#btw I feel hella supported in my fandom in case mutuals misunderstand
adhdprincess · 19 days
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Not gonna put this person on blast by reblogging, but I need to rant here:
a) People are mad because this behavior is why fandoms basically die a few months after the content releases.
b) Fandoms weren't like this before. People used to be way more supportive of new fandom members(there were toxicity problems also, like constant unsolicited concrit, but I digress). When people only give the BNFs a chance, we lose the heart of the fandom.
c) Hits to kudos ratios are useless indicators of quality. There are too many factors that change the ratio. Smut, multichapter, rare pair, oc, reader insert, size and activity of fandom. Kudos ratios always drop over longer periods of time, especially on multi-chapter fics, because whenever people come back for updates they'll leave another hit but can't kudos again if they already have.
One more point lol: d) I've sorted by kudos/bookmarks before, but I've never made posts about "digging through trash to find gems" or "only reading fics with a 1:10 ratio" like I've seen multiple posts about.
tl;dr: Fic writers don't feel entitled to readers. We want healthy fandom ecosystems. No one's venting as a personal dig to readers. (unless the readers publically post sub-par opinions of course 😊)
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Big yikes.
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