise or sunset.) Perhaps this could be interpreted as Chronos knowing something that is important in someway, but they aren't sure whether it's a good or bad thing. most notably, they can't figure it out because their usual guide/compass/sun isn't around to help them. So it's an important message, yet unable to be interpreted.
Field of a unspecified plant: I'm not gonna lie, I first thought of catcher in the rye when I read this- (I'm not a huge fan of it, but it's fine). regardless, a field tends to represent an openness, an expansion of awareness. it can also be a comfort, something simple, natural- except the "terrain is weird". the distortion shows an upset to this, what would be kinda vibey and chill is now ehgheghegeggeg. Uh, ya. Also- Lostfield lmao-
something go wonky with lil ol' Lostfield.
walking, trying to find something (forgotten): a search for answers? perhaps? not knowing what you're looking for is certainly detrimental, but haven't we all at some point been trying to figure something out whilst not knowing what form the answer might be is? it's a sense of unfulfillment, not being entirely content with your current situation, but not entirely knowing what to do about it.
The Colour red: I'm fairly sure most of you on this website are well aware of colour theory. Regardless, I'm going to recap: red is a bright colour, attention grabbing. it symbolises enthusiasm, power, determination. However, it's also been associated heavily with warning signs and "hey, don't do that!" things, so most people generally have a "oh, that's not good at all" reaction upon seeing something red (especially when it isn't usually.). Also, blood! And painn. I suspect that our friend Chronos isn't doing too well, especially in terms of whatever was "eight months ago" and figuring out who (or what) to trust/go to for help.
sinking in dirt: your movement is impeded. you're 'bogged down' by something that is preventing you from continuing forward. likely, it's your own mental state of being and thoughts, which strengthens my current idea that Chronos isn't sure of who to trust and where to go next.
Cave, but unnatural. it's "created" and geometric: this is such an interesting thing. caves are such a common and natural thing of the world, and can be anything from beautiful to friggin terrifying. The fact it's "unnatural' suggest unease, but not from the fact it's a cave, but rather the fact it's been altered, changed, created. most likely by humans? but you never know. the geometry of it definitely gives off vibes of taking control, "taming" the wild, that sort of thing. (as opposed to the natural curves of a natural cave, when it's been left alone.) so, perhaps one of the things. wait! I nearly forgot about the white rock/concrete- which again! colour theory. cleanliness. blandness. wiping away colour, control. Concrete- man made, solid, controlled. not natural. ya.
"It": how the hell am I supposed to dream theorise on something Chronos isn't even telling us about apart from " waaa I don't wanna look it at it but the dream made me-" okay actually maybe I can do something with that. perhaps this "it" is the truth of something, a grand revilation which has tipped Chrono's life upside down. Chronos doesn't want to look at it because of how disruptive it is to their usual reality, but the dream/their subconscious wont let them forget. Think of it as the refusal of the call portion of the Hero's Journey. can't wait to see how well THAT works out for them-
Back in the field/a cycle: Chronos took the blue pill- they're back where they started. they've refused to act, are ignoring what's going on and not wanting to go any further. does this prevent bad things from happening? No! absolutely not.
(I actually honestly have no idea if I used any Freud or Jung stuff in my interpretations I just kinda- went)
D2 and D3 will come when it is a more reasonable for me to make it- although I'm gonna guess it now: D4 will be up already when I do.
sites I used when researching/making this:
https://www.cafeausoul.com/oracles/dream-dictionary (sorta. It was a little helpful at some points.)
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sanstropfremir · 2 years
i just finished wild idol and all other competition shows are dead to me now unless they make their trainees do multiple modelling challenges and also have them do acting challenges with jo kwon as the judge
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lacrymarial · 2 years
consider: trucy taking after phoenix and also visiting the man who tried to frame her for murder. but she just does this and leaves
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screamingsouls · 2 years
Raise your hand if you enjoy writing letters and sealing them with wax cause it makes you like you're in another time
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oscartwofoxtrot · 1 year
Dude I relate to your bio so hard. Sometimes I’m like ‘why does nobody talk about this show wtf!!’ and then I remember that the show came out 15 years ago and the events happened literally 20 years ago in march lmao
So yeah it’s definitely a product of its time and obv won’t be as relevant anymore today, but I only watched it for the first time a few months ago and I’m still depressed over the end scene with Johnny cash playing :(
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jandro-of-ale · 2 years
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Coming out of artblock strong! Heres Tori in C4 as requested by @pockets-full-of-void
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dr4gon3ss · 2 years
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polyamoryprincess · 2 months
The democratic florida primaries literally don’t have any other candidates put forward so we don’t even get the option to vote for a different candidate. I was hoping when I didn’t notice anyone else running that that was just me not doing my due diligence but no… the Dems are literally not giving us an option. And they wonder why young progressive people fucking hate the Democratic Party.
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whispercddesires · 4 months
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