brynhildrking · 1 year
also, as a follow up to the previous post, i had biases and internalized misogyny & transphobia i was working through due to poor coping mechanisms. i flung myself into a toxic representation of le.o. 
i had no idea why le.o/az.ura was so upsetting to me - it turns out that yes, they’re step-siblings. at the time, initially it was due to me misunderstanding my discomfort as not liking any le.o/woman ship, but it was more of them being related through marriage. 
i wrote selective in.cest pairings due to cope with trauma, and i was using language i use for my own body in nsft responses, which since i have changed language for trans characters, as well as warn for the language used by the characters. 
i know i was flippant about concerns, and i was not taking the criticisms in early stages before nuclear consequences came rolling in for myself, and everyone around me. the fandom had been divided by me.
i write leo as bisexual now. i have edited his background to something i’m more comfortable with anyway. i have a terrible memory for anything from my late teens & early adulthood, but i had allegedly had leo as half-hoshidan, and i likely did, but i now write him as descended from colder regions of nohr. 
i made errors, again and again, but i’m human and i’m trying to educate myself and do better.
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an open letter to howl/roy/pluto
@brynhildrking @brynhildrkink @expectaance @fef14leo @childoftomes
and their friends, if you please.
i will preface this post with a complaint to the fandom: i cannot believe that you are excusing this kind of behavior. you have been watching silently for months as you just follow @brynhildrking aka @expectaance​ / @fef14leo / @childoftomes and enable people like howl/pluto/roy to run rampant with their transmisogynistic bullshit, bullying minors and non-minors alike. half of you send your “ilus” when troye @shroudedvallite makes a post calling you all out on your silence but lmfao wyd? we can’t believe this shit still hasn’t sorted itself out since last spring. i don’t want to hear from any fucking apologists, so you’d better pick a god and pray if you insist on encouraging howl’s nasty behavior. the problem is that people who associate with howl choose to either turn a blind eye or kiss howl’s ass whenever they’re called out on something legitimately harmful as though howl is simply the victim of anon hate. do you know what you are doing? you are being an enabler. you are being an apologist. you are defending howl on principle alone.
this is not to say that you must demonize someone or drop them immediately when they're called out about something, but a GOOD friend and good person does not validate someone when they are clearly harming others. howl has only rejected the voices of victims while acting like one in turn. in response to valid concerns, howl gets defensive, picking and choosing which arguments to refute (with nothing but red herrings, at that) instead of acknowledging that they have hurt others. and you guys come to their defense. do you see how alarming this behavior is and why it needs to stop?
these issues have boiled to the point where they need to be exposed in rougher fashion. understand that howl has been approached before―not via catty anons but through private, civil confrontation. when asked politely by a friend to consider their problematic handling of xyz issues, howl tossed back a vague apology stating "yeah, i’m sorry about that, i can fix things", but at least howl had seemed receptive to the criticisms. however, they immediately lost all credibility by CONTINUING the same behaviors instead of improving where they had harmed others. in fact, howl proceeded to bully minors/duplicates along with perpetuating their misogynistic/transphobic practices. the point of this post is to stress our absolute frustration―callouts are a last resort. regardless of your inevitable principle to discourage “drama”, you should take this post seriously and not dismiss it as inflammatory anon hate. the purpose of a callout is to bring issues to attention and educate others on them once somebody is harming other people in the community and willfully refuses to listen. none of this is petty bashing against howl for the sake of bashing, and if you dismiss victims speaking up as “drama” or simply “arguing”, you need to reconsider your morals. furthermore, nobody should encourage anon hate or inflammatory behavior―we certainly do not.
howl, you listen up: i’m not as kind as mod green over there and my phraseology will not be as forgiving, but you WILL be receptive to the content of this post. i don’t approve of blind bashing nor anonymous hate, and that is not what i am encouraging with this curtly-voiced post. however, we have been patient enough with you only for your toxic ass to remain stagnant; you have only continued to harm others and willfully ignore your past mistakes/multiple callouts rather than learning from them. i will NOT go gentle into that good night; i will NOT pat your ass only for you to spit out another meaningless “yeah i can fix things” and i will NOT hear from any of your enabling friends who want to defend you on principle alone. if you want to refute, we can talk about the actual issues, but take responsibility for what you did and don’t even think about bringing another fucking red herring into my house.
this post was a long time coming. in it i will be directly quoting your past response to mod green’s earlier callout. and i’m sorry i have to do this but i cannot tolerate transphobia, misogyny, transmisogyny, bullying, theft, incest/pregnancy/lactation/do-i-need-to-go-on fetishization, and Hypocrisy to boot so you know what? @ either of the writers of this post if you need someone we’re Money Face @munifice and @voidsung from spring 2016, AKA two of the many people who have had to softblock you on NUMEROUS occasions until fucking hardblocking you because your ass kept refollowing and breaking our rules by sending memes/liking starter calls/etc. but you didn't address that part, did you? in fact, you don't address a lot of things. if you're going to make a statement about your previous callout you can't just cherry pick your arguments and sweep the rest of your wrongdoings under the rug. but looking good and presenting yourself as a victim matters more than owning up to your shit, right?
"i tried to be mature about this and move on" you're implying that You're Mature, howl? this classic zinger from problematic folks is 9/10 an arrogant, thinly-veiled copout when you don't want to deal with your shit biting you back in the ass. a better translation: "i want to ignore people i have hurt with my actions instead of acknowledging what i did." don't act as if you're on some pedestal just because the newer/unknowing people in fates came to your defense out of principle or because callout culture is demonized by the ignorant half of tumblr.
-- i cannot tolerate when someone has gone through old posts that do not reflect me now.
you try really fucking hard to sound relevant by stressing timestamps as if we’re being sneaky, but we know you didn’t post any of those things recently and those receipts were not posted to imply immediate correlation with your previous callouts but to expose the harmful things you HAVE done. to reiterate what @voidsung mentioned, you think we had the fucking stomachs to sift all the way back through your blog lmao but these caps were taken and stashed as the posts/content came out; the thing is, people have been fed up with your shit since AT LEAST june and you know what? WE were the ones who let it go until we heard you were still being fucking nasty and therefore these receipts are still relevant to an extent.
i’m being fair with you by saying to an extent because everybody makes mistakes; a year is a great period of time and many of us have bettered ourselves since 2016. do some of these receipts not reflect who you are today? okay, let’s talk about it. here are the issues:
i’m going to take a snippet from mod green’s callout:
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and here is your response to it:
i am completely compliant to tag things, and honestly, i have refined my blacklist to catch most things that would trigger me into a panic attack so other people do not have to worry about tagging things. i honestly do not mean to forget tags but it occurs from time to time, but i am typically very good at remembering triggers and approaching triggering content.
this is not really my problem with you. you said you’d tag things so that’s fine; tbh i didn’t really perceive your tagging policy as harboring an aloof attitude. my beef is the incest. i think THIS is where you are arguably too passive considering the subject content. if we call incest an elephant in the room, this implies that the issues of shipping it are understood, but it still seems like you don’t understand the gravity of what you’re playing with for the sake of your m/m.
i hardly ever mention leo’s infatuation outside of dm’s for coping reasons, i hardly ever mention leomarx period; and if it even appears on this blog outside of my /ruleslong page, it’s tagged with #incest cw 
leo is my only muse that i would ever write incest with, and it is because leo is messed up and dealing with trauma and it would be me coping by writing it, but chances are, i will never write leomarx on this blog.
you say “chances are i will never write leomarx on this blog” with the implied “so it’s okay” as if that wishy-washy bs absolves the real problem here. THE PROBLEM LIES IN THAT LEOMARX IS EVEN A THING LMAO and do you think that just because you also want to justify yourself with “leo is the only muse i’d ever do this with” it makes everything fine? you have to understand that this doesn’t mean anything to other people. do you think that vaguely crying “coping mechanism” makes everything fine? people like you cheapen this term for abuse survivors by slapping its label on harmful practice and expecting the rest to be a picnic in the park. excusing yourself by saying that leo is “messed up” is both an invalid defense and an ableist one. trauma is nothing to take as lightly and as sloppily as you have been doing in your writing. if shipping incest really comforts you, that might be fine for you, but understand that it is still harmful; you cannot force this on other people nor react defensively when they call you out on it. 
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you like to jeer other victims who are upset with your romanticization of these things, and i just wanna ask why you think that’s okay? you do this in some condescending ass manner by saying “i’m an adult; i can tell between fiction and reality” which is really fucking funny because you seem to use your leo id as an excuse to VAGUE AND BULLY leo duplicates. you only detach yourself from your muse when you are called out on problematic handling so that you can play the old “muse=/=mun” record. YOU VAGUE AND BULLY ANYBODY WHO CLASHES AGAINST YOUR PERSONAL INTERESTS WHILE CALLING YOURSELF AN ADULT. but we’ll further elaborate on the bullying later. back to the incest: if you just pull out excuses for your incest ships and act all fucking catty about the offended audiences, you are not truly acknowledging the problems with the content and are therefore unfit to be handling it. you are being insensitive and harmfully careless, which is the recurring problem in your blog management.
but you know what? there’s even more behind this. when i was on @munifice i distinctly remember an unpopular opinion meme circulating around, during which you had sent others the corresponding unicode symbol + the optional topic to discuss, regarding (in verbatim) “the blatant incest in fates”. this implied beef with kamui/royals, which i had actively been writing and posting on the dashboard. you were rather vocal about kamui/royals and kamui/azura. i quoted one of your posts in verbatim below:
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further testimony on this from others: keep in mind that all these skype logs are not some sort of recent salt fest but scattered from multiple people at the times you exhibited the mentioned issues. if you really want me to dig back for the specific stamps i can, but i don’t think they’re relevant.
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in response to leo/marx:
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(if i have two different colors in one screencap it’s to represent different people within that screencap--i just want to make clear that overall these testimonies are not just two people represented by black and red)
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so lmao you diss kamui/royals but will ship leo/marx. don’t be a hypocrite. furthermore, i want to point out that not only did you proceed with leo’s jp incest implication, but you modified this so that instead of CAMILLA, a woman, leo’s crush would have been on MARX, a man. this is really fucking shady considering your abhorrently misogynistic history with fates women, which i’ll touch on later.
so i’m going to ask you: along with being an incest apologist, why did you bend everything for the sake of leo/marx? because to a lot of people, it comes off as m/m fetishization.
you also claimed you would write the “blatant incest” between leo/kamui. however, this is clearly limited to MALE KAMUI because you love to fucking bash femui in your free time.
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and i’m really fucking tired of your misogyny, you disgusting m/m fetishist.
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by the way, you have written leo/xander as well as leo/m!corrin. i’m sure we can find more receipts if you’re not willing to admit to this, but some of us distinctly remember you writing nsfw content about leo/xander as well as A “GENDERBENT” XANDER LMFAO
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[The particularly explicit NSFW parts have been censored]
 you didn’t cover this enough when it was addressed.
leo is pansexual panromantic but has the umbrella label of gay. my typing style has gone from past tense to present tense, and one of the screencaps ( again, without a date, nothing from my blog is accompanied by a date to when it was posted ) is from a past tense, [IRRELEVANT RED HERRING] as well as on the callout post that was made by a fun little blog [isn’t it? the blog wasn’t my idea but i think it’s a cute approach to exposing transphobes and the like] dedicated to calling me out contains internalized transphobia against himself. talking about leo’s internalized transphobia towards himself ( a man in a woman’s body - that is leo talking about himself, not leo talking about a transgirl/woman )
the way you have handled your trans portrayal has offended so many other trans people that it should have been a red flag. if a marginalized group is hurt by your actions, it is not up to you to decide that you haven’t hurt them; it is up to you to educate yourself and respect what others of the group are saying. inter-group issues Exist. being trans yourself does not preclude you from doing transphobic/generally harmful things and it most DEFINITELY does not exempt you from being called out because of said behaviors. you pass off all of your transphobic receipts as “leo’s internalized transphobia”, but this is not an excuse to take it ooc. your ooc behavior and your rules had suggested that YOU AS A MUN did not consider trans women as valid women. you are seriously all over the place with misogyny. occurrences below:
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you ask people to tag cishet ships and bash any ships involving cis women shipped with men solely because they are cis women, as you did in the above tweet.
you asked @vilebrand to tag their azura/leo--not out of valid ship discomfort but SOLELY BECAUSE AZURA IS A CIS WOMAN. yes howl this is fucking misogyny
you repeatedly pestered vilebrand, encroaching and making a Vague Post directed at them (and possibly others) by saying “i can’t really see leo with a woman” yet you shipped your (then) homosexual portrayal with trans women. you wrote in your rules that your leo was gay but “wouldn’t mind a trans girlfriend” and stress that you only care for “het” ships if they’re trans, as you did in the one of the above tweets. do you not see trans women as “real” women? do you only care about their genitals? do you only care about ships where there’s dick involved? because that’s exactly what it looks like.
you litter your writing with gendered slurs like c*nt and so on, consistently dehumanizing female anatomy but always fetishizing it, as well as other female bodily functions such as lactation, pregnancy, etc. for the sake of m/m smut.
you change the jp incest from camilla to marx. and yet:
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you have supported “genderbends”, which are inherently transphobic. see here if you need to educate yourself on why.
this is all inexcusable transmisogyny that transcends whatever you want to pass off as your muse’s problem. there is only so much that you can pin on ic=/=ooc. your muse’s internalized transphobia is one thing, but the way that you as a writer are handling it is hurting trans people. you need to fucking reconsider your authority on these things.
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this isn’t about invalidating identities or anything like that. however, your authority on the situation is to be questioned. first off, it is entirely possibly for members of a marginalized group to be racist/misogynistic/___phobic to their own group. this still doesn’t make it okay, and being trans does not make you a monolith. individuals and their varied experiences are valid, but the simplest concept is that you are not supposed to hurt other people, howl. if multiple trans masc. people have been discomforted by your handling, why have you not stopped to even consider their concerns? you are not a monolith. please note that we are not trying to voice for trans people themselves―with the express permission to convey their dismay, we’re including multiple testimonies.
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as for your latest disgusting drabble in which you deadname Leo repeatedly and use his abuse by his mother and his dysphoria as fodder for your oh so romantic ship angst, 
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“sarcasm for the last part” lol. sarcasm whenever you respond to people who disagree with you, including victims, and passing it off as anon hate.
“leo’s trans status and my ships are not related” you literally used his deadname and trauma as the entire Basis for a ship drabble, but okay. you literally fetishize his anatomy in your nsfw content so often it makes people sick, but okay. your romantic little drabble triggered and disgusted people - Trans people, such as the trans masc. person who sent this ask (who we know personally but did not incite to send the ask -- they did this of their own volition after being infuriated by your drabble). i don’t appreciate that YOU assumed they were assuming you’re not trans. unlike YOU, howl, they actually read people’s pages, so your hypocritical ass may want to calm down with the attitude in the tags.
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-a message from @vilebrand, a trans person who writes trans leo WITHOUT fetishizing him and using his trauma for ship fodder and also someone you’ve harassed and Copied. The former accusation was touched upon in the section regarding your misogyny and resultant vagues and the latter accusation will be expanded upon in this next section.
Hi, @voidsung here. While I did not participate in the writing of the first callout on this blog, I did mention in the tags when I reblogged it that you copied a friend’s icons. Apparently this alone was enough for you to put my url under “users you need tagged” on your blacklist, as well as yotou who You were harassing and vaguing. Is that all it takes to get on your blacklist? Lucky for you, I’m giving you a Real reason to feel anxious around me now in co-writing this callout. Back to the matter of copying icons --- your response to my accusation was to claim the following:
the psd I’m using was a gift, i can’t remember from who at the moment
Actually, no it wasn’t. It was vilebrand’s psd. Despite the fact that vilebrand Did post their psd as a resource for mutuals, most people who used it Asked first and changed it up bc theyre, y'know, Original. You however did not ask at all and just Took it and slapped it on your own icons and didn’t even bother asking if vilebrand was okay with it (news flash: they werent !) and, to a Lot of people, you switching to the Same icon style, in addition to the fact that you made a trans leo after they’d already gained popularity as a trans leo, made it look a Lot like you were trying to copy/piggyback off of their leo. That’s not to say anyone owns trans headcanons, of course, but considering you not only copied from vilebrand but also followed them and then started sending them messages despite them not following back, pressuring them in to returning the mutual, in addition to the fact that you accused dastardking of copying from you simply for having a similar headcanon, this hypocrisy cannot be overlooked. 
A comparison for those who need it [top: vilebrand’s icons; bottom: howl’s]
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and yes, you have very recently changed your icon style but this was the style you used for months and does not excuse the copying.
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the only decent trans leo stuff is what You’ve written, huh. Saying what you’ve written for trans leo is Decent is really flattering yourself considering it’s disgusted and upset so many trans people in itself, but also fucking bullshit since you copied from and harassed an Actually decent trans leo resulting in them becoming uncomfortable on their own blog.
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once again, you really have a fuckton of vitriol and mistrust towards duplicates despite blatantly ripping off and harassing a leo when you started your blog. the hypocrisy never ends ! 
the user i vagued about was yotou, a ryouma that long since left the fandom. back when i first joined the fandom, i was still fighting to get somewhere in terms of writing. they had a leo that was inactive at that point in time, and i assumed it meant for ships, which i was not seeking at that point. when i first started to write for leo, i did not ship leoma - leokumi was my main ship and i wanted to develop leo with a potential friend, but instead of even looking at an au, i was declined any interaction all together and therefore vented.
lmfao it’s about time you outright admitted to vaguing @yotou considering you kept gargling gigi’s name in your mouth.
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if you think you have any room to complain about gigi when you didn’t fucking read her rules, think again. “i wanted to develop leo with a potential friend, but instead of even looking at an au, i was declined any interaction all together” why are you making yourself sound like the victim here? we saw your half-assed apology and jsyk if you’re going to apologize to gigi for “dragging her into drama”, first you need to acknowledge what you really did: YOU VAGUED HER and YOU SHOULD NOT JUSTIFY THIS AS “THEREFORE VENTING”. IT DOESN’T MATTER WHERE YOU WERE IN TERMS OF WRITING. FURTHERMORE, YOU NEVER READ HER RULES AND OVERLOOKED THE DETAILS SHE HAD SPECIFIED.
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context: the aforementioned meme was a ship meme asking for a list of pros/cons regarding a romantic relationship between your two muses. but honestly is this finally enough?? to tell you?? that gigi had been looking for revelation interactions?? your leo is post-birthright. you asked for threads between the two kings, not any au. it is natural that she would decline and you are in no position to act as if you have been wronged for neglecting to read blog policies. time after time you act so entitled and you don’t care if you hurt others for it as long as YOU get what you want. someone on anonymous had even called you out on this after you posted a bunch of positivity for selective blogs. you did a 180 and preached “it’s okay to be selective!!!” etc to defend this right for your blog, but hadn’t you just thrown a fit at gigi for it?
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GIGI HAS BPD TOO, YOU FUCKING EGG. GIGI ALSO KNOWS HOW TO OWN UP TO HER ACTIONS AND APOLOGIZE FOR ANY SQUICKS. AND GUESS WHAT!!! ON TOP OF ALL THAT, GIGI ALSO READS OUR RULES PAGES!!!! Because gigi is ACTUALLY the adult that you like to praise yourself for being despite your immature ass behavior. bpd doesn’t give you a get out of jail free pass to be fucking vile towards others. neither does anxiety, which you’ve also used as a scapegoat to justify your harmful actions. this is not me invalidating whatever mental illnesses you have, but rather a wake-up call: you need to stop hiding behind MIs every time you wrong people and actually take responsibility for the things you have done, because this insults ALL people with mental illnesses. you do not own up to your actions and instead have consistently blamed it on "my bpd's a bitch" or "sorry that i had a fucking anxiety attack but ___" in response to being approached by people you have bullied/harassed. if you feel as if your MI may impose a serious problem to your relationships, you really need to help yourself. you cannot be so entitled as to think others are responsible for everything you do/inciting your reactions by not giving you what you want. this savage anon summarized your ass in less than fifteen words and had us all jumping for joy.
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there’s your beloved timestamp, by the way. we can only hope that you’ve learned from your mistakes by now, but given all the recent testimony and receipts, that doesn’t seem to be the case.
among all the things people have called you out on, this is something else you must have forgotten to address. because you’re trying to focus on timestamps and maturity, right?
most minors will reveal that they are such in their rules. naturally this is for everyone’s safety. i don’t know if your policy is any different now, but you yourself had said that you would not follow anyone under eighteen. many minors began complaining that you followed them despite this rule, which was one of the first indicators that you did not read rules pages.
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PEOPLE HAVE CONSISTENTLY COMPLAINED THAT YOU DID NOT READ THEIR RULES. what’s worse is that YOU KEPT REFOLLOWING EVERYBODY EVEN AFTER THEY HAD SOFTBLOCKED YOU. but lmao “[we] should just shut up and block [you] if [we] have a problem” with your fucking transmisogyny and incest?? WE HAVE. some people have had to deal with this 3+ times.
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and lmfao don’t even think about blaming this one on “trying to get somewhere with my writing” because THAT DOES NOT GIVE YOU LEEWAY TO PESTER PEOPLE FOR INTERACTIONS. you’ve sent so many inbox asks to non-mutuals and liked their starter calls. you’ve made minors uncomfortable whether it’s by re/following them or sending them nsfw/writing it in your replies to them. YOU DON’T READ OTHER PEOPLE’S FUCKING RULES. you just blatantly break them and still think yourself entitled to interactions and the like?
i suppose you’ve changed your blog policies by now, because i hear you’ve been bullying/affiliating with minors in particular. now we get into the newer dirt, which i’d also like for you to explain. you and other group chat mods have been ganging up on people who politely express their opinions if they should so contradict yours; you proceed to take your tantrums to the dash and vague them. what makes you think that any of this is okay? apparently there have been multiple callouts and occasions where people have tried to confront you about your harmful actions. however, you have not acknowledged these previous callouts. you have still not taken responsibility for your actions nor have you made ANY visible effort to change, to correct your mistakes.
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also watch me use trigger tags !! right now!!  grow up, come forward and talk to me privately if you have a damn issue with me.
lmfao no howl, you fucking grow up. stop painting yourself as some victim for two fucking seconds and actually consider the criticisms that others have been offering. if you want to solve the problem, stop dismissing the people you’ve hurt on the premise that this drama tires you or that your mental illnesses do not allow for you to change your harmful behavior. nobody is fucking asking you for anything more than some acknowledgement, proper apologies, and modifications to your behavior.
If any others would like to come forward with receipts/anecdotes about how howl has harassed them, bullied them, and/or otherwise made them uncomfortable, the ask/submit boxes on this blog are open to them.
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aimthrice · 7 years
can i use the art youve drawn of leo in rp icons? i'll have you linked back to on my credit page
sure! thank you for asking!! ;;
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enchantrisms · 7 years
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                ❝what is your reason for living?❞
♜ ▌╳ ゜・。。・゜ ► startercall || @brynhildrking
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gaileon · 7 years
tomes-and-dragons replied to your post: tomes-and-dragons replied to your post: ...
/throws self in with the other corrinsexuals/ tbh same about shura thing. And I think reina could’ve have cool supports with gunther and peri but w/e
OOO REINA SUPPORTS WITH GUNTER AND PERI SOUND COOL.... i’m honestly so glad they gave her a convo with orochi in the dlc
brynhildrking replied to your post: tomes-and-dragons replied to your post: ...
i have some semblance of hector supports for his fates verse ( mostly odin, ryouma and xander )
THOSE SOUND LIKE GOOD SUPPORTS FOR HECTOR TBH (also u are leagues ahead of me in this area then)
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brynhildrking · 1 year
i want to keep this url saved to prevent harrassment from my callout, as well as be a neat and fast post that has a hub for everything i did wrong. i have learned from what happened. at the time i was eager to interact with others, and i had block-evaded unintentionally and wasn’t understanding social cues. these days i function on a private mutuals-only basis. 
my actions had stemmed from me feeling entitled, and i was not holding myself as accountable as i should. the callout had knocked me on my ass, and knocked sense into me that i carry today. 
i know i likely cannot apologize for my actions, nor do i expect an apology or should i get one. i stepped on toes again and again and was ignorant. i have returned to roleplaying leo under another url, and i have posted a disclaimer in my rules that i had been called out.
the callout had contained a lot of screenshots of me projecting and being insecure in a very popular fandom at the time & esp with the character i love being a very popular character. 
i will admit that i had been uneducated about trans issues at the time, even though i am trans. i wrote in.cest while coping with familial pressure offline, i said things that were transmisogynst that at the time i did not realize was such at the time, and now when i look back at the screencaps on the blog that has the callout posted even after all this time i do realize that i wrote and posted content that was hurting trans femme people & other trans masc people. i do deeply apologize for my repeated offensive remarks to my trans siblings.
i’ve learned, and i agree that my mindset at the time was borderline pro-ship if not like. full on proship. i have adhd & i’m autistic - not to hide behind the labels that i can’t do anything wrong, but it’s to be accountable. i always just wanted to be left alone after, i just wanted to get on with my hobby and went about it so very terribly i hurt others & continued to just hurt myself. i do not identify with anti-anti/proship these days. i know that both sides of the conflict have issues, but i’ve seen proships overstep anti boundaries just as much as antis harrass proships.
linked below is the callout blog as well as the response / callout for the callout that was written by an anonymous third party to these occurances. 
again, i missed social cues terribly, overstepped and broke rules. i apologize for my actions, and i do not expect to be forgiven. please make your own judgement at the end of the day.
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Hi again @brynhildrking​ howl/roy/pluto/whatever the fuck, mod @voidsung/@thornid here. Is there something you’d like to say to my face ? Or gigi’s/@yotou’s, for that matter ? Because somehow yotou being upset that YOU VAGUED THEM because they denied you interactions WHICH YOU WOULD HAVE FORESEEN HAD YOU READ THEIR RULES AND NOT BEEN SUCH AN ENTITLED ASS and me being “””buddy buddy”” with and supporting them & others who have been wronged by you as well as pointing out how you COPIED MY FRIEND’S ICONS makes it okay for YOU to namedrop us but lm -fucking-ao lauren/@artisaen saying she doesn’t want to associate with anyone who condones your behavior is bullying right? things you have a problem with are okay only if YOU’RE the one doing them right? This seems to be your logic behind a LOT of things, for example --- Incest is disgusting until YOU’RE the one writing it, RIGHT? Though I’m not here to talk about that, no --- that’s already been covered in the callout posted today. I was just going to let that open letter do it’s work but I cannot tolerate Lauren being called a bully and YOU acting innocent and playing the victim in your most recent posts so I’m here to address what you have had to say about artisaen’s post. Here is the post in question:
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Artisaen is being called a bully for this post. Did she speak ill of you? No. Did she shame people who associate with you? No. It was a politely-worded request made so that she can feel comfortable on her own blog, similar to how you put my and Gigi’s urls on your “users you need tagged” list. Did I or Gigi stir up drama over being included on that list? No. WE WERE THE VICTIMS in whatever “drama” happened and yet we said nothing of you naming us on your blacklist as though we were the bad guys.
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You “messed” with your Own reputation when you did every single fucking thing outlined in that callout, honey. Your reputation is being a M/M FETISHIST, a TRANSMISOGYNIST, an INCEST APOLOGIST, a BULLY, a VAGUE POSTER, a RULE-BREAKER, need I go on? Don’t act like you deserve some fucking medal for only asking that Gigi & I be tagged and artisaen & everyone who supported her post are somehow monsters when her reasoning for making said post was her discomfort with your GENUINELY PROBLEMATIC BEHAVIOR while your reason for putting us on your blacklist was simply us having a problem with said behavior which had already BEEN MADE KNOWN TO YOU MULTIPLE TIMES. Despite this, you and those who support you had a LOT to say about she and the rest of us choosing not to associate with the lot of you, a lot of which was fucking BULL SHIT.
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First what the fuck is with this “””squad”” “” mess and “””similar aesthetic””” lmao do you fucking think this is some kind of “you can’t sit with us” clique drama ????? Yes, we’re friends. Yes, you make All of us uncomfortable for all of the reasons already made known to you yet you insist on playing innocent and victimizing yourself in your responses to being made aware of artisaens post. You thinking you NEED to be given a fucking “chance” to talk to or write with anyone is the REASON this whole thing started in spring/summer of last year. you would keep trying to talk to and interact with people who had not followed you back/did not want to write with you, repeatedly tried to follow again when they softblocked you, CLEARLY SHOWED YOU DID NOT READ RULES, and VAGUED when you weren’t given what you wanted. you “not understanding” is the REASON callouts against you and posts saying people don’t want to interact with those who excuse your behavior have had to be made. “No communication” ???????????? just how far is your head up your ass??? Tsu had messaged you, smaller callouts had ALREADY been made, people had been trying to tell you for MONTHS ON END why you make some people uncomfortable and yet you do nothing to change it, react defensively, and respond with sarcasm. Fine. You can go ahead and do whatever the fuck you want and have whoever the fuck you want cheer you on but then don’t fucking go and think people won’t take measures to make sure neither you or your apologists are anywhere near them. I’m just fucking floored that you’re so intent on playing innocent victimizing yourself with “wah wah they never gave me a chance” and “i don’t understand!!!” in these responses when you KNOW about all the problems people have with you.
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@murdermage @draconfell “bullies” huh lmao that’s really fucking funny but consider: doing a bit of research so you know just what exactly you’re defending. consider: the REAL nasty people are those who tell innocents to “””””lick their 6th hole” “” “  without knowing the facts. Luckily for you, you don’t have to lift a finger since said research has already been compiled in a callout posted this afternoon on this very blog detailing how Howl has BULLIED MINORS (lmao you guys like to throw the word “bully” around so much news flash you’re defending one), COPIED FROM, HARASSED, and BULLIED DUPLICATES, MADE PEOPLE UNCOMFORTABLE, AND CLEARLY DOESN’T FUCKING READ RULES. Now, maybe you, like many others, are jumping to Howl’s defense on principle alone and without knowing the full situation. If that is the case and you change your mind after reading the posts made on this blog and want your responses to be removed, message this blog and we will abide. If you STILL support Howl’s actions, however, your responses will remain posted as people deserve to know if they’re interacting with someone who condones such vile behavior.
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💖💖💖💖 four blogs
send me a 💖 and i’ll talk about a random blog that i like!
(Feels a little cheaty, but who cares.
First up is @touch-of-fomicry. Been RPing with Alavar for a while now and talking ooc with her too and I have to say, she’s one of the best people I’ve met in my time RPing and I value her a lot. I am so happy she got me into Tales of the Abyss also xD
Next is @hoshiden-parents. Veg is awesome. He’s a fun guy and really supportive. It is fitting he RPs as Mikoto and Sumeragi because he’d def the mom/dad friend. Ultra caring and a great RPer.
Third I’ll talk about my bro @royal-botanist. If it wasn’t for her, I’d never have gotten back into RPing. She’s super fun to talk to and is always reliable. Plus, I don’t have to worry about her turning down my angst ideas, but rather RAMPING THEM UP!!
Finally I’ll talk about @duskthroned. Koi is a grand buddie. Gets more shit than he deserves, that’s for sure. He’s a fun guy and I do enjoy it whenever I talk with him. I wish he wasn’t so hard on himself though.)
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snowbellum-blog · 7 years
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     Perhaps he’d traveled much further than originally thought. This land was far beyond anything he was familiar with, but oh the tales he’d heard of it back home. Perhaps he could have traveled safely through, but the seed of fear planted by those back in the village left Yuuki to keep his cloak drawn and hood up. A sort of caution he’d rather heed than take a chance with. But with his poor direction it might be days-- even weeks before he found his way back on his own. Much to his dismay, there was no choice but to ask around for a bit of help. Thus he blindly walked up to a passerby, someone less rough in appearance than others, gently touching their arm to gain attention.
     “ Excuse me, might I ask for your help? I think I’m a bit lost. ”
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hey, dude, have you ever considered you're blowing something out of proportion? Like, I get it if you have a problem with someone, but this is not the way to handle it. You're not going to accomplish anything beyond polarizing people and start fights. This isn't how you make people change their behavior.
have you ever considered that “uwu Callout Culture Is Bad uwuwuwu Don’t Handle It Like This” is something that enables problematic/abusive people to continue doing what they’re doing? you clearly did not read or absorb the callout in its entirety. the disclaimers about “starting fights” and how callouts are last resort are right there in black, white, gray. red. it is stated that howl HAS been approached before, privately and civilly. all of this has happened over the span of a year, and howl has still not changed their behavior. get this clear in your head: HOWL STILL WILLFULLY IGNORES THE PEOPLE THEY HAVE HURT. by painting this callout as some kind of aggression and “oh we just have a problem with howl!!!!” this makes you one of the people who defend them out of principle. you are not considering the fact that there are victims involved, people have been hurt, and just because YOU do not happen to be affected by howl’s behavior does not mean that you alone can invalidate the voices of all the minors and trans people who HAVE been affected. if you are not a victim of x behavior, it is not your place to police how frustrated victims “should” handle this lest you encourage their silence. we assure you that none of these accusations are baseless, it’s not just us “having a problem with someone”, and we can assure you that we have been patient with howl for months on end only for them to continue their harmful behavior. get off anonymous and try again. i’ll respond privately.
- mod munifice
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** note: the first screenshot of the callout has been removed upon request. the people involved have clarified that they were entirely unaware of howl’s behavior, and that their sympathy toward howl on that ask was not to intentionally act as apologists. we have pointed out in the callout post that howl does take advantage of newer/unaware people in the fandom by acting as a victim without context and garnering others’ sympathy. although the screenshot we used as an example has been clarified and removed, this is only one of many occurrences of unaware fandom members defending howl out of principle alone.
it is entirely natural to want to defend somebody receiving backlash, but it’s important to consider the criticisms involved. it is not right to validate the one who has harmed others just because you spot them in the midst of public confrontation. public confrontation carries stigma because too many people want to dismiss it as pettier “drama”, but please consider the concerns that have been brought up and educate yourselves. that’s the purpose of this type of confrontation.
we hope that we are opening the eyes of more unaware people by exposing howl’s harmful actions.
- mod munifice
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